11 11 vr THE GEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with .pare Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia Indigestion,, Weakness, Impare Blood, Malaria, Chills and Fevers, and Neuralgia. " It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and Lifer. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all "who lead sedentary lives.. ltdoes not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipationoa?r Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re aves Heartburn- and Belching, and strength I is the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, fcc, it has no equal. The genuine has above trade mark and Crossed redlines on wrapper. Take no other. Mtimmuljhj BROW CIIZXICAL CO., BALTISOBE, aD July 11 dwly ttfMpnrm Among the more important works recently issued are- TWICE TOLD TALES. By NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, i Vol., iamo. No. 370, Lovell's Library 20 cents GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR. By NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, x Vol., wmo, No. 376, Lovell's Library 20 cents, EMERSON'S ESSAYS. ESSAYS BY RALPH WALDO EMERSON. 1 Vol., iamo, Ho. 373, Lovell's Library ... .20 cents. ESSAYS AND LEAVES FROM A NOTE BOOK. By GEORGE ELIOT. Vol., iamo, No. 374, Lovell's Librarj-r...20 cents. PRINCESS NAPRAXINE. 15Y OU1DA. x Vol., iamo. No. 387, Lovell's Library. ...25 cents.v THE GIANT'S ROBE. By T. ANSTEY, Author of " Vice Vers.V x Vol., iamo, No. 394 20 cents. A iiew Catalogue, containing classified list of 4 00 volumes now issued, we will send free on application. JOHN W. LOVEJJL CO. Jfo$. 14 and 1G Vesey Street, New Torli. Jan 11 deteod wit Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOR N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact tint our Paints are from the celebrated Fac torles of Wetherill A Co., and" narrlaon Bros & Co., la sufficient guarantee for their quality ani purity A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Factory Prices, In addition to oar large and full JS HARDWARE STOCK, i to which your attention la reapectf ully Invited NATH'L JACOBI, went 1 10 8onth Front St First National Bank of Wil- mington. CAPITAL. STOCK $2V),rX0 SURPLUS FUND U...- C.0f0 IMpostta received u1 collections; suu3 on aH ocitl points la the UnitM State 3 T DIRECTORS & E. 3TJRRUS3, D. Q. WORTH JL.IIARTIK. JA3.SPRUXT, UXOKQK CHAD BOURN. omcsRstx SL JL BTJRRUSS.. A. K. WAXEXILm Preeldesi. Cutter 4wt Cattle r.iARETtfs: ) Jg?&x T THE VIS-Sy BEST CURRENT g; FICTION AND n STANDARD WORKS. JOlSi ' 10i 15 & 20 CENTS. ZM TOrirfvWf.LjQyfiLlT'CWVAKY $FjM J. L. WINNER, y-ATCTJlIjLKEB JEWELLER, Chrcaoraotera. 'Una TTatehea tr.1 Jewtlrr repaired and warranted. Crrc:It3 tlirStt; rrort t. . f he Daily Review. MSII. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop FRIDAY, JULY 18. 1684. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N. C. as secona-ciasB nuner. HOW IT LOOKS. Wejiavceen it staled in several of the Northern papers thai the Republi cans would make earnest efforts to capture several of the Southern States in this campaign, and that some (S the leaders of the party had ex presjfjd them selves upon the feasibility or the?pro jectas entirely confident of success. North Carolina is one of the States which they thought could be brought to give a Republican rusjoritr. basing their ideas upon the magnetic influence of their leader, Blaine, dissensions in the Democratic rank, and the blunders of Dem cratic leaders. . There was a possibilityat one time but not a remote probability that they might have the advantage of the last two contingencies to assist them, but since the meeting of theDem ocraticState and National Conventions all hope from those sources must be gone The Re publican State ticket we suppose i is Republican, as the standard benrer fully endorses the Republican platform is one of the weak est that could have possibly been selected- It is a ticket at which many life-long Republicans are supremely disgusted, and if they vote for the nominees it will be entirely owinr to their devotion to the pkrty and no.t for any respect to the men. On the other hand the nominees ot the Democratic party on the State ticket are in ihemst-lve a tower o! strength. There is not weak name in the list, and they are all 'invulnerable against attack, either personal or political. The campaign has commenc ed and there is not a shadow ot doubt of the result. The atte mpt may b made, and it undoubtedly will be, t capture the State, bin it will be one of the inot hopeless jobs ever undertaken and it is but a foregone conclusion to Bay that it will end in a disastrous de feat. The campaign, so far as the De mocracy of the State i coucerned. will be entirely in the -aggressive, while the entire tactics of the Republicans must necessarily be to act solely on the de fensive, and ihey will have a hard task, eyen at that. North Carolina is a grand old Demo, cratic State and she will remain so. Her sacred honor demands it, and her loving children will see to it that her proud escutcheon shall not again be stained by Republican misrule, the sturdy yeormanry of her soil, from where the rude ocean lashes her shores with its never ceasing vroar o the heaven-kissing mountains ot the West, will array themselves for thejbattle, and fight as one man for the maintenance of the just and wise gov ernment which has put the State in the bright pathway of glorious success and inrfluence. The Republicans have sig nified an intentioa to send speakers here, and we say let them c 'rae. We would be glad to see them and will guarantee to them a cordial reception and kind treatment. They also propose to send money here to influence the election, and we say, let it come, and a plenty of it. Money is a circulating medium, and we would be glad that any amount should be circulated in North Carolina. Send it along by all mean? but allow us to whisper in your ear that North Carolina will go Democratic by 20,000 majority for all that. BRIGHT KB PROSPECTS. The New York World, in an editor rial charactized by its usual forceful ogic, takes a very cheerful view of the tinanci'il . outlook, and states very truthfully that ''Air. Jay Gould and Mr. William H. Vanderbilt aro not safe authority on which to build hopes of a busiuesa revival. Speculators and stock operators generally color their opinions according to their interests for the moment. If they wanted to make a B!ack Friday the would try to per suade everybody that the country was going to destruction. If they wanted to raise prices or to save shrinking val ues they would paint everything a beau tiful couleur de rose. Just now these big operators are in a tight place and for their own protection they would naturally seek to create the impression that the prospects are bright and encouraging. Tncy arc not as rich as they were a year or two ago by sev eral millions, and if shiinkage should continue they would be still less wealthy a few months hence. Nevertheless it i3 unquestionably true that business affairs promise to mend, and it seems probable that we may soon have much better times than we have recently ex perienced. There are several sound reasons for this belief, lasz year we had poor crops. This year, according to the most reliable accounts, the crop out look Is excellent, i Prices bid fair tr be better than last year. The condition of Europe warrants ihe hope of an- in creased demand for oar breadstuff, and wivh increased movement of freight railroad prospects will improve, y f Above all, tha business interests of the country are relieved from the lear of unwise action by the Democratic National Convention. The Democratic platform is sound as a nut. There is no ghost of Fm Trad in .if. It guarantees nmtpfition of all business interests. It scouts the idea of injurious agitation of J tariff matters or o( violent changes. Tffe candidates are safe, conservative and honest. These considerations restore public confidence, and a restor ation of confidence is really all that is needed to set us again on the highroad 1. f prosperity." J Toiiijh! Dyspepsia is one of the toughest of diseases to wrestle with. Many people have tiied such a variety of alleged remedies for it, without success, that they will hardly believe dyspepsia can be conquered. But the record of Brown's Iron Bitters shows thousand of cures of this disease, Rev. Jas. McClay, of Fort , Stevenson, JJatota, says, "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of severe dyspepsia." ' PERSONAL Ben Butler has a binocular mind. The Right Hon. Lvou Playfair will sail for America on September 7. Mr. Hendricks is giving Secretary Chandler an ' aggressive campaign." ' Cincinnati now claims 200 000 pop ulation." Yes; but how many bath tubs? Ebf n H. Safford is one of the oldest of American editors. He has-conducted the Esex (Mass ) Banner for fifty years and his cry is still "Long may she wave!" Simon Knowles of Meredith, N. Y., is ninetynine years old, a fair show of living a long ways past the century mark. It gives this very old shoema ker a go-d deal of pleasure to mend the shoes of bis great-grandchildern. Governor Hubbard, of Texas, who was yiven national promience at Chi- cago, was well thought ot at Aiaeon, Georgia, where he went to school when a lad. He used to say: Bojs, i m going to Texas to be Governor " where at his college chums would laugh. - - - -v- - - Often Before tlio Meridian of Life is reached, the teeth decay. In nine cases out of ten they become carious through neahct. The timely use of SOZODON r arrests the destructive eff-cts of impurities which, have been allowed to accumulate upon the teeth. Children's teeth polished and invigor ated by this sulutary botanic preserva tive, will remain sound and white until a ripe old age. and failing teeth are res cued by it from increasing dilapidation. JULY JUMBLES. "My name is oleomargarine; I'm mighty nice to handle; But when they want to make me They milk a tallow candle." 44So you think your son sniokef, Mr. Jones?" Tm sure of it. Mrs. Brown. I've found pieces of tobacco in his pock ets." "Dear me, dear me. l'm sorry. My son has no bad habits; I never find anything in his pockets but cloves and coffee beans." Raise chickens. If you have a nice little garden, by all means rase chick ens. Yours neighbors' hens are the best ones to raise. You will find them from 5:20 a. m. until 6:20 p. m. on your let tuce, onion, radish and flower beds. You can raise them higher with a shot gun than anything else. A clergyman, in speaking of one of his parishoners who was so given to ar. gu merit that it was difficult to converse with him on any suoiect, said, Brother X. is so argumentative that he will dispute with a guide-post about the dis tance to the next town, and argue with a tombstone as to the truth of its epitaph?' They were sitting in the front parlor and he observed that he "really ought to go. as it was getting quite late.!' "No, wait a few minutes longer," she plead ed. "I want you to see the funny little man that brings around the morning papers. Ha passes the house now with out looking up at the windows.". Ajer's Sarpasrilla is the most effective blood-purifier ever devised. It is re commended by the best physicians. mm Some flies are always in jail, . Is Your Blood Pure? For impure blood the best medicine known, SCOVILLE'SSARSAPARIL LA. OR BLOOD AND LIVER SYR UP, may be implicitly relied on when everything else fails. Take, it in the spring time especially for tie impure secretions of the blood incident to that season ot the year; and take it at all times for Cancer, Scrofula. Liver Com plaints, Weakness, Boils, Tumor, Swellings, Skin Diseases, Malaria and the thousand ills that come from im pure blood. To ensure a cheerful dis position take SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP, which will re store the mind to its natural equili brium. You have all seen a kite fly. - A Great Blood Medicine. One of the best medicines ever known for the cure of diseases arising from impure blood, no matter from what cause is Rosadaus. It is a great alter ative medicine as well as a blood purifier. It cures Scrofula. Swellings. Goitre, Skin Diseases. Liver Com plain Rheumatism, &c. Read the following important letter from a dis tinguished gentleman in Florida: 'Lake Irena, Fla., Jnne loth. 1882. I have been a reat sufferer for 15 years, not able to walk, from an injured leg. Have tried many M. D.'g and their remedies to little purpose. I believe ROSADALIS wmcarTiDe: Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recommended to me by a friend I have taken 2 bottles, and find it help ing me. The Druggists who, usually keep It are out of it, and I cannot afford to wait thr- slow, arrival -? ot their supplier. f JOHN T. BEKSr! Supt.Eoard of Public Instruction. THBMAILS. Themails close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows: .rr- - . r -ciiOSE. ' : . , - Northern through mails, fast....,...7.30;p. M. Northern through and wiy mails.V. .8.00 A- M. Raleigh.. iV... .6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the Hi C. Eallroad and : routes supplied therefrom includ- , ' lnirA.'K. C. Bailroad at -fe. w 730 p M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls for all points South, dally.... :.S.O0 P. M, Western mails (C. C. Kailway) daily, (except Sunday) 6.45 P. HL All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh : 6.45 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road ..8.00 P. M. Malls for iolnts between Florence and Charleston... 8.00 P. M, Fayettevllle aud offlces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayettevllle.via C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays.... .. ...6.45 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays.... 6.00 A. M. Smith villc mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) .... .7 2.30 P. M Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little Kiver, Tues days and Fridays 6.C0 A. M. Wrigbtsville, daily ..8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 7. 30 A. M Southern Mails 7.30 A. M. CaroIina;Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5 30 P M. and from other pointc of the city at 5 P.M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order and Register Department open from 8 Ay M. to 5.30 P. M. . General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 to 9.30 A.M. Itching Piles Syjnptoms ami Cure. The symptoms arc moisture, like perspira tiou, intense itching. Increased by ecratchlus ; very d stressing, particularly at idghl; seems as if pin-worm were crawling in and about trie rectum : the private parts T3 sometimes affected, ir allowed to continue very seiions results may follow. "SWAVNL'S OINT MENT" is a pleasant, sure cure Also, for Tetter, itch, -'alt Rheum, Scald Heid, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blot.-hes, all sca'y, crusty v-kln Diseases. Bor, by mail, 50 cts 3 for $1,- 9 lrl.Moa Til UUT.VVK.ir. Mr !. Sl Dhtl) Pa. Sol 1 b7 Druggists, may 2 ly deod&w f m w Fullest a?sbrtment of Fishing Tackle otn be found at JACOBrs. T NEW ADVEKTISElrlENTH. Ice. Ice. Ice. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY KOTI FT the citizens and the public generally, that I li 4.VR lsllfi In n fnll ciinnlfr r.t I'lTaTi'V I-U" and am now fully prepared to fill orders at LOW PRICES, bv the Barrel, Hogshead or Car Load, to all points on the Railroads or Rivers, and hope to secure a reasonable thare of patronage. . II J. AIIRENS, Proprietor of New Ice House. Send for Prices. june 27 lm Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JUST RECEIVING BT A. C. LINE an i N. Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to suit. 8 JO bushs. Va Meal. 75 Boxes Lemons, 25 tubs Va and N. Y. Butter, Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard &C E. G BLAIR, june 12 No. lo N. Second Ptreet. At milE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, J No. 27, Market tst.-Nhrht Shirts, all sizes, 76c. Congress, the moat popular and best White Shirt on the maTket, 75c. Colored Shirts 25c and qpwards. Seaside Shirts at all prices Boy's yachting lu great variety. Gent's Draw ers 2i and upwards VV amsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new 75c. Drawers made to or er 75j. Wamsutta Shlrt3 with 2100 linen bosom made to order at fl Orders from ;he country solid'ed and promptly at tended to. Mve us a rail. J. ELSBACH. june 27 Manager For the Campaign. THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN UPON which the people of North Carolina are just preparing to fenter will, beyond all ques tion, be one of great excitement as well as one of vital Importance to them. It will be no child' play. All lint is reeded lo Insure Democratic suc cess ar.d continued prosperity to the s-tale Is a plain, truthful statement of what are now the facts of history, or are daily becoming so. The reasons for Democratic victory, and the even stronger rcons for Republican defeat, are abundant, and It Is the purpose of THE REGISTER , to do Its fuU part In laylnar them before the people. As the best means in lt3 power o this end, and In answer to appeals, the Registkk will be furnished at such low rates as to put it In the reach of every one during the present State and Presidential 'ampalBns. It wo all do our full dutv, victory will Euro ly be with us; but that duty will leave u no idle time There must be early work, late work, work all the time. If good govern ment and a people's prosperity are worth working for, let us all go to work, and at once. CAMPAIGN BATES. The Register will be furnished to Clubs, until November 15, at the following rates: Ove copy, 5Cc; five copies. $2, ten copies, $3 75; twenty copies, $7; fifty copies, $15; one hundred copies, $?8. In every cxee the paper will be sent until the returns of the election shall be received and published, and we invite the attention Qf Executive Committees of Counties and Town ships, and of all others Interested, to the Cam paign Register as a sure and cheap means of furnishing Information to the people. Address Raleigh Registek, Raleigh, N.C. DOCUMENTNO 1. 1884. DEMOCRACY vs. BEPUBLICANISM. Handbook of North Carolina Politics for 1884 The Platforms, The Parties, and The Issues Thoroughly Discussed. The influence of 'document No. 1," Issued . 7 .tDen,ocratlc State Executive Committee in 1882, was generally recognized as decisive in that year's campaign. A sltnlUr Handb ek h-s been prepared for this year's use, and will be Issued immediate ly after the session ol the Chicago Democrat lc Convention. rVoKdb?w111 1x3 a weU Printed pam SSf thf ftSLV ,152 page8' 8to an1 will con .u.,uIleet. "formation on matters involv ed In thla year's elections. Document No 1, for 1 884, will be supplied at TEN DOLLARS PER nCNDRtD, prework?11 8081 f Paper and Hi.lihatthcElzeof thc edition maybe determined, prompt orders are requested. Address. RALEIGH REGISTEK, WTl Raleifh, N. C. Window Shades. JEW STOCK OF TRANSPARENT AND othcV style, all new. Also, new arrlvala of PARLOR, CHAMBER and DINING ROOM V r FURNITURE. Call and examine prices and terms. - - D. A. EiLITIL ' rtaxltare Dealer, N. Front Street JU377 BMLBOADS, Sc Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. B.. Co. Omcs or Gkiocral SrrpEiUKTKirDEirT. Wilmington, N. C. July 11. 18f4. Change of Scheduie, , ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 1SS4, at 9.00 A. M., the following Passenger Sched u -e will be run on this roai : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. West and 47 East Leave Wilmington 9.05 P. M 2.40 A. M 6.20 A. M. fi.40 A. M. 9.55 P. M. Leave Florence... Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction. Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia. ......... i .save C, C. A A. Junction. 4..10.2G p. M. Leave Florence . .............. J.1 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wlhnhigton J..;8.S5 A. M. Night Mail and Passenger Train, Dailt No. 40 WK3T. Leave Wilmington i. J.. 10.20 P. il Arrive at Florence... 1.25 A. M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. 43 East. ! j Leave Florence at ...i...4.05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington ..1..8 05P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. ' No. 40 stops only at FlemingtonJ and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia ami alii points on G. & C. R. R.. C, & A R.R.StationR, Aiken Junc tion, and -all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. j Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 40 . -r All trains run solid betweenCharleston and Wilmington. , Local freight leaves WUmlngton dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. I JOHN F. IDIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. july 15 " ' Wilmington & Tfeldon f Railroad Company. ofpxoe or General superintendent. ENDENT, ,1884. 5 Wilmington. N. C, May 8 Change of Scheflule. i ON AND AFTER JULY ISth.i 1884, AT 9.00 A. M.. Passensrer Trains on ithe Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TrIaINS DATL1 Nos. 47 North and 48 Sodth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Pep&t, 9.00 A. M Arrive at Weldon ... 2.35 P. &1 Leave Weldon 4... 2.55 P. M ArrlveatWIlm'gtonErpntSt.D't, 8.35 P. M Fast Through Mail & Passenqeb Trajn' Daily No. 40 South. Leave Weldon..... ....... 5.35 P.M. Arrive at Wilm'gton.Front St. D'p't 10.C0P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. DAILT No. 43 North Leave Wilmington Arrive at Weldon JU 8.35 P, M. ......j.. 2.85 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. j Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rock? Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.30 P. M. Daily, .Sundays excepted). Returning leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A. M Dally. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road levt Halifax for Scotland Neck at 325 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M dallv except Sundav. Train N6. 47 makes close connection don for all points North Dally. All Richmond, and dally except Sunday at We rail vflr via B- Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. ) All trains run solid between Vf I'mington an" Waslilngton, and have Pullman f Palace Sleep crs attached. For accommodation of local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 6.55 A. U.i Daily except Sunday. P JOHN 'si DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON. Genera Paesenger Agent. july 15 Carolina Centra! li. II. Company office of General Supertntenpent, Wilmington. N. C. May ko. 1884. Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER MAY 12th. 1884, THE following acneaute will be operated on this tsauroaa : PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily except Sundays. 1 Leave Wilmington at. . IT. .. .7.20 P. S Leave Raleigh at.... 7.35 P. ) Arrive at Charlotte at.-.. ..7.03 A. M M M M M No.1. 1 Leave Charlotte at.... j..... 8.45 P. No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at 4.... 8.30 A ) Arrive at Wilmington at....8.C0A. M Pfisaenmr Tmlna Rtnn t irla .aHmn only, and points designated In the Company'! Time Table. 3HELBY DrvTSION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. No. 3 I Leave Charlotte 6.15 P.M. i Arrive at Shelby........!.... 9 00 P. M. No. 4 ) Leave Shelby ..i... 7.00 A. M. ) Arrive at Charlotte ......... 10.45 A. ML Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains tol and from Ral eigh. ; : -1 Through SleepIngCars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No, 1 for 8tatesvllle, SUtlons Western N C R R, Ashevllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athenr, Atlanta and all points Southwest. L. Cf JONES. " Superintendent. F. W. CLARK. General PiumVor a june 7 W. E. DAVIS SON. City Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET. NO CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS Soda Wt ter at 5c per glass It can't be goodatSVior 3 Cents per glass; (too much foam and gs). Drugs and Cigars In great ?texled, My Cologne is thT ?. hl(L ,ce Crtam Soda occasion al v. Call on "OLD JIM COSOLEY; Jure 26 , - Manager. i W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-atTliaw. ;. 1 iaaT"8" ;ITSCcr p'blaa:C?7aty EU. MISCELLANEOUS -It is Factvl3iat - HUMPHREY, I JENKINS ' CO keen ra Pahtm. fhlVona .nil Vtrtra. Jt. ' ' -r . . I. i- - . tarasignmenis oi xne auove solicited and Iff action guaranteed.- Gle na m. Mm i. .n . ask. No. 112 South Front st. - M we ANOTHER LOT ,v-; ;n OF EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY. MILAN CHIP and all the Rough Stra popular now. - Every possible shade of reath I era and other Tiimmirga New lot of par& sols, vkhlte and colors, all prices. Gloves ! Lisle, Kid and Lace. New Stamping Pitkros. Respectfully MISS E. KARRER, my gfi . ' Kxcharge Cornw ,UflD0(rlOPED: PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODV KNLAKGKD DKvTi OPED. STRENGTHENED," Etc. fan ntr7 dvtfrtiainntJongxuniiirt in r-;.y tiAnt guinea we will By tlit tUero la no evidene. ot LimT iigaboatthia. On tfte contrary, tlieadyertiram? ery nisniyinaorseo. intrstrt persons m. aJT eealei circutiirs giving kU pnrtictHar8 by drJn? )., Kutfalvf. Y.ltelo trrm.,, iJ? EB1E AlEI)KMtiO" apl 16 Dr. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. WILL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL credon and ylolatlng the laws of heaitu Price $1 - - V, ..: - X'tv. llUPi IKK 1 11) Cures Syphilis In all it forms and rtage. cuuw ui- urown t pois on me jure ana body. Sore Throat anrtNosCi Scrofula, 1 etter, Kcie ma, Itching toneatlon, Salt- beam and U Blood and Skin Diseases, Urinary Diseases n4 Strictures speedily enred Price $3. DR. II U T'S FEMALE FRIEND Never falls to cure Irregularities or Snppre sIotjs, caused by cowls or disease. Marriti ladies and ladies in delicate state of health ere cautioned to not use it. Price t3. Enclose tbe money for either medicine to FBANK STE VENS t O , Baltimore, Md and it will be sent by mall or expres sealed. For Bile bj all Druggists; sent by mall or express. . july 7 d&wly . .'AMiViiyu, v. Hon, A. M. WaddelL TITE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. M. WADDELL as alcandidate for Congress from the Sixth District, subject to tht K ucivrt vj mo jstmocrtuia convention Of tne IHt trict, when called. . may 12 tf , Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to Novomber 1st, as follows : ' Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports south of Cape Fear to the Qnarahtlne anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any alnd of slcknees on board during the passage, or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be tet in tbe main rigging on the port side, as boon as jkw eible atier crossingtne Bar. o vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug boat,, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along ais, unless by written authority from tbe Quaran tine Physician ; and evf ry vessel most be an' chored as far to the eastward, of the channel as Is consistent with safety.;; : : v .. ' Regulations governing vessols while ia Quar antine may be had on a implication at the office of thc Quarantine PhysWian at gmlthvllle A ppllcatlons for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomai If. Wood or Dr. eo. G. Thomas, andpexmlto to obtained will be endTaed by the Quarantine Physician, if. in his opinion, it Is proper and sr.feto allow communication with auch vessels, i A penalty of t2 0 for each and every onence,:: will be enforced against any person violating ; any of the Quarantine Rcgniatlona of the Port. ? W. G. CURTIS, M. !., Quarantine rbyslclan, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. ) consultants. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. J n8Ulianu mav 1 2am Cm 1A15 . North Carolina Resources - m m m-m. "One of the most useful series of descrip tive books ever published about any State. j Boston Post. ! Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Ready. I. .The Woods and Timbers ofNostb Caeouka. Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerri Botanical Reports; supplemented by acenraw County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent Map of the Jftate. f s 1 Volume Wmo. Cloth, ?73 pp., $L25. II. lu thk Coal and Ibox Couxrmor North Carolina Emmons', Kerr, law ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Reports ;WP" plemented by foil and accurate sketcheaof lot Fifty six Counties and Map of the State. , 1 Volume 12rao. Cloth, 425 pp., $1.50. . Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed poatpaM, on receipt of the price, by . E J. HALE A SON, . Publishers, Booksellers and Stationer?, i . , New York Or, P. M HALE, Publisher. Raleigh, S t ept 29. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS NOW OPEN "AND rjEBSOXS visiting tbi city, the Sounds &ui and 1b need oFlrst-Class work will do we to call on i JOECXST W JBTIN EB ; the well known Barber and Perfumer ; Shaving and Hair DreaatogJoonj ; .NO. 29 MARKET ISBjEi. where he will spare no pains lfl.prra4'" faction to aU. Comes d see. Choice New Crop Molasses. SECOND CARGO KOWLAWDINQ AND WILL BB SPROMPTXT FROM WHAB , At Lw Price. WORTH & WOKTH. CONUNDRUM. HY IS THlfi WtKAMEB PASSfO like s 8hlBg Band? Because B without 1U Harpcrr D8UG3, PEBFC1IES, SOAPS, t and Toilet Articles, Ac. . :. XT Prescriptlona TWfrjXJrS. ' 1 ont.U,

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