MISCELLANEOUS. Mia. THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia IndfretIon, Weakness Impure Blood, HIalaria,ChIUs and Fevers, and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all "who lead sedentary lives. Jtdoes not injure the teeth, carise headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicine do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re ' "Vrves Heartburn and Belehing, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of .energy, &c., it has no equal. 5- The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. ffladeeuljby BUOWS CHEMICAL CO, B.ILTIBOKF, 3H July It dJfcwly tc2dpnrm B urn Ii a m ' s IMPROVED Standard Turbine! Is the best constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and la told for less money, per horsepow er, taan any other turbine in the world. S" New pamphlet BURNHAM BROS, York, fa sent free by July 14 4vr The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. 7 LIFE i 'KHOW THYSELF, A GREAT MEDICAL VORK OK MANHOOD, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Dehility, Premature Decline in Man, Krrors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book lor every man. young, middle azed and old It contains 125 prescriptions ' for all acute and chronic diseases,. each ous of whl-h la invalu able. So founl by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em boated coders, full gilt, guaranteed' to be a liner work in every sense uiecUinieal. literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $ 2.50, or the money will b reiunded In every instance Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts Send now. .Gold "medal 'awarded the' author by the Nalional Medical-Association, to the ofilcers of which he refers. Tue Science of Lire should bo read by the youn for Instruction, and by the afflicted for rellof. It rtll benelit all London Lancet. There Is no member f society to whom this uuui vviii uui uv uauiui, wncincr youm parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman Argonaut Address the Pcabody Medical Institute, nr Dr. VV. II. Parker, No. 4 Bulliinch Street. Boston, Mass , who may be consulted on all diseases requiring atvill and experience. Chronic and obstinate disc apes that have oanied the skill of all jj g A other phvsicians a specialty Hi & Baa Such treated sucecsaf ul-F BJB f 5 fS? 1 CT W Without an in- I tTi I W SiLr stance of failure Monti m thts paper. july '4 dAw 4w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White 'Lead, Paints, - French Window Glass. !' - UliNUX 1TUK A. I. JSNAMKlirAlNl, j CO3 READY PHEPARED PAINT. t QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact that ourPainta are from the celebrated Fac toxics of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros & Co., la sufficient guarantee for ;thelr quality and purity. A fine line of ;Cooking stoves at Facto y Prices, in addition to our larjre and full . HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention Is respectfully invited NATH'L JACOB!. awptt 10 Konth Front St First National Bank of Wil mington.; CAPITA!, STOCK ... 2S0,(X0 HOCO SURPLUS FUND. repoella received and collections; made oi 1 teeeMlbld points In the United State DIRECTORS E. B. 3URSDSS, D. Q. WQRTB JL. MARTIN, " J AS. SPRUNT.B3 UEORQS CHAD BOURN. ' OFFICERS. K. K. BCRRUSS....... . PreaXdent. Cuhler AVat Ctshtex W. LARKIKS J. L. WINNER, ."--.-.' TTATCUMAKER JEWELLER, Chronometers, Floe Wtchea Ft A nl Jewelry repaired and warranted. Opposite Kew Market, Front St. 8 V VAJ . t V AW Mi-' W The Daily Review. ;nSH. T. JAMES.' Editor, & Prop. TUESDAY, AUGUST, 5, 1884. "otetrrt at the Postofliee at Wilmington, N. C, as second-class matter. f The Supreme Court of Aucooa, Italy, ha3 given a judgment by w&ich the PoDe has recovered half a million of francs which had been seized in 1861 by the Bureau of Crown Lands and the Department of Public Worship. This decision wili force the Italian Govern ment to pay several millions, because many ether arbitrary confiscations of the same kind have been committed, which must, of course, all be restored, with the payment of damages. It ha3 been at length discovered what are ex-Senator Conkljog's preferences in the present political contest. At a recent temperance meeting at Ocean Grove in the interest of St, John, Dan iel and Prohibition, Mr. Conkling sat on the platform and acted as patron of the orator, enthusiastically applauding bis attacks on John Barleycorn! Tec totalism is a new feature of'the ex Senator's creed, and it is surmised by the Washington Star that its adoption must be due to the precepts and exam ple of his friend, R. B. Hayes. I i Two suits have been commenced in the New York Superior Court by Dan iel Connor, to recover ten thousand dol lars damages for the loss of his two children in the steamship State of Flor ida, which was sunk in mid-ocean in April last by collision with tho barque Pomona. The case i3 to the liability of the steamship company for the j loss of life attending the sinking of the StaU of Florida, and is to be followed by a suit to test the company's liability lor loss of property. The . suits wili be reached in October. The announcement that there is a rrtviif- rlonrtb rV fa m o la fofifhora fur" the public schools of London just now would be amazing and distressing were it not accompanied by the statement that the scarcity comes from the fact the standard of examination for teachers has been raised till fevv women feel equal to the ordeal. It would be a sad remedy to lower the standard, as some are urging. Bat it would be yery ratifying to learn that women were so applying themselves that they could paps the examination with! ease. Women seem by nature especially adapted to the teaching of children, but this is a case in which mere natural instinct and aptitude are not enough of themselves. The H-m. F. O. Mason, for a long period judge of Ontario county, New fork, and law partner of the Hon. Charles J. Folger, will vote tor j Cleve land. Mr. Mason was a delegate to the Convention which nominated Gen. Garfield, and is a gentleman of high character and conceded ability. Mr. Mason, in a recent letter says: 4Blaine represents all that is lowest in tone, most reprehensible in methods and most reckless in spirit in the Republi can party." Of the Democratic nomi nee he says: "Clevelasd has not yet ha 1 a long career, but it has been long enough to show that he possesses hon es, y and courage ; that he regards pub lic office as a public trust for the bene fit of the people, and not merely fur a parly; that be is sincere in his desire to reform the civil service and remove it from partisan control, and isinfavor of hoaest government economically administered." The members of the British Associa tion forihe Advancement of Science are about to invade Canada j nearly seven hundred strong. After meeting annually at various piaces year by year in the United Kingdom, always hospi tably received and always drawing large numbers of persons to listen to the reading of paDers on various sub jects and to the discussions that grow out of them, these British notabilities have determined on the scientific con" quest of Canada by including Montreal as one of its meeting places, j There will be a grand time in the old Cana. dian city when these seasons open, and there will be no lack of entertainments for the distinguished visitors at the same time. Philadelphia has" been awakened to the fact that these repre sentatives of advanced science are to hold forth in Montreal, and, as it is fitting, the kindred American associa tion has extended a warm invitation to their British workers in the same scientific field to visit Philadelphia at the close of the Montreal meeting, and be present at the sessions of the Ameri - i can scientists, who have postponed their meeting for this purpose until Septem ber 4. Some of them haye already notified the American secretary of their acceptance of the invitation, and it is estimated that at least two hundred and fifty of them will be preseni at the date indicated, and there is no donbt that they will have a good time genes rally. As well expect life without air, as health without pure blood. Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Verdi hia nearly finished the new opera on which he has been, laboring for se veral years. .The composer speaks of it as bis best work: The story which Verdi has taken- for his libretta Js "Othello," a subject which undoubtedly admits of magnificent treatment. The part otlago is considerably toned down in the opera, the vi.l an being white washed to a great extent. . An air. for Desdemona in the last act, which she sing just before the arrival of tha irate Othello on the scene Is spoken of as one of the pearls of lha opera. - A. very significant straw comes to us from Cleveland, Ohio, the chief city of the Western reserve, where the Republi cans in years - past have , been' in the habit of rolling up tremendous ma jority for anything and anybody bear ing the Republican label. A special election was held in the twenty-first ward for the choice of a member of the City Council. The Republicans fully expected to e'ect their man and had made loud boasts of a large Irish Demo cratic defection. They put lorth" every eflort to carry the election -because upon its result hinged the political com plexion of the board. Imagine their astonishment when,' upon counting the yotes, after a sharp contest, it was found that the Democrats had won by 63 majority, a clear Democratic gain over the spring election of 532 votes. It was a square, stand-up fight and a most signigcant Democratic victory. The much talked dIrish bolt did not take place and the German Repub licans voted the Democratic ticket, almost to a man. The Plaindealer was so elated that it forthwith went to its coop and brought out one of its handsomest roosters ; which crowed for the signal and significant Democratic victory. , V Who has Cold Feet? The poor fellow whose blood does not circulate vigorously, whose liver is half asleep, whose stomach is in poor order, and whose digestive apparatus has gone back on him, can never make his feet warm until ho puts his stomach, blood, liver aud digestion into good condition. He can do this by the aid of Brown's Iron Bitters. Of this prince of tonics, Mr. V. C. Fuller, of Montgomery, Ala., says: I took Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility, and am greatly im proved." AUGUST ANTICS. A sandwich An African belle. Life. A checkmate The rich husband. Boston Post. r An Ohio newspaper speaks of a man being bruised by tho emphatic gesture of a mule Smoking does not agree with some people, but it always seems to soot the chimney. Boston Bulletin. 'This is a warm wave," said the man whose irate wife flaunted a hot fire-shovel in his face. Kew York Jour nal. Love, some one says,, destroys the ap petite. That man evidently never was in the vicinity ot an ice cream saloon wit his best girl. Boston Budget, Wives are very presumptuous crea tures. They are always asking for a lock of their lovers' hair before mar riage and taking it without asking after wards. " A New York paper savs heels are lower this season." Heal9 are as high as ever here : the doctors charge three dollars a visit. Boston Commercial Bulletin A youth may be firmly convinced that love is blind, but it will be just as well for him to avoid ice cream saloons when he is out walking with his girl. Js. Jr. Journal. . Mr. Morse, of Hartford, has taught school for sixtv-one years. Mr. Morse thinks that birch trees make the best shade for a schoolhouse front. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Little Specks in th sinuses of the teeth soon grow into apppalling cavities,1 it disregareded. Check advancing deoar nt tho -outset with SOZODONT,' and the pain ;of lootnacne, tne wretcnedness : oi, eating with unsound teeth',-and the dyspeptic symptoms caused oy swallowing' nali- masiicaiea lood may be prevented. This aromatic and salntarv article ner- f times the breath, and remedies spongi- r a.i t . . uess ui me gums, its popularity is unoounaea. Northwestern Lumberman: It takes a sawmill man to successfully run a saw- The Testimony of a Physician. James Beecher, M. D., of Sigourney Iowa, says for several years I. have been usine a Coueh Balsam: called DR. WM HALL'S BALSAM FOR -THE LUNGS, and -in almost every case throughout my practice " I have had entire success. I have used and " pre- senned nundreds or bottles ever since the days of my army practice (1863), when I was surgeon of Hospital No. 7. Liouisyiue, iy. Henry's Carbolic Salve. It is the Best Salve for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures all affections of the mucous membrane, of the bead and throat. Red Horse Powders cure diseases in animais. : Hcnrv 1 Ward Beecher? Th m.n who lives for himself will-have the privilege ot Deins bis own mourner when he dies. , Heart Paios. - Palpitation, Dropsidal Swelling, Dizziness. Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplsseness cured by 44 Wells' Health Renewer." - ' - - . od " - A Fair Offer - 'S, Trie Voltaic Belt Co.; Marshall, Mich offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial; for thirty days, to men, younff or "old. afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, andJ kindrea troubles. , See advertisement in paper, tthseow&' " It i the opi nion of Sardon, the dramatist, that stage gestures vary with the times. Young Men, Middle Aged Men and All Men who'suffer from early indis cretions will find Allen's Brain Food the most powerful iuvigorant ever in troduced ; once restored by it there is no relapse. Try it; it never fails. SI; 6 for 85. 'At druggists, or bv mail from J. H.Allen, 315 First Ave"., New York City. ; eod Ana You are Many. No matter how you got It Benson Ca peine Porous Plasters will care your dyspepsia, july 14 4w - The Kamlschalkans ing off. are rapidly dy- A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF C H ARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. - Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. eod d&w ly One of the reasons urged by the ad vocates of the postal delivery system io a sm all city was; that the office should seek the man, not the man the office. Itcliing Pilea-symptoma and Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like per a pi ra tlon, Intense itching. Increased by scratehlnx; very d'streeeing, particularly at night; seems as li pin-wotm were crawling In ana about the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWAINE'S OINT MENT" Is a pleasant, sure cute. Also, for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 50 cts ; 3 for $1, 25. Address, DR. SWATHE & SON, Phila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. may 2 ly deod&w , f m w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. & E. S. LATIMER, . Attornevs-at-Law. Offtce S. E. Cor. Princess and;Water;sts. - jan 7 - - SomethiDg New. HP HE "LEMOCRATIC BOOSI" IS THE JL Best Five Cents Cigar pold in the city and it is sold only at the NORTn STATE SALOON, where alao you will find the best Clemmer Whiskey at 10 cents a drink and the Coolest Beer In the city, iy 23 tf J. M. MCiOWAN & SON. Library Lamps. - fJlHS HANDSOMEST. AND LARGEST AS sortment ever seen In this city. W Lamps and Lamp Goods a specialty. GILES & MURCHiSON'S. julyl v 88 aud. 40 ,MurclgmL Block.! WeakNeriusli Krmi.--i,1 KLi-XIL "f f Whose debility, exhansted POWeri. nremainr - i.nv " and failure to perform life's iutie. properly are caused by ciuooBit errora or JTOUU1, et will find a perfect and lasti restoration to robust health' and vigorous manhood in THR MARSTON BOLUS. Neither stomach dragging nor instruments. This treatment of Ncrrmn Debility and Phrtlcil I DecnviiiTirifftnnW meeessfnl because baWd on terfect diiurnnsia. new und direct method and absolute thorw ncnncis. null mtormation ana Treatise free. A-aaress uonsniting lnysician 01 MARSTON REMEDYC0.,46V.14lhSt.t New York. pniMORPHIIlE HABIT -?3i."e""p MmMiJ leUy mm4 paUleatlj. For tesUmo . J" "d.endoronienti from rmiDeot BMdiod moncddreaM vm ob,xiav xmrx vltr. (. REUABLE SELF-CURE aJ 'A favoVlteTtirpscrltrtloil of one Of fhf kneatBOted ivl successful peeiaJlata la the U. S now retired) for the cure of JVervosM J9eoilMf jbomt JXctM fcoodt, Wcntenm and Mxv. Sent (a plain aealedenvelope're Druggists caafUii6t s Address DR. WARD 6 00.. louittaat Mfe? WEAK, UIIDEVELOPED PARTS OP THE HUMAN BODY KXLARGED, DEVEI OPED. STRENGTHENED." Et isaw intwstiiii adTertiseme nt 1 ongroir m onrppfrtIn reply to in qairies we will say that there is no evidence of bom- bugsbontthis. On the oontrary. Tertisersare Trynignly indorsed. TnTerested persons msy r-efc sTaTeTcTrCTiTarBHgTyingT aU rrticuTar7T?yTQ7ewsng E-K1K AlKDICAltOO.. Butfaio, . Y. Toletia Acqiwwy hr? aplis Syd&w ctric Appliances are seat ca 30 Davs' TrbL 'TO 'MEM ONLY, YOUMQ OR OLD, W-HQ are Hifferln from Kkktocs Dnrurr. , "AS Vrr.yTT- Women Ami TieoB. WasTixe Mr eakvesexs. aad ail those ifrtmsrs t a Pusosal Manrax ntmlting from Ascsxs and Aran CACsaa.- Spe!y relief aad complete resto tatton of Haai.-rm.V aoos, mni JlaxBoon Ovabavtiib, Km grandest discovery ot the Xinetcenth Oeatarr juid at ocm tor liiutrxed Pijnpilet free. Addnae .-y TSITA13 BUT CO tl ABSKAll. WUH. ttHs mm f BEFOREV- and -vafterS iriAJXIIOADa, Wilmington, Columbih I Angnsta B. Co. I Change of Scheduled N AND . AFTER JULY 13th. 1884. at KJ 9. CO A m., the following' Paasencer Sehed ne will be run on this road : l NlOHT EXPRESS TRADXS. OADLT Noa. 48 . Wectand47 East.' I Leave Wilmington 9.05 P. H TiutmlWrnnA : 1 u l i Arrive at C. C & A. Junction..... 6.20 A. UL Arrive at Columbia-... ...... .....i. R.40 JL. 1L Leave Columbia.. .................i. 9.55 P. M, Leave u., u. s a. wuncuon.......;.io.so p. m. ijcavo x wrence.... ................. .au jl. AL Arrive at Wllmlton...-......M4.;8. A. M. NIOHT oLtTX, AKT VASSKSQKR TXjOH. DAXX.T NO. 40 WT. 1 Leave Wllmlmrtoii- . .1 ' f Arrive at Florence.... .... ...........iu.zu jr. jo. L25A.M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN -No. 43 East.'-' '.vH DAXX.T Leave Flercnce at.....; ...J..4.05 P. M. Arrive i Wilmington.. ....... ......8.05 P. 11 Train 43 stops at all StaUomv. - - - - Btupa aii lemmjrion, ana Aiarion. Passengers for Columbia and all points oa G. ftC.lL R.. C. A A.R.R.Sta.ttana It Van .W on. and all points beyond, should take the Senarate Pnllmtn ftlmmm fo ; a nn-n.f n Train 40. ! 7. , .All trains run solid between Charleston and tt mningxon. Local freight leaves WUmlngton dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. a . JOHN F.DIVINE, T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger AgenL Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. J Wilmington.' N. C. May 9, 88i. J Change of Schedule. 1 ON ANDATTER JUL.Y 13th, 1884.AT 9.00 A. M., Passensrer Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will ran as f olio vs : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAXX.Y Nos. 47 North ax 48 South.- i Leave Wlbalneton, front St. Dept 9.00 A. ArrlTe at Weldon.....;............ 2.85 P. Leave Weldon . . : l j 9.MP M M M W Arrive at Wllm'gton. Front St. Dit. 8.35 P. fast Through Mail & Paj3kngkb Tbatutt Dailt No. 46 South. I ; v.w ' ! . Leave Weldon.. ............... ....j 5.3VP.M. Arrive at Wllm'gton.Front 8t. D'pt 10.00P. 2d . MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 North. I Leave Wllmlnirton...... .....I 8.S5 P. M. Arrive at Weldon....... , .. 2.85 AJ M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky aiouni ior xarDoro ai l.'io v. ax. and 4.30 P. M. Dally, 1 Sundays excepted).! Retumlnir leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A. 11 Dally. irauio uu ouuuoiiu xecK xrancq ttoau leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.S0 A. M. dally except Sunday. 5 I '1 ; Train No. 47 makes close connection at We dnn fnr nil Mint Hnrth noii a 11 4i rRichmond, and dally except Sunday via Baj Train No. 43 mns daflv nrH ma to. oUea nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and All trains run solid between Wl'mlngton an Washington, and have Pullman Palace 81eep ers attached. . , 3,. For accommodation of local travel a cassec- ger coach will be attached to local freight leav- ing Wilmington at ;.55 ;a. M. Dally except Sunday. i - JOHN F. DIVINE, 1 fJnA-ml SnrtArint-ATtHatnl ' T. M. EMERSON, Genera Passenger Ajeest. JU1V iO - -, i Carolina Central JR. B. 3 M Company. Oitiob ow GcnssAX SupkriktebtdxbTi Wilmington, N. C, May 10,il84;i,: l of Schedule, o N AND AFTER MAY. 12th. 1884. THE following acneaoie will be operated on this Railroad: PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIV Dally except Sundays, j Leave Wilmington at.i....L .7.S0 P. M Leave Raleigh at....; .7.35 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at.....; .7.00 A. M Leave Charlotte at.. ...... 1.8.45 P. M Arrive Raleleh at... .8.30 A. M No. 1.J No. 2.) ) Arrive at Wilmington at....8.C0 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regular station, only, and points designated In the Company! Time Table. : ;i - SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAJg. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. T wn , j Leave Cnarlotte. 5.15 P. M. ? I Arrive at Shelby..........; 9.00 P. M. Ko X Leave8helb7........i;....i 7.00 A. M. ay-: Arrive at Charlotte....... il0.45 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral eigh. , . r. . Through SleepmgCars between Wllmlngtox amd Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Station Western N C R R, AshevUle and points West. Also, for 8partanbarg, Green vllle, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES. . - Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agents mav 10 -- - ' ' - . Wagonette pOR WRJ HT8 VILLE SOUNDj will leave sou ther land's Stable s DAILY at 6 P.M. shar. Returning, will Wve Sound at 7 aI M. sharp June 25 tf J T. J. SOUTHER LAN D. : fJTHE FIRM. JT HILLING 3 WORTH & CO.t has been changed this day by the ! retlrcmen of S. H. TRIMBLE and the 'admission of T. P.SYKE3. The business will be conduete as heretofore under the name and style of July 8 tf . HOLLISG3WOBTH A CO. f , Board. A FEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BK accommodated during the Summer months at reasonable rates. Pleasant location, good tendance and tho best the market affords. u7 or week. . MRS. ROBERT LEE. . - Jfc " 113 Market Street, julylllydAw nialngtca, X. C It to o actaT Kiacuoq guaranteed. Glren.rrJ1 U4 "sf " OF- tArawlsD BY WEUXtt, . MILAN CHIP and ail the Rom popular now. Every posalbie shae cf rtta er. and other Ttlmmlrgs. Kew lototPla sols, wklte and col, rs. aU Uslc. Kid and Lace. NewSUmph . . Respectfully MIS3 E. KARRER. may 26 - K The Excursion and Pic Choice New Crop Molassei SECOND CXUGO NOW LANDING AND WILL EX PROMPTLY, FROM WIIAIUr At Lbv iPrice. WORTH&WORTH. 1884. Harper's Weekly; ' ILLUSTRATED. Harper Weekly stands at the head of amcr lean Illustrated wecklr Journals. By iu bb partisan position In politics, its admirable 11 lustrations, its carefully chosen serials. Bhort etorlcs, sketches, and poems, contributed b? thef oremost artists and authors of the flay, ft carries instruction and entertainment to tbou sands of American homes. it will alwavs be the aim of the pnbll&bm to make Uarper'a Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world, and, in the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant Improvement In all these fea tures which have gained fer tt the confidence, sy mpathy, and support of its large army ft? VMava aa. Harper'sIPeriodicals. . -k,-;,. Per, Year: v HARPER'S WEEKLY... ........... .....t 00 . HARPER'S MAGAZINE........ ........ 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR........ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... ...... 180 Harper's Frakkldt Squars Libsast, One Year (52 Numcers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. ! The Volumes of the WetUy begin with the first Number for Jannarr of each-vear. Wbea no . time is mentioned, it will be understood tnat tne subscriber wishes to commence wua the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Eorptri Weeklu. in neat cloth blndlnr. will be sent by mail, noatapa nalrl. or k atth-mU. frea of tx pease (provided the freight does not exceed one aouar per volume), ior f7 w per voiuaw. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. ' Remittances sbonld be made bv P06t-0St Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of toM. Newspapers are not to copy this adTertue ment without the express order of Bartei C brothers. Address HARFER a bbotbkks,- Qnov?3 NewYori" . At Cost! rVEB COO BOXES TOBACCO AT CCWi to cJp?e out. Also, a Urge Btopk of Plof V Smoking Tobacco, at very low price, the Best Faf lories In Virginia. ' Cigars and Cigarettes By the mlllllon, at the Office of CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WOBES. Jy tf No. 122 North Mret Dr. Mott's Powders N1 EVER FAIL TO CUBE INIXA tlon of the KMimmtl GraveL GteeUBUKi ores and all Urtnarv diseases. Kerroo ss Physical Debility, tieniul Weakseas saoa- those untoldtoseries caused by Indlif- or Excesses. Syphihs in aU Its forms Vfrr nenUy cu'ed. 1 ellow or Brown spotsj ik . , " j o m . : a .r--.. ilia. V Sores. Jdcxema, Tetter and all Blood "r diseases. Urinary diseases cured la'Jr Price f3. Enc'ose the money tc STEVENS CO., BaQmorev dSr be sent by mail sealed. For sale, by jyjjy gUta; sent toyman. jnlylf 7J- For JSale s PRINTING PRESS WE HAVE 10 sale a- second-hand ADAafS ; Ji!l?Jtt PRESS in rood condition. We effer bargain. Write to us for tents and detew TJonay HD ALL THE IfZZK. YOU WILL large eons! gmenU of Apples, Peaches, Pes Chlckms, Eggs aad all other eouairy l NO. 129 MARiTaTirEPT where he will spare no pSm 5 5rf:T faction t aU. ComesoSJf u ytn ttu r? These goods must be sold a c3 a! W. EIVENBABE.., The Live Grocer and commission rB aBMWv.cu in aorta Water July