y I ,. . "II .I. ! I , III. ,ILI I II IIH.I H1IHI.I-II.WIM MISCELLANEOUS r mflLERA ( RAMP lARRHOEAl IURE OTTB SS TEASS. gaei , iiicitor U. S. Treninry, and other. Prjee. " MDroggliM Onj genuine if 26 rt-. u blown U bottle. Sole proprietor., THECHAIIES 'jLVOIILIl COMMIT. 1 nk Baltimok, Mb., U. 8. A. Mch lv d&w. Vital Questions!!!! - . eminent pliysician Ot any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allayiDg all irritation of the nerves, curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep al- 'Andllic? will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops!!!" ' CHAPTER I. Ask an or all of the 'most eminent physicians: r ' - . "What i3 the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all dis eases ot the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Briaht's disease, diabetes, re tention, or inability to retain urine, nnl all the diseases and ailments pecu liar to Woman" ' "And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "BuchuV.r A-k the same physicians "What i3 the most reliable and sur est cure for all liver diseases or dyspep sia; constipation, indigestion, bilious cess, malaria, fever, ague, &c," and tbev will tell you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion!!!!'1 Hence, when these remedies are combined vith others equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curative power Is developed which la bo varied In its operations ihit no disease or 111 health can possibly exist or resist its power, and yet it Is Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAl'-BEK II. fc Patients "Almost dead or nearly dying." For years, and given up by physlcians.of Brkht'B ana otner Kidney diseases, nver com. laint3, severe coughs, called consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy I I I I From ajrony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. Peonle drawn out of shate from excrucla tlag pangs of rheumatism, inflammatory and cbTonic. or Buffering irom scroiuia. ErvslDclasl "Saltrheum. blood poisoning, dyspepsia In digestion, and, in fact, almost all diseases trail" Nature la heir to Have been cured by nop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neignoornooa in the known world. None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the wnite laoei. snun an mewie, wAsonous stuff with "Hop" oi 'IIops In their name. s June is im Qw nrm A STRUGGLE WITH A SHIRT. Three hundred and sixty-five times each year every mother's son of us has a strug gle getting into his shirt. - If ashirt is worth getting into, if it is strong and well made, sure not to rip or tear, perfect fitting, then there is some compen sation forspending so much of our exist ence in such a struggle. You may wrestle with the Diamond, but with its everlasting-stay-attachment and reinforced bosom, you will come out head first every time, covered with glory and with the best shirt in the land. SM'Ucr & Co.; sole manufacturers, C. U14 3aid res Calu- cednnn SAI KA ESTATE UNDER MORTGAGE. AND IN PURSUANCE OF tae powers contained In a certain mortgage 01446 Marc th, 1379, and registered In Book p by Adam Brown and wife EUabeth Bwwn,toD. J. Saunders, Gunrdl- a. tae undersigned as attorneys for F. TL Dar- wilijPfcnt guardian of W. T. Johnson, nBrt" Public auction for cash, at the o'cJoci TM8einlne city of WUmington. at 12 l,wMmdar. July I4th, !Si4,tbe lS?ySf5Sbed Premises, Tlr. The West !"? Sth? ftffit.N, ? ln block No. 224, accord utat???HpUm'otclty of Wilmington. wuinSeventh8tTt and 165 felt on jaae ii KUSS ELL & RICAUD, IT1 Attorneys. Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JCST CKiyiKG BY A. C. LINE and N. lSK;?vsVa- andN. Y. Butter. crw Jriour. Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard tol3 E. G. BLAIR, ..." o. 19 N. Second Street. m hePaily Revjev, ItOCIC OP AGES. Ages, cleft for me." Whispered on a bed of death. Jet me hide myself in Thee?" l?airitr fiintoi r,- ii iir r a m J wws lue "ream; Ivpck of Ages" fainter still rrom me laltenng. dying Hps, And the ebbing pulses thrill, Aa life s current seaward slips. At thethoushto grandly sweet Iwock of Ages cleft for me," Foothold for faltering feet, "fet me bide myself in ThceP "Rock of Ages," whispered low Over lips all white with paiD. . And the struggling heart below Seeks the refuse rock again. "Rock of Age?, cleft for ine." lrayerfuliy the words are eaid 'I for safety fly to Thee," And the pain is comforted ; And the thankfnl lips repeat, "Rock ot Ages, cleft tor me. Trusting in the promise 'sweet. I shall hide myself in Thee." "Rock of Ages." said in tears, . O'er the face grown still in death . And the heart's wild erief and fears Tell themselves in sobbing breath; 'Rock of Ages, cleft lor me," : Cried in hour of deepest loss, Rock of Ages" trustingly, And the heart takes up its cross. Oh. the words are strangely sweet, And God's promises are sore; Refuge for our wandering feet. Thou wjlt evermore endure! ST AT 12 TKBAS UK KB. Donald W, Bain. In every community there are to be found some who quietly and without os tentation have always done their duty well in that sphere to which they have been called. The subject of thi3 sketch is a native of Raleigh, now in the prime of life, and is classed with the young and act ive business men of the State. Mr. Bain was educated at the school of the late J. M. Lovejoy, whose repu tation as a scholar and peculiar fitness as a teacher were known the State oyer. Alter years of careful training by his distinguished preceptor, he was emi nently .qualified for the high and honv orable positions which ho afterwards attained. Turning his attention in early life to business pursuits rather than a college course, Mr. -Bain entered the office of the Comptroller of State in When North Carolina, following in top wake ot other Southern States, had, in 1861, thrown off the yoke ot Northern alle giance, ho volunteered ia the Raleigh Light Infantry, and was only kept from active service in the field by leeble health and the importunities of Gov ernor Ellis to remain at his post of civil duty. In 1865 he was appointed by Governor Jonathan Worth, then Treasurer, to fill the important position of Chief Clerk in the Treasury Depart ment, an office which he has ever since occupieg with honor to bimseli and credit to the State. His. services to the State in the eventful times of 1868-'69 are best expressed by a correspondent recently writing from Western North Carolina: "He has long been the Chief Clerk in the Treasury, and is familiar with all its workings. His practical skill and unbendingl integrity were the chief instrumentalities whicn saveu tne Treasury in those dark days of the State when reconstruction was rampant and the strongest efforts were made to procure his dismissal, while eager hands were grasping at the public purse for spoliation. The situation ana sur roundings were a crucial test and proved him worthy of all honor and trust." It will thus be seen that from early life Mr. Bain ha3 been intimately con nected with the financial management of the State, and that at periods the most trvinff and important in our history. By many years of hard study and " application he has thoroughly mastered our revenue system and to day is regarded authority on that most important subject. Recognizing his haancial aointy aua thorough knowledge ot the States monetary affairs. Governor Jarvis, in 1879, appointed mm, togetner wiiu Hon. George Davis, of Wilmington, and Hon. M. McGehee, our present efficient Commissioner of Agriculture, as one of the commissioners to effect an adjustment of the bonded debt of the State contracted to aid in the con struction of the North Carolina Rail road. By the decision in tho Swazey suit the State's interest in this valuable property had, in a measure, passed into the hands of a receiver, and though she held .$205,000 of the old bonds, yet no benefits were realized Irom her stock. TTndor the comnromise effected the road was saved to the State without the cost of a dollar. . The name of Donald W. uain ana Masonry in North Carolina are synony- mous. Jueciea in 100 w me ruspuusi- hle office of Grand Secretary ot tne lirann Lodce of North Carolina, a posi tion which tor twenty-six years had been worthily failed by his father, be nas ever since, at the annual communications of that body, received its hearty endorse ment by unanimous reeiecuons. zais well, k-nnwn knowledge ot Masonic usage and jurisprudence is not only recognized in his own, dui iu umer grand lodges of :he country. At thA Lost session of the North Caro lina Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Church, South, he was made its Secretary. He is the first layman on whom this honor nas oeen conieriuu m tUa Kict nru rf tho Conference. Being a representative man m his church he al wavstaKcs-a prommeui. piv yearly deliberations. To most children the bare suggestion of a dose ot castor oil is nauseating. Tin ..dnn nhvSlft IS nGCe3 sary for the little ones, use Ayers ca thartic Tills? They combine every Ar.nt;ai or,H vnlnabla Dnncipio ot a cathartic medicine, and- being sugar coated are easily taken. Sue Wanted to Know. "Kiss me again." t - . Sibyl Sartoris spoke these words ; m a irrave. calm manner iu u, v"r; thn serious import m wnicn sne uoiu Ihlm. M Herbert Holdlst , bent tenderly iorwaru auu softly to hers she looked up to bun m sy. ' caon-the-back-fence fashion tnathad so witched him fax the golden huea days of courtship those days when all the world seemed filled with sunshine, when every breeze l spoke in whispers of his love for this bewitital gin, and the - cloudless skies seemed only to reflect the deeper azure of her eyes. - . : ; t:-.-- There was no tint of deception in the pure nature of this girl, and her every act was the result of reflection, often profound. ; Brought np ia Boston, she bad all ber life been accustomed to put to its best use the power ofdissernment which a thoughtful miud gave her. Surrounded as she was by the mvstic influencesVt Emerson, the Concord School ot Philosophy, and several large warehouses where mackerel were sold, it is small wonder that when,! standing on the threshold of womanhood, she beheld suitors for her heart and band approach, she had analyzed" with criti cal care the hopes and fears of each had subiected the character of very wooer to the rigid scrutiny of her mind that, seated cross-legged on the starry summit ot psychological I research, looked upon man as only vivified proto plasm, and the depnnst pmntinna of rh heart as merely the manifestations of a too active nerve centre. i Herbert knew this. He knew that this girl the rounded curves of whose bgure and the dewy sweetness of whose liptf would have made an anchorite leave hi3 job without a pang had naugnt oi passion in iher nature. ivnu so wncn lie naa complied oh, so gladly with her request, there stalked a" a. 1 . 1 l " irum uui. mc Dauquet nans oi nis imag ination where they had so lone been unwelcome guests the sheeted ghosts oi JJoubt and Apprehension.' lie knew now that Sibyl loved him with a love that would never falter or fail a love that, securely built upon a foundation of respect and admiration, was" now crowned with the large, roomy, man sard roof of a deathless, never chang ing passion. Her words proved it .Never beiore nad sne even so much as hinted at a kiss, and when! he had sought to take one she had submitted to hi3 caresse3 more as a, dutiful wife than an ardent lover. But now all wus changed, and it was she who sought the bliss that a large, weil-regu lated; three-story-and-basement kiss alone can give. Tne thought was ecstasy. ! "You love me better to-day, Sibyl." he said, "than you did yesterday. Is it not so, darling?" ' I " "No " she answers, standing there calm and pulseless as a ' clam at high tide. I "Then why," he says, "did you ask me to kiss vou?" I "Because." Sibyl replies, "I desired to ascertain whether or not you had been drinking Medford rum," Chita' qo Tribune. A Youngster's Teeth demand greater attention than they usually receive. Mothers- careful of their children's physical well-being, wisely adopt SOZODONT as an article of the family toilet. If the first set of a juvenile's teeth are daily polished with this matchless purifier, the second set are almost invariably white and strong, and proye a life-long blessing, otherwise they frequently turn out carious and irregular. Young and old alike benefit by its use. East and West. An Eastern man made a trip to the far West recently and at one point he waited an hour or two for a delayed tram, employing the Interval in walk ing up and down the platform giving his opinions on Western customs. l ten you what it is," no said to a strapping big fellow in a slouch hat, who just arrived, "you Western people want more of the civilization of the East and you want more Eastern peo ple among you." Thet'swhut another duffer from New Yorick said when he landed h'ar." "Well, he was right." "We uns didn't somehow think so, stranger," "Of couse you didn't, and that's what's the matter with you." j "Thet's whut the other feller said." . "I'd like to see that man and shake his hand once for the sake of progress." "Yer can't do it, stranger ; he's on his way way back to the startin' pint." "You didn't scare , him away: did you r" "Not ezactly, stranger; he's yit, but he's ready to go when pulls out." "Where is he? I want to see him and brace him up." "All right, stranger. Just go right in the deepo thar an' ax the boss to let yer see the man in the long wooden box. Mebbe yer kin see him, mebbe yer can't: leastways 'tain't going to hurt ver to try. If yer kin brace him up it's moreen the doctors could do, alter Long Legged Jim pulled on him fur sweann' that in the siverlized East thar wuz five aces in the deck." i The Eastern man's train came along just in time. Merchant Traveller. in town he train Cure that Cold, Do not suffer your Lungs to become diseased by allowing a cold to continue without an effor to cure it Thousands have died premature deaths, the vic tims of Consumption, by simply neg lecting a cold. I . DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUNGS will cure Colds, Coughs and Consumption surer and quicker than anv other remedy. It acts almost like magic in many caees, and in others, its effects, though slow, is sure if per sisted in, according to directions. Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the Best Salve for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Freckles and Pimples. Get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all others are counterfeits. Price 25 cents '-.'': Dr. Mott's Iilyer Pills. These Pills have never been advertis ed very much, but. they hare just as much intrinsic merit as though they were puffed to the skies by indiscrim inate advertising. Try them and be convinced. The most irritating fly is the Spanish fly. . "J3acUu-PaIba. Quick, complete ' cure, all - Kidney Bladder and Urinary Diseases, Scald ing, Irritation, Stone, Gravel, Catarrh of the bladder. $1, Druggists. cod ITITr7-AIViniTISE21EOTS. Fy tue. light of Day. J PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE 7 PRESUT-HEIP IU THE IEW ERA. I remember when they were Dnttlne no the poles for the tint telegraph nxje In the State oi New York, and bow Lvv tnr claimed a citizen of the metropolis' to his xneno. as tne two stood on the summit of the tall Equitable Bunding la Broadway. "The cUy Is strung with wires like a harp, and elec IIIV. UHUIUUUC1U01 is roe aauy miracJC or tne 1A5theyUdMo8whenM first suggest ed its lKsibility.,, , . i ne age marches on and prejudice must give way. Mobody has a mononolv of tnxlh. Even the conservative guild of physicians admit that the secrets of medidc e are shared by all en- "I dressed his wound and God healed hlm.M said old Galen. Once that terrible dls ease. Rheumatism, was supposed to be a shift ing, local ailment, now attacking the joints and now the muscles. - To-day It is demonstra- Mrs. Henry Bogert, of No. 454 Atlantis Ave tme, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to Messrs. His Co.. of New York, proprietors of PAR KER'S TONIC, that she had been completely disabled from Bheumatlsm and pain In the back and limbs. She was aiviaed to take tho Johic for Kidney disease. She did so, and her Jiheumatism disappeared. 1 he reason is simple. Diseased Kidneys produce rheumat ic symptoms. Cure them and vou destroy Jikeu malum This la now admitted by all Intelli gent physicians. It is the new lighi thrown oxkVl?iymo"worri d mistaken theories. PARKER'S TONIC which Is a combination of the best remedies for the blood known to Tint TmtPalllT CUPPAQcfn 1 In jwvmtiot- log this terribly common complaint. Those Liver disTJlRP.S or a.nv rnmnlalnt H:1nir fMm impure blood, will find the Toxic a prompt and certain remedy. Prices. tOc. and fl pcr uome. x ne xarger size the cheaper. . . junell lm nrmd&w The Mayo House, T FOIST FISHES, IS ONE OF THE moBt pleasant resorts In the State. THE FI N- EST BATHING, B0 4.TISG AND FISHING FACILITIES. Best Liquors and Cigars, Fish, Shrimps, Clams and Terrapins served in every style. " CHABGES VEBY MODERATE. Parties going down on Steamer Passport can spend about six hours at the Point and return same day. Those wishing to co outside to fish on Southern Bock will have to remain over night. Can leave the city at 4 o'clock. In the afternoon, on steamer Louise, and return next evening. Airs. Mayo will loot after, the com fort f Ladles. W. K. MAYO. june 19 lm THE GREAT RUSH FOR THAT $1.00 SCUPPERNONG ! IS REMARKABLE. It Is a STRICTLY PURE WINE, and we are selling It at $1 because we PURCHASED AT A SMALL FIGURE. CLARET WINE, 50c per bottle. Just the thing for warm weather. ROTSTER'S CANDIES i are far ahead of any Candles sold in this mar ket for PURITY, FRESHNESS and WHOLE SOMENESS. 35 Cents per pound ; 3 pound for$l. " P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. July 8 HO North Front St. S3.00 I QUR SALES ON THOSE THREE-DOLLAR CONGRESS for Gents have surpassed our most sanguine expectations. But wc have a plenty of them left to supply the demand Call and get a pair. BARGAINS In Ladles and Children's SLIP PERSand Gents' LOW QUARTERED SHOES at , Geo. K. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. july 8 C. W. Yates, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 119 Market St., Wilmington. N. C. School Books and School Supplies, Blank Books of every description In Block ana made to order, when desired. Fancy Goods, Albums, Pictures, Frames Musical Instruments, &c Bibles. Hymn Books. Praver Books. Sun day School Books, &c Lithographing and Engraving a specialty. Special discount to teachers and mer chants. piles. We can give you bottom prices and save you freight. Large stock ef Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags always on hand. July 7 MISCELLANEOUS: g S 3 Jfo A a Q rf " E ? 3 a , " 3 ?? o a O a 5 s o 3 ?3 ft Er Zz.i rr t T? e c- a kw U3 3 1 t MO O Sg 8 3 3 5 o 3 tsaMff july 11-diw Dr. Mott's Powders NEVER FAIL TO CURE INFI.AMM k tlonof tho Kidneys. Gravel. Gleet. Sti let- ores and all Urinary diseases, s Nervous and f hysicai Debility, GcnlUl weakness and all those untold miseries caused by IndUcrctiou or Excesses. Syphilis In all its forms perma nently cureo. i eiiow or JJrown eiot3 on lace and body .Sore Throat and Nose Serofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all Blooil and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured in 3 days. Price $3. Knc'oso tho money to FRANK STEVJKNS & CO.. Baltimore, Md., and it will oe scni oy mail seaiea. jror rale by an drug gists; sent by mall, july 7 d&wly flIortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a certain dcel of '-mortgage made by S L. Fremont and wile, et al, to W. A. Cummiog, recorded in Brunswick county. in uoos. x , pages to so or tne omce or lteg istcr of Deeds, and which said mortsaze. and tbe debt thereby secured, was In due course or assignment, transferred to William M. Cum mlng. the undersigned as Attorney ; for said William M. Gumming, nm expose for sals to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the Court nouse door in the city of Wil mington, on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1834, at 12 o'clock. M. the following described property sltuato In Brunswick -County, known as Clarendon Plantation. -Beginning on the West bank of the Cape Fear Elver at the mouth of the Canal, runs thence np said Canal S. Ci W 124 -nolea to a China tree on the highlands dl recUy in front of the dwelllnsr. thence N. 52 W. 3J poles to a China tree, thence S. 72 W SM poles to a stake, thence 8. 74 W. 41 prles to a stake, tnence o. w J. Ziri poies to a dogwood tree, thence S. 80 E 204 poles to a black gum, tnence N.iii e. no poles to a stake, tnence k. 124 poles along a bank to the Cape Fear Bivcr. thence along the banks of the river about 2c 5 poles to the mouth of the uaftai, the begin ning. Also one other tract, beginning at tne mouth of said Canal, runs thence along the first of the above mentioned tract to the high land to a China tree, thence N.52 W; 33 poles to a China tree, thence S. 71, W. 354 poles to a stake, thence N. 70 W. C2 poled to a Cypress near the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of said . creek to the ricefleld. about 220 poles, thence with said creek on the north side N. 50 E. 168 poles to the junction of Beaver Dam with Mallory Creek, thence with said Mallory Creek to the river, about 120 poles, thence along tbe banks tnereof to the beginning, containing by csu mate 1,000 acres more or less. ! J. D. BELLAMY, Jr., j une 26 20 J Attorney. New York & Wiljnington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. i REGULATOR.... .Saturday, July 5 I BENEFACTOR. Saturday, J uly 12 REGULATOR... .'....Saturday, July 19 BENEFACTOR Saturday, July 26 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR... ....Saturday July 5 WHOLESALE JPPICE3. The folio win 2 rsotrtiosa rrrrcscrt - t wholesale priaea gcncrallyi rIa naklag up small orders higher prices have to be charged . REGULATOR. ....Saturday July 12 3. BENEFACTOR Saturday July 19 REGULATOR. Saturday, July 26 I ... 49" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. , For Freight or Passage apply to U. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Genera) Agontr, 35 Broadway, New York. may al-tf. T f. I. S2 RELIABLE SELF-GURE) knost noted and eocce3ful specialist in S-v" fsow retired) for tbe cure of ZervtwmlhBMiMVt (iStoBelaedenveloport. DrugsiatscaafUlK Addreu .OIL WARD & CO.. Loaisiaat. Mo ( RrTORpV-AND AF-TER J Window Shades. fTO MEM 0HLY, Y01MG OR OLD, W ion VitauttTLack or Kim Foaci asb ' f VpcasovAi. Katum resulting trota Arts Bd Vt Smeluth Century. cn luoucetvi w 1ITA1C BELT CO.. HASsnAU, Mion. I' I.M STOCK OF TRANSPARENT AND other styles, all new. Also, new arrivals of PARLOR, CHAMBER and DINING ROOM! FUSTSITURE. Call and examine prices and terms. T. A. S:ITT1T. Furniture Dealer. ..21. Tro ot Street Every Farmer oosht to get a Boy Clipper Plow," 'greatest invention ot tho use. Jacobx is tho Agent. t t th s 11 A IS 10 Wdaliilnisllilen "Whose debility, exhausted power.. , premAtor. drcjiy nd failure to perform life, dotle. properly are cnsed by xceMeL error of youth, etc will find a perfect aod laeticg: restoration to knttoot kealtk and vliorom aaua.bod ia NATHMARSTON BOLUS. AKnLiier munM-h araczmz nor jnatrojaenU. This tre&tinutt cf I rvoa. e btllty and ' . XhrlatTeeayiinBUorm!j' mnccmsM beeaose based on perfect dufBoi, " ud direct Method, sad abolat thor. o'fcBeM. Full infonaatiaa aod Treats tree. AdIre". Consulting Ffcjcin of f IIABST0H REfiE0YCav46 W.14h SL, New York. MY 27 ljttxi&wt U , j is a ,9 wo u BAGGING 1 ft . . . B 4CON North Carolina: JU&$.y ft,... SfcOuidcra, Y Cv............... o . p T imimi WESTERS SHORED - . llama. ....... ... Sides, V ft... BnonKlcrs.... .... DRY SAI.TKIV Sides, fj.........N.. Shoulders. V m.... .......... BARRELS Snlrits Tnrcentlni. oooona iiamt, cacn,.. ........ i ,i C3 New New Yokt each.. 1 90 a t 00 New Cltr.cach. ...... ......... 1 CO' fi l (n BEESWAX, ft.............. i 2$ 0 M BRICKS. M North Carolina............... Northern . P I VIM T.-CI I. . ' perm.. ............ ........... -is a Tailow. ................... . .llfTl Aflainanttec........ r-ll is Utlt-KSJi. V to , Kortncrn factory. i....T7.. JZa U Dairy, Cream..- . ...14 ft m tU State.... .................f lfl fi i ia COFFEE, Y Vy- ; . t , ' - , . ti - , Java. t 17 ts 15 Lasruvra. ltur it -ao :.t ltws CORNMKAL.f bus.. In sacks S5 a COTTON TIES. V bundle.... 1 fi3 O 1 2J 90 a o 25 S3 li domestics ShecUnsr, AA, V yd Yarns. Y bunch.... EGGS, Y dozen.;.... F19H . t - Mackerel, No. 1, Y bbl. ...... 16 CO Mackerel, No. 1, Y half bbl.. 8 60 Mackerel, Ho. 2, Y bbl...; 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, Y half bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel, No. 8, Vibl..., .4. 7 75 Mullets, Y bbL...........,..; 4 00 wuiiets. Pork bbla 7 00 IS 874 7: F5 a N. C. Roe Herring, V keg.... 3 00 Dry God, Y la..-.. "I itui ixjjvi. r z.uuu ms . Peruvian Go anoi No. 1. 87 SO . . - , No. 2......s 00 aTSVOO CIO 09 10 00 5 60 O 8 03 ft, a s so 9 4 00 ittZI 00 " LobOS. 00 CO ftM 00 Baugh's Phosphate.. 00 00 4760 00 Carolina Feuulxcr.. ...43 00 4250 00 Ground IJopc. .......... ..100 00. gS40 00 Bono MealT. 00 00 CM 00 lfone iour... .........00 00 Navassa Guano ..........40 00 Comfleto Manure .......00 00 Whann's Phosphate ;...00 00 Wsndo Ph09phate..'..'...;;..;oO 00 Berger & Butt's Phosphate.. 00 00 cxceiicnza i-oiton jrcruilzcr.55 00 4557 OC 4745 0C 4T67 CC ttlO 00 C70O3 M 00 4XG0 03 7 50 French's Carlwnate of Limn... 7 no French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 60? O 9 0 Fine. ............ Northern Super............... Extra... : Family............. City Mlila Extra 6 ." .... ....... v 0 00 4 751 5 75 6 60 60 11 .... 81 14 73 C5 125 20 15, 75 " -' Extra.Famlly. GLUE Y ft GRAIN, Y bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white,. Corn, cargo, mlxed.iii baga. f VSU UU1U S kUA u......... Cow Peas............ HIDES, Y lo Green J.. ........ Dry HAY, Y 100 lbs Eastern....... YCfitSl'ti...,.,,,....,,.., North River.. ...... HOOP JIRON, Y lh..,..U.U. LARD, Y ft- jt" Northern....; L.L.JL.. North Carolina........ ....... v 00 LIME, Y barrel 140 LUMBER, City Sawed, Y Mft. V Ship Stuff, re sawed.... ..13 00 Rough Edge Plank .15 00 We&tIndiaCargoca,accordlng to quality ..............IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scautllng And Board. com'n..l2 00 MOLASSES, Y gallon! ? New Crop Cuba, hi hhda..... SO " lnbbla...... 3 Porto Klco, In hhds. ......... 32 V" In bbls 35 Sugar House, in hhda 00 in bbis... ,. 20 49 4 ?5 a e ej 0 800 0 6 60 a 6 oj. a a, n ' u 1 a i 4t3 a 61 12 8i 8 75 Uv S s li S5 S5 85 10 020 00 016 OC 018: 022 00 C15 syrup, in ODia.. 40 NAILS, Y Keg, Cut,10d basis.. 0 00 OILS, Y gallon i ; i Kerosene......; '11 Lard : 1 10 Linseed 90 Rosin 90 00 10 no 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 41 3 45 00 23 80 5C ts 0 0 0 a oo 0 0 0 a 0 a Tar Deck and Spar.. jruuiixitx Chickens, live, grown... ..... " Spring Turkeys.;..................... PEANUTS Y bushel.'. POTATOES. Y bushel Sweet I..... ;; Irish, Y bbl 2 roitii, v Darrci City Mess ...23 60 Prime..... .16 00 Rump.. ...................... ,17 00 BiuE Carolina. tt... Rough, V bushel.. ........... RAGS, Y ft Country City. ROPE, V ft ...........;i;i SALT, Y sack, Alum. ...... Llvcrpoo Lisbon.... .... ............. M. American.... ......... ........ ouuoui v iu vuua,, ......... - vw Porto Rico......... 00 A Coffee............ ......... 00 B " 00 c tua Ex C f ........ ...... O tvinsnou...... ....... ; iumu 45 00 00 20 22 Cf7 024 017 018 4(40 95 0 1 140 ivo, 00 0 ' 00 I00 -00 00 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOAP. Y ft Northern 6 SHINGLES, 7 In. VM..... 10 80 Common.... .................. S 60 Cypress .'Baps.. ...... ......... 4 60 Cypreea Hearts. . 0 00 STAms. Y M-W. O. Barrel..ll 00 R. o. Hogshead.. 00 00 75 75 00 75 00 00 m t t rTxr i tw TIMBER, V M fCCt ShlpplDg.H 00 gZh 00 rme aim.t.. ................. .ii -a aiso-t MU1 Prime.................... 7 60 0 8 60 Mill Fair........ 6 000 8 60 Common Mill................; 6 00 0 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary.. ........ 0 00 - a 4 00 WHISKEY, Y gal-Northern.. 1 00 0 ,4 00 North Carolina 1 00 n J 60 WOOL. V lb Washed.......... 1 0 : 21 Unwashed.... ................ IS '4 011 00 08 00 0 600 0 7 60 4213 00 old oo 018 0 0- 20 15 1884. Harper'sYonnPeoiiIe. 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