Tfi win bo gixl ta rtccira eczinzr . .Uca Bandar x' r 1 troza our frTcads ca iryl L.1 ' All czlz'.i u eptl taenl taterest but 0. jOSH T.JAMES. H The zuuse of fhm v?V.zTiZ?mi ilffirt be alihed to Ci Efur ".tl? ' J : s ICttimlfaKoas Tt wztttta ca cal sc.10 -oath, ti-oo. tt OSS ZV31- - one Et3a ot tha papcr J V ; CH month. rersoaaSfles nast bo aToMed r . , . - . And It la esped-lly and particularly vx.(tr 'Ju deHrcrtd by carriers tree P? V f tha eftr. at sbors stood that the Editor doea not always eadn so sf"7,.wse. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1884. -NO. 147 the views of oorreapoadeata unless ao stiU- la the editorial calasuia. "V Urbanized. Tfao Democratic Executive Commit- TMi a IT If a To wo tl a nnil rT,A&f . tarvcstl Tbe Chicago Xcw. in searching into HomeAffain. " , the iw report fire para . . .. ikf cuV QF '' I . t el t rVyr :tv:.1 nnmnrnlin nP?rrn ha! TrrtnrWackburn. who is a , I i .tab!Uhed a saumtaii- t,j;CUL , l ' c'r I' !i -4T,!,C Ki cat- .till of the late Michael I .,tJre left m cilto was a . - , . ... .r 'UtlHnnrt Hnnsftin this eitv. at 10 hater. It 8.35 train from Isewoern. ney were on eanesoay last ana me test, oi en- " " ' - , hf .!n; ociocKinisiorenoou. xuo icuijnmwjr Charges mm wun ocwg tne nuiuur .w. r ' fc . . K;rmni Mr T' W'Kin called the the law which parsed tho Illinois Howard Relief Steam Fire Engine Co., The several lire, companies formed chairman, Mr. J. W. Kina. called ine the law. wmcn pas inu iiuiiui. r. t -aa wn i and yesterday in procession, and the streets, meeting to order. . Legislature in i8,piowoiUDjDepw, j; . Jij uol m the programme, were On motion, Mr. J. W. King.Mbe whether bond or Irce. irom entering lBO ouuu The display was t m a baifma as madc rer lIiaiMaie wun iiiq loicnuuu ui icaiuiui, ; " , .. , A r,;6 m,nt i-kirman ... - .. I :!. . I I nrnK iffht Ukn linonlmtroli in (rot a jamixr nt thf maUClH CUailUlau lKrrin Knr i violation OI lllO WW, I Willi luruuuuia, aim u . wii-j6- iub " - . -p i iDcrem. rora uouuwi i . , r,rpnt. Threo hands of music cnliv- On fmotiou of Mr. O. u, 1 arsiey, bi fined 50 fr the procession tney csconca ino rewu.u.u d .orw - , Trpafi; urcmen to their Hall, ine lineoi marca i n , aMonnHrqnriili tlinsn who were ' ' . . , . T:.4!r:i nrcr were consouaaieu. . " . . 1 1 . t i . itoiniri mvn Kront strefiL to BiarKei. ui tnn muRn entranrnii nv ine Deauuiui i . . . . . , i:. Habcock ii suppofou loreacauuuuu wm. r ------- - - rr0 ri through the air to think Mr. Gabriel Holmes was electee jec- .t. . l iUti i- ' .... iIip Drsonalitj was proved was valued at nearly idaUve. pain reliever. .'. rxr.J IBceSl. Jihn. the l.liBg LOCAL NEWS. r.3 .inerin Ixjnaon, wncre 1 1 a fJcr of Manser John A. Mc-r.-"Lc-ii2t' America to sing. y. and Cardinal Man- ,.VUl. cijrciJ Kjrcts that iheir Z u ncH a P1 oul of lbc luefl,on Ureter Ttf:ns this country, and say .yUte tat one more journey to xr- Ti.n 11 linvall Sr of Balti- n ort;no, Vnnrih of the discomfort and faUgue they were retary and Treasrrer. bid- bU knee and Kof,neIIou?eon he corner of lourth und j enjoy, it.. At. an early Thc mectiDg adiourned, subject to the UfAmirde fiJiSS KSS2 rSE. wUrclbeyw,U,reside tempo- wa., cured by St. Jacobs Oil, tho great throneed with ??iHi at the foot of Craven i an to ih iin r march were thronged with .qspmhle at the foot of Craven street . I .. . . - a. fF Tlin l, .1 A ohiMron Dhn I whprfl l.nfi LBSL IV MS LU UULUU UXi. xuci rUm.1 ihn rntarnin? firemen with 1 u lV" "v . ' a call of the Chairman. IMDEX TO MIW ADVCRTIStMEIU. Jas. W. Conolet Tor Bent 11IIH8BEROW A ThreO CCU C Vf TATt Durlas the Caaipalfni r U JlIlXER Glbton'i Imporlol Cnlr A Merited Tribute. . t- I 111. VJUli J- " W wia ma f r w H III I I La WHS aM. I ULiaLUtl lV I . ' Ti.TKikirchiefa and fre- r"" l Z rr,in?nr.a n ht im- Tarboro. gave a concert m toe vpeTa anni nnd vrifprous cheers. The con- LorLmt Dokit. and the readiness with House, in that city on thc llth ; mst. f'ctionerv establishment of Messrs. E. which one well situated would conssnt for lhc purposc of raisiDg funds with V " ,i xtwo stnrA to move at me suggestion oi auixus whihto finish their Svnaeosme. It was ,j. woorooo., ""llM v . w iwhd thought thev baa louna a oeiter 77. . , and Uriggs1 Pharmacy, on Front street. D'ace Moving and removing was the successlul both musically ana ensu ing. citi t ... - I . r,rwr predicts that j At the session of the A . . til U ''Whit A.ewtnfiAnTtr .1 1 f . Dnrhani. of th R 4:CC i liCX. UW " I n3JW"'" 7.V . rtt Baiters and being citT was elected President of that I KS3W " ' art! &v J." The Kew York Timis thinks for the ensmngycar. MC5DS Brd. a DtBossKT The Drcjrgut hriliiant illuminated, and the dry order of the day among the constantly dally. Mrs. D, B. Kahnweiler, of this . . i w. .... . - i . . i i t;i . .. . J. increasing crowa oi speciaLors uum i city whose charming vocaiism i their several posi , ,. . : i: Hedrick. on Market street, rum r,-- ;n!ron. , oimi.suuuu r I;fa tho nrvtP.w officer, was in Fullest assortment o 1 ishing Tackle .. f L0.ll,irnvv doeorated oied the risht. the New Berne the cen- entertainment by her sweet and cultur U.MOUil.i,uuU j f"-.J,L-rAfl.nt!. Wlilnh EMS thft . . .L- P....T can be found at J a corn's. i honor of their arrival, a compliment "&?2ilUtobS: ed TOic'. The Tarboro NEW AIVJEKTIS: o the enter tribute to The test was to be the first water jjrs. Kahnweiler's snperb vocal powers thrown filty leet irom tne nozzie . f . . , aneuae. 131310 ivU Hi I " J UCUIUlUJi iw wui.v. I . . , 1 is hearty cheers given by the firemen. On withdrawn and driven to its quarters, tammeni, paya .b''"6 body their arrival at tho engine hall, Capt. I a m a At . r-" PAnron hw thpm A CfiraiM If CI- I T . " t . l W u -...Jwro?11?'- Xl I PtienlarW -rateful were ah lovers rrrr a f nmo r in 9 n'aL 2liu auuiiui iat i s -ri fnor i rnm i iih iii 21.1111 lic. jl a. i r . - . . - r t r t wr if m 1 . 1 lr -.i-tr i-n ncin 1 ri i 1 r. rviiiui wciici. jl v v 11 tt w, r ' : .ua-. benooner awn ju. I speech, after which they partook of a Wilmington on this ;-cre w 10 w " cleared tcMlay for bt. jago-ue-uuDa bounliful collation prepared for them Hall. tne ew Mr3 KaVnweiier was the tii with 212.9G3 feet lumoer. vaiueu ai ..- Kw tuft Hft-.lird Rni;ef and to which r'-'u-XrriPU evening, ana sne ... . . n if. r m ull 1 - . . 1 way, uo i-uw j I : . a.V;;raVEefechan is to 102.49, shipped by Mr. A. R. Campbell. dld amplc justice. These important eTicoss the Vtre?t at themeasured tatinqnion U'-:seJta the familj4 possession. We iavitotho attention of our citizens exercises having been accomplished, distance, the crow certain, smooth and iimpid and as- Hri-A:extnJerAi-enCarljle.whobas fact that first qualy shirts are speeches and toasts were in order fora gard the mks so cends to the highwt point of 1 aU i": will rut it tn good order in-made to order at one dollar at the ahorttime, when the throng dispersed. liiXgoffheplank or other interfer- tontnent without the least perceptible ..i ,v.nrltf it a storehouse for all tbe wiiminirton Shirt Factory. tl." incidents op tiie trip. ence with the fairness of the test should Tr ?a fL mictakft tr snnnose that the 1 1 tt CJ -1 of tbe dead man that she can col- A new It has been rcczes that ...mi.Mt ti be called, liko Isnndav school connected with rri..A aa Knf rtno nnininn amonCT the I take PlaCC. I l 1 . -f- annnf ha o tin vori i tpfl alted to us on tbe I Conccrt cinb .When evervtbing was L ,n : rand ap- breezes that gently blow, that the ; - that they themcn thcir re IT 'Tr" M.h M ime or as Sfturam would soon be raised 5 Peated encore of Mrs. ivannweiier a EerprcdeceAWiheJfiiiKtte Front Street M. E Church mke oncexDreSsed it. "a jobunxious time Lx, been contracted fur. ana wm .o aa excursion to bmitnvuic ana ."e . it of emula- ?inu uu - rJj text 5ear to Uke tourists up to Forts on tho IMssport next Thursday. t' mnA r.gfirv amQDg the peopIe of rTand followed in in its applause. the foot ortheMnara tau. vu v. Louisiana Lottcrv drawing Newbern to see who could do the most seven seconds. . onn(, fhp r -r ivutsnn tiabelho " . I . . . , a j Tho firat water thrown beyond tne iMUa. Tuesdaj ticket No bG.4iOurow me and best for tbe entertain rneuw uu - , koclearlv that from the Horses ana Grn.s-f that no Another Invoice ! JUST EECEI VED OF UATS. FLO WEILS, Feathers, Elbboxu. Silkf , Satis s. Laces, Xtslo Threatf und Silt fJlnr. Silt Mill In U col. ora and lcnirth. rnnct tArRi! f!rvnr. fin. t - . -r ' . i . . T derwear. Skirts, M&hl Eobcs, Embroidery, prcsa TrlaamlDgs, Plain and Braided Jerseys, l'arasols, SasEhidcs, Fans, Pocket Books, Satchcij, Ornaments and Buckles, which we sell at our well known popular prices. - ' . ', Just Imagine G3 Cents for a bunch ot thrco Tlpa In any color, regular value One Tucso goods hare been selllox bo rapiuly wo had to dupllcato thcai ever and over again by request of our patrons. . Just Imagine 39 Cents i for a buncb of threo black Tfps, worth2twlte the morey. uch prices Ladies have never heard of before. , ; ' i . '. ' -.Tf cJT - Just Imagine 73 Cents? for a lino plume In any shade.' An excellent line of Feather To njpoons.' An early call will - eecure you some of these goods'at TAYLOR'S 1JAZ.AAU. . ..... !...- Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of tho conn- try, with privilege . of examination., before paying. . . - ., ' THE COOLEST FLACK FOR LADIES'TO CTi r tq i -. - TAYLOR'S " BAZAAR, 118 Market St., is a sufficient refutation ot this Before and after each of her ren- vvas enthusiastic xsdiDZot avciicl oTcrUe laUi. Upiul prize ot $150,000; No. 53,770 p!0asurc of their guests. . l i 1.1 r.AAAn. Vn it iri Mr c'2n otxi: I aro in rpadiness &i sn? sou ohiipvor was Daa over ine awaiu. r ,1 , AIA OQ rol q M3 30 r53 , ,u . Yachts ind sireaiu, " f mfcft rnad miar years taat oi marrjmg a uc- urow ji.wv, i i""ui1 - ... cheer tnac was caugnc up UJ ujbwuw- . .. . I . Ae fwi. ni-" nnrl I koto worn nnt in renuisition j:, i iUm -rmntr Tho colored and ceaKdinfcJ suter. lie nrst recoZnizcu ,o,iw. ow .vw, -1U. 'nA tn W"" nntlv wild ville. tcceiiityol baring a deccaied wile; 76,49Gdrew 5l.x for tailing apon. T' m" rnd through the gardens Moreneau uity anu uiuuuu uj, --"j-' members of the Sound, 'ine larming peopie are nr Beauiort was gotten up. the excursion gJm;nyPand " tossing them tending closely to .their crops and have ay. being made more interesting by the i Sys? Ja fact it was thought g- neyer fail Harnett. KniToii Review: Harnett town- K LvJ US sw I - a Wilmineton Engine, that no contention snip, tne largesi , uuwius w limingbuu f"s'"o k" . . .,a nnmtv rf TJfiw Hannvfir. is a live ol our country, in mis iowu- located every foot of the turn- with all of4he fine residences resorts of Greenville and Wnghts besides beautiful farms and truot spread out from the city to the tc poisoned her and his mother in-law. Slight Fire atrJ tbca married the sister. Theresas a slight fire yesterd I. ' . I A n I rf 4lia Ann 3I;si Coasianco i,ioju, now Mn leinoen on - ----- ComP2ny of ladies, ueiurmug k01U pat n naB - .. meetlng jg caM tbey Wilsle. the wife ol Oscar, wore a wed- frame dwelling on iue ouutu o. ,,n,n,nrt. took supper at wore- nave ,""r;.:";,f7,! mo. to dvc it their attention ..,ni,.! ii morolr r&ihlon&b!. D.vson street, between Front and I . , .. an .r ttfnrnftfl tn Newbern seen a it i rom rr rJ In oassina: through, via the Newbern k . . I . , . i iiuau auu - . rhinP9 tnrnmc BiieauiB jmiw w.w.. vj u uv-, aotxit&etie. The aiffron-haed car Second. Tho bouse was occupiea oy a .... ...... w:,h their trip and u::7:";;ntaot his dominion. roaa, on a dui euu ooiiruauum - I II I f III I UUll fcWW - w - III --K.tJKZ.ft W W w j I 1 . .11 n a a wv W 1 rtlll? fill I OiKanled iu faror of a colored family .od tho '! cmpictcly entranced With tho faro The Forema. ,of the oW?bo ertiat brocade and satin robe, tnado DromptlT.extinguished oy tne neiguou ... nartiea weregotten up pany, yapi. "" TZl 7 rT. th hand, attracted mv attention. It was : . - . . . . , i ii iiuu o .1 intan mrn inH rajinuubibiuu bj oceoltbc best known French dress- beforo any considerauia aamage . cUizen which were enlivened """Xnthat he understood that it was eaten. been done. No general alarm was nrescnce of beautiful ladies, and affreed at the meetingot representatives J . .. . r .ii. i:nMtt11 nrara nr I niirhf Viofnrfl that lnOSmUCh aS 1110 In whieUtDO "hum; tiwuw w I . . n, throo And lh v " i c a. . Mimonr inv ii-ii uu iiiu wuavw . i a We are not preparea u"--- wftt-dist ance the people on the seacoast, as wen as firemen or rAT"" "i,;; fill i mrouuu iww "uuu - . ctnin hearts to tne lunao nd then through nve nunareu iuWW. VALUABLE EE L ESTATE AT AUCTION JJI. CRONIiY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLY A .M0ERI3. - 1 . QN MONDAY NEXT, 23d Inst., at 12 o'clock. LM., wo will sell at Exchange Corner, that .very acsiraDiQ ana vaiuaDio , - 3-STORY BRICK BUILDING, ; ' situated upon thc S. W. intersection of Front with Princees 8trcets,at;prcsent occupied by Mr. A David, ironting 27xect upoarront street and 106V upon Princess street, and run ning from Princess street with a width of l'J feet 6 Inches to Ewinga a Hey SQ feet.-; . ..... y - That valuable wharf property noon West side of the ?lver. adjoining the property of Mr. A. Martin (located upon causeway) and bounded as follows: ' ' On the North by the property of -A. Martin, and the causeway road, on the East by Cape n nv t-r lta CAnfh XV 1 1 1 f a m a Jk If nr. chison and on the West by Brunswick county: the same being Lots 3,4 and 5 In Block 396 and Lots i . 3 ana; in Block s'Ji, accoraing to ine official plan of the city. Terms One-Iourth cash, balance i, a anas years with 7 per cent. Interest, payable semi' annually. Juno 10 tt Alexander Mitchell, tho Scotch bank er of Milwaukee, who b believed to be been done, sounded. Quito Sick. dially invited. . I . i r tUa ...k t r Wt AAA I ... ... l U ITnnnnth I tr AV TTIRL .LIIY buo i0CO.0iO is a thick-set 100-pound Ur-riAnld. who rjreached last Sunday band gave I W Am- w f I their for One hundred vears." And this seems to be tha sentiment of e DeoDle on the seacoast, as well as j ;ursc sireaui. Biy .ntfft ftnntftin section of our rand through two hunarea anu uuj u - "uc,?; Haknett. there but after .? . .-r i i t ..r k. noon abandoned, tnac caa of Mitj, very hosplUble. and ia- morning and night at tho Second Pres. lair maidens ol ewoeru "d be no prize competed for, j fsi . u.i i r:. Vila I . . . i t . t. and rvn I narnr Lnn.L nciiiiY i it iha nnrr inns : uul ujiuuuwuun-u, i . . , I ., . .. j tUn lf r their medals I J : m ihn stmt a new the residence oi nis meir uauK ----- " J , me engiu r-, - - the McDonald, on the while absent, " - . c. fK cfrAni I, h dresses of the lair maiueu uiuio cw.---- ---- - ttnwn edasa fact that Secretary corner n n There was an nneqivocal, whole- rirthmoih fifty feet gentlemen were elected from the vari- piaincuoiius., "7;"7 hospitality extended Those and; u The "was not prepared for 5us townships, to serve on the iecu- andit wasonly by a grca effort hear.eroui J ?Mda?5 fact regardedPitnly a tive convention for the ensuing term: tower girdcn-s. claimed to be tho finest gnwj lo his room at fcthe Weit. UlilUl Laooln wi!l nnt itmnrt thn Rlaino and I He com ;ia Uikcl. Ho likes I)zao. but Sunday cia't czdare iilaioc. This is rather an awkward position for a young man w-o for scTeml months was mentioned core ttaa any other for the second lace on the ticket with Bialnc. Pender County Democratic executive Committee . Tho mer.tiner electeed Executive Com- the mitteemen immediately after the ad at, manyot w WiimingtS companies journment of the CouEty Convention of the fair maidens afore Newbern and Wiiningw fitt Jon the 16tU inSt.,: when the following I - . c U;nU nAnmull I ?T t- wao mflflft hfitWGCa . . . i i ! i .i..Anr m nnv 111 wuiuu uuut uv i a irrMt" 1 1 1 1 11 1. rP A I). MeDonaiU. on iau wauo "UI J I . 7 ,i W.-lrvincrfrin r-nmr j-fU3aUa a mmw ' - thatW was enabled to get through with to our Bremen L-" 'Messed in compe Son between the Elijah Ellis .u-; f.i,..i. ciate. which can hardly be expressed in co?"Vn5ant. he declined to sign fcJu . Qkcn lan2uage. It will live in their n -t and ordered his engine , xwuiru ortuu . mamnr P however, as an oasia m i"c tn ita nnarters. OiUWt av .-I The Maori King is being lionized In 0503 ia a small way, though he is poor that ho has to lodge ia a fourth boardiog house, lie wears ordi nary Eejlijh costume, but has a shirk's t'-h impended from his right ear and hbones hauging from his breast. H i raok catillcs him to be more -'cilj uttooed than any of his suite. OxJoha B. Gordon, oac of the Um cea ever known to resign willing- 'f alalia the United States Scnal. becoae a rcralar optimiat in re tv"ltotvef3.ure of lhe mxa d tJtT. Sii4 Gca. Gordon in Kew lorktUtAUr day: Tho negro is lay tl, Bo4, faTorably clrcum 'asced, tie beat fed and tho moat in , '-t laborer to be found, not only cccr.ry. but in the civilixed s n a m State nines At me conciusiuu ui wj -&ia who probably did more to trr aboct Elaine's nomination than Joe-ccc maa was Stephen B. whom Hnru. -S. B. w. .J J - - - a Lis rrobibly a larger knowl-j-i than any other person of all U S:ar.rou matters and the aoctjraid. George K. Spencer do ded of tha lot J. V. Bosler and U.000 to pay to Mr. Elkins, -e Ptirpose of avoiiiog indictment tytr.aihe Blaine machine, and baacient proof that he ii 1e U for the work to be done. Caswell John R. Paddison. Caintuck W. J. Flynne. Union Edwin Fennell. Holly J. R. Bannerman. Grant J. W. Sidbury. Rocky Point T. A. Mclendon. Lincoln J. Quiocy Bell. Columbia R. II. Murphy. Ilolden W. M. Hand. The Committee organized by eiect- hall between tho I L.fia nhl hearts of the fair i,arA gunner was spread and the numtu k.u-- .... .. Uiui buu - ---------- A I " . " j' ,1 IMlinr ia nlnnc Seaside r.rt" and tho U M onn drs.nd - .We a iull .7coTntof the" in, Mr. JohnR.addisoa Chairman. . ' " ana lawm jcennen.i x-a'i., owicwij. nVMA' a i t rnnrert Club will give rmninTii tt Telecrrapli "w w' The .committee then adjourned, subject ClHJUiao viv. - uvn. I iU ,f tha Tha rman i concert in thc Paviliion. after which Boy. Special to Journal, from Moreheao, msos: Tchairman. here will be a grand bail in wnica me M j Gg Anderson, lormeny a Delight u: time as u Edwin Fennell, Secretary. uuo . r r- . nrl I . . Wilm nirtnn nQ Tu:i IJIlo nH in ft'neat little SPeeCD, I" mn pmen oi iuis cij i to ntrr nn ODertu m 1 1. uu. . . - i auic3j . I . . ., rnotarHou nn h u . nn trio nrt ofthe nreraea oi . - . t .rci. ;il narticoate. It is a ycry ed tnrougo iu J 'uIlT" P.rc3C.u w" .r: "vil" ;fft siMm AnoineriarS Lwm u. u, kJ " ' . , I tr Mnnf Ynf IC 1.1LV. WUetU UT KUw I iVflWDTU. IU IUO nmuiuftw." r. ni:J. L'.Mrr nr;M. net nleasant arrangement; a musica a tsition on' Puck, the far- Fire Engine Company No. 1. a beauti- ' nrt .andwiched between a granu r- ina-trated paper of that city. (ul silyar trumpet. vhicn was recei , feceiveu at o aouui a utc sw, . , j ii m,nA i. I .!- u.n. ia whatmieht Fnreman. E. f. l'armeiee, Wliu up -ft.A ball anc a uaouiuji 'wiir. Auuwu,imKv- 0 .- . , . Cfirinor "Daae " ..I. a .t.,..i knm .rtist. Some nmnntA remarks. Alter supper i t tr. h&W to IDiniC inai. DO termeu a uaiuta . ----- inurinr mww uj"" . ........ kaHmar Mrtoon rcDrcsvuir i hunoueL was uau auu i.uo v- 0 o T . . oi our duties to the public will not permit L. C. Jones trying to persuade toasts and responses igiven: Oar (ues.l.? J8si. at 12 m . williai! iuomas, wnoj ns to attend. 1IEI. ing Col. L. C. Jones trying ; to persuade toasts and responses given s On linesu, Jg8 L friend to go up the CaroUna Central responded, W.Mcore W!. K James IX. and Josephine Daniels, agert 11 take dice to morrow (Sat- at o'clock. -t residence tOI . I . .. i.. onKmi'.lpH und tbe MMdnurf Tha Kirfl .UeDarilueuL i ivct t thPnrA tn Oikdile Cemetery. John Jsmei. coiorca. no oi D "7 Trti.t Srr7V,!r hi John S. Manix. TW;.din-3ij;uSe. .t lb, uofly conTi.4. a. arreted on tt. s-.eamer ma v w m " " , Th. Ladies. M. ,especUui.y ..v...d .. .. .v.v - s i x e.i. a nf wxy a . a c noripw nv i - opu; iuct a-w. AnVEKTISEM13NT8. An Kscapctl Convict. James, colored, an f-.j .ir.4a Kw ii(Tirira Strode and I . , u irv to a w r.rr and taken to the SheriQ's office tmt in soragcod ones on Blaine N. Ives; The Old North State, by - ... aTW J - 1 1 IL ataa.. I llr 1 I I a W. II. Oliver. Grand jollification. Tbcj .....w. .... '. a I . . . " -. 1,.,. - - . i . , i .Af .i. r.m inn where be was muehlv mixeu. wr. anuersou um uw. n w r a au ithjli waa x-f w- i For Rent. Ko Invitafinn nartlClDated LXI UJ I" u'w : - -.-r II. o. convicteil of manalanghter lor .uiiDg a passnurouga uaiiuwus w :.. countv. in idk hC his net oeeu enzajceu ou x mc. iu - i .... , . i. i Lr.t. """""r . ... r U ir.i cn. k.a irnns trt Nov 1 firt anil Lnfll IS II1CI TL. ..1. l OAnMani P rOTtl. WUICU flnMt iMUUCIU IS ll CUT. rortnis oucuso - ubw - - xuo v : ArmiV at Store 216 Marlet street. ran. aiih tnifn fill r .. . e ...Urit r ixrn H I i - r . . . w " " I w'as continueu iroui jcakuj Confederate Corn, man State. tn innr v-ara in the penitentiary one point ot and afterwards put at work upon one neighbor is to be credited. Mr. Ander- 8Umed at the Produce Exchange at of tbe railroads of tbe State, whence he aon is employed in the Western Union 12 0ciock this afternoon. The at- madehU escape. Ho acknowledged office in New York, aad bU object In nnce wtg veTy amalU and only one lL-.t. .iu mn. hot declared that coine there is to spend his spare, hours un wa sold, from which S9 realized. a ii -r.i-nrntbAroad asaintltn tnd-in? at Coooer Institute. He Itv, nl will nmhahlv be were resumed UB WOUIU UW wa r-"- w - I . , l ..... t ...... I . t ... n 7- f as bo was treated badly taere rpiIAT DESI11ABLE BOUSE, cor ner of Third and Cheatnut trceU, (known as tne uoimes uow,, uva Jni i tooetoberi.iSS. Oneofthe Jons 20 St JAMES W. COXOLEf. EXCURSIONS A SD SUUiJ trjLUiin'i auk suit iue. - order or the oar. iianinjr at tne "kocks" Xna the "BlackAah Ground" la at IU beat. n.hiBir ooles and lines are nt the onlr re- may have ambitions inwards. bu L orrow whea -lt to hoped that there M'we-J u u.. ..t .fvd ilitt height. I i i- . .innnro nd PDirittd ! -nrloB. either down the river ot to the to and. : . t t & Bov 4W " - T' . . . - cxii at McGOwAS'6, and be win ftx yoa np ZZitoT oM KowUtheUmetogiTeSxnith'aWorm""- I nt If fCr minoer now" greatest the age. Jacoxu if the Aixnt. t Od. ly d-w I and assistance to the cause. During the Campaign V)T"E WILL FURNISH NEW YORK PA- FERS at tho following prices i . IIERALD. (Including Bunday) per week 2Tc. 25C. TIMES, TRIBUNE, . WORLD, SUN, 2jC. 25c. 2Cs. YATES' BOOK STOKE, jonc 9 - , . , 119 Market Street. OPENING BALL '.- ... .j.,:'iAriaV;.'.,M'rt,':':; SEA' SIDE PARK -HOTEL, Will take place next -a. i FEIDAY,EVENING, JUNJB 20tb 1884.! All ruesta of the Hotel and Irleadi are ccr- d'Laily Invited to attend. Entertainment for all visitors.' June 14 tf - - ' ' ' V'l.'ll- The Druggist. ;v Man' next best friend la the druggUt, II mlilgatca life's Ilia, ' lie eclld ut"phvsters for onr backs, . And our prescriptions fills. " When we go moping 'round about, ;. : With any kind of pain, f , " lie's quick to Cnd a panacea That makes us well again. ; . ; If there's no money In bur purse, ' , ' There's kindness In his heart, ' v " He'll with compassion ease our pain , in peace let us depart. ; ,t ; , Such Is tbe draxsist you will roctt. A least such I nave met, - . - r .. Yoa asc tneir names? Well, tUeiQ are thy, Munds Bros, & DeRosseti . Jane 13 ; -:( ; i ' - t : . " '. ' , -gOYS AND GIRLS, YOU CA GET KlUiX edlng our fly paper! sheets 11; retail accents perihect.; L ; ' ' ; " r ;-V JC ROC. FLY PAPER CO., jane 11 m .1 S16 North Ave' Kockester, W. Y. Don't -Forget ! i ? 1 A nUJtPiniEY, JESKlit 3 ico ,A YC q eaXT Cod trawbcrrles Whortiesemca, ap ple, riches and rears fresh every raorcSr g when tn scaaoa. Also. ChickCBS, Lxs, c Conaiznaents o( the above soRclte 1,'ai.l vatlf p uetlon irnaranteed. Glre ns a trial Is au-w ask. No. 112 Sooth Front at. jcstjl

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