The Daily Review I OSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop wnJtf-INGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY . JULY 9. 18S4 Kotered l the Postoaca!. Wilmington, N. C, seeond-cls rustler. THK LAT: CONGKKSS. Congress, says the New York Herald, has been spinning out a Ions an! in ni&ny way disappointing session by several tedius dava of disputes be tween the two Iluae, mostly on trifling matters, and altogether on dif ferences which could have been- fccllle i in two hours by reasonable men on Jboth sides. It was very well known a month ago, for instance, that the House of Representatives would not gran money for the monitors and for begin, niog additional new ships of war. It had unanimously voted lor Mr. FUn dall's bill, and one of the most import ant officers in the Navy Department had under oath condemned the ships now building as failures. It was scarcely worth while, therefore, for the Senate to waste time jn a dispute oa which, if the, Housa receded, all it members, R3pnb'.icans as well as Dcm ocrats, would have had to reverse their votes. The session has been notable mainly for sins of omission. Congress hasmot lightened.tbe burdens of the people; it has' not lessened the surplus revenue ; it has cot remitted taxes or reformed revenue laws; it has not stopped the coinage of silver; it has not pa-sed the much-needed electoral count and Pres idential succession provisions ;it has not passed a bankrupt law;. it ha?, in fact, done scarcely anything for the relief ol the people from needless burdens and restrictions, or fyr the security of the country from dangerous disputes about the Presidency. . Largely all this wa3 due to the fact that the democrats . control'e 1 ii ''the House of Representatives and the re publicans in the Senate. It is true that where revenue measures wore con cerned the democrats in the House though in many ways fruitless and dis appointing, has fhow'n the radica1 difference? between the two parties and made manifest to 11 the voters that such of them as want ''liberal appro- taxes, a big surplus were not able to agree auioog them selves, and thetlong struggle between the Morrison and Randall wings of the party wasted the session and prevent ed nece3sary legislation on oilier sub jects. Still, it remains true that no tax reform measure brought forward or favored by the reform wing of the dem ocrats could have passed the Republi can Senate, which was opposed to all remission of taxes or reform in the tax system,1, and insisted, upon party giounds, on maintaining a great sur plus and increasing the expenditure in "very way possible. In these respects, however, the pres ent Congress has been no worse than ;that which preceded it, and in which both houses were Republican, and insome oUier respecls the present ' democratic House deserves praise. During the previous Congress, . which was Republican. Washington "'as over run with a lobby as impudent und grasping as any which disgraced the city during the high old times" after the war. when Mr. B!ai;e was Speaker nd was openly presented with a silver muz by the Kint' of the Lobby." But during the pre-ent session, when the Democrats controlled the House and the appropriation?, thc lobby utjerly disappeared from the Capital, and in these last hot d tys of a long session the two houses have nuiivpllpil atnmttt in sn'irnnn nnvi'vn oy lobby! asreiits and wuh a notable absence of drunkenness and the accom panying hilarity which characterized and disgraced the last Congress. It U due to the Democrats to say that this is not a singular instance. When ever since the war they have controlled the House and the appropriations the lobby has disappeared, only to reappear in full strength as hungry and shame less as ad army of locusts whenever the republicans regained control. The present session has been entirely free of those scandals which disgraced the last Congress; tho exposure of ex-Speaker Keiler was only a reminder of the . previous session. On the whole, the session has put in a clear light the fact that the Republi cans still obstruct most of the needed reforms in legislation, as they have done for years past. It was only by joining hands with the Republicans that the Randall faction" was able to resist successfully tax reforms and the re re is ton of hardens needlessly imposed up' oa tho people. Tho great majority of the Democrats in both houses were anxious for these reforms, but tho Re publicans resisted and were strong enough, with the help of a very few Democrats, to defeat all efforts at re form. It should not be forgotten also that the Republican Senate increased the amount of every appropriation bill, and that the Democratic de:er ruination toward economy sometimes certainly carried to an injudicious extreme, but nevertheless very, valuable had to meet constantly the Republican deter . ruination toward extravagance which, when that party' last controlled . both houses, showed itself in such profligate measures as the great river and harbor - swindle. !-. - ' - ' V On the whole, the present session. priations." high and its "distribution" to a big lobby with general profligacy in the use of public money, should vote the Blaine Login ticket, whila those voters who prefer economy in expenditures, low t-txfs, -thc abolition nf the surplus revenne and of the lobby, with a need ed reform of the tax systeu?, had better make ip their minds to vo'e the Democratic ticket, or, if that should prove glaringly unfit, to create a new party and nominate a third ticket. There is nothing t be hoped for from the Republicans. .. For the twelve months ending June 1st the imports into this country were $714,513,518, of which $34 323.104 was gold and silver. The merchandise im ports were only S0S0.320.4i2 This was a decrease of $40,000,000. The exports were $S09,100.218, of which $67,718,310 was gold and silver, leaving only $741,510,877 a3 the value of our merchandise exported which is . about $40,000,000 less than last year; The decrease in merchandise ex pouts was practically the same as the decrease in the merchandise imports, and the fall ing off in imports caused a loss of $19, 000,000 in customs revenne. The .al leged tariff reduction amounts to noth ing. If next year is a good trade year we will have a larger surplus than ever. But at any rate do the ' people propose to pay $300,000,000 where $200,000,000 will" answer? f JULY JUMBIj&S. Platform of tlio Oeinocratic Party of Nortli Carolina. A Zulu bella is like the proverbial prophet. Sb-j has not much on'er in her own country. "What is it you like about that girl asked one young man of another. '.VI y arm," was the brier reply. - A clerk in an Alleghany dry-goods store says that the ordinary striped bed-licking is a terrible crime. It is mattress hide he says. A Chicago dude blushed and ran into a stftir-way when he saw a party of ladies coming down the street, lie had forgot cn his cane and could no meet them in such a nude stale. In the blizzard country. Man, point ing musingly over trie hills anil iar away: "les, 1 came Wesr, to look alter my nroperly. I am looking after it now. Tnere go the house and barn!" First ballet girl 'Taglioni i3 de?i4." Second ballet girl "Dear me. and so young, too.1' i?irst babel girl "Yfs. she was only eighty." Second ballet girl " I am sorry I heard it. It will cast a gloom over my granddaughter's golden wedding." Almost every person has some form of scrolulous j oison latent in his viens. When this develops in scrofulous sores, ulcers, or eruptions, or take3 the form of rheumatism, or organic disease, the suffering that endues Is terrude beyoud description. Hence the gratitude ot those who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's SarsaparHla will thor bughly eradicate this evil from the sys tem. PISltSONAI. to to Cardinal .Manning has made lorty journeys to Rome since he assumed office. i rmee Aiocrt ;etor g es at once Heidelberg fur a couple ol moritns study German. The oldest bank President in Georgia is Increase Cctt-m riant. .Esq.,-ot Ma-, con. who was Preside;, t f the iirst bank in iirunswick, Ga., in 1810. I rury's portrait of Mrs. James K. Polk, -iaU-ly hung in the? white House, pictures her nt tho ago i 35 and d her in a decollette style, ft is a good likeness of Mrs. Polk as she was hjn misiress T the Presidential Man-ion. Congressman Springer, of I lino s, chairman ol ihe investigating commit ter which has 'recently occupied a considerable shsre of public attention is described as 4a'l and thin." He has a good Roaran head, a handsome, short black and silver beard and a growing scarcity ut black and silver hair on the top ol his hi ad. Kcscued from Death. . William J Coughlin of Somervillc, Mass., says: "In the fall of I860 I was tsken with IJleedixg of Lungs foN lowed by a revere cough. I lost ray appetite and flesh, and was confiued to my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the llrvct.Mnl 'PI. - -. " i" -me uoeiors sa u i na a hole io my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time report went around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope, but a fr,1??!.l,0,t,'.me of WILLIAM HALLS, HALS AM FOll THE LUNCJS. I got a bofb. when, t my surprise, I commenced to get welt, and to day I led better lhaa for three years." i We ngain congratnlate the people ol North Carolina on the career of peace prosperity and good overnment on which she entered alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and which has been unbroken lor so many years since; upon the inst end impartial enforcement of the laws; up on the efficiency. of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man ifested in every part of the State. And we again challenge a comparison be tween this slate of things and the crimes, outrages and scandals which atunded Republican ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves to exert, in the future, ss we bare done in the past, our best effort to promote the material interests ot all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia ted in the plattorms ot the party, it is hereby , Resolved, That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at tnu ballot-box as the only sure means of pre serving our free American institutions, and that the corrupt and corrupting uso of federal patroDage. in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the liberties of she State and the Union. Resolved, That wo are in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the whole internal revenue system, a3 an intolerable burden, a standing menace to thelreedm ot elections, and a source of great annoyance and coiv ruption in its practical operation. liesolved, That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever thc revenues, however de riyed. exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exett themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved. That with respect to the tariff wo reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of thc -party rieelar ed in the National Democratic plat forms and that ihedecails of the method by which the constitutional revenue tana s-liali be gradually reached, are subjects which the party's representa lives at the Federal capitol must be trusted to adjust ; but in I our opinion the duties on foreign importation should be lovied for the induction of public revenue, and the "discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the "necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the burdens ot taxation arid confer the greatest good to the greatest number ol the American people. ; Resolved, f'hat the course ol the Democratic party in furtherance rf popular education, by efficient public schools in allseclions, and the establish ment of graded and normal schools io the larger towns and accessible centers. Is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the cdueation of all classes of our people and wc will promote and improve the present educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. Ani wiieiieas. There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the rockets of the people by unjust taxation on the part of the Republfcan party, therefore, . Resolved, That we wilKacccpt such distribution of said surplus revenues ol the government lor educational pur poses as may be mado by the Congress of the United States; provided always. thas the same shall be disbursed by Siate agents and not .accompanied by objectionable features and embarrass', ing Conditions. Resolved, That it is due to thc white people of our eastern counties, wbof have so cheerfully borne their share ot our common burdens, that th pres ent, or fonie other equally' effeeiive system of county government, shall be maintained. Resolved, That in view ot th-i exist ing and increasing harmony and kir.d lv feeling between the two races in in s S'ate and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other Southern States, wo deprecate tho attempt of thc Republican party in its recent platform at Chicago io force civil risbts as a living isue. and we c enounce it as a fire brand and a hypo critical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to stir up strife between the now friendly races.. ; r 1 1- Wilmington, Colmnb & Augusta It. E. Co. OrnOK OF fKTKiiAt SlfFESIKTBXf DK3JT. . Usalaston. N. C. May 9.1ft?4 Change of Schedule. ON ANI A FT RE MAY 11th. at 3 50 A. M., the following Pa$j?nger fceued n.e will be run oa thla road : NtGHT EXPRESS T3AJN3, DAILY Nos. 4 Wcttaad 47 East. 1-eave WUmlcjftoa 3.G5 P. M Ix'avc Florence 2.40 A. ii Arrive at C. C & A. Jractloa 6.20 A. Arrive at Columbia fi.iO A. M. Leave Columbia 9.f.5 P. M. iieave C, C. &. A. Junction... lu.20 P. M. Lave Fiorerscs 4. .no A. M. Arrive at WilmJitoo. S.o A. M. Night Mail ind Pjlsssvpsr Tkaix, Daily No. 0 West. Leave Wilmington io.?o P. AL Arrive at Florence 1.45 A. M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DATLT No. Ks3t. Leave Florence at. 4.0" P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8 05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flenilnsios, and Marion Paseengera for Columbia and all iolnta on U. & C. K. R., C, & A.Ii.K. Suit ens, Aiken .1 mic tion, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta oc Train 40 4 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight leaves WUrciagton dally ex cept Sunday at 7.10 A. M. JOHN Y. DIVIN2L, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, Genera! Passenger Ayrent. may 9 MISCELLANEOUS. ' Honest Old Abe. . Abraham Lincoln t had a strong back. Others may by using Ceiifeoa's Capclcc Potu P!aicr. . , ' jtiuc 1G srntfreeby jnne 10 4w B u rii li a m ' s j IVPKOYF.D Standard Turbine ! Is the pest constructed ncd rtnlfbed gives better percent- sire, more power, ana w row for er, pamphli BURHHAM BRCS.'oxk, la MISCELLANEOUS STCapitaliPrize 575oo Tickets only $5. Sharc8in -, Portion ' ror hss moocy. perliorsepow- T,nni5lOTlQ Cf r, tnaii any other i urbine In iJU UlblUtllU OL&tC t re world. y ew pamphlet Company, 'J see: TPm W KmAw .ama. - A m?XrrT42 sre tfeed with a terv (Vr. md U SZ"?" StaT.Z surpiise v ijxx A K thht Is unxampled trci Lie DrcinaM .L.",e? u7Z BOOK in what is now for,the Sfirat lime offered thorn -erne are ccuaitcud ritkh!! tt i m wnat is now tor,tne prat ume. offeree injm Cme are conducted tritk h.2 T Urn by lhe Tj'TERARY Ti EVOLUTIOfk. mt of good faith tt tho est- 6tunu:rdA;tr.Ks or Iho woill, ize ike Comfcnytoute tMicUtfJ eZ i est--' eumaardJf tin. ol Iho world, lse tke Contrcnv to m thiWJj!,? .erbly lilustratcd,! ildhly tKund. retailed at nt7 of our f. Sa iiit-ie iwcuju i lo.uier prices. - ttlli U a' mimcu " . COUNTS aud exolu Ivel territory -? 1 v n RW'i airents. ' O page eatal' giie free. Write quic k. ,1011 v B.Al 1E, Publisher, 893 Pearl tt, New Ymk. i - iune 16 4w TlYe Science off Life. Only $1 1JT MAIL POST PAID. t 7 r-1 c . - .-m '.j CommissioncM. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. OFFIUE O? QENESAL SGPKKlKTEKDITNTi Wilminzton. N. C, May 9, 1S?4. 1 1 fcKv-a.ii A GREAT WEDiCAL YQRX 0 MANHOOD. Exhiitsetwl Vitality. Kervo:;a and PhrirfMt Debility, Premature Incline In Man. Errors rJL. 17,' "- of Youth, and thc untold mlscrLs resoltiuif bST0. " rw lrom lndlsr.retlnn oi ptcps - : ' VWVMVM. WWUA VSX I . every man. youn, middle aged ftDd ld Jt I Itnever scales or postpontt. incorporated in 1S68 for tmm k. . ' ?alature for Kdocatlonal ,TOj2.r ixscs with a capital of $l,WjrlZ P -yaQovenctolng popn'.ai rot t,. t.nroo was maao a part of thu w," " OonamuUtm adopted December sffi ft? concurs iio. prescriptions for an .acme and its u rand Single Number Dmw . t chronlc disea&es, each Onp ot whih is Invalu place monthly. . wu able. So found by the Author, whose cxperi- a SPIi;si)'lK)PPnRTmin.v ence for 23 years is suoh as probably never rOBTUNR tfeventh SrSSfrKS01'1 beforu fejl to tho lot ofj any physician. gW ' " 1C AcadSiv nf SSS? C pasca. bound in beautiful French muslin, em Icidar Julv fi if&ttKS1 uosscd covers, full gilt, guaranteed to 1 a fil W - ' 1&410lh Moily Jlner work ineverv scnse-t-mechanical.merarv Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTSIi MAY 11th, 1534, AT 9.00 A. M., Passenger Trains on the Wilmlng-. ton A Weldon Iialiroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT NOS. 47 NOETH AND 4S SODTH. lieave YVllmhigton, Front St. Bepat, ?.00 A. ti Arrive at Weldon , 2.i?5 P. 1 liOave YVreldon 2.5-5 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, rront St. JJ'pt, 8.3.1 P. M Fast Through Mail & Passskgek Tuat . Daily No. 40 Socth. rave Weldon 5.45 P. M. Anlveat Wllm'gton.FroutSt. D'p't 10.10P. Jti . MAIL AND PASSENGEll TRAIN DAILY No. 43 North. liCavc Wilmington.. s.15 p. &i Arrive at Weldon 2.35 A. M Train No. 40 South will stou onlv at iri!sm Go ldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Lea ?a ttof.xv Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.30 P. HI. Dally. iSundavs excewtadl. Retnmi-.iv leave-Tarboro at 3 P. At. and 10.00 A. rl Dallv. Trams on Scotland Neck ISranch Koad lo-v;-Mallf ax f or Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. U!. turrJnar leave Scotland No:;fe at s.ri') A m daily except Sunday . Tn Vrt '1 " 1, I . . . don for ail points North Dully. All rail vi tacnmonu, and daily except Sunday via Hi ine. Train No. 43 runs dallv and malrr.l.aA ncction for all PoLnt3 North via Richmond au' Washington. . All trains nin fiollj! WiiryiiKi.Ti-n.-rv Wa8hineton,'and have Pullman Pafa ers attached. For accommodation ot" local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 6.5 A. ii. Dihly eyrer-t ' Sunday. ' JOHN F. DIVINK . General Superlntender.r. I. M. K31ES-SON, Quertt Passenjrer A petit, ra iv 0 and professional than any other work sold In Ra r fa 1 PtiiVo Q HZ AAft this country for $2.50. o the money will h VaULldl J. llZv QjUUu. v uvivivn i. iiuy xL&bajiu i uiiiy ipi.tA' by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts Send now. Gold medal warded , thc author by thc Naiional JUedisaf AfEcialion, to the officers of which he relera. ThePclencdof Life should be read by thc younj? for instruction, and by the afllicted foi relief. It will benefit all -London Lancet. There is no member f iociety to whom this bock will not be useful, whetheryouth. parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, r Dr. W. H. Parker, No.! 4 Bulla nch Street. Baston. Mass , who may be consulted on all tfseat-es - requiring1 skill and exiKjrience. Dlironic and obstinate tdisepes that have stilled tho Still of all U 52? ii B othti 100,000 Tickets at FIto Dol. lars Eacb. Fractious luFifthi in proportion, list or rniZKs. 1 Capital Prize of.... ........... ..... B(M 1 Capital Prize of....r"V.w?S i capital Prize of.::::::;:::.; aL phytsicians z specialty. 2 Prizes of z- 5 Prizes of -2,000. '" ,7 10 Prizes of- 1,000.. ...... ....... K iw rnres oi -500.. ....... 500 Prizes of 100. .:. . 1000 Prizes of 2sl Such treated successful-M f C E? f Iff V without an In- S ,11 S SL Em mT jtance of failure. Menti ,n this paper, june "(; dw 4v . i ..... 1Q.M fiCO Prizes of fiO.... " oe - -yi .......... ' Ml APPROXIMATION PRIZES. i QApppoximatloaPrlzesof $750. ,1 ,1 -.- " 500. . fa I9 " 250. u Sashj--Doors, .B White Lead inds, Paints, French Wiridowi Glass, AGENCY FOR N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT; (J COS READY P HEP A UK D PAINT t 1 ALL AND EiAillNEjOUK GOODS AND get our prices i-ii iie purchasing The fact .ha i our Paliitt arc irorn the cCielratcd Fac icricB of WetherLI & Co., and llarrfson Brot . Co.,'issufScient uarantc for the!r qualitj and puritj . A fine line of Cooking! 1.9G7. Prizes, amounting to.... ....... f&m only to ihe office of the Company in Kewr For further information, write cleariT, gl Ing full address. Make P. O. MoMjOr. aera payable and address Eetfstercd LUerto NEW OP.LEANS NATIONAL RAX K, New Obleaxs, U. P1?STjiL NOTES and ordinary lettcni bj Mail or Express (all sums of $9 and upwwni by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIK, A m nm New Orleans, la. 3r M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 -Seventh SL. Whtnrft n i- june 18-wed-sat 4w-dw ' . A.1SI OTHER ' XiOT ' OF -4 K-5 Central E.- Ii Company. VFICS OS KKEEAI. JiUPlSKISTKWDEXt l-rrtnwn. N: :.. May 10. . KXPKCTPD BY WEI SE8DAT . MILAN CHIP and all the Kbnh Striir. popuUr now. 'Every possible shsde of ttith eri and o-her Tiimmirgs Nrw Ut of Prs sols, white and col. rs, a:i ffta GUte, to which your attentions respectfully invited. L?5l Kid and Lace. New smm P.Uen RATH'L JACOBr, wpt;2 - io South tYont St Stoves at Factors t 'rices, in addition to our large and full HARDWARE) STOCK, First National Bank of Wil-mington. . . Kcspcctfully MISS E. KAERER. may 26 Excharge, Ckratr. LAWN CHAIRS, STUDENT'S CIIAIUS, I IIAMMOCUS, MaUrcsscs, W Imlow Shades; and an elegant line of Chamber, Parlor aud Dinin- Room Suits. Fcraalebv TII03. C. CBAFr, Afct., Furniture Dea'er, jQly7 . . . SS So. Front St. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS JCOW OPEN AND PERSONS visiting thn city, the Sounds or Smith ville. ana in need of First Chss worki will do well locaiion i - I JOKClsr WEKISIER the well known Barber and Perfumer at his T 0?n?Jln ana "alT Dreaaing Saloon. NO. 2l MAKKET &TI&KRT. wbcrer he will spare no pains In rmnesatls- may 23 1 It is a Fact That TTU1IPHREY. JESKivs r.i . JJ. freeh Bnnnly every day of Apples, Peach 5 Pr " hort?etcrries, Cherrica. Toma- icriuciyuu aua i antaJoupcs i also Chickens and Jprjr&. Ac ConaLrnmcnta of the above &nlirttAii r.i UfacUoa guaranteed. Give ch .1 tHti i n - ask. No. 112 South Front at. Has Arrived ! FRESH SUPPLY OF THAT delicious liliATED PINS APPLE by to-day's N Y Steamer. Also, another lot of j that A No. 1 MIXED TEA at ftOc per pound, (China Cup and Saucer given with every pound) 200 pounds 1 sold In two weeks. Remember I keep nothing but the very best first-class goods. Fresh sup 1 ply every week. Call and examine at Crapon's Family Grocery. j - 9 OKO. M. CRAPON, Agent, men 26 Family Grocer. 22 South Front St Wagonette pOE WRIG1TT3VILLE SOUND, will leave feontherland's Rubles DAILY at 6 P. M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A, H. sharp june 25 tf T. J. SOUTHER LAND. W. & E. S. LATIMER. Attorneys-at-Law. Offle-S. X. Cor. Princess andWaterlSts. Change of Schedule; QN AND AFTEE MAY 12:h iSi-4, THU following acncaaie will be operated on this PASSENGEll MAIL AND EXPEESS TR AI? Dally except Sondaj s. ; ) Leave Wilmington at .7.?0P. M l. i iieave uaieigaat.. 7 I .3.00 P. .7.00 A. No. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at .T A ) Leave Charlotte at 8.4 P. M u. -6. Arrive Kaiei?n at 3.3J A 31 ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8.(0 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regvilar station only, and points designated In the Gompanv't Time Tabie. SHELBY DIVISION, FASSENGEIi, MAIL ! EXPP.ESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. No. 3. 1 Vtlve Unarlotte.. -5.15 P M : i Arrive at Shelby 0 00 p. M. N-4 Ary??-,- 7.00 a! M. ; J Arrive at Cnarlotto... ...... 10.45 a. 1-1 rrJ iaild ? .ake ctose connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Ibhrough Sleeping Cars between WlimlEatoa i;na'lottte ad Sleigh and Charlotte. western N IRK, Ashevllie and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athone Atlanta and all points Southwest Ain"ne L. C. JONES, y xv rr . Tt7- , Superintendent. mav j0CLABK. General Passenger Aent ACESON & BELL, Water Power Printers CAPITAL STOCK... SURPLUS FUND.... ............ ft Ul.VIV f.0 WEAK, UNDEVELOPED. PACTS OP THE HUif AN BQUY K.LA)tiKI. DKVFU OPED. RTRKNGfHENKU." afivertisement longrun in ourir-r. infiriiMiH , quiriea we will way tbat tftwre i nov)(l-no'i h"l bug about this. OntttB contrary f hw(lvTti-T.r very highly indorsed, intrpwwl iwrwonn ituT f'l BeaW circnlarB giving l vruc""r i,t .wi Kpie AIeptcaIj Jo.. HuttaU ..-lJiotw. apt IB irdAw Deposits received and collections; naadelos all accelble polnlslin the Unltpd.SUtea. DIRECTORS E. E. UU1CBUSS, D. G. WORTHS A. MAUTIH, l A3.8PBUNT, GEORGE CHADBiUUN OFFlCERgl: E. . BURIIsiS3.. '.4 A. II. V, ALEF.R.... W. L4 i?KIXSMI o l -' Preeldt Cashlfz Ast Cashlex Kcrcliuer & CaKier Bros. WHOLESALE OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 323 SOUTH FOUKTII STBKlT, of positc Miller's Drug Store. JBSr Note chancre of cflice hourB, wwen v as follows 7 to 10 am., 8 to 9 p. m. MfMT TpJephone at residence. o 5j. june 9 tf "1 ' -.-.:' Choice Now Crop Molasses. SECOND CARGO NOW LANDING. AND WILL BK SOU' PEOMPTLY FROM WIIIR At Low Price. WORTH & WOKTE men 20 GEOCERS AN COM1VIISS.ION Merchants, Df. Dodd'S Htt VM 0 1 Alii BOOK-BINDERS. iWe have the most rmnnip oiomm: ment of theind to hA fnn ton, and guarantee all our work to be done ln class style. and on reasonable term bend In your orders rtnrin'r thn .imi ,o. son, and have them executed at the lowest possible prices. v 1 ouer for sale a full line of BACON. SALT. CORN. OATS LYE, STAKCH CBACKZISS, CANDY ' HOOPIEO.t LUE. ' AIH' BUNGS, PaPEU, liAGS axlegkease. POWDEK. apt 4 i COFFEE. ilOLViSES, la- d, HAY, ' POTASH, SOAP. CAN D UTS, IICCKETS. TIES. Ac. Hon. A, Waddell. -ry E ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. JL WADDELL as a:candidate for Congress from the Sixth District, subject to Vie action of the Democratic Conversion of the n v trtct, when called, '.' . . . - may 1 1 , JCE. ! - ... ..'t'iry-A'M warn --iane ' vTeTdaTO SON. WILL CURE NERVOUS,' Hi and Genital Weakness atf Lft cretlon and violating the w 7 Price $1 - . .... DR. HUNTER 3 PILLS AtA Cures Syphilis In all. Its forms "j. Sore Throat andjNose, 4'croula. TCtt ti,. a ma, Itching sensation. Salt Jvt Blood and fekln Diseases. Urinary V1' Strlctorea speedily ctred YVtlxttD - ri. iin.nU rMLK rBl'5l-rf ... . .'rr. ' . --,-n or wyrrj -fcver rai:a 10 cure imjuuu, jim" slons, caused by co ids or clf7 infr1 laditi and ladies in delicate Jf fLt cautioned to not ve it. Price fl. money for either ir.ccicloe w, sent by raall or exprcs eatea- 1. all DruudstB : sent bv mall or exjre- , jury 7 d&wly ' It' Ice. Ice. J. Ii. WINNER, yAlCIFilAKEPv& JEWELLKI 1tew&?Jiu?- Vn Watches ftffS rr-wi5T-rePal and warranted- ,Mi-J vPPoJt(TNeW Marfeet. Front St. r WOULD EESPECTFULLT SOfl'L I JL citizens and the pabUc geS517(Jf V hvelaWln a loU supply of CMySdtf?; and am now f ultv prepared to ""Jtt I LOW PlitcES, by the BarreJ. JiSJ$ Car Load, to all points ' tie liivers, aed hope to secure a reaf,?S of patronage, ; h. H- J V - Proprietor of Ne J V;i , Send for Prices. &wr

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