' f - ; " . ' - ' - -"Vf-r.'.h; " y . - , jpusass ivories, ; Tf Kill be g!x4 to recclva CDnnnzlciUra u cpted by Irom oar trlcsiZJ ea aayj ix.T til ce&eral Interest hct ' r . '' '" ' - 'At jOSHT. JAMES, not AxrorKirrom. ..rcirTIOSS rO3TA0E PAID: 0t 1 . j. one month. S3 cent. ' ... .uiftnl br carrier freo ATS''' Th9 name of thft wr&x xxdtX always t 2 ldommunicat!on muat tw wmtaa ea eal me aldcot 'the paper.- ' UCVT7 ". . rcrsoaa2tle jaxutba avclOadJ . And It la specially tad pscairr caier stood that tho Editor doe. not always tloa se tho views of ttrrespondeafti uiw ao'stau. ia the editorial colnaiEa. w.. w is ri tr. it the abore la 3? p" " 'M,,V. fvr week. rir.fe and nigral. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25 1884. NO. 151 THE MOEW;:';::' has the laratsl W t ir AAHioru cf any tutewxr wrius from Paris thai . iv 'i VVahs i getting more t . ry day. oi the in . .. if L:urf t f ingitnvrs 1 ...... ii hard at woik r a rn t!c art 3llJ rraclicc r V Nc Vork scuJplor.haa Jasl fio- afc-4,f Mr. limine, with which f , iucr i cachr-Vaicd. The bust- probitlj be to entirely falls- - aliclV-rthiiiitriet, wa nomina r"iwVr!iT.l KIcifh. on thfe !2lh ... . .t. kU own successor. TfTc r r,:n:a frinctpally between Gen TiN Vork Cremation Coraranjr i - hiitoush: fartccn luts in t Wil.iiratbur?. 1.. I.. 'Upon which : 1 a $30,000 sione crcmaiorj tv. wsJ bo hanJionicly orna z:el i l the coil of cremating bodies rr-f.Sisncr, cl Yalo Col!ezc. is n ... flf the Ileooblican revolt Irvli,: Inline ia Soathom Connecticut l netltsx ii to be held in New Haven to ffctt s;xcittho tattooed man Hits Tte call for the same m signed ty tee hasdred and Cfty Republicans I:,;,;cc5i i so dall that the members of tbe New York Produce Exchange I;fi the ball tins the other day. adjourn r J wt'.ie rvecption room, danced, sang aad amad lbcmtvesby such hilarity u thej cou'd detbe. Dasiccs i e p.x'.ed to improve afier the Fourth of lrof. lrry. of WiKiarus ( ollese. wriu j to a prunjiaeat Democrat in traiif:i.r:m that be has direct t assur a:ice from (Jot. Cleveland that he stands filrly abrcail of Speaker Carlisle anc1 ( -liraia Morrison in his demand that rerence it fura be made tho controll ia; Dcsccritic issue in tho campaign. Ttrc ii a general impression," saT lU ed :or cf Ixndon "that tho Ec:;nM Kurenie is poor. I can say wl:a ceVtaistT that she is rich. Besides pistes bre sums, well invested in till ccastry, and the whole of the Prince Ixptrial's lortuno. her Majesty owdj ::essc tracts of pine forests in the LasuCJ. from which she derives a very satiiiattal income. Then, she spends THE STATE CONVENTION. as "Happy Josepbme.7' She takes-the Tho Excursion. ' - chair at tho mcctirc?. and cxDlains x. :t.-. .1 i..t w ' I ilUlWlLUSiaUUlUK L III D1U WElLLUtl what she and the other lassies mean to thi , morniDfr ,iaite a lanre DartT went TIio Harmonious Democracy xiuruat worK Largest Con- .1 'TK.--- . l . chnfeh. but poisons huniblo prcachera thc cxcurs:on ro,lpn nn hv lh( ii:., of ollboCSospol lo thc poor, tho chief the Front Street M. E. church. The object Ikid-to get these samp poor to weather undoubtedly kept a good many BUOCU lUCQlSClVCS lO EOUIC CUUrCU. fmn.Vm,,-. -.I,.. Wl nrnn,rf;n,w Tho Rochester AUnd PoU ami IJcj.10T u,e "cumon wo iear tuai -sdicr.Imlepcndent rc'irdsMr. Rlaino 5n,c 01 ,uo ,IU.10 oncf (Kj0a DlcS3luem' reaoD: llina when trl Sp.I,u ca but vcry JiUlc ramlail uunn? vention ever held In tho State Hon. TIios. Ruflin made Permanent Chairman No ballots as yet. , l?podal to Dailv Beview.) Raleigh June 25, 3' p. m. ; The Democratic Stale Convention . met in this city to-day. at 12 ocloek M.. id iu.eiropouian uaii. inc nan was i :c iadoa &andird sajs: Tbe ixioti hafe nade this life almost cot wrth lirisg with their precautions aiiit its Ixingpnmaturclv cut short. Tia air is laden will germs, tho earth . . . . poon, tec suiehcfs we handle cLiio thc ccds of zymotic plagues. tcry cat that we stroke may have liHxl from a tvhus patient's bedroom k aroa its fur tho messenger of death t j uxi door. And now we arc told that we cll a (Iloiro dc Dyon at our peril -a nat the azalea in our buttonhole ? a it course of hall an hour im W hay fiver to a carriago full of rail J triTirs. uaa II. Vandcrbilt has shavci off t4 c!c;aat. long aide whiskers, and the :ioa U whether the New York Ccn- ta.i:i tare ta have a new dividend graved. Hcretoloro Mr. Van- wrta. with his abundant whiskers, Ua aa attractive sideshow on Mrj check. Possibly this reduction taha own figure is to accompany a re--ctIcn ia thc Ciurej of thc checks, and lvrtA too. it is a gracctul way on his Urtcfexprm-ng his sympathy for thc '--rVastio! his acquaintance. Vrktwiiow. are owned by .J-ha ichdl. of Newburjr. N. Y-JJt.-e2lmea Jamaica and Ethelka. two months ago thc former traced aUole more than 112 pounds crab:si:olcamof milkiQ ooodayj Z k-tika tavo 101 pounds, and 31 consecmire days gave an r"rc!se pounds. Dut this, re 'Utle a4 it is, ts been put in tho - their moro recent pcrforman l'or 171 days, ending Juno 1. Ja ca Jl!ded 12,830 pounds, aver- 0(73 iaads daily, while Ethelka " 11.013 pounds, or over C3 pounds T. They hare to bo milked three M.nly to rrevent tho milk Uiog Tho Salritfoa Army has jast found ea!'leal la a cev oai sect. V HiUelojih Lasies." Tho xJlznltc bal l IcAdirg spirit Is -known "crturi ol tbo iatcrior recommended y l tho pleasure of the tr.p, beotifon;decoraU,a wUh NatioDal t. IIio altcntiua cf the oounlry the -f " h" toot h ad State flaS aoO tho ConvenUon ts German lorcstry system, ho sneered at w w 7- " "J ' - - tho iarC3tin poinfof nnmbers ever heia Mr. Schnrzas a "stranger" in the land. ,JO in this State. The delegates ar al Am m mi I x ana ticnceti tne not;on 01 our learning isase liall. representative men from every section anything from msigmllcant Germany; Thc National Base Bali Club of of the State and it is doubtful if as large andbecauso Air. Bjaioo comes Ironi Goldsboro - which has accented the and intelligent an assemblage of men Maine, "which has Hooded the whole challengeof the Seaside Base Ball Club ever before met together anywhere country with a temperance epidemic." of thU city to a friendiy tr-iai Gf skill at within the limits of the Old North State, and was as editor ol the Kennebec the grounds of the latter at rrightsville. The Convention was callei to order Journal "a decided and zealous Pro- on the Fourth of July next, will arrive at 12:30 by Mr. R H. Battle. Every iiinilioniu. I ,1,,. r ti oa TUrr countv in the State isrpnrpspnrpfl. f i?h iici vuii iuq uicim v u uii m iamj ii ui 1 w x , --ry I wis cured of rheumatism savs "Mr 1)0 met al tuc l-roni street aepoi Dy ine uCir6aiM auu cuiuus Albert Smith. 2-J1 W. 21th street. N. Seasides, who will conyey them to tho Proxies, lion. Chas. M. Cooke, o Y.. by St. Jacobs Oil. "after suffering sOUnd wht?re aa excellent oiffCsh sud- Frauklin, was made temporary chair cignijcars. ;n . fnr ,ilom Th man and Cant. S. A. Ashe and Mr. R I LUk VIA VW AU n aw VS A M W I Nationals will be the cuests of the Sea- arman were caued on as teuipor sides while here, and all other clubs ar Secretaries. which mav accept challenges from the Committees on permanent organiza latter during the season will be treated tiond and. credentials were appointed, with thc same hosDitalitv. out D0 contests have been reported. Speeches were made by Hons. Wal- A V A A- W I oeam 01 a uoou iixan. ter L. 5teele M. Q. Waddell and W. We regret to learn of the death of M. Robbins, and all allusions to Tilden Mr. John h. CarJeton, which occurred Bayard and Cleveland were received very suddenly at his residence in War- wih vociferous cheers, i saw township, Duplin connty, on Mon- Tho Committee on Permanant Or Mr. Carleton, al- eanization reDorted. recommendinff XiiZW ADYERTISEaiEyTB. Wagonette JpOR WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, will 1ct aoutfccrland's Stables DALLY at 6 P. M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A. II. sharp june 25 It T. J. SOUTltERLAND. LOCAL NEWS. IIOCX TO NEW ADVERTISED EHT2. Tax Listers Notice F C Ml LLEH Conundrum T J Soctheklaxu Wagonette C W TATE-Darlncthe CaaipalKn HEIXSDEROEK Dlunck'a Section Liner ilCJfDS Beds. A DeRosset Kx. Vanilla One week from to-morrow to.tbc Galorioti3 Fourth. Vrm-tWmnirJiU ni?ht for these da the 23rd inst who could not ct any of tho breeze. lhouh never a very rugged man, was Hon. Thomas Ruflin for Chairman and I 1L l&l- A ft. I 1 r tx t -i n a a t I apparently innis uauaiuuaim upuu mat iuessrs. ii. A. lonacn o. A. ASne, The latest from Raleigh, and all that day' and was engaged with his son about R. M. Furman, P. M. Hale and V. II. was to be had up to 5 o'clock, will be some oi his farm work, when he com- Page for Secretaries, with nine Vice found in a special in this issue. plained of feeling intensely hofand laid Presidents, one from each district. The down and died in a tew moments. The report was nnanimouslv adorjted. It b'cw quite a gale of wind from the dpCea?p.d was an excellent citizen, quiet The districts then renortnd their II P I ! I I A ooum ncany an 01 last uigm, cccoui- and unobtrusive in his manners, a dc- choice for members of the State Execu companicd by rain at intervals. vout Christian and one cf the kindest tive Cimhiittec and the Committee was Everybody in want of PainV, NV'hlto of neighbors and friends. He was then organized. Iad. Glass &c. should go to Jacoiu's largely engaged in agriculture and was Judge Ruffin makes an admirable to get best qualities and lowest pnccs.t OQo 01 mo Dcst xarmera iu tuat aecnon presiumg oincer ana tne uonvention is I nf thft pnnnttf. Thn dpfHHSP.d Was. WQ I frottintr rnnirlxr nnrl Vi nv mnn lnnol j tr It was 22 years ago to-day that tbo . . . n, Plr, -rf iv rorrlr Thnr.i ,nu all sides, adetermination. to expedite business. The Committee on Platform has been first battle of what is known a3 the "Seven Day's Fight around Richmond," was fought. "Hero's Your "Watermelons! Watermelons are beginning to be; District Delegates. (Special to Dailt Review.) Raleigh, J une 252. P. M. Up ro 10 o'clock this morning about shipped quite freely from Florida and appointed and is now at work. 3 000 persons had listed their taxes. It Georgia, lor ice onu auu uriuuaau is estimated that there are about 1.500 Eight car loads passed through the city I who had not yet listed. to-day and 15 more car loads are txa-the wiv and will nas through to-morrow. Wo invito tho attention of our citizens T. , . . l QQQ , At the Convention ot the Sixth dis- to tho fact that Grst quality shirts aro ... .nnA, . KMnnpd ln Mp,sra trict, held here to day, called for the . . , - 1 . 1 it . 1 I r I - tx . being mauo 10 oruerai one uouaratmu p j Hootq&Co of this city which purpose 01 appoiaun iwo utuivvrmw Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. ar"rivcd this rooming, contained moro delegates to the National Democratic ; : . ... ii,,n i mn ti,. .:,,,. frtr thn nhin Convention, to be held at Chicago, The Capo Fear looked muddy this than 1,100. The season for the ship- MIaa Thoa. W. Strand, of morning indiratin? a freshet, aud the ment or melons nas jusi commeccea - - " tt - v m flood Ude. drltcn tab,, brisk .author- and H will bo perrcctiy safe to say that ?- ' ly breeze, wm unusually hijb. uarms me nexi lour weess mey win j pass tnrougn nero at ino raie 01 id.wu scaies a ominaieu. Another effort was matlo in tho Dcr jay onitn average. Arrangements . e .0 Houso. on Saturday last, to take up nave n made by which they are Col. Green's bill to abolish tbo tax on shipped via AUantic Coast Line, by all state to our reaaers .that inlormation brandy distilled from fruit, but it failed. TSLt to jfew York and other Northern has just been receiyed here to thc effect Wo IcarTthat tho Atlantic Coast fints. os palltog them on the mar- that General Alfred . Moore Line system are making arrangements I ""-"-Zy::" I bcaics nas Decn nomwaiea to build a ncSv bridge across tho Roan- tuau fc"ojr "wulV4 MU " ww",OJ for Governor. This makes Maj. Sted- . . cd by steamer okc river at Wcldoo, and tho engineers J man's nomination lor Lieut. Governor arc already at work making tho ncccs- This Morning's Fire. thn sary survey. About 3 o'clock this morning tne one Aiiuui..rm r,ffh nnorior Court story frame store building on the cor- Remember the excursion of the At the late term of the bupenoruouri . cfrnnfr, mBB , 1 1 im 111 ww wv 1 Lint i3ki ck k.z wm i k. a awa i"n it oiini r r a m m rr m n Finn m of Pender county, Charles Groom and I " : .1 V."."" 7.' - "ftT" . . . Prml Tnn Knfhrvlnrpd were convict- u"covereu lu w u" OQ tbe asspon io-morrow. inere red Jones, both colored, were convict nrnmntW nnrt tho fira AMtlTlmtint ... , . . r-i, . cdoflarcenvand sentenced, the former " 4 " . , . T.77 wm "" ""umcuw .vuy i,pi(,r,,Ar0,r.lir1 Uttpr lor t wo " u aw J pnces anu music oy ice itauan oanu. lor thrcacars and the latter tor 10 .. t.n . , , , mntitr JL, -1 v . -am-. t tu, c,.ft PpnitnnlUrv kv., j -1, Ams com paujr aiwajs uayu pleasant year, in tne is.alO lenucmiary. riorina- t h nnnn.il hour nnrt A-rrnrsions andthev snarft no rwiins t.r - - I & I a . w a Kxports Forelcu. the distance from any of the engino mak-e tne aay pass ott agreeaoiy. ir. hri? MimdUIan. Fournier. clear- houscs. &Q fire had ottcn onder sach THE MAIJLS. cd to-day for Port-au-Prince Hayti headway when the engines arrived that I Themaii closo and arriYe at the city Poa wirhlfiO OOO ft lumber and 21.000 b was utterly impossible to save the ffic foU : close. shingles, valued at' $2,215. shipped by building or its contents, and they were Northern J;:: J; P.M. Blunck's Section Liner. f1UK MOST PERFECT IXSTRCilEST f FOR THE PURPOSE. Simple In construction. Cannot get out of order. . . Zasy to manipulate. Turns out even and accura to work ayery time. " Can ho used on any part of tho Drawing- Trice only Fire Pollars. For sale at HEINSBEItGEIl'S, june 25 Live Book andituslc Stores Tax fUotice. rjinE UNDEESIGKED TAX-LISTERS OF Capo Fear, Harnett, Masonboj-o and Federal NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOUGHT FOi: SPOT CASH FEOM SEY cral of the wholesale to uses a larrsurpiui slock on hand through thogreat dcprtsa&loa in trade, wc ar6 prepared to offer '''' As follows : r Wo will commenco on COB SETS !! 1 A lino shape Corset for 30c. -v A lino Carollno Corset reduecd to Kg. -3 A Corset in any .color. Pink, Ulae, XUck. Cardinal and AVhite for only esc. -An elegant Courtile Corset for 73c: thU Cor set cannot be bought In ny other. hou for less thau One Jollrr - ' 7z TTV2Jt,d 3TKSSION CPB4ET, Sjoon Bust, f 1.25 ; truo value Ono Dollar aadXlftv Cents. ' - --t. . , ; K. and G. Double Bust Moulded Corset. C. and P. Imported Corscu. 'A fine nurslnr Stf f l A .ul1 assortment . of Misses , and Children s Corsets. A great , many other Corse L, which we are now ready to show and seil ata very low figure at . a - , , TAYLOR'S BAZAAB, - Next on the nst i L 1 S25!ET co.T.EKS In every style and price. . MO win ccH s highly decorated fold ing i an for 5. 10. 2 . 23c and nnwinla worth twlco the money. Point Townships will be at thc cilice of the Commissioners of New Hanover County, at thc HAND SATCHELS, PARASOLS, Court House, on SATUBDAY, the 2Sth lost.. from 10 o'clock, A. M. to 4 o'clock, P. M.. for the purpose of receiving ihe list of taxables of persons living in Wilmington who should mt saia taxaoies in sam townships. J BEDELL JOHNSTON, A. A. MOSELEY, B. S. MONTFOBD, J. H. HOKNE, june 25 2t wed fii Tax Listers. SUN3HADES, UNDEEWEAB, j FLOYEKS, FEATHERS, , . LACES, HATS, GLOVES, MITTS,' In any color, style or size at' aston ishingly low prices. No onurgcd to bur, but come and see the bargains for youisolf. THE COOLEST STOEE FOB LADUft TO GOING I 1 QUE LABGE STOCK OF FINE SHOES for Gents and Ladies is FAST GOING, but wc have enough yet on hand to SUPPLY THE WANTS OF ALL. NEW GOODS arriving EVERY WEEK, comprising ALL THE LEADING STYLES. SHOP IN IS tayor?s 9 BAZAAR, 118 Market St., june 24 ) WILMINGTON, N . C. Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of the conn try, with the privilege of examining before paying. . . . Geo. 11. French & Sons, During the Campaign. 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. june 21 Briye-Well Pumps, gTOVES, TINWARE, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM 7REEZEES, at PARKER & TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. june 53 rE WILL FURNISH! NEW YORK PA- PKRS at the following prices r HERALD, (Including Sundy): per ineek 25c. TIMES, TRIBUNE, WORLD, SUN, . I 'I' ci 1 '..i:;L 23C. 25c. 25c. 2Cc. City Drug Store. aiG MARKET STKEET. SODA WITH PURE CREAM AND SYRUPS 5 cents per glass, (wc don't cat prices). Cigars and Cigarettes; Union Club Cigar, the best smoke in the city for thc moncv. All ciear ix van . Conoley's Cologne ahead of all others. J. W. CONOLEY, june 11 . " Manager. Something New. 1 FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PARLOR YATES' Ji O OIL STORE, juno23 ' "119 Market Street. Grand Family Excursionj OF THE ' HOWARD BELIE r FTRB EN GINE CO. No 1, oa tho tttcamer PASS PORT, to Smith 111q and the TorU. THURS DAY, Juno 26, 1&J4. -i Refreshments on board. Music by the Ital ian Harpers. Tickets 50c Chlldi en 25c. Committee A Adrian, J G. L. Gleschen, IL Rathjen, J. G. Oldenbuttel, F. C. Miller. June23 2t mw - v - f; Headq uartero at the corner of Front and Mulberry streets. Ladies and gentlemen arc respectfully Invited KOE TACKLE," ei tocalL I-1- ' . f ! "''V '" '' ' trrafira Tiromntlv tillftrl anfl ao.llvt.Tl frv nf I ,.- cnargo mk. mrs. j. ju msiiEii, - iunc a im Proprietors W. E. SPRINGER CO'S.. 19. 21 and 23 Market sti eel Tbc largest and best assortment ever offered in this market. . ; . , . Juno 23 Iunds Bros. & DeRosset; . ' Muuds Eros. & IcRossct, other styles, a'luew. Also, new arrivals of I MlinflC KrflQ Kr flflKnccftf' IIIIUIIUW Ml VUI VJW WVIIVMwvVI . , , . , , . Window Shades. XTEW STOCK OF TRANSPARENT AND 1 The efforts ot the firemen Raleigh. lng A. A for were at onco turned towards Tf .JUy- i N. and 8.00 A. M. . a tUVNIA. At (tit .W k.U.U.u. wa... - k u m . w . a,a ..w Amm- w . - . ' - I . ,. . a 1 1 . . I a . . Vf i . . r . nr. . . r... inn. auiarenr. nrocertv. wnica was iu inx a. a. t. c. iiaiiroai as ronce, r. u., wuu.ji umu-i m.uu ----- r-r-- 70 P. M. and s.ou a. M rj .Kint rin.l at ojor great peril, as mere was a suu uieuz.o southern Malls for all points south. uu u asauai.0a - - w 1 . -. - a. m. . a ah'iDDed by Messrs. E. Kidder & Son; blowiog at thc lime from the South. J"''--a''A:::; matin? a total 01 exports lorei amounting to $G 201. 3; blowing at the time from the South.- w ixV J" Just North o! the blazing store, and (except SundayO 6.45 P.M. ,-, tt,mr , r vaf .j.a,f roa n. All points between Illmlet and Ilal- not more than 15 feet .distant, was a elh ,6 45 p. City Court. one-Story frame dwelling occupied by MaflforCheraw and Darlington Rail colored people, and it seemed for a I Mail for point between Florence ...8.00 P.M. The first ctis for tho Mayor s con-1.: ,uf 1 u, ,uncrh I and Charleston S.0OP.M. - - I Ll L 1 1 .1 L Ik. . (llil II I I t I I 111 L LU L i. t. I A . 1 1 . a ft.1 1 x avcikevii te ana ouiccs on vaiK; r tar CHAMBER and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. v Call and examine prices and terms. D. A. SMITH, Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street june 23 Lemons. Butter. Lemons. - - JUST RECEIVING BY A. C. LINE and N. Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low In quantities to stit. SDO buths. V'a. Meal, 75 Manufacture a delicious ' 1 - . Extract of -Vanilla. Flavor your Ice Cream. - - : ; Custards and Pastry with It -i i , . And be made haDDT and contented. This Extract Is used in the Ice Cream, which has given -" aiuus uiiua. a UEitoaaET's ice Cream Soda Water such a .; splendid reputation. . JUE CREAM SODA everv dar thlj week. Nothing of the kind equal It - , lienaczvous ror xaaie. : Market and Second 6U., Iunc 23 ' . WUaiington, N. C. AWOTHER ' XiOO? w ' : ti Boxes lemons. 25 tubs Va. and N. Y. Butttr. allchlgan lour. Virginia Flour. Bacon, lj.nl &C JS. U- HL.Mll, june 12 No. 1 N. Second fitrctt For Excursionists.. EXPECTED BY. WEDNESDAY. T KEEP A sye River Tuesdavs and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Va-m..A1lA . .latin it was saved, although the Southern I IM.nts,n ' . ' 's it i sr ci wilh disorderly conduct. The -kisti- CQd wa3 on firo scvcrai time3 ani was LC-H-Ma lDrmedlate -'e . r monyin :he casa showed that just quilo seriously damaged. The store Smithvuic mails, by steamboat," daiiy" " Dciorec.osmgmesiorooi ur. a. "MDe oneetf to Mr. M. Rathien. and was UrVjrrv. Si,7"S: 'V w w w 1 mi w 1 a.va A avsj iiuif . a w w u w wm shaliotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. SJSS A. M. DELIVERY. through and way mall.. ..7.30 A. M Mail. 7.30 A. M. n:n .ffft .1tn whn iho . . . ... ... .. . I Carolina. Central Railroad .8.41A.M. n.bMvuHuM. i.v. v.v,Mi, ""insured. The small dwJIinP CDOKen Oil llilk MllMtM fram itrMt Imtm bmlnefs pouc were sent lor anu ivinr, who WM the property of Mr. Rathjen. and lidcration this morning was that the well-directed effort3 of the firemen Chaflcs King, colored, who was charg Wcsscll. on South Second street, last insured in the Wilmington Mutual In night, thc defendant was discovered Buranco Company, of this city, for wtieVSf ;.V.V hidden between a lot of barrel, in the Tho gtore WM by Mr. tggwon d rcarpomcmoi mo m. xu aiarm Chas Cappg and lfae ntgnj, were not SOTthernMaii. prcicaueu 10 uo aiseep. was wken 10 thft (.mr- w,?r. v. .Hnnt ft50. was 11 . 1 1 -1 - no gnaru uouse. xio was sent oe.ow for 10 days. portion of city at 5 A. M., 1L30 A.M. and a so P. M. and from other totnt of the city at 5 P.M. C.. ru . at a ,f e T Hf fully covered by insurance. We did j Money order and RescUter Department'open nnt Um.tVo f afr naDDS Jp?.m 8 .M? to 5.S0 P. M. . Sclpio Hill, abo colored, an old cf " 7 J2iSik1 ender, was urunK anu down ana taken I ' - 1 turners- aeuvery open on nnuj troa vo in by the police. He was tent below Another larxe consi.jnment of Sash, : or two days to giro him time to sober Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just how is the Uzae to give Smiths Worm I received at Jacobi's Hard ware Depotf 03: Iy d-w MILAN CHIP and ill thf Rougli Straws, so FULL LIMr OF FINE GRO popeur now. , JsverypjwalbM iudc of fcalh eerie. Dry Goods and all other article to I. ,v lv . - 1--- be found In a first class store. In landing at era acu o.asr lriaranrgs. -New lot of Tara and tarn to the left and my plco laabout&O '3.- white : an! ; eok, U , rrl,'?c. Glove. yards distant. Give me a call. may 29 lm SmithTille. N. C. CONUNDRUM. HY IS THE feTEAMEB PASSPORT like a Suing Band ? Because it cannot dol without its "llarper!" o . ; DRUGS. PERFUME3, SOAP3. FANCY and Toilet Articles. Ac jy' Prescription a specialty at F. C. MILLER'S. may I'lc, Ktl and Lace, New StYmping Pattcrce. Rc-lctfully iii?., MISS E. KARRER7 may 2C i. ;v Sxchacge Corner. Our Dr. KEobinson, ; pSOM BL4DEN,JHAS ARRIVED. AlO, vnoica Goods t rosa Ncvr York, ; Pblladkiptla, EJXCURSIONS ihTdren Fa fori te Animal Crack rr" tao ND sitJND PABrreJ ARE' NOW THE fffSMSCS0 of the day. Flshlnzatthe-'Bocss" Z,7r 71 'xTT'TZZXj ' 1 r?,"l V" and the Blackllsh Ground- 1 at Iu beAt. v7.ri 1 . yY?r risblng pole and line are not the oslrre-i ir "v..u- quiaite for an enjoyable and ucceasfal dy' twUhVninT wo recreation Before yen start out oo yocr x- ara elzaj ri r, iwh curiijo, etther own the river orto the ocad, wbereT- " - .a! Vf5f V000' eIi calt at MCGOWAV3. and be will fix yott vp v. e can sell. the verv ixrst TttnMr int.r au the rt cetera, necessary the occasion, t7 75 ,iJolltraAf1 if fJ? junew- - . -. I lacs 11 tf KufA M-VrnTiv, - . ' i i f

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