- MISCELLANEOUS. , -. .,,-..,. - -... - - IIP agj 2 BESTTOMiC. rhis medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure UyspeiHria, Jnttitfestion. WfnUnews Impure Blood, JlnJoria, Chills aiid Fevers, and NsaraJala It ia an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys nod Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to W omen, and all "who lead sedentary lives. It doea not injure the teeth, cause headache.or j-roduce constipation othfr Iron medicines do. 1 1 enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re aves Heartburn and Belching, and strength- For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack cf . 1 1 z.nergy, sc ii nas uquui. , flf The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Ha.leoi.lrbT BB0W5 CUEBICiL CO, BiLTIUCat, H July 11 dAwly tcSdpnrm B u r ii h a m ' s IMPROVED Standard Turbine ! Ia the bet constructed uvi finished, gi?cs better percent age, more power, and is told for l-.ss money, per horsepow er, tnan any other i urbice in the world. Car New pamphlet BUHNHAM BROS, York, l a :r sent free by ju'.y 14 4w The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. AGSE&T MEDICAL WORK OH MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical De!!Uty, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, sud the uoitolJ ralr?erla rcaultlnsf from Indiscretion or excesses. A book tor every man. younjr, mMclle acd and old It contains 125 prescriptions for all acxite and chronic diseases, each one of .tvhih 1 lavala able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years ia such a3 probahly never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 paire3, bound in beautiful French muslin, em boaaed coders, full gilt, guaranteed ti be a tlrier work lu every bense aieclLinieal. literary and professional trmn any otiier work sold in this country for $2.50, or the? money will reminded in every instanve Price only $l.(Ki by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cxa Send now. Gold mo-lai a warded the author by tho National Medical Association, to the oilleers of which he reters. Tuc Science ot Life should b3 read by" the youns? for Instruction, and by the a filleted iov rp'.icf. It will benefit nil Lotion La..- et. 'There la no member f odety to whuia ihi.3 book will not be useful, whether youth pirer.t, guardian. Instructor or ckiryman Argonaut. Address the Pc.i?odv Modical institute, "r !r. W. 11. Parker, No. 4 l--jl!an.?h Street, liaobjn, Maa , who my ba ooobu'.u'd on ell liseasM requiring skill and experience. Chronic and o'.6tla.ite ilise03 tnat hive oallled tho sUil of all fJS g ft B othr Idiveicians 2 Bpecl tv la w & finch treacd Buccessf ul-5" 8J f 8 V?? ly without an In I H S. SL. 3" btance of failure Monti .n thld paper. july 'l d Aw 4w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead; Paints, French Window Glass, GKNCY FOR N. Y. EN AM EL PAINT; GO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. 1ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing Tho fact that our Palntsare from the celebrated Fac torlos of Wetherlll & Co., and Harrison Bros & Co., 13 sufficient jjuarantea for 'their quality and purity. A fine llua of ;Cookmjj Stoves at iFacto' y Prices, in addition to our large and full HARDWARE STOCK, . .... to which your attention is respectfully invited NATII'L J A CO lit", v r - Tt? 10 South Front M First National Bank of Wil mington:, CAPITAL STOCBL .... rzw.&'o SURPLUS FUND -lepooJt reoeled jad colloctlfina made oc It tc4Ul6 Kinf In the United 3tt DIRECTOR?, B. E.SURRCSS. D.i. WORTH A MARTIN. JAS.SPRUNT, UEORQK CHAD BOURN. Orri'JERS . K. E. BURliUS3 . A. K. WALKES . Pr3&ldcnt. .t Cihtrar W. LARKIN3 J. L. WINNER, y ATCUMAKKR A JEWELLER, " W Chronometers, Floe Watches' and Jewelry repaired and warranted. jvOrpositeNew Market, Front St. 3 -THS 1 ML The Daily Review rc)SH. T. JAMES. Editor & Trop. W I I NGTOJI. N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1884. Entered at the PcwtofUce at VTIanlnirton. N. C. 3l3 SOCODft-CilUw M&ttfcf. la discus sins the question what would follow npon the contingency of the Lords 'throwing out tho franclise bill, a second time after it passes the House of Commons again at the autumn session, the English papers are of opinion that Parliament would not therefore be forthwith dissolved. The probability expressed i? that the Commons would pass the bill again and so intensify popular opposition to the Lords and prove that)the loweijhonse would not be forced to an appeal to the country. And already measures are being debated looking to the appointment ot some arbitrating power with whom the tie cisiou should be final in a case of absolute deadlock between the Lords and Commons. But that is a good way off yet. The special telegraphic reports of the I proceedings of the last two Nation! Conventions were unprecedented for their accuracy and completeness. For the four days of the Republican Con vention 1 ,GC0, 178 words were tele graphed special th ough oce of the companies, an average of:415,000 words a day. During the lour days ot the Democratic Convention 1,522,960 words were telegraphed special, or an aver age of over 380,000 words per day. A compaling line, which also did excel lent terviee at fhe Conventions, sent about 70,000 words a day and the other companies probably sent aa amount equal to that. It is sate to assume that over4.0C0,0C0 words of spocials were tei egraphad from Chicago tluriog the eight dcivs that both Conventions were In session. Hundreds of thousands of words were telegraphed the , few days proceeding the assemblage of each o the Conventions, '-and tho revenues from specials to the telegraph compa nies during both Convention weeks at the Chicago offices could not have been less than $50,000. A Washington letter says: "There is no concealing the fact that the Republi cans are a good deal annoyed at the re sult of the Prohibition Convention at i'iiuburjr, Their more cautious leaders don't admit this publicly, butin private they acknowledge that .th.fi action of the Convention in making nominations is very ur. fortunate for "the 'Republican pirly. They admit that this result was brujiJit about through 'the cSbrts of the DduiQoratic leaders. The effect is like ly t- be very material in several of the doubtful States. This is especially true of Ohio and Indiana, where the Prohi bition sentiment is strong. It may also materially affect the general situation in Iowa, where the Prohibition element is large and where Republican majori ties have been wonderfully reduced in the pa?t fow elections. This is also true of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Should the action of the Pittsburg Convention be iollowed by nominations of Prohibi tion candidates in Congressional dis tricts it will probabiy result very favor ably to the Democracy in regard to the National ticket' There is a great deal of talk now about West, Virginia and the Republicans claim that they will be able to carry that Stale id November. They propose to make a big light there and a barrel oi money when they get it is to be spent there in the endeavor to buy up voters. They will be disappointed. Just how the thing stands in that State is "told in the following special to the New Yort World: Wheeling, W. Va , July 31 It i3 a matter otsomc surprise, if not italic nation, that Democrats have seen again and ajain in the Repabiican papers tho boast that IJlame and Ijogan would carry Wesf Virginia. It it difficult to discover what ground there is for such a boast, arid it is very puzzling to know how such an impression was eversnread abroad. Mr. Blaine has about as much real prospect of carrying Kentucky as he has ot carrying West V lrgmia. This State ill give Cleveland fully 15.C00 majority and in October the Democrats are certain to elect their entire State ticket by an equally pronounced major ity. Tho party organization here is in excellent shape, and there are evidences ot the greatest conhdence and activity.- the Kepuoiicans win no doubt .make an earnest fight, with the hope of mak ing inroads on the Democracy. Star Route methods will be adopted and money will be frcely spent, but the uiasse3 of 'the- people here are not of the kind that are bought up on election day with a $5 bill. The report that tbre are Dem ocratic discussions! here of a ny magni tude or real danger ot a bolt is a vagary ot a heated imagination. It 13 true that the Wheeling Register and five or six prominent Democrats have agreed to disagree, but that does not extend to the rank and file of the party, and will have no general effect. The quar rel will net ailect the general yotc in the least. All factions are earnest in their support of Cleveland and the Stale ticket, however much they may differ as to matters of minor importance. The De jiocratic State Convention of J uly 23 was the largest ever held in West Virginia and every nomination, was made unanimous - before a third ballot had been Teached. 4 Tte ticket there made up is strong and popular. The nominee tor Governor will receive more than tho party vote, beiDg espe-1 cially strong with tho workingmen of all parties. The Republicans and Green backers have Tormed a coalition and put a joint Stale ticket in the field. The greatest Greenback strength ever det eloped was in , 1SS0, when they; cast 9,000 votes. To pat their stiength to-day at 4.000 would be a liberal estimate. Of these fully as many are Democrats! as axe Republi cans, in view oi mesa lacis it is aim- cult to discover hw a Democratic plu rality of almost 16.000 over tho Repub licans in October. 1880. can be over come by this Republican-Greenback co alitionr .Further, it is expected that fully one-half of the Greenbackers of the former affiliation will" desert tb'coali tion tickot on account of objections to the partisan and prescriptive record of the fusion nominee lor Governor. Judge Maxwell, their candidate, is a gentleman of character, standing and ability, but he is warmly accused ot having been a leader , of the "test -oath," "suitors' oath." and registration legislation, which for - years alter the war rendered this State an exceedingly uncomfortable abiding place for gentle men ota Democratic turn of mind. From the beginning to the end ot the campaign he will be handicapped with this record, and the conflicts will largely turn upon the original right or.wrone of that style of legislation. The .result" in this State will not for a J I . T TtTl 1 " - moment do in uouoi. xn wneeiing there are bat two Democrats that are now spoken of us Blaine men. They are of Irish nationality, and it is pre dicted that long before the campaign winds up they will be found as they usually are on the Democratic side. But lelt them do what they may, there are more than enough to offset them of Irishmen who voted for Garhe.d who will this year vote for Cleveland, as to the Germans, the Republican revolt among them , grows every day, and it will not be surprising it three-tourths ot the Republican. Germans in West Vir gtnia vote the democratic .National ticket. You can put this btate down as dead sure for the Democracy. The report that it will be anything else is probably due to the prolific Mr. Stephen B. Elkins, who is son-in-law to ex-Sen- ater Davis, of this State. Some of his wife s people living here, he wonld like to carry the State for Blaine, and in this case, as in others where the Re publicans aro interested, this time thef wish i$ father to the thought. Iifttle Specks n th i sinuses of the teeth soon grow nto apppallins; cavities, it disregarded. Check advancing decay at the outset with SOZODONT, . and the pain of toothache," the wretchedness of eating with unsound teeth, and the dyspeptic symptoms caused by swallowing half- masticated food may be prevented. 1 Ins aromatic and salutary article per- umesThe breath, and remedies sponffi- ness of the gums.' Its popularity is unbounded. AUGUST ANTICS. "Mary, be careful, mv child, when going out. Have a will of your own." 'Ob, I've got a Will of my own, mother but he can t be with me all the time." According to a physician: sudden right is a cure for seasickness.. The diffir culty is to procure ihat medicine; , tor a erson who is, right down seasick doesn't care a continental. whether the old ship sinks or not. - : . There i3 a new book. "Whirlwinds, Cyclones and Tornadoes," just issued, which we have not read, but judging trom its title, it must be the reminis cence of a man who found his wife awake when ho came home along in he atternoon of the nighrT -Mevchant- Traveler Diphtheria is a terrible thins to have in the family, but since it ha9 been dis covered that it is fatal to cats it is ex pected that there will be ? quite a de mand for it. A,, chunk of diphtheria aid out in the backyard at night will k 11 off more cats and make ' less noise han forty boot-jacks. Peek's Stm. "Good morning, John," said a pastor to a young friend whom he met on a warm day. "How does your father stand the heat?" The younjr roan made no reply, but went away with a clouded brow. And. when the good pastor learned that the young man's lathes had died only a week before, he understood why his cordial . greeting was met so coldly. .... . The Doctor's Endorsement. Dr. W. P. Wright, Cincinnati, O., 3ontls the subjoined professional en dorsement: "I have prescribed DU. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS in a great number of cases, and always with success Ono caae in particular was given up by several physicians who had beeo called in ior consultation with myself. The patient naa ail toe symptoms of confirmed con sumptioncold night sweats, hectic fever, barrassing coughs,, etc. He commenced immediately to set better. and was soon restored to his usual health. I also 'found DR. WM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS the most valuable expectorant for breaking up distressing coughs and coias." - . . . The foundation of the meanest man i aid when a small boy turns the worm hole in an apple for hi3 companion to one irom. - ; The Testimony of Pliyslclan. James Beecher; M. D., of Sigourney Iowa, says Tor several years I have been using & Coueh Balsam, called DR. WM, HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, and in almost every case throughout my practice I have . had . i .. . entire success, a nave usea and pre scribed hundreds of bottles ever since the days of my army practice (1863), wnen i was sureeon ot Hospital No. 7, Louisville, Ky. . Henry's Carbolic Salve. It is the Best Salve for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, .Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains.' Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. , - t: DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures all ' anectiors or the mucous membrane, of the head and throat. Red" Horse Powders cure diseases in animals, " . Ana You arc Manjv v - J!?o ma tier bow ya gntlt Benson's Capcine i'oroas i-jas.er3 wiu care your dyspepsia, I July 1 4w i The regtster.of Hyde Abbey. Win chester, written in the reign of Canute. is still in existence, and forms part of the Ashburnham colieclion. Itclilng Pilct-.symptomi and Care. The symptomrare mal3tnre. like ncrsDlra tion. Intense itching, increased by ecr&teblox; very d stressing, particularly at tight; secma atf rla-worm. were cxawling in and about roe recium ; cne private- parts Are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results xnayrouow. JWAlKfi'S OlST MKNT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, !aU Rheum, Scald Head, Jirysip. elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, hr mail, 50 ctij S for $1,. 25. Address, DR. iWAYK SON, Phila,, Pa. Sold by Drugslsts. ..... may 2 Ly deod&w , - f m w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. & E. 8. LATIMER, 1 . . . Attornevs-at-Law. Office S. E. Cor. Princess andVater;sta. an 7 Something New. fJlIIE "LBMOCRATIC BOOM" IS THE Best Five Cents Cigar pold In the city and It Is sold only at the NORTH STATE SALOON, where also you will find the-best Clemmer Whiskey at 10 cents a ' drink and the Coolest Beer In the city, iy 23 tf - J. M. MC30WA.N & SON, Library Lamps. fJIHE HANDSOMEST AND LARGEST As sortment ever eeen In this city. XG8 I amps and Lamp Goods a specialty. GILES & MUBCHISON'S, July 21 .33 and 40 Uurchison Block House Builders. 'x HABDW ARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Locks, Hinges, Butts. Nails, Window fcastenlncj. &c. Contractors can ava mnnftr by consulting us. Large stoqk, good assort ment ana good goods. W. E. SPRINGER A f!0. . Successors to John Dawson & Co., july 27 Wilmington, N. C. . Whose debility, exhausted powers, premature decay and failure to perform life's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc, will find a perfect and lasting . restoration to robunt health and Tieoront manhood in THE MARSTON BOLUS. Is either stomach drarckie nor instruments. Thistrcatcientof erxou l e bllity and rhTwleiilDeeavisnmforml er,vv.fr.i imhui n nrk new and dlr-eet methods and absolntethor: onrhnew, Fnll Information and Troatise free. Address Uonsmtmer l iiysicjan oi MARSTON REMEDY CO., 46 W.14thSL, KewYork. nov 97. 1tpa1w t Ih MORPHINE HABIT &; H. H. KAKB, of th. Dv-Qufnccy ome. anir offer a KtmulT vhnlir nynneeft.rhl.lfq0ielIlymdi.,lIlr. Fortesthn liAlsandendarsemeutafPomriBlnentmedicalraenaJiddresa IL U. KAIK, A.M., JUD., 10 Flta St.,Bw XorkCity. A farerlts pr-scrbBllbn cf sne offM laost noted and noceMnl tpecia 1JLnLii' (now retired) tor the enre of JTerw DebtMVi Explain 11 nYtlorjV. Drugglaiseaa ttUiSt Address OIL WAjftO 4 CO.. Loultisna. Ma ' WfcARr UHUhVhLUPhUCAK i o QPKP. STRENGTHENED." Etc. isan interesting ertiment tong run iaourpnper. An reply toT a-.m-ies we wi 1 say tuat taere is no evidence of nnm- bngnboutthie. On tbe oontrary, theadvertiserB are T?ry highly indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circnlars giving aTrarticnlarsbyTaTessinar apl!6 7 ,: ? j ..y-;; iyd&w , 'AFTER EUctric AppHancss ars tent en 30 Days' Trial; TO MEfl OflLY; YOUSQ OR OLD. .T"STHO are enffertnc from Nistodi Dxmutk. VV Lost Vitautt, Lack or .NiitTi Foaca ass. Viooa, Wisnxo wiAOEtsn, and all tboee diseases if i Fksohal Katvrv resulting from Abuses and thxh CAtrsxs.' Spcody rwlief and complete, resto- Uun of health, V iocs and KAKHOOD OUARAXTEED. Ike craadest discovery f the Nineteenth Oenturr. .nd at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free Address vaiTAis 8tttga,Kia.asHAtL; wish. nov7 lyeodAv ty t th s FOE rumaanrii nr r..i . i r " TLrui- Physical weakness, lost mattUwd,r- ynwraiiuii, om mam oiiBdlscFetioaa. UCWMtdruTUlAa rnr.lh.UrBUIv. ""v" " win ear every ease proaapu ta u nail to a. r-i.w . . . n lirv w I M. n7 aiierer a inai pseaare a receipt of IS eeats for postas-,te. Da. AO.Oua, dot 27 vendAw th AKAKESIS" fives inittnn 'to, and la an infalibU cure ior f iles-; Frlce si. at drtiggist8, or cent pre paid by mall. Samnle frs. Ad. "ANAKE8IS" Ala-era. Box 2,6 New York. 1884. Furniture. 1884. ynOLESALE AND BET AIL. NEW STOCE arriving ever r day for the FallJTrade. llerchint and others . will save money by placing their orders with rae. Please send for price Hat or can kefoie placing order with others. ' v .t D. A. SMITH.' Wea ( beforeVand rrmn raw III II l 1-1 F I I SJrt "j nil i vn (t Lb) 111111 ,f 'f ' BAIXlIOADDp Ccu Wiimingtpn, ColumW a Auista R.111. Co. orncB or ozsksxl 8umunizxixsi't. Wllmlnjcton, N. C July 11.18F4. : i e of Schedule. AND- ATTHl "JULY ISth;" 1SS4, at v.w a. ax., sne reuowmg t twnrer Sehed ale will be run on this road : f - - NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Noa. 4S West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington.. 9.05 P. 11 Leave Florence. 2.40 A. 1L Arrive ataCAA. Junction..... 6,20 A. IL Arrive at Columbia.... a.40 A. M. Leave Columbia.... ...... .....4.;... 9.55 P. M. Leave C C. & A. Junction.... in a p. it. ioave x lorence.... ................. 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wlhnlgtoni..........s.-8.85 A. M. Night Mail astd Passekqxb Tsaxk, Dxwt vj nisi. Leave Wlhnlngton. Arrive at Florence. ......10.20 P. M 1.25 A. M MAIL AND PASSENGER v TRAIN DAILY No. 43 Eaat. ' ' . Leave Fierence at-............;...4.05'P. M. yvrrive at rr uuungton ......8.05 P. M AritinwoiopBaiaiiHiauona. j - - No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, and Marlon. taisert lor lumDia ana au points on G. ft C. B. R.. C. A A.R.R.8tt1riTn Xivn .Tktw. tion, and all points hevond. hnnM tVa th Separate Pullman 1 siMnAr& fn inmt, n Train 40. . r t- All trains run solid bAtwMit niiriMtrm Wllmlnsrton. i Local' freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. ; m JOHN F. DIVINE, m General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. jUly .15 - ..: ..... i.V. Wilmington & ; Weldon Railroad Company. WICB Of GENEBAL StTFKBlSTEKDSarT, I r f .... v - ... Wilmington, N. C., May 9, 18S4. Changeof Schedule. 1 ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 1884.AT 9.00 A. M., Passenger Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : . DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY " NOS. 47 NOKTH AKD 4$ SOUTH. Leave W lunlngton, Front St. De'pet, - 9.00 A. M Arrive at Weldon ........2.85 P. M Leave Weldon.. j..... 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wlhn'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.35 P. 21 Fast Thbough mail a Passkngek Tsatxx ? Daily No. 40 South. ? -- Leave weldon. ;i . . . . 5.35 p. m. Arrive at Wllm'gton.Front St. D'p't 10.C0P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY V t v :i No,43North.j Leave Wilmington..... ....... 1. J..- 8.83 P. M, ii-rrive ai weuion... ..; 2.35 A. M Train No. 40 South will stop'only at Wilson, Trains nn TarhnrrTTOT1Vi DAkd t w t.- I Mount for Tarboro at L20 P. M. and 4.30 P I ... e. j . ; . " . I y, 0u11uavB excepteai; ueturnine I leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A. M Dally. on ouoiiaiKi jNeca xsrancn itoad leave nauitix ior ocoiiana xsecK at3.Z5 P.M. Ro tarring leave Scotland Neck at 8.S0 A. M daily except Sunday, . ... . j . :., Train No. 47 mate close connection' at Wel don for all points North Dalhr. . AU rat) V5r Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bar "Jne. ' rr; ' , . . . ; , , :.; J Train No. 43 runs dallv and inakmolrtnA atnti 1 1" afamgCOn. nection for all Points North via Richmond aad 1 All hVftlYl Win AAlffi Ketnra'sM ITiImIu Washington, and have Pullman . Pr!x. &t.-n. ers attached. t ' ' ....... ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmineton at ?8.n5"A.,.M -. nuil.ATiwnl rur accuuinjouKon oi locai xravei a passen dWV,o " .. .. - r- '-r! --- JOHN F. DIVINE, : T. M. EMERSON, Genera" Passenger Agetu. Carolina Central R.. B, !' ' 3 11 company. I OlflCS O GKNEHAL S0PEBJKTEMDK3TT, I ' ., . Wntnl,rtnn. W: n. j in I' t . of Schedule. r Qf A2H AFTKS MAT 12th, 1884, TH following beneatuerwlll be operated on this PASSENGEfi HACLAND KXPKESS TSAlk j " ; Daily except Sundaya. i-e-; ''"''- 'T f r " ...... 1 Ii&ave Wllriuiigtonat.4...i.7.80P. M No.1 . i xjeave ttajeigaat. ......7.85 P, M J Arrive at Charlotte at...... 7.03 A. il V Leaye Charlotte A K ( No. 2. J Arrive Kalelgh at . . .. .. ..1.8.80 A.. M , j Arrive at wurnington 4t....8.t0 A. M Paesenzer Tralna ston &t wntinr autirm only, and points designated In the Companv Time Table. V , J SHELBY DIVISION,; PASSEMUEB,"lfAII. KiPItESS AN1VFKEIGHT. , - r . Dallv ereent SnndaW V No. S. totte.'...v........ 5.15 P. M. , ;. c Axnyeat JSheiDy.-....;i..; 9 00 P. It Ko m I LeaveShaJby.. 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte....;i...lo:45 a! l 1 Arabia No. 1 and 2 make eloae connection t uoujuck niui jew a a- -jvr&ina tn ann fmm r.i ; Through Sleepbia' Cars between WThDlartos and Charlotte and Kaleiirh anri rtitrinft. 'Take Train, No. lfor 8UtesvUle 8tottona Western NCEE, Aahevllle and points Weat. Also, for Spartanbursr, GreenvUki, Athena, Atlanta and all points Southwest. - : ; - oupermicnaent. F. w. CLARK, General Passenger Agent? mav 10 .'?' fJi.i . 1 Wagqh ette JpOE . WEIGHTS VILLE BODS D, win leav dontherland's Stables DAILV ai6P.lL sharp. EetumlDg, vrlll lave Sound at S Ai M. sharp , June 25 tt . T. J. SODHISKLAND. Woticei , THUK FIKM. I!P nOLUKGSWORTIT A m.: has been changed this day by Ihe ' reUremea I of 8. H. TCIMDLE and the alpiIsslon of T. P. SYKES. The baalness will be condacte ' - - r :. .' f - . .... as heretofore under the name and style of July 9. tf HOiKGSWOETII A CO. Board.: A EW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE Xa.'accommodated durlnz the Sn mm rt months at reaonable rates. Pleasant location, good attendance and the best the market affords. - Tran&lfint rmarripra iicmmmn.to h ihn day or week. 1111. ROBERT LEE. . , Jt 113 lUrket Street, . Jaljmydftw .Tllrslnston. If. C. ' HlCTLLAKr,nTT ts. Pears, NVbortkbeTrlr? Pl. toes. Watermelons and. CbeiS: Chickens and K-T J"1 , nUlon,Te. t ""w nuranteed. gi. ; of, "y EXPECIKD BY WELXIsd.w MILAN CMP and dl the lat popular now. Every possibie ers and other &a:- sola, white and cok rs, all prk stamping pu Ec81ectfulr MISS I?. K AltRKR mav 26 , ' i.., .m. . ' The Excursion and Pic PW OPEN AND r.. WMJUaVwoik0?11, wuuiuu its the well known Barber and where he will spare no nt ,T. J 55 r. faction ti alL ComesodTZ: 'r-WS Choice New Crop Molasses SECOND CARGO HOW LANDING AND WILT.' , PROMPTLY PEOMWIIAW At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. 1884. ., . Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. . -Bern Weekly stands at the head of 4me lean filustrated : weekly, Journals. - By lu Bi partisan position In pondes; Its admlrttk C lustrations, its carcfull chosen serials, ihoit and poems, contrlbnted hr mo zoremost artlats and anthnra nt t 6 -.w. WyAJLO. carries Instruction and entertainment to toon. a i nanus oi American cornea. It will alwavs be the aim of the nnhtlhm to make Harper's tfeelly the most popular and attractive family newspaper In the world, and, In the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant Improvement In all ttewn. turus w men nave gamea ir u ine eonudeace. sympathy, and support ot Its large army ot ! Harper'sIPeriodicalSa j v" ... Per Year: ' HARPER'S WEEKLY fi vw S M HARPER'S AlAGAZIKiV.6C:l;: 4 J M HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... ...... 1 N ilAKFSB S X BAKKLIa oQDASX UBKaXT ; ' DnA Vm ML KnmrM 1 . i IB H .Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of Ihe Weekly begin with tie hrst Number for January ot each year. Whet no tune Is mentioned. It will be usdentoM that the subscriber wishes to commence wlU the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Pour Annual Volumes of Earpttt Weekly, In neat cloth binding, 1U be seat bj mall, postage paid, or by express, free of tx pease (provided the freight does not txctti one dollar per volume), for $7 W per vohusa Cloth - Cases for each volume, suitable lor bliidlng, will be sent by mau, postpaid, oa r celpt of $1 00 each. . i , rv- Remittances should be made by FostOflu Money Order or Draft, to avo'd duxnee of wa .. i Newspapers are not to copy, this tdTeruee ment without the express order of Hxxrii HARJfER A BltOTBm. -v T, rrn tyrvvva irf1krff IT 1MB. to close out. Also, a large stock of Pll 481 Smokljg Tobacco, at very, low prices, ft the Best Faflorlea In Virgin?. j Cigars anid Cigarettes By the mlllllon, at the Office of 5 CAPE FEAR TOBACCO W0BKS jy 21 If . ? -r.". No. 13i KorthKfiria i Dn Mptt's Powders' NEVER PAIL TO CUBS Uon of the idnys. GraveL Gtoet.sori ores and all Urinary dlseaees. fJZr.ad rnysicai uebiuty, beniiai " Jtv those untold miseries raused by Indite or Excesses. Syphilis in an ws r-r nenUy cared.: 1 ellow or Urown PO and bodyoreThroat and Nose, fccrora Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all iY5. diseases Urinarv diseases cured U tTkc Price $3. Enc'ose the money tf4a 8TRVM.ua jb- ro Rattrmore. Aid- be sent by mall sealed. Tor "l iSy gists ; sent by maU. JufrT4i. ' 1 PRINTING PRESS WE 11VX 1Qt A PBT5TfJ sale a second-hand ADAMS' PRESS In good eonaiuoB. " vr.urT- bargain.- Write to us for tents .. Hon, Addieas THE HUM'. ' c. July 21 i nww..(- - TJoriday l ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL 34 large consf gnmests of Applcsi Peaches, Fe Chickens, Eggs and all other country P15' Thcae goods must be eoM at once. . CJC . ' ' A. W. IiAVENBAEi.,; Tto Urt Grocer mad toii p - ia iwi ""7 y ci

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