THIS FAT KB wbiibed erery eenln. Sunday ex aepted by JOSII T. JAME8. KDITOH ; AJfD TKOrKIKTOK. ..oot?tpTION8 POSTAGE PAID: II SUi-3" rear j AA Six months, t2.0fc. Three en v ' ,hJ i 00: One monin, . eeno. (QUUll" - The paper win m " rM ln any part of the city, at the above or 10 :u I' wcefc ' 'ive.tWn rate, low and liberal. j-Sulnber will report any and all fall area to reilvnelr paper regularly. 77 A7y ttcvicw has the largest tout fide cin-uhdvm. of any ncvsp'iier . ;.-,.,.. 7 in ike cttv of Wilmington. I ) B M O C 1 1 AtTC TICK 1ST. Election .Tuesday, Nov. 1. J3 if fou ;oveknoi; : ALFRKD M SCALES, ol (luilford. KOI! LIKUT. GOVERNOR: ( IIARLES M. STEDMAN, of New IlaiK.vtr. fuk secretary of state: , WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake-' lOi: STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. :FOU auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. von attorxey-gexeral: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. ITERIXTENDEXT OF PUIILIC IX STRUCTIOX : s. m. finger, of Catawba. , ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wale. FOR ELECTOliS AT LARGE : W. II.' KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES Mora than 35.000 bales ot cotton have been com pressed at Texarkana, Texas, tin season. Tiio New York Daily Commercial lUdlctin of the 7th says there is an in - proved feeling in Gnancial circles; Dr. Ingalls and Joe Brown try to ap pear as if they didn't see each other when they happen to drop into the same bar ber shop. What a curious coinage of words comes out of politics. The last is "mugwump," one who politically kicks when it, does no good. . Henry Labouchere, who is mar ried, and therefore experienced, says "most women wish to be successes as men because they are failures as wo men." . It is thought that within a few years one-third of the population ot Califor nia will be insane. This looks as if the Republican assertion that California is a Hl'iine State is not without founda tion. " .lames Watts1 workshop is preseived it lleathlield Hall just aa he left it, bis lathe and bench standing at the win .uW, his toi ls Fcattored about arid his old leathc r-npron hanging acro-s the vise; - r- The Philadelphia Press Ueclares that the Schuylkill river; from whence PhiW adelphia is supplied with water, is sim ply an open sewer, being the depository of all manner of refuse from mill?, sewers and houses. (Jeorjje Aiken, who left Louisville a poor man eight years' ago for the West, has tetumed wealthy and is engaged in a search for his only child, whom he leit in an orphan asylum and who has since been given to ome family and lost trace of. AL Picard,"a bird charmer, is aston ishing the boulevardiers of Paris with his powers. Afier being alone with a bird fifteen minutes he can make it lly wherever ho wishes. Any one who has ever tried to c ase a hen will ap preciate the value ot this gilt. Mr.Tilden's health and habits are thus mentioned by a friend ; "The ex Governor received visitors all of the forcing of the Fourth and went about his spacious grounds at Greystone with them for nearly two hours This morn in2 I saw him about. He attended to uie business and to his correspondence a&d took a long ride in the afternoon. Mr. Tilden is a great reader, olten ex tend ngthig occupation i to a late hour iQ the evening. He goes out almost daily in his yacht, and seems to bo im proving in health rather than cther- Mr. Georee Home, of the extensive lumbia River. Oregon, Fish Can ary, writes that after sutTenne f even years with rheumatism, he tried St. Jacobs Oil. the w.ndeiful pain care, anu in a short time ah stiffness and 1Q soreness Cf the joints disappeared. ; No w is the time to give Smith's Worm 0a v lyd-w H J VOL. VIIL Exposition On i I1 i n ;js . We publish hTcw'nh t-d:iy a h.Mj.koinely executed skctcli of the State Exposition smunds and building-, at Rak-iirh. The main buihiin U 3r,f'.x33 ftd, etu-lfisiuir ioni i,,cn euir:.s. in two i f which an: sheds 40x0 fet. The picture shfuvs a ma-cirnu-ry hcl HK)xl50fw;t, which will be devoted to thedisplay of Fawniill-, engines of dillorent kind.4 and wrMl-working ma chinery. Besides the buildings shown in this cut I litre are two buildings, each 250x43 feet, and it may yet be necessary to pivc others;, in fact it has already b-en found necessary and it will be done, provided there are sufTicient funds -for the pur pose. The interest in the Ex position seems to he steadily om the increase and there apptars to 'be but little doubt row that the space in these buildings w i'l all be fully oeeupied by attrac tive exhibits, interesting to the people oi every seel ion of the United States. Attention is invited to the new schedule of the strainer Louise, as published in this is sue. It goes into rllVet at once. We fear that the unpkasant weather will seri uislyint-rfero with the attendance at the Mili tary Ball at Smithviile to-night, although at this writing there is a promise of clear weather. . Everybody in want of Paints, iVhile Iead. Glass &o.,. should go to Jacohi's to get best qual ities and lowest priqes.f LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Mli-XEK Conundrum Mrs Bobkrt Lee Boartl Lovcil'a "Library 2nd pa$e American Lesrfon of Honor R M MclMTiKE--Xevr Jersejs Brown's Iron Bitters 2nd page Heinsberger Baee Bills ad Bats TMu 1 omsE Chango of Schedule C W Yates Bookseller and Stationer Muhds Bros. & OeRossht Yachtmen For other locals see fourth page. " Clarendon Council, No. 67, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock There was no City Court this morn ing, and there was a general dullness around the city Hall. . Another large consignment of Sash. Doors & Blinds at factory prices, just received at Jacom's Hardware J)epot.f When a young man p ps the question and is! referred to pop, he feels that al though he has rot tku lar he cannot go any lather. Colored stockings have had their day. The doctors declare them joisonous. and white are becoming fashionable again af'.er a long period of disuse. Pretly little baskets for sending flow ers by post are the latest novelty in fashUhable circi They fasten with a padU ck, and the sender and receiver each keep a kej The question which agitates the tash- irtiiable housewife at i resent is not so much. "Where shall we go this Sum mer?1' as it is ' Where shall we make the neighbors think weare gone?'1 -- - - - Wo would suggest thatan improve ment conld be made without trouble in the bulletin board at the telegraph office, which would add much to th- convenience of people in obtaining the news. It has been a rainy and very disagree able day, yet Front street, in the vicitdty of the telegraph office, was a place where a good many ol our citizens were congregated in order to obtain the first news from the Chicago Convention. We have been requested to state that Rey. W. H. Bobbitt, I). D., willji reach at the Fifth Street Methodist Church on to-morrow (Saturday) morning at 11 o'clock and also on Sunday meaning and evenine, it being the occasion ot the third quarterly meeting of that church for the present Conference year. It there as any -truth in the saying tha1 men's ears tingle when people are speaking ill concerning them, John Kel ley1 and Ben Butler's have been sensi tively alive t tingliogsensations to-day We have heard a good many broken rvma.ks concerning those two notori ously conspTcuods individuals during the day. .. ' . - - . - - Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can. be found at Jacobi's, t ' - - 0 ' . . -'.!- - ' - ' " - - . - ,' --. " -r- ----- -t:'--" J : i ' ... ' " ' I ' ' ' i "" WILMINGTON. N C:. - I ' . . People arriving in the city from along tho line ot the Wilmington & ! Weldon Railroad report the crops as being in excellent condition. Mrs. Robert Lee, 113 Market strett, opposite this office, is prepared to ac commodate table boarders during the Summer. She keeps an excellent house m V ; There is unmailable matter in thePost- oQice here addressed to Alfred j Scales, Guilford Co., N. C, and Eii Brown, care of T. J. Jones Sampson P. O , Robinson Co , N C. - Steamboatttsen report that the' water is very low in the Cape Fear, and t at, in coming down tuc river, tho boat rubbed agiiiut the bottom in one of the sh'.al places. There is pretty general satisfaction expressed here at Cleveland's riomma tioPi The preference of our people, as was ours, was for Bayard but it has been felt that Cleveland wa3 a moic available man and that he was the man for the nomination. 1 We notice that some of our exchanges are running an ad- for that excellent daily journal, the National Democrat." a they call it in their local notice. They should go a little slower It there is such a paper published in Washing ton City then we have been unable to Gnd it, and we have caused a vigorous hunt to be made. Postponed. There was to baye been a I match game ot base ball yesterday afternoon at tha Athletic Grounds, but jn j conse quence of the stirm it was postponed t -i a more favorable season. The Sea side Park nine and a picked nine from among the baf e ball players of the city were to have been the contestants Thunder and Liffh tiling. The rain, which began yes'erday af-1 temoon. continued with more or less violence through ut the night. Fortu nately it was accompanied by very lit tie wind There was a heavy f-hower tnis morning with considerable thunder nn-i lightning. During tho shower the lightning struck the West side of the huse ot Mr. Mauiiee Bear, on the cor ner of Sixth and Chestnut streets 1 The fluid entered the house near one of thy wiadows in the second !tory, and but a few feet distant from the lightning tod. tearing off the weather boarding, and passing clear through the house to the East side, demolishing and scattering the ceiling and plastering, besides doing other damage. Fortunately no one was injured. Balaam Fuller, colored, wa passing along Chestnut street, in front of the house, smoking, at the time, and either from jhock or fright the pipe was knocked oat of his month. Is t3 needless to say that he did not stop ti pick up the pipe, but wa siezed with an earnest desire to somewhere else in the shortest possible time. 1 " If this be not Summer what is it? We should like to know.. . . j .... FRIDAY. JULY 11, 1884 ... . . - I 1 - . : : ' 'v" ' ' Pendor County Fruit. ; Mr. R. II. Murphy, of Moore's Creek, has sent in to us specimens of his apple" crop thi3 year, for which we thank, him. They are truly magnificent and we hope that he will make an exhibit of them for the Fruit Fair. Pender U a rich county if her people did but real ize it. It ssems that almost anything and everything pleasant to the palate, which grows any whee outside -of the topics, can be raised thre. Tho Sumter Military. A notefrom a subscriber at Sumter tolls us that the Sumttr Light Infantry will visit this city next week, arriving hereon the 15th, accompanied by a large number of ciyilians. The note doesn s:iy anything about going down the river but wo presume that they will visit Suiithyille for their usual Summer encampment and remain thero about a week. They will probably be met. here by the Wilmington Light "Infantry. OurNext President. In the first bal.ot for presidential candidate, taken last night, Cleveland received 392 against 426 for the field. Wrhole nu m ber of votes 820 : necessary to a choice 517. On the second ballot which was taken this morning, Clevel land received 499 votes, a gain of 107. and as soon as the result wa3 announc ed a number of States, led by glorious old North Carolina, changedtheir votes to him and Governor Cleveland on the second ballot was made the Democratic candidate for President of these United Sta'es. As was forecast by us yesterday Grover Cleveland, of New York, was to-day nominated in the Demo cratic Convention at Chicago on the second ballot as tho candidate of that 1 party for President of the United States No ballot has jet been had for Vice President and but one, we believe, will be taken at all. We think that Mc Douald will be nominated to-night,, on the1 first ballot, for Vice President. The candidates of the Convention will sure ly be elected next November., Count. The following is the oflic-al count of the two ballots for the nominee lor President: First ballot Cleaveland 39-2, Bayard 170, fhurman- 88. Randall 78, McDonald 56. Carlis'e 2 Flower. 4, Hoadly 3, Hendricks 1, Tilden J. Second ballot- Cleveland 663, Bayard 81, Thurman 47. Randall 4, McDonald 2 Hendricks 45. Cleveland's nomination was then made unanimous. There are 820 vote $ ia the Conven tion and under the two-thirds rn'c 517 were necessary to a choice. 77; : : : One of the prom-nn7 cusmess men on the wharf was hasv this aftprnoon on tue wnari was Dasy mis auernoon in hunting to see if he could find a John cn- i .Mnnfa , Kelly man. At last accounts no was unsuccjssfui and had become ab , diacourairod. ' NO 1G4 NEW ADVKR-tlSJEMKNTS WE ARE SELLING jTUEM CHEAP AND THE QUALITY IS GOOI) IN BO I II PLAIN AND BRAIDED. WHITE ROBES Good Fine Embroidery. CORSETS! WHO CAN FAIL TO BE SUITED ? . CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS in great variety; '7' LADIES', GENTS' asD CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR - 7 ' - ' j CARPET RUGS, a few at reduced prices. 1 jiy 11 Board. A FEW TABLE BOAKDER3 CAN BE accommodated during the Summer months at low ra'es ileisant lociilon. good attend ance and tho best the market affords. Transient boarders accommodated by the day or week. MU'. KOBKliT L.EE, 113 Market Street, juW 11 tf Wilmington, N. C. Steamer Lduise. ON AND AFTEU THIS date OX&e the schedule of the Steam- hits re LOUl-Kwlilbe as 'ol of a : SL Ixsave Wllmlnntn Mondiv. ". ' Tuesday, Wednesday, 'I buruday and. Friday at 4 o'clock, p. m. ; returning, icav smitnvuus at 7.15 a m. On Saiurday'ncave Wilmington at 'J a. m.; returning, lenvel Smltbvllle sane diy, Rt4 . m. n Sunday leave wnminyton at 9 a. m ; returnlnf, gam. day, -arrive at Wil uiington at 7 p. m. July 11 2i Yachtmen I! ! PLENDID BOAT SFONQE3. I . MUND3 BROS. & DER03SETi. s jpINE LOT BATH SI'ONtfE.' MUNDiJ BROS. & DEROSShT'S. .!" T IIESE SPONGE3 ARE THE ADM1EA- Uon of all vrl o see them. Call In at ' 1 Munds Bros. & DeRosset's july 8 Market and BMnl 8 ffff. Notice. rjpHE FIRM OF H0LLINGW01TH A CO., hss been changed taia dy b the retirement ofS. H. TRIMBLE and the idroUaloa of T. P.SYKES. Tbe bu&lns wjpl bt ton iictc as heretofore un !er tle naxeaod stjle of i i . f ' . " j uly 9 tf HOIXIKGSTf ORTU A CO. Hurran for Ouri Ticket ! In rfi old kobth state; will bb Kl J K- in November. ' We bave tai ktroceeil fc,u,T cket w haTena e ao xx. Kvrrj , tdy u piea ua ready i s work Toe "Old JNortn stats Saloon 1 Lo o. r and conOnucs to keep ihc coolt irtr, tb cboicestcisan. and the pamt wniske to u , i6 Zs11 f ?-KroDt " J aiMBeewhatllcGOWANcandoforyou. : I JI1 - - ' I tu tj:i&4 to reoctra eommcklaittoa tram oar men4 on any aad all - tubjct, ftuerallnterotbct ' The nzist f the writer neat always t visaed to the EOltcr V ?'-';:f i ComxncnlcaCona mnat be wrirtcs m oat one side ot the paper " IcrtonallUe must be aroldeaj l' " aditi -iclaKj'aal particularly' tnfer tood that the Editor doe not ahraf endw i Vic xlcyrt ef rmrTuU-nt oata c UU - In the txiUcrU) 'vTnwna. 7 N KW AVI2ItTISEME&T8. styles and at reduced price." ' 4 A' Fine White Goods-Stock. COKSETS! - R- J2. IWclWTIRE; . - . Atlantic Coast Line, TASSaXGER UKI'AUT AIEST, WilailDgtoD, N. C, J1U7 8, IL i QUICKEST KOUTE TO ASUEVILLE, - - ', a " -1 "7 Warm Spring and other Western North Car- buna EesortB. - " .'.a'V 'r, Through I'ullman PaUce S:cpfn Car from Go'.dsboro to AshcvHie an I Warm l uuiiwunj wun y-a. nr. Xiuiarirom wikR.;ngtoD. T. M. KMKRSON, j uly 8 I u k 8 uor eopy Cien'i Iaw, Act. P. 0. & N. Robinson. If ' : -' I t. yt - " t 't uitir rlieral patronajre.- - - - Our loci UslU fresh 'tpaA. arc rantced, 1 nd they can bc.retun.! at oir exicne It I not eaibfacwr. WC are dti! m r-ctlr.t of ' Koos a-Hiuill, Kkxs, bleu we actl at the very l owest market prices. . . i 1"V llzl are ad AnrJ.-..r . ' wll ng at oil prices. -'" r . ' ,v-' Onr t:t)t FiSKaxenf lt atverybwprl-CB. ' . . T ,- All kfHof IJaKtT DU):K liUCK ! CfkACKitlo an l C ANN it G7ut" " Base Halls and Bats alu'kisds.'-''';;:;: HiCuiccJii. tbree ill. vcr latet ?j lcr. .-i- i.ctto, tvro 'z-a 4 7. V 7 A C C arfi n J Elo-i ; : j, ; r EuUber la'Ia, all LkL'Z- Z TJ' Richer IIarn:oaJAr, the tirf bcL ' .' yol!a.n uff v IU- jjSu!rjrv- ' i Jt&I'as: V. I.ia sad k bi JJctt. 7 - Jjjt ,cil.d.rfaa tdc sale cheap at ' HEINSBERGER 'S jolyl - live Book aad tlusla VtaeV ''"l