"MISCELLANEOUS THE GREATy HfllEJIA (.TRAMP AND JiJinMkfHIIEiM r - III f7 S USED ' rfy OVER 25 TEAKS . . 1 ii0BterT;'1'""e-Co"l,P,alnVl,7",?"laI ,bffVrafwlli .tomaciandfcott. Introduced in ,ne e!fVf Parveyor-Gcneral ; Hon. Ke- mT Krner. Solicitor C. S. Treurr, nod oUier.. Price r,.th Kivncr. o Drnea,i((M an(i Dealer.. Oolj genuine if - nam" is bloWn ia bottle. Sole proprietor.. THE CHARLES A. VQGElEJt COMPART, BitTWUBC, Mo., L..8- A. j,lch IV d&W. Capital 1'rize $75,OOU.Jl Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Wt do her Uy certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings tJtemselves, and that the fflwe ure conducted with honesty, fairness, and i'n gnod fadh toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver 'iserr.ents." 4 r& Kw 6 Commissioners. Incorporated In 1S68 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $l,000,OOQto which a cserve fund of over $550,000 has since been iMed. . . rtir on (M7Drmholm1n(r TWrvnljl.1 VOtf) 113 I ra.H chide was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed oy the people of any araie. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single NumbCT Drawings take ll:icc monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing, Class II. in the Apadmy of Music, at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 12, ISSt 171 bt Monthly Draw- lng. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 1 Canital Prize of 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,00c 10,000 10,000 .- 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 :. 25,000 2 Prizes of $6,000 . 5 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 3(10 Prizes of ' 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 2,000 1,000 500 200..... 100 50 25.... APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 50. 9 250. 6,750 4,500 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or- For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make F. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mail or Express (all sums of.$5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPIIIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C july l.Vwcd-sat 4w-d&w By the Light of Day. PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE PRESENT HELP IN THE NEW ERA. "I remember when they were putting up the poles for the first telegraph line In the State of New York, and now look there!" ex claimed a citizen of the metropolis to his friend, as the two stood on the summit of the all Equitable Building In Broadway. "The flty Is strung with wires like a harp, and elec trie communication is the dally miracle of the wor'.il . People no longer wonder and laugh at u as they did at Morse when he first suggest ed iu possibility." The age marches on and prejudice must give way. Nobody has a monopoly of truth. Even the conservative guild of physicians admit that the secrets of medlclre are shared by all men. I dressed his wound and God healed "ira, said old Galen. Once that tenrlble dls ease, Rheumatism, was supposed to be a shift "ipr. local ailment, now attacking the joints ana now the muscle 3. To day It 1 demonstra te' to be a disease of the blood. Mro. Henry Bogert, of No. 454 Atlantic Ave J'uc. Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to Messrs. His Vb. ? of Ncw York, proprietors of PAR OUS TONIC, that "she had been completely disabled trom KheumaUsm and pain in the "cfc and limbs, the was advised to take the josic for KUney disease. She did so, and s!! ftcawi disappeared. 5 he reason Is '"TU'le. Diseased Kidneys' produce rheuniat- sv-mptems. Cure them and you destroy Jlhcu This Is now admitted by all intern al .physicians. It la the new lighi thrown r Umc-worn and mistaken theories. I wf.flKER'S TONIC which is a combination of MVsl remedies for the blood known to s jZfK 13 universally successful in combat wfcV"J8 tCr"lbly common complaint. Those o, lite Mrs. Bogert, suffer from Kidney or. wer tiia3es or any complaint arising from "Pure blood, will find tho TONIC a prompt J" .certain remedy. Prices, toe and $1 per in. i Tne rger size tho cheaper. .June n im nrmd&w r. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. AriLL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL crtiand Genital Weakness caused by indls Tric? 1 aml vlolaUns the laws of health, Curt c HUNTER'S PILLS Vclw i! al1 It) forms and stages, Sorp Th Brown pots on the face and body, ma itwat Xoae, Scrofula, Tetter, Kcze Bli.nifwf6118411011 Sal Rbeum and -all Strict,,. bln Diseases, Urinary Diseases and ever f .UVT'S FKM4LK FKISND Bions r,;8.1 IrregulariUes or Supprcs ietenSj. b? COI(1a or disease. - Married cauthnj11 tn ddicai tat or health are neytn? f."8 , Pric $3. Enclose the vXi i vUllcT .nwidiclae to FRANK STE wnt bv rn.nTJ53,1111110 ' and It will be - w IrtSite?Lrcs ffaled.' yor sale by J T h e D a i I y R e v i ew. . IDLE WORDS. O Idle words ! Why will ye never die. But float forever in the sky, Dimming the stars that shine in memory. -Destroying hope and causing love from earth to flee. Ill-omened birds. O idle word 3 ! Preying upon the heart. Leaving with wounds a deadly smart; Expiring breath that taints the very air' Will yp forever leave your victims to despair? Ill-omened birds. O idle words! How manv am thf trar? That ye have caused to flow ; the fears xe have begot and made to mountains grow. Crushing the innocent beneath a weight oi woe, Ill-omened birds. .() idle words! Your flight is ever on. In heaven darkening the sun ; By weary iourneyings without delay, To wend your dreary way unto the judgment day. Ill-omened birds. Ecery Other Saturday. The limst deadly foe to all malarial desease is Ayer's Azaa Care, a com bination ot vegetable ingredients only. of which the most valuable is used in no other known preparation. This remedy is an absolute and certain specrhc, and succeeds when all other medicines laii. A cure is warranted. Original High Art. "Do you ever print any art items in your paper?" asked a rather seedy-look ing man with Ion? hair, a sloach' hat. and paint on Ins lingers, edging into the rosfs inner sanctum the other dav. "Because," continued the young man. scowling critically at u cheap chromo on the wall, "oecause I thought if you cared to report the progress of a real sc3ineiic art culture ou mis coast you might send your art critic around to my studia to take some note." 'Might, eh?" said the editor. "Yes, sir. For instance, there's mammoth winter storm landscape I've just finished for Mr. Mudd. the bonanza King. It's called A Hail Storm In the Adirondack,' and a visitor who sat near it the other day caught a sore throat in le3s than fifteen minutes. Tho illusion is so perfect, you understand. Why, I had to put on the finishing touches with my ulster and arctic over shoes on. -Don't say!" "i act, sir; and then there1 a little animal gem I did for Governor Gerkins the other day portrait of his Scotch terrier, Soap. The morning it was done a cat got into the studio, and the minute it saw tho picture it went through the window like a ten-inch shell," "Did, eh?". "Yes, and the oddest thing about it was that when I next looked at the can vas the dog's hair was standing up all along his back like a porcupine. Now, how do you account lor that?" "Dunno." i "It just beat me. When the Gov ernor examined the work he insisted on my painting on a post with a dog chain ed to it. Said he didn't know what might happen." "Good scheme," growled the editor. "Wasn't it though? But my best hold, however, ii water views. You know Mr. George Bromley, and how abstracted he is sometimes. Well, he cropped in one morning and brought up before aneigntby twelve of the San Joanquin River wit a boat in the fore- grovnd. I'm blessed it he didn't absent mindedly take off his coat and step clear through the canvas trying to jump into the boat thought he'd go out row ing, you know." "Have they carried out that journey man with the small-pox?" said the editor, winking at the foreman, who had come in just then from the composing room to swear to copy. "Small-pox? That reminds me of a realistic subject I'm engaged on now, entitled "The Plague in Egypt." L had only completed tour of the principa fagures when, last luesday, the janitor, who sleeps ia the next room, was taken out to the hospital with the most pro nounced case of leprosy you ever saw, and this morning the boy who mixed the paints began to scale off like a slate roof. I don't really know whether to keep on with the work or not How does it strike you?" "It strikes me you had better slide,1 said the nnjesthetic molder of public opinion. "Don't care to send a reporter around.'"' "No, sir." "Wouldn't like to order a life-size 'Gutenberg Discovering the Printing Press,' eh?" "Nary order." "Don't want a seven-by-nine group ot the staff done in oil or crayon?" "No," said the editor, as he again lowered himself into the depths of a leader on the Roumanian imbroglio: "but if you care to touch up two win, dow frames, some desk legs; and tho flehting editor's black eye for four bits and a lot of comic exchanges, you can sail in." ; "It's a whack!" promptly ejaculated thtj disciple of aesthetic culture, and bor row ing a cigarette from the dramatic critic on account, ho drifted off after his brushes. San Francisco rosL Why suffer with Malaria ? Emory's Standard Cuke Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases ; purely vegetable. 25 cents, eod .Dark complexions coming into favor, it is said there is now what i3 known as sunburnt powder introduced for the make-up of lades' faces, both young and old, who would faia keep up with the procession, A. Fair Offer Tiie Voltaic Belt Co.,of Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, . to men,: old and' young, a 111 ic ted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and ..many other diseases. - - See advertisement in this paper. " -,tthseow&w V. . Mrs. Itfurpby'g Improvement. "Now. eintlemen " said Mrs. Mur phy to the Journal man nd other boarders before thev had concluded their evening meal, "I bears and . sees by yer lcoss some complaints formnst the food phawt I gives ye. Am I right ur am I wrong, sors?" All smile and look slvlv at each other. but say nothing. "No answer. Verv well. sors. Now I'll tell ye phawt I'm coin' to do. Av course it will be a great expines, but I'm determined to plaze ye let it cost phawt it will.". . Bravo! bravo! Mrs. Murphy!" "God bless you!" "Generous woman!" We'll pay up Saturday night !"and other like exclamations of delight rang out irom the hungry boarders' throats. x is, I'm determined to plaze ye. I'm going to be aqual to the fashiona ble hotel in Newport, 1 am." 'UQpd!" "Hnwlrl rri n m imitn nn h.paF- v T like ye all as if ye were me own child ren, an' I'm goin' to have at aich male nice printed r rosranioies wid the names of the different articles on the table in Frinch wurrads, and nice. xew napkins so stiff that you can't bend them, fixed up stoylishly an' sticken out of aich of yer tumblers, an' then you 11 rind a great difference in the food, I'll war rant ye. And then a mournful procession moved in silence out of the roou. Kentucky Slate Journal. .mm. "KouetIi oil -Corns." Ask for Wells' "Raugh on Corns " 15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions eod Platform of tiie Democratic . . Party of North. Carolina. We again congratulate the people of North Carolina on the career of peaee prosperity and good government on which she entered after the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and which has been unbroken for so many years since; upon tho mst and impartial enforcement of the laws; up on the efficiency of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man i tested in every part ot the State. And we again challenge a comparison be twecn this state of things and the crimes , outrages and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders ; and we pledge ourselves to exert, in the future, as we have done in Ihe past, our best efforts to promote the material interests ot all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia ted in the platforms of the party, it is hereby Resolved. That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box as the only sure means of pre serving our free American institutions, and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage, in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the liberties of ihe State and the Union. Besolved, That we are in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the wholo internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to the freedom ot elections, and a source of great annoyance and cor ruption in its practical operation. fieolved, That no government has a right to burden its - people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de'. riyed, exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Kepresentatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Besolved, That with respect to the tariff wc reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed in the National Democratic plat forms and that. the details of the method by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradually reached, are subjects which the party's representa tives at the Federal capitol must be trusted to adjust; but in our opinion the duties on foreign importation should be lovied for tho production of public revenue, and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the burdens of taxation and confer the greatest good to the greatest number ot the American people. Besolved, That the course ot the Democratie party in furtherance of popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment of graded and. normal schools in the larger towns and accessible centers, is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of all classes otour people and we will promote and improve the present educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. And whereas, Therais now -more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the pockets of the people by unjust taxation on the part of the Republican party, therefore, Besolved, That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues of the government for educational pur poses as may be mado by the Congress of the United States; provided always, has the same shall be disbursed by State agents and not accompanied by objectionable features and embarrass, ing conditions. Besolved, That it is due to the white people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne their share oi our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other equally effectiye system of county government, shall be maintained. Besolved, That in view ot the-exist-ing and increasing harmony and kind ly feeling between the two races in this State and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other Southern States, we deprecate the attempt of the Republican party in its recent platform at Chicago to force civil rights as a living issue, and we denounce it as a fire-brand and a hypo critical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to the whites ofthe South, and tending to stir up strife between the now Iriendly races. -r? . " ' -, Heart" Pains, Palpitation, Dropsicial i Swelling, Dizziness. . Indigestion, Headache,. Sleeplsseness cured by "Wells Health. Resewer." cca ' MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising Cheats ! ! ! "It iias become so common to beirin an article in an elegant interesting style. A hen run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est term3 as possible, o induce people "To cive them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything else." xhe BEMEDr so favorably noticed in au the paperB, Religious and secular, la "Havlrg a large sale, End Is supplanting all other medl'lnes. There Is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have snown great snrewdness and ability In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable te every one's observation." Did She Die? "No ! "She lingered and suffered along. pining away all the time for years," ihe doctors doins her no good ;" "And at last was cured bv this Hod Bitters the papers say so much about." "indeed ! Indeed!" "How thankful we should be for that medicine. : A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. "irom a complication of kidney, liv er, rneumauc trouble and .Nervous de bility, - "Under Ihe care of the best physi cians, ' Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief. "And now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it. The Pakents. Father Is Getting Well. "My daughters say: "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared inci r able." A Lady of Utica, N. Y. S- None genuine without a bunch of gri en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hops" In tneir name. juiy vi im aw nrm AS AN EVD1ENCE OF THE POPUtAMY OF Royster's Candies fXSR LAST WEEK'S SALES NEARLY doubled thoso of previous weeks, and general satisfaction has ensued. FRESH, PURE AND WHOLESOME, 3 lbs for $1.00. Kaiser Imported Beer, TROPIC BEER; AND THE Scotch and English Ales will keep you cool when nothing else will. P. L. BRIDQERS &00 HO North Front St. july 28 New York & Wilmington . Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, Aug 2 BENEFACTOR... .Saturday, Aug. 9 REGULATOR ..Saturday, Aug. 16 BENEFACTOR. Saturday, Aug. 23 REQULATOR ..Saturday. Aug. 30 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR Saturday Aug.. 2 REGULATOR Saturday Aug. 9 BENEFACTOR. .....Saturday Aug. 16 REGULATOR Saturday Aug 23 BENEFACTOR...... ...Saturday Aug. 30 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Point In North and South Carolina. Fox Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8 MALL BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington. N. C WM. P. Cl.YDK Jk fXX flnnl Ajwnfe, 35 Broadway. New Yors luly 29 tr ?p0ELLi HOUSE. "TJNDER NSW MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON, H. C . ' B. JU PERRY, Proprietor. ,:L : lata Proprietor Allan Uo HoteL - Flrst-CI&ss ia an Ita appointment. Tsrma tZZi to 3. CO pcrCij. ., ; . - , - - MISCELLANEOUS. Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JUST RECEIVING BY A. C LINE ani N Y. Steamer, all of which will po sold low In quantities to suit. SCO bpslts.j V. , Meal, 73 Boxes Lemons, 25 tubs Va. and & a Y. Batter Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour j ".-Bacon. Laid, dC . . tr -BLAIR. June 12 No. 19 N. Second Street. Dyed. AT MONACH'S, 16H SECOND STREET.be- tween Market nd Princess. Ladles and Gen Uemen's goods of every description, any, color. it'' Also, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Send ; t me a pair of vour old Kid Glov6 ( , , , . ;; : FREE) Thousand of caaea of Krpisas Srbillt r, mn tml and physical waaknesg. luet manboud.ur- Tooa prostration, toe reslta or indiacTetlouB. 'exceaae. or any cause, enrtfd fey N FRVIT 1 Strong faith that it -will car vrrrj eaae prompts mo to nd to any sanerer trial package on receipt of 13 cents for poata,etc. Da. A. O. Oua, uox zu, uucago, ill. 4"nov 27 veodAw t th . j "ANAKESli? glrcs instan relief, and ;is an inf alible cure for fli.ES fnee ?l, at druggists, or cent pre naid bv mall. Sample free. Ad. "anaiesis" Makers. . Box 2.41Q New York. For the Campaign. rilHE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN Ul'OM JL which tiie people of North Carolina are just preparing to enter will, beyond all ques tion, be one of great excitementras well .13 one of vital Importance to them, it will be no child's play. ! All that ia needed to insure Democratic euc cess and continued prosperity to' the state is a plain, truthful statement of what are now the facts of history, or are dally- becoming so. The reasons for Democratic victory, anttthe even stronger reasons for Republican dcreat, are abundant, and It is the purpofcc of THE REGISTER to do its ful part In lay In a; them before the people. I As the best means In its powct o this end, and in answer to appeals, the Register will be furnished al such low rates as to put it in the reach of every one duilng tho present State and Presidential ampalans. If we all do our full duty, victory will sure ly be with us; but that duty will leave u no idle time. There must be early work, late work, work all the time. If :jood govern ment and a people's prosperity are, worth working for, let us all go to workl and at once. CAMPAIGN KATES. The Register will be furnlshled to Clubs, until November 15, at the following rates: 0e copy, 50c; five copies. , ten copies, $3 75; twenty copies, $7; fifty cobles, $15; one hundred copies, $28. In every cise the paper will be sent until the returns of the election shall, be received and published, and we Invite tho; attention of Executive Committees of Counties and Town ships, and of all others interested, to the Cam paign Register as a sure and cheap means of furnishing information to the people. Address Raleigh Register, Raleigh, N.C. DOCUMENFNO 1.-J1884. DEMOCRACY vs. REPUBLICANISM. Handbook of North Carolina Politics foe 1884. I The Platforms, The Parties, and The Issues Thoroughly Discussc. ' The lnfl&encc of "Document Np. 1," issued by the Democratic State Executive Committee in 1882, was generally recognized as decisive in that year's campaign. I A similar Handbook h.s been prepared for this year's use, and will be issued! immediate ly after the session of the Chicago Democrat ic Convention. . The Handbook will be a well printed pam phlet of about 150 pages, 8vo , and will con tain the fullest Information on milters involv ed in this year's elections. M Document No 1, for 1884, will be-j supplied at TEN DOLLARS PER HUNDRED, the actual cash cost of type-setting, paper a press work. In order that the size of the edition may determined, prompt orders are requested. Address, RALEIGH REGISTER iulylu Raleigh, N. 1884. - . i Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED r Harper's Bazar is at once the 11 and useful Household Journal ! 1 It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion this country. Its fashion plates are the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and econamic suggestions alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its illustrations of art needlework are from the best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. -Its stories, poems, and essays are by tho first American and European authors. Its choice art plcturce would fill portfolios, and Its humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found in any jour nal In America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 18S4: - r Harper's Periodicals. Per Year; ' y HARPER'S BAZAR...; $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY.... J-J 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE..-...... 1 50 Harper's Franklin square librarv. One Year (52 Numbers) .......10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Nnmber next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes oi Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will re sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does cot exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 (X) fper volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bindlngwill be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of 1 00 each - j I Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbahee of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advert! ee ment without the express order of Harpek & Brothers. Addresa i HARPER A BROTAERS, nnwia New Yorlr Ice. Ice. Ice. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY the citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of CHOICE ICE. and am now fully prepared to 11 orders at LOW PRICES, by the Barrel. Hogshead or Car Load, to all points on the Railroads or Rivers, and hope to secure a reasonable hare ot patronage. b. H. AHRENS, - - ... Proprietor cl Xstt Ice Hocse. Ecr'Ifcr Pliers. jST3 27 In FOR TRIAL i inn rzrr;ri 0 . CIS 'WHOLESALE PFI ES. Tho" following following quotruomr reprcccn priees generally. In making up rs higher prices haTC to bo charged wholesale email orders BAGGING , Standard........... 1 lb ..... 11 o 10UO BACON North Carolina: Hams, V fi...... 15 , Shoulders, V lb 10 O Sides. lb 11 a - WESTERN SMOKED Hams.. 16. O Sides. & H O . Shoulders . ....... 94 H DRY SALTED Sides, V ft IXMO . Shoulders, V fb " 00 O 11 BARRELS Spirits Turpent!ner Second Hand, each...... 175 O New New York, each... .... 1 90 O S 00 New Clty.cach 1 60 1 9G BEESWAX, V lb.......... 28 0 00 BRICKS, V M BUTT Ell, lb North Carolina............... S O - 25 . Northern........ ............. 20 O 85 CANDLES, V ft Sperm 18 O 25 TaUow . 11 12 Adamantlae............MM.. 12 O 12 CilEESk, " ft Northern Factory............ 1SHO It Dairy, Cream 14 ti I4fe State 10 O 12 .. COFFEE, lb Java ... ............. 17 O ' 15 lAguyra.. .................... . 1219 1 ia 11 UO IS CORN MEAL, V bus., In sacks S3 O -67t COTTON TIES. bundle.... 1 bO O 1 7t , A DOMESTICS - Sheeting, 4-4, yd 1 840 Yarns, V bunch. ....... 5 a 1 EGGS. V dozen 16 O 17 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl. ...... 16 00 20 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. S 5a 10 0C Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 9 CO 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. 5 00 tD 5 50 . Mackerel, No. 8, V bbl.. 7 75 O 8 00 Mullets. bbL ... 4 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 8f N. C. ltoe Herring, V keg.... S 00 Of 4 00 - Dry Cod. V lb.. 5 O FERTIUZER3, V 2,000 fts Peruvian Guano, No. 1.......57 50 tt&i 5G , " No. 2. S8 00 mi 00 . " ' Lobos.... ..00 00 T51 00 Uaisgb's I'hcPhatc ......00 00 GGQ 00 Carolina Fertilizer.. ...45 00 4250 00 - Ground Bone.. .............. .00 00 . 4940 00 Bone Meal 00 00 45 00 v Bone Flour ...........00 00 4957 00 ' Navassa Guano.. .............49 00 4945 0C Complete Manure ........00 00 P67 0C Whann's Phosphate 00 00 O70 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 O70 00 : Jierger 'A Butz's, Phosphate. .00 00 OG0 W v Excellenza Cotton FertiUzer.55 00 60 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 O 7 50 v" French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 50 'O 9 0 v FLOUR, V bbl Fine............ 0 00 Oi 25 Northern Super 4 75 O 5 25 Extra 5 75 0 6 21 " Family..... 6 50 & 8 00 City MHls Extra.... 6 00 tt 6 60 FamUy 5 75 O 6 03 Extra Family.... 6 00 a 50 GLUE V ft IT O 12 ' GRAIN, v bushel ' Corn, from store, bags, white. 8) O 8" 1 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. '.4 a Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. 72 0 75 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. 0 uu Oats, from store 65 0 67 Cow Peas 1 25 0 1 75 HIDES, V ft Green...... 5""0 8 Hrv..... 11 a U ; HAY, V 100 fts . - . , Eastern 1 20 0 1 25 Western 1 15 0 1 25 -1 North River 75 0 85 HOOP tIRON, Vft 30 "J LARD, V ft Northern 100 14 V ; North Carolina 00 0- 10 LIME,V barrel..... no O ' LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawed. 13 00 020 0C Rough Edge Plank.... .15 00 016 0t West IndlaCargocs.accordlng -1 to quality 13 00 018 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 022 00 Scautllng and Board. comn.-12 00 015 MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhds 32 0 16 " in bbls...... 3J 0. 4J Porto Rico, luhhds 32 0 58" . 0 4 In bbls 3J 0 (5 Sugar House, In hhds. ........ 00 0 00 . ' In bbls 36 0 23 Syrup, in bbls 40 0 80 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basis.. 0 00 0 3 5C . OILS, V gallon- ; - Kerosene '. 11 0 Lard 1 10 0 1 45 Linseed . 90 0 1 00 Rosin 90 0 1 00 ' Tar 00 0 B3 Deck and Spar 00 0 22 POULTRY- . Chickens, live, grown... .... 21 0 " Spring... 10 0 Tarkeys 75 0 1 PEANUTS V bushel 110 0 5: POTATOES, V bushel Sweet to 0 , Irish, V bbl 2 00 0 2 PORK, W barrel . City Mess 23 6C 024 , Prime..... J... 16 00 017 Rump.......... 17 00 0I8 . RICE Carolina. ft 4U0 Rough, V bushel 95 0 1 RAGS, V ft Country City...... 1V.0 ROPE, V ft 14H0 SALT, V sack, Alum 00 0 75' Livcrpoo 00 0 75 Lisbon ................. 00 0 00 . American....... 00 0 75 SUGAR, V ft-Cuba .. 00 0 00 Porto iuco. po 0 00 A Coffee 00 a 6U ..... 00 0 72 ' CV20 7 Ex C 6iO 6fc Crushed ; 1OU0 11 - SOAP, v ft Northern... 6 0 lU SHINGLES, 7 in. VM .....10 60 011 00 Common 2 60 0 3 00 Cyprcs3;Saps 4 60 0 6 00 Cyprecs Hearts 0 00 0 7 5a- - STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel..l2 00 018 00 . - R. O. Hogshead..... 00 00 010 00 - TALLOW, V ft 4 0 6 TIMBER. V M feet Shipping. 12 00" 014 00 ffMjQl 1125 013 00 MllJrime 7 60 0 8 60 ' Mill Fair 6 000 60 Common Mill 5 00 0 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 0 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 0 4 00 North Carolina.. .......... ...1 00 0 2 60 WOOL, V ft Washed i 0 22 Unwashed J5 0" ft Butty.. , 10 0 15 Mortgage Sale. - 1 ., BY VIRTUE OF THE POWKR OF SALE contained In a certain deed of mortgsro j made by S L. Fremont and wife, ct aL to W. A. Cumming, recorded in Brunswick county, . in Book , pages 25 to 30 of the office of Reg lstcrof Deeds, and which said mortgage, and the debt thereby secured, was in duo course " of asaignmen t, transferred to William M. Cum- ming, the undersigned as Attorney for said William M. Cumming, will expose for sale to the hlghc&t bidder for ca&h, at public auction, at tho Court House door in the city of Wil mlngton, on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1Sj4, at 12 o'clock. M.-thc following described property situate In Brunswick County, known ' as clarendon Plantation Beginning on the West bank of the Csic Fear River at the mouth of the Canal, runs thence up said Canal 8. 61 W 124 poles to a China tree on the highlands dl recuy in front of the dwcUimr, thence N. 62 W. 3 j poles to a China tree, thenco 8. 72.WS54 poles to a stake, thence b. 74 W. 41 poles to a stake, thence . 3 K. 22 polls to a dogwcod tree, thence S. to E 204 poles to a black um, thence N . 24 E. 116 poles to a stake, thence K, 1 fi po!s along a bank to the Cape Fear Ulver. thence along the banks of tbe river about 2c 5 poles to tbe mouth of tbe Canal, the begin. -' nlsg. Also one other tract, beginning at tno mouth of said Canal. ' runs thence along tho " first of the above mentioned tract to the high land to a China tree,, thence N. 62 W. 3? poles to a China tree, th nee 71 W. 334 poles to a ' ' stake, tfceace N. 70 W. t2 tjoIcs to a Cypress near the ran of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of said creek to tho ' " rice field, about 220 poles, thence With said " creek on the north side N. WE. JCa poles to the junctlitt of Beayr Dsra. with llallory ' reek, thence with ea!d MaUorr Creek to the -rtver. about 123 poles, thence along the banks thereof to the teginuing. - Containing by cttl mate l.ou) acres more or less. . J. D. LLAMY. Js. . . , - t