TIBS PAT J0SH T.JAMES. dpeofkiktob. V nVS POSTAGE PAID: SCf Six months. $2.09. Three e W One month, 35 cents. eonths. ' deUvered by carriers free ft nari of the city, at the above . in aw j i - ties, or ; " j0W and liberal. . 7 report any and all fall- U" " - ,hPir parser reguiari,, P.HB ' " I Zfj)atiy Review has the largest G 2 ,.,w,i. o" any newspaper 'rtiisw!. - H,n i-i:ksii)KNT: . (.UUVEK.CKVELAN1. ol X-'"' York lvn vici: president:' T1I0MAS A- HENDRICKS, of Indiana. ALFUED IK. SCALES, of Guilford. ,ui: LIEUT. GOVERNOR:. CHAHLKS M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. YuK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM h. SAUNDERS. of Wake. f 7 vou state treasurer; DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake.- I OK AUDITOR: P. ROBERTS, of Gates. - you ATTORNEY-GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOR SITEIHXTEXDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSriATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. MERRIMON, ol Wake. Mil: EUECTOllS-AT-EAliGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS: R.T. BENNETT, of Anson. CsrusII. McCormick left an estate, is the inventory shows worth JjplO.000,- Marj Xwlerson, in a private letter to fm',nA In iUln n -v tl n f fir IV nVnCCDC O T1 earnest desire to be back aain in her native land. The most healthy, lovely and be witching girl in Connecticut is said to "preserve strenjth, grace and beauty on a diet 'of milk and fruit exclusively. The crop3 in Washington Territory are being destroyed rapidly by crickets about an inchanda half long, which have appeared there in large numbers. Col. Wm. F. Beasley. who is working up the North Carolina Soldiers' Home project, has already secured SI 1,000 of the $100,000 desired to make the home a success. The women of France are discussing project of erectiug a monument at Paris to the memory of the late Dr. Sims, as the greatest surgical benefactor of their sex. Miss Anna Godwin, daughter ot Parke Godwin, the veteran New York journalist, was married last week to M. de Castro, the Turkish ambassador. Miss Godwin is the first American gir1 to marry a Turk. Uis Clara Barton, the Red Cross 'tandard-bearer, ha3 reached her home DanYiile, N. Y.". alter a period of fa cing labors in '.he Mississippi Valley, month she intends to go to Geneva "kgisl'ation by picnic" is the desirrnR- tln which Lord Salisbury appled" to the teat demonstration id London.and the nush press has with one acclaim edupon the phrase as unique and novel. Guai, the cartoonist, is not an thft1Uaan' Itturns out as usual. k'; Elaine newspapers lied about Uis cartoons have been very un fc!?rafe&Mr Blaine, and something ih! ?-e 1'2W'(K0sur,vi vinf soldiers of r iaU) ar, it is estimated that 230,000 e est of the Mississippi, and ot s class who are pensioners there has cent rfQ 'ncrease siDC 1873 of 278 per due almost entirely to emigration. teja GriaTlTriuan had 550 war 139 a a raDCe the United Statcs and Germany not quite 100. Great k - . uava omcers, uranco ;Dited States 2,033 and Ger I5liftn 0 British Navy costs OOO-T' ayear lhe French S.000 Gemi7t?erican16100000 the VOL. VIII. General Butler will sail in his yacht America in a few days for a Summer eraise along the coast. Two young girls have gone into busi ness as dolls' dressmakers at Holyoke A sig'n is hung out which reads, "Dolls' dresses made and sold here," and a god many little girl are seen emerging from the door with dolls in their arms. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D A Smith Furniture J A Spkinoek For Sale P C Milleb Conundrum C-W Yates New Gcxxis - J W" IIarfeb Moonlight. IlGiNSHKKOER Hammocks Scoville & Co Base Ba l Hatch Geo U Fkencii & Soxs Bargains. W E Speixger & Co House Builders Muxds Bros. & DeRossw Trusses Knights of IIoxor Regular Meeting Parker & Taylor At the Old Stand. Kehciiner & C alder Bros Groceries SD Wallacej Cashier Dividend Notice. For other locals see fourth page. The colored fire companies are on parade this afternoon. i Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's We have had a very little sunshine and an abundance of rain to-day. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. t There was no city Court this morning and there were no tramps lodged at the Guard House last night. . Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t t There was a beautiful rainbow span ning the western heavens early this morning, which was the precursor of the rain that followed. Every Farmer ought to get a "Boys Clipper Plow," greatest invention of the age. Jacobi isJthe Agent 4- Crops were ne,ver growing more ra pidly than at present. Corn is ripening, and if the weather continue as favora ble for a shnrt tifne, it will bo beyond the reach of injury from drought. Inf glits of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. It Harmony Lodge No. 9, Independent Order ot Good Templars, contemplate giving an excursion to Smithville and the Forts on the steamer Passport on the 2 1st inst., due notice ot which will appear iu our advertising columns. The only arrests made on Saturday night were a couple of men who had imbibed too freely of "bug iu ice" and were unable to travel. They were lodged in the Guard House unitl they had become sober, when they were dis- chargetL . Chicken Thieves. On Friday night last some scamp raided tle premises ot Mr3. Sarah Lane on Orange street, between Sixth and Seventh and stole all of- her poultry. The city isfull ot midnight marauders, and we hope the day is not far distant when some of them will be brought to grief. ' We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. New Music A Handful of Earth from the Place of My Birth," Song and Chorus, by Wm. H. Clark, trice 35 cents. Ded icated to the well-known Fritz Emmett. Sung by him. Murphy & Scanlan, with immense success in their entertainments throughout the country. Mailed on re ceipt of price, by the publisher, Ign. Fischer. Toledo, O., who will accept our thanks for a copy of this very pretty Irish song. Down the River. The moon fills on Wednesday, and on the evening of that day Capt. Harp er will fgive an excursion on the Pass port down the river The boat will leave at 8 o'clock and return at 11, and the faro is only 25 cents. This will be an excellent opportunity for the young folks and the old folks alike. The reg ular family excursion will take place next Friday. Should the weather prove favorable Td doubt not that the excursion party gotten up by Ladies ef the Fifth Street M. E. Church, on the Passport, to-morrow will be largely attended and much enjoyed. Their, parties have always been pleasant and the management has always been all that could be desired, and there is no reason to presume that to-morrow will be any exception to the rale. " .'. WILMINGTON. N. C, The Board of County Commissioners are in session this afternoon but the proceedings are too late for this issue. Messrs. Humphrey. "Jenkins & Co. haye placed before us . a real curiosity in the shape of twin canteloupes, of good size, ripe and well-developed, which were raised by Mr. O. F. Corbett. on Middle Sound. The two are firmly joined to? gether and yet seem separate and dis tinct It is the first curiosity of the kind in the cantcloupc line wo have seen. After Many Days. On the 13th day of last June, Mr. Willie Monroe met with an accident by which a large pine splinter penetrated his hip. He went to a physician who succeeded in extracting a portion of it. Last Saturday, nearly two months after the accident occurred, the rest of it was removed. That taken out then is an inch and a hah in length and during all of the interval Mr. Monroe has walked about with this chunk of lightwood embedded in his flesh. A. Generous OlFer. The President of the Ladie's Memor ial Association, of this city, havo re ceived a note from Mr. J. D. Sublets Manager of the Hotel Brunswick, a1 Smithville. who kindly offers them, free of charge, the use of his pavilion and all of its conveniences should they give an excursion down the river for the benefit of the North Carolina Conted erate Home Fund. Mr. Sublett's gen erous offer will be laid before the As sociation at their nextt meeting and we think likely that it will be accepted. Religious Items. Rev. W. H. Bobbitt. Presiding Elder of Wilmington District, conducted the services at Front Street M. E. Church yesterday. There was a large attend ance both at the morning and night serytce and the sermons were of re markable force and power. Rev. Dr. Yates, of the Front' Street M. E. Church, condcuted services at the Fifth Street M. E. Church last night and there was a large congregation in attendance. There were no regular services at the First Baptist Church yesterday, als though the Sunday school session was held as usual. Personal. Mrs. T. Page Ricaud and daughter are in the city and registered at the Purcell House. Mino Host J. D. Sublett, of tha Hote Brumswick, at Smithville, was in tbe cith yesterday and registered at the Purcell House. Mr. E. A. Hawes, of Point Caswell, and Mrs. Hawes, passed through the city on Saturday, en route for the Blue Sulphur Springs, in West Virginia, where they will remain a month. Mr. Henry A. London, of Pittsboro, with his family, are on a visit to Mr. David G. Worth, at his Summer resi dence, on Greenville Sound. Urave Yard of a Prehistoric Age. Major W. L. Young has shown us a fine collection of phosphates procured from the lands of Mr. R. M. Middleton, near Warsaw. The collection consists of the phosphate rock in overy con ceivable form and size. The colors are represented; there is the black, blue, brown, yellow, gray and white and tri colors of every description. In this ancient grave yard there are found bones of every class and charac ter. The whole animal kingdom ap pears to be represented. There are bones of whales, sharks, sauriansand other marine animals and amphibia, tbe mastadon, bovines and a species of a wild, horse and land animals, all piled and mixed up together in one common sepulchre. Maj. Young, who is getting up a col lection tor the State; Exposition, has already procured many singular and wonderful specimens. Many of hese are of great scientific interest as they show the. jPeculiar types of the North Carolina deposits. In this collection there are a great many copo lites, and the faces of dead animals, and in some instances even the instestinest maw and lungs have become phosphoi ated and changed to stone. Thcro have already been procured rare and beautiful specimens of phos phorated woods of many kinds and wood charred by fire before it was changed to phosphate rock. Some of the wood has been fashioned out by tbe band of man showing tbe evident marks of edged tools. Dr. Palmer, of the Smithsonian Institute, who has examined this collection, says the tool, marks were made by copper I axes used 'by a prehistoric race. MONDAY. AUGUST 4, 1884. NOfl84 Ti Moon in August. The August moon full3 on the 6th (Wednesday) at 6 minutes after 6 o'clock in tbe evening, standard time. She is in conjunction with Neptune on the 13th. the day of her last quarter, and with Saturn on the 16tb. She makes a close'coDj unction with Venus on the 17th at 37 minutes after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, being then 23 minutes north. The waning crescent and tbe radiant morning star will make a love ly celestial picture on the morning ot the 17th, though they are invisible at the time of nearest approach. On the 30tb, the day of her chauge, the moon will b&-at her nearest approach to Jupiter. The two-days-old moon will be near Mercury on the evening ot the 22d, passing 32 minutes north, an' event that snarp-signted observers may behold. , She will pass Uranus on the same evening, and close the circuit by a very close conjunction with Mars, being 10 minutes north on the 24th at 29 minutes after 10 o'clock in the morn iog, but a3 the conjunction takes place in daylight, it can only bo seen in the mind's eye. It will be noticed that the moon pas ses very near Venus on the 17th, Mer cury on the 22d. and Mars on the 24th. She will occult these three planets to observers more favorably situated, or to those whose position corresponds to that of imaginary observers at the earth's centre. This is calledthe moon's geometric position. It means that if a line be tlrawn from the centre ot the earth through the moon it will reach the planet and she will occult the three planets on the dates specified. Obser vers fortunate enough to have a position where this imaginary line cuts the earth's surface will see the moon, sail ing through space, hide from view Venus, Mercury, and Mars in turn, the three occultatiousj taking place within thellimitof seven days. The opportunity would be a favorable one for an excur sion to the centre of the earth. Criminal Oourt.- The August term of this tribunal convened at the Court House at 10 o'clock this forenoon, His Honor Judge O. P. Meares. presiding, and Solicitor B. R. Moore appearing in the interest of the State. The morning hours were consumed in impanelling the jury and in the usual charge to the same, after which the court took a recess until 3 o'clock this afternoon. The following comprise the grand jury for the term : Owen Fennell, foreman; Isbam Sweat' VV. H.-GrifiTth, David Pratt. Thomas Gladden. Amos Alderman, J. W. Al derman, Seth Walton, II. H. Smith, E. P. Craig, J. D. Poisson, R. W. Hicks, John Barry, Rueben Grant, H. M. Emerson, F. P. Howland, E. Van Laer, Jack Hooper. Attempted Burglary. Between 4 and 5 o'clock on Sunday morning one ot the ladies of the house of Mr. W. T. Johnson, on Princess street, between Fourth and Fifth, was aroused by the noise of some one who was attempting to gain an entrance to the building. She immediately called for Mr Johnson, which not only arouse him but alarmed the would bo burglar and the latter made himself scarce at once. ' Members of the Concert Concert Club will meet at the band room at 8 o'clock sharp tornight, whence they will proceed to the Front street depot and furnish musky for the escort ol Gov Jarvis on his arrival In this city. Rev. ATM. Conway is the agent here for the Lives ot Cleveland and Hen dricks, the Democratic Presidential candidates ; also for the Lives of Blaine and Logan and will canvass for their Eale. Rev. Dr. Jos. H. Foy, formerly of this city, of whom we haye recently spoken, received bis degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of North Carolina two years ago, and that of Doctor of -Laws, recently, from the University of Mississippi. Club atKocky Point. Editor Review According to previous notice the Democratic voters of Rocky Point Township met at Rocky Point. The meeting was called to order by Mr. G. B. Lee as member of Town ship Executive committee, who ex plained the object of the meeting to be the formation of a Cleveland, Scales, Stedman and Green club. The following were elected officers of the Club: D.S. Black President; Vice Presidents R. O. Corbett J. T. Walker, A. M. Bo wden James Cowan ; Secreta ries, A. E. Robitzsch and Dan. Black. The National and State Democratic platforms were endorsed and the club pledged its earnest support to the nominees of. the National. Stats and District conventions, A. E. Robitzsch, Sec. Rocky Point Aug. 2, 1884. Beginning Operations. J The Enfflish Court of Anne aL London. ! England, has granted to The Charles a. v ogeier company. Baltimore. Mary land, a perpetual injunction with costs, against Parrott & Co., of that city, for infringement of the former's celebrat ed trade-mark, St. Jacobs Oil. The decision enjoins and restrains,! perpet ually, the said Parrott & Co.. from us ing the term St Davids Oil," or any similar term, as well as the words. "The Great German Remedy.? Emi nent English and American legal talent figured in the ase. The counsel for The Charles A'. Vogeler Company, of which latter. Mr. II. D. Umbstaettcr. was personally present, were Queen's Counsel Theodore Aston, assutd by John Cutler and Theodore MacKenna of London. Rowland Cox, pf New York, and Gen. William Henry Browne, of Washington, D. C4 It is the determination ot the latter firm to promptly prosecute all infringements upon their rights, whether at home or abroad, and they offer a liberal cash reward for information that will lead to the conv iction of any person or persons, in any way soofiending. f . . J Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil Iv d w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale, j QNE ORGAN, ONE BABY CARRIAGE and several other articles, at a Bargain. Alao will rent my Ilouse until Oct. 1st. f J. A. SPRINGES, . as i 1 w 4 )7 Walnut st. . BANK OF NEW HANOVER, Wilmington, N. C, Aus:2, 1S4. hhhe directors of the bank'of new HANOVER have declared a f eml-annual divi dend of Four (4) Per Cent., payable rn the 9th Inst., to stockholders ot record of this date. s. D. WALLACE, aug31t Cashier. At the Old Stand O F PARKER & TAYLOR " "S ou can get anything in their line AT BOTTOM FIGURES. i New BIRD CAGES Justin. PURE WHITE OIL. i aug 4 House Builders. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Locks, Hinges, Butts. Nails, j Window Fastenings, &c. Contractors can save money by-consulting us. Large etock, good assort ment and good snoods. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., aug4 Wilmington, N. C. MOONLIGHT. "yEDNESDAY EVEN ING. Aug. ctb, the 8. teamer PASS PORT will leave her wharf atS 30, run up and down the river, and return at 11 o'clock sharp. Fare 25 cents. Regular Family Excursion on Friday, 8th. . aug 4 It J. W. HARPER. BASE-BALL MATCH ! AT SEA-SIDE PARK, Thursday, August '84, COLUMBIA vs. SEA SIDE PACK, GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING! BICY CLE RACES ! A BIG TIME! . A' COMMODATIONS FOR EVERYBODY. SCOVILLE & CO. aug 2. Country Merchants, WISHING TO BUY GROCERIS, W ILL FIND A FULL STOCK AT t T Kercliner & Calder Bros, At prices to suit dull tlmee MEAT. FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, MEAL, CORN, -HAY, . SALT. LIME, CASE A CAN GOODS. HOOP IRON. BUNGS and GLUE. AT WHOLESALE ONLY. KERCHNER & CALDER BROS., 2.'1 and 223 North Water St., aug 4 Wilmington, N. C. Bargains.! rjpO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR LARGE FALL STOCK we are compelled to CLOSE OUT some REMNANT LINES of J Gents' & Ladies' Low Shoes At prices which CANNOT BE BEATEN. Goods that will giTe you entire satisfaction. Geo. K. Erench & Sons, ICS NORTH FRONT STREET. auar 4 1884. Furniture, 1884. "yHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NEW STOCK arrirlng every day for the FallJTrade. Merchant and others will eaveToconey by placing their orders with me. - Please send for price lbt or call tef ore placing ordera with others. D. A; SMITH. Ixndtare Deaier, N. Front Street . rT.rABS KOIICX tftwQbegUd to rsodvo ccrurualclUca from ocr friends on any an4 all c&bjecta; general Interest but Tie name ol the writer must atari be nlshed to the Editor. CommunlcaUona must be written on on) onesldeoi the paper. PersonsHUes must be avoided And It U especially and partlcuiuly txCe "tood tost the Editor does not always endoi se the views of correspondents unless so stare- In the editorial eohranm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FAMILY EXCURSION TO . - WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND ! T? VERY TUESDAY WAGONETTES WILL leave corner of Fourth and Market Streets, at :30 A. M., for PINDGB O -V IB, and returning leave Soundat 6P. M;- The LAWN, PAVILLION and occ BATH HOUSE can be used free of charge. Tlcnty of BOAT3 for Sai'Ing. Bring your lunch basket If you prefer but .a good PJ(J Flill DINNER will cost you lcs3 atd make you happy. -Farc for the Round Trip only 50 ct s. ' Children half price. A good man will bo in attendance to pre serve order, T. J. SOUTHERLAND, k. wirnv ma vviv: M. FLETCHER MANNING. . Managers. aug 2 2t City Drug Store. 21G MAUKBt STKEET. SODA WATER, WITH PURE FRUIT S RU P. Conoley Cologne, Hair Tonic and Toe Physic (forcorns.) Cigars and Cigarettes. Prescriptions put up at any. hour day and night. Headquarters for Turnpike Tickets. - J. W. CONOLEY, ang2 Manager. DEMOCRATIC RATIFICATION MEETING! T HE RATIFICATION OF THE DEMO- cratic Nominees National, State and Con gresslonal will bo held In front of tho City Hall on Tuesday Evening, the 5th day of August, at .8 o'clock P. M. Gov. Thas. J. Jarvis and Elector of the fcixth Congressional District, Alfred Rowliad, are expected to be present and address the mcetinjr. Those wishing to aLtenrf fmm joining counties will have reduced rates on the umcruni uauroaus, u. it. At., w. W.and W C. A A. R. Rs, 5 cents per mile round trip , J AS. W. KINO, Chairtr an Dem. County Ex. Cora. Star copy Sunday & Tuesday. Sunday Morn ing Mail It aug 2 St CONUNDRUM. "yy HY IS THE STEAMER PASSPORT like a suing Bafld? Because it annot do without its Harper!" DRUGS. PERFUMES, SOAPS, FANCY and Toilet Articles, &c. S Prescriptions a specialty at F. C. MILLER'S, may 26 ... Corter Fourth and Nun sts Hammocks. TUST RECEIVED. THE THIRD LOT OF New HAMMOCKS, Urge and small sizes. BASE BALLS AND BATS, CAPS AND BELTS. Now is the lmo for you gentlemen to supply youreclvcs and I chappy. SUMMER READING for everybody. PlcosO call and make your selections from a larg stock At HEINSBERGER'S, july 28 Live Book and Music Stores. Trusses. gPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BEST MAKES, Braces, FOR MALE AND FEMALE. Complete lino of above articles, various sizes and priccsl For sale by ' ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, DUUGGISTS, wTTiuTxrrrov. v. a. .' i - july 28 Wew Goods! -yy"E BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION toourficc lire of Autogiaph and Cabinet Photograph Albums, handsomely bound In Plush and Russian Leather. Also a beautiful assortment of Ladles' and Gents' Leather Card and Letter Cases, Russian Leather, Alligator and Turkey Morocco; Mexican and 'Uo ton Hammocks, wl'h and without stretchers, f 1.0) to $150. A few ecta and half sets cro quet left. Base Balls. Bats, &c. Special low rates on Stow Cases. Sen! fr priccsT C. W. YATES, julyiS 113 Market Street. THE BEST 5 CENTS CIGAR . . IS . ' " ; TIHIRBER'S No. 5, SOLD AT LAFON'S GROCERY STORE, SSJN.. Front fit, corner Mulberry. ' ' TGlve our " COFEEE a trial. Are uio to pleaxe.' ' . . July SX

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