r J Tft wabegua to receive corurLsrlcatica septal tT Iroia otar frlenla on ssyaBd all trt'scu seBenltatemttai" p 'Tr:,rr--: ; Tie naraa ct taa fr.t-r ritst Hvtzts ta atsbed to the toaxax. . ' " ; I ICoamtto!rat!oxi nxut be ncn?a ea cal one side ol the paper. " Pewonanaca mtist be avoided ; . Aa4 U 1 espadally aad particularly icaier tood Uiat the Editor does Wt always eadoi se the views of corrcrpoadcits crVii" ta tUU ia the editorial oolxunna. JOSUT. . ,C 14.00. Six moatha, rrOO. Tkrte ao month. cnu. B8 Vui b dearo! by errter tree rirV, ... prt of tl city, at tb abore 2rs "7 fall- VOL. VIII. W LMINGTON. N." C FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1884. NO.141 Sundays- tx- . r..w nriw hns the larvcst . , die drtiiLilio of any newspaper ' ui I !ctkbratedin U cstmirutcr j5 J ' Mr Will. n.My. r.c the leading discovered jltl:ei ate t c thousand cltbits i ia city. y-c. Moljcka. cn the cvo or cm .kr2r.r Kurorc cn Saturday, told .'ijT.r that she Had made $70,000 I...:- the past unexampled season. ' 4-in J i rd res?, said to ha-c been . i v i hrlema2ue. is one of the ?i;:irt of Hildesheim, Hanover. KLQkH gujMcJand iug?od. and i4 as thick as a man a :n jo r Mr Jhn !. Sullivan has arranged a mitl'i !u;;in2 tournament, lo open in N Ycrk city on the 30th. at which U h;jp'!y invite all the figMing cuTj'ioc of the world to come and be ksocktd oat. i Mr. Frank, of Chicago, who recently f:i heir to $30,000. a sum unexpectedly tucatiied to her by the late Michael Kk. cf im Francisco, has given the Bocej to establish in tbe former city a Uxe Ut Jewish orphan. life's name is composed of six let un. He was nominated on Friday, .Lichi spelled with six letters, the s ith tliy id the week, the sixth day of the uoslh and the sixth mouth of the )tir. Seven i the lucky number, so he osirs within one of it. ... - Cap'- C.eorce A. ierkin. of the Idled States navy, is id to bo its wealthiest ol&ccr. Uo possesses, tirouh his wife, a fortuno of $7,000,- CeO. MT. I'erwios was a uaufcuw: w lleUte Wm. F. Weld, of lloston. the '&;et roan at ths time of h:s death la .Vew Eoi'and. The anti-Sabbatarian movement In Icba arrears to bo slowly making Lead way uuJer the lead of judicious aaJ conservative reformers. These ticntbcot wish the observance of Suadsy relaxed, but they iasist that the public shall hav access to rational a:J hca!thy amusements on that day. Ttcre U a man in New York who calms that his wife is smarter than 'f'red Ward. Sac persuaded him to ln tot $300. acd it increased until there wu 10.500 to his credit. She then coJe him draw out $10,000 to buy her s brown stoco house Sho now has her kocso acd the original $500 is the cx tett of his less. Ttt lLondoa hkonomisl for April suras the investigation in respect to Indian kat as follows: The area under Lcit culture in India is about 20,000, toicrcj. and the yield between 5,500. tWaad 6.000,000 tons. The area of rriury might Lo increased 6,000,000 atJ. jiclfing I,C50,000 tons. From a recent Parliamentary report, ioicg the number of illiterate yolcrs rwcnlcd at the British geoeral leclion c I:"0. it appears thnt in constitucn where there were contests, in Kng- .iij aad Wales, there were Q2G illit erxto To'.es-rccorded out ot a total num br oa the register of 2. 1 13.C2-J ; and in Ireland 5.312 out of a total of 1W.6C9. h is tated by friends of 'Gen. Han d's that that gentleman would like Jwr comiDatioo, and that he feels a a new Vice-President he cn do fctfcr thaa he did tour years ao. He tot want to run with English .a. If nominated be promises to from the army while making his "1 itai things that I wouldn't allow Q J tt;.i:t3 tQ jjp' said Brown. " cvcrnldo. How should I know -it:okee?out of belr bands If I !.ya? "Vry true." remarked Fog: cr rtiiiioj teaches you what to from jou children, but bow tho cl joa know what to recommend tbea.-- Transcript. A aasiber of human bodic in a cood ;e of preservatioa. dressed in orna sul costumes, and evidently bclonc--ito a prehistoric race, have been lociaa mound in Desha county. ,k , i5' Tt apartment in hich atone. "oyiu-ue pilUrsand overlapped Silica. i oJow h the time to fire Smith'. Worm Alichacl IIofTman. who bad his skull crushed by an elevator accident in New York, is doing well at St. Vincent's Hospital, and it is now believed will recover. Four square inche cf the brain weru exposed by the frac'uicd pieces removed, and the thin membrane had to bo sewed up. the first time such an operation was ever attempted. The wile ol Mr. Sp-irgeon, the fa mous Ioudou preacher, furnishes un apt illustration ol the work a feeble woman may do. She has Ion? been an invalid, but by making photograph frames and brother means, she ha? es tablished a ''book fund," from which sho supplies poor ministers of various denominations. L-it year she thus gave away over 7.0C0 brxtks, and in the past six years nearly 42,000. The next President must get yo clectorial votes. The solid South' gives 153 and New York 30. The candidate who can carry the South and New lork, therefore, has a voutc which, with the aid of Massachusetts or Indiana, gives him a majority. New Jersey and Connecticut with New York and the South would also make a majority. Hence, says the Washington Slar. it requires somo of that faith whicli can removo mountains and rese fractured arms to claim that Dlaine can be clecttd without the help of New York. He can be, indeed, but bo proba bly won't be. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hop Bitter American Lcdon of Honor IIkinsdehoer A Three Cents C W Yates During the Campaign IUiaki r leas in t Rooms and lloard Attcnilon Members S. F. E. Co. No. 1 Geo F Tilley nef, Lamb actl Veal F C Miller J I bton'a Imported Candy Geo R Fkexcii A Soxs Well Pleased Proposals St. Stephen's AUE Church Mcnds USDS. Jk DeKosset The Druggist The receipts of cottonj at this port to-day foot up only i bale. Political gossip is the chief subject of on rereation on our streets. Fullest assortment ol FishiD": Tackle can be found at J a coin's. t . Clarendon Council, No. 07, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at rt o'clock. Wo invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. One colored man, charged with being drunk and down, was before the Mayor this mdrnmc. Ho was sent below tor 7 days lo give him time to get sober. Bids are called for in this issue for putting in and completing the gallery and ceiling the auditorium of St. Stephen's A. M. . church. See advertisement. Tho measles have raged seriously during the Spring months, but arc now subsiding, the number of cases now being not near as large as it was a week or two aco. We have been delichted with the frequent showers of tho past few day. but wc hope that they will not visit us so often as to injure the growing crops or produce sickness. The dredging machine, which has been absent from its work at Princess street dock for several days, has return ed and will rcsumo operations at once in clearing the dock of its sand and deb ris. The District Conference of the Wil mington District will be held at Goshen church, n Sampson county, beginning on Wednesday, .July 23J, instead or Thursday, tho 21th, as heretofore an nounced. Tho steamer Linden, after hating been most thoroughly overhauled, re fitted and in many respects improved is now ready tor work and wilL resume her trips to and from Fayettcville to morrow. Our thanks are due the commit tee for an invitation to atUnd the celebration of tho completion of the Cape Fear & Ydkiu Valley Fwtilroad to Greensboro, which is to take place in that c;ty on the 10th inst. lcrsoual. Sir, S. A. Haney, so long and favor ably known oian oCIccr of the signa service, has been reassigned to duty here and returned to the city last night and at once entered upon his duties. He relieves Mr. J. M. McCann. who .has been ordered to the signal office at Fort Macon, for whiph point be will leave to-morrow. AH rejoice at Mr. naney's return while all equally re For tho Cape Fear. In the River and Harbor Bill which passed the House yesterday, the Cape Fear Uiver and Bar are put down for but 75.000. Col. Green made a noble but ineffectual eflort to get this increas ed to $150,000, asthe following extracts from tho proceedings cn Wednesday will show : The Clerk read as follows : Improving Cape Fear Itivor below Wilmington. N. C: Continuing mis provctueut, $75,000. Mr. Green I move to strike out "seventy-five" in line 3SS. and insert "one hundred and fifty;" 00 that it will read: nnc hundred and fifty thousand dollars." The estimate calls lor an appropna tion Of $300,000. which can be expend cd during the year ending June 30, 1885. We arc cut down iu this appropriation bill to one-fourth of the amount called for, which sum is totally inadequate for the work in hand. Thi3, Mr. Chairmau. is not a work ot btato importance alone, it is one that partakes of the nature of a great national work. It 13 national in its importance. In 1851, according to the measurements of the Coast Survey, the depth ot water on.the bar at New Inlet was only lrom seven to eight ieet. Un der the judicious management of the engineers the work that has been done at that point has increased the depth to s ixteen feet at ordinary tide and eighteen feet at high tide, and vessels drawing sixteen feet arc now able to run up to Wilmington and load. We think it most im port ant that Wilmington, which is one ol the mo3t prominent towns on tho lower Atlantic coast, should bo pro- tected in her rapidly increasing com- mcrcc by securing :tho necessary per- mancnt depth of water for the free nay- union of this stream. The engineers estimate that witn a small additional outlay this depth can be increased to twenty-two feet, and Wilmington will then aflbrd the best harbor of reluire of any port ot our Atlantic seaboard between Norfolk and New Orleans. It is most important that the work should be carried on in order to prevent damage resulting from de lay to.the work already in progress. irt Tneprt I havo moved, theretore. 150.000 instead of the $75,000 proposed by the committee. - . - 1 would say turtner lntniseonoecuon . i : .inr) ..1 that if this work is suspended it is cal cnlated that considerable los3 will arise from the delay on account of increased expenditures that must be made here after bv reason ol iniurv that will re sult to the present plan ot wore. The encrineers recommended that it shall he keDt coins' all the time until completion in order to avoid wastage Every argument tends to sustain my position in favor of this increase, and that liberal anDronriations should be made. I hope, therefore, the committee will not reiect the amendment l nave proposed. Air. Chairman, the w importance of this work cannot well be. over-stated. Commercially, and as a harbor ofref on a roast wiso trada olNorth Carolina. Wilminffton is the roost importaut seaport between Norlolklin4,New Or- leans, and If the forecast or jpgineers DO not a urcaiu me uaj is uui wi-uib- . - ... j tant whon under liberal and judicious day in this mbnth, and gave universa anoroDriations and wise expenditure a satisfaction to his audience, who showl depth of water will be attained sufficient W UOil 8DV vessel m i"" onn. irom ner wnarrcs to ocean, anu aden. lOO. to its Utmost capacity WllU . . .. ... i i . 1 C i uei jiui uu iiuuuuiiui, .it.j-4 elsMra rttrn nnn llimhnr WlT.rlin i.nfl rllionSfalSMrtto lt .ri V: . i i u OQimsuJl:llT or a coasting Bteuiuur wuum uae iuttuo i the trio in fear and trembling. From : l. r . t tU l I in lool, to seventeen or eigiueen in i of loncf if wM-M hnvA hprn fin in nnv I ntUth.n fhia pnir npor nff. m ran p- working age in which wo live. It is I lmpossioio to t;iap wuiw wum stoonine to catch vour breath. A mag niGcent dam a mile in length has been constructed to shut outold ocean, which was craduallv destroying one of the finest tide-water streams in the world. and with results such as I have indica ted. But, Mr Chairman, the result has only been halt told. What would now otherwise have tlegeneratea into a su- nrfpr thia wll-advised exoendiiure of rl t"TV. tfiahfnv villn r a hoe I the Government grown into a vitalized, ife-throbbinz commercial mart of over 20,000 in population; the largest aepci Ol navai store in tue wuri'i. uu i i a : . na.i n tan i Hvlnninn In'n nnfi - of tha most important lumbcrana coiion -ex-i pxrortin? rorta cn i no t'tiii itt i "r c . . . 1 ler export shipments, loreigu anu coastwise, exceeded last year twelve and a halt million of dollsrs. and her re turn trade by water carriage more than lalfasmucb. And this is but the oe- ginniugot tho end. Tho day i3 not ar distant, sir, when these lignres as compared with subsequent develop ments will be as what her trade tniny years ago was to what is to day. This eranu acnievemeut oas oeeu. utuugu about by a governmental expenditure TOrf7MtoiiC of less than 000.000. SDreadinz over If. "Mr. Chairman, we arc ever iusti- never was anDrooriation beUei TOtod or more honestly and judiciously ex-1 rended. I Iok at material results. J-oi . mil ions as against two nnnareu uim Z won! J S trs it. And yet .... ... m in when tha macmificcnt work approaches completion the committee cats us down to a paltry S75,000, which, under the circumstances, is less than one-half : of there fore trust, Mr. Chairman, that the AtrAeikft m -. . omission 01 me commiu.ee will be promptly rectified by the adop tion 01 tne amendment proposed. Air, iviuis. 1 desire to say in a moment that there is no disposition to neglect the Cape Fear lliver. The committee recosrnize its iniDortance But upon examining tho reports ot the engineers u appeared that on tne 1st day of July. 1883. there was S168.302. 52 on hand, and it was thought, there fore, that' this additional amount of $75,000 with the amount the Depart ment had 011 hand would cover the probable expense for the coming fiscal year. This was especially apparent to the committee in view of the fact that of the appropriation of $225,000 two years ago they bad succeeded in ex pending only s 1 19,000. Mr. Green. What is the amount that the gentleman now understands to be on hand? Mr. Willis. On the 1st of July some- thins over 168,000. The Chairman. The question is on agreeing lo the amendment of tbe gen tleman from North Carolina. The amendmeat was not agreed to. Concert To-Niffht. The Cornet Concert Club will give an open-air concert at the City Hall Park, this evening, commencing at 6 30 o'clock, and the public are respectfully inyited to attend. The programme wiil consist of an overture, waltzes, serenade, polonaise and conclude with a march. A Curiosity. John McKoy, colored, brought into our office a vegetable curiosity in the shaoe of a cabbaare raised in his warden at Hiltorj It wa3 of the j Wake field variety and contained seven dis trict and separate heads upon a single stalk, besides three others that were beginning to form. Progressive. The march of improvement and in tellectual progress has extended into Brooklyn, as a sign in that portion of the sity, bearing the following legend, will show: "Barber Shop Razors stropt. Hair Cutting SEampooting writ in hear and letters cash." cheap for Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead, Glass &c. should go to Jacobi's to get best qualities and lowest prices. f Call Extended. At a meeting of the members of the Second Presbyterian Church, held last Wednesday night, an invitation was extended to Rev. Wm. S. Lacy, of WUUU3UW4W muwio wumJf w its pastor. Mr. Lacy, who is Clerk ol the Synod, preached in the Second pre35yterian church on the first Sun- e(j thejr appreciation of his worth a3 a I u:: ::t.. u i - I . 1 : tauon iu oewuie me pastui mu uuaoi I j. . , rii i tt ujuua yuiwu wi mu vuuivu. iiw oaioij, I 1 1 i r t -. ne accepts, win oe nxeu a iuu a vpnr with house rent free. It 13 not vet ,.. ;n. u, ,J kuowu m w .v,, wuU nmhahilities are favorable that he will. uuuucu juauwuuuiii. 14U ' aoaress jesietuaj au mu muimeuue ment Excercises ot Laurmburg High school, tie spoe witnout notes or manuscript and yet a gentlemen who heard him teHs us that it was one of tbe finest of his many fine efforts. The M occasion, we unaersianu, was a . 1 . a erjf pleasant one. There was a large atten dance and Col. Waddell was introduced by Mr. Jno. D. Shaw, of Rockingham, 0n nf ,he moat intcrestin? features of the occasion-one that was peculiarly interesting to those from this city who were in attendance, was the fact that one . . 8tudents. Mr. McCann. sooke - rjj . . r,, , "auueM auuireso xwuuen. tmqeu, anu was awarueu iub piuu i l i A Nice Orchard. Capt. William A. Cammimr, of thi3 city, has a tract of land containing CO acres, at Maultsby's Point, on the Black river, in Tender county', which is devoted exclusively to the cultivation of fruit. The orchard consists of apple. pear, plum and peach trees, and . this year the apple and peach trees arc bountifully with excellent fruit- :ust becinninz to bear. Yesterday "the steamer John Daxtson brought down! P0 bushels of peaches, and she took up to - day a large number of empty crates. which will bo filled and brought here luriuuitvni uw uiuu.u.i, ... . i cntly situated fpr shipping purposes asi ft is nirht at a landioir on IJlack river. while a landing on tboCap3 Fear is onlr two miles distant. It is bat IS Harnett Township. Pursuant to the call f the County Ex. Committee, the Democrats of nar- nstt township met on the 13th inst , at Macumbcr's store and appointed the following delegates to the County Con vention, to be held on the ICth: 11. II. McKoy, A. A. Moseley W. F. Alex ander, Geo." W. Harper and Ei L. Pearcc. The followinrTwere elected Executive Committee: W. B. McKoy, A. A. Moseley, L. It. Mason, Ja. Macum. ber, and E. W. Manning. A Happy Event. On Wednesday evening, at St. James' Church, in this city, Mr. Her b;rt R. Latimer was united in marriage to Mis Fanny, daughter of thc "la?e Adam Empie. both of this city. The church was filled to its utmost capacity by those who were present to witness the ceremony. On the arrival of tbe bridal party the bride and her maids five in number entered the front of the church and, advancing up the main aisle to the altar, were met there by the groom and his attendants. The cere niony was performed in a very impres sive manner by Rev. Daniel Morrelle The ladies in the bridal party were all exquisitely dressed in white, the bride in white satin, with a long train, and the bridesmaids in whita walking-dresses, and small white bon. nets. At, the close of the ceremony, the bridal party drove to the residence, where a reception was held, after which the happy couple lelt on the North bound train for New York, from whence they will sail in a few days for a lour in Europe. Eggs were retailing at 18 cents a dozen at some of the grocery stores to day. Another large consignment of Sash, Djaors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depotf DIED. SCARBOROUGH In Goldsboro. on the 12th nisi., or consumption, kuisekt Lu sjuak BOROUGH, eldest son cf John A. and Ann M. Scarborough, aged 22 years, 4 months and 23 days. Dearest Robbie, thou has left us, We thy loss doth deeply feel; But 'tis God who hath be eft us, He can &U our sorrows heal. ' The funeral will take place from St. Thom as' Catholic Church, Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances f the family are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Board. pLTsaSANT rooms and KOABD can be had by applylnar at oec3 at THE IIOLMfcS HOUSE, Northwest corner Third and Chest nht street. innel3 1t Proposals. iiius WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE i jr tecretary of St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church BuiiQing committee, Jo?. K. Sampson, fat RMafar nf TlnaHa nflinii until T.in - igci f,uu ceihnc: the auditorium. PlaDs and specifications can be seen at the i oiuce of the secretary. The Committee reserves the rlzht to rcicct any inoompeient uiaaer. JAMES W. TELFAIR, Chairman. JOS. E. SAMPSON, Secretary. Wilmington, N. C, Jane 13, 133. june 13 ?t Aliefluon mcmccrs if. o, I. L. 10. AO. J, tr.l. nr o r n n v YOU ARE HEREBY" ORDERED TO AP pear In fuU uniform, at vonr Ensrlne i xiouse, io-nigu(. ai a o cioci, ior mrpectlon. I . . . . . . . . . . . ? I liiiag your x&ugus (;apg, as tne uommlttcc aetire u retain tne KCKUUUon Hats for shin- ment. It Is absolutely necessary that all mem- Jc ?S,Jiintaiifnp" ?" final arrangements will be made In regard to dq inp. uy oruer or tne r oreman. jeu it w. c. CKAKT. Secfy Beef, Lamb and Veal. i "v w v.a for to-morrow. Floe fresh LAMBS off Cape Fear River. The bet of tbe season. Leave oricxi with GEO. r. TILlKf, sun so. fflne 13 It c. The Druggist. Man's neact bst friend Is ibeAmggUt, Hmlilirates life's ills- He sells naCpUsters for (mi backs. And oar prescriptions bus. When we go moping 'round about With any sled of pats, 1 He's nnick to find panacea That makes us well agita. If there no money In c-nr purse. There's kindness in his heart, - ne'ii wiui compassion ease our pa'.a - In peace let us depart, j Such Is the druggist you will meet, At leut such I have met, I Yoa ask their natne? Weil, these are lhcr. Munds Bros. & DeRosseh NEW- ADVERTISETJEITT3. Well Pleaded. JLL THE BOTS AltE PLEASED WITH. moid U AXDSOME SHOES, The fit Bitcly, loak well ami wear satl&XactotUj.'j We have a line lino of LA.DICS, SSE3 and cniLDKK3 SnpES; Pretty lino of Geo. R; Frcncli & Sons. lOSORTU FRONT STREET, i June 13 UST RECEIVED -AT- 116 (Market Gt. Another Assortment ' Braided Jerseys, 1 " Embroidered While Dresspv Wide Embroideries, ' Nainsook Checks and Stripes, Marseilles and Pique Welts, " ! Persian Lawn and Linens, Tucking and all our Embroideries. 3,OOb Yards Remnant Embroiderios, Cheap I . ' In Extra I In Silk Sash Ribbon, Black and Col- , orcd Jpilks. Besides a Complete Assortment of AND M- -Cl-J-' JJlMJUtJU JJJJJlOt All at Very Low Prices, AT - ;'' ivi. rj7. k4TZ 116 Market St. may ia Ulaine & Lyan. P rilHElB NOMINATION DOES NOT CEElf 2 i gcnerafaaitafactton to ib'e apobiica ' dispofcitioD to bolt. Let 'em rip. The conntrr will be rerfectlr ssfe as lonjr as McGOWAN sells the best and the coolest Deer In the city, at a cents a glass. And don't forget It is tne only plce In the city where rou can get that rour year old uiemmer WhUkey. Jane 11 At Three Cents. jTE W YORK B E lALDS WILL BE SOI D rm this date at THREE CEXTS. SUNDAY IIEFALO at FIVE CE5Tf. HEINSBERGEIi'Sj june 13 lire Cook and Idusto Store r Daring the Campaign. ITTE WI1LT TUIiSlSU EJTiYOItK TA- f f . - I! ;rJ ,. !' - - TZ&i at the followle pxlcei ; . - HERALD, (rncJuiio. F unl yV per week 'iU. . ... . ,- - i TIMES. 4, I TEXCUKE. sc.. 4 It ft 1 1- - t - XATJOOIX STOKE, gret Mr. McCann's departure. what is Impcrauiely oexnanaea. x miles from tho city. 213 1 Market fc ucctf 'it . i