THIS PAPER I .abided every evenly. Sunday, ex- eepted by. ' - -JOSH T. JAMES . KPITOB AJTD PBOPWKTOB. rrRSPRlPTlONS POSTAGE PAID: 8 $4 00. Sfcr. months. $2.00. Three 006 $1 0: ne month' 35 cenU- Bon. ' be delivered by carriers free -,?ha Tlny part of the city, at the aboyo tT iooents per week. rates low and llberaL Subscriber will report any and all lay tve their paper regularly, 'fjnDaily Review has the largest f Wilmington; pVlOCKATIC TICKET. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. kok' president: .(;KOVKR CLEVELAND, of New York. K,U VICE PRESIDENT: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS. of Indiana. , . FOR GOVERNOR : ALFRED M SCALES, of Guilford. FDK LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. r FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS. . of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, ; of Gates. FOTl ATTORNEY-GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. Ti'KKIXTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. MERRIMON, ol Wake. FOR ELECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN-, JOHN N. STAPLES. Tourgee is still engaged in the ''fool's errand" business. He will support Blaine. The Democracy made their nomina tions on the second ballot in 1876,. 1880 and 1681. Henry Ward Beecher is temporarily a first class Democrat. He will work and pray for Cleveland and Reform. . At the Republican ratification meet ing: in New York the other night, Mr. William M. Evarts twisted one of his five furlong sentences hopelessly around lilalnc and Logan. We learn that there is some dissatis faction in Georgia at the nomination of Cleveland, in consequence of which it is feared that his majority will not exceed 90.000 in that State. North Carolina wa3 among" tbc first of the States to swing into line to coa firm the nomination of Cleveland. It is cool day when the'Old North State" gets left in a Democratic Convention. Ex-Senator John Pool says the Dem ocratic ticket will sweep the country as did thatoOlarrison. in 1840; that it can not be defeated, and that the Blaine ticket will notgetone hundred and fifty electoral votes. Everybody is satisfied with our State ticket. The Democrats are delighted and the Republicans say that it is the very ticket to beat, but somehow there is a lack ot gushing confidence with the latter, which becomes difficult to recon" cilewith intense happiness. Mr. George Jones, proprietor of the New York Times, said to an interview er in London : " When I heard of the nomination of Governor Cleyeland yesterday I said 'Thank God.1 1 believe Mr- Cleveland's election to the presi dency is certain. The New York Tint shall support him. I have cab tea to the Times to do so." A Maryland County Treasurer says be wocders not so much that detaca 10113 are frequent as that they arcnot jaore numerous, considering the Lea vy teiaPtations. He says that when he Was firak. Putin charge of his office he perfectly deluged with private," confidential" and other communica llns from New York, proving on PaPer-that he could double all invest ments certainly if he would intrust his money to the parties sending the com-maoications. OuLr' Reinheimer. druggist, Jerdale Indiana, states he sells eorl6 1 St' Jcol)s Oil, the great pain re, than all others remedies combin a vu.curl his 'wife of rheumatism na he is never without it in the house. Now is thotimetogiveSmith's Worm 0ai . lyd-w Tie VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. CL SATURDAY. JULY 19, LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Refreshing F C Milleb Conundrum J D SuBLETT-r Baker Wanted. C W Yates Wc Want Y-mr Tjaade Hkinsberger Base Balls and Bats Cape Tear Lodge 1 O O. F. Attention Munds Bros. & DeRosset Medicines Lawn Party Ladles' MeaaorUl Atsofia tier. Day's length 14 hours and li minutes. To-morrow w-ll be the sixth Sunday after Trinity. t. The Register of Deeds issued m mar riage licences this week. Tbe thermometer in this office indi cated 80 degrees at noon to-day. There were four interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this week; ali adults. The almanac predicts wind and rain for to-day, to-morrow and Monday. There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week; all adults. There were two interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. The Washington excursionists are expected to arrive hero at about 10 o'clock to morrow morning. There is unmailable matter in the Postoffice in this city addressed to Mrs. Sallie Lee, Lee's Store, N. C. Rev. J W. Craig will conduct ser vices at the Fifth Street M. E. Church to-morrow morning and evening at the usual hours. Mr. J. D. Sublett at Hotel Bruns wick is in need of a baker and not a "barber" a stated by us Thursday. See ad. . We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, tt. There was quite a gale of wind at Smithville last night, although there was but little rain, while here it was quite the reverse. The maximum ve locity of wind there was 29 miles per hour. Bishop Watson will, D. V., adminis ter the apostolic rite ot confirmation in Sf. Mark's Church, corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets, to-morrow at 8:30 o'clock p. m. A cordial invitation is extended. Seats free. I The Lawn .Party. Attention is invited to the notice in another column of the Lawn party to be given by the Ladies Oakdale Memorial Association at the City Hall Park, on the evening of Wednesday, the 23rd inst., for the benefit of the North Caro lina Confederate Soldier's Home. It is for a noble cause and wo hope that our citizens will respond liberally and make tho party a decided fiuanciai suc cess. Last Night's Showers. There were frequent light showers during the early portion of last night, but between the hours of midnight and o'clock this morning it rained in tor rents. Our streets were deluged and washed as they have seldom been be fore. The amount ot rain which feil uring the night and up to 7 o'clock this morning, was 1 inch and 33-100. Strange to relate the cloud3 had all dis persed at 3 o'clock and the sky was beautiful in its quiet and brilliant star- Hg&t. City Court. The first case tor the Mayor's con sideration this morning was 'that of Fred T Lord, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, which was contin ued for the defendent from yesterday. He was adjudged guilty and fined $5 for the offence. Sylvester Artis, was drunk and down, and taken in by the police. He' was fined $2. Sampson Jervis, colored, charged with fast driving, in violation of the city ordinance, was discharged. Republican Convention. "We understand that Dr. R. M. Nor nient, chairman of the Republican Ex ecutiye Committee of this, tbe Sixth, Congressional District, has called a convention of his party to meet in Rockingham on Thursday, the 14th day of August, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose ot nominating a candidate for Congress, District 'Elector and the transaction bf such other business as nlay be brought before it. W. H. Ger ken, Geo. L. Mabson, John H. White man and M. W. H Branch are the delegates from this connty. Every Farmer ought to get a "Boys Clipper Plow," greatest invention ol tbe age. Jacobi is the Agent. t . Robbery and Attempted Mur der. ' At a few minutes before 3 o'clock this morning the citizens living near the intersection of Mulberry and McRae streets, were aroused from their slum ber by the startling report of two shots, fired in rapid succession, and followed almost immediately by loud shouts Of "Fire, Fire," in an tagonizing tone of voice. Men jumped at once to see what was the cause of the shooting and subsequent outcry, but before they could get ontbeir clothing and get out of doors, the cry-had changed to ;MurH der! Oh, God, I'm shot!" Arriving at the scene, a colored man, named Caleb Blount, was found lying on the ground under a tree with two shots in his legs Mr. S. G. Hall, who lives right oppol site, blew a whistle, and in a few mo ments policemen were on the ground. Tbe wounded man was suffering se verely and it was thought that one of tbe bones of tho leg had been broken. The answer to some interrogations his language lacked coherence, which might possibly be attributable to the pain and excitement under which he wa laboring. In substance, as near as we could understand his story, he said that he was coming past Mr. Ja cob Mohr's store, on the corner of Mul berry and Ninth streets where he saw two men with an axe trying to force the door open, and that he saw a box of cakes on the sidewalk. Seeing him, the men desisted and started to follow him, and as he was crossing McRae street, going in the direction ot Seventh, they order ed him to stop once or twice, and fired at him with the result mentioned, when they found that he would not comply with their demand. They then ran up McRae street, going North, while he hobbled to the corner, where he was found. The wounded man was assisted to his home, on Fifth street, between Red Cross and Campbell, by some col ored men. The crowd, who had gathered in considerable numbers, then directed their attention to the matter of the at tempted robbery, pf which Blount had spoken. Upon going to Mr. Mohr's store, it was found that the thieves had taken an ) axe and prized apart ;the double doors . until the bolt of the lock had been-with drawn from its socket. There was a bar, however, above the lock and this prevented them from gaining an en trance, although they had pressed against it until they had split it. A lit tle later it was discovered that they had broken into a little store on the Southeast corner ot Mulberry and Mc Rae streets, kept by Susannah Jenkins, colored, and stolen the cakes and some fish which were found in the box al ready spoken of. A few minutes after the shooting peo ple were heard running past the resi dence of Capt. Gilbert, corner of Ninth and Walnut streets and shortly re turning, as if searching for something. Early this morning a pistol was found there with one barrel discharged whib was banded over to Chief of Police Brock. Dr. F. W. Potter, City Physician, was called upon to attend the wounded man, and be reports that one of the bullets struck Blount in the front part of the leg, and, passing around and tearing off a piece of the bone in its passage, came out in the rear,' and that the other ball struck on a level with the first, but upon one side, and cams out at the same place. In other words the bullets entered at different places, but came out-at the same place. This fact the doctor established by probing, and it would seem to do away with the theory that the pistol found this morn ing did the shooting, as only one of the chambers was empty. To our ears tne reports sounded very much as if they were made by a smooth-bore musket. The wound is not considered danger ous, but will probably cause the suffer er much annoyance, and keep him from his work for some time. Freed from Suffering. Mr. John B. Craig, whose critical condition we mentioned a day or two since, died at hi3 residence on Walnut street, between Seventh and McRae. at 11 o'clock and 10 minutes this forenoon aged 65 years. He was a tailor by trade and bad followed that business in this city for many years. He was stricken with paralysis about 6 years ago. since when he has been a helpless invalid. Death to him was a sweet relief. His funeral will take place from his late residence at 5 o'clock to-morrow after, noon under the direction of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, 1. 0. of O. F., of which he was a member and thence his re mains will be taken to Oakdale. Ceme tery for interment. A Xounff Thief. A colored woman, " named Candacc Fleming, came into tho city toxday with a load of canteloupes for sale. While disposing of them a colored boy named Joseph JJones, solicited her to let him have some of them to sell on commission, he to return the money alter the sales were effected. This she declined to do, but the boy continued to importune her until she had disposed of her load and wis harnessing up to re turn home. "While doing thi3 she heard the money in bcr pocket jingle and putting her haiL to her pocket -tound that the boy had one of his; bands there also , and was trying to rob her. She held on to tbe boy until she could de liver him to an officer, when he was taken before Justice Millis, who,, in default of $50 bail for his appearance next Tuesday, committed him to jail. Church Services To-Mojrrow. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third streets. Mxh Sunday after Trinity, July 2fl. 1881. Cclebrawn at 7.30a.m. Moraine Prayer at 11 o'clock Evening prayer at 6 o'clock. St. John's Church, corner Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. James Carmlchacl. D. D. Rector. Sixth Sunday after Trinity, July 20, 18S4 Holy Communion at 7.30 o'clock, a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, p. m. Evening Prayer at6 o'clock. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rey. F. W. E. Pes chau, Pastor. English services at 11 o'clock, a.m. German services at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 9.30 a. ml W. II. Strauss, Superin tendent. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Services at 11 a. m and 8 p. m., conducted by the Rev. R C. Reed. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., pastor. Sunday Scho 1 at 9.20 a. m. Services at 11 a. m , and 8.15 p. m. Missionary meet ing at 4 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8.15 o'clock. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. W. I. Hull, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 3 p.m.; Class meet ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ng at 74 o'clock. . Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. . and S p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., VV. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religious services in Tileston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially in vited. Seamen's Bethel. Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter, Missiona ry to the Seamen. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 4.30 p. m. Seamen and all others are cordliiily invited. Seats free. Part of the service will be in Norwegian, conducted Dy i;apc. umisuanscn. St Thomas' Pro-CathedraL First 'Mass -at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pm. Dally Mass at o:juam. Christ Church (Congregatlonalist)Nun street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p.m. .Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m., in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday mgnt. Quarterly Meetings. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church,South : Bladen Circuit, at McNatt's, July 19 ana au. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen, July 26 and 27. Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2 and 3. Smithville, August 9 and 10. Brunswick Circuit, at Mt. Zion, Au gust 12 and 13. Whiteville Circuit, at Peacock's, Au gust 16 and 17. Flemington Circuit, at Carver's Creek, August 23 and 21. Elizabeth Circuit, at Purdie's, Au gust 30 and 31. Newton Grove. Mission, at Newton Grove, August 30 and 31. Cokesbury Circuit, at Bethel, Sep tember 6 and 7. The District Conference will be held at. fJnshp.n. on the Clinton C.rnuit. com mencing Wednesday morning, July Friday morning, organization of Sundav School Conference and Sundav School address.- Centenary services Saturday morn ingseveral short addresses and cen tenary sermon. v . W. H Bobbitt. P. E. Rouerh on Itch." 'Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted teet, chilblains. Hurrah for Cronly! Tbe excursion from Cronly to Smithr vill, on Thursday, July 10th, was quite a grand success. It was an occasion which had been anticipated by all the Cronly ites for sometime with the high est hopes, and every preparation was made requisite for those hopes to be realized, i be long looked-lor Thurs day at last came, and at a very early hour tne grounds ot Cronly were alive. so to speak, with the expectant excur sionists. Then the order of the day was 'enjoyment to all. Some of the young gentlemen showed their gallantry by enjoying tbe company of their 'fair sex friends." while others contented themselves by feasting on tbe good looks, of course, ot the aforesaid sex; some participated in the dancing, others in promenading,' while others. who were more serious, indulged in private cha's . Much credit is due the committee for the snccess of the day and the smooth way in which every- thing passed oa. We feel proud or tins grand success, and at an early day will repeat the occasion. - -A. A. F. Cronly, a. u. Jniy lbtu., i&a. 1884. NO. 171 DIED. CRAIG Died in tola city, this worn ins;. Jnly;i9th,US8, of paralysis, Mr. JOHN li CRAIG, aged 65 years. 5 months and S3 days. The funeral will take place to-morrow; (Sun day) evening, at 5 o'clock, from his late resi dence on Walnut ttreet between Seventh and MeBae streets. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. - f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Refreshing. ARTIES GOING TO THE BOUND VIA the Turnpike road, can get cocjl Beer, Soda Water, Sarspirllla and Lemonade at the Sec- . j ond Toll House. Stop and try id July 19 it - Wanted; "CURST CLASS BAKER, AT QNCE JL. J. D. StJBLl.Tr, Hotel Brunswick. july 1- 3t Cape Fear Lodge, I. jO. 0. F. TRETIIBEN YOU ARE herej by ordered to meet at the Lodera &p2ggs Roon at 4 o'clock, to-morrow evening (the 20th Inst.) to attend the funeral ojt.Bro. JOHN B. CKAIG, deceased. Members of Orion Lodge No. 64. 1. O. O. F. and all visiting members in the cltv are respectfully Invited to attend and participate in the ceremonies. I By order I H. J. MINTZ.N. G. Wm. M Hays, Sect'y pro temp. July 19 It Star copy . $ Lawn Party. AILING TO OBTAIN THE (PASSPORT for an Excursion, as proposed, for next week, the Ladles' Oakdale Memorial j Association wlllglve a lawn Party at the city Hall Park on Wednesday evening, the 23rd. The pro ceeds are to be used in behalf of the Con fed erate Home, to be established in North Caro lina. The public generally, who are interest ed in the cause, are invited to contribute re freshments of any kind, or their equivalent, for the occasion. Any donations an be sent to the President, 224 North Third street, or the Vice President, 115 Market street, or, on the day of the Party, to the care of the Mayor, at the CHy Hall. Should Ihc weather prove unfavorable, the first pleasant evening after will te used. jyl9 3t REAL ESTATE. J HAVE FOR SALE SEVERAL HOUSES and VACANT LOTS very cheap. HOUSES, ' OFFICES aiid oiuaAo ior iicni. Appiyto, D O'CONNOR, may 21 law 3m sat Real Estate Agent. Notice, j fJlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVINfr QUALI itied as administrator on the estate of J. C. Myers, deceased, on the 14th ;da)r of June, 1884, in the Superior Court of, Neiv Hanover County, notice is hereby given to jail persons indebted to said deceased to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against earn uBiate win present mem ior payment on or before the 14th day ot June, 1885, or this nonce win uo picau in oar 01 their recovery. This 14th day of June, 1884. 5 GEO. B. MYERS, june 14 lawGw sat Administrator Just the Ticket. AFTER BREAK FAST, I AFTER DINNER, AFTER SUPPER, AND ALWAYS. SMOKER3 WILL FIND AT CRAPON'S 22 South Front street, the best Five CenU Cigar in the cxty. - 1 Long Filler Havana Cigar. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Also a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh Goods every Steamer. Do nol forget the place, No. 22 South Front St. ; jaly 17 GEO. M. CRAPON. At State of North Carolina, Pender County. E. T. Hancock and W. T. Daggett, parties In iraue as xi an cock a, xiaggett. ; vs. I ' . W. F. Monroe. 1 ' Before B. N. Bloodworth, J.p. THIS IS A CIVIL ACTION TO RECOVER of the defendant, W. F. Monroe, an ac count for goods, wares and merchandise, sold and delivered, amounting to One Hundred and Six dollars and Eighty five cents.? ($106 5) with Interest from 18th August, 1683, and to enforce a lien for the same on a lot of land at Point Caswell, in Pender County, on the N. js. corner 01 Simpson ana I'aaaison i a venues, 120 feet square. The defendant Is required to appear at the office of R N. Bloodworth, J. P., in Burgaw, in said County f Pender, on the 21st day of Ausrust. 1881. and. answer or demur to the compulnt. it N. BLOOD WORTH, J. P. DuBrutz cutlak, piainUfTs Attry. june 28 lawttw sat f Headquarters F OR FISHING TACKLE, AT W. E. SPRINGER A COS.. 19. 21 and 23 Market Street Tbe largest and best assortment ever offered In this market. - i inly 14 Oxford Ties. i J f "TTE HAVE RECEIVED A DUPpCATE lot of those fine Haad-Sewed OJ5FOEDTIES. 1 Also, another lot of those ENGLISH BaL- MORALS ame goods as Oxford Tics, except they are high-quartered. Call and secure a pair at once. Geo. B. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT 8TRKET. jury 14 ; Hew Good: A D LOW F BICES AT GILTS MTJECIIISONS. ;33andiatrirTchfrra JClock. 11 - -; , . - riAS5 rones, s whi m cli4 to . necrre cosasuoileatsoa Craa our friends oa say tad all ss&jtcSi general tatereatut : V ' ; t Taa aame of the write out ahri j te "JtottaEditor.i ; i:CoamTmTcatUaiamt bt wrttto oa cal one side of the jap'?- "Jf - Personalities must be aToldei ; f L " "7 And It U especially. partlcxiljtrry Wer tood that the Editor dow not always endoite the views of correspoadaats caleaa ao state, in the editorial eolnmna. - v f NEW AD VEBTISEEIENTS. A JEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE t Tf,0 Uun Summer months day or week. MRS. ROBERT LEE. , . 1 Market 8 tree t, July 11 lydAw . , Wilmington; N. C Remember yyilEN IN WANT OF FURNITURE AND BEDDING, that our stock Is NEW and ot latest designs." " An elaiMnt A ti. ., r . . .. -ov" uuu v. uauy vamages, Easy Chairs. Rattan Furniture, Hammocks, &c. r ' J' ' '. " THOS. a CRAFT, Ait., f .. Furniture Dealer, July H 23 So, Front St. Wagonette! JpOR WBIGHTSVILLE SOUND,' will leave southcrland's Stablos DAILY at 6 P. M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A, M. sharp June 25 tf T. J. SOUTHER LAND. Cleveland & Hendricks! JLL GOOD DEMOCRATS ARE HAPPY f Victory Is assured t Bat to make assurance doubly sure, call at McGOWAN'S "Old North State Saloon" and try his justly popular Beer and smoke one of his' After-Dinner"CIgirst It will put you in a good humor with yourself and the rest of mankind, -even with Ben But ler and John Kelley. , July 12 Our Stock - IS UNEQUALLED, FULL AND COMPETE. We keep tbc BEST articles and sell at a close margin. Our Cook Stoves stind tbe test of the most fastidious when used. Lap Boards, Ironing Boards, Clothes.. Horses, Biscuit Boards, Boiling Pins, Lemon Squeezers, Re frigerators, and other useful articles too nu. merous to mention. PARKER A TAYLOR. . PURE WHITE OIL. . July 14 THE CUTICURA REMEDIES, " I . 5 I WARNER'S SAFE LIVER AND KIDNEY CURE, DUKEII&RT3 EXTRACT OF MALT AND HOPS, S. S. S. TWO SIZES. COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS, " MEDICINES AND FANCY GOODS. ; 7 ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, DRUGGISTS 1 1 1 . WILMINGTON, N. C. July 16 . . We Want Tour Trade. ; TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN 1 IN THE habit of sending North to have their BLANK BOOKS roado or to buy their STA TIONERY, wc would say that we are deter mined not to be undersold, and In future we will duplicate any order that you may send off for, and probably savo you from 10 to 15 per cent. Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Sales Books, Ac, any size and stylo of binding, ruled and printed to order."" . . County Record Books made to order at short notice. - . ., Check. Draft and Nntn TtsinVa' T.TTTTO. GRAPHED In tho best style. Fine Writing Paper and Envelopes, suitable for mercantile and private use. u, ; Ink, Mucilage Pencils, Pens, Penholders, Letter Booka. linUntr Piiiaf Tnt KLinrlt Erasers, &c , &c. C. W. YATES, juiyi 119 Market Street. . Base Balls and Bats QF ALL KINDS. Hammocks, three kinds, very latest styles. Lottos, two sizes. . ABC Cards and Blocks, Rubber Balls, all sizes. Ritchcr Harmonicas, the very best. .'-- Violins, Guitar and Banjo Strings. . Italian Violins and Violin Bows. ' ' Just received and for sale cheap-at heinsberger;s, Jnlyl . Live Book and Music 8 tore a. The Mayo House, JT FORT FISHER, 13 ONE OF THE most pleasant resorts In tbe State. THE FIN EST BATHING, BOaTIKG AND FISHING FACILITIES. Best Liquors and Clears. Fish. Shrimps, Clams and Terrapins serred In every style. " CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Parties going down oa Steamer Passport can spend about six hours at the Point ana return same day. Those wishing to go ontslde to fish on Southern Rock will have to remain over night. Can leave tho city at 4 o'clock. In tbe afternoon, on steamer Louise, and return next evening. Mrs. Mayo will look after the com fort of Ladles. W. E. MAYO, june 19 1m A m? MTQ wanted for The Live of all AuJCill lu tbe Presidents of the U. S. iKTne largest handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice our nee. Tre fastest selling book In America, mmense profits to agents. All intelligent people want 1L Any one can become a suc cessful agent. Terms free. Halukit Book Co.. Portland, Maine. nov 20-md-lvw I IV ior tne woraing cnuts. eeou KXyJjJlJ for postage, and we will 8 r mall voare,aroyal, valuable box of sample goods that will pet you in the ' way of making more money In a few days than you ever wougni possioio at any imszsesus. Capital not required. We will start yon. You can work all the time or In spare time only. Tke work la universally adapted to both sexes. young and old. Yon can easily earn from JO' , cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer; to all who are not well satis-, fled we win send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address stdcsos A Co., Portland! lUVtsfm aofc:ca-wl7

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