t -.' -; .? - ... .. .j ........ .. , . - . . . . ,,v ... .. -. -. ' .. ..-.i .. . , ........... y ..- . r .? : TIE, DHESlHEl : t - - ,- . J - 1 ' J.J... i ...... . I m ' We wa be r'-ad to recelre ccssrslcxttta " froa our Jrtcais oa azy arl alf ntJrJl cepted by J0SH T.JAMES, J-IUPTIOS8 OSTAGB PAI sCBscrar monthgf f 2.oe. Three or f.W" .w OK nita Tie same ol the witter cut always U "'- Blahea to the editor., , ,..-' - - - I ICommxmlca tlona mnat be wiV.UH ca cal caealdeof tlia paper. . . jptnosalltlea most be arbld&a . . " Adltta especially and partlc&laxly txder tood that the Editor does not alwaya eadate f . I ; V 0ecui. - delivered by earners rreo peF' nv Part of the city, at the above or vt in ... VZ;,u Per week. V, . - Tateslow and liberal. ribcrs will report any and all fan- ...vc their paper regularly. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1884. NO YOtll6Tlcw,0compondeatt taleaileo tutc 7fo "7)rtVy Review has the Largest rirculation, of any newspaper J--.i tlW U)CKATIC TICKET. . Klcctiort Tuesday, Nov. 4. (,U i'KESlDENT:.. (iU0VEU CLEVELAND, t .Ww York. vk i: pkesident: A. HEJNLUUUK. of Indiana. ct ,oi: (.OVEKNOK : ALFKKD M SCALES. ot (iuilford. mi: i.ii:i:t. goveiinor: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. KOI- SFX-UETAUY OF STATE : WILUAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. j or tatk. treasurer: DOXALD.W. BAIN, of Wake. for AUDITOR: W. P. HOBERTS, of Gates. ; IOK A TT0I1XEY GENERAXI. THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. . . ' l I KIMNTEXDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. A;M.(r.TE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. MERRIMON, of "Wake. j X I : ELECTORS-AT-L-ATCGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. The condition of the sugar trade in France, owing to the bounty system in force there, has, by reason of excessivS importations from Germany, been gTeiAy depressed , and prices of late have been less than the cost of produc tion. The iron moulders of Albauy . have proffered their support to Governor Cleveland. Blaine, the bogus working men's candidate, will far! to get any of their votes. The intelligent working men of the country are not to be caught with such bait as the Maine fisherman uses. : : Miss Minnie Conway is indignant that an interviewing reporter at Chica go should represent that she hoped Cleveland would .be selected by the convention because it was such a nice city. She wants it understod that she was born in Brooklyn and loves her native town too well to praise another above it. One of ruck's hits last week was the cartoon displaying the three last Speak ers of the House of Representatives presented by.thc two parties. Against the honest, incorruptible Kerr, Randall and Carii 3!e wc have the distinguished Republicans Colfax (Hypocrite,) Blaine T.LI . . - vuuBer) and iveiler f -looij. . It is a strong illustration ot the tendencies of the two parties. Domestic postage in Mexico is higher than foreign, and there is not a postal cd in the country. Previous to the first of last January there was a postal Cird in use costing three cents, but it could only be used in sending to foreign Gantries, and mailed only at the office repurchased. Itte. Jane Hadney, the reigning woriie-ot the Parisian stage, was mar ed iQ Undon the week before last to Albert Koning,v h'er theatrical Onager. The wedding was private, Jlmost t0 the point of secrecy, M. irer' (who performed the same kindly IT keSarah Bernhardt became c- "amala), being the only friend prcnt at the ceremony : "The British labor market." as re- rteu by the London Labo News of J A continued in a verv disturbed JQdition by reason of strikes and eats to strike. In South Stafford . lre &bout 12.000 coal miners were out !a opposition to lower wages. In the ,rn manufacturing centres there were tinned reductions of wages and the KQmber ot men cmnloved. and jQtnber ot estabU3ments were closing indefinitely. Shipbuilders and 4rine engineers continued idle for Watt of orders. , - Now is the time to give Smith's Worm The Troy Press says: - Mr. Blaine was a Cleveland man two years ago." This year, however, the situation, is reversed, and Cleveland will go for Blaine. , - Those. Independent Republican talked right "out loud in meeting" at New York.-the other day. They were remarkably independent, and remind ed us of the man who started a news, paper which, he said, would be neutral in politics, but would work for and support the ticket. The argus eyes of the Republicans are scanning the highways and by ways, the hedges and ditches, the mountains and valleys ofNorthCarolina for recruits, but their ranks do not swell to the danger ol overflowing. LOCAL NEWS, IHDEJT TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller Conundrcm Heinsbekoeb Just Received C W Yates Wc Want Your Tirade Munds Bros. & DeRosset Medicines -Scoville & Co Baee Ball Match nd Blcy cle Race. It seems that another hot wave has struck us hard. Every person has something about him to spoil him. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacobi's. f We hope there will be a big turnout at the Democratic mass meeting to night. Eggs are now "offered for sale at 12i cents per dozen at some of our grocery stores. There was no City Court thU morn ing, and matters about the City Hall were especially dull. Every Farmer ought to get a Boys Clipper Plow," greatest Invention ol the age. Jacobi is the Agent t This has been one of the warmest days Of the season and yet a delightful breeze has prevailed all day long. Cleveland and Hendricks forPresi dent and Vice-President. Each name contains nine letters, a curious coinci dence. Another large consignment of Sash Doors & Blinds at Jf actory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot f The Ladies will realize nearly $200 net a the proceeds of the entertainmen given last night for the benefit of the Confederate Home. Pathologically speaking, the Repub lican body politic is in a bad way, and therapeutically speaking we know o no remedy. This has been the hottest day thus far this season, the thermometer having indicated 92 degrees in our office at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Scales, Stedman and Democracy wi! sweeD over -.North Carolina use an army with banners. Bro. Yorke wil take due notice and not get in the way of the procession. The Postmaster at New Baden, Rob ertson Co., Texas, writes that Mr. H KTosrler and Mrs. Mary Smith, were en tirely cured of rheumatism bv the use of St. Jacobs Oil, the magical pain reliever. 50 cents a bottle. The candy ".Confederate soldier con- ributed by Messrs. E. J. Moore 65 Lo. to the Lawn Tarty last nignc was raffied off among the young folks and was won by Master George Crow, son of Mr. John E. Crow, and the grand son ot the Attorney General of the Confederate States. There is one family in this town, the Yoppa, which will give the Democratic ticket this year twelve votes, and oi his twelve nine reside in .one ward, the Third. Is there another lamuy n the city can say the same? The Asheville Advance says; Major Chas. M. Stedman, our gallant candi date for Lieut.-Governor, is in the city, the euest of Mr. D. C. Waddell. Major Stedman reports the party prospects in the East flattering in the extreme, and expresses himself confident that our ticket will be elected by a large majority. Exports Fore iff n. Nor. barque Friedig, Sonburg, clear ed to-day for London with 1.618 easks snirits turpentine, valued at $23,911, Bv.Jnnftd bv Messrs. Paterson Downing Ss Co. Schr. C. H. Macomber, RummUl, cleared for "Port-au-Prince, Hayti with 493 feet lumber and 47.650 shingles valued at $2,600.91, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder es son; maung a wi ,vi exports foreiga amounting to S26.511.- Lecture on Africa.. John H. Smvthe-colored. U. S. Min' ister to Liberia, will deliver an address at the Opera House on Friday -night next. Subiect. "West Africa," There will be no charee for admission, and he Breaker will nndoubtedlv deliver an interesting and instructive lecture, as he has had cood oDDortunities for be- coming acquainted with that section of the irlobe of which ho will SDOak. Music and Dancinsr. AVc are requested by the Ladies of j the Memorial Association to state that as thero are more refreshment yet on land to be disposed of, 6uch as salads! and ice-cream, there will be a little en tertainment given in the City Hall Park his evening, on which occasion theie will be music and dancing on the lawn and on the balcony of the Opera House, Thero will be no charge for admission and in addition to the salad and the cream, coffee, shrimps and deviled crabs will be found on the bill of fare. A .Nice Place. The Mayo House, at the Rocks, has become odo of the most popular re sorts on the river or coast. From a gentleman who visited there a day or two since, we learn that every comfort that could be desired may be obtained at the Mayo House. The table is spread j id excellent sijiu auu luruisueui wiiu the best, while the opportunities for bathine and boating are superb. Our friend says that, as far as. real, good, solid comfort is concerned, Saratoga is nowhere as compared with the Rocks and the Mayo House. Personal. Rev. Dr. Pritcbard will conduct j services for the last time.previous to his month s vacation, next ibunuay. lie will pass his vacation at Cleveland Springs, hoping tlat the waters will relieve him of the seyere and contin" ued headaches with which he suffers. His family will pass the time at Gas tonia. Bicycle Kace. At the conclusion of the yacht race to-morrow afternoon, at Wrightsville, the Wilmington Bicycle Club will con- froro,i u vfn. Scoville & co, ot tne beasiae rark Ho- tel. The prize will be a solid silver gold-lined napkin ring which will be given to the guccessful. competitor. Messrs. HI Burkhimer, James Ii. Yopp, B. F. Mitchell, Jr., Arthnr Mitchel, Joseph R Wilson, Jr., and G. H. Greene have entered for the race. City Hall Park. The Lawn Party at the City Hall Park, last night, was largely attended and we are glad to state that ' it was both a social and financial success. The grounds were tastefully arranged for . r ii the comlort aua convenience ui iub guests and were brilliantly illuminated by a large number ofiChinese lanterns as well as by the gas jets in front of the Opera House and in the vicinity. The supply of refreshments was large, varied and of the best quality and were sold at remarkably reasonable prices. They were bought with commendable liberality, through which" tneans quite a anm tjunaanrlpfl tn IhS treaSurV. ine Cornet Concert Club were present and discoursed some of their sweetest music in their usual superb manner. 1 be presence and music of the Club was a 1 . j. 1 nU..nf iitn o turn nf he occasion. There was no disturbance nor unpleasant occurrence to mar hanmness or me nour. xuo uiauate- r ment were eminently uweaim lu vprv arrangement and the party was every arrau.tuicui, ttl,V4 F J an honor to toe head3 which planned and the hearts which prompted the n';nmnnf The nrfWpds' will rift LUlllllUUlWUlii i.Mvx- " " voted to the North Carolina Home lor disabled Confederate Soldiers. It. ha hfip.n sueerested bv several who were present last nignt and we give the suggestion our heartiest endorsement that the en- . . . I nVif Ka .nnAafifl anr) tertainment might be repeated ana aven once a week during the hot! o- months, with profit to the enterprise, and we hope that the Ladies1 Oakdale j Memorial Association will take the! matter into serious consideration. We know that out peoplejare gratiful for their eflorts in furnishing last night's en tertainment and feel assured that all citizens would manifest their apprecia tion by a liberal patronage should th opportunity be again afforded. We invite the attention of eur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. 'Uouffli on Toothache." Instant relief for Neuralgia, Tooth- ache, Faceache. Ask tor "Bonh on Tootllaclle.,, 15 & 25c. . iuo mcuwion xo-uay. The excursion party, on the Passport this morning-, under the auspices of the Cornet Concert Club, had just about the right number and the right sort of people w maKe a ay real enjoyment- Just before leaving, and also when the boat ba gotten under way, the Club lavorea j.neir guests with, several fine selections, and they were rendered in excciieni .jie. Ano improvemeni in lueir playing is marked. .. , JiEWi A'iXyERTISEMJSNTS i Wanted, A i OWU MAN FROM THE COUNTRY wiio 13 not afraid of work, to Clerk In a 13 not afraid of work, to Clerk In a I Grocery Store, lrst recommendations re uired- E.G. BLAIR. Star copy Wednesday A Friday. jv 23 Something New. fJuIE "DEMOCRATIC BOOM" IS THE Best Five Cents Cigar pold in tre city and It la sold only at the NORTH STATE SALOON, where also you will find the best Clemmer Whiskey at 10 cents a drink and the Coolest ueer in tne city, iy 23 tf J. M. McSOWAN A SON, Subscribers to Wilmington Telephone Exchange. "pLEAbE add to your lists no. 76. w K. Kenan, Provision Broker, South Water st. ii. 21 GLASS. jy 23 2t Manager. Grand Base Ball Match At Sea-Side Park, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 25, iw.xwjsjsa Clarendon and Sca-Sidc Park Base Ball Clubs, cltynebestandonly uniformed Clubs m the xne game wm be called at 4 o'clock. evening. -6RAND BICYCLE RACE AT SIX O'CLOCK. SCOVILLE & CO.. jy 23 tf Proprietors. At Cost! QVER 500 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST to close out. Also, a large stock of Plug and Smoking Tobacco, at very low prices, from the Best Faftorlcs in Virginia. nj - and PifrarpttP dim UlgdietlCb J By the mUlUonr at the Offica'of CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS, . jy2Uf No. 132 North Market St. New Grocery. HHE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED AT the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, a NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE, where will be kept a nice and fresh stock o choice, groceries. Everything I offer is'new land fresh from first hands and is sure to please. I : 1 1 pre pose to sell for CASH and to be satisfied m . cr than any other house in Wilmington. A call is respectfully solicited. F. L4FON, july 22 3m Cor. Front and Mulberry sta To "tie Democrats of Newgllanovcr County. rpHE CAMPAIGN OF 18S1 13 ABOUT TO open. The state Ticket for North Carolina I h,a tuum nnt InM thn fli n. nii nmhrimxi a ltst wwbjm ffvaingto the respective omcea ior wnicn iney are nom- country by the. Democratic Convention at !Wtg" IXfSESnES . V. n !mfAtena ft trlniHniia vfnjw In I Tne ujqq has arrived to make preparation tne nope was so gionaus a result can oe com- ; com- I u...rTtwltriAnt 1 .1 I to this end the Democratic Executive Com- Otu nuiivui mittee of New Hanover county beg leave to I rall uiion all eood Dcmecrata of the Countv to j render their lull and hearty co-operation; and I .1- T. 1 mass, at the Court House, for the purpose of mocrauc central ud jy 23 2t Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. Just Received. tlank BOOKS, I - LETTER BOOKS, INVOICE BOOKS, LONG DAYBOOKS. WMte and Manilla ENVELOPE-, all sizes. Latest Styles BOX PAPER. Japanese Beveled-Edged VISITING CARDS At - HEINSBERGER'S, july 21 ; Live Book and Music Stores. Our, Stock S UNEQUALLED, FULL ASD COMPETE. alPETE. sell at a 1 the test We keep the isissT articles and s close margin, our cook Stores stand of the mofet fastidious when used. Lap Boards, jwjjj - wtvtuui juwaoj0, jwiua Biscuit Boards, I oiling Pins, Lemon Squeezers. Re- other useful articles too nu- meroua to aention. PARKER A TAYLOR. FUZZ T7HZT2 OIL, ....... July 2L pn I lor tne purpose oi cnecung a more perzect or cu J ganization of the parry do name Thursday, de- I the 24th day of July. 8-a P. M.. as the day on NEW ADVERTKEMBNT8. THAT Royster's Candy HAS ARRIVED, and vrc aie selling large quantities of it. - Come early and secure CHOICE SELECTIONS. IT IS THE PURE IT AND BEST CANDY SOLD. IN WILMINGTON . 35 cts. per lb.; 3 lbs. Or $1 Fine Claret & Scuppernong Wines For the hot days. KEEP COOL, and In or dcr to do so buy some of these FINE WINES. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. jnly 21 THE CUTICURA REMEDIES, WARNER'S SAFE LIVER -AND KIDNEY CURE, DUKEH ART'S EXTRACT OF MALT AND HOPS. S. S. S. TWO SIZES. COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND FANCY GOODSL Munds Bros. & DeRosset, DRUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. f G. julylG Yfd Wftllt TOUr Trade. rilO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE 1 habit of sending North to . have their BLANK BOOKS made or to buy their STA TIONERY, we would say that we aTe deter mined not to be undersold, and in inture we will duplicate any order that you may send off for, and probably save you from lo.to 15 per cent. . Ledgers. Journals. Day Books. Sales Books. Ac. any size and style of binding, ruled and printed to order. r ' County Record Books made to order at short notice. Check. Draft and Note Books LITHO GRAPHED In the best stylo. Fine Writing Paper and Envelopes, suitable for mercantile and private use. I Ink, Mucilage, .Pencils, Pens, Penholders, Letter Books, Blotticg Paper. Ink Stands. Erasers. &c , &c. C. W. YATES, juiy l ii Market btreet. Cleveland & Hendricks ! Blaine & Logan!!; JACKSON & BEIiLUH THREE TICKETS for the PEOPLE! The first two tickets are before the people for their suffrages the last for the patronage of both parties for anything and everything they may need in the shape of Printing, Ruling Or Binding. For in Fnrtlitnrfi. FINE AND COMMON, ALL STYLES AND DESIGNS I -r, inrlD nTTA WRVf? and DINING ROOM SETS GO TO i THOS. C. CRAFT, Affent, '" i Leading Furniture Store in the City, july n 20 South Front St. At milE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, 75c. Congress, the most popular and best r V7 u..v.t .t wiirht Hhiwa .ill aixi.a-.i v niie eom on iuc manei, ,w. vuwigu ouu w 25c and Onwards. Seaside Shirts at all prices. Boy's yachting la great variety, uenvt vraw ers 22c acd unwards. Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, eaual to linen-jwmetbing new. 75c Drawers made to order. 5e. Wamsutta Shirts with 2100 linen bosom made to order at $1. Orders from ine country sonciiea ana promptly attended to. uive us a eau. 1 Inly 21 Manager Wagonette tor wrightsville ound, wiu leave BontnCTiana s oiauten mjxaj st ir. nx tovp, Beturnlug. will leave Sound at 7 A. M. sharp jnnesatt a. owmmuaaii. COJN UJNDKU m h TtfR IS THIS STEAMER PASSPORT W I nke a Suing Band? Because it cannot do I withoat Us lIarpeT - i 1 irjuuu.uj9, eKjJf.rot iajui I W and Toilet Articles. Ac. ratytS : Czzztx TcTCx asi Hz tU NEW AJ3VEOTJLSEEIENTS. City Drug Store 210 MARKET STREET Xf O CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS : Soda Wf tcr x 5c per glaaa. It can't bo "tood at or 3 cent per claw: Ctoo mucti ioamanu zib). urags ana mxars in great variety. My Soda Water is always rood. It foam and ww ncciccucu crcry aaw. air VjOtocne is . fc. It- ft fkj - A ini Dcsi.io no nsa. ice urcam oaa orcjiiiion- ally. Call on "OLD" JIM. COSOLKY, ; Jure a; . Manager i ? Board. A FEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated daring the Summer month , at reasonable rates, l'lcasant location, rood . attendance and tho best the market affords. Transient boarders accommodated bv tho day or week. MRS. ROBERT LEE, , 113J4 aiarKet street, 1 . jnly 11 lydlw .Wlliflnston,- N, C Headquarters jPR riSIIINQ TACKLE, j - AT W. E. SPRINGER A CO8., -13. 21 and 23 Market Street ' The largest and best assortment ever offered I in this market. July 21' Library .Lamps. T 1UE HANDSOMEST AND LARGEST As sortment ever ecen in this city. S" Lamps and Lamp Goods a EpecUlty. GILES A MDRCmSON'S, july2l 3S and 40 Murchison Block. ICE. June-7 w;davis a son. For Sale. I PRINTING PRESSWE HAVE FOB tle a secondhand ADAMS' PRINTING PRESS In good condition. We offer a rare bargain. Write to uj for terms and descrip tion. Address THE HOMF, jnly 21 Plttsboro, N. C. Furniture. J-EW ARRIVALS OF PARLOR, CHAMBER and i ' I DINING ROOM FURNITURE, , V beddingac; Call and examine stock and prices before msltin2. nnrchasca. ma,UD2 purcnascs. DA. SMITH, Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street July 21 Ol. tlemen's goods of every description, any color. Also, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Send -me a pair of vour old Had Gloves. W. & E. S. LATIMER,- Attornevs-at-Law. - Office S. E. Cor. Princess and;Watcr3 la. Jan 7 New York & Wilmington ,i - ... . . i :. . . sieamsnip t?o. ; FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK . At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGUITOR.... ..........Saturday, Jcly 5 BENEFACTOR.......... ..Saturday, July 12 REGULATOR......... .....Saturday, July ID BENEFACTOR....'........ Saturday, July 20 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR.. ............SatordaT JuW 5 REGULATOK.... ......... ..Saturday July 12 BENKFACTOR. .fi,tnrdar Jnlr 1 I rkgulatoe.j ........Saturday, July 2ft y Through Bills Ladlnar and Lowest Through Rates gtaranteed to and troa Points ta North and South Carolina. - - , " Tot Freight or Faa&age pply to ;, - H. G. 8M A LLBONES, 8npertntendent. ' Wilmington, N.G. . WM. P. CLYDE CO.. General Axestr, , Ercadway, New Ycik. may zi-t. v, - i; Kercliner & Calder Bros ' wnnrnir v ;.; J??! ROCEBS AND CO21UISSI0N Mcrchaxls, JS'iu' coffee: A. a-m MOLASSES, LAUD, HAY. rOTASH, -O 'SOAP, CANDLES, -. RIVETS, ' MATCHES. BUCKETS, IIES,&C il ; MEA ll: ooiJ ? OATS sVrV cVn' sta Rt;U . I .Tt K f . i KI-CM j HCKJlr IJuUri, liiAJE, NAILS, . BUNGS, FAPjCR, 1IAUS, AUE G221S2, POWDSU, Ml7 A 1 t

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