MISCELLANEOUS . IB.WOHTHIMCTOH AND jfe v-.t r-cicd for Cholera. Cramp, D!ar- ff - WYSl2V " tomac and bowel, latrodueed 7'-$ scrirn -Genera U.S.A. Eecow , :r2 Arn-r- prre-r-(ieneral ; Hob. Kcn- errl b-T, ' e'Htor V. S. Trejisnry and ether. Pric. ct ?nf, y'rorfiu and Dealer. Only genuine if S'M" 'is b'oin in bottle. Sole proprietors. THE CKA3LES A. VSGELE8 COKPARY, -J t Sen iv - ' jjev Vers & WUmihgton Steamship Co. FKOM IMKRX-t, BAST .'RIVjfcR, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock,' P. M. KULATOP..... Saturday, Aug. 5 DEN F ACTOR Saturday, Aug.. 9 RWil'i.ATOli .i ..Saturday, Aug. 16 KEN'tFACTOU Saturday, Aug. 23 rK'jLXATOK . .Saturday. Aug. 30 FROM WILMINGTON : EESEFACTO-t ......Saturday Aug. 2 EEGU ATOI1 ......Saturday Aug. 9 UE.VE FACTOR .Saturday Aug. lC EeGULATOK.. :...Saturday Aug. 23 BLXEFACTOU '. .Saturday Aug. 30 Mr Throuch Bills Lading and Lowest iJiro-iKt: liAten guaranteed, to and Irorn Points In North and South Carolina. Tor Fralt;iit or Passage apply to K. fcr. SMALL BONES, Superintendent. Wilmington, N. C. rt'M. P. CLYDTT r.O flT.p.vJ Aant 35 Broadway, New Yoxa. liily 20 tf At TMIE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, No. 27. Market &t. Nizht Shirts, all sizes. Congress, the most popular and beet WLlto shirt on the marKet, Too. coioreu smrts 2.1c and qpward. Seaside smrts at all prices Hoy's ya.ehting la exeat variety. Halt's Oraw crs and up wards Wamsulta Jeans Draw crs, reinforced, equal to linen, something new, 'x. Drawers ni.ide to orer. 75e. Wamsutta tWris with 2100 Jinen bosom made to order at . Orders from the country solicited anc' ytomyuy auenueu to. Wive us a call. J. ELS BACH, inly 21 Manager Lemons. Butter. Lemons. JUST KECEIVIXG BY A. C. LINE ani N V. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to suit. 830 bushs. V. Meal, 75 Coxes Lemons. 25 tubs Va. and N. a Y. Butter Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Lard IS. Ct. UJL-A1K, jane 12 No. 19 N. Second Street. P. G, & N. Robinson. yE AliW THANKFDLTO OUR FRIEND fjr their libcralpatronage. 0 lir 5- f Hi V f a oil -f e V AAilfl oa ryrQvnntoAil n'lthey can be returneil at our expense if not satisfactory. We are daily in receipt of fcUGS and CHICKENS, which we sell at the ery lowest market prices. fyAUS are advancing, but we are still ctu.ng at oit prices. Our COFFEES arc of best quality and sold i cry iow prices. AH kinds of BASKETS, BR c- on h'anl. Also, c -UACKKKj and CANNED'6 july S BROOMS, BUCK choice stock of GOODS. Just the Ticket, Th e D ai ly; E3o yie v. WHAT LOVE IS.. , " . ' . ' It's a sort of palpitation, Fassionate reverberation, In the vital habitation Or the heart. Effervescent oscultation Ioexpres3ible sensation In continuous rotation Forms a part. A respectful invitation To -a very choice collation. Lovely ride of long duration In his cart. Confidential conversation, No attempted ostentation Never ceasing admiration. On his part. Passionate reciprocation, Caramels without cassation. Form, in my imagination, Cupid's dart. j- . An rmmenso nesioxi. . . Lai & v luiuuuum aits rightly named, for they cover 5.000 fanam milna - "J OAA vr r tace. - These woods contain only hard-' wood growths, including white and elm.' COltnnwnnr) ' " f amnavniV - Muuutai oca enough other varieties to make an ag gregate of over thirty different kinds. across the middle of the State, and sur rounding its northeastern corner is an miles, or 13,440.000 square The curative oower of Aver's Rirs- parilla is too well known to require me specious am ot anv exaggerated or fictitious ceriificate. Witrn.sp rF it a marvelous cure are to-tlay living in every city and hamlet ot the land. Wriie for names if vou want home nvi- dence. " AUGUST ANTICS. Inquirins employer: "Are the young man's habit3 regular?" "Yes: . i i . i i . ub guLs uruiiK neany every ntgut." The newest design in fur and feather ornamentation lor bonnets is a cat sit- ins on a, boot-jack with a canary bird in its mouth. - A good farmer, with his wite on his arm, cries out to a teamster: "Why do you bea1; your horse so cruelly?" "tsecause I haven fc any wile." A Michigan woman, on recovering from a fit, discovered her husband kissing the servant girl. He explained that he was driven crazy by anxiety about his wife, and she took one con temptuous look at the servant girl and saidshebelieved.htm. isut she hasn7t had a fit since. A man was garrotcd and robbed just in front of the Toombs, in New York in broad daylight the other day. The highwavman know his business. Had the man resisted , the highwayman could have called the police and had him clubbed into insensibility, whenhe could rob him at his ease. A truest in a French salon is bidding good-bye to a poet to whom he has iust been presented. "I am delighted, sir," "he says, to have enjoyed the oppor tunity of making the acquaintance of an author of your talent,1. wIalentr says the bard with a sneer: "I sup po3e it would have blistered your tongue to say 'genius r " Allen's Bilious physic is a purely veaatable liquid remedy for Headaches, Biliousness and Constipation. Easily taken. ac'msr promptly, relieving quickly, 25 cts. At all Druggists. She Expected to Be At Vassar they do not allow the young ladies to drive out with the male men unless there is a near re lationship between them or unless there is an engaemenfc--on the boards. A Vasfar daisy asked permission to take a drive with a young man. "Is he your father, brother.or cousin?" "No, ma am. "Are you engaged to him?'' "No. ma'am." and here the crimson rushed from her neck and cuddled up among her bangs, "but I expect to be before we get back." She was allowed to go.IIalchct. afteu:breakfast, after dinner, after supper, and always, cmoker will. find a.t crapon's O fl south Front street, the best Five Cents uftr hi the city. Filler Havana Cigar. Satisfaction PuraEtccd or money refunded. Alsoafull "ccot CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. t,rr Goods every Steamer. Do nol forget ine p'iacCj Nrt gtn Front St.- J!yiT GEO. JI. CRAPON. Azt ICE. Cl W, E. DAVIS & SON Dr- Dodd's Nervine No. 2. AILL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL crrHAnl Gcjaital Weakness cansed by lndis cclan,i TiolaUng the laws of heaJth, Cure, P. nUNXER'S PILLS YeW- ypllls ln H forms and stages, Rrown pou on the face and body, ma iat andlNose, Scrofula. Tetter, Kcze. Blwxi .5 1 K.Matlon, Salt Rheum and all Wctn. J5kln.rlsease8, Urinary Diseasea and Jfever fh l.luT'S FKM4LE FKIKND r , ,,80 Irregulaxltlea or Supprea i. by 001(18 or disease. Married cauiioL 4? in Micaie state of health are Ianey ft HZl"'- prtce$3. Enclose the V-NS l11 ediclue to FRANK STE nt bv Tnn Baltlmore M4 and it will" be IriirStra?r e?PJC8 sealed. For ealo by Instantly Kelleved. Mrs. Ann Lacour. of New Orleans. La . writes: I have a son who has Impn KirOr for two Years: he has been at tended bjLour leading physicians, but a'l to no Durnose. This morning he hnd his usual srell of couching, and was so greatly prostrated in cone- quence, that dealb seemea imminent. Vr had in the house a bottle of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOFv THE LUNGS, purchased by my husband, wh- nntirwrl vonr advertisement vester- dav. We administered ;t. and he was instantly relieved. . Ho Experimented. He was a bashful wooer, but there was a certain manliness about him which indicated tha: he needed a liltl encouragement to let himself out. She saw this and she resolved on a policy of encourazement. "Do you believe these stories in the funny papers," she asked, "about the willinjrness of young ladies to be ktssed? "I I really can't say," he replied "They may be true." Then, gathering courage, he added ; "I hope they are true." and be drew closer to her. "It seems to rce,"she said, "that there is only one way m which a young man can discover whether they aretrue or not." "And what way is that?" he asked. There was a brief pause. Then with a far awav look in her eyes, she answered : ; "By experimenting when he ha3 the opportunity.7' He experimented. Why suffer with Malaria ? Emory's Standard Cure Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases ; purely vegetable. -25 cents, cod 1 The Mormon Temple. - The great building at Salt Lake which the MormonsHiave been twenty eight years in constructing, is approach mz comD.'ction- - lhe main walls are done. It is built of granite, back o Salt Lake, on creat wagons or trucks with wheels twelve feet high. The walls are ten feet in thickness and oightv-five feet in height. 1 It has cost up to this time $4,500,000, which has been collected by the tithing tax. it will require six years more to finish the work. Probably no other ,church building theUmted btates has been con straclad in a way to secure such dura bility as is possible to this,. . Some o those who predict the early ruin of the Mormon hierarchy are wondering tha use they can mase oi mis tempie. im square acres. The most dndlv frr u m.i,,;,! J w WW III. 1 A I I A 1 desease is Ayer's Ague Cure, a com bination of vegetable ingredients only, of which the most valuable is used in no oiner Known preparation. This remedy is an absolute specific, and succeeds when all other medicines lau. a cure is warranted. Hints for Hot Weather. Don't shake the hnrnts if any of the family are at home. Don't go near a draught. If a draught come toward you, run away. A slight draught is most dangerous. , Dun t blow in thfi mm vrmr errand- father carried in the war of lb 12. It is more dangerous now than it was xien. Don't hold a waso bv the othpr nd while you thaw it out in front of thoJ siove to see it it is alive. It U eenerallv alive. Don't try to persuade a hulldoc to rmZm .1 n n J f 1 I i " give up iv aru ui wnicn it is in posses sion. Possession to a bulldog is ten points of law. . has the Same Shall ho. dishnrRcrl hv i State agents and not accompanied by objectionable features and embarr&S3 ing conditions. liesOlVCd. That it is rlnn trt trio white people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne their share ot our common burdens, that the pres ent, or , some other equally effective system of. county government, shall ire muiuia:neu. : .- v Resolved. Tlmt i InSf and inorpflsTnir hirmnnu anA Irmil. ly feeling between the two rartea in th?s State and a similar condition of things WUICU We believe to ox 1st, nronomllv in other Southern States, we deprecate the attempt of the Republican party in its recentplatform at Chicago to force civil rights as a living issue, and we enounce it as a fire brand and a hvno- critlcal expression of interest in " the oiacis: race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to stir up strife between the now friendly races. - She Needed No Protector. Thomas Pennant, in his "Tours in Wales." speaks of a Welsh amazon named Margaret Evan, who lives at Fentlyn She is at this time above ninety years of age. She was the great est hunter, shooter, and fisher ot her time. She kept at least a dozen dogs, killed more foxes in one year than all the contederate hunts do in ten : rowed stoutly and was queen of the lake; liddied excellently ana Knew all our old music: did not neglect the mechanical arts, for she was a very good joiner. anu at the age ot .seventy was the btst wrestler in the country, and few young men dared to try a fall with her. Margarot was also blacksmith, shoe maker, boat builder, and maker of harps. She shod her own horse, made her own shoes, and built hei own boats while under contract to convey copper up ana down the lakes. All the neighboring bards celebrated her ex ploits. She had many admirers, but gave her hand to the most effeminate of them. Platform of tho Democratic Party of North Carolina. We again congratulate the' people of North Carolina on the career of peace prosperity ana gooa government on which she entered alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and which has been'unbroken for so many years since; upon the iust and iraDartial enforcement of the laws; up on the efficiency of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man ifested in every part ot the btate. And we' again challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and the crimes, outrages and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves 4 to exert, in the tuture, as we have done in the past, our best efforts to promote the material interests ot all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia ted in the platforms ot the party, it is hereby Resolved. That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box as the only sure means of pre serving our free American institutions. and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage, in influencing ant controlling elections is dangerous to the libertiec of lhe Stato and the Union. Resolved, That we are in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the whole internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden; a standing menace to the freedom ot elections, and a source of great annoyance and cor ruption in its practical operation. Resolved. That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de rived, exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved, That with respect to the tariff we reaffirm the life-lomr and lund amental principles of the party declar ed iu the National Democratic plat forms and that the details of the method by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradually reached, are subjects which the party s representa fives at the Federal capitol must be trusted to adjust; but in our opinion the duties on foreign importation should be lovied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries ana the lowest on the necessaries oflile distribute as equally as possible the burdens of taxation and "confer the greatest good to the greatest number o the American people. Resolved, That the course ot the Democratic party in furtherance o popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment of graded and normal schools in the larger towns and accessible centers is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of all classes of our people and we will promote and improve- the present educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. And wuereas, There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States wrung from the rockets of the people L by unjust taxation on the part of the Rennblican nartv. therefore. Resolved, That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues o the government lor educational pur noses as mav ba mado by the Congress oi tno u nitea states ; provutcu wwvys, MISCELLANEOUS. A Cireat Problem. Take zAt the Kidney and Liver Medicines. Take all the Blood purifiers, Take all the Rheumatic remedies, Take all the Thumrnain. and inriio-ps j op tion aires Take all the Aaue. Fever and bil lions snsrifirst Take all the 2?ratand Nerve force revivers. Take all the Qrcal health restorers. In short, take all the best qualities ot all these, and the best Qahties of all the best medicines in the world, and you will find that IIov Hitlers have the best curative qual ities of all concentrated In them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined Fail. A thorough trial will 2ive positive proof of this. Hardened Iiiver. Five vears ago T hrnlro lown with kidney and liver comnlaint and rheu matism, Since then I have been unable to ho. about at all. Mv livo.r hpoimn har1 like wood; my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All the best Dhvsicians ap-reed that nothing could cure me. T rosolvod to try Hop Bitters ; I have used seven bottles; thehardoess has all gone from mv liver, the swelling from mv limbs. and it hasw'or&cd a miracle in my case ; otherwise r would have been now in ray grave. J. W. Morey, Bultalo, .Uct. l, lbttl. Poverty and Suffering. "I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suuering for years, caus ed by a sick family and large bills fcr doctoring. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago bv the advice ot mv pas tor,! commenced using Hop Bitters, ana in one month .we were ail well, andnneofus have seen a sick day since, ami I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. I know it." A WORKINGMAN. None genuine without a bunch of grf en Hops on" the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" ln their name. aug 13 lm d&w nrm MICELIJLNEOUS. Everywhere Called Xhe Best.- Infinitely better than Knlinenta. lotions or any other pl&stcra Benson's Ca peine Porous rjasiers. soc . - tw Bnrnliam's IMPROVED Standard Turbine! Is the best constructed nd finished, gives better perccnt age, nsore power, and Is told for less money, per torse pow er, than ut otiier 1 nrhlne In i too world. Br New pamphlet scntfreeby BURN HAM BROS, York, Ta aug n 4w i . 7000 ! I Agents Wanted sen tin, iiuiy UKltl&b UIUUliArillLM VI CLEVELAND .EIC.S By Ex-Gov. Dorscclaicr, of N. Y., Member of u. s. congress, ami How. wt u. Ilensel, Chairman of Dim. State Com of Pn. intimate jrutuu of v. ana it: it is the most KELIAULE. inzeresHng ana JUcAly illustrated, hence in immense demand. Aecn-ts are ClOXISO honey. It has fine Steel Portraits, sells fast est and pays best. Beware of unreliable, catch penny books. Write to . HubRabk Bros., puds., rniiaueiphia. Pa. au li iw axw FAY'S CELEBRATE DP WATER-PROOF r mmum rooesmg IV-sembles fine leather ; for Roof a; -.-"OntRfde Walls, and inside ln pl&ro of ilsrter. Very ctrontr and durable. Catalogue wit& testimo nials and samplee FKEK. Established IdttL IV. II. FAY fc CO., Camden, N. J. T) i-yAr' iji-ir1 "it in mil 1 "i f av.g 11 4w IP - ii l i i WASTED IMMEDIATELY 22MgS 14,000 miles of wire now being expended y the is. s, u. xcicrapn to., xno attanai Tel Co. Organized. Th Bankers' & Merchants' ind The Postal TcL Cos. are both Jpushlng abead with new lines. The Standard lalliniex Tel. Co , reecnil? Incorporated, extends Ka-t, West. North and South. Good poslilons now ready. For further information, address, with stamp. The Penn. & New ilerccy Tele graph, Shorthand & Type Wriiing instruction company. Mam t nice, BOs Market street, nmingson, uei. augai iw a&w $3 U $18 A DAY made JUST NOW. AGENTS WANTED OT TTTTIT A "rTTI A HENDRICKS KjUll V JjJjiiriXF Complete, Official, II. tusiraica uite, oy coj. itkahk f iiZiFLETT assisted by Vie Families and Friends of the Can didates. Special terms to those ordering from a distance. The book you want., Wiltc for circulars, or send 56o for prospectus. My Bluxe & LoGAJfbooktrtesfAeteatf.andthORe Marvelous Pocket Manuals always sell. W. H. TUOMPSON, Pub., 404 Arch St,, Philada , Pa., aug 11 4w dAw WHOLESALE PP I ES. 3Tha following cuotrtlona rcprcECa wholesale prleca , pecerallr. la making rr? small orders slater prices bays to be cnarsca BAGGING Standard. 2 O.. BACON Norta CsxollBa: " ShonVdcrs, If ft fcuie. r t?. ........ ........... WESTERN SilOKED IITTlBaaa tttia Sides, V t.... HO 15 10 11 18 11 lltiO 00 o rtt T rl Tyou want a $326 Shot Re UwlVI I pealing lillle for a. $30 Breech Loading Shot Gun for 1C a $12 Con cert Orgajaette for $7, a $25 Magie Lantern for $12, a t)lld Gold t25 1 1 1 Watch for $1 a $15 Silver I J U I Watch for iS. You can get any of these articles FKEU if you will devote a few hours of your leisnre time evenlng3 to Introducingf it PII Tf" our new goods. One lady so- W JH BVJ 1 cured a Gold Watch free, in a ilngle after noon. A gentleman got a silver; watch for fifteen minutes' work. A boy 11 years oil secured a watch In one day; hundreds of oth ers have done nearly as well, if fyou have a Magic Lantern you can start a business that wilt pay vou from $!0 to $50 every night. Send at once for our Illustrated Catalogue of Gold an'i Silver Watches, Self-Cocking Bull Dog Revolvers, Spy Glasses, Indian Scout and As, tronomical Telescopes, Telegrapb InstTu orients, Type Writers, Organs, isAccordiohr, Violins, Ac, &c It may sta.t ivou on the road to wealth. ' ! ' WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., aug 11 4 w 122 Nassau trcct, Kcw Y ork, The Science of Lifej Only $1 BY MAIL P03T-PAID. ft I rs A REUAOLE SELF-CURE, a frmrsrltn nvrmrrirdAnn af Onft Of laost noted and Fiiccetraful epeclallsts In tnej y.a, now retired) fcr the care otXervovm IeoUitih jLotit STanHooa, IVeaknc aud J9ecay. Sen liiaalnBealeaenvelopciVoe. Druggists can nil ii, " AddreM DR. WARD & CO.. UuUuat Ma,y Dr. Holt's Powders NEVER FAIL TO CURE INFLAMMA tion of the Kidneys, Gravel, Gleet, Stiict urea and all Urinary diseases. Nervous and Physical Debility, Genital Weakness and all those untold miseries caused by Indiscretion or Excesses 8yp hills ln all its forms perma nently cured, r ellow o Brown spot3 on face and body.Sorc Throat ani Nose, fccrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all Blood and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured in 3 days. Price $3. Enc'ose the money tc FRANK STEVENS & CO., Baltimore, Md., and it will be sent by mall sealed. For sale by all dru? gb-ta; sent by mall. july7d&wly m&IORPHIHE HABIT jg J DR. H. H. KANE, of the DvQnlncey mmw mm mm mmr h kv w uuvi . ivciucujr wiiereuj ny one can care Mmelf qalekly aad painleasly. For testimo nials and endorsements from eminent medical menkcddresa JO. IX. KalS, a. H.D., ICO foUoa gU, Kew Tork CKr. THE BEST 5 CENTS CIGAR ; is- THURBEirS No. 5, SOLD AT LAFON'S GROCERY STORE, 220 N. Front St., corner Mulberry. Give our COFEEE a trial. Are sure to july 31 please. Country .Merchants, WISHING TO BUY GROCERIS, WILL FIND r- j AFULLSOCKAT Kerchner & Calder Bros. At prices to suit dull times,. MEAT. FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, MEAL, CORN, HAY, SALT. LIME, CASE ft CAN GOODS, HOOP IRON, BUNGS and GLUE. AT WHOLESALE ONLY. KERCHNER A CALDER BROS., 2il and 223 North Water Sc. aog 4 - Wilmington, N. C. City Drag Store. 21G MARKET STREET. SODA WATER. WITH PURE FRUIT SYRUH. Conoley Cologne, Hair Tonic and 7 oe Physic (for corns ) Cigars and Cigarettes. Prescriptions put op at any hour day and night. " Headquarters for Turnpike Tickets. .... . ; J. W. COSOLEY, aog 2 Manager. PUftCELL HOUSE. W- -a -JJKDEE NEW MANAGEMENT, 5 - ... . . WILMINGTON, H. C - B. L. PERRY. ProprtetOT. Late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL fflrsMnasa in all ttsappotatacata. Terms 9&) to $3.00 pcrcUr. 4 ; mm THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline ln Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or excesses. jA book for every man, young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot -of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French -muslin, cm bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work ln every sense mechanical, literary and professionalthan any other work sold ln this country for 2.G0, or the money will le refunded In every instance. Price only $1.00 by.mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold medal . awarded ithc author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of 'Life should bo read by the young for Instruction, and by the jaflllcted for relief. It will benefit all . London Lancet. There is no member cf society t) whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman A rgonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, t Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all Ilseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases S that have baffled the skill of all EJ E? A I other physicians & specialty. d fr mm Such treated successful-TLB Gt lZT I E? ly without an in- I Fl Y 3 EL Ea. stance of failure. Mention this paper. augU dAw 4w NEW YORK HEBALD. WEEKLY EDITION. ONE DOLLAR. A TEAR. ' It contains all the general news of the Daily Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Staines. ; INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS, it is the most valuable chronicle of political news In tho world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all 6idcs may be known. I n the department Foreign News I- f the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of Its cable despatches; The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. t f The Fa km Depabtmxst of the Weekly IlefXld is practical j It goes to the point, and docs not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than . . One Dollar Yeab i from the soggestlons of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy, i . Tax Home" instructs tLe housewife and the children In re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and the making of home com forts. In addition, are given latestrcporu'of trade and y i- Pbodl'ce Markets, the condition of money, columns of Miscella neous Reading, Poetry, a Complete story every week. Jukes a"nd Anecdotes, fcportiag the doings of well known Persons of ths World, a department dvo ed to . . 8EKMONS AND RELIGIOCS NOTESr White the WEEKLY HERALD gives Utt latest and best News of the World, It Is also a Journal for the Family. Sabsolbe ns dollar, at any time,; for a full rear. Postage free to any part of the United States or Canadas. THE NEW YORK HERALD, la a Weekly Form, f , ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, KEW YORK HERALD, dee 19 Broadway A&a Street TV 90. 60 23 23 20 m.HMtmi,,,! -"-vw. J. .......... .... Shoulders.. DRY SALTED j -i sides. V fa....'i.;...MV;... Shoulders, V &t.. BARRELS Spirits TtxpenUne, Second Hand,- each........ 1 - New NeT.York. each... .... 1 New City .each. ...i 1 BEESWAX, B......J4... , BRICKS, f M BUTTER, BV- North Carolina........ T. ..... Northern........ ............. CANDLES, V & Sperm Tadow.. ................. . . , Adamantine........ .......... CHEESfc, y hV- " , Northern Factory............ iairy, cream.... state. COFFEE, V lb- Java. Laguynu... " Uio... ....... ..'.T.-....' CORN MEAT V lcs.. In Sachs COTTON TIES, V bundle.... 1 Domestics - h Sheeting, 44, V yd....l.....r Yams, f bunch... ..... I...., : ESGS, V dozen .....u. MackcreL No. 1. V bbl.......l6 00 Mackerel, No. 1, K half bbl.. 8 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl Mackerel, No. 2, V hall bbl.. Mackerel, No. S, V bbL...... MUUtU, ULI1... ....... ...... Mullets, Pork bbls.... ....... N. C. lioe Herring, keg.... Dry Cod. FERTILIZERS. V 2.000 fbs Peruvian Guano, No. 1...... .57 50 ; " " No. 2.....;.88 00 Loboa. 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate.... ......CO 00 Carolina FeriUixer............45 00 Ground Bone-. .........00 00 Bone ileal....... 00 00 Bone Flour.. ....00 0Q Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure... 00 00 Whann's Phosphate ...00 00 Wsndo Phosphate.;.. ..M.... 00 00 O a u a o 90 UXi 11 a a i a l a oo sc 00 o a is a u a HO io a no 120 S3 C oo a ss a 16 a ss u A' i f5 14 13 17 9 GO 6 00 7 75 4 7 00 3 00 8 4720 00 010 00 ttlO 00 O 6 50' a 8 oo o. O 3 50 C 4 00 a : tt31 00 4TC1 00 isco oo aso oo two oa 945 00 GS1 0C 4945 0C 4367 0C fS70 0C 4770 00 Bcrger A Bub's Phosohate. .0000 1 4700 00 ExrallftnzAfVtttnn FurH'IrTA1? Oft KfCti IW French's Carlxnate Of Lime. French's Agricultural Lime... FLOUR, -fhbl "T" Fine. ; ....... . . ; . . Northern S uper . ....... M ... . " wxtra... 7 00 8 60 o oo ... 4 75 .. 5 75 " Family , ..... 6 60 City Mills Extra 6 60 " v, Family.... ....... 5 75 Extra Family.... 6 6a yjiUEj v E. ....... GRAIN, y bushel- Cora, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, ln bags, white;. Corn, cargo, mixta, in bags.. Oats, from store..... ......... Cow Peas HIDES, V lb-Green Dry....i HAY, T 100 lbs Eastern. 1 Western...;... 1 North laver.;. ......... - HOOP .IRON, V tb. ............ LARD, V lb Northern...................... North Carolina. ......... v . LIME, barrel. 1 LUMBER, City Sawed, M f t. - Ship Stuff, rcsawed.. ....13 00, Rough Edge Plank. ......... .15 00 West India CargQes,according to quality ..............13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 ScautUng and Board. com'n..l2 00 MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop Cuba, ln hhds..... 30 . r- in bbls...... r 3) Porto Rico, In nnds.. 32 " " ln bbls 3a Sugar House, in hhds 00 " in bbls...;...... 20 Syrup, In bbls ; 40 NAILS, V Reg, Cut. lOd bas.. 0 00 47C0 00 ATM 49 9 0 O 4 25 49 5 23 ft 6 25 0 8 00 49 6 60 a 6 ou ll 8) r 72 C5 25 5 11 20 15 75 49 49 13 49 fO 49 49 49 n 49 49 49 49 10 o oo a 40 49 12 8i w 75 00 75 S It 25 25 85 14 10 4920 00 &18 0C 1 mmmt 11 10 00 9 00- 00 2i 10 OIIjS, V gallon ueroscne Lard.... Linseed Itoeln.. Tar.. Deck and Spar................ POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... .... V Surlntr.. ...... ...... PEANUTS bushei.""""" 1 10 POTATOES, y bnshel Sweet..... 0 Irish, bbl 2 CO PORK, V barrel- City Mess W.......23 6C Prime .......10 00 Rump. ................ ,17 00 iiicrsr--oaroiina. v r&........... Rough, V bushel. - uaos, y & Country. 4713 4722 4715 47 ft 49 a 49 49 49 49 CO 15 4) 5 45 00 23 83 5C 49 49 a 49 49 49 49 49 49 '49 49 49 45 00 00 20 22 5: City..... ROPE, V 1& SALT. V saclt. Alum Livcrpoo 00 Lisbon 00 4924' 4917 4713 95 49 1 1V49 14b9 14W49 00 49 ( 00 American..... SUGAR, V lb Cuba ..u.W 00 Porto Rico.................... 00 A Coffee.... ....,v 00 u ............ KX C Crushed. SOAP, V ft-Northern.... BU1NULE3, 7 ln.VM... ....... .10 60 Common.................;;... 2 50 Cypress ;Saps 4 60 Cyprees Hearts ,.... 0 00 STAVES, y M-W. O. BarreL.13 00 R. O. Hogshead. ..00 00 TALLOW, r ib. 4 TIMBER, if M feet-Shipplng.12 W FlneMUl... ....11 23 aim Prime.. 7 50 sua r air Common MILL 5 inferior to Ord-'nary..... 0 CO WHISKEY, V gal Northern. .1 00 North Carolina .1 00 WOOL, V lb Washed. 11 Unwashed 15 Burrv .r. 10 49 49 49 49 49 49 00 49 649 104O 6 49 75 v 75 r 00 -75 00 Oi". ' ? if 00 00 60 6 0049 00 49 49 49 49 4711 49 8 49 6 49 7 4913 00 4710 00 49 5 4714 00 4713 GO 49 860 6 60 0 4 4 S 49 49 00 00 00 60 22 20 15 Notice. rjiHE FIR Id Oi' HOLLINGSWORTU A CO. Iu been changed this day by tha rctlremin of S. II. TRIMBLE and the adaalssloa of T. P. SYKES. The" boiiojas wiH be eondocte as here tvf ore under the name an i style of July 9 U .UOLLISGS WORTH A CO. Nortff Carolina Resources "One of the taost useful series of descrip ti ve books ever published about any State' Boston Post. . Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Beady. I. The Woods and Tim hers ot North Cakolina. Cnrtis's, Emmons', and Kerr Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and Mo trated by an excellent Map of the tute. 1 Volume 1-mo. Cloth. 273 pp., 8L25. II. In the Coax, and laox. coi.XTits or North Carouxa. ExnmonsV Kcrx, LaM ley's, Wilkes, and the: Census Reports; ap ple men ted by full and accurate sketches of I to illty six CuunUcs aad Map of the State. 1 Volume limo. Cloth, 4i3 ip., $L50. fold by alS llooksellers, or roaLed postpaM, on receipt of utc TTiy, by ' ii J. HALE A EON, Publishers, Booksellers ani stationer, - i ' r . " -i .. : f? Ktw York ' Cr PJ HALS. Pci'itcr, EilJh, U c 9 . - 4 1

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