XIISCCLLAIIEOUS. GfMiuU"c)Smolin ToUcco The firsf Lojsg Cut Tobacco TtafifsKltyREnES mnujAcluc) in . gLACKWRlXS ThcL6s"!"molin Tob PkcforV in W WORLD The BEST (moL Tbcc; & 4b e Best QtyRETTEj, in WORLD .ft .CKWELilS WW Jionc Gnuine wilfioul 4hc We-fTurlcof-lh Bull. Watch the papers for our large advertisement ; different portraits of leading men each time. jui lot nrm voi TTflT T 'Q .VEGETABLE H M lili SICILIAN , air Benewer. Seldom does a popular remedy win such a trocx hold upon the public confidence as b-U II xia.' Haii Exnra. The cases la whicii It ku accomplished a ecsnpUU rts tor tion ot eofec t U hsir, and rigorous bcalU. to the csJp. art laaomerahle. OU people lilt it for Its wonderful power to rwtcre to &efelUlcaing locks their original color ami be! 7. Middle-aged people like it because It prevents Uxra from gt tlin; bald, keepe daaJrvJT sr, and make the Lair Crow tkkk and strong. Young ladles like it svt a drtssistg because It fire the Lair a beaa ttf el gtoety lttr, and enables them to dmi It tnwkaUTtr form they wlia. Thus U Is the faorita ct all, aa4 It Lai becocae so simply because It (Lsappolal ao 00. BUCKINfiHAMS DYE mmmm aSf- w a" mm m m v m mm mmmr m mmmm FOR TUT TTXIISKXIIS Has bscoos cm of the raost important pop, tar taikt ankles f or gentlemen's use. When the beard U gray or naturally of aa und. IraUe shade, BccxxxGiax's DTS U tba raxrxxxn it E. P. 11x01 & Co., NaabuatK.n. Soil by an Dr&gsta. !aa 1 lytclp dA w A IS IS PARSLEY & WIGGIN8, MANCrACTCEEES Of SASH, BLINDS, BOORS, ajtj OENAMEKTAL WOOD WORK, apia tt Boxes and Crates,, Ftt smruxxT or TrartABtrs and Fruit, ta sheets or ready made. Yellow fixe lumber. - fall stock of Jtoer and Droaaod Lumber. Lks, for BnliHajr rerroeee- stjr orders by the cargo, potaesUc ana For 7Iio Daily Review. ET xxxny Kcxicw Has the largest bona fidt circulation, of any nexespaptr published, tn ihe exljt of v xlmxncton. Personal. Mrs. A. M. Waddell and daahtcr lUZCZIiLAlTEOUD. TilUUSDAY, JUNE 19. 1884. LOCAL NEWS. The receipts of cotton at thU iort to day foot up 3 bales. Will III - !- ! II I llll I ...II II Duiucsi was so dull at ihe City Hall this nuroinsas.io nicest a reason . . m m a ... -a 1 ins ball .at toe oeasioc rara; Hotel to-morrow night The inTitation has been accepted and 'the Club will why the policemen arparctl 10 deeply Info down tberc to-morTow afternoon blue, but it was all in th uniforms they anj fijve a GVand Cobcert in the Pa vilion before the ball opens. , - 'fimrimn -nriA on io-nihlalrain for New I t ?tui fx-J- York, whence they will sail for Europe .WasnracTrw,, Jane 18.-In . the j ' . ....Itn- ,u Mm,h!n Senate, after the reading of the journal, 1 on W ednesday next oa the steamship wfach j;oatained an aIIjSion to the Fiti Oregon. John Porter bill, the Chair stated that no farther action on that bill was ne-1 cessarv than to have'the action ot " the 1 Messrs. ScoviIIe & Uo. bare cxiena 1 Hoase annoancea to tne Senate. After 0i nn invitation to the U)rceuiu"uw,icwoiBMwwcniiiujeuuiijr Concert Club to attend the open- WE EVE R PURSUE wore. The trxcursionbts cat he Vnssifort yes- lrrr!v hil :l il li?!itiul tilllO 81ld all speak in the highest terms cf the njan 1 net.-iallv of thficarc and " attention of Capt. Ilarfcr. Base liall. There will be a match game of base ball played at Wrightsville to-morrow the Utah bill was t&tn iC3umed. statns of the bill, the Chair Jaid before the Senate a'messarro ot the House- f Representatives, announcing the cor.. currenceof that body in the report of the Conference committee, which re commended that the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate, and agree to the came. This action takes the bill back Ho the House as finally passed , so far as the action of Congress is concerted. The Senate passed a number ot priv ate pension bills, aod consideration of War was i.rcc-taiuicd by the United States azairt Great Britain June TJlb, l&I'J, juat Jt ars a;;o to-day. June in:h . 1S6I. iust in Years azo. the Con federate bteauier AlaUtma was sunk by the U. S. steamer Juarsae. A magnifliccnt iiiglit-blooming cactus, the finest wc havo beard of asbcing in hlrnm. wn in flower last nizbt at Mr. P. Hcinsberger's residence. The blos- anm was ful I v as lanre'as that of the night-bloomiog cerens. Slight Fire. At a few minutes before 4 o'clock thi afternoon fire was discovered on the roof of a house on Third street, be tween Queen and Castle. The alarm was promptly given and the Fire I)e- nartment was DroniDtl? on hand, but the flames had been extinguished be fnrothG arrival of the firemen. The housis wad the property 01 Aiireei Howe, colored, and wa occupied by white people whose namca wo did not learn. The damage was very slight. The Confederate Corn. Surh i tho name aDD ltd to too bass of corn the sale of which was annotinc- belwecn the Seaside Park Ciub and the Old North State Club, of this city. It will be played on the grounds of the Sea. side Park Club, which have been put in excellent order, and the game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock to-morrow atlcrnoon. The Seaside Park Club have been challenged by a Goldsboro Club to play upon the same grounds on the Fourth of July next, and have accepted the challenge. The latter came, as well as the first, promises to be hotlv contested, and fine sport Is anticipated. News and Observer. The State Dental Association. TENTH ANNUAL MEETING FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. The tenth annual meeting of the Xorth Carolina State Dental associa tion befran in the Senate chamber yes terday at 11 o'clock, president Hoffman in the chair. Rev. M. M. Marshall of fered prayer. The following dentists were present : J. W. Hunter, V. Jb. Turner, C. J. Watkins. W. H. Hoff man. J II. Crawford, r . . Harris, x. M. Hunter, W. J. Conrad, C. S. Boyd. S. P. Hilliard, W. H. Edwards. G. V. Copp, G. Wilkins. II-H. Carson, V. L. Jones, W. Steele, Jr., C. A. Romin ger, Harper and Durham. The execu- tivc committee reported inrougn me chairman. Dr. Turner, the loiiowm june 16 Various amendments were propnscd and debated and Eome of which were adopted and some rejected. All the amendments being disposed of tho bill was read a third time and passed by a vote ol 33 yeas to 15 nayp. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A further conference was ordered on the Post Office Appropriation bill. Messrs Townshend. Hoi man and Horr were appointed on the partof tho House. The House proceeded to the consider ation of tbc faci tic Railroad bill, knowu as 3he Thurman amendment bill. The bill extends the provisions of the Thurman act to the Kansas Pacific Co., the Sioux City & Pacific Co. and to the Central branch of the Union Pacific Co. In the course of the debate, Mr. "KfTjTXT Cassiday. of Nevada, opposing the ma- li i-i f ? jority bill and advocating the minority bill, said that he had beforo him the statement of the government experts who had just been examining the books of the Union Pacific Co.. at Boston, and that the statement showed there was a falling off in the net earnings of that company of $1,983,000 for the five months ending May 31, 1884, as com pared with 1883; that tho revenue and expenses of tho entire system during the same period showed a deficit of $729,000; that tho company, in order to pay its July dividend, would have to borrow or draw from other sources $1,400,000; that the debt of the company on March 31, 18841 (including the capital stock,) was $223,975,000, ana that its Moating debt (included In business the old, broad, .well-beaten paththat tr laid out some fourteen years ago.. We planned with honrst interest Ever opposed to crookedness, we determined it should be straight. To-day we can lnnV back and point with pardonable pride to tho factSSf riot tne slightest obstruction mars its symmetry wrecks of broken promises, unfulfilled obhgahon, tnckerv or deceit; an honest, truthrui course, falthfnllv pursued. A broad, clear and perfect path! We shall ever maintain it and under no circumstance or tenmta tion shall wc ever abandon or stray from it. It has proved eminently successful to us and plac! xft far in advance of all others in our line as Tl?p CLOTIIINGIIOUSE ot the people of aUclass an5 conditions of life, to whom our thanks arc due for their appreciation and txnfidcuee" wo have gained. ononis cal, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER 114 MARKET ST. 0E3E SUMMER AND WINTlFllsog otel 3B3TTja.iis-wiols- SMITHVILLE,' 3ST. C. at VhffiTna GrMnll? CtntnlPldJoCukilcoiDpllrfjlpict. r - .... luls. ea fSiS XSrWn'S5 thM? fe line of New Boats for Pleasure, Sailing and Fishing. I)r. Hoffman, the president, deliver ed life annual address, an able one. On motion of Dr Turner, the meet - cal profession in the city and any oth er citizens who. might be interested, were invited to seats in the ball during the deliberations of the body. On motion of Dr. Hunter, the annu al dues were increased. An announcement was made of the death of Dr. B. II. Garrett, and Drs. Turner and Crawford wtre appointed a committee to prepare suitable resolutions. The committee on physiology report ed a paper by Dr. F. S. Harris, of Hen derson, on the care or cnuaren s iceiu, which was read and discussed. The chair called for further reports from the executive committee, and it reported that Dr. E. L. Hunter would hold a clinic with the electric mallet to-morrow niomios: at 8.30. The com mittee on physiology was called. The subject was postponed until to-morrow. Tho special committee, composed of Drs. J. W. Hunter and T. M. Hunter appointed to revise the membership list, reported the following names as present members of the association in good and proper standing: M. A. Kami. W. H. Hoffman, E. L. Hunter, J. W. Hunter,' V. E. Turucr, c. J. man act, and to-day was not a dollar in arrears to the government. It had, besides, a sinking fund of its own. in which it had some $0,000,000, aod with which it would discharge its first mort gage bonds, so that corporation came t this Congress with clean hands. Tnere was no evidence that it sought to wreck , ancouoc- , h. I)rs Geo ana inw us uoaung new iincmaca in ed at the Produce Exchange to-day lor y ' Copp, ItoleUh : S. F. Hilliard, fT?0 the benefit ot the Confederate Home Richmond. Va. The corn was donated hw M-Federal soldiers of Kansas lor tin nnrnoso indicated4 and was sent to ruitimore. Md .. whero it was lirst offered for sale, with the followmg re sult, which we copy from the Baltimore American, of the (Uh inst: 1 he five bigs of corn sent by Union soldiers of Kaoea? were sold at the Orn and Flour Exchange 'yesterday or the benefit of the Conletlerate Sol diers Home in Richmond. As soon as the fir it call win over President Geo. I. Baer informed the members that friendly and sympathizing Lnion sol diers of the West had sent tho corn to besoldforthe benefit of their more unfortunate antagonists. Mr. Harry Wroth, assistant s-ecretary of tho ex change, act cd as auctioneer. The first bag was bought by Mr. YV. li. U raves for s50. The second was knocked down to Ciill & Fisher for $30, YVylle. Smith & Co. bought the third for $20. The fourth bag was sold to Mr.Thos. H. EcYerinir lor $15, and SI0 wa paid for tho fifth by YV. ). 1-uIIerton ic L., making $ro for the lot Tho corn was given up again by all the buyers, and was sold to larry K lurner fr $.11. Another sale ot the corn look r.-lace through the generosity of Mr. Turnt-r, and $11 ot Mr. James A. I'laru s money bought it. Ho wilUsend it to u ilnnn'Mon, N AT MOUTH OF CAPE FIAR RIVER, OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AID CAS WCU W IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN, WILL OPEN ABOUT MAT 30th UNDER ENTIRELY' NEW Hotel has been refurnished and renovated throughout, ftew and handsomi . building ereeted for pleasure purposes; Elegant large, airy Ballltoojn over the water. First-class Musicians from New York wuifuraha Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathing. NO MALARIA'. OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY. Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. Finest Fishing on Atlantic Cbist Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find it to their advantage to give us a call. i l T it T -k riii- o nnriATnTk-ir -rnTriTTTiTi i nnnn . its property and un oad it on the gov- O.Ijlili3L J. JTj (X oU JCjIN JjiXt X U Ji D U XV 17 AoHElJ I ernmcnt. He argued that it would be ... .. ... . X iie -viiiiuno voasL line ana Carolina uenirai li. xi. win sell ticrcu wise to deal conservatively with these companies, and that the passage of the majority bill would hve the effect of increasing the local freight and passenger rates. Air. Hewitt opposed both the majori ty and minority bills, as being inade quate to the purpose. Mr Thompson, of Ky, having charge of tho majority bill, offered an amend ment making the aggregate payment required of the companies 55 per cent., instead ot 35 percent. The previous question, was then o.d ered and Ihe House took a recess nn'il to-morrow. from all stations at reduced rates; to Hotel Brunswick i EF" Special rates by month and season 3 J. D. STJBLETT, of New York, Manager. may 1 2m W. P. SUilXKii, tint. Itioial r. b. imvcxxn, tx Xoxeit, tin J.O t-i. Tmnn : ACiala. XUxrr AcrtTacM or Clieose SJ"es. Wire Ooth. Wire Counter RiDinga, Wire BtoM, Cto pyuria,. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. t. mch 13 Brushfa..bau(i St LrcsUut;, w ir st jioa eiux, iron Mi utters, Counter Buj larSond for CataloerueL O-JienUon Uili Papet. Decline of Man Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia, A w m m da a . a aamaa.. w Bj bv a r n mm m - ur mr m mt a. . u.t wnere it wiiitxs acctionciiou ior inc u ;umu, n. x. iwuaisuU,.i . v.un- impotence, Sexual Debility, cured by benefit of the homo. The fivo bags ford, J. E. Mathews, J. H. Durham, "Wells' Health Renewer." $1. eod brought $107. without a margin beiDg J. F. Griintk. R. P. Besscnt, i . b. Har- Oil. lyd-w pai In accordance Aith. ideas conveyed n the aborc, Mr. Willaid shipped the corn to tho President of the Produce Ixehangc in this city, pr.d als tcnt the following explanatory ltttcr: Baltimokc. Md., June'Jtb , 18S1. To the President pf die l'roilucc Ex- ctuti'jc, U'itmw'ton, X. V: Diiai: Sik Enclosed I hand you bill ot lading for five bngs corn, the history of which you wi 1 see noticed in the Baltimore Aincricun ot the (.h inst.. which I send you. Please be so good as to have this corn placed on the lloor of our Exchaoge Room and sold at auction for the benefit of the Confcder ate S Mii-rs Hon;e. at Richmond. Va. Trualinz that jour liberal-hearted mer chaoU will km that it brings a price commensurate with to worthy an obiect. anil with fccnthucpU ot high regard for one and all of my o!d asso ciates, I remain, very truly, Your obedient servant, Jamks A. Wll.!Ut. The corn was duly received at the Exchange, and. as announced yester day, at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon, Mr. R. W. Hick?, who was designated aa the auctioneer, offered the first bag for sale. This was sold several times the aggregate sales amounting to the handsomo snm of $15. This was a remarkably good price, when we con sider the fact that there was hardly any one present sive the actual members o the Exchange. The sale will be resumed at the same hour to-morrow when the four remain ing bags will be sold, and it is sincerely hoped that there may bo a much larger attendance than there was to.day. It Is an cajy way in which to aid a sa cked cause and wo hope that our busi ness men and all others who feel an interest in the matter will make the occasion more interesting and enjoya ble by their presence, their bids and by their money. It will be an event which" hould call people there until the Ex change Room sbaU bo crowded to its utmost capacity, and we hope that all who can attend will be there to fee the a a . mn, 11 jor do other purpose. Carr. J. A. Hurdle. T. M. Hunter. W. J. Conrad, B. II. Douglass, II. O. Her ring, R. M. Johnsou, Frank Boyctte, 1). J,. James. G. V. Coop, V . 11. i-xt- wards, Sid. P. Hilliard. This report ot membership was adopted uuanimoiisly, without discus sion. The report on dental chemistry was laid on the table until to-morrow. The members of the committee on mechanical dentistry were absent and the subject passed. The Eubjct-ot operative dentistry occupied the body almost the entire af ternoon. Dr. E. 1j. Hunter openea Something New. FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PARLOR at the corner of Front aod Mulberry streets, where purest Cream In the city can be found. Ladies and gentlemen arc respectfully Invited to call. Orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge MB. & MRS. J. L.' FISH E 15, lune 17 lm Proprietors COMMlSltUlAJLi JKWJ. WILMINGTON MARKET. June 19-4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted firm at 274 cents per gallon. " Sales of 120 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at 95 cents for Strained and $1 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.15 per bW LAP ROBES. r ENDLESS VARIETY- THE FINEST assortment of Trunks, Bags and fcatcbcls ever offered in this city. Saddles. Harness. Bug gies, Phaetons, Road Waeons, Ac, at prices to suit tne times. Trunss repaired by the only practical trunk maker in the tato. 114 North FrortSt. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, june 1G , or 280 lbs. Later we bear of sale? at the matter with a very instructive pa-1 1 on ner bbl branches of the subject were discussed, I steady at $L75 for Virgin and Yellow each in detail. m I Dip and $1 for Hard. & Amrm M a r . . nr. lunier moved-; the .".g - -COTTON-Mlaotel oaiet'. tarn nrv momhorc nT I ha Ntnffl lJpntn.1 I caw WaV V. ft U WV J fc " w w . That Kerosene Stove TS JUST SPLENDID. COOKS NICELY JL and throws so little heat from it. Everybody ougnt w nave one. a nose kjsmuujsk&xuus Well they arc the best thing out.' Keep cool ana save laoor. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. june 18 Jbxamining Board. The motion was carried, and Drs. J. II. Durham and E. L. Hunter were elected for 4bree years. The convention adjourned untill 11 this ruornimr. Small sales on a basis of 11 cents per pound for Middling. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary.... . - . EYcrybody in wapt of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c. should go to -Jacobi's to get best qualities and lowest prices-t t rod Ordinary. Low Middling....;... Middling. Good Middling 8S 101 103 111 Hi cents W. & E. S. LATIMER, 1. - - Attornevs-at-Law. Office S. jan 7 B. Cor. PrincessI&ndlWaterlSta. AVER'S Ague Cure contains an antidote for all 1wrial dls ordera which, so far as known, is used In no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what eTcr, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but lea res the system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WAEEAHT IYER'S AGUE CUBE to cure eTery case of Ferer and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Ferer, Remittent Ferer, Dumb- Ague, Bilious Ferer, and liter Com Ilaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 138, to refund tne money. Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell. Mass. Sold by all Druggets. . una DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 3 bales Spirits Turpentine 419 casks Rosin 1100 bbls Tar 37 bbb Crude Torsentine 101 bbls . marine news. arrived" Steamer Bladen, Green, Fayette ville, CLS Love & Co'. Steamer John Dawson. Black, Point Caswell. K P Paddison Steamer Passport. Harper, Smith ville. Master. Steam yacht Louise, Pepper, Smith lille. Master ScbrPaulP Keller, Forster, Phila delphia. Geo liarnss & Co. coal to C C R R and general merchandise to vari ous parties. . .... CLEARED. Steamer Bladen, Greeny Fayette vine. j o voyo es jo. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith TiUe, Master Steam yacht Louise, Pepper, Smith Tille, Master Furniture. f0TSt WINDOW SHADES, ' MATTRESSES, OIL CLOTH, MOSQUITO NETS RATTAN FURNITURE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, FANCY CHAIRS, LOUNGES, Ac THOS. C. CRAIT, A6t., Furniture Dealer, ; junelS " 28 So. Front St. Wanted. - ADES AND YOUNG MEN TO TAKE U v :- . ' ' Lee, pleasant work at their own home; $2 to $3 per day easily made; work; sent ty mall; ne canvassing. buque, low a. Address T.niDD 4, CO.. Du - june 17 6t Great Reduction JN PRICE OF MAJOLICA WARE at GILES k MUECmSOS'S. june 10 ' ICOandlll lltirchlson ElDci. Pur Dr.;lf.- KobinsoD, jTROM BLADEN, HAS ARKITZD. AH Choice Goods from New York, hlU4t!f Baltimore, and many more are sxpectei T "Children's Favorite Animal Cracker. '...-'.'.' ' ' . arrived and the "Old Folks" cia cos h the more substantial In the simetiD. have a smaU stock of choice N. a Mat. I C. Ferris and I. X. L. Hams, S trip 1,8. Utt ers. Dried Beef. Ac . Notwithstanding tho decline Is Ctcm are selpg as low as they can be boofU i where We can sell the rery best Family rw 7 75 per Bbl other grades in prtporw. June II tt Y. G. A N. guBiMO Handsome I rj1H03E ENGLISH TOE BALSAS00 ford Ties, also other styles of TVSl Bi SOME SHOES for GENTLEJtf Ef, prettiest that hare eTer been fold ta ttf LADIES' SLIPPERS in great vartotT, the Prices WILL SUIT the pockets of 1 Geo. B.FrencIi& Sots, 108 NORTH FROST STRUT. Juno 16 r Furniture. WE OFIXE Uunsual andExtrordiniJ Inducements .it. " " Ufg In our line daring the Summer mostsfc call anl examine our iwmtx. . and low prices. linilture Dealer, S.IW June IS Hon. A. M. WaflI1 f irB ABE AUTHORIZED TO A f V -its p HON. A. M. WADDEtXarJir Congress from the Sixth ilstrlct. p action of tU DmocraUe Comsemu' trict, when calUd. - . may xx . GhlrtoWado rtK) ORDER OF BEST JL lngandNfcflOOLtneafortw'f A perfect lit and good AW M feh