I - - ffiscELLANEous . heDaily Revioiv. k ,cittcr- n - kAoi nrxrrrr - J an(1 self-reliant, j mom. y - v. vmj i oc-, Si the chlmi - rav LOVEnaiBAND DEAT1I. Ah! me. dread love, lime and fQCkCT friend of mine death rWrerferfefc sk a, Eirth Ioei all that Heaven holds. I lint, if our faith is builded right. viuu-iven love oom spheres enfold. Acd death turns darkness into light. begins lull-grown and self-reliant. He clings, to be sure. but it Is not fur support.' . We nerer yet heard of a fly who was not folly able to support himself. And yet ho soon be comes insupportable. But to return to hU origin. It is tho general belief of children that he grows on window panes, and we do not snow MISCELLANEOUS Hon. A. n. Waddell. "yyE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. "M. WADPELL as a candidate for MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. FA WO Y TJI A 7TI Tl.C-.G I may 12 tf bt GREAT mm rei X" - r II R E fi rvumatism.ncuralgia.Sciatlca, TinT. iur Cut if our faith is builded wron?. And death forever Irom our sight Dears tnose lor whom our spirit lonsr. iben death js blank and starless night. Bat if love lives and sbirits meet !ei ond this life we mortals know. Then time wheel on, howee'r so fleet. I hy swiftest flight is still tort slow ! Henry L. Durncll. VEAK, UIIDEVELOPED: PARTS OK THR HUMAN HODY KLAR;e. DKVKL-. Congress from the Sixth district, subject to ike that anv -hptipr th hn t hn rfrv "l"' wnvention of the Dii- I - J . 'T X I a I 1 I - . . . . i;cu. mat is wnere ne maKcs nis first appliance, at any rate. A manu facturer ol window, class who should patent a process for makinsr Danes that would not produce or nourish flies would make a fortune out of it. We ! do not believe, however, that such a proesa is possible. It seems to bean inherent and essential property of win dow paues to produce fliea . It certain ly is an inherent and essential property of flies to produce or aggravate pains. And jet. strictly speaking, flies have no property of their own. They live OPEP. STRKSOTHEXKh.' Etc., Han jji"7tjr guinea we wu ongran lriotirpnpr. lnrfply toin- ssy that there iTbew!feacTZi hum unint ronfmnr tit ma i 1 V In frfstvl frons rrm get fiwoiara riving nit tmrt icnlar bv addressing tEDICALO.. ttotiaio. N.V TttlUt Frmin., apl 16 lydAw ...... b.i.k .tn arm.. mis --- Till 1 O ' HANG IT. flARIA fi r ii is c;ai:li:k. tllll Nyc'.H i:pericncc in Grow ing Slianhal Ktx Plants. I always enjoy a vegetable Garden. and ikmu"h thu winter 1 Uxk lorward lo the spring dajs when I will take niv cob rip and hoi; and go joyohsly afield. I like to toy with the moist earth and tho common siuasu bus: of tho work-a day world. It is a pleasure also to irri gate the garden, watering the sauer kraut plant and the timid tomato vine as though they were children asking for a dnnic. I nni never nappier man when lam encased in irrisannz my tropical garden or climbing my neigh bor with a hoe when he snms oil my wattrsuDtly by sticking an old pair of nantahom in the c.inaUhal leads into mv fauash conservatory. . a Une day a mm shut ou my irrigation that way and dammed the water up to . . . t yp such aclrgrr tuat i enut ou nis air sup ply, and I was about to say dammed him up also. U c had quite a sculllo. Up to that time we had never exenang- ed a harsh .word. That morning I noticed that my early climbing horse radish and my dwarf army worms were ookiripa littlR an revoir. and l wonoer- . " r I. ei what was mo runner, i n:iu uecu absent several days and was grieved to notice that my garden had a ktnu oi Unc air. ns though it needed rest and rhancn of scene . . ... . i . i i i The Poland Uhina egg piani iookchi uo aadlv at me and seemed to say 4rardnor. don t you inmK us a long r m m timo between drinks." ' ine water melon seemed to have a dark brown Mtoseatbcr on other people's property, i Perhaps that is the reason that such I persons as Mr. Icrdinand Ward are sometimes called l'toD fly." At all events, flhea arc very expensive ani mals. Tho coming of the earJv. fly terrifies the housekeeper. into providing wire screens lor ins doors and windows. at the cost of $100 or more. It necessi tates tho enshrouding of chandeliers and pletue frames. When the swarm arrives in force it is verv hard on shoos. The only consolation possible is the re flection that next Noyember the fly will haye gone, almost as suddenly and mysteriously as he came. N. Y. Mail and Express. John C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Wilmington, N, Office over the Bank of New Hanover, rractfcea in all the Court of the State. mw- special attention paid to the collection or claim. nov24tf KosadallH for KLicuiuatlsni, fessrs. II. Peck and Son. of Streets- boro O.. write us Juno 5. 1882 Whv do you not advertise Rosadali3 for In- llammatory Hheumatism? It is doing wonders liere in curing the dease.. I n ell we do advertise it to care liheu- matism, as any one can see by reading ah a A. T - 1 I uur circular, it is a SDienuiu mooa Medicine, and it reaches the verv root I and seat ol disease by being conveyed through the blood. Druggists, leading rJhysicians and citizen of tho highest standing unite in commendation of ROSADALIS. 1 AFTER Electric Appliances are sert on 30 Days Trial. TO MEN GHLY, YOU'rJQ OR OLD, TTTHO more nirnt away. WAMSUTTA r .rturaa VI - 2IOO LINEN. if TOr rfrVrT t.r rtlwpit. cac I a t lltl Muter ti Co.. tnjiRutacjuferi, :ala hv don t you buy my shirts :Aa ? What s the use ol your ccs our over unc r.i!e work, and breakmp; your bi:k tr in to save a few cents ! I doa't sec the savin ol it. v ny, 1 . l.?A Mi-iti i.t'.t'C I . f nmitU w -v r t Imra xooa on Vvcr little more than t ic cost air of gloom all over the garden. ,) s.r nun. inujt u At that momcnt j ti,gcovered my ..fmatcnal. Lookattlm IJIA- nextioornci2hbor at the ditch on the IVi- iiist boufJllt. 1 sav. corner. Ho was singing softly to if.- i , n init sf,in I himself. a;u KUh.S ,.() ycSt nl lueet youf I'll meet you when the sun goes down." IIo was also lamming an old pair of Rembrandt pants into the canal, where the'v would shut oil my supply. He stood with his back toward me, and just as he said he would "meet me when the sun went down." I emote him across the back of the neck with my hoe handle, and beloro he could recover lrom the firstJ dumb surprise and wonder. I pulled the dripping par- . 1 A I taloons outot the ditcn ana tiea tnem in n true lover's knot around his neck. He beean to look black in the face, and his struinrles soon ceased altogether. At that moment his wife came out and chr.oi'otl iwn mirA womanlv shrieks v u v - w y - - and hissed in my ear: "You have killed m hnsband " I said, nossiblv I had. II so. would she nleasc send in the bill and I would adjust it at an early day. I said this in a bantering tone oi voice, anu raising mv hat to her in that rjoHsbcd way of t . . . i. : rn nunc, starieu to go, wnen soiuclu.uk ien with a dull thud on the greensward! It was the author ot these lines. 1 did not know till two days afterward that mv neiehbor's wifo wore a moire antimte rolling-Din under ner apron that moraincr. 1 did not suspect it till . m it was too late. The auair was Kina oi hushed up on account ot the respecta bility oi tho parties. Bv tho timo I had recovered tho car den seemed to melt away into thin air. My neighbor had it all his own way and while his nroud hollyhocks and Johnny jump-ups reared their heads to orinK mo mountain waier ai inc iwu- lizht hour, mv little, low-necked, bum- mer squashes curled up and died. L'KAVJiNS & UU., JJrueeists. at Gordonsville. Va., say ROSADALIS never has failed to give satisfaction. SAM'LG. fcFADDEK. Murfrees boro;' Tennesse. says ROSADALIS cured him of Rheumatism when all else failed. are rofferiiiir from Nervous Dkbilitt. Lost Vitality. Lack of Nrrvs Fop.ce amd Viuor. Wastixo Weaksessrh. p.nlall those diseases of a Personal Natvbe resultinff from Abuses and Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health A i-jor and Manhood Qdarantkeu. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. Seud at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. nov 27-lFeod&w t th s There are 419 type-setters, beside appentices, in the eovSrnmont printing ollice at Washington. WeakNerifousMen Whose debility, exhausted power, prematura decay ana failure to perform life's duties properly are caused by a a Mexsman's Peptonized Beef Ton ic, the only preparation of beet contain ing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force generating and lite sustaining properties ; mvalua- j bio for Indigestion, Dyspepsia. nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility: also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of ex haustion, nervous prostration, over work, or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Uazard &Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by Druggists, sat lw There have been thirty-two criminal executions on the Pacific within the past eight months. and Tlarorous manhood MARS TON BOLUS. tomaca drtJEmg not THE nenaer ptomaea arnGing nor mstramenta. i nis treatment of KerTom J bill ty and mccessful because based on perfect diagnosis, new and direct methods and absolute thor onrhneM. Full, information and Treatise free. Address Consulting Physician of MARSTON REMEDY CO., 45 W.14thSL, New York. nov 27-lyexlAw t h s - r iELF Capital Prize $150,000. 'WtdakttiSf ctrlif dot w rttptrvU VU mnfrmU fr mU tU UtmtVv and Stwii- Lranne$ of TU Louisiana Mat Lot ty Cmpf, mmd im prr$on mancgt and con t tU Vrimg UmM.'iYi. mnd tXat Vu want ere ctmdmtUd trvU JUMi.'y, faimtu, and .r jfi I0mra mii partus, and tr omXAot adcer Decline of Man Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, cured by 'Wells' Health Kenewer." $1. eod The total number ot separate farms in the United States in 4,000,000, the value of which is $10,000,000,TXX). A favorite 7rpecrljtton ef one Of tM laoct noted and tucceasful specialists in the U. St f now retired) for tbe eurof JL'crvoua DeXHlitVi ibmmt HI an Hood, rVectTmene aud Decay. Seal 0 plain sealed eaveloicre. Drucglstacannni&i v Address DfL WARD & CO., Looitiaat MpS Thonsandt of ems of Hrrromn DahmtT. ram. mu boh pnyncu wmncu, lost manaood.ner- Toaa proBomuon, uoretuts or jndlscretlom, lucMMloruTcinM.enndhTllPRVITA Strons faita that It vlll eure srary ease prompts m t sand to ay snnerer a mat pacxag en receipt of It cents for pottage, ete. Da. A. O. Oum, Box i3,Ohloago,IU. FREE These Gooods are in Choice Patterns and are Cheaper than we have ever had at these Headqitarters;v DRY GOODS AND CARPETS I We Sell from the Seashore to the Mountains. LADIES' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. R. rj. R,7cl TJTI RE; june 5 1884 -. J. ; ; LABORING PjIETJ, ATTENTION If IF FULL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS WHAT YOU WACT, TRAX)E at stores where ihey do business on economical, honest and square prin ciples.and at stores that do not try to mislead you by schemes or sensa tions, or try to make you believe that they will give you a' gold dol lar for 50 cents. They are not doing it,- but yon can rest assured , : of getting a full dollars value for every dollar yon invest vl v 1 with perfect satisfaction at.v i 4 : "OTU'TD? THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 4 Don't neglect to supply yourself with such Clothing a3 you may want for, tho mnng season. It will pay you to call at once and save at least on every dollar's worlh you will buy. WE HAVE A FEW LIGHT COLORED CASSIMERE SUITS JZ2 S3T WHICH WE WILL CLOSE OUT REGARDLESS OF COST .jffiJ ; CK3IK1D THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. june 2 NEW SUMMER AND WINTER' RESORT. pi Till A 1 1 Ull I IIIHE. nov 27 veodAw t th s MORPHINE HABIT tef tfatrts ailadud. in its Commissioners. vuixii l.stld atti:action"j VEK ll.l.r MILLION DISTRIHUTKIV WI5UM 5IATE-LOIIERY CiJIPAM' I-rr?ori:r.l 3 wj for 15 rear by the Lrjr Jre t-r ILlaraUocal anl Charliahlo pur--wita a opiial of ll.uxGno to wb.cH a rttfjai 0f fiso.ta) baa stnc beca alat toUj Ita fraa the riTent sut a-lorua Ieccmtcr 2d. A. D..13T9. monlhly. It ntrtr scalts or pott r'. Loot t tiMS following DUtrtbullon: loth t;ran. Monthly AD THE l U Alnjr of Matlc, New Orleans, r T'i4jiy, Jooe II. InM. r t-c jroajil tuporrMon an-I manage ticnt of -.T r.'uriirfii!' r ai.i.u. n i Jl"KALA. KAULY. of VlrtfuU. Emory's Little CATiiAimc is the best and only reliable Liver Fill known, never tans witn tne most oosunate cases, purely vegetable. 1 eod-w If one were to be worded to death, Italian is the fittest language. A Card. To all who aro suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, && I will send a recipe that will w - "v WW a V W m euro you, iitm ui? i; AKUJi. xms ereat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in aoutn America, bena a seit; H. KaKB. of the DeQolncer . bow ooera a Kemed v hh d y on caa ear UbmIT qnleUr aad iMinlcwIy. For testimo- aa maonaonuirom eminant medical m9fco.,addreM a. mm. jkaaa, a.a.( a.! v aAMia cw., Aw Xork CHj. nov 27.1yeodAt th etief. and Is an infalible cure lor piles. Price $1, k " " . via ii. glow, vi yxx, 2T, fpald by malL Sample free. H lAd. "anakesis" Makers. Box 2,416 New York, Furniture. (A.HLOK SUITS, addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph Most every year yet I make a garden. T tJfl nation D New lorh City nnminlnn nur t Thpn I nftV I wn '- J mm n- a-a w w aw " DICING EOOM SUITS, Br aa oierwbelmlnc porv, &a4 apart of ;7.50 for carden feeds and in July I hire the same man at S3 to summer fallow tho whole thing, while I go and buy my vegetables of a Chinaman named Wun Lung for eight years, and I've done this now I twe my robust One should seek for others the happi ness one desires for one's self, A. Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt Co.,of Marshall, Capital Prize $150,000. T i -Tl'lfta ar Ten ivjllir onlr, tJ. Tcolhfl. ur or rniEV I Ktti tr t!V),OY 1 .... u,l0 S.rtV... t5.irt 1.CO0... ttl.UD Art... Jl.ttO 21 X)... 4Ufrt 1CJ... ).CtfO 1 1 t 4Pp'MMTH! rKii... J 4:? t t.u5.rn I'rltea of t a t30 ;aa J "HM I'KUC or lk .k ictt or 1'Ktzts or a lm rr- -""'iin.winUnje to.... Tf. 1 f r rs, ctatMi should b made k c- of the Company tn New Or- p. O. Money tr- NATIONAL II AN K, NVW OELXA5S. LA. ary Wtura by ?ra t TOr , to M. A. DAUriirK, l,uJAA5NTIONJI T lL!T"(;l cm. of 5 health and rich olive complexion to the Mich., offer to send Dr. Dve's Celebrat- lact that IVe got a garden and do just cd Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old' and young, afilicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases: See advertisement in this paper. t th s cow&w as htue in it as possible. Parties desiring a dozen or more ot my Shanzbai eg?-plnts to set undr an ordinary domestic hen can procure the faxc by writing to mo and inclos iaz lock tf hair aad 10. Bill Nye. IJlison Wi-., May 10. Young Men. Middle Aged Men and early indis Brain Food All Men who stiller from crttions will find Allen's tna most ixjwerlul mvieoraut ever in troilneetl: once restored by it there is no rebjse. Try it; it never fails. $1; 0 for 5. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Alien, 315 First Ave", New York City. cod Cots, Spring Beds, Woyen Wire Mattresses, Lounges, and the handsomest Une of line BABY CABBIAGES ever on sale in thhj city TIIOS. C. CBAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, june 2 88 So. Front St. Copartnership. rpHE UNDEBSIGED HAVING FORMED a Copartnership nnler f he name and style of The British parliament refuses to license crematories. trench China Teasets SOTHtRLuT JUST RECEIVED BV GILES A MURCUISON'S. Mcrc&laoa Blotfc. Tiio i:arly Fly. If tha origin of all things is a mystery, tho senesis" of the early fly is a still greater one. Nor is this statement aniai nized by an ancient and well worn notion that the whole is treatcr than any of its parts or, it it is, then so much tho worse lor the old axiom. It is easy enough to s ea how the origin of exhlr m3 in general should be a mys ury. Existence in general is some thing Urge and vague,, and it is not specially mor.ifjmgto conless one s ignorance in regard to tha origin of some tremendous generality. Bnt the fly tbe early tly in particular is not general, cor vauc, nor large. He is urticular in his attentions, if not in lis diet and very definite, aud small, t is thcrcf jro thj u:orp wonderful that ic should spring into existence out of apparent nothingness But that is wnat dc coes. rtooouy Knows wnence becomes, but on the first really warm day be is here and ready for business, lie never has any period of helpless in- Ayers Sarsapanlla is a highly con! centrated extract ot Sarsapafilla, and other blood-purifying roots, combined with Iodide of Potassium and Iron. Its control over scrofulous diseases i3 unequalled by any other medicine Don't Forget ! VTO. 112 SOUTH FRONT STREET ! Wnere 11 HUMPHREY. JENKINS A CO., keep those One HeMe and lloroe's Mrawberrle. also ulack and W hortle berries. Applea and Peach es, when In season. Poultry and Egjrs. Con signments oi the above solicited, and satis faction guaranteed Give us a trial Is all we ask. may 6 W. & E. S. LATIMER, ' Attorneys-at-Law. conducting a General Grocery Bualnc&3, will on Monday. Juno z, open at the old and well known stand of George Myers, an assortment of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES. Our aim will be to please in quality and price, our Stock will be such as Is kept in a First Claes Grocery Store, and will be added to weekly by Rail and 8tcamr. AU of our Goods are new and fresh, and will be sent out as such, with the privilege of returning if not satisfactory. Our friends arc invited to call and inspect. . Respectfully, may 31 tf NEWTON ROBINSON, AT MOUTH OF CAPE FEAR RIVER, OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AND CASWELL AND IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN, WILL OPEN ABOUT MAY 20th UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT I Hotel has been relurnished and renovated throughout, yfetihp&fifcii building erected for pleasure purposes. Elegant, large," airy Ball Room over the water. First-clasS Musicians from New York will furnish Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathings - ' Fine line of New Boats for Pleasure Sailing and Fishing. NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY. r " Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. . Finest Fishing on Atlantic Coast. Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find it to their advantage to give us a call: i v It j CLIMATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED I The Atlantic Coast Line and Carolina Central R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick EST Special rates by month and season J. D. SUBLETT, of New York, Manager. may l am - . - , W. P. SUMNER, FfiB. F. B. linfCXLKB, 8ccr. National Wire Mro inscrACTvaEM or . . -. SaXlola. mch 13 dAw ly Cheese Safes. Wire rioth. Wire Counter KlUinM. Wtrs Shru. CantlnT Brnshcs. Snd & foul y rtni, Wcatbcr Vanes, 6tU Flxtarea. Ituuf. t ! i. . ii - - cresatu, yyim a non deuces, iron snauers, uoanier Bappona.cw. -tSTScnd for Catalogue, XQ-Mcntioa this Taper. . ' . Fraffi BATTLES OF THE 170 HID. Ir CJLPT. KING, U.S.A. HISTOR Y FROM THE BATTLE-MZID. Shotrs bow KUlmbT beta mt etro7a in a 07. now ruta or Linuwr tu tarnea on ingi Coatott. A Orma4 Book ft Old sac Tnr.8v use. jiuts tt Memory. litres ruarurt ana instruction, dimuii Fins I Hnttrtioii. . atwats WmIm Srrirti Aareaa 4 v Meviiuux m uv yaiiMsuaiaw r C3 Writs at sas for fall dttcriptioa aad terms. may 1J 4w dw Sufferers rrom Youthful Imprudence r causuur Kerrous ueuiiity. mental and physical werkness. Valuable In formation for home cure FREE. Used 23 years successfully. Dr. A. G. Olin. Box 242, Chlca- gr. maysi-aAwiy Croquet, Hammocks, A S THE ABOVE WIIIi SOON BK IS de- J. mand. the public will find a potxl assort ment at reasonable prices Si' 'ItC. at YATE.V BOOK Office S, K. Cor. Princess an Water Str. jan 7 PfffiCELI. HOUSE. TJNDKB NW 1LOAGE1UOT, WILMINGTON, K. C B. U FUST, Proprietor. Late Proprietor AtlastVs UoteL rtrsbClaaa ail tu appotatSMata. Tarsia 3.0 to tJ-CO per day. OXFORD TEACHERS' BIBLES. AUieUne TEACIIEBS BIBLES, contain tag Dennison's Patent Index, just recelred- ana see tnem; unsurpassed for ready ref erence. YATES BOOK STORE. WRITING TABLETS. FUest quality WRITING PAPER, put up in convenient Tablets 100 sheets in package Just the thins; for travellers. YATES BOOIX STOKE, jane 3 113 Market Street. Headquarters jpOR FISHING TACKLE, : AT W. E. SPRINGER dt CO3.. 13.21 asd 23 Market Street Tho larreatand best assortment ever offered ta UUa market. jane 3 BATE'S SPE0IFI0S. Prepared from formulae used by an eminent physician during 20 years successful practice. Specific Ne. 1 Guaranteed to effect a radi cal cure of aU affections of tbe Blood, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, plia pies, moth patches, etc, are permanently cured by Bate's Specific No. i. Price $1. Specific No. 2 Cures Seminal Weakstess, Nekvocs DKBILITT, from Youthful Indiscre tions or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vital lty and Loss of Manhood. This remedy is un equalled in the cure of these complaints. J t is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew tbe strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. Price tL Specific No. 4 Gives instant relief and per manently cures Rheumatism. Prlca ti. Specific No. 6 A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Druggists or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, 59 N. Clark St., Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. raav SI ly-dA-w bttb White Meal Yeast. VERY VALUABLE EASON 13 SOW OPEN AND PERSONS city, the Sounds or Smlthvilk). and ia need of.Flrst-Cls ss work will do well' The Excursion and Pic Nic OK O visiting tn to call on JOHUST W JSIRIXJ EE tho well known Barber and Perfumer at bis enanng ana "air ureralng Saloon. NO. S2l MALIK 1ST HTKEET. where be win spare no pains la giving satis faction to all. Come and see. may PURE YEAST 2. -j POWDER. Having been thoroigblyJ tested by a great many of the ladies of Wllmlogtvu, ecl no hceitatin in commeodlng it to tbe public. It ia elegant for bread, roll or biscuit. It Is made by Miss Uodges, of this city.fof n ViQj I A purejvegetable matter, and she refers to . , Mr. Aw Jt WlUarl a Mrs. Gen. Whiting, Mrs.Samotlorthzop, j for the correctness of her statement JFor eale Toy It K - sac2i31 JSO. L. BOAT WR1G UTr ' -4' i- , llsfeH Na Front !, S0AX2t

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