MISCELLANEOUS fc3T GERfItQi theumalism?ncuraSlg:a,Sciatica, f''tu M.... u4,r TacrYiehe. ATRUGGLE WITH A 3IUKT. TLt Ear. !rcI anl sixty-five times each :it cTtrj n tlifr'i on of us has a strug r!f jr.n ir.: his shirt. If 2 Oiittii worth getting into, if it is strong ir.J well rule, sure U to rip or tear, perfect fr.ir.g. then there is some coropen s:af;rs:n!;r.g much of our cxU-e-? ia such a struggle. You may wrestle ii the Diamond, tut with its evcilasling ,tit aruchmet t anJ rcinforecJ Loom,you ill come out head first every time, covered i jlory an J w hh the best shirt in the land. WAMSUTTA t. Jff. ?t II 3.J cd orm Vital Qtiestlons!!!! LU Viosi eminent physician OC any school, what is the best thiog ia lit world for quieting and allayio U irritation of the nerves, curing all frai of n-rroas coinp'.ifnls. giving BAisral. chiUIikc refreshing sleep al- AcdtLer will tellyoa onhcMuitiogly "SLVicomiqflJopsUr CHAPTER I. Aka3jor all of the most eminent pbyictAo: "Who: is the best and only remedy tli! cia r rrlicd oa to care all dis eavicf the kidneys and urinary organs ; Juch a Brunt's disease, diabetes, re union, or inability to retain .urine, pi all the dicases and ailments pecu ! jrtoWomia 'Andtb. y will tell yon explicitly and emphatically "BuchuHr A-k the Mine physicians H"hat is the man reliable and sur t cure fur all liver disease or tljspojv. :; constipation, indigestion, bilious t cts milaria, lever, ague, &c., and will tell you: YlrjLc ! or Dandelion!!:!" . wko ihtto rttncltcre rombtocd k outer ctaAllrTftlaalle. A AaieBpcu:ea toto Hop r.HUr, tuch a rfr!il ta, inTatcriou curaUTe power la ft tva u so Trletl la lu opcrmllooa u or t.T belto can io4lblr exist iT-1 lu T t 1 ..irr?- tor f rmll vomiD, wettest Jn- or aA".Jet cbU4 to u. niAiTT.i: ii. "Ahrut or BCArtf UTlcf nZfTT"! 't cUem op by pb jldD. of fvf;1 m otAney 1!wami. Urercom !f TrT coat, ciilcU coaauBpUon, km euiot .'!?. r7 of orJU. DerrouBaeM. Tuxf3" EB 1 rtou tUc.e peculiar to lrwa out vf ture from cxerarU r-iL311: rlofUx. dyKPU la trt? 19 rct Jmot U iucscs 5 w!,2.lm, br "op Hitler, proof of U4 ifc.J4 10 "T oelnvornoot la nMtl ct-to tUJOttt a UuacH of gr ea r,!?. Ztlte Ub1- nBB all tM Tile, UX ti "Uof- oi -Hop- la Joao IS lot dlw arm 'HI "miUUIE ODIt BOSICACL HX tIIrrtS XXD IK rUESUJLNCE OT menciBeuea la a ccrlaJa morts JmS M J.X U. aad reWUrd la Book lirr:-. br auo lirowa and wire u i7tt . "T U. J. Ealer, Carvn - mm mvWTw l f r . II . ' m CctiEnF1 Uo for caan, ai taa 'Wv l yof Wttmtanon. at i: tT, aioadAT. Jalr 14LU. IsisA. tke Uf.tfcUirUa f ir of Wtlmlaxloa, -c7.-li!a TcoU trrt a416Jfrtoa iaillaC " ktLLLAKlCAUU. CONUNBRTTAL VUT 1S rrSAMES PASSPOKT U'JflJJ. ilocaa It eaaaot do rtrUos a tpeUUy at- -uij r. ei. uiLLZsrs, Ccntx rcmrU aal Sua gt TheDaily Revietv. A DISTICAUTliO IAltKNT. 1 Five daughters fur of them enza ced. I think I shall go mad! t or f acn & f urleittnsr or love So parent ever had. The very atmosphere is charged With It; no .matter where 1 1 a about the house , I trip Upon some whispering pair. At evenioe when I take my pipe And seek a nnic t ii'wiL- To sit and read my paper, or dome new and tempting book, I ore, perhap?, the parlor door, When sT familiar sound. Quito unmistakable, suggests It is forbidden ground. So then more cautiously I turn To our reception room; Hut. lo! again upon my car From its romantic gloom CoracJ softly, yet with emphasis, -.Tbat warning; when I start Anil leave as Lady Mncbvth wished Her guests would all depart. My next resort is then the rorcb, Where roses trail and bloom : Ha! is It echo that bctravs The iovH of yonder room ? Ah, no! a startled change ol base IScveals tho presence there Of Cupids votaric?, and alas! Tt- :i i 4 1 O.UUIO a 5kiu iiuuiuui jaii . Will bo a safe retreat." So thero at once with quickened step I take my wearv feet. Vain hope that warning sound again. Isrcak on my listening ear; Thank heaven! my youngest hath not vet Attained her thirteenth year. LI ark! there she is! and bless my heart, That Doniniav. vounir Lunn. Id at her side I do believe. That she too. has becun. Ob, ye who love to sit and dream Ui luture married joys. Pray heaven with honest fervor that m a a i our gins may do an boys. Phitatra Press. IIow Advertising "Works. Colonel Pierce, of the Chicago News, ave, in the course of a recent address to the editors of Indiana, some thoughts with relerence to advertising that are well worth remembering. After pre mising thAt a man never realizes the full benefits of advertising until he has placed tbo matter before the people fifty or a hundred time, tho colonel pro sen Is tins valuable tabic, which, how- ever, is simply an elaboration of the one generally credited to Stephen uirard: The first time. a man sees an adver- iscraent he does not sco it. The second time bo does not notice t. lite third time lie is uimlv conscious of it. mmnmM m - a . a . iheiourtu limo he taintiv remem bers something of tho kind before. The fifth time he half reads it. a I no sixtn time ne turns nis nose up at it. The seventh lime he throws his paper down impatiently. The eighth timo ho ejaculates: There that conloanded thing acain!" The ninth time ho wonders if there s anything in it. Tbo tenth time be thinks it might possibly suit somebody else a case. The eleventh timo be thinks he will ask' his neighbor if he has tried it or knows anything about it. Tho twelfth time he wonders if the advertiser can make it pay. Tho thirteenth time he rather thinks it must be a good thing. The fourteenth time ho happens to blnk It is just what be wanted. ihc hitecnlb time bo for a long time resolves to try it a3 soon ns he can af ford it. The sixteenth time he examines the auarcss careuuiy, nnu maxes a memo a randum of it. The seventeenth time he is tantalized o think ho is hardly able to afford it. If V .a . ' a a j lie eignixnin time no sees pain fully bow much he is in need of that particular thing. Tho nineteenth timo ho counts his money to sec how much ho would have left if he bought it. The twentieth time he rushc3 franti cally forth and buys it. TliO glory of man is his strength. If you are weakened down through execs sivc study, or by early indiscretions. Alien sliram food will premanently restore all lost vigor, and strengthen all the muscles of Drain and Body. $1; G for At druggists, or by mail Irom J. II. Allen, 315 First Ave., New York City. eod A Too AVI 111 us: Younc: Man. "Do you love me as dearly as men have ever loved women? said Mabel. finding an easy anchorage for her check about tho latitude ol his upper vest pocket and tho longitude of his left sus pender. More," said ucorgc. with waning enthusiasm, for this was about the two hundred and fourteenth encore to which he had responded since 8 o'clock. 'More, far more dearly. Oh, ever so much more." Would you," she went on, and there was a tremulous lm press iveness in her voice that warned the young man that tho star was going to leave her lines and spring something now on tho house! "would you be willing to work and wait for me. as Rachel waited at the well, seven lone years?" Soven!" ho cried, in a burst of gen uine devotion. S'ven! Aye. gladly! Yes. and more! Even until seventy times seven! Joel's make it seventy, anyhow, and prove my devotion." Somehow or other ho was alone when ke left the parlor a few minutes later, and it looks now as though he would have to wait about 700 years before ho aaves fuel by toasting his shins at the low-down grate in the parlor again. There are men. my son, who always overdo tho thing; they want to be meeker than Motes, stronger than Sampson and ten times more particular than Job, tnt printer: mat if, he isn't. but bo used to Ux. jjawkcye Koush on Co u 2 ha." Ask for "Rough on Cough s,w for Coujbs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarse ncss, Troches, 15c, Lipoid. 50c eod I NORTU CAROLINA PAIK FIIUIT To be Held Jn Goldaboro Jnly ttOth and 31st, 1884 Pre mium List for tho Third An nual Exhibition. The Third Annual Fair of the North Carolina Fruit Growers Association will be held In Goldsboro on Wednes day and Thursday, the 30tb and 31st of July. ' xv ej cuon is oeivg maue to maae 1 ' r? - . . ; the Fair the largest and most successful ever held in the btate. ' Toe several railroads will transport freights and visitors to the Fair at the usual reduced rates charged for other States. Fair and the Association agrees to pay all freights on fruits tor exhibition over the rail roads leading to Goldsboro. Eminent speakers will address the society each day Senators Ransom and Vance. Gov. Jar vis and others. . a .at . anu the occasion to wind up with a cheap excursion to Morchead City, with privilege to return at any time within five days. For the benefit of citizens from tho western part of the State who may desire visiting Wil mington and its seashore resorts, low excursion rates will also be arranged from Goldsboro to Wilmington riCEMIUlf LIST. The following premiums will be of. lercd open to the world without en trance fee: CLASS ONE Apples. (S.) Largest and best collec tion, not lessthanone busheJ, 1st prize Sia.uu, ;:u prize $i.UL liestsix named varieties, 12 speci mens of each $10.00 and $5.00. Preserving crabs, best assortment, $2.00 and SI. 00. rears. ( s.) lies t collection ot six or more varieties, S 10.00 and 5.00. Jsest single variety. S5 00 and 2 00. Peaches. (S.) liest and largest collection, not less than one bushel, $15 00 and 5 00. liest six named varieties, Vi speci mens each, S10 00 and 5 00. Grapes. (S,) One busuel, largest collection. S10 00 and 5 00. Best six named varieties, 12 bunches of each, S 10.00 and $5.00. liest wine grape, 5.00 and 2.00. Nectarines. (S.) Best collection. 2 00 and 1.00. tigs. Best collection. 2.00 and 1.00. Mulberries. Best collection, 2.00 and 1.00. Japaneso Persimmons. Best collec tion, 2.00 and 1.00. lor best single variety of any fruit, 2 00 and 1.00. hot the largest and best collection of fruits (S.) 10.00 and 5.00. . Onlv sweepstakes in class one, mark ed (S.) shall be competed for by nurserymen. Others in that class open only to fruit growers and amateurs CLASS TWO. Canned Fruits. Best collection put up by one lady. 10.00 and 5.00. Best jar of any single variety, S2.eo and 1.00. Preserves. tor best collection put up by one lady. 5 00 and SZ.OO. Best single variety, $2.ou and $i.oo. Pickled Fruits. Best collection put up by one lady, (sour; 4.00 and 2.00. Best collection put up by one lady. (sweet) 3.00 and 2.00. Jellies. Best collection put up oy one lady, 4.00 and 2.00. CLAST TIIKEE. Dried Fruit. Best sundried apples, 10.00 and $5 00. Best sundried peaches, 10.00 and $5.00. Best evaporated apples, 10.00 and and $5.00. Best evaporated peaches, $io.ou $5.00. For bc3t display of dried and evapo rated fruits, $10.00 and $5.00. Wines. Best collection by manulac turer. cold medal or silver cap. Best sweet (amateurs only; $5.ou and 2.00. Best sweet (amateurs only) sa.oo and 2.00. Best drv. (amateurs only) S5 00 and 52.00. Uuler .sample sweet ana nara cacn, - m a V 1 -.00and Sl.00. CLASS FOUR. Vegetables and Trucks Best dozen cabbage. 5 and $2. Best lomatoes, half bushel, S3 and ... 2. Best corn, hall hushci. 2 ana si. Best melons, water, half dozen, $5 and 2. Best melons, musk, halt dozen, 5 and 2. The Association oners lor best collec tion, with modes of packing and ship ping, $10 and 5. CLASS FIVE. Flowers Best exhibit by florist, sil ver medal. Best exhibit by amateur, 3 and 2. Best bouquet assorted flowers, $2 and $1. Best bouquet assorted grasses and $1. Best cut roses, 2 and SI. CLASS SIX. 2 Rest evaporator, $10 and $5. Best canning machine, $10 ana 5. Rest cider and wine mill. $10 and $5. Best mode of packing fruits for mar ket. $5. SPECIAL rKUIIUMS. t For the largest and best display by one exhibitor of fruits and grapes. Mr. J. A. Bonitz offers the "Secretary's Premium." (S. Otho Wilson) one hundred choice peach trees. tor tho best collection of home-made wine, Mr. Bonitz offers one hundred choice peach trees from' the Wilson Nnrscry. - . Other special premiums will be an nounced. UCLES AND REGULATIONS. . 1. Tickets of admission will be issued on tho day of the Fair, at 25 cents each foradolts. Children under 12 years 10 cents. 2. Articles entered lor nrizes -may have the owner's name on them. ' They shall be known by number and class. 3. Nothing will be allowed to be re moved from the bail- or exhibition grounds until alter 5 o'clock, p. m.lon the second day ofthtf 1 Fair, unless by permission of the general manager riv en in writing. ' r ; 4. No pen on will be allowed to go near the judges dnrine their inspection. 5. Entries may bernande by applying to J. A. Bonitz; GoldsboroN. C pre vious to tho Fair, or on the grounds be tween the hoars 1 7 o'clock, a. a., and 2 o'clock; p. m., on the ;day of Jnly 0. Exhibitors wanting special space should notify the manager at once. Auction. There will be an auction at 5 o'clock, p. m., July 31st, when all the fruit may be sold on account ol the exhibitor without expense to him. Articles lor exhibition will be care folly guarded and not bo used without the owners consent. nONOUARY DIRECTORS. R. P. Paddison, president; S. Otho Wilson, secretary; Hon. R. R. Bridg et, Hon. W. T. Dortch, Hon. W. J. Green. Col. J. M- Heck. Hon. W. R. Cox Hon. Geo. Howard. Col. A. B. Andrews. Col. H. B. SboTt. Rev. Geo. W. Sanderlin. J. A. Linehaek Col. Jno. D. Whitford. W. A. Johnson. Geo Allen. Julian S. Carr. CapU S A. Ashe J- S. AVestbrcok. J. Van Lindley and W.J.Yates. LOCAL COnilTTEE, W. F. Kornegay, Henry Lee, I. B. Fonvieile. Dr. J. F. Miller. Henry Weil. J. M. Hollowcll, W. II. Borden. F.K.Borden, J. H. Hill. Will. B. Lane and Dr". M. E. Robinson. All correspondence, should be ad- drersed to the undersigned. J. A. Bonitz, Genl. Manager Goldsboro, N. C. : -. ; For constitutional or scofnlons ca tarrh, and for consumption induced by the scrofulous taint, Ayer's Sarsapa ! nlla is the true remedy. It has cured numberless cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sickening odor of the breath, which are indications of scro- ulous origin. Wilminsrton District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings SECOND ROUND. Duplin Circuit...... June 21-22 Onslow Circuit June 28-29 Waocamaw Mission, June 28s29 W.H Bobbitt. P. E. It is all folly to say that love is blind. A fellow in love is very quick to detect if his girl smiles at another chap. - -mm The Portals of the Head, the lips, allow .the .escape ot a foul breath when tbo teeth are coated with impurities or falling' decay though neg lect. If you would not well nigh nau seate your friends and inspire stran gers with disgust, rid your mouth ot such Angean odors by purifying your teeth with SOZODONT, which, if they are not past redemption, will revive their pristine whiteness, and reinforce the shakier members of the dental fam ily. Why woman will kiss each other is more than we can catch on to ; there isn't a particle of yum-yum in such kisses. A Case Not Beyond Help. -Dr. M. II. Hinsdale, Kenawee, 111 , advises us of a remarkable cure of Consumption. He says: 'A neigh bors wife was attacked with violent lung disease, and pronounced beyond help from Quick Consumption. As a last resort the family was persauded to try DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. To tho astonishment of all, by the time she had used one half dozen bottles she was about the house doing her on work." If you want lo teach a dog arithme tic, tie up one ot his paws and he will put down three and carry one every time. Pure Cod-Liver Oil made from selected livers, on tho seashore, by Cas well. Hazard & Co., New xork. it is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided ix su perior to any of the other oils in market. Chapped Hands. Face, Pimples, and rough Skin, cured by using Juni per Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co . New xork. th 3 w A Frenchman intending to compli ment a voune lady by calling her a lit tie lamb. said. "She is one mutton as is. small." A Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt Co.,of Marshall, at. Va. T n 11 Mich., oner to send ur. uyc s ijeieorat- on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, alllicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. . See advertisement in this paper, t th s eow&w A crocer when complained to about selling bad eggs said : At this season the hens ain't .well and very often lay bad eggs Why suffer with Malaria ? Emory's Standard Cure Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases ; purely vegetable. 25 cents, eod Eercjiner & Calder Bros. WHOLESALE ' ! - ROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, offer for sale a full line of FLOUR, i SUGAR, COFFER, ' MOLASSES, LAUD, HAY. POTASH, " SOAP, CANDLES, RIVET;, MATCHES, BUCKETS, TIES. Ac BACON, SALT, RICE. MEAL CORN. ' :OAT8. ' SNUFF, ; SODA, HTAKCU, CRACKERS. CANDI. HOOP IRON. ; GLUE. . NAILS, i J BUNGS, PAPER, BAGS. AXLX QkEJlSE, POWDER, api. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS NOW OPEN AND PERSONS 'vlsUlor th dtr. the Sounds or Smlthvllle, and la need of Flnt-Class work wilt do well to call en - - the well known Barber and Perfumer at his : tsharlng and Ualr DreiUn- Saloon, n6.2;makket,stueet, where he will spare no pains la glrlag aatis- xacuoa to an. come and see. may 23 . - ' J.L. -WINNER, y-ATCDMAKER A JEWELLER, S3- Chronometers, Floe Watches and Jsrwehrr renal red and. warranted. vppoaue isew aiaxxet, zroat at. men MISCELLANEOUS - tyCapitaiPrhco $75,OOOJ3 Tickets only 5m Shares in pro portion. . Louisiana State Lottery Company. We do fteray, certify thai w mpcrcise Vu arrangewtenU for all the Jfonthly and SevU Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Coapaujf, and in person nanagt and con trol the Drairings themselves, and that the ramie are conducted vttA honesty, faimexs. and in good faith toward all partite, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, uHUi fac similes of our signature attached, in its caver tiseaientt'l Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 Tears br the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fond of over $550,000 has elnce been added. By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran chJse was made Apart or the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing, Class G, In the AcadADiy of Music, at Newi Orleans, Tuesday, July 15, 1884 170th Monthly Draw lng. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Cach. Fractions in Fif tlis in proportion. LI3T Or PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Cai ;apitai mze or. . . 10,000 12.C0C 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25.0(0 '2 Prizes Of $6,000. 5 Prizes 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes 1000 Prizes Of 2,000. of of of of of of 1.000. 500 200............ 100 50 25 25,000 APPKOXmATIOir PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $75u. 6,750 9 " " 500. 4,500 9 " 250. 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or- For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money.Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to. NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BA.NK, New Okleans, la. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C june 13-wed-sat 4w-dAw JUST RECEIVED -AT- 116 Market St. AnotherFAssortment -OF- Braided Jerseys, Embroidered White Dresses, Wide Embroideries, Nainsook Checks and Stripes, Marseilles and Pique Welts, Persian Lawn and linens, Tucking and all our Embroideries. 3,000 Yards Remnant Embroideries, Cheap ! In Extra Jobs In Silk Sash Ribbon, Black and Col- ored Silks. Besides a Complete Assortment of ' . AND ' FANCY DRESS GOODS. All at Very Low. Prices, .. .. ;.,,L;i;---AT .Vvft T-Q. TJ3. itATZ',; 116 TJarltet St: nuyia . j j ss .A s MISCELLANEOUS, Lemons. Gutter. Lemons. TCST RECEiyYxtTlJYj A. C UKE ai N- Y. Steamer, all of whkh! wilt be soM low In quantities lo axtlt. $Qbzh$; Va. Heat, 73 Boxes lemons. ?5nbs Va. anl NrY-. Entter. Michigan Flour, Vlxjinia Jfkur. Dacon, Lard, j and 12 ' No. 1 N. Second Street. Eor JExciitsidnists.! IKKEr A FULL UN OF FINE QUO-" ccrtcs. Dry Goots ami all other articles to be found In a first cl&r s store In landing at the Steamer's wharf pass up through the gate and turn to the left and my rUco Is about 50 yards distant. Give mo a call. J. A. WESCOTT. maySOlm .1 SmlthTllla. N. C City Drug Store. l O BIAEKCT STREET. S(DA W1THPURE CREAM AND SYEUrS .r ccnti cr glass, (wc don't cut prices). Cigars and Cigarettes; llniou ClubClgart, the best smoke In the city for ths moneyT .U clear Havana. Conoley's Cologne ahead of all others. J. W, CO.NOLKY. j unc 11 - Manager. OFFICE OF Dr. S. O. Ellis, -VTO. 323 SOUTH F.OURTH STREET, op- vouw juiuers umjr iore. air Note chango of oflico. hours, which are as follows 7 to 10 a.m. 3 to 9 . rni. $RT Telephone at residence. No. &S. ! June 9 tf ; Honest Ohl uAbe,i Abraham? Llscoln had a efriiog back. Others may by, using Benson's Capcloo l'orus Plaster - - - tunalfi Bur n h am ' s SaorJarjjfbme ! is the beat constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and Is old for less money, per torse pow er, taan any other Turbine In tbc world. sr New pamphlet sentfreebv BURNHAM BROS. York. Ta JUUO 1U SEU! BOOK A riP.TCTF& aro' treated with a surpriso a.MAJXl AO that is unexampled in what Is now for tho first timo offered thorn by the T JTEflARY TMVDIUTIQM. Some cf the best aj standard-1 Ixoks o the worM, superbly lilustrated,l richly bound, retailed nt a mere iractionof former prices. IQ CIS" COUNTS and exclusive territory -"ftivon good agents. 100-page catnlrgnc free. Wrlto quick.. John JJ. ai ves, Publtafccr, 303 Pearl tot., New York. . unc 1G 4w The Science of Life'. Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KHOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORX OH MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous ,and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resnltlng from indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man.-ycTMg, mIddlC-Ked and old. It contains 126 prescriptions lor all acute and chronio diseases; each poo of which U , la valu able. ' So found by the Author, tvhoie experi ence for 23 years Is such as pnpbably never before fell to the lot of an 7 physician, 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a llEer work in every sonsco mechanical, literary and prof esslonal-f than, any other work sold In . this country for frLbO, or tbo fcioney will be refunded Ju.ctct? initaace. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. iUnstr&Ure saraplo 6 cts. Send now. tioM mcoal awarded -tho ' author by the National Moxllcal Association to the officers of which? he refers. The Science of Life should be read by. the young for Instruction, and by tho .afflicted lor relief. It will benefit All. London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth.parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address tho Peabody Medical ' Institute, r nr. t 11. AaiKur, u..a iiuiiuutu okiLci, Boston, Mass., who may bo consulted on all diseases reauliing skill " and experience. , onronic anu ODSunaie uibcw ibiujt(i bafllM the 8klU of all l CT A I 'ta' physicians a specialty. 11 d wm Qurh treated succcssf a-mZm L1 f O C7 I TIT 17 without an in- B Ifi OUaLr stance of failure. Mention this paper. - juncjo uaw w ... e a ll Ne r iro n s LI g h 3 c 3 .s. Whoso debility, exhtmaled Dowrrt. nrein&ln ra .1 mi v and failure to perform life's aauei properire caaed bf eicwwea. crrom of youth, etc., will nsd a perfect ajid lutinc restoration lo robtut ItanltU n:i vlqrorotia nanhood la THE MARSTON OOLU3. Tt'eituer stomn arageiam nor inRtrutnents. This trot moot of . Kwiwwi Mnblllt ami Phrrf cai lear ii uniformlr sneeessfol lxcanso bttsrd on perfect di&rnoai. nciv nod direct meUMK! aad abolQX thor onrbneM. Fall information and Treatia fre. Address Consulting PhyBicta cf t j MARSTON CEUECYC0.,4Gr.14thSL, T.'cwYorL nnv 27 lrendAwt th 3r , . : . - ,r AFTER) Ejects Ap?n26ccs ara sert c-rZQVzyUi- 10. MEM OHLYf -YOUSC 0!t-CW, v - fmf vrfAfrrr. Ltf or 'Hun t oc.x Vavt. Vl7V Yt ttKK J:. iil tttrt 1 cf a r&s-j-itil. 5irs:a.2 rtv-itin trrta rcw :t4 t -v for iiJ3-rrMKl l-asnjHfrcc 'X&4r ' V 0 LT Af 6 'J5 17 1 8 ltS B 18 A I tVt3 lH i not 27 JyeodAw ; . , t th s . ' give instant I klreiUf. and U &3 iafauue V-,.. frt. fif Pn -eil. " "V V w m v J- If m - - - w si i drttg'bW, r i tnt pre aaid by nxSU. bmxifrte. jAd.rAASJUi3; Alacr, ,iCfBox0Kcv:.YoTk. . - Wmm 't4mmf' mTmm VmiZ'j, BM." ft U LsUxcawa or abt uum lr 1 1 Z T V IT A ut u!krr a trUI par ; Ji fi mm MM f IJ et t-f f I f GEAL aaatn.3. V. . .. Wtf, U Urn! lkz XU,CUcao,lU. B0T2T TCOdAW Mx a i AT -MMBSW)Wrr?Ta'TI I f j , . E, imm ar w m W i m t rfa s -