MISCELLANEOUS. &1E j)EL.: REliE I suoolv Z diZ- 11 mnJoKsomCTnind BETTER ILn W 4Kw Lv out up on the nufkc l(tem d k (fame' n QRETTES mwrriMisliro miJ i ma; i POSITIVELY UNEXCELLED. Each Cigarette is provided with a sweet, clean, new mouth piece.which disposes of all nicotine. L4fofWnafBULL Watch the papers for our large adrertisement; different portraits of leading men each time. wat,t;s g Hair Eenewer. SUaa does a rcpulsr remedy via such a rtromx hold poo the pobli eoafidsace as bxi UilLlIIiiiBxxms. The eases Lnwhkh tt has aecoBplkhcd a ecaplste mtoraUon of color ta toe hair, aad ttsaroai health to the el art taaaacrahle. OU pc?4 Lk it f or its wonJerfal power to rtors to thslr wtlUnlng lock! thslr origin! cotar aI Usvaty. Mli&e-efl people llko It becaase tt pcraU theza from getting ball, ap daivlrog tt, -od makes the hair grew thieh aal trots. You ladies like It a a drwtrg bcao it giTss ths hair a bca tlfml glossy isstre, aad s gables then to dress it La viium form they wUh. Thus It Ulh fsrorils of a3,aad It has become to alxspJ becaas It iafpotats bo eoe. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ron -rnr TrrnsKxxs Has t corns cm of the most Important pop Ut tet articles for gtatlsmea's . VTaca the bni la cm or aatnrally of aa and sirshle shade, BrcKJOiAH'i Dtx U the rexa4r. ruruxo ar C P. ILall & Co., Nashua, X.TJ. Sold 1 7 afl Druggists. Ua 1 i7tol9 4av A IS 15 PARSLEY & WIGGINS, manufacturers or flAOII, BLINDS, DOORS, O T2 AlIENTAL WOOD WORK. agin u Boxes and Crates, -no srurxnOT or rrarraBtxa akd 15 Frelu. ta hook or rmsdy taade, A fa3 stock of Ho-it aad Die el I .caber. Ls,f3r i:allUx rnrpoae. X-J Oniers t cxryo. uoaawi aaa f u Lav TiXSXXT A WIGGIX3. X To Tho Daily Review tt- t'crm Mrrrf ma fide u& drctJaon, o ny newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington TUESDAY. JUNE 21. 14. IN OOMJICCSS VKSTHICDA Y. SENATE. Washington. Juno 23.AIr. Hale offered a resolution, directing the com mittee ou Expenditures ot 1'ublic Moovl to invLSt'?atc tho iccent delal cations of dibursiinotlices in some of the Depart mcnts iu Washington, and ibe alleged Iraud upon tho Navy De partment, and to Ir.nuire into the sys tem vf making disbursements and pur- chaso of supplies, with a view to deter mine whether it ciiibrafs a sullic'.cnt satt'L'uaid acauisl !rJaii-aliun and frauds; andgiviDgthecuujinittcc pwcr tscnd for person ai d papers. Mr.IIalc accepted an amcnument ouer- ledby Mr. Md'hrraon. t-j include alt the departments, and tho resolution was agreed to. after being aaicnded to cover the appointment ot a clerk and steno grapher when necessary. Mr. uarianu, irora tue committee on Judiciary, reported. aDd the benate read a third time and passed tho bill which confers on all Senators and members of Congress authority to ad minister oaths to witncs?cs in matters mamKm kftTArA i 'nn rvrrtc a x"k fA.;M.n i.rTc;r. V.iii woo to Von up. and its consideration proceeded with;Mr. I'lumb giving notice that u.u.i,. ui k t;n;(M nr nr. Kn would to-morrow movo to take up tho Atiaiitfo and Pacific Lmd Grant For- fciture bill. The pendiog question. 111 connection with the Mexican lenj?ion bill, was an amendment of Mr. Ingallx, dating the pension of Union soldiers from the date of dischargeordisability, and extending to October 1st. the limitation ot time to fi!e applications for arrears of pensiocs. The iDgalls amcnument was yoieo down ajes 0. nays 30. anous amendments were then ollered oy Messrs. Harrison, ilon and Mitchell. and were referred. One ol Mr. Harrison's amendments limited the Mexican pension to soldiers and sailors who if not actually engaged in battle were at least fourteen days in Mexico or on its coast, so as not to give pen sions to men who never left home. MY. Wilson's amendment provided that pensioners to whom tho law slull apply must be either sixty-two years ol age or subject to some aisaouuy recognized by the general pension laws of the United States It is not, how ever, to cover cans of men who may have acquired such disabilities in ligbt- ing against me union. Among Mr. Mitchells amendments was the sutatarcc of tho pension bill introduced by Mr. Cullom. early in May, providing pensions lor invalid soldiers who have been discharged from tho army or navy ol the United Slates after three months service in the late war and for the widows and dependent parents of deceased pen sioners. This amendment was adopted by a vote ol 33 yeas to U7 nays. Ik tore this was agreed to Air. Morgan moved to postpone considera tion of the bill until December, as he saw, lie said, mat .Mexican Fomiers could not get a fair chance whuo this bill was treated as a political measure. Mr. Morgan's moiion was not agreed to. mnriti or tho nLtSwM msjnriiy ti ll.o otuaiu was iviuiiuiv iu i Mr. Vest aid tee object ot the kill tbe bill; not by a fair shot, but by loading it down by amendments. He could not vote for it as amended. Tbe feeling of tho majority was influenced by the fact tnat the war with .Mexico. which had shed so much glory on the American army, was a Democratic war. Alter some fuither discussion it was screed, on tbe suggestion of Mr. Allison, to adopt tho ten-minute rule for speeches to-morrow and cmue to a a vote on tbe bill and amendments at 3 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The only bills of any public import- ance. introduced ana rclerreu under tne call of State?, were the following: Ry Mr. Kean.of New Jersey, lr tbe protection of the fisheries ou the Atlan tic coast. By Mr. JUncuck. ol Texas, author uin the lumiin? o( iiic entire boiulco oeui oi mc Liuncii daies on two cr cent ihirty-vrar londs. By Mr. Hutchison, of New York, amending the laws regulating tbe np- praisal ! importol merchandise. The amendment provides that all proceed ings, had beforo tho U. S. general ap- praiM-r, wherein ice market value or invoice price of imported merchandise hall be the subjee: bf investizaticn, be shall be governed by the same rules ol frrcedure a apply to actions pending n Courts of Record, except as to plead in? and papers. Mr. Randall, chairman of tho com- milled on Appropriation?, said that he was directed by tho unanimous voice ol that committee to move to suspend tbe rules and pass the Sundry Civil Appro priation bill. Mr. Belford. of Colo., showed a dis position to object to the programme laid down by Mr. Randall, unless he should bo permitted to oQer an amend ment aporopnatins $500,000 for the erection of a Conlederato Soldier's Home. Bat he did not formally object. Toe reading ol the bill was proceeded I wimanaTOnsumeaannouranaa riair, I aiicr wuicu uiu luutv tuiuuics ucoaie permitted under tbe rules was entered upon. Mr. Potter, of N. Y., protested against the clause of the bill appropri ating $500,000 to enable the depart- uents or tnegOYcrnmcnt to be repre sented at the New Orleans Exposition. He denied that there was any necessity! tor this vast expenditure ot money. Mr. Itandall defended tho appropria tion, declaring that the exposition was a crcat international one which cele brated the centennial ot the first cxporx tauon ol cotton. Ho hoped that this appropriation would meet with the ap probation of the people cj tho United States. Mr. Randall then ofTered an amendment directing the Secretary ol War to tell at public auction tbe foN lowing arsenals: AUeghany, Pa.; Augusta. Ga.; Indianapolis, Ind. .Ken nebec, Mo ; and Walertown. Mass. Adopted. Also, granting a month's extra par to House employees, Adopt- ed. Also, to strike out the provision itnrech shall be printed in ihrt Uertiril which has' not been do- Hrered upon mo coot ui wuSn. Adopted. - - . . fram'ed by the committee on Expendi tures in the Department of Jastice, providing that U. S. marfhals and district attorneys shall be paid salaries instead of fees. A large number of amendments to the amendment were offered and severally voted down. Mr. Ellis, of La , however, seenred the adoption of an amendment prohibit- lug any comujissiuuci. u jmnw vt uo peace acting as fijneh. from demanding or receiving from any accused party any fee io any criminal procedure until alter iinai convictiou ui tnu sucusm. Mr. Spnngera amcnaaient; as amended, was then adopted. It has been already nablisbcd. but it does not contain the published scctioa relating tu the eiriDlovmeni of special counsel. A motion to suspend the rules and pass tho Sundry Civil Appropriation bill was then asreed to.. The Senate amendments to tho Army Appropriation bill were non-concurred in. uucbu-laiba." Quick, complete cure, all annojiDg t - tij 1 i t t : rviuney, xiauucr auu unuaij A7idcuea. $1. Druggists. cod STATE NEWS. I Raleieh Visitor: Ned McGee. coioreu, wa bincKen oy i'SuiuiuS auu instantly killed on Saturday night last I while sUtine in tho door at his home in Cedar Fork Township. His son. who was aiso in me nouse, was stunned. Mr. Bryan Dink ins was stunned bv a stroke of lizhtnincr between' 12 and 1 nVlor.k: vesterdav while standing in his front porch in tho south-western part of this city. Goldsboro Messenger: Senator V ance Pfi ffftJ.?? mm uy luuftuit umwcis najyan"" . iMinrain rinMahnm nil t ho fusion nf the State Frnit Fair for the benefit of the Association. Mrs. Chellv Laneston. mother of our towns man. Mr. B. J. Laneston. born on the 17th dav of January. 1800. died at the residence of her son iu this city on last Saturday morning, the 20th inst. Newbern Journal: Mr. Hezekiah Davisof Bachelor's creek, this county. tells us of a wounderful tree that has been discovered in his neighborhood. It is called a "cotton tree," and pro duces cotton that has been spun and made into cloth; in fact, the fruit ap pears just the same as that grown upon the ordinary cotton stalk. It is about thirtv feet hich. and has bepn known to exist for quite a number of years. that is. it has been noticed, but never known to bear cotton until recently. A sample should be brought down for the State Exposition. Kernersville News: The lynching craze has reached our town. It has even extended itself from old heads to those of tender years. Hear the facts: Eddio Lipscomb, a brave Buffalo Bill little fellow, scarcely four years old, de sirinz to astonish his audience, consist ing of Masters Frank I.ieak and Chavlie Sapp, claimed that he had committed a terrible murder by drowning a boy just their size, in a tub of water. The fact that ho was allowed to escape and left free to drown other boys, filled their youthful minds with indignation. They resolved to lvnch this ofiender against tho peace and dignity oi the common wealth. A rone was procured, a mock CDC throBh Vlh' the closing ,nM .Knnt tn hn nprformfifl. when ceremooy about to be performed, when some "bier boy" who had no business! there, came in and spoilt all the fun and saved rorsyth from public disgrace. List or Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, Juno 25. 1834: , B Andrew W. Borgan, Hardy Bell. Henry D. Bowman, J. D. Brown, John Brown. Pamela Blunt. R. A. Brown. C Dan Cauehlin, Orange Cre'well. Tcnah Carter. D Thomas K. Douclass, Isaiah Davis. E Mist Ada G. Evans, Brisker Everitt. David C. Ellis. T. H. Ed munds F Mrs. O. (J. Foord. Edward Fowler, (i Frank Green. H Cornelia llarriss. Fannie J. Harper. Jos.' Hollines worth. Kate llarriss. Sarah A. Hill, Ten ah Holmes. .1 Alice Jennals. Millie Jones.. M F. Miller, Menarky Murphy. Susie Merrick, William Mclntire, W. P. Mjer. Andrew Moore, Rev. D. McCIearney, Eliza Morse, E. J. Moody. N-L. J.Nixon. ' P CapC K. Phillips, George Powell. vcJn.o. li. (Quince. R A. S. Rowland, Edward Richard son, Mary Robertson. Robt. Robeson. S Mollie A. B Sciron. T-J. R Tollison. Carrie Thornton. V Maggie W ood. VALUABLE LETTERS. Adeline Hart; Evelina Sykes. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. Ed. R. Brlnk P. M. Every Farmer ought to ret a 4,Bov Clipper flow." greatest invention ol tbe age. Jacori is the Agent. Kerclmer & Calder Bros. WHOLESALE p COCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, offer for sale a full line of FLOUR, SUGAR, BACO, SALT, UICE. MEAL, COBS, OATS. ssurr, soda, LYE, STARCH. CRACKERS, CANDX. HOOP IRON, GIAJK. NAILS. BUNGS, PAPJtR, 15AG1, AXLX GaJUX, POWDER, AD17 COFFEE. MOLA&SES, LAND, HAY, POTASH, SOAP, CANDLES, RIVETS, MATCH 5. BOCKKTS. TIES. Ac . W & E. S. IlATTrRRj Attorneys-at-Law. pac-a. E. Cor. rxLiccsituiCT'ittr is. MISCELLANEOUS. AYER'S - contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders "which, so far as known, is used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance rhat Terf and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it Tras before the attack. WE WAERABT AYE&VS AGUE CURE to cure ererycaseof Fever and Ague, Inter- niittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund tho money. - . Dr. J.C. Ayer&Cp., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. -msjIdJtw nrm COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. " June 244 P.M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 271 cents per gallon. No sales reported. ROSIN Quoted firm at 95 cents for Strained and SI for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.25 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE- TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.85 for Virgin and Yellow j Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted dull. Small sales on a basis of 1 1 J cents per pound for Middling. The following are the quotations: 1 n v I VrUinary SI 10 101 in cents) kP""?? Low Middling... flliaaimg. ...... Good Middling. DAILY RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. 273 casks Rosin 1101 bbls Tar 9 bbls Crude Turpentine... 133 bbls MABENE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship Regulator. Doarie. New York, II G Small bones. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. Steam yacht Louise. Pepper, Smith ville. Master vlivonhIait- w-b; Faycttc CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master Steam yacht Louise, Pepper, Smith ville. Master Steamer John Dawson. Black. Point Caswell. R P Paddison Steamer A P Hurt. Worth. Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUNE 21, 1884." Cotton ashore, 832; afloat, 27; total. .859. Spirits ashore, 1,535; afloat, 1,01!); to Rosin-ashore, 69,901; afloat, 5,703; to- !c car ' ' V tal. 75.609. Tar ashore, 1,989; afloat, 50; total. 2,- 039. - CrTIde ashore, 1,890; afloat, 62; total. 1,952. , KECEIPTS FROM JUNE 14 TO JUNE 21. Cotton, 14; spirits, 2.483. rosin, 6 714; tar, 214; crude, 1,072. EXPOKTSFROM JUNE 14 TO JUNE 21. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 37; spirits. 405; rosin. 2.510; tar, 466; crude, 1,365. FOREIGN. Spirits; 2.750; rosin, 2,408; crude, 150. Window Shades. TVTEW STOCK OF TEANSPAEENT A5 D other styles, all new. Also, new arrivals of PARLOR, CHAMBER &nd DINING BOOM FURNITURE, Call and examine prices and terms. D. A. SMITH, Furniture Dealer. N. Front Street June S3 Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JUST RECEIVING BY A. C. LINE and N. Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to suit. 830 bushs. Va. Meal. 75 Boxes Lemons. ?5 tubs Va. and N. T. Butter. Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard, AC JS. li. 15 L. A IK, June 12 o. l N. Second htreet. For Excursionists. I KEEP A FULL LINK OF FINE GKO ceries. Dry Goods and all other articles to be found in a first claes store. In landing at tbe Steamer's wharf pass up through the sate and turn to tbe left and my place Is about SO yards distant. Give me a call. may 29 1m Smlthyille. N. C. City J)rug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. SO 1 A WITH PURE CREAM AND SYRUPS 5 cents per glass, (we don't cut prices). Clears and Cigarettes: Union clnh ci;n. the best smoke In the cltr for the moner. -A a clear II.tsji. Cono ley's Cologne ahead of all others. J. W. CON O LEY, June 11 - Manasrer. CONUNDRUM. "TTrrHY IS TDK STEAMER PASSPORT like a Stalng JUnd? Because It cannot do without IU MHarperr RUGS, PERFUMES, SOAPS, FANCY and Toilet Ai-Ucles, Jte. PrcscnpUons a specialty at t. c. inLLZirs. lxnayJS . Ccner rooxth and Hcja its I I . . Agne,CJTire MISCELLANEOUS. Jnew mmm ai IHE AT MOUTH OF CAPE FEAR RIVER, OPPOSITE UNDER ENTIEELT Hotel has been refurnished and renovated throughout w'and lxati(J building "erected for . pleasure purposes. . Elegant large, airy Ball Boom ' over the water. First-class lusicians. from' New York will furnish Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine 5till.and Surf Bathing Fine line of New Boats for Pleasure Sailing and Fishing NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY. ' Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. Finest FisliiMfr a in. '.. 4t " - 1 ' 0 . """"utlCUoi Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find it to their advantage to give us a call. CLIMATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED I The Atlantic Coast Line and Carolina Central R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick t3T Special rates bv month and season 1 J. 1). SUBLETT, of Now York", Manager. may x mix W. V. SUJINElw im CmiS. WM tSSend for Cnt&lcgua mch 13 d&w The Mayo Mouse, a x rum JJitu. 13 UJiu. Ui xiiis. moat pleasant resorts in tbe State. THE FIN EST BATHING, BOATING AND FISHING FACILITIES. Best Uqnors and Cigars. Fish, Shrimps, CJams an I Terrapins served In every style CHABGES VERY, MODERATE. Parties going down on Steamer Passport can spend about six hours at the Point and retire same day. Those wishing to go outside to fish on Southern Bock 'will have to remain over night Can leave the city at 4 o'clock. In tha afternoon, on steamer Louise, and return next evening.- Mrs. Mayo will look after the com , fort of Ladies. W. E. MATO. J junc 19 1m - SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL, WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, N C. rjlIIIS HOTEL WILL BE OPENED FORM ALLY for the Season of 1834, on June 16th, ISS4, bySCOVILLE & CO, (of the Scoville Bros., of th3 Klmb 11 House. Atlanta. Ga. and the Buford, of Charlotte,) and with the extensive Improvements which have been placed upon the property, thia notel is the best Seaside resort od the coast of North Car- ollna. Board by the day $ 2 50 and t3 By the momh $35 and $10. may 31 SCUPPERN0NG WINE v. $1 Per Gallon. E HAVE A SMALL QUA NTITY of thia line NATIVE WINE that we arc closing out at ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. We can recommend it to be Pure, Sweet & Wholesome, un ine 1UU uvor oi uie grape. Wc bough t it at a low flgusc and propose lo give our cos tomcrs the benefit of It. There is no beverage more cooling and re freshing a warm summer day than a flrst-. class article f North Carolina Scuppcrnong Wine with a little Ice, and there Is no bever age as cheap that produces the satisfaction obtained la using this Wine. Come at once. P. L. BRID&EES & 00. HO North Front St. june 23 Great Reduction JN PRICE OF MAJOLICA WARE at GILES A MURCHISONS, june 23 109 and HI Murchlson Block Don't Forget ! T HDMPHREY, JENKINS & CO., YOU can find f trawberries, Whortleberries, Ap ple,' Peaches and Pears fresh every morning when In season. Also, Chickens. Ergs, Ac Consignments ot the above solicited, snd satis faction guaranteed- Give us a tria I is all we ask. No. 112 south Front et. june IS gOYS AND GIRLS, YOU CAN GET RICH selllag our fly paper, 50 sheets, f 1 ; retails at 5 cents per ibect. ROC FLY PAPER CO., S4C North Ave jun? 13-lm Rochester, N. Y. . Hon, A. M. Waddell. "TE ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. M. WADDELL as a candidate for Congress from the SixUt nistrlst, subject to ae action of tt i Democratic Content Lm of Lie nis. trict, when atlLeL - ,...,. maris tt : ' MISCELLANEOUS. . winter resorj THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AID CASVrii NEW MANAGEMENT! F. Ii. MI5CXLES, Bb-y. National fire & ta h Killing wire SUrr, cv-v. & IxoaiViwc-. iron Shutter ttJ-JienUon this Ppet, , Furniture. , TTriNDOVf SHADES MOSQUITO NETS, BABY CAREIAGI3 Out of town buyer expre ireat atlafaeuo! with purchases made ot us, owing to our aw f ul mode of packing goods. Give as a - aU b fore purchasing. Prices as low as aay m s(ock the largest. v TII03. C. CRAFT, lit., Furalture Dealer, June?3 j 28 So. Front Bt For Sale. A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL CAE8I1GI HORSES, well matched, good tnrtLten, docile and kind. Also, several ske barp horses. " ' " . . FOR HIRE Horses and Vehicle, of wri ous kinds lor a drive or. for trip to Um Sound?. y Special arrangements made foreoBttj log family partics to the Sound. ' HOLLING S WORTH CO,. Livery and Sale SUllei, may ,21 " Cor. 4th aoi MuJbemiti ANOTHEE X.OT -OF- EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY. MILAN CHIP and all the Rough ftnn, popular now. Every possible shade ol Foy ers and other Trimmings. New lot of T& sols,' white and colors, all prioes. GVm Isle, Kid and Lace New Stimpinj PUa Respectfully MISS E. KARREB, may 26 - Exchange Coraet. PFBOELL HOUSF. TTNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, . WILMINGTON, . C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. 'TZ all it. ippotntmmt. Trm 91 50 U per day. : : ' - - Our Dr. N. EobinsoD, 20M BL1DEN. HAS ABBIVED.' AH F Cnoice Goods from Sew York. Phils" Biltlmore, and many more are expected. "Children's Favorite Animal CrstUrt" arrived"and theOM Folks" b the more substonUal In thc,,"imSf2t.ac! have a small stock of choice iN. V7asflsv FerrU sod I. X. L. Hams,8n1p,a-U ers. Dried Beef. Ac t txsaxl tt Notwithstanding the decline " '' arc selling as. lotc &i they can be boo11 where. n-, rvgr' We can sell the vert beet TZJ $7 75 per Bbl-otber grades U pwSui : june 14 tf - y. U. j- Shirts Made ' fi rIK) ORDER OF BEST "A57,ft JL ing and No. 2100 Linen for W ' A uerfect fit and eood snbstanai w anteed. Our patrons and cnHoBX'"! ed to can and leave their menra remarkably tow price av "ZhcHt actory. v, ui salt ' : ' - - - -Ship Your CHICKENS. EGGS AND -,TZiVl cujxiii riivuyg ysa., tTTnirircT r T?CTrr PRICiW ?7 ( Refrrs to Bank of New UMSoret-i may io. WIKSEB, J. Ii. ITrATCHMAKEB 7 1 aal Jewelry repaired and Opposite New Market, Xxw

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