MISCELLANEOUS. DELA &1E To ' supply ."Hie 02 mnd i of somTnin6 BETTER TU 4k 4re,W Lv puT up- II I I IK. 1 1 iui r I i mx- Xfom2- d k vsW . m m m w m v u - r In wncm unship nd POSITIVELY U fi bXChLLbP. . Each Cigarette is provided with a sweet, clean, new mouth piece.which disposes of all nicotine. LkWWe-mwWBULL Watch the papers for our large advertisement; different portraits of leading men each time. one cod nrm 3m IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purifying medicine is made, or has erer been prepared, which so com pletely meets the wants of physicians and the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk Onnnnn I ing taint of Scrofula about you. OwnUrULA Aye&'s Saksaparilla will dislodge it and expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh Pmnnu Aykb's Sarsaparilla is the UA I AKrin true remedy. It has' cured numberless eases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are indications Of scrofulous origin. HinCDnilC KHutto,Tex.,Sept.28,lSS2. ULWtttUUO "At the age of two years one of QftOCQ my children was terribly afflicted OUftLd with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck. At the same time its eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore. QflDC CVCO Physicians told us that a pow OUtm CiLv) erf ul alterative medicine must ' be employed. They united in recommending AYkr's Sarsaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, by i an adherence to your directions, was con tin- ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, B. F. JOHXSOS. PREPARED BY DrJ.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist; 51, six bottles for $5. !al lytotpd&w A 2 9 PARSLEY & WIGGINS, MANUFACTURERS IOF , SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK. apia tt - Boxes and Crates, TttJR BrnPlTCNT OF VEGETABLES AND X mutt, in aoou or rewrnuwe. A fuU stock of Bourn and Dressed Lumber. cr Orders by toe cargo. Domestic and Tor elm. solicited. 23 dftlf v PAHSLSY & TTICK2IS3. The Daily Review. gw- The uauy Mevieto has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1834. the: choijEUa. Loudon Crowded with Ameri can Tourists Jwlio Have De serted the Continent. London, Jnly 8. Lopdon is crowd ed with Americans frigtened away from Paris and 'other place3 in France by the cholera. Persons arriving 'here from foreign ports are subjected to an examination. Should any infectiov3 cases be discov ered they will be taken to Gravesend Hospital. - The authorities have been asked to send a vessel to intercept a steamer bound from Marseilles for Cardiff, on which there aretwocases of cholera . A tugboat with quarantine officers on board fs scouring the Bristol Channel, with orders to board vessels bound lor Cardiff, especially from France or Spain. Lundy Island has been sug gested as a quarantine station. Marseilles, July 8. Fourteen deaths from cholera occurred in this city last evenin?, and tour deaths have occurred to-day in the twelve hours ending at 7:30 P. M. The panic is in creasing, and all who can are leaving the city. , Paris, July 8. A feeling of general uneasiness prevails. It is feared that the exodus from Marseilles and Toulon will result in spreading the cholera. The migration from Paris to the saa sids isunexampled. The Caulois slates that there is cholera at Nice. The total number of deaths freni cholera at Toulon Irom the first appear ance of the disease to date is 151. There were three deaths at Aix to day. Toulon, July 8 There were ten deaths from cholera here last evening one of the victims being a Sister of at Charity, , Albany, July. The State Board of Health has issued a lengthy memo random concerning the cholera, a copy of which has been sent to every local board in the State. It concludes: Thr o-onnrnl ilnt.V is lirf?P.d UDOU all cnnitnrv nnthor itios and householders to make careful sanitary inspection ; . i l drain stagnant poojs ana jow rounus npdr rltcpllinors : oAeav sewer and house drains: cleanse and disinfect, cellars and privies and an niiny places, ana examine and protect the purity ol drinking water. STATIC NISWS. Greensboro Workmati: Gen. A. M. Scales arrived from Washington this morning, looking well. Farmer and Mechanic. The fact that Gen. Scale3 weighs over 200 pounds must have a melaneholy interest lor Dr. York. To be sat down upon" by a man of that size with 10.000 majority at his back would be apt to make a Liberal grease-spot even in November. Chadbourn Times: On Jast Friday morninp, Mr, J. "W. Brinkley died at his residence at Maxwell depot. He had been a sufferer for some time, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Brinkley was one of the influential men of the county, and was highly es teemed by all who knew him. Lenoir Topic: Three heavy men were weighed this evening, viz: 11. M. Muts tie. 251 pounds; J. J. Harshaw, 241 pounds; W. II. Bower, 230 pounds total.725 pounds ; average, 241? pounds. Three light weights were then weighed, viz: J. R- Widby, 112 pounds; Dr. J. C. Blair, 115 pounds; K. R. Waketield, 123 pounds total, 372 pounds; average, 1 16$ pounds. Raleigh Visitor: Mr. W. II. Wheel er lives at Holy Springs, this county. Yesterday afternoon between 5 and G o'clock, he started to his father'3old place distant four miles in a "one horse wagon to haul some wheat to his own residence. When a short dis tance from home his horse took fright and ran .away. Mr. Wheeler was thrown from the wagon, and in the fall, sustained injuries which, it is feared, will prove fatal. Newbern Journal: Mr. F. S. Koonce of Cypress creek, Jones county, seeing reports of cabbage weighing ten and eleven pounds, was induced to weigh some ot bis, when to his surprise he found them weighing all the way from twelve and a half to twenty-two pounds. vv o were thown luesday by Mr P. Holland, senr., an unusually long collard leaf, measuring oyer two and a half leet. ;This variety of collards was obtained from Dr. House, and with careful cultivation has reached this wonderful size. News and Observer: The Governor has reappointed the following directors ottheN. C. R. R. o n the part of the btate: Donald IVlcKae, Y . r . Korne eav. R. F. Hoke. Kerr Crner. Armis tead Burwell, John L. Morehead, Dun can Uameron, Robert w . Thomas. C. M. 14 us bee was aDnointed Stain nrnrv The directors meet to-day, the stock- noiaers xnursaay, at liillsboro A brisht and nrettv child is littlA Mur-: ray Allen, son ol Mr. (Jharles S. Allen, whose house is at the corner of West TV . . m r .WWW . iiargett ana &outn Harrington streets Yesterday alternoon Murrav wn rnvr ing with a brother and a small colored bov. in his fathers backvard. Th three, it appears, crept through a hole in me lence into me siaoio yara of Mr D. C. Murrav. In the stahln wn ? banker pony, which Mr. Murray had recently purchased. In a little while Mrs. Allen heard screams, and or. looking to ascertain whence they came found jthe children in the stable. Little Murray lay on the floor, a pitiful sisht his head covered with, blood. He was taken into the house, find it was fnnnd that ho had received frightful wounds on the head from the pony's heels. He was also badly kicked in the abdomen. The skull was broken just back of the left ear. Thejwound is three inches long. Two physicians attended the lit tle sufferer; who lay in a stupor last t Tt - . cvcuiug. i uo wuurreace is a particu larly painful one, and saddens the many warm menas oi me laniuy. . T!cfrvlvr&dv in want nf Pirta WMi'a - . V J - ... , m w T jiA nines Xn JsVionl.-l tm tr JTvtt to ges Dess qtuuiues ana lowest pnect .. . ff i . . .; - THE MAII3. i r Tbem&ns close and arrlTe at the City Pos office as follows : - - - - "CLOSE. " "-j- - " Northern througti malls,' fast........7.30;p. M. Northern througn d wsy malls.... 8.00 A. M. Raleleh.... ....6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C Eallroad and routes supplied therefirom lnclud- lnir A. & N. C. Eallroad at 7.30 P. M. and 8.00 A. M, Southern Malls for all points South, dally.... .........8.00 P.M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, J except Sunday) '....(US P. 1L I points between Hamlet and Ral eigh - .......6.45 P.M. Maflf or Cneraw and Darlington Rail road ...,8.00 P.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston ....8.00 P. M. Fayette vllle and offices on Cape Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays.. -...1.00 P. M. Fayette ville.vla C C Railroad, daily, erivnt Knnrlwvn ......,...6.4S P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and mriaays e.uu a. m. Smlthville mail3, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) ....2.30 P. M Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, onaiione anu ume juvci, iwa- nnn onH IiVlHva i fiAft A M Wrights ville, daily .i..80 A. M. OPIT.V FTlTt nRMVERY. Northern throueh and way malls:. ..7.30 A. M s.rmthfm Malls... ..7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Eallroad 8.45 A. M. Mails collected from street -ooxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 1. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P.M. ! Stomn nffipAinnAnfrAtn 7 A. M- tr fi T M.. Monev order and Ecsrlster Department oren from 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. General delivery open from 7 a.m. toe r.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 t J 9.30A.M. I i Thin People.! "WVIIc' TTp.alth Rflnftwpr" restores VionHli onrl "Ji crrtr mTroT'TivsnPTilsin,. Tm- dotence, Sexual Debility. ; Sl.eod Quarterly Metingrs Third Round for the Wilmington Dis rict of the Methodist E. Church,South : Wilmington, at Fifth Street, July 12 and 13. Bladen Circuit, at McNatt's, July 10 and 20. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen, July 26 and 27. Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2 and 3. Smithville, August 9 and 10. Brunswick Circuit, at Mt. Zion, Au gust 12 and 13. Whiteville Circuit, at Peacock's, Au ust 10 and 17. Flemington Circuit, at Carver's Creek, August 23 and 21. Elizabeth Circuit, at Purdies, Au- gust 30 and 31. Newton Grove Mission, at Newton Grove-, August 30 and 31. Cokesbury Circuit, at Bethel. Sep- ember 0 and 7. The District Conference will be held at Goshen, on the Clinton C i'cuit, com mencing Wednesday morning, July 23d. at 10 o'clock. i Friday morning, organization of Sunday School Conference and Sunday School address. ! Centenary services Saturday morn ing several short addresses and oen- Lenary sermon. ! W. II BOBBITT, Jt JB. THE PUBLIC JJAVE DISCOVERED THAT WHEN WE advertise a Special Sale, BARGAINS are sure 1 to be offered. The busy season having passed. wc now enumerate our GENEEAli CLOSING" OUT SALE through all Departments, and i shall continue duriDg JULY. ! Come and See. Exam'ne the different Departments, com- pare the prices with those of other Uouecs, 1 and notice what you can save by our Bargains. 39 Cents. Thirty-Nine Cents for a fine THALIA COR SET; -Fifty Cents for a fine COROLINE pORSET. I. 65 Cents. Sixty-Five Cents for a fine Sateen Corset In any color Pink, Black, Blue, Cardinal and White. i 75 Cents. Seventy-Five Cent3 for an elesrant Contlle Corset. Taylor's Extension Corset, suoon bust, for One Dollar and a Quarter; actual value One Dollar and a Half. The C. & P. Corset, imnorted : H. & ti. Donble-Bone Mould ed Corset; a fine Nursing Corset; j Misses and imiuren-s corsets which we are ready to sell at a very low figure at TAYLOR'S BA ZAAK. We have also on sale Corset Cover, Che mise, Underwear, Skirts, NIht Robes, Fans, Parasols, Hand Satchels, Sunshades, Flowers, Feathers, Hats, Lace Gloves, Silk Mitts in 8ny wwr, Btym or size, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., july 9 WILMINGTON. N. C. fi(Wk ftftnt P. Ct TV tn onv nafr - tio onn-r. ' .W Mi" J JCt. . VJM. WUU- try, with the privilege of examining before At T1HE WITrTNTOW RTTTTf VArvrnuv No. 2, Market st. Nlicht 8hirts, all sizes. White Shirt on thn mark-pf rtin -i t?v,r. -. wmicuouuu 2oc and a d ward a. SmlrIiIa Shtia .n .n. . nil iiUA.a uuj jmiu8 u Kicak vjtrieiy. uent s Draw- r amsuita Jean 8 Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 1 5c Drawers marin tn re. ShirU with 2100 linen bosom made to order at x. urucm xrom me country solicited and promptly attended to. Give us a call. J- ELSBACH. 1PPe 2 i Manager Something New. FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PAR LOB at the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, where unrest Cream 1n tho v. i Ladles and gentlemen arc respectfully Invited to calL . Orders prompUy filled and delivered free of """S"- , -m- Jiii3. J. la. FISHER, lune 17 lm t it Dyed." A TMONACB7S, 16 SECOND STREKT.be- tween Market ind Princess, Ladies and Gen Uemen a goods of every descrlDtlon. mv kr Also, cieantog, scouring and bleaching.! Sesp Hew Goods ND LOW PRICES AT - " .: : . GDLE3 UURCmsbS'S, July 7 " 33 and 40 Itnxchlsca Slock MISCELLANEOUS. OYER'S Onre contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no othr remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves tho system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WABBA2JT AYER'S AGUE CURE to cure every case of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Cliill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. ' In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. . Dp.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. may 23 d & w crm OOMMEKCIAli NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. July 10-4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quo ted steady at 28 cents per gallon. Sales of 200 casks at these figures; ROSIN Quoted firm at 97 cents for Strained and $1.02 for Good Strained. TAR-Quoted firm at $1.35 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.85 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted dull and nominal. Small sales on a basis of 11 cents per pound for Middling. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary............... 82 cents btad Ordinary 10 " Low Middling 10 Middling 11 " Good Middling Hi i DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton.-'... 22 bales Spirits Turpentine. . i ..... . 239 casks Rosin 860 bbls Tar................. 77 bbls Crude Tunentine. 175 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. 1 Steam yacht Louise, Woodside. Smithville, Master Steamer John Dawson, Black. Point Caswell R P Paddison. Schr E H Cornell, Crocker. Bath. Me, E G Barker & Co, with ice to B H J Ahrens Schr Jessie W Starr, Heron, Phila delphia, Geo Harrisa & Co, with iron to C C R R v CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master Steam yacht Louise, Woodside, Smithville, Master Nor barque Leviathan, Teriesen. Riga, Russia,. Paterson, DowniDg & Co ; Exports. FOREIGN. - Riga, Russia Nor barque Leviathan 3,300 bbls rosin ; MONTHLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JULY 1, 1884. Cotton ashore, 832; afloat, 40; total, 872. Spirits ashore, 1,510; afloat, 2,254 ; to tal, 3,794. Rosin ashore, 68,371 ; afloat, 9,495; to tal,. 77,bt6, Tar ashore, 1,612; afloat, 140; total, 1,752. Crude ashore, 1,607. RECEIPTS' FROM JUNE 1 TO JULY 1. Cotton, 56; spirits, 8.793; rosin, 23.795; tar, 1.72U j cruae, 4,431. EXPORTS FROM JUNE 1 TO JULY 1. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 335; spirits, 1.631, rosin, 5,601; tar, 1,957 ; crude, 4.767. FOREIGN. Spirits, 5,074 ; rosin, 24,328; crude, 150. LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Nor Airder. 455 tons. FlaffstaHt. frnm TTnll May 17. - . in or JJeodata, 37 a tons, Ardereen, sailed from Hamburg, June 1. GerEmlLe, 419 tons, Shultz, from Swine munde, May 6 . Nor Frey, 281 tons, IlalTersen, at Liverpool, May 23. Nor Gibraltar, 49G tons, !Iennesen, Batted from Rotterdam, June 4 Br. Hattle II., 403 tons, Cochran, sailed from Hull, June 23 i uer L,ucy & Paul, 323 tons, Andres, sailed from Stettin, June 25. or wion, 'izi tons, Clausen, from Stettin, May 12. . ' Ger Tim. m inno 22 rw4.9 uaiiiVUi! 112. H J Ger Verein. 453 tons, Jahncke, sailed from Hamburg, June 24 Change of Schedule. FROM THIS DATE THE STEAMER PASS PORT will run the followins schedule : lieave Smithville Monday morning at 5 30 Leave "Wilmington Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday at 9 A. M. ; Friday 9 A. 1? 4 .M; Saturday, leave Smithville at 7 A.M.; Wilmington, 4P.M. jUly 7 lw J. W. HARPER. Roofing and Tin Work, "gY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. - Our stock of goods of the BEST MATERIAL. If you want a COOK STOVE call a t PURE WHITE OIL. . july 7- Won day ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find large consignments of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Chickens, fcggs and all other country produce. These goods must be sold at once. caU on A. W. RIVEN BARK, The Live Grocer and CommUelon Merchant i 114 North Water st., jnly .5 -.. Wilmington, N. C. " Headquarters F OR FISHING TACKLE, AT TT EL SPRINGER tt CO'S , " r r d 23 Market fiteeet The l&rgectaaa bcs( a&Bortmeiit ever offerrd tathiasuuket. , jxUj 7 MISCELLANEOUS. At 20c, BLACK 'I hem freely. Compare them $1.50, 2.50, 2.75,-3.00 and, 3.50 V- MOSQUITO NET Good CORSETS ! 'j Almost any LIEN ULSTERS WHITE LAWN ROBES SF" Turkish Bath Soap. . july 7, 1884 yes On day WI WILL COMAJENCE OUR USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING OUT SALE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Glothing, From this day we shall" give most astonishing tar gains so Ithat we may be able to makfi a cleg,h sweep THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIEK, 134 MARKET ST. July 7 ' j - ' ' - , , . . . H S THE 1J1 3 - Onr Tmnrovfid Artl"clal Ear Dram BCientiflo men ot Europe and America. Write lor illustrated descriptive book and irom doctors, Jadgea, ministers and prominent men and women who nare been cored, aadv take pleasure tin recommending them. They are unseen while In use, comfortabla to WW, M paafce ft permanent cure. Address, u a. HiolioLson, 7 Mnwoy 8U, tiew Hork - june 30 ly tl t th sat wly eow ' . 1 . SClieesa Safes. Brushes, Sand Sa-'- Crestuic, Wue rSend for Csrtaloguo. men 13 d&w ly Has Arrived I A FBESH SUPPLY OF THAT ; delicloua U HATED TINE APPLE by to-day's N Y Steamer. Also, another lot of) that A No.l MIXED TEA at 60c per jouml, (China Cup and Saucer given with every pound) 200 pounds sold In two weeks. Remcniber I keep nothing 1 but the very best first-class goods. Fresh sup ply every week. TDall and examine at Crapon's Family Grocery. i GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, Family Grocer, mch 26 23 South Front St LAWN CHAIRS, JOUNGES, STUDENT'S. CHAIRS, HAMMOCKS, Mattresses, Window Shadc$, and an elegant line of Chamber, Parlor and Dining Room Suits. For sale by . Tnos. C. CRAFT ,Agt., Furniture Dealer, july 7 28 So. Front St. JACKSON & Water Power BELL, Printers a:t BOOK-BINDERS. lVe have the most complete establish ment of the kind to be foimd in Wilming ton, and guarantee all our work to be done in first class style, and on reasonable terms. Send in your orders during the dull sea son, and have them, executed at the lowest possible prices. It is a Fact That HUMPHREY, JENKINS & CO. keep a fresh supply every day of Apnles Pearh- !TX7S ask. No. 112 South Front st. r1 e . Julys ... j - .; The Excursion ind Pic Nic S?N l NPW OPE :AHD PERSONS J1 the Soands or SmlthyUle. toiuSn doiirst--clwork wilt do well the wt k30wn 5,er Perfumer at his ndHairDreslng Saloon. S2.2!?i MAlKET STUEET, LnSCELLAlTEOUS. 25c, 30c, 35c. r JERSEYS. with anything in the market, , ' article or Lace Net 108 inches. style you wish. CORSETS ! ; All grades and sizes. . Are being closed ont cheap. ' ' r : of everything. care Deafness In all stasrea. "nBooBoatnifd F. XL MINCKLEU, SkcW. Jyly 8th, National fire & M Co.. M.VJTUKACTCER3 Of "W ire Cloth. V.'lre Counter fciiliiun. Wire Stent, Outlne 4: Cotl Soreenn, Veuhr Vanee, SUWo Fixture. Roof ; lion Fences, Iron Shutters, Counter Support, Id-ilentlon this Paper. PTTEOELL HOUSE. -J-JHDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMTNGTOir, H. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. all lt appointment. Terms t!50 to I3.W per day. ' - - ' .. City Drug Store. 316 MARKET STREET. NO CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS : Soda Water at 5c per glass. It c&ntw good at 2 or 3 cents per glass; (too bucb foam and gas).- Drags and Cigars to jpeij .variety. My Soda Water Is always good. can't be excelled every day. Mr CotoP th best to be had. Ice Cream Soda occasion ally. Call on -OLD" JIM COKOLKY. jute26 Managg CONUNDRUM. VCTHY IS THE STEAMER PASSP0EI llkl a Stilng Band ? Because It cannot K without its "Harper 1" o . : DRUGS, PERFUMES, S0AT3r TASCI and ToUet Articles, Ac. ' - Jtjf Prescriptions a epeclaltyat . may 26 Corner Fourth and Koau 1884. Harper's Magazine. ; ILLUSTRATED. ume with the December Am auu jtHgntiiu, . ii.t. nf amen times in Tu treatment of wbjecu ol social and Industrial interest, JJSJ wl tronnln If a ntQTirfurrl of literary, W" j-l for 1SS4 are : anew serial norci - . Black, Illustrated by Abbey; a new nog E. P. iioe. Illustrated papers b Boughton, Frank D. JS&SdbSS? and others; Important totoricaUna leal papers; short stories by w - Charles Reade,&c. - ; .. Harper's Perio.dicals. Per Year: , $ HABTICS'3 MAoaztxe IlARPEB'S WEEKtT..... 0 ILikfeb's Bazas. 11 HARPEK'S VOUSO PEOFLK.-- "T -IIAKPEK'S FBAKKUjr SQCAKZ LlBKAi. tf g One Year (53 Nambers)....-;r: rA -Postage Frte to tut tvbvxitxrt wwiw vm .fc.h. , ...... Kinmbers ior june n Yin je z. When no time Is eiecifled, it JfSJ stood that the subscriber wishes . the current Number. . ' Jftr The last Eight volumes "Tfa gui mail, postpaid, , Alpl1 ; Index uTnorpefs gW"i'&lZ Analytical, and Classlfled, for VJP Inclnsive, from June. ISM, to Jane toL, 8vo, Cloth, $4 W. . bT foiiT Remittances should be made DJ j Money Order or "lffii0& Newspaper art-net to W ks wrt-otethttxprtuirte mechanical excellence. Among Its attra malL postpaid,onriptol3 WPf I1R

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