MISCELLANEOUS. i Iff ills -the s BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pui;e Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness Impure Blood, AIalaria,Chllls and Fevers, aad Nearalsla. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney aad Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re aves Heartburn and Belching, and streagth jns the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, fcc., it has no equal. 49 The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. MUm Ml hj BKOWX CHZXKAL CO., BALTIMORE, KOi July 11 dAwly tc2dpnrm Ana You are Mauy. No matter how you got it Benwm'a Capclne Porous Plasters win cure your dyspepsia. . July lft 4w Buruh am 9 s IMPROVED Standard Turbine! Is the best constructed anil finished, gives better percent age, more power, and is sold for less money, per horsepow er, t nan any other I urbLne in the world. MfW New pamphlet BURNHAM BROS, York, i a sent tree by Ju?y U W The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. it contains 135 prescriptions for -all acute and chronto diseases, each one "f whl -h is lnvalu able. 80 found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em bossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $2.50, or the money will b refunded in every Instance Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eta R2ni1 nnw 1 1 m ail a I awanlaH frVtA ontKAii by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The faience of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will bene at all London Lancet. There Is no member "f society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Pea body Medical Institute, t Dr. W. H. Parker,' "No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass , who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill- and experience. Chronlj and obstinate disc pes that have baffled tho skill of all M " A I other physicians & specialty. C r Mm Such treated successful-T" J C? C? I C" ly without an in- I PI I O&Lr itance of failure Mention this paper. July 4 ditw4w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Painty French Window Glass. AGENCY FOB N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT GO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. Q ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac tories ot Wetherill A Co.. and Harrison Bros A Co., is sufficient guarantee for their quality, and purity. A fine line of ICoo king Stoves at Factory Prices, tn addition to our large and full HABDWAKE STOCK, to which your attention is respectfully invited. NATB?L JACOBI, sept t 10 South Front St First National Bank-of Wil-mington.- CAPITAIi8TOCK, ... m,ocj ... 66.0(6 BTJRPLTJS FUND..... Depostta received aad collections; made oa all acoawXbte polnfs ta the United States. DIRECTORS B. SrjRKUSS. . D. G. WORTH IfAlOTX, J AS. 8PBUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. orncisa: President. Cashier A.K.WALQBU rT.at?flrng apltt nun m m iy The Dai I y Review. TOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1884 Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N- C. ' aa second-class matter. BEN BUTLEK. The appearance of Ben Butler at the National Democratic Convention, at Chicago, bis conduct, while there and his subsequent action, has been ani nrad verted upon considerably"; and with a good show cf reason. It was a matter of surprise to many that he should ap pear there, but his presence was entirely in keeping with his getyral character istics. We hwe known Gen. Butler for tne past forty year, having heard him deliver apolitical address during he Polk caiupaigu of 1544, and we have never heard him charged with extreme h.Tshfnlnr or modestv. He had a good excuse for being at the Convention as he was of the duly aLcredited dele gates from Massachusetts, but he had no riirht. as sucn a delegate to enter and take a part in the proceedings, as he did, unless be was determined to abide by the result, as he said that he should do; and if he fails to keep that promise he will prove recreant to his own word which does not amount to much, we confess and to tho prty which sent him to the Convention. He was at the time the regularly consti tuted candidate ot two political Dartiea and had signified his K - - acceptance of their nomination, which would seem to have been a suf ficient bar to his appearance at the Couvention at Chicago. It would have been treating him with more than mild justice to have kicked him out uncere moniously, but it Was posi jly the part of wisdom to let him remain until the time arrived to give him a fitting re buke by.showing him that he was en tirely without influence in that body. He had no moral right to be present and if he had been possessed ot one par ticle of shame he would not have been there. Ho said, before the convention as sembled, that he came there as a Dem ocrat and should work for the success ot the cmdidaie, whoever he might be. He retired from the convention dis comforted and disgruntled and disap pointed, and it is now a question whether he will support the nominees of the party or nor. We do not see how he can, as he is a nominee for the same position himself; nor does it ap pear to us a matter ot very greal con sequence whether he does or not. He may scheme and pl"t in the fu ture, as he has ever done in the past, but his influence has departed. His bare-faced effrontery in appear ing at the Convention and his deep disgruntlement at the cool treatment he received there show that he expected to wield an im portant influence in its deliberations, but was sadly disappointed. At last ac- c juMs he was nursing his wrath or doing penance for his folly and was severely silent as to his intentions in regard to the campaign.; We think the Democrats of Massachusetts erred seriously in sending him to the Conven tion and we Ihjnk he made the greatest mistake ot hislifetimo when he under took a leading role in its action. Both were most fittingly rebuked, and the lattter was given a most deserved censure which we trust will prove suf ficient for him for all time to come, and that no more forever may a Democratic Convention be insulted by the presence of the hateful Ben. Butler. Mr. Cleveland has one great advan tage as a Presidential candidate. In voting for him we shall not vote for anybody ele to share tho Presidency with him. Mr. Cleveland is a bachelor. Some people, to be sure, do not like bachelofi, but when we consider the risk invofved in the election of a 'Lady of the White House." and the impor tant part which that functionary has occasionally played in the affairs of the United States, the advantage of a candi date who is free from all entangling female alliances must be generally ad mitted. It mu3t be confessed that the Lady of.the White House has not al ways been a success. Sometimes there has been too much of her; some times there has been too much of her family ; sometimes neither she nor her family has added greatly to the dignity of the government. Mr. Arthur has shown that a President can get along very well and can support the honor of the White House unexceptionably without the assistance of a wife, while Mr. Tilden has shown not less clearly, that a bachelor candidate may get more votes than the most married candidate ever namedi Bachelor Cleveland enters the race without encumbrances, and, as Mr. Dana says, may the best man win. The New York State Board of Health has considered it expedient to issue ad vices of sanitary precaution against the cholera, believing that the possibility and facilities for the introduction of the cholera into this country are too obvi ous to be disregarded. The floods throughout Europe " and the United States, the attendant circumstances ot the drying reason, the increased immi gration from the Mediterranean States to New York, and the destructive ma lignancy of thedigease are thought to give warning for precaution. Prevent ive measures recommended by the board tare careful sanitary inspections. the draining of stagnant pools and low grounds near dwellings; the cleansing and disinfecting of cellars, privies and. all filthy place", and the examining and protecting the purity of drinking water. Altboogh it may be true that the disease which alarms the world at present is of a comparatively mild type, the sanitary measures recom mended by the Board ' ot Health would be useful in any State and especially in tho seaboard States of the country. Largo cities are the centres of danger on account uf their crowded condition and their debris; but in cities like Boston, in which great care hs been given to sanitary ques tions, in which the summer heat is not long and when at its height is tempered by a sea breeze . and in which the tene ments are better cared for than in many cities, alarm about cholera can not reach the sharp dread of a certain and unavoidable epidemic. Sanitary advice is not unnecessary, however, even in the most favorable conditions of the country. If cleanliness may not bo needed especially, against the chol era, it is always necessary. Stagnant pools, fillh-sodden surfaces, foul sinks and other polluted places need vigilant attention, and delay is false economy under any circumstances. . Poor Woman. Weak back; tremulous nerves; rheus matic muscles; dyspeptic stomach ; tor pid liver. Bad combination, isn't it? Well, vitalize your blood with Brown's Iron Bitters. Tone yaur nerves; ban ish rheumatism; drive out dyspepsia. Then you are a new woman. Mrs. W. A. Crawford, Tullahowa. Tenn., had nervousness and neuralgia. She derived great benefit from the use of Brown's Iron Bitters. PEItSON h Benjamin Franklin was one ot the expert swimmers of his day. Mrs. Hendricks urged him to accept. She has confidence in the ticket. Mrs. "Joseph E. McDonald "Hurrah for Cleveland ! Hurrah tor Cleveland !" Mis3 Nellie Bell, of Hamilton. Ont., wrtl shortly leave for India as mission ary from the Canadian Presbyterian Church. The Austro-German-Russian-Italian alliance could muster an army of 10, 000.000 men, thoroughly armed and drilled. The army of the United States numbers about 25,000, the navy about 8,000. Professor D. McGregor Mean?, in an article in the North American Review opposing government telegraphy. makes the novel claim that this govern ment in the management of the postal service is not a success. The other day a picnic party from Schuyler.Ill., contained ex-Judge Pem- berton, who then for for the first time in his life saw a steamboat, and Mrs, towler, who never before saw the Illi nois Kiver. .. . The Rochester Post-Express, refer ring to the correspondent's praises of Mr. W. Bourke Cockran's speech nt the Chicago Convention, says: With such gilts, the wonder is that the world has not heard of him before." Life Preservers. It you are losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. JULY JUMBLES. A health journal says you ought to take three-qutrters of an hour for your dinner. It would be advisable to add some meat and vegetables. A receipt is going the rounds of the press tor tanning hides with salt and alum; but our iriend John says his schoolmaster taught him years ago that oil of birch was better. A new article in feminine headgear is called the frog bonnet." The hus band is supposed to jump when be learns ihe size of the greenback it takes to purchase one. 4'I am troubled with cold feet." said Fenderson. "I always sleep in my stockings in Winter." Glancing at Fenderson's number thirteens, Fogg remarked : "I should think you might do it easily." Jn order to get rid of the smell of fresh pain in a room, place a few slices of onion in the middle of the room. Then you will want to eet rid of the smell of the onions; this can be done by putting on another coat of paint. AUreat Blood Medicine. One of the best medicines ever known for the cute of diseases arising from impure blood, no matter from what cause is Rosadalis. It is a great alter ative medicine as well as a blood purifier. It cures Scrofula. Swellings. Goitre, Skin Diseases. Liver Com plain Rheumatism, &c. Read the following important letter from adis tinguished gentleman in Florida: Lake Irena, Fla., June 10th. 1882. I have been a great sufferer for 15 years, not able to walk, from an injured log. Have tried many M. D.'s and their remedies to little purnose. I believe ROSADALIS will cure me. Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recommended to me by a friend, : I have taken 2 bottles, and find it help ing me. The Druggists who usually keep it are ont of it, and I cannot afford to wait the slow arrival ot their supplies. JOHN T. BEEKS, Supt. Board of Fuldic Instruction. Hope is the brightest star in the fir man ent of youth. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills are sufficiently powerful for the most robust, yet the aalest for children- and weak constitutions 15 cents, eod - Ayer's Sarpasrilla is the most effective Diooa-purinerever nevisea. it is ; re commended; by the best physicians, w Now.is the time to buy your ther mometers 'they will be higher before long. Is Your Blood Pure? For. im Dure blood the hp.it mpdiVina known, SCO VILLE'SSARS APARIL- L.A, UK dJAJUD AND LIVER SYR UP, may be implicitly relied on when everything else fails. Take it in the springtime especially for tte impure secretions or the blood incident to that season ot the year: and take it at all times for.Cancer, Scrofula. Liver Com plaints, Weakness, Boils, Tumor. Swellings, Skin Diseases, Malaria and the thousand ills that wtmo from im pure blood. To ensure a cheerful dis position take SUOVILIS BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP, which will re store the mind to its natural equili- orium. Patience, without energy, is nothing more tnan a respectaDie kind ot lazi ness. Pure Cod-Liver Oil made from selected livers, on the seashore, by Cas weix, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it su perior to any of the other oils in market. Chapped Hands, Face, Pimples. and rough Skin, cured by using Juni per Tar Jsoap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co , New York, th 3 w The man who puts chains upon an other's limbs is pnly one;shade worse than he who puts fe ters on another! free thoughts and on another's free con science. Cheerful Conversation is one of the pleasantest amenities of life. But a fluent talker whose ""ems of thoneht" droD from lins which dis close yellow teeth going to rack and ruin, makes less impression than he or she otherwise would. Bear this in mind, conversation a' ists, and lend added force to your utterances by keep ine your teeth white and pure with SOZODONT, wholesomest and most thorough of tooth preparations, which removes tartar, renders the gums healthy and purifies tho breath. A Pair Offer Tne Voltatc Belt Co.. Marshall Mich., offer to send Dr. Dve's Volatin Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirtv days, to men, young or old, afflicted" with nervous debility, lost vitality.and kindred troubles. See advertisement in paper, t th s eow&i' A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ot man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New York City. eod 'oiw ly Itching PilesSymptoms and Care. Thfl avmnfvma ara m-laiiT lllra nonnlra tlon, Intense itching. in reasei by scratching j very d stressing, part icuJarlv at rJjjht; seems as if pi a worm were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts ra sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWAlNL'S OI vT MKNT" is a pleasant, sure fare 'Also, for Tetter, Itch, Salt Kheum,' Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty kin Diseases. Box, by mall, 50 cU; 3 for $1, 35. Address, DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phila., Pa. Sol i by Drugciats. may 2 ly deod&w - f m w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Choice New Crop Molasses. SECOND CARGO NO Wj1-LAN DING AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FROM WHARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. mch 20 Ice. Ice. Ice. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY the citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of CHOICE ICE, and am now f ulry prepared to fill orders at w" tivxo, uy ine uarrei, MOgsneau or Car Load, to all points on the Railroads or Rivers, acd hope to secure a reasonable t hare of patronage. k. H. J. AH KENS. . Proprietor of New Ice House; Send for Prices. june27 1m Lemons. , ButteR Lemons. JUST RECEIVING BY A. C. LINE and N. Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to suit. 800 bushs. Va. Meal. 75 Boxes Lemons, 25 tubs Va. and N. Y. Butter. Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard AT E. Q. BLAIR, June 12. No. w N. Second Street. Monday ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find large consignments of Apples. Peaches, Pears. Chickens, Kggs and all other country produce These goods must be sold at once. Call on " A. W. RIVENBARK, The Live Grocer and Commission Merchant ,Jw 114 North Water st., O -w., .i. v "Dyd." TMONACB7S, 16V, SECOND STREET.be- tween Market tnd Princess,' Ladles ani Gen tlemen's goods ot every description, any color. Also, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Senp me apairof taut oM km qiatm. Wew Goods ND LOW PRICES AT A ureiumn PiOCK. JJOY8 AND GIRLS, YOU CAN GET RICH selling our fly paper, 50 sheets, tl - reta.Hi. at ft cents per sheet. ' reuJla BOa FLY PAPER CO.. ' , 545 Norta Ave ' June 131m - - Eochester, N. Y. KAIIiKOAJDS. &o. Wilmington;) Columbia Augnsti"RiR. Co. j Omcs or GssncRAx. sotxxxktshdsmt. i Wilmington, N. C July 11.1SS4. ) Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTER JULY 13th, i L8S4, at KJ 9.oo A. AL, tne following Passenger Sehed u:e will be run on this road : ' NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Noa. 4S West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington......!.. 9.05 P. 11 Leave Florence.... 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction...... 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia...... fi.40A.li. Leave Columbia.... 9.55 P. M. leave C, C. & A. Junction.. ...... .10.20 P. M. Leave Florence. j.. ......... 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington..... .........;,8.S5 A. M. Night Mail and pass&kqkr Txaih, Daily No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington... L ..........10.20 P. M Arrive at Florence 4 1.25 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. 43 East. Leave Florence at i.. ........ ..4.05 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington...'. ......8 05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington, and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. ft C. R. R.. C. A A R.Tl fitst!.-T itVon .Tnnn. tlon, and all points beyond, should take the Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 40 All trains run solid between Charleston and wumington. 1 Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. JQHN F. DIVINE, " T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. OmUE OF GKiriS&JLL SCTEHINTXNDKNT, Wilmington. N. cl. May 9.1S84. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 18S4. AT 9.00 A. M., Passenger Trains on tho Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY Nos. 47 North asd 43 South. : T Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depet, 9.00 A. M Arrive at weiaon.... 2.S5 P. ai Leave Weldon. 4..... 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wilm'gton, Fronts t.Dpt, 8.35 P.- M Fa.st Through Mail & PA88KNGKB TKAJWi South. . Daily No. 40- Leave Weldon..... J... f 5.35 P.M. Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrontSt.D'p't 10.00P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 North. r Leave Wilmington Arrive at Weldon j .......... O.AO tr. BO.. ... 2.35 A. M. Train No. 40 South will jstop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. m r i tt t j. rains on xarDoro urancn ttoaa ieave uocxy Mount forTarboro at 1.2$ P. M. and 4.30 P. leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. ana 10.00 A. M . Daily. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road letvc Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at8.30 A. M. daily except Sunday. Train No. 47 make closd connection at Ve don for all points North iDaily: All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Train No. 43 runs dqllv .nr1 nection for all Points North via Richmond and was rung con. - j All trains ran solid hptwA-n Wiimi Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep era attached. For accommodation of Ideal travel a passen- ffOT IV!llh H11 lui atfonlin1 n I.V 1..- ing Wilmington at 6.55 A!. ii Dally except uuuuay. i JOHN F. DIVINE, , General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera" Passenger Agent. July 15 j Carolina Central R. F. Company. OFFICK OP- (3BNKBAL 8nPpEBITBlfDBlfTt ) Wllmlnirton, N. C, Jtfay 10, 1884 Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER MAY 12th. 1881, THE following tscneauie Raihroaa: will be operated on this PASSENGER MAIL ANDjEXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. l iave Wilmington at.. 7.S0P. M 1. S Leave Ralelghat..!.. .7.35 P. M J Arrive at Charlott at.. 7.00 A. M 1 Leave Charlotte atl....i...8.45 P. M SL Arrive Raleigh at........i. 8. 30 A. M No No. frnve at wumrngton at.... 8X0 A. M Passenger 'Trains stop it regular stations only, and points designated; in the Company! Time Table. j Y. SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. No 3 I .c. v VUUIVVICo Arrive at Shelby.. .V........ 9 00 f! M. No. 4 VveShclby.......;... ..... 7.00 A. M. u Arrive at Charlottei .10.45 a . m Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at xutuiicfc wiiu n. a a. a rains to and from RaJ eigh. - j . . Through SteepingCars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for StateBvlile, Stations Western N C R R, Asheville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. li e. JONES, m -w Superintendent. F. W. CLARE, General Passenger Agent mav 10 , 1 , ICE.' june;7 WJ E. J3AVI8 A SON. City Drng Store. sic market Street. ru CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS ,cf, rJZV 4 ? l K'ass. it can't be jlVe oa OLD JIM COSOU6Y, W. & E. 8. LATIMEB, Attornevs-atLaw. ' Offlce-a. E. cor; Pxlacesaiadf sjfiu. ':v TV(----": 'Z: ' S2CTS .MISCELLANEOUS SHH a A r r i vedT" TtSHM-Y OF TIUT U,, GRATED prNB rAl-PLE:br toUy, Steamer, Also,; another lot of that ar MLXEDTEA at 60c per pound, (CMat sold In two weeks. Remember iieen v ' but the very best firstrclaas goodV Fresh yij ctjr wmk. utu ana examine at Crtpot Fainlly Grocer. ' . GEO. M CRAPON. Agea . Family Grocer. K HUMPHREY, JENKINS A Ct v fresh supply every day of Annk. S6' es, Pears, WhortleberrtS chpfe5' toes. Watermelons and Cantainn;: - 0m Chickens aud Kggs, Ac UIouPt8J H Consignments of the atove solicited ta I&facUou guaranteed. Give usJ tod. u ask. No. 112 South Front si 8 111 July 2 OF- m t expected by Wednesday MILAN CHIP and all the Rough Striwi popular now. Every possible shade of Feath era and other Tilmmlngs.. New lot of p. sols, white and colors, all prices. Gloves,. Lisle, Kid and Lace. New St'mptag Pttem Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. A fvor!ti rvir?w4fn"1 Tit ana f fM knost noted and uccK;ful Epccilht In tbU.a Inow retintd) for tlieture of .Verv&M XcMUtM fjomt JKanhtsoi, ? YcaJaiiee fcd leoay. 8eEJ IB plain sealed env:oi?- jDrngsUtscaAftlu Address OR. VAPr ( O., UuUUai, U WEAK, UHDEVELOPED; PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODV KNLARGED. DKVFt- OPED. STRENGTHENED." Kto.. jB,n int.r. vertisenient longrmtinoiirpipyr, lnreplttln? miiriaa visa ui-i say that there i no evidence of US! mgaboutthia. On the contrary. tUe ad vertwrnJ? Tery highly indorsed, lnterestecf u .-.i-..L l- . m persona m, .t eeaied circulars KftiK Medical C . . . . crmiM iv. apl 16 Dr. Dodd Y Nervine No. 2, WILLXURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL and Genital Weakness caused bv indu cretion and violating the laws of health. TIt' HtTWTlCTJfl Pit is ? Cures Syphilis in all lt forms and Btagct J eow or Brown t pots on the face and body. Rore Throat and Nse, Scrofula, Tetter, Kcze- un, ivuiin'g reDBoupn, sait Jiheum ana an Blood and Skin Diseases. Urinary Diseases and Strictures speedily ccred Price $2. DB. HO lrS FKM A LE FBIEND -Never falls to cure Irregularities or Suppres sions. P.ailSfid lV Mill a rlluioaa ladies and ladies in delicate state of health are wtwRta io not vse Hi rnce r-nciose toa money for either medlclue to FKAKK. STJK VEN8 & CO . Baltimore, Wd and it wW b sent by mail or. express ecaled. For sale by all DrujtKists ; sent by mall or express. . 4.-1 m s , . . . " ' I Hon, A. M. Waddell. flTE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. M.: WADDELL as ajcandldate 1 for Congress from the Sixth District, tutnect to tht action of tke Democratic Convention 6 the DU trict, when called. . . may 12 tf Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR TUE POET Of Wil mington will be enforced front May 1st to Novomber lstt as follows : Pilots will bririg all vessels from Ports touts -of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorifB; also, all vessels which lyive had any kind' of arrival, and will cause a signal to he tet in tbe main rigging on the port side, as soon as pos sible after crossing the Bar. No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along sr'e, unless by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician; and every vessel must be an' chored as f ar to the eastward of the channel as Is consistent with safety. Regulations governing vessels while in Qou antlne may be had on application at tbe office of the Quarantine Physician at 8mlthvlle Applications for permits to visit vessel! Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas r. Wood or Dr. fceo. G. Thomas, and permtti P obtained will be endf red by the Quarantto; Physician, If. In his opinion, it Is proper a4 safe to allow crmmanlcatlon with such vesseifc. A penalty of f 2 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced against any person violaun any of the Quarantine Regulations of tne Port. -,: ' W fl ' ' (TTRTM ' If. P.. , QuaranUne Physician, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. i ConanlUnU. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. l0DBmHI mav 1 zara Cm 1&15 ., North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of doscrfp tlve books eyer published about any Stats. -Boston Post, v Hale's Industrial Series. , Two Yohxmes Now Read, - ' . 1: Thk Woods akd Tthbkes or OaBolth a Cnrtis's. Emmons', and aerr Botanical Reports ; supplemented by anra Cofejty Reports of Standing Forests, and liter trated by an excellent Map of the bttta. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth. 273 PP-tlH?; nr II. Ikvxhe Coal abto Jkoit CocxniiOF Nobth Carolina Eonnons'. Kerr, Ifff ley's, WUkes. and the Census Report im plemented by full and accurate sketch ot Fifty six Counties and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12moi Cloth, 425 pp.. LSu!(i - 8oldby aU Booksellers, or mailed postpaJ on receipt of the price, by ' . 'v , - - l JT. HALE 80S, Publishers, Booksellers and SUttonem , ...... - . New Tort-" Or. P. M HALE, Publisher, Raleigh. N C sept 29, . .. ; ; THE WILMINGTON SHIRT CTOjJ, No. 87, Market st. Nteht Shirts, all u the most WJ frhirtt w mie enirt on tne market, voc w" 25candqpwards. ,8easMe8hlrUatalP' , ers2V( and upwards Wamsutta Jeans. era, reinforced, equal to llnen. cmetb"J 75c Drawers maUe to orer. 75a. Cl. Ordpnt tmm iha nnnlrr ollCita promptly attended to. Gl w usa eallj ; ; It Is a FactTiSr 1 X 7 r m t S3 4 1une27 -

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