MISCELLANEOUS R.IA0RTH1HGT0H3 ffl t.neti inf I THE GREAT HOLERA AND IARRH0EA RAMP The TJSEI OVXK 25 TEAKS Cholera, r r -v i . a remedy for Oranp. I)Ir- a tPrT.ruinmrr vvtni -- f rn - t- rtinn4 or trie IWWOCHWJUiv. SUN S II IN 15 AN 1 SHADOW. He came the day was dull and dead, -The skies were cold and cn-- The slanting jain beat on the Dane d And blur. rad the tosiing bay. Jput oh, so dear his tender tone, vi IJia srni!e3 eo sweet to see. That in my heart the sunlight shone. "uu an was iair lo me. lie's gone the day is fresh and fair. The skies are warm and hrio-br The robin sings: the blithe bee win zs ci tiugtiiuL ueius nis liignl; But dim and blurred through toorfni eyes The sunlit bav I see: For on my heart a shadow lie3 And all is dark to me. utnr II. S. Tnruurr Js ' i blown in bottle, bole propn carl,i ruiBiFS A. VOGELER COMPANY, I nt w. ..,.,. Uo hs.i l.Z, br Surgeon-General C. 8. ' j k. r.cn. Warren, runcjw-uaic,.. rnT,J."r Solicitor C. S. T Introduced A. Beeom Hon. Ken- and others. Priee, Onlr genuine 1 Sole proprietors. Mcli ri ' 1 v d&w. Capital Prize 7G,OOOJ33 Tickets only $5. Shdresin pro portion. . Louisiana State Lottery Company. . 'Wedoheriiy certify that we supervise the ,-aien for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot terv Company, and in person manage and con thp uraminas themselves, and that the tame are conducted with honesty, fairness, and i'ihe Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, initsadver fitemenls." TheDaily Reviews , Commissioners. incorporated In 18C8 for 25 years by the Leg- t.ionirp fnr Kdncattrmal and Charitable pur .pwith a capital of tl .000.000 to winch a Vaprve fund of over $550,000 has since been Mel. . ... i?v an nverwhelmln Danulai vote Us fran rhUn wna ma.de a nart of the present State Constitution adopted December 3d, A. D.,1879. The. nnlu Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Staie. It never scales or postpone. it Crarwl fitno-lft Nnmber Drawlnes take place monthly. a spr.Rvmn OPPORTCNITY TO WIN A FOUTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing, Class II in thft Acndomv of Music, at New Orleans Tuesday, August 12, 1884 171bt Monthly Draw Caoital Prize. $75,000. lOO.OOO Tickets at Five rol lars Eacli. Fractions in Fiftlis in proportion. . LIST OF FRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 5,000 1 Capital Prize of 25.00 1 Capital Prize of - JO.OOO 1 Prizes Of $6.000 12.00C S Prizes Of 2.000 . 10,000 1,000... - iu.uuu 500 10,000 200 20,000 100 . 30,000 50 25,000 25 . 25,000 l PPOflTTMlTTOK PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 " 500. 4,500 9 250. 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clufcs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or- lcfins. For further inf onaatlon, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Rejjistered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPIHN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C july 1.1 wed-sat 4w-d4w YS Prizes of Prizes of 100 Prizes of 300 Prizes of .WO Prizes' of 1000 Prizes of By the Light of Day. PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE PRESENT HELP IN THE NEW ERA. "1 remember when they were putting up the poles for the first telegraph . line In the State of New York, and now look there!" ex claimed a citizen of the metropolis to his friend, a the two stood on the summit of the tall Equitable Building la Broadway. "The city is strung with wires like a harp, and elec' trie communication la the daily miracle of tlfe world . People no longer wonder and laugh at It as they did at Morse when he first suggest ed its possibility." The age marches on and prejudice must give way. Nobody has a monopoly of truth. Even the conservative guild of physicians admit that the secrets of mediclrc are shared by all men. I dressed his wound and God heated him," said old Galen Once that terrible dis ease, Rheumatism, was supposed to bo a shift ing, local ailment, now attacking the joints and now the musclej. TdM iy it idemonstra ted to be a disease of the ltLoon Mrs. Henry Bogert, of No. 454 Atlantis Ave 'nie, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to Messrs. His cox & Co., of New York, proprietors of PAR SER'S TONIC, that "she had been completely disabled rrora Rheumatism and pain In the Mek and limbs, fche was advised to take the Toxic for Xidney disease. She did- so, and uer Rheumatism disappeared. Ihe reason Is "nipie. Diseased Kidneys produce rheumat ic svmptems. Cure them and you destroy Bheu Wisn. This Is now admitted by 'all intern et physicians. It Is the new lighi ihrown 00 heir time-worn and mistaken theories. BARKER'S TO NIC which Is a combination of le best remedies for the blood known to science, la universally successful In combat ing this terriblv common complaint. Those w,no. like Mrs. Bogert, suffer from Kidney or complaint arising irum $1 per nrmd& Disease, Propensity and Passion brins Mankind numberless ail mRnt foremost among them are Nervousness. nervous iJCMiityfanu unnatural weak ness of Generative Onrans. Allen's Brain rood successfully overcomes - thesr troubles and restores the sufferer to his tormer vior. 81. At drusrrists. or bv mail from J. I. Allen, 315 Fist Ave , New York Citv. It Bothered tho Doctor. , Dr. McCosh is celebrated for his ego tism, and tbe best of it is he" is never conscious of it. ; He has a broad Scotch accent, and the habit of nawiog at the joint of his thumb when busily thinking. Some years ago he was lecturing be fore the Senior class in Princeton col lege. He had been discassiog Leib nitz's view of the reason of evil, to tbe efleet that mankind was put upon the earth because there was less evil here than elsewhere. One of the seniors inquired, "Well, doctor, whv was evil introduced into the world.?" Ah !" said the doctor, holding up both hands, ve have asked the hardest ques tion in all feelosephy. Suckk rates tried lo answer it and failed; Plato tried it, ana lailed ;Kahnt attempted it and made bad work of it: Liebnitz tried it. and he begged the whole question as I've been tellin' ye; and I confess" (gnaw- ng at nis uiuuiD icnnckle; "1 confess 1 l Aiiuw wuai 10 niase oi self." Troy Press. The press ha3 very cenerally noticed the fact that an elegant portrait of Mrs. resident Polk has recently been placed opposite that of her husband at' the White House. The best part qf the item, says a correspondent, seems to have escared iournalistic attention. This portrait was intended lo manifest an expression, now being given in so many lorms, of that beany good will between women of the North and South which is hailed with such satisfaction by every patriot. The suggestion that representative ladies from the North aud South should unite in raising money to secure this portrait came from Miss Frances Vj. Willard, President oi the National W. C. T. U. It was warmly seconded by Miss Clara Barton whose reputation as a friend of the soldier, both in blue and gray, is so well known. Prominent ladies in several Southern States, notably in Tennessee Mrs. Alex. Porter, of Nash ville, being President of the Commis-sion-?-co-operated in the movement, and the picture was to bear an inscrip tion stating that it was placed at the White House a3 a fraternal token cf appreciation ot Mr3. President Polk. Not to mention this fact would be to leave Hamlet out of the play. Why suffer with Malaria ? Emory's Standard Cure Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases; purely vegetable. 25 cents, eod Tae Bursting: Force of a Boiler. Few people conceive how powerful i3 the force imprisoned in the interior of a steam boiler when in active opera tion. The steam gauge shows a pres sure of perhaps 100 pounds per square iucb, and the uninitiated spectator who works or walks carelessly beside the apparatus, .mav imagine that 100 pounds represents the forca with which its fragments would bo propelled in case of an explosion. But the whole force of the live steam in a ooiler is equivalent to the area of the internal surface of the boiler multiplied by the pressure per square inch. Suppose, for example, the internal length of the boiler is 240 inches, and that the steam gauge shows a pressure of lOOjpounds. A mathematical calcula tion shows that the total internal area of the boiler is 36,005 square inches,, and hence the imprisoned agent is not 100 pounds, but 36.605x100 pounds, or 3,605,000 "pounds. Think of that the next time you hear of the employment of an incompetent engineer to handle a boiler whose explosion is liable to send half a dozen men to eternity! it my- As well expect life without air, as health without pure blood. Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "rer diseases or anj 'ffhlrtH nrlll jptnA thft TfWTf! ft DrOIIlDt - - - IMIHHI til ft ?TeKtain remedy. Prices. tOc and Ni. The larger size the cheaper, Dr. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. fILL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL T and ftpnitai WraVnpM caused by Indis Price0 and TiolaUnS the w? keiHn r DR. HUNTER'S FILLS vu8 Syphilis In all it forms and stages, re Throat andiNose, Scrofula. Tetter, Kcze . Itching sensation. Salt Bheum and aU iood and SkLa Diseases. Urinary Diseases and ":mrea speedily cured Priced DR. HDVT'S FKMALB FK18ND ever falls to cure Irregularities or Suppres Bions, caused by colds or disease. Married r"' unties tn delicate suite of aeau we cUioKed to not use it. Price $3. Enclose the vSvJ for either medicine to FRANK. STE rpu co . Baltimore, Md and It will", be ent by man or express sealed, For sale by i rQHte fient by mall or expresa Hot Weijrliing So Much. 'Youare looking remarkably well, Mr. Lewait." said Crknsonbeak to the young man who he used to see be hind the counter in the village grocery before his account rendered it impera tive for him to change his provision man. "Do you think so?" replied the young man with a bland smile, "I'm not weighing as much as I was." ''Why really," came from Crimson beak, iu suprise; "You are looking heavier.' "I am heavier," replied the puzzle. You're heavier, but you don't weigh so much!" exclaimed the astonished man. "Have you gone crazy, Lite "No; not exactly, Mr. Cnmsonbeak; but I've cone to work in a carpet store where wo don't have anv of that to- do." Any of what to do?" shouted tbe beaoon light. 'Weighing!" "Oh!" was all that Crimsonbeak re marked as he went out to lodk-ior a deep well. Statesman. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness early decay, loss of man hood. &a. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was Uiscoverea oy a mis sionary in South America. Seijd a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New York City. eod d&w ly , in Love's Appettite. "Did you say love took away a man's appetite?" remarked the landlady to young Snooks at the table. 'Yes, madam. I am deeply in love, and that is my experience," he re sponded, with his hand on his heart and adon't-ask-me-for-money-now look in his weak blue eyes. "I begin to think pretty much the same way myself." "Why, madam, are you also touched by the soft caresses of the little blind god?" he queried, taking another spoonful -of potatoes, a slice of roast beef and a big hunk of bread. "Well, not hardly," she answered, in a zinc-Hned refrigerator tone, "but some things I have recently seen convince me that it takes away, a man's appetite and give him a hog's." : Snooks did not ask for any desert. Merchant2raveler : ' For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, De pression of Spirits and General Debili- i.. ii. - . . ly m iiieir various iorms; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent Fevers, the "1? euro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell, Haz ard & Up-, New York, and sold by all uruggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from Fever or other sickness, it has no equal. tu 2w Much Ado About a Penny. A penny will make quite a stir in the accounts ot bankers and business men sometimes. In closing the accounts ot me oauonai isroaaway Dank, some years ago, a draft was drawn by Treas urer Spinner for the balance in the bank, amounting to $i.450.iu, which was honored, and in the letter of transmit tal the bank cashier notified the treas. ury that there was still due the govern ment tne sura of one cent. An exam ination of the.ledgersand cash accounts was instituted, and the error was- dis covered. The amount should have been $18,450.11. Forthwith Treasurer Spinner notified the treasurer that he could forward the amount. A press n . i 1 . , -a copy oi ine letter was maue ana a proper record of it kept. In due time the bank responded, inclosing a draft for ono cent, the transfer being made without disturbing the financial circles ine necessary recoras were maao in half-a-dozen books, the proper endorse ments obtained, and the money drawn and deposited to the credit of the proper tund. A Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., ouer to send Dr. Dye s Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this paper. tth'seow&w Platform of the .Democratic Party cf North Carolina. We again congratulate the people of North Carolina on the career of peace prosperity ana gooa government on which she enterea alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and Which has been unbroken for so many years since; upon the lust and lmDartial enforcement of the laws; up on the efficiency of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man ifested in every part ot the State. And we again challenge a comparison be tween this state . of things and the crimes , outrages and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves to exert, in the future, as we have done in the past, our best efforts to promote the material interests of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to. Demo cratic principles as neretoiore enuncia ted in the platforms of the party, it is hereby Ilesolvcd. That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box as the only sure means oi pre serving our free American institutions, and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage, in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the., liberties of ihe State and tbe Union. Resolved, That we arc in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the whole internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to the freedom ot elections, and a source ot great annoyance ana cor ruption in its practical operation. Resolved, That no government has right to burden its people with taxes bevond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de rived, exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves in fvor of such leirislation as will secure this end. 'Resolved. That with resDect to the tariff we reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed in the National Democratic plat forms and that the details of the methot by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be craduallv reached, are subiects which the Dartv's representa tives at the Federal caDitol must be trusted to adiust: but in our opinion the duties on foreisnimDortation should be lovied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in its mlinstment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as eouallv as Dossible the burdens of taxation arid confer the greatest good to the greatest nnmber o the American neoDle. Resolved. That the course ot the Democratic nartv in furtherance of popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment of graded and normal schools in the lareer towns and accessible centers, Is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of all classes of our people and we will promote and improve the present educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. And whereas, There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the pockets of the people by unjust taxation on tbe part of the Republican party, therefore, , Resolved, That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues of ine government tor educational pur poses as mav ba made hv the Con cress of the i United States; provided always. nas ine same shall be disbursed hy State. agents and not accompanied by objectionable features and em'barras3' ing conditions. Resolved. That it is due to tho whitn people of our eastern counties; who have so cheerfully borne their share ot our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other equallv effective system of county eovernment. sbaL' be maintained. Resolved. That in view ot the exist ing and increasing harmony and kind ly feeling between the two races in th s btate and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist crenerallv in other Southern States, we derjrecate the attempt of the Republican party in its recent platform at Chiearro io tVirre civil rights as a living issue, and we c enounce it as a fire brand and a hypo critical exniession of interest in " t ho. black race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to siir up strife between the now friendly races.' 1S84. Furniture, 18S4. ' ' ' ' ' i . ' "yHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NEW STOCK arriving everr day for the Fall Trada. Merchant and others will save aoncy by piaclrg their orders with me. .' " ' Please send for price list o call rcfore placing orders with others. ! ! D. A. SMITH Furniture Dealer, N. MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising- Cheats ! ! ! it nas LKJCome so common to beciQ an article in an elegant interesting style. men run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in,as plain, hon- en, terms as possioie, '"To induce people til'; a1 . i i jo; irive mem one trial, which so proves iheii? value that they will never use anything else. The: Remeov so favorably noticed in all the papers, Religious and secular, Is "Havtrg a large sale, and 13 sunnlantinir all other medicines. "There is no rfenjing the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation." Did She Die? "No "She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about "Indeed ! Indeed!" "How thankful we should be for that medicine. A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed ot misery, "From a complication of kidney, liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility, ; . "Under the care of the best physi cians, who gave ner disease various names, "But no relief, i.na now she is restored to us in good health bv as simple a remedv as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it. The Parents Father is Getting Well. "My daughters say: 1 - "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after Iris lon suffering from a disease declared inca rable." A Lady of Utica, N. Y. JS& None genuine without a bunch of gr. en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff their name. With "Hop" oi "Hops" In july 12 lm dw nrm WeaKWervousMen Whose debility, exhansted power, premature decay ana iauuro io perioral lire's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors oi youtn, etc. will end a perfect and last in restoration to robust health, and vigorous manhood in THE MARSTON BOLUS. Neither stomach dragging nor instruments. This treatment of TVervniis Ifeahllft. ir And Phvsl cal Decay is uniformly successful because based on perfect diagnosis. new ana aircei mecnoas ana ansoiuto tnor oarhneR. Full information and Treatise free. Address Consulting Physician of MARSTON REMEDY CO., 46 W.MthSL, New York, nov 27 lvvdwt th FREE! - RELIABLE SELF-CURE, favorite prescrltitlon of on Of ib boat noted and encceHsful specialists lnMi ua. liow retired ) for the core of Art?o JfbUitVt gSnsealedenvelopereo. Druggists can fiUl6. v Addrt DR. WARD & CO.. LeuiMaoa, ; mm 1M0RPHIHE HABIT DK. U. H. KANE, of tha IkQttfncey Home, bow offers a Remedy where lr an r one can eure hlnxelf quickly and pa.ln1pftt.Ir. Fur testimo- ulaUandendoraeiDenwiromemrnent medical men ,Ac.,a1 ree U. H. JU.SK, A.S., O.U., 160 FaltOB St., Sew York City. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED - PARTS OK THK HUMAN BODY KNLAKfiKD. DKVKIr- OPF.D. STRKNGTHESED," Vac. ian intrst ins advert isnrnnt limgrnnirnmrinpyr. In rvply f in rrninea yveTiTrKay that t herw i no fcvidenctf of hum l)Qgatoutthis. Unthe contrary, the advertisers urn bly indorsed. very hie pealeq circulars giving an TnTerested Ekie Mf.dicalOi.. Buffalo .Y'. Jv5- pffrwns may pet art ion lars tv addressing july $7 ront Street ap!16 lyd&w 99 Dyed MONACH'S, 16fc SECOND STKEKT.be tween Market ind Princess. Ladles an! Gen tlemens goods of every description, any color. AI30, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Sen d me a pair of vour old Kid Gloves PTJftCELL HOUSE. -JNDKIi NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C li. L. FERRY, Proprietor. Lite Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Ftrst-Clas In all It prnntTr,Tt. Terms t?.50 to &3.C0 per day. PARSLEY & WIGGINS, MANUFACTURE 23 OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, " MB obnamenta! wood work. apiatf 1884. Harper's Magazine. illustrated! '. . Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-eighth vol ume with the December Number. It Is the most popular Illustrated periodical In America ana .ngiana, always fully abreast of the times In Its treatment of subjects of current social and industrial Interest, ana always ad vancmg its standard ot literary,! artistic, and mechanical excellence. Among its attractions lonsMare: a now serial novel? iy William Black, Illustrated by Abbey ;.a ricw novel bv l. uoe. uuisiratca iavers ot Houghton, Frank D. Mlllett. C. II. Farnhaia. and others; important historical andlHograph- lcai papers: snort stoned uy Charles Itcadc, &c. Haruer's Periodi . l?cr Year: D Uowcib, cals. ..... .i Hartek's Magazine... Harper's Weekly Harper's Bazar Harper's Vouno People.... . I Harper's Franklin square Library, one learrs-j lumbers) 10 00 Postage Free to aa subscribers in the United States or Canada, 00 4 40 4500 1 Go WHOLE3ALE TPI ES. The ' foUowlnsr quotrtlona tCTTCfecn wholesale prlees generally, in mating up email orders higher prices have to be charred II 17 io n U; a BAGGINO ; "Z:--, Standard... ......i......?....;. BACON North Carolina: ; Ham, if lb... ........ ........ Shoulders- ft........ Sides. fi. ..i......wm. Hams........ ................. 16 Sides, V fi . Shoulders.... ........ DRY SALTED- SidCS, V ft ..4.. Shoulders. ft ILVR2iELS Spirits TurpenUne, second llano, eacn. .......... New New York, each.;.. .... New Clty.each BKESWAX, ft BRICKS, M BUTTER, ft North Carolina............... Northern.. CANDLES, V ft Sperm. ................ ........ 7Lilovr AdaTn.vulac. ....... C H EES fc, f lb Northern Factory............ uairyi cream. State , COFFEE, tf" ft Java.. Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, bus.. In sacks COTTON TIES. bundle.... Domestics Sheeting. 4 4. yd., Yarns, V bunch........ ...... EGGS, V dozen.. ...... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl......16 00 Mackcrel. No. 1, half bbL. 9 -0 Mackerel, No. V bid 9 W Mackerel, No. 2, half bbL. 5 00 iacere, ro. a. w dim....... j j I- The volumes of the Maaazine becin with the Numbers for June and December of each vcar. When no time is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maaa zine. in neat cloth binding. will be sent bv mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 0O'jer volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 ccpts each by mail, postpaid. I Imlex to Harper's Magazine. Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for ..Volumes 1 to CO, inclusive, from June, 1S50, to Junk 18S0, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. T Remittances should be made, byt Post-Olhce Money Order or. Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harpjer & Bros. Address i HARPER & BROTHERS, 23 ', New York. New YorK & Wilmington t Steamship (jo. f 5 FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR .Saturday, Aug BENEFACTOR. Saturday, Aug. REGULATOR Saturday, BENEFACTOR. ...... Saturday, REGULATOR. .Saturuaj r Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 30 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR Saturday A ug. REGULATOR Saturday Aiig. i. BENEFACTOR..... Saturday Aug. 3 REGULATOR .....Saturd; 1G Aug BENEFACTOR .Saturday Aug. 30 if Through Bills Lading add .Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and frota Points in North and South Carolina. j For Freight or Passage apply to j H. G. SMALLBONES, Supcrintcpuent, - Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. nera) Aeentr, 35 Broadway, New Toia. july 20 tf. . ' t NEW YORK HERALD. o :;' ; : WEEKLY EDITION, .ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. a I ; it contains all the general news of Lhc Daily Edition of fhe Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Stalhcs. j Independent in Politics, It Is the most valuable chronicle ofj political news In the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, eo that all sides may be known. In the depattmcnl Foreign News the Herald lias always been distinguished by the fullness of its cable despatches. Thc new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. ! The Farm Department of the Weekly Herald is practical.- if goes to the .point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crojiS, trees, buildings, gardening, oultry and afcricultu ral economy. . "The Home" 1 Instructs the housewife aDd IhccbUd&n in re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and the making of hupse com forts. In addition, are given latest rf iort3 of trade and 0 i , PRODUCE MAiiKETS, the condition of money, columns of liscclla neous Leading, Poetry, a Complele fctorj fvery week, Jokes and Anecdotes, tportiD News, Popular Science, f the doings of well-known Persons! of tb World, a department dovo ed to . " Sermons and Religious Notbj. WhUe the WEEKLY HERALD gfves tht latest and beet News ot the World, it is also a Journal for the Family. Subsclbc on dollar, at any time, for a ful year I'ostage irrce to any part of the L ulled CtntM at at a ? THE NEW YORK HERALD, la a Weekly Form. ONE DOLLAR At YEA& Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 Broadway and Ann Street ICE. ! 2 -rJ01 . .. 9140" 11 v . lliO 00 o n 1 75 a 1 90 o 2 00 1 60 1 9r ss o oa . ' " . r J. - ' o n 25 2a a S3 13 a 2i nkcs 12 12 a 12 isho i 14 a uv , 10 a la . 17 fS 5 UMiO U nvo -is 85 a &m 1 ho a 1 7: 16 O 17 COO Ou ?10 oc C510 00 (t 8 0.1 & 4 00 o .s Eaagh's Ihphato. Carolina Fcrvulzcr A) '.4 72 65 23, 5 11 20 15 75 eo 6 & G a o a a 0 ti a : a a a : ts Mullets. W bbi 4 01 Mullets, Pori bbla.. 7 00 N. C. lit Herring, f keg.... 3 00 Dry Cod, v ft 5 FERTILIZER., 2,000 lbs . Peruvian Gcano, No. 1. ...... 57 50 No. 2 ..36 00 ....00 00 ....45 00 Ground . Bone- ...00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour. 00 00 Nava?aa Guju-.o. ........... t.,40 00 Complete Manure .....00 00 Whann'a Phosphate ....00 00 Wando Phosphate. ....CO 00 larger & Butz's Phosphate. .00 00 Excelicnza Cotton Ferlll32er.65 00 French's Cai bonatc of Lime... 7 00 French's Agricultural Limo...l S 50 FLOUR, l)bl Fine 0 00 Northern Super 4.75 &xCr& .9 & 1 5 Family.... 6 50 City MJila Extra... 6 eo Family S 75 " Extra Family.... 6 50 GLUE & ft.... il GRAIN, V bushel ' Corn, from store, bags.whlte. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags., Oats, from store.............. Cow l'cap. ....... .............. HIDES, tf- ft Green ...J... ........ Dry HAY, VlOOfta Eastern.... Western 1 North River HOOP (IRON, V ft LARD, v ft Northern lOffl North Carolina.... 00 t LIME, V barrel 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, v M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 13 00 Rough Edge Plank ....15 00 West India Cargocs.accordlng to quality m uu Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scautllng and Board. com'n..l2 00 MOLASSES. V gallon Ncw Croi Cuba, In hhda ? " " In bbla. Porto Rico, In h ads " " .In bbls Sugar House, in hlnls.... lr. ubls Syrup. In bbls 40 NAILS, e Keg, Cut,10d basis.. 0 00 Uiis, v gallon Kerosene Lard w 1 LbaECCd Rosin Tar , Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Spring Turkeys....................... 75 PEANUTS tf" bushel 1 13 potatoes, bnshel Sweet Irish, V bbl PORK, V barrel- City Mess 23 50 Prime......... ij 00 Rump 17 00 RICE Carolina, p ft 40 Rough, V bushel............. 95 a RAGS, V ft Country. i.i, 1148 City ROPE, tf-. ft SALT, V sack, Alum " tw a Livcrpoo 00 Lisbon... 00 American 00 SUGAR, v ft Cuba; Porto Rico.. A Cou'ce B , C " . Ex C . Crushed.. SOAP, 4 ft Northern SHINGLES, 7 In. tf"M 10 60 Common 2 50 Cypress, Saps 4 60 Cyprces Hearts....... 0 00 STAVES, V M-W. O. Barrel,. 12 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, V fh 4 TIMBER, M feet Shipping. 12 ju Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime .' 7 50 am eo T37 00 G&l 00 4W 00 rs5o 00 ftiO 00 045 00 etn oc W5 Of 07 0C fl!70 0C aT70 Ot eom 00 ftw 00 07SS a 9 0 O 4 25 tS 5 tS a 6 25 a 8 00 03 . 53 li 81 . 75 ou 7S4 7i S 11 SO 16 as 10 CO oc CC16 Ot .............. 3C 3) 32 3i 00 2G 11 10 90 90 00 00 2 1Q (0 2 00 22 015 6b a it tcs & a ts 15 4) iH (5 Ou 2S S3 6C es es ts a ts es a a ts tt 4T24 017 45 00 ou 20 22 5: a 00 ts 00 a uo tt 00 ts its JU)tS 6 tS 75 75 00 73 00 -00 7 C ll 011 uu ts i oc ts ft 00 tS 7 60 P13 00 ' &10 00 ts a 14 00 4713 O ) tS 8 50 Mill Fair a 00ft 6 60 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ord'nary i... 0 00 WHISKEY, galr-NortherD..! 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, ft Washed 1 Unwashed 3 Borrv..... lo tt ts es es es ts es 00 00 00 60 2J 20 15 Mortgage Sale. I Y VI RI LIE OF AJ-eontalncd una 7 THE POWIR OF SALE in a certain deed of mortaara iuaue uy a . l. rreaioni ana wile, et al, to W. A. Cummlsg, recordel in Brunswick county, in Look x", pages 25 to 30 of the ollicc of Reg later of Deeds, and which said mortgage, and im dctt thereby eccured, was In due coarse of assignment, transferred to William MTCura ming, the undersigned as Attorney for said Wbiiam M. Cummlug, will expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at xmbllc auction, at tho Court House uoor In the city of Wil mington, on Monday, 1 be 4th day ot August. l!ts, at 12 o'clock. i. the followlrg desenbea property 6ltuat In Briusewlck County, kcown as Clarendon Plantation Beglnxdcg on th West bank of the Cape .Fear bUer at tne month of the Canal, runs thutoce up eaid Canals. CJ W Hi to a China tree on the highlands dl rectiv in front of the dvreliine.theuce'N. 52 W. ii poks to a China tree, theoce S. 7JW851. potea to a tiakc, thence t. 71 W. 41 pole to a stake, thence . ci K. jJoU to a dogwood tree, thence 8. K t?4 poits to a bUck gum, thence . 21 E. 1 16 poles to a stake, tr;cxc fc. 1.4 ioies along a Laato the Cape Fear liirr, thence along the banks of tterirer about 2' 5 1k1cs to thu mouth of the Canal, the begin ning. Alto ce other tract, beginning at tne mouth of said Canal, runs thei.ee awng the nrt of the above mentioned tract t- tl. h!g& land 10 a China tree, thence N. 52 W. 3) poica 1 1 a China tree, IM nee e. H W. Zlt po!a to a UiCJoN.--7 W. ti poles to ft Cyires near the run of Ik&ur bxn Creek, thenco along the mean4cr!ig of ald creek to tLe rlcefield. about 22v 1 vl theacc with eaid creek oa the Jiorth side 50 E. I&ipoksto the junction of jUenv r Dam with lalLry reek, thence with said Mallory Creek to the -river, abent 123 poles, thence aODg tie banat thereof to the bcglnnlxjg. containing by call mate J.tM) acre mere or k&g. . ,. J. I. LLAlir. Jr., June 23 Vl Atwrre. .f i ' 1