MISCELLANEOUS rK0LERA RA&SP AND 110EA -JffSED OVEK 29 TEAM Cbolera, Crttyps JIar- MNlMT IUI - - . i""".1 I--, Solicitor L'. 8. Treasury and others. . Price, d t,r,rt and Deaiert. Only nume H 26 So! blown in bottle. Sole proprietor.. r same i - . . UaIo uranru THE CHARLES A. VOGELER COHrAKT, 11,1 " I;j.tiuoh, Md., U S. A. Mch lv l&w1 ""Capital Prize 75,000.1 Tickets only $5. Sliaresiii pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. tv, do her iLu certify that tee supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and "Tr;.- n The Louisiana Mate It- ttrv Company, and person manage . th Dmwinnt themselves, ana and con that the L,me ure conducted with honesty, fairness, and " . j v!i. iJ narties. and we author ngovuj"" -ttflnt tnith rVryv i-r the company w we .v..., . mi'fs of our signatures attached, tn its adver itfinenti." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur .otr)fh a canltal of 1.000.000 to wrach a irre fund of over S550.000 has since been Rv n overwhelming Dormiai TOte Its fran pm w inadR . uart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879 The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ly the people of any fae. , It never scales or postpones. itq ttran.l Sino-ie Number Drawings take place monthly. a si'i.K.vnrn opportunity TO WIN A foutiink. Eighth Grand Drawlnnr. Class II In the Acalmy of Music, at New Orleans Tuesday, August 12, 1SS1 171bt Monthly Draw idc;. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100.OOO Tickets at Five Iol lars Kacli. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital prizoor. 2 Prizes of $6,000. 10,000 12,00c 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 5 Prizes of 2,000 Vk Prizes of Prizes of 100 Pruea of 300 Prizes of 500 Prizes' of 1000 Prizes of 1,000 oou... 200 100 50.. 25.. APPROXIMATION PRIZKS. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 500. 9 250. 6,750 4,500 2,250 1.S67 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the ollicc of the Company In New Or leans. For f urtheT Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL B4.NK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Erpres3 (all sum3 of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. july 15 wed -sat 4w-d&w By the Light of Day. PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE PRESENT HELP IN THE HEW ERA.' "I remember when they were putting up the poles for the first telegraph lino in the State of New York, and now look there !" cx claimed a citizen of the metropolis to his Wend as the two stood on the summit of the tall Equitable Building In Broadway. "The city la strung with wires like a harp, and elec trie communication I3 the dally miracle of the world. People no longer wonder and laugh at U as they did at Morse when he first suggest ed lu lKja'dbtUty." The are marches on and prejudice must give y- Nobody has a monopoly of truth. Kven the conservative guild of physicians admit iiiat the secrets of medicirc are shared by all ien. ' i dressed his wound and God healed Mm,' said old Galen Once that tenrible dls fse, Rheumatism, was supposed to be a shlft ,n?. local ailment, now attacking the joints n,l now the muscles To dv it Is demonstra-"-'I: w he a disease of the 11 loo D Mrs. Henry Bogert, of No. 454 Atlantic Ave rf.r rook,yn, N. Y., writes to Messrs. His ItD't r&.'.f ew York- Proprietors of PAR" k 5 TONIC, that "she had been completely "iwhied from Rheumatism and pain in the t .&nd hmbs. the was advised to take the h.ihIor Sidney disease She did so. and wevmatism disa '"wwiatum aisapp pearcd. The reason Is ic eys produce rheumat- 7.mptms. Cure them and vou destroy Rheu- ZrJ- This Is now admitted by all Intclli PUyslcUns. It la the new lighS thrown B,;r time-worn and mistaken theories, the Si"' s TONIC which Is a combination of telenet "edles for the blood known to hf m ' mlvcrailly successful In combat whfl , iiw lcrrtbly common complaint. Those iJwVii Mrs- bogert, suffer from Kidney or in, " ases or anv conmlarat arising from in -l01.00,1' will find tho Toxic a prompt Jcertaia remedy. Prices. I cc, and $1 per init: 2 larger size the cheaper. nrmd r. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. WL CURE NERVOUS. PHYSICAL CURE NERVOUS, emu?0'1 Gnital Weakness caused by lndls PrilS,1111 violating the laws of health, Cnr HUNTER'S PILLS. YeiSLfcTPJJllte all It forms and stages, WTh0r Brwn pots on the face and body, tta andiNose, Scrofula, Tetter, Kcze- 'WQ And Stir. IK - II.I i anH "Ions I. tct Curo IrregulariUes or Suppres W Aufe. bv colds or disease 'Married canii0!adies in delicate state of health mor.J". to noM. Price $3. Enclose are the for either medicine wntL Balamore, Md and it will be Hi uzl au or express sealed. ITor Bile by to I 1 to FRANK. STE UlDir. or Presi sealed. Jror ( I SIARR (LIRE Jn( 0(aec' Generi, C.S.A. Re r ,re Army. I1' P,,rr.Tr.r-ftenerl : Hod. ki-- n5" 6Jea7 ccred. Price TheDaiiReview THIS LIFE IS .WHAT WIS MAKE IT. r Lefsoftener talk of noble deeds, Ana rarer of the bad ones. And sing about our happy days, And none about the sad ones. We were not made to fret and sigh. And when grief sleeps to wake it: Bright happiness is standing by This life is what we make it. Let's find the sunny side ot men, or be believers in it : A light thpre is in everv soul That takes the pains to win it. Oh! there's a slumbering good in all. And we perchance may wake it: Onr hands contain the magic wand- This life is what we make it. Then here's to those whose loviDer hearts Shed light and joy about them! r ni 1 t . t m . m nanus De to mem lor countless gems We ne er had anown without them. Oh ! this should be a happy world ro all who may partake it; The lault's our own if it is hot This life is what we make it. w n' suuer Willi iMalaria f hiiOKY S Standard Curk Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases: purely vegetable. 2a cents, eod A Lijjr lit wood Knot of North Carolina. The following bit of wit upon the part of a North Carolina girl comes to us rom Greenbrier .White Sulphur springs, tne lasiiiouabie Virginia sum mer resortand watering place : Among the regular habitues is Uol. B , a well preserved, liandsome olu beau of uncertain age His society record is brilliant and though he has raised many hopes, yet season,after sea son has ended and the colonel has yield ed his liberty to none. His special strength is pride of family, 'boasting, as he does, in season and out of season, not only the bluest South Carolina blood but the most direct Huguenot descent. During the past Summer there ap peared flitting about the broad piazza and through the long drawing room a bright dashing girl from the "Landol the Sky." The Colonel, as usual, be gan the scheme of monopoly, and the ambitious young beile seemed nothing loth to accord to him the coveted posi tion as chief ot staff. It bpgan to be whispered about that the Colonel was really in earnest lor once in his life. Those who kner him best watched him closest and were sure that lie was on the eve of a viejory. His gait was more martial, his manner more lofty than ever before, and the poor ancestral Huguenots were dragged to the'front without mercy. Unfortunately a bit of eavesdropping in the dim starltghted seclusion of what tho colonel thought to be a deserted corner of the piazza told the story of such woful discomfiture that he fled the place within twentyfour hours after ward. He had evidently proposed in his mo3t pompous and condescending manner, and heard with amazement a qniet negative from the young lady's lip3. ''But, I think I am sure." said the colonel, hardly able to control his in dignant pride, you do not appreciate, JVlias, the honor that has been conler- red upon you, that you so lightly de cline. I am a Huguenot of South Caros lina." "Ah, Colonel, it is you who forget." said Miss with her most roguish smile. You do not appreciate the honor to which you aspire. I am a Lightwood Knot of North Carolina!" Harper's Maaazine. Allen's Bilious physic is a purely vesalable liquid remedy for Headaches, Biliousuess and 'Constipation. Ea?ily taken, ac.mg promptly, relieving quickly, 25 cts. At all Druggists. Battle-field of Waterloo. The battle-field of Waterloo as it lies to-day is an uninspiring jgpectacle a good place to sit down ' and muse on life and men and the vanity of human things; but we had a vivacious little guide who spared no time for musing. but engaged us witfe a very dramatic recital in broken, though quite -in tellicible English, of the stirring things that happened on the bloody Sunday in 1815, when Bonaparte s brief candle went out and the European kaleidescope rattled ilself into a fresh combination. I can't help sympathing with the bot tom dog. The dramatic symmetry of Napblean's career wins us against our reason. I went out to Waterloo with some Englishmen, and I took solid comfort in eiviner them mv small opinion of their Iron Duke, although we must al low that he did this business very hand- somdy. But that guide. 1 shall not soon lor- get him. Hj made more ot an impres sion on me than all the books I have read on the subject of Waterloo. He omitted nothing. Ho opened his socl to us, and he suited the action to the word. He gesticulated, he attitudin ized, in short, he fought the battle over again for us His English was doubly English. He was especially happy m his "hup, guards, hand hat hem!" He recited .this thrilling incident over his shoulder as he led us down the two hundred aad odd steps that mount to the summit of Mound of the Lion, and it was only by the most extraordinary presence of mind that I grasped the railing in to escape a fall. The Mound of the Lion is an aitifi cial elevation which has been reared (very illadvisediy, I think) in the midst orthelield and of its earth, thereby modifying the configuration of the land scane. so that one cannot now gam so accurate an idea of the battle-ground as might otherwise have been obtained un!ess. indeed, the loss is compensated bv the fact that the summit of the mound affords a commanding view. The tranouilitv of the scene is im pressiye, and one is reminded of Byron's line: "Howthat red rain ha3 made the harvests grow !" I never saw a fairer stretch of country hills and vallevs and winding roads and shinin villages. Everv featureof this sweet landscape played its part in the drama of that day. Ua tne rignt is the Chateau of, Hougomont against which, all day long, ;ho French lines beat like the waves of the sea the key of the English position, held to the last by the gallant Coldstream Guard, though the house was burned oyer their beads. The old brick wall aronnd the orchard still stands pierced with" loop- noie3, worn away by the pelting ran of musket balls. If you have any sort of imagination you can stand there to day and see tke Qght. I suppose there has scarcely been a closer, hotter, bloodier battle in modern times. Tho lines were posted only a mile apart, and from the .moment of the first as sau't uton Houg-mont to the low, despairing cry of the French general , "Tout est perdu! Sauve qqi pent!" the battle was like the straining of well matched wrestlers. "A Buffaloman Abroad." A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman; Station 2. New York City. eod c&w ly A cure has beep discovered in South America for elephantiasis.; It is to eat the flesh of a turkey-buzzard a bird so loathsome that starving, people have been known to refuse it when offered as a dish. 'Facts' are stubborn things," and suf ferers from chills and fever generally find their complaint a very stubborn fact until they commence the use of Ayer s Ague Cure. That medicine eradicates the noxious poision from the system. and invariably cures even the worst cases. All the whetting never set a razor's has no steel in it. in the world can edge on that which A Fair Offer " Tne Voltatc Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. See advertisement in - paper. t th s eow&T Between the age of r:fifteen and forty a woman can grow seven crops of hair. "Kouerli on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Raugh on Corns " 15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions, eod MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising: Cheats ! ! ! "It has become so common to begin an article in an elegant interesting style. "Then run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce people "To rive them one trial, "which so proves their value that they will never use anything else." "The Remey so favorably noticed in all the papers. Keiigious and secular, Is "Havirg a large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. "There Is no denyinse the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation." Did She Die? "No ! "She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years," he doctors doing her no good ;" "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about." "Indeed ! Indeed!" "How thankful we should be for that medicine. A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years pur daughter suffered on a bed of misery, "J? rom a complication of kidney, liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility. "Under the care of tho best physi cians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And now she is restored to us in good health bv as simple a remedv as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years' before using it. The Parents. Father is Getting: Well. "My daughters say: "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." 'He is getting well after his long suflcnng from a disease declared incu rable." A Lady of Utica, N. Y. None genuine without a bunch of grf en Hops on the white labeL Shun all the vile. poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" In their name. july 12 lm uw nrm Our Stock XS UNEQUALLED, FULL AND COMPETE X We keep the BEST articles and sell at a close margin. Our Cook Stoves stxnd the test of the most fastidious when used. Lap Boards, Ironing Boards. Clothes Horses. Biscuit Hoards, Tolling Pins, Lemon Squeezers, Re frigerators, and other useful articles too nu mcrous to mention. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL july 21 To Close Out. E WILL OFFER FOR THE NEXT Blxtydays, or until closed out. BAEGAIK8 in Gents Low Quartered Shoej. ALo. some remnant lots of Ladies and Misses' Serg Goods and Ladles' Slippers, which we are sell ihg far lelow cost. Our regular lines arc full. Call and see us Geo. H. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT STREET, july 21 At THE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, No. 27. Market st. Nbrht Shirts, all sixes. T'c. Con cress, the most popular and best White Shirt on Upmarket, 75c Colored Shirts 2oc and op wards. Seaside Shirts at all prices. Boy's yachting in great variety. Gent s Draw era 2- and upwards Wamsutta Jeans Draw era, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 75c Drawers made to orer. 755. Wamsutta Shirts with 2100 linen bosom made to order at $1: Orders from the country solicited an promptly attended to. Clre us a ralL J. ELSBACH. iolj si Manager AS AN EYD1EXCE OF THE FOPULABIII w -or Royster's Candies QUE LAST WEEK'S SALES NEARLY doubled thosa of previous weeks, and general sath-faction has ensued. FRESH, PURE AND WHOLESOME, 3 lbs for $1.00. Kaiser Imported Beer, TROPIC BEER; ANDTUE Scotch and English Ales will keep ycu cool when nothing eloc will. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00 HO North Front St. july 28 MNervoiis Whose debility, exhausted !wei-s, premature decay iohu 10 penorm lire's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors of ronth. etc.. will find a perfect and lasting restoration to rolmtt heultU and vlerorou manhood in THfc MARSTON BOLUS. &reii.uer Btomacn aroggmg nor instruments, this treatment of is crvoim Debility and lhralc:ilDccavisnn!forml Buocessiai oetuuBo uawu ua penecs diagnosis, nevr and direct method and absolute thor. onebneii. Full information and .Treatise free. Jiaaress tJon8uiim -nysician oi MA4ST0N REMEOYpO.,46W4thSL, NeftYorfc. nov 27 lvwi1wt th 9 EE I fodtnoUd and successful gjBCialist& In theTJ.Si (now rUrwd) for th cure orJamou JMMWWi Km MZanhocxM, lVaJeno and JOeeay. BenJ Japlain sealed uuvulop yVe. Uruggista ca fill It, Address DR. WARD 4b CO.. Leutsiaot. P1IV!0RPH1NE HABIT faiJDR.EE KANE, of tho DtQulncey any one cam cure klBiself qnickly mmd painlessly. For testlmo- nialn ani AndnraAtnatita finn amIhah .t 1 . a . . . ----- - z , iu"u" "uni luoujic. ,aarecs H. U. KAJIK, A.M., .., 180 f alton Sfa, Kw York titr. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED: PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY ENLARGED.- DEVET OPKD. STRENGTHENED." Ete.. Is an intftresting auvertiMement ornertminoupaper. in reDly toin- ouiries we will Bay tn at tnere is no evi busr about this. On ttT contrary, the advertisers are aence or num very highly sTaledcIrcu indorsed. Interested persons may get scaled circulars giving all particulars by addressing KBIE MEDICAIj U.. tiurtato, JN. Y. Toledo Evening lire. apl!6 lyd&w Dyed." T MONACH'S, 16 SECOND STBEET.be- tween Market nd Princess. Ladles and Gen tlemen'a goods of every description, any color. Also, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Send me a pair of vour old Kid q1ova. PURCELL HOUSE. "TJNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First-Class in all It appointment, per day. Terms t?.50 to $C0 Cleveland & Hendricks! Blaine & Logan!! JACKS ONSs BELL ! ! ! THREE TlCKET8fbr the PEOPLE! The first two tickets are before the people for their suffrages the last for the patronage of both parties for anything ana everything they may need in the shape of Printing, Ruling or Binding. North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of descrip tive books ever published about any State." Boston Post. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Ready. " 1. The Woods and Timbers of North Carolina. Cnrtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. H. Ln the Coal, and Leon Counties of North Carolina Emmons', Kerr's, Lald ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Reports; sup plemented by full and accurate sketches of the Fifty six Counties and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 425 pp., $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by E J. HALE & SON, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationery, New York Or. P. M HALE, Publisher, Raleigh. N C sept 29. Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JDS? RECEIVING BY A. C. LINE and N Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to salt. SX bashs. V. Meal, 75 Boxes Lemons. 25 tubs Va. and N. a Y. Butter Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard, Ac K. G. BLAIR, June 13 No, 19 N. Second Street. Evien J m MISCELLANEOUS. 118 MARKET ST., STOCK TAKING WE DREAD. IT an inventory and nwjasure goods, This dreaded time will comejttus week. As far as f possible) Ave will turn the coods into CASH, and sell good? at a SACRIFICE. CASII takes little lime to count and measure, therefore, this week . we Till name prices that will enable ;ou to secure values, such as are SELDOM SEEM. -E3 .-!?. 500 LONG PLUMES IN EYKRY SHADE from 5Cc I the money HATS GIVEN AWAY ! TRIMMED ana UNTRIMME0 HATS for Ladles. Mlfscs and Children. Laces, made up LA.CE GOODS, GLOVES and ACE MITTS, all s'lk, warranted, in B ack and Colors; Cream and White, 6 and S button length, 75c per pair. CORSETS! j CORSETSl ' CORSETS1 A few more of this elegant let! of COKSET3 lelt that have, been seeing so rapidly at 39c., 55c, 7Fc, and 08c, Ac- pcralr. An early call will secure you eome of these goods. L AD I i S' UNDER WEAR! WALKING SKIRTS of Fine Muslin, trimmed with fine deep cambric runic, with half Inch tucks above; at 35c CA tiBRIC CHEMISES, with Pointed Bosom, of Insertion and puffing, with Yokes beautifully nmie, at OSc. MUSLIN DRAWERS, plainly trimmed wi'h tucks, at 3Sc. A tpeclal assortment of Ladles', Misses' i and Childicn'a: APRONS, made of Check Muslin and Fine Cam bric, trlmnjed In various styles with neat edging, at re- markaHly low prices. Bablcsr CLOAKS, in tine Merino and Pitjuc, made of the best ma- Hcriil. lu leading stjles, at less I than half their value; also I Drosses, Shoes. Bibs, ' : i Stockings, Skirts, 'I 1 1 118 MARKET ST. , july 31 th sat tu . 1 ! Will close the entire stock?of SUNSHADES. PARASOLS, RIBBONS. SASHES, HAND SA.TCHELS, BELTS, &c, Sc. AT 0001) QUAITY--108 inches. NEW JERSEY WAISTS In variety of Aylea aud quality, 22 to . YOKEING AND ! TUCKING WHITE LAWN ROBES- V MATTINGS ARID CARPETS. EMBRACING MANT STYLES AND AT ROCK BOTTOM TRICES. L.LNKN AND MOBAIIC ULSTERS. TURKISH BATH SOAP, G cakes lor '23 cents, said to be very good and VERY july!30 Cheese ftaiesj. l:ri!hoj, Sar.'l "8end for Catalotruo. d&w ly - i mch 13 o o Lnl Orsrllnet the Grt Hair Restorer it, gradually and permanenUy. N( Not a dye. men aad old women, maae to iook young in. rapidly and luxuriantly. Send for deacrtptlve late aad (loctors. etc. , "who recommend It highly. june 30 ly d t th sat wly cow Wagonette JjlOR WRIGHTS VfLLE SOlND, wi'l leave feoutherland's Stables DAILY ajt C P. M. eharp. Returning, will leavo Sound at 7 A.M. shari june 23 tf T. J. SODTHEKLAND. Kercliuer & Calder Bros. WHOLESALE j ' g.ROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, offer for sale a full line of FLOUR. SUGAR. I i COFFEE, x MOLASSES, ' LAhD, BACON, RICE, CORN. SNUFF, LYE. CRACKERS, HOOP IRON, NAILS. SALT. MEAL, OATS, SODA, STARCH, CANDY, GLUE. BUNGS, POTASH, SOAP, CANDLES, RIVETS, MATCHES, BUCKETS, TIES. Ac PAPER, BAGS, AXLE GREASE. POWDER, apl 7 . Notice; rpHE FIR VI OF IIOLL1NGSWORTH & CO., 1 1 ''. has been changed this day by Ithe re tircmen of S. H. TRIMBLE and the admission of T. P. SYKES. The business will be conducte as heretofore un ier the name aid -style of july 9 tf HOLLING3 WORTH & CO. 1884. Furniture:. 1884. 4 "1 FT" HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. NEW STOCK arrlvuig ever? day for the Fai rrsde. X Merchants and others will site aoticy by ; .1 placing their orders with me. Please send for price list placing orders with others. 3 ! Qr 1 call lefore r I). A MITII. Furniture Dealer, Ni Front Street july 57 Board. ArEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated during the Summer months at reasonable rates. Pleasant location, good attendance and the best the market affords. Transient boarders : accommodated by the day or week. MRS. ROBERT LEE. 113J4 Market Street, july 11 ljd&w Wilmington, N. C. ' jji 'i ij w. p. suaiXEit, vr-- mssSiM Mliyiiai fiio fo) MISCELLANEOUS. TAKES A LOT OP TIME TO MAKE -3E3T. 353 3BL S up. Everyone warranted worth double WILMINGTON, N. C. New and nice things in this line. r -A -bargain you shall have in these goods as they must be closed. CHEAP VJclWTlRE. F. R. MINCKLER, Br.c'v. Iron Co. SI tNl kiCrUEEBfi OF 'A irn floMi. V.'ir- ContT KoIHnfrs, Wlro SljfiiH, CaxMn; t 'oal Hi i.s-ns. Weather YaneH, Stable Fixturrs. I z lion Vcv.wjf, In.n Shutters, Counler 8upports,&s. ti" Mention this Paper. no nj--MORE, JL mm. and Reneorer, Cbanges gray TidirtO It3 TSXt A marvellous Invention. G ray-lUklrcd persons. tnree weesa. no luvro ueur y nwu gruwa s book, and testimonials and opinions Of rmlncnt cry Aaaresa, h. Nidtotson, 7 Mumrj St New Yof Mortgage .Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE I'OWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed of mortiraire W. Reir1 istcrof Dceds. and which said mortgage, and iuu uvivi. incicuy Ducuruu, was in aue COUTHC of assignment, transferred to William M. Cum mlng, the undersigned as Attorney for said William M. Cummlng, will expose for salo to the highest bidder for ioash, at public auction, at the Court House door in the city of Wil mington, on Monday, the 4th day of August. 181, at 12 o'clock. M. the following described property situate ln Brunswick County, knows as Clarendon Plantation. Beginning on tho West bank of the Caie Fear River at the mouth of the Canal, runs thence up eald Canal S. C2 W 124 poles to a China tree on the highlands dl rectly ln front of the d we Uinjr, thence N. 52 W. 3J poles to a China tree, thenoo S. 11 W sia poles to a stake, thence a. 74 W.. 41 poles to a stake, thence s. (J E. i?2 poles to a dogwood tree, thence . so E 201 pok-s to a bUck gum, thence N . 24 E. 110 poles to a stake, thence E. 124 poles along a bank to the Cape Fear Rlyer, thence along the banks of the river about 2t5 poles to the mouth of the Canal, the be gin -ulHjr. Also one other tract, beginning at tno mouth of said Canal, runs thence along the lirat of the above mentioned tract to the hlirh land to a China tree, thence N. 52 W. 30 poles to a China tree, th-uc S. 72 W. 354 poles to a stake, theote N. 70 W. t2 poles to a Cypress near the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of said creek to the rlccueld, about 220 ioles, thence with said creek on the north side N. to E. ICS poles to the junction of Bearer Dam with Mallory reck, thence with said Mallory Creek to the river, about 120 poles, thence along the banks thereof to the beginning. Containing by estl mate l.OuO acres more or less. J. D. june 20 30.1 LLAMY. Jr., Attorney. Monday ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL Had large cooa'gnmcnts of Apples, reaches. Fears, Chickens, Eggs and all other counfry produce. Ttese goods must be sold at once. Call on A. W. RIVEN BARK, The Live Grocer and Commission Merchant, " 114 North' Water st 5 Wilmington, x. C. Ice. Ice. Ice. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY KOTIFY the citizens and the public generally, that I bare laid in a full supply of UHOicE ICE. and am now fully prepared to flit order at LOW PRICES, by the Barrel, Hogshead or Car Load, to all points on the Railroads or LMrers. acd hope to secure a reasonable t hare of patronage. u. II. J. All REN'S, ,M Froprletorof New Ice llocse. BenaXor PrJces. . , june 21 lm maae uy a- l. trcmont ana wife, et al, to A. Cummlng, recorueu ln Brunswick county w ln Book x", paes 25 to 30 of the ollicc of Resr