THIS PATER every venlag. Sundays ex cepted by II Ml bllshed JOSH T.. JAMES; SDITOR PBOPKTKTOR. ,rRlPTI0N3 POSTAGE PAID: sUBSCiu mn71tha- 2.00. Three $1.00. ooe tl00; one month, 35 cent. nt!r will be delivered by carriers free Tbc paper at tne above 01 Viuo ol - per wee. 0 tps low and liberal. tttbscrlbers will report any and all fall- IVCBSIBS bribers wli . tvc their paper regularly. fires w i - rjfri Daily IU7U1W "" ,y&o ifacircidnli0n.ot ' any newspaper .ublishci-niyj jUKUtATIC TICKET Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. sr , ion president: (;1K)VER CLEVELAND, of New York. KK V ICE PRESIDENT : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOB. GOVERNOR : ALFRED M SCALES, of Guilford. fob ijeut. governor: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. KOK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. von state treasurer: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. . FOR auditor: AV. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. Fon attorney general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. ITEUINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. associate justice supreme court: A. S. MERRIMON, ol Wake. for electors-at-large : W. H. KITCHEN, JOHN N., STAPLES. Puck does not cartoon the Democratic candidates. Not much. Have you read the Democratic plat form? If not, you had better, for it is a daisy. ; r . Republicans sport white plumes, but the Democrats will not even show a white feather. . The Democratic papers do not haye to eat crow this trip, but the Republican press is surfeited with it. A careful scrutiny with the naked eye of the Democratic platform reveals some mighty good doctrine. Butler will not support Blaine, but whether Blaine will support John Kelly or not is a serious question. "When the Leaves begin to Fall" is not a popular song just now in Repub lican circles. It is too mournfully sug gestive of ths sad Noverraber "days when the returns are all in. Blaine Republicans sport white plumes. We have seen white plumes on a hearse before now, and they will be in demand at the mournful Republican tuneral in November. The Republican State ticket is a bad wa3h to swallow. It savors strongly of crow, which is unpalatable to good and true Republicans, but they haye Cot to swallow it, nevertheless. m ' Blaine's "vigorous fdreign palicj" ill be restricted for the next ninety kjs to Massachusetts, New York, In diana and several other localities within the jurisdiction of the United States. Cleveland, Hendricks, Scales and, Siedtaan! It seems to us that those Barnes makes rather a powerful combi nation and will Tyre York and his gang badly between now and Novem ber. ' In a private exhibition Saturday njihl at the Madison Square Theatre, Sew York, Lula Hurst, the vGeorgja wonder," threw Mrs. Langtry down aQd split the back of her thin, white dress. The children of the Count de Paris, keir to the Bourbon claim on the French throne, are five m number one boy. Ute Dnke of Orleans, and four girls, the i nncesg Amelia, (the eldest child). Helen, Isabella and Louise. Mr. Storey, the owner of the Chicago Times, is only sixty-four years old, but k'slifeof remarkable activity h&s so eakened certain mental faculties that family have asked the Probate Qttof Cook County to appoint a conservator to take care of his property. Now is thettme to give Smith's Worm r VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 17, The Democrats had a grand ratifica tion meeting at Raleigh on Tuesday night. There was an immense and en thasiastio throng in attendance to listen to eloquent addresses from eminent Democratic speakers. There was a notable absence of crow at the banquet. While it is not known precisely what Butler and Kelly will do in the cam paign, it is very certain that they will. give no aid to the Kepubucan party. They would not save the old tattooed eoncern if they could, and it i3 equally certain thai they could not if they would. Bed Bugs, Flics.' Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats. mice. gophe'S. chipmunks, cleared out by."JLtough on Kats." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Temperance Address F C Milleb Conundrum J D Sublett Barber Wanted. C W Yates We Want Your Trade Heinsberger Base Balls and Bats Knights and Ladies of Honor Local ad Geo M. Ckapon, Agt Just the Ticket Munds Beds. A DeRosset Medicines It seems to us that business is slight ly improving in our city. It was somewhat cooler this morning, with a brisk breeze from the North east. The thermometer has indicated 87 degreess, which is three degrees lower than it was yesterday. There was no City Court this morn ing, and no tramps applied for lodgings at police-headquarters last night. Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds st.Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t The services at the First Baptist Church to-night Will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Yates of the Front Street. M. E. Church. A first class barber can obtain a situ ation on application to Mr. J. D. Sub lett, of the Hotel Brunswick, Smith ville. See ad in another column The County Democratic Executive Committee will hold a meeting at the Court House at 8:15 o'clock to-night, and a full attendance is requested. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It There are some indications of a storm and we would not be surprised if- a de cided change of the weather should take place in this section within a day or two. Mr, R. H. Whitaker, Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars, will deliver a (em perauce address at the Little Giant Hall to-night. The public are invited to attend. - The "Independent Vigilant Club" is the name of a colored organization re cently established in the Third Ward. Their motto is, "Freedom from ail par. ties, rings, cliques and bosses," butf they will all vote the 'publican ticket, all the same. A large party went down the river on the excursion this morning on the Pass port,lo enjoy the pleasures of a day's trip to the Forts and other places of interest on the lower Cape Fear, under the aus pices of HarmonyLodge, No. 19, I. O. of Good Templars. The weather has been delightful and we predict lor the excursionists a pleasant time. Personal. Mr. Wade II. Harris, of the Charlotte Observer, with hi3 wife, arrived in the city this morning and registered at tbc Purcell House. Mr. Harris has a host of friends in the city who will be glad to see him and give him a cordial shake of the hand. The Crops. From passengers arriving in the city to-day from the yicinity of Six Runs and Stewart's Creek, in Sampson coun ty, we learn that the crops were never in a more prosperous condition. The section spofen of contains some of the best farms and most industrious farm ers in East Carolina, and we rejoice at the success which bids fair to crown their, efforts, and hope that no unto ward event may prevent them from reaping an abundant harvest. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c should go to Jacobi's to get best qualities and lowest prices f. Mill Lemons. There is nothing new in saying tha lemon-juice is good for malaria; or, in other words, that it is useful to combat intermittent feyer by the victims of that disease. A French medical iournai recommends a decoction of the fresh lemon, that is, a lemon cut into slices and boiled in a new earthen pot, making practically, a lemon tie. It is to be given four hours before the fever, and is paid to be as serviceable as quinine, without having any of its il' effects. rogr Tongue. There are many industries which have sprung into existence in this sec tion within the last few years, which had never before been dreamed of, but. but which have proved a source of profit to those engaged in them. The gather ing of-dog tongue is among the most important and lucrative of these indus tries. The plant grows abundantly throughout this section of "the State, can be gathered with but little trouble and a ready market is found for all that can be procured. Our friend and subscriber, Mr. A. H. Morris, at Teacheys Depot, Duplin county, on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, is largely engaged in the purchase and shipment of dog tongue. On Monday the 14th inst.. he bought 3,680 pounds of the plant, on the 15th, 6.742 pounds, and on the 16th, 5.273 pounds, making an aggregate for the three days' pur purchases, amounting to 15,695 pounds. Tbe above amounts will be about his average during the season. Daring Uurglary. At about 1 o'clock yesterday morn ing some tbief broke into the premises of Mr. T. F. Tyler, on Dock street, be tween Eighth and Ninth , under cir cumstances of most reckless daring. Mr. Tyler had been reading upon a sofa in the fiont room of the house and had finally dropped off to sleep leaving the lamp burning and the window raised. The thief took one of the supports of a jeejoggle, which was on the piazza of an adjoining house and used it as a step to climb into the window where Mr. Tyler was asleep. After gaming an entrance he passed directly through the parlor to the room where Mrs. Tyler was in bed and asleep, taking the precaution to close and lock the door after him . He then opened a widow in Mrs. Tyler's room which led onto the piazza , after which he searched the pockets of Mr. Tyler's clothing, which was in the room, from which he stole about $15 in money. He thensat down on the side of the bed and placed his had upon Mrs. Tyler's face, which awoke her. She supposed that it was her husband, but soon discovered that it was not, when she screamed and the thief fled through the window. Her screams awoke Mr. Tyler and he at once started to her assistance, but found the door locked and before he could effect an entrance the scoundrel had escaped. It was a small man, but whether white or colored Mrs: Tyler could not determine. Death oi'Capt. John J. Evans. Our citizens and a large circle of ac quaintances throughout this section of the South will be pained to learn of tho death of Capt. John J. Evans, which occurred at his residence in this city at about 5 o'clock this morning, from malarial fever. He had been sick but about a week and his death took our people by sad surprise. Capt. Evans was a native of Pennslyvania, bat came to the South when quite a 'young man and was a stage agent in South Caro lina while the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta (then known as the Wil mington & Manchester) Railroid was in course of consrtuction. Upon the completion of the road Capt. Evans was made one of the conductors, a po sition which he occupied until after the war, and in which he became widely known as a courteous, obliging and pleasant gentleman and a most agreeable railroad official. Soon after the war he removed to Pittsburg. Pa , where be was engaged for several years with his brothers in the steam boat business on tbe Ohio river. He returned to Wilmington about seven years ago, and subsequently removed to Goldsboro, where tor a time he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. He then came to Wilmington again,, and until a short time since was a conductor on the W. C & A. road. Capt. Evans married a daughter of the late Mr. Owen Holmes of this city, his wife and three children surviving him. In ail the relations and duties of life, whether as husband, father, citizen or official, Capt. Evans was a true, kind and noble-hearted gentleman. He was about 53 years of age at tho time of his death. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, 3Ln SlOIES 108 IFIlSnB WHITE ROBES With Embroidery WHITE GOODS STOCKA lOWiils BATH TOWELS We wish any other market. CORSESTS In all GOOD MAKES, all sizes. V JERSEYS A complete stock, 32 to 46. FANCY MATTINGS We will compare patterns and prices with any In the market. A few pieces july 16 Melons and Cantaloupes. Cantaloupes have been coming into market quite freely for some days, bu we are sorry to say that they are not so finely flavored as they were last year. The frequent rains, which catne just as they were beginning to ripen, seems to have taken much of the sweetness out of them. Water melons are also being brought in quite freely within the last few days from the Sound, and they are well flavored. -The prices are rather high at present for the latter, but we presume that they can be bought cheap er in the course of a few days. ; Lost and Found. At about 4 o'clock, last Sunday even ing, a little two years old son of Alex. Henderson, colored, at Masonboro Sound, strolled off while the family were not noticing him and when search was made he could not be found. The search was. kept up all night, but the little fellow was not found until about 8 o'clock on Monday morning, when he was discovered by Lot Pierce, colored, in a ditch and up to his arm pits in mud and water -He bad suffered no injury save that he had been bitten severely by mosquitoes during the night. Almost an . Accident. " Thismorning just before the steamer Passport started on her regular trip down the river, the furniture cart of Mr. D. A. Smith was driven down to the wharf with some freight. The driver fastened his horse by tying the iclns to one of the wheels, which answered very well until the steamer's whistle bio wed, when he became frightened and started. . This wound the reins up so tight that it caused the horse to back, and if it had not been for some one who jumped to the animal's head aud cut the reins he would have backed into the riyer. It is a careless way to leave horses, and especially so in any locality where there is liable to be unusual noise and confusion. Language of the Eyes. It is said that very quiet eyes that impress and embarrass one with their repose signify self-command, but also much complacency and some conceit. Restless eyes that cannot look one steadily in the face denote a deceitful, designing mind. Eycs in which the white has a yellowish tinge and is streaked with reddish veins, prove much of strong passion and hasty tem pers. Very blue eyes bespeak inclined to coquetty ; grey eyc3 signify dignity intelligence and excellent reasoning faculties; greenish eyes, faslehood and a fondness for scandal. A malicious mind is often indicated by greenish eyes. Black eyes show a passionate, lively temperament, and oftimes a most deceitful disposition; brown eyes are generally tender and true, indicat ing a kind and happy disposition. About Trees. A tree is a sort of community, each part having its own duties to perform. The root hair takes up most of tbe nourishment. . Tbe young ones take it to the larger ones, and they, in turn, like the branches of a river, pour the flood of crude sap into the trunk, which conveys it to the leaves. Tbe assimi lated or digested sap passes from the leaves to all growing parts of tho plant, and a deposit is made where most need ed. If a branch is much exposed to the winds the base of it has a certain support or certain amount of nourish ment. So with tbe trunk of tree. If the base of a branch or the main trunk is much exposed to tbe winds and storms, a much thicker deposit of food is made there. Tbe winds give a tree exercise, ;which seems good to help make it strong. Oar toughest wood comes from trees growing in exposed places. The limbs of a tree'are all the time striving with each other to see which shall haye tbe most J room and most sunshine. While some perish in the attempt, or meet with only very in different success, the stron gest of the strong buds survive. , .i Vi o 1884. NO. 169 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS In. I-JESTO AND OHEA to match. A few leR at very low figures. few bargains in White Sprelds. you to compare with any in this or left at $7.50 (40 vards.) R. M. MclIUTIRE. Wanted! - I : - J1IRST CLASS BABBEB, AT pNCE 4 ;- J. D. STJBLILTr, julj 17 4t Hotel Brunswick. Temperance Address. "VTB. E. H, WHITAKEB, Grand Secretary of tae Grand Lodge of Good Templars, will dellyer an address on Temverance. at Little Giant Halt, to night at S o'clock. Admission free. The publ'c are cordially flnvlted to at tend july 17 lt Just the Ticket, y f - AFTEK BREAKFAST, AFTER DINNER, AFTER SUPPER, AND ALWAYS. SMOKERS WILL FIND AT CBAPON'S 22 South Front street, the best Five Cents uigar intne city. Lone Filler Havana Cierar.i Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Also a full line Of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh Goods every Steamer. Jo nol forget me piace, no. aa oouin x roni st. jaly 17 GEO. M. CRAPON. Agt THE CUTICURA REMEDIES j 1 LIVER AND WABNER'd SAFE CURE, KIDNEY DUEEH ART'S EXTRACT OFa MALT AND iiurs, i S. 8. S. TWO SIZES. j COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS, i MEDICINES AND FANCY GOODS. 5- v Munds Eros. & DeRosset, DRUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. july 1G j - j F. G. & N. Rottinson. TT7-E ARE THANKFUL TO OUR FRIEND TT for their liberal patronage. Our Stock Is all fresh goods, arc guaranteed, and they can be returned at our expense if not satisfactory. We arc dally Jn receipt of EGGS and CHICKENS, which WC sell at the very lowest market prices. J SUGARS arc advancing, selling at old prices. but wc arc still Our COFFEES arc of beat at very low prices. quality and sold s i. All kinds of BASKETS. BROOMS. BUCK ETS, Ac, on hand. Also, chblce stock of CRACKERS and CANNED GOODS, july 8 - l Telephonic Connection. yE HAVE RECENTLY ADDED, A TEL cphone to our store for the convenience of our patrons, and are prepared to receive all or ders and messages they wish tojgive us. The sickness of Royster's head candy maker delayed last week's shipment, but wc expect fresh invoices Monday at d Saturday. i 35 cts. per lb.; 3 lbs. for $1. . f We hope our customers will appreciate the circumstances and bear with us until It arrives. Ko use talking; there la no candy sold here In Wilmington that glvea as good satisfaction. ' P. L. BBIDGEBS & CO. HO North Front BU July 1 Headquarter! TXB FISHING TACKLE, t . - . JL Mm ' t - Tf. E. SPRINGER GO'S., 19. 21 and 23 Market SUeef The Unrest and best assortment ever oCered I In this market. i jnlfU ... PL2AJBS KOTICS win be c!xd t9 roedts Trr;T'syfl,i troa mr friend on any and; sH cissets; imeraltaterest tmt f -"'' .i'' usbeft to the Editor. -: T i if ! :OoMmmfrtttoMTat bs V written ea? eat oneaMeof epaTO-:HV Personalities must be aToxdad; -d tt la especially. and WLrtJcnlartr tnder tood that the Editor does not Always estate oo views oi correspondents nim . in wo editorial eofrimti- i " - NEW ADVJBBTISEEIX2inC3. Board. A JEW TA TlT.l? Ttfl iRnvio r vr tw IMAmmnriatiul c. ... at -"wv uui uji iuo euuuireriauaui attendance and tho best tbe market affords. day or week. MBS. ROBBBT JLKK. . lt 1WJ Market Street, julj 11 ljdw Wilmington, N. C Remember w nEN IN WANT OF FURNITURE AND 5 BEDDING, that our stock la NEW ana of latest designs. x - ... j. , - . . An elegant lino of Baby Carriages, Easy Choirs. -Bai tan Furniture, Hammocks, Ao. ' TIIOS. C. CRAFT, Aat . Fumlturo Dealer. il 23 So. Front EL july 14 :Wajgoiiett6X.N- FOR WRIGIITSV1LLE SOUND,' will leave feoDthcrland's Stables DAILY at 6 pj M.'eharp. Returning, will bare Sound at 7 A. M. sharp June 23 If T. J. SOUTHERLAND. Cleveland & Hendricks ! tiUUyKAX3AJKK HAPPY ! Victory i assured ! But to make assurance doubly sure, call at McGOWAN'S "Old North State Salo'-n" and trv hia justly popular Beer and smote one of his After-Dinner" Gig irs. It will put you in a good humor with yourself and the rest of mankind, even with BenBut- ler and John Kclley. Julyli Our Stock IS UNEQUALLED. FULL5 AND COMPETE. We keep the BEST articles and sell at a close margin. Our Cook Stoves stind tbe test of the most fastidious when used Lap Board., Ironing Boards, Clothes Horses, Biscuit Boards, tolling Pins, Lemon Squeezers, Re frigerators, and other useful articles ' too nu meroua to men lion , s ... ' " PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. iulr 14 Cleveland & Hendricks! Blaine & Logan!!; JACKSON & BELLI! ! THREE TICKETSlbr the PEOPLE I The first two tickets are before the people for their suffrages the last for the patronage of both parties for anything and everything they may need in the shape of Printing, Ruling qr Binding. TTT 111' a T7" m T YY e vv ant i our iraae. ; 1X THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE . hblt of sending North to have their BLANK BOOKS made or to buy their STA TIONERY, wo would say that wo are deter mined not to bo undersold, and in future we will duplicate any order that you may send off for, and probably save you from 10 to 15 per cent. , r Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Sales Booktr, Ac, any size and style of binding, ruled and printed to order. County Record Books made to order at short notice. - , Check, Draft and Noto Books LITIIO GRAPHED in tho best style. Fino Writing Paper and Envelopes, suitable for mercantile and private use. Ink, Mucilage, Pencils, Pens, Penholders, Letter Books. Blotting Paper, Ink Stands, Erasers, Ac , Ac. C W. YATES, - july 14 119 Market Street. Tin en Italic Jinii llnta QF ALL KINDS. Uamnfocks, three kinds, very latest styles.1 Lottos, two sizes. - ABC Cards and Blocks, ' - - Rubber Balls, all sizes. . ' ; : Ritchcr Harmonicas, the very best. Violins, Guitar and Banjo Strings. Italian-Vlolina and Violin Bows. . , Just received and for sale cheap at ' HEINSBERGEB'Ss julyl Lire Book and UusSo Stores The Mayo House; Jl T FORT FISHER, IS ONE OF THE most pleasant resorts In tbe State. THE FIN EST BATHING, BOATING AND FISHING FACILITIES. Best Liquors and Cigars. Fish, Shrimps, Clams and Terrapins served In every style. 49- CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Parties going down on Steamer Passport can spend about six hours at the Point and return ' same day. Those wishing to go outside to fish on Southern Rock will hive to remain over night Can leave tho city at 4 o'clock. In the evening. Mrs. Mayo will look after the com- lort or lamea. w. JC uaxu. june 13 liii . . Oxford Tieo. lot of those fine Xlan&Wed OXFORD Tirs. . ALio, another lot of Uioso ENGLISH BAL MORALS came goods as Oxford Ties,' except they are high-quartered. ' . CaB aid secure a pair at once. Geo; B. French & Sons, 10S NORTH FEOTT STREET. July 14 J. L. WINNEB, WATCHMAKER A JEWELLER, ' J - . . . M - . 4 . and Jewelrr repaired and warranted. u3s:m new uar&cit zxoat si.

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