MISCELLANEOUS., THE BEST TONIC. .This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quicKiy ana completely Cures Dyspepsia Indigestion, Weakness, Impure Blood, MalariojChills and Fevers, and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kiilneva nnd LiVer. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. ltdoes not injure the teeth, cause headache.or nrndnce eonsti nation other Iron medicines do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates 4fao tV petite, ttiUa the ns.Mmilatlon Of food, re- 'teves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ins the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of energy, &c, it nas no equal. The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Kadsoalr BUOWS CHEMICAL CO., Bi.LTIBOUE, SI ulf li;d4wly tc2dpnrm WEAK) UNDEVELOPED: PARTS OF THE HUMAN lU)i)Y H.NLAKGED, DKVKTr- OPEl. STRENGTH LNKD.I' Etc.. isan internBting quiriej we mil nay tlitn. ttioreTTuovTueDCTTTuiii- l(H?aioiitthis. i)n the contrary, the advertisers r.re very highiy iii'1or-?ed.''"TnT"?'rstPi' persons may get Kum MKIflCALtCo., iiUTtalo. N.Y. Tmeilu Jicnitiff Jiff:. ap!16 yd&w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. OSVGY FOR N. T. EXAMELPAINT: . CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOOD3 AND get our prices bef&re purchasing The fact that out Painta are from the celebrated Fac tories of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros A Co., Is sufficient .ruaraatcc for,the!rquallty and purity. A flae lino of Cooking Cloven at Facto y Prices, In addition to oar large and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which yoar attention la respectfully invlled. NATH'L JACOBI, ? 10 Sonth Front St Quarantine Notice. Q kUAKAXTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to Novombor 1st, as follows : Pilots will bring all vessela from Ports south of t apo Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any kind ot sickness on board during the passage or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be set in the main rigging on the port side, as coon as pos sible after crossing the Bar o vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind, to go along si e, unless by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician; and every vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward of the channel as Is consistent with safety. Regulations governing vessels while in Quar antine may be had en application at the ollice of the Quarantine Phys'clan at Smith ville Applications for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine must ba made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or rr. teo. G. Thomas, and pcrm'ta so obtained will be end- r.ed by the Quarantine Physician, if. In hU opinion, it is proper aDd safe te allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of V2 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced against any person violating ny of the Quarantine Regulations of the Port. " W. G- CURTIS, M. IX, A THOS. I. WOOD, M. D. ) rnnu-nta GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. Consultants, mav 1 5am 6m First National Bank of Wil mington.. CAPITAL STOCK $2,llC0 SURPLUS FUND.., MIS IOI l't 1 posits received and collections, made on . celble polnfa ha the Untied State. 'DIRECTORS K. B. 3URRUS3. D..G. WORTH A. MARTIN. J AS. SPRUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. E. S. BURRUSS. ........ . . . President. A. K. WALKLER ........ Cashier W.LARKIN3.. Aat Cashier . ST1 - J. L. WINNER, w ATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, 'Chronometers. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warrintad. Opposite New tfarkat. Front St. PUROELL HOUSE. 1JKDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, - WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY. Proprietor. Lata Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Ftrst-Clasa la all itsappolatoenta, Tarraa tl.50 to $5.00 IUI 111 II UJ T h e Dai iy Rev i ew. JOSH. T. JAMES. 5 Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1884. KBtered at tbe Poatoffice at Wilmington. N. C, as second-cJafts matter. 13IAS-KYKO BUTLUB. Some years ago, when that brilliant young Kentuckian, John foung Rmwn. was a member of Con eress he became so riehtousty indignant at old Ben Butler's persistent and dastardly RttemDtsto humiliate the down-lrod- don nponle of trie South that in a burst of the most withering sarcasm he said: Tf T were called noon to characterize all that is pusillanimous in war, inhu man in peace, forbidding in morals and infamous in politics I would call it Riitlfirism." An aDter specimen of word-portraiture it would be difficult. if not impossible, to find. When ob livious to every instinct of chivalrous "manhood he issued his notorious and infamous order insulting the ladie3 of New Orleans and through them of the entire Sonth he proved his claims to 4 the brave Kentuckian's characteriza tion. Prior to the war it would have been a difficult task to find a negro' slave who would have been guilty of such an unpardonable offence against the gentler sex. Even among these ebony sons there was a gallantry caught from tbeir masters that lifted them into an atmosphere of chivalrous seniimen above and beyond this old political hybrid's reach. Because Ben Butler is a Northern man, because he was a Federal soldier, because he was a radical politician ot the dirtiest type the men of the South do not hate him, but because next to tbeir God they love and honor the mothers who bore them they hate with an unmitigated and unmitigating hatred this lecherous . old libel upon American manhood who slimes through life as the wanton insulter of woman. In this unenviable character he stands alone in the solitude of his infamy. 'this man of brutal instincts, during the war, when enciged in his famous Dutch Gap enterprise, subjected cap turcd Confederates to Iho fire ot their own guDs in order to force Gen. Lee to cease firing that he might complete his work. With characteristic' meanness he sought to take advantage of the hu mane feelings ot our " brave and gentle Lee.?' It i3 to be hoped that there is no Southern man so lost to honor as to d him reverence. If so. let him be anathema maranatha. Between Blaine and Butler no gal lant gentleman will hesitate. As much as the boutn ciesp;se3 dis-nonestv it infinitely prefers a monumental thief to a shameless insulter of womenand a heartless tyrant. The St. Louis Republican announced the arrival in that city last week of Mrs. J. S. Hammond, of D Ulas, Texas. Mrs. Hammond is a native of the Val ley ot Virginia, and as Belle Boyd, the Confederate Spy, was well known in that section. The Republican adds: "At the close of the war Belle Boyd was married to Col. John S. Ham mond, an ex-Confederate officer. A few years ago the Hammonds removed to Dallas. Texas, and Hammond tofc a prominent position with BradstreeVs Commercial Agency. The famous Belle Boyd had almost dropped from the minds of the public until brought forth on the 3d day of August by the announcement through the Republican that Hammond had created an intense sensation on the streets ot Dallas by assaulting Mr. Uay Shepherd, a young lawyer of that town, : charging him with undue familiarity with his wife. Shepherd was severely pun ished by Hammond. Hammond made many and most serious charges against Mrs. Hammond, declaring her guilty of spending money most extravagantly, and running him in debt with a reck lessness simply unbearable., Mrs. Ham mond applied for a divorce, and on tbe 4th, the day following the disgraceful 5treetfigbt,$he filed her petition.cbargin? Hammond with jealously, brutal treat ment, &c. "I have left him for good, remarked Mrs. Hammond to a gentle man at the Union Depot in St. Louis. 'We haye not lived happily together for some years. He was jealous ot me, and became cross and crabbed, and rendered me most miserable. I have sued for a divorce, alimony and the custody of our lour children.1 " A Little Rock dispatch states that complete reports received from all parts of Arkansas are to the effect that the cotton crop is coming forward rapidly and that the aggregate yield will reach 1,000,000 bales. This enormous yield will be 300,000 bales in excess of any previous season ia the history of the State, and one-seventh of the average productiouof the entire country. ; In the event of early frost the above esti mate will lall short but no untimely weather can prevent the .yield from being twenty to twenty-five per cent, in excess of any previous year. Picking has already begun and will be general in ten days. There is a demand for labor, and planters arpajiDs ixty to seventy-five cents per 100 "' pounds; Along the Arkansas and Wbjte Rivers, In the vicinity ot Bayou Bartholomew, the crop is particularly fine, tar exceed ing the expectations ot producers, '' -who feared a abort crop owing to continued rainfall tit the beginning of .he season. The cron is two weeks backward as compared with last year. . y ? . Here is what Mr. CharleVAt Dana's paper, the New York Sun, said of B. F. Butler in the issue of that paper of June 26th, 1683. Mr. liana must have a fine digestive apparatus, as be is eat ing more crow just now than any other man in' the country : . The life and career of Ben Butler fitly illustrate Dante's maxim. ''Audacity, more audacity always audacity." Whatever of fictitious consequence be has. or oi Questionable success be may have attained, can be traced to that one governing rule of his conduct Without it ha would be lost in the crowd of trarlintr demazozues and knaves to which be worthily belongs. With it ho has become a power in. the party which, while affecting to despise bis vulgar practices, yet abjectly accepts his leadership and humbly bows before his power. Hated by some, contemned by many and distrusted by all. this bad man with his crooked ways, foul meth ods, distorted mind and wicked heart, glories in these moral deformities, flaunts them constantly before the pub lic eye and traffics in - them as political merchandise. The noto riety which decency shrinks from as a degradation he seeks at any sacrifice. He treats the reproach which follows such exhibitions as so "much capital added to the stock of ill-fame that had already made his name odiously con spicuous in and out ot Congress. Re joicing in his own shame and coining money from open, venality, discarding any pretense of principle, bound by no ties of honor, scoffing at religion, mak ing politics a trade, despotic when clothed with authority, cowardly by nature, mercenary from habit and des titute of one ennobling quality for man ly attributes to lift him up above these wretched characteristics, he is to-day tbe leading candidate for the highest honor in enlightened and moral Massa chusetts. To this complexion have wc come at last. AUGUST ANTICS. Wagoners' music Gee! Whoa! Haw! Git up there, darn yon! Merchant Traveller. t It is dyer necessity that makes a foolish old man change the color ot his beard. Picayune. Gov. Cleveland polishes his own boots early in the morning. He is determined to rise and shine. Bos. Trans. Newport has gone without fox hunts this year, without any perceptible in crease of foxes in Rhode Island. Bos. Trans. Tramps never read newspapers. The advertisements in the columns of "Help Wanted" are too saddening. Phila. Call. . Doan' think dat bercase er 'om'an likes gay colors she's weak. Natur' puts de brightest tech on de fines' floA'eirs." Arkansaw 2rav. A German actress is named Amanda Bettina Kreczwanger Rosalie Zwinke- huff. Whew! That name is worse to handle ban a wire clothes line. "Tncklefoot" is ihe name of a thriv ing Texas town. Now let somebody hitch up the dear old mule joke at this and drive it off Lowell Citizen. ... A woman of Greenwood, Me., is re ported to be cutting her fourth set of teeth. Why, what's the matter? Don't they fit? Burlington Free Press. Waste No Time in vain attempts to eradicate blemishes ot the teeth but buy SOZODONT at once and apply it vigorously Never fear that it will hurt tbe enamel of your teeth like dentifrices you may have used. On the contrary it will keep the teeth intact, render them bright, and perpetuate or restore the health of the mouth's interior. Retard decay and stay time's defacing finger with re juvenating, pleasant and wholesome SOZODONT. Put plaster on light hands. Use phosphates for corn and potatoes on heavy wet soils. Very Well Put: Why do ' we defer till to-morrow what we should do to-dayP Why do we neglect a cough till it throws us into Consumption, and Consumption brings us 5 to the grave? DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM is sure to cure it taken ia seasofe. It has never been known to fail. Use it thoroughly, ac cording to directions. Persevere till the disease is conquered, as it is certain to be, even if it should require a dozen bottles. There is uo better medicine for pulmonary disorders. Keep the soil about young fruit trees mellow and clear for two or three feet oa each shje. Mensman's Peptonized Beef Ton ic, the only preparation of beet contain ing its entire nutritious properties. -It contains blood-making, force generating and life sustaining properties ; invalua ble for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result ot ex haustion, nervous prostration; over work, or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by Druggists, sat lw . 11 r 1111 - - . ' Place corn cobs, dipped in cold tar, among the cucumber vines to drive away the striped .bug. fc t j fr - -'';' - A Fair Offer ; E m Tip Voltaic Belt Co .of Marshall, I ouuu., oiiw u sena ur. uye s Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and yonng. afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this paper, t th s eow&w Acscthciia T703 cHrcoTcrcd ialSii. Tbe Brain and the jsattle. Nobody can stand protracted indul gence in strong drink: - The topers who seek continued stimulus in what they call bitters,'! have muddled brains, blood shot eye3. unsteady gait and ruin ed digestion. Just remember that the stuff they call bitters," is not Brown's Iron Bitters. No toper wants it. It contains nothing that suits him for stimulus. .It is a pure tonic, and the best preparation of iron in existence. Cures indigestion, malaria, kidney and liver diseases. The first balloon ascent was made in 1798. Allen's Bilious physic is a purely vegatable liquid remedy for Headaches. Biliousness and Constipation. Easily i . i i- laKcu. aciinir DromDuv. relieving quickly, 25 cts. At all Druggists. : Cottonseed meal is excellent for cows and sheep, but should never be given to pigs or horses. The most delicate persons enioy tak ing Emory's Little Cathartic Pills give a wholesome appetite, put new litem a broken-down body. 15 cents An open barrel placed over rhubarb plants sometimes develops long growth and pale stems. Pretty Women, Ladies who would retain freshness? and vivacity. Don't fail to try "Wells rteaitn ixenewer." JJThere is nothing more disouraging than dull tools. Heep your noes sharp. . . Don't fill the system with quinine in the effort to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer's Ague Cure is a far more potent preventive and remedy, with the advantage of leaving in the body no poisons to produce dizziness, deafness, headache, and other disorders, lne proprietors warrant it. Sulnhur bnrnp.d nnder a tree infested with curculio will cause the insects to drop instantly. Of the many remedies before the pub lie for Nervous Debility and weakness ot Nerve Uenerative System, there is none equal to Allen's Brain Food, wnich promptly and permanently re stores all lost vigor: it never fail3. pkg., 6 tor $5 At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Ahen, 315 lirst Ave., New York City. eod A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youtn, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of . man hood, &c., T will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T.. Inman. Station D New York City. eodd&w ly Itching PiIeg..syuiptoius anil Care. The symptoms arc moisture, like perspira lion, intense Itching. Increased by scratching; very d "stressing, particularly at tight; cectns as if pin-worm were-crawling in ana aoou the rectum; the pri rate parts re sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWA Jit's OlT- NLENl" is a pleasant, sure cure Also, Tor Tetter. Itch. alt Rheum. Scald Head, Erysip elas. Barber's Itch. Blotches, all scaiy, crusty fckln diseases, tsox, by man, ou cts; i tor $i,- IX Address, Dlt. svvaiMS & oU, Phila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. may 2 ly deod&w f m w . Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobt's Hardware Depot.f FREE; Thousands of case of nervosa DablUiy. mm. tl and phjicl wmIumm, lost muhoutl,Bnr- tous prosirauon, ma remits ormdiseranons, itcMiM or any cause, cured brilERVITA. Btra faith that It will ear rcrycaM prompts m tossnd ta r. ,Trj chv prompts ui. w .. u t hf FOR TRIAL. any aaffarar a trial package a receipt of IS cnta for post, tc Dm. a. 6. Oux, VOX aUtUUMgOalU. noY27 veod&w : , tth Anakesis" gives in stan elief, and is an infalible cure for Piles. - Price SI, at druggists, or sent pre paid by mall. Sample free. Ad. "anakesis" Makers. ;Box 2,416 New York, MORPHIFiE HABIT OR. H. H. KANE, ot tha rulnl.. Horn,, now oflhra a R.ml. vh.r.x. 7 oa, aa ear Maualf ani.klv ..J i D "'m m" Tw "! u l r 7" :Tln"n.t madical menTAc,addr,M Hwiiow St., aw loxa Clir. Cleveland & Hendricks ! Blaine & Logan!! JACKSON & BELL ! ! ! THREE TiCKETSfor the PEOPLE ! r The first two tickets are before tbe people for their suffrages the last for the patronage of both parties for anything and everything they may m me suape oi rfrintiqg, Ruljng ,: or Binding. EEI LIABLE SELF-CURE' tnest netd sad raocesafal fbeciadlsta In theUTfl. (now reUrsA) tor th cure ef JTerrmss JJeMUtn gssgawfcstsy(MUBdJeesBf. 6ni hmtsJ n iwalsd snrslopsvesj, XraesUtacaaxUli4 - tt . Md faiiors to perform life' duties properly u csosed by errors of youth, etel snll bad s. perfect vnd Usti restorstion to robntt health Jl4 jrjrorwns Kwaktd is. THE MARSTON BOLUS. ,reiixir stomas a dracriajr nor instruments. ThJ treatment of Mchmsra. Fall inform Rt ion and Treaa AiidreM Consnltina; rhysician of irs Ire. MARST0M REKEDYC0..4 W.MuiSC lesjYork. Attbrneys-at-Law. ' OScc S. XX C.Prlaccsi:ia(!7fcter-r53, lUIIIII l i W k h ii li it n it. j 7 . - 13 - 111 1 f 1 KAIIiEOAJDS. !ic. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta B. 11. Co Q 111 CX OT GEHXSAI. SUTXSINTEXDXirr. Wllmlnflrton. N. C. July 11.1SS4. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTES JULY 13th, 1884, at 9.00 A. 1L, the following Paasener Sched me will be rnn on thla road ; r NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILY Noe, 4S West and 47 Easti Leave Wilmington 9.05 P. Id. Leave Florence.... 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C A A. Junction..!... 6.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia............,... A.40 A. M. Leave Columbia..................... 9.55 P. M. leave C, C. & A. Junction..... 4.. .10.20 P. M. Leave Florence 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.55 A. M. Night Mail akd passskgsb Tkaiw. Daelt No. 40 West, i A Leave Wilmington....... Arrive at Florence....... .10.20 P. M 1.25 A.M. MAIL AND PASSENGER! TRAIN DATJUT No. 43 Eaat. V Leave Florence at .4.05 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington i. 8.05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations, t No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, and Marlon. Passengers for Colombia and all points on G. & C. 1L It., C, & A.R.R,Statlons, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. separate Ptuiman bloopers ror Augusta on Train 40. . 1 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington: 1 i Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. ? JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. jury ia k .4: : Wilmington & Welficn Railroad Company. Oraua of Gsmc&Ai. Sufekintkndekt, - - 1 1 Wilmington. N. C, May 9 ii tm iinr Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 1884AT 9.00 A. M., Passenger Trains! on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DlILT Nos. 47 North anx 4S South. : Leave Wlbiiington,FrontSt.Dept, 9.00 A. M Arrive at Weldon L....i. 2.85 P. M Leave Weldon. J. ... 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.35 P. M Fast Through Mah, & Passsngkb Tkatnp datlt No. 40 South. Leave Weldon.. J.. 5.35 P.M. Arrive at Wllmgton,Front St. D'p't 10.C0P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER I TRAIN DATLT No. 43 North. f Leave Wilmington., Arrive at Weldon..'. , 835 Ps Al 2.85 A. M. Train No. 4t Smith mill itnn Goldsboro and Magnolia. j iTams on xarooro uranch Road Leave Rocky Mount f or Tarboro at 1.20 Pj M. l and 4.30 P. leave Tarboro at 8 P. M. and 10.00 A. M Daily. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turr.insr leave Scotland ot so a vr daily except Sunday. f . , . mm mo. 4. makes close connection at W cl don for all points North Dally. . All rail vi? Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Ba Line.. . " ..: . I , Train No.-43 mns d1W nnHI mnoanl nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and wasnington. au trains run solid between Wl'tnington an Washlnsrton. and hav Pullman - - iMiwus m wmsvv avwi era attached: ; , . ; , ger coach will be attached to local freight leav- lmrW11m1nitmi at DU'i it Tti . Sunday. 1 j JOHN F. DIVINE, T. M. EMERSON, Genera' Passenger Ajreat. Carolina Central I E. B. Companif . ! Oryxes ow kkkrax 8 uPKRnr TBaroiarr , 1 Wilmington, N. C. May 10. 18P4. , J f - - : - of Schedule. rV AND AFTER MAY 12th, 18S4, THk following Ucnecruie will be operated on this PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ' 1 Laiave WHmf-rurtrm at - T A T r r . - - - '"P m-.m ...... . JL . JUL x. 1 Ajeave itaieiarn at .-.i.z, t t ) Arrive at Charlotte at...... .7.00 A. ' m Leave Chsrlntti at L C iD u 1, Arrive Jueignat...4.......8.30 A. M j iuum ai nunungvxin at....o.UJA. M ifaflsenre TValna atVm a MMif.. oniyt and points designated in the Company Time Table. - ., . , . . , ' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAil ' KAPiUSSS AND FREIGHT. - "e- i 5.15 P. M. Arrive at Shelby............ 9.00 p. m. No." 4. I lr57e .e5??: 7.00 A.M. . " Arrive at Chaarlotte..L....l0.45 m tt?3 l ? close connection at eighT Auna and from RaJ- Thromrh 813ADrne C.rm Kj.--rr.i.' . : 1 C. JONES. r w nr s ov 1. Superintendent. JW. CLARK, General P,penger Agent . For Sale. A PRINTING PRESS WE HAVE FOR ak a second hand ADAMS' (PRINTING PRESS la good condition. We offer a rare bargain. Write ton for terms and descrlp. tlon.; Address THEiHOMrJ . - ' . 1 A Bargain I fN HAND AND FOB SALE. FIVE BRLS SCTPERNONG WINE ! - ; " ONJLY 01 PJPK GALLON. A pare wine, a pleasant wise aid a" cheap ) viae. Hu8tb88oUat once; - -" Y . c :r. IT ;s r r 1 i. : ; : i r : f. MISCELLANEOUS The ExcursiotTa REASON IS KOW OPEN ivn '' the well known "Barhrr tn,i . - Shavlnu and Hair liTfrZ?? U w where i he will spare no pains in'tT. faction to all. Comeaod see. JEverywIiere Called5heTT Infloltely better than, ttnlments anv other nla&tpnkTAne- X KUmi. . Plasters." 25 - . T " ?ZZ Burn ham', . IJJPBOVED 1 Standard Turbin?! Is the best consti . 118 ' finished. giveslSS age. more power, ind J for less money, pcr v? 4 er. man anyotKJS8 : the world. KcVJ BURNHAM BRns ri sent free by aug n 4w ; ' V4kt r 7000 ! I Agents Wanted to sell the only OFFICIAL BinrJL?"! PT.PT7"PT A -KTTI an lE4 ltv Ex-Gov. l)Anri1iTi Jt S I." J Kit U. S. Congrest. and W0n. y mVT u6 .Tcretwjr anu jitchly Jl astratd Sow itMsiJl!? SO P AY'S CELEBRATED ' WATER-PROOF ' "B nfl ft sua 1 ft i.mW!LLA liUUHtlG Resembles fine leather; for Roofs. Ontvdc Walls, and Inside in pikes offtrP!vS Btreny and durable Catalogue with testinS and samito FREE. EstabUabed Am 11. JvA Y as CO., Camden, l. i aug 11 4w'- WATFT. niMFMiTnv YOUNG mrv 11 -tn mi liUJlUililliiUl lporn M0Z'l v ...wu uuius ui wire now utiBg extended tu, B & O. Tolcgraph Co., The National Tel Organized. The Bankers & Merchants' " uo uuui pusning abey with new lines. The Standard Multiplex Td Co . recently Incorporated. . extend, ui West. North and South. Good hamma,,. ready. For further lnformaiion, tddml with stamp. The Penn. & New Jener Te2 graph, Shorthand & Type Writing ItstroctU Company, Main flice, 506 Market stieet $.ir $18 -fS&VSfft AGESTS fins CLEVELAND SSJaSSSSf. lustrated Idfe, by Col. Frank TRimrrr assisted by the Families and Friends otkt C didates. Special terms to those ordcrtnefrea a distance. The book you want. Wilted circulars, or send 50c for prospectus. It Rl unr & Loo AN book tries Ihe lead, and tbwe Marvelous Pocket Manuals always sell f. If. THOMPSON, Pub.,4P Arch St, PhlUdi, Pa. - r , auglllwdli r HI 9 -Tyou want a $33 sc Phot & saas bvm peitiosr uifle for f 15. ar Breech Loadirg Shot Gun 1or SIC.a iJ2 Ca1 cert Organettx. for ,$ . $25 Mwc Lantern la $12. a t olid Gold t25W Watch fa l a r zip' , r nver. w ivatcn. for i 8. Yeu can get any of these articles Free if you win aevote a tey iroiirs ot your leianrt time evenir.ga to iniroaucingiiy A T1T onr new goods ' One lady ee Vf lu I cured a Hold Watch free, in a Blreic after n on. A gentleman got a fcilver vatch for flftc en minutes work. A boy 11 ; ears oil secured a cratch in one dy ; hundreds of oil ers have done nearly as well. If you bve 1 jviagt'i Lantern ou can ttart a bu lncri tut wxl. pay-vou from $ 0 to $.'0 every nighL Sen4 at once lor our illustrated 1 auiojnie ot boa ani Silver Watches. JSelf-Cocking BullJ)o uevoivers, bpy Ulaases, lnrtlaD scout ana it tronomical Telescopes. Ttlegraph , lustra tents. Type Writers, Organs, AccTdiok-, Violins, Ac, &c It may, sta.t yoa on the road to wealth. WORLD MAKUF At TURING CO., an 114w 122 Nassau ttreet, KewYork, The Science of Life, Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KHOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK OR MAIHDCB. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and PbTfki DeblUty, Premature Decline in Man, Erraj of Youth, and the untold miseries restun from Indiscretion or excesses. A boo J every man. young, middle aged and ! contains 125 prescriptions for all cn chronic diseases, each one of whif U able. So found by the Author, whose i exp ence for 23 years Is such as probiblyse before fell to tbe lot of any physldi. pages, bound in beautiful French niaaa, boosed coders, full gilt, guaranteed w JJ liner work In every sense mechaniaU and professional than any other work ton thla country for f2.50, or the money ww refunded In every Instance. Price ovrj by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sP' Send now. Gold medal awarded the w by the National f Medical AeeodaUos, " officers of which he refers. ' m Tbe Science of Life should be read jr young for instruction, and by tbe Oxwm relief. It will benefit all. Undo There la no member cf society to book will not he nsefoL whether youU-r guardian. Instructor or cWjrvmaa-rr Aaaress tne Peabody aieaicai ow. To. 4 Bttllflncb . i. roiKer. xo. , . iiocaeyu requiring blu .1', kt Chronic . and obstinate dlsees tbw baffled the skill of all U A physicians 1 a specialty. n & g treared successfril.M VQFLr ry without an tn- I El Ot" stance of failures Mention this psp; . angU dAw4w BEFORE Vr AND ;-Dectr!c Appnances art sent cn w '-1- mm. - ... .. uaiiUA fiD flLVl ,IU MtfJ UHLT, TUU.4U wt it a Pkkaoxai. Vatc rulting 'rw , Han Viva. Speedj rtjef "Z lie grandest dirrery ot t iu '"f",. LlS a ST J T1 rm --- - " T',7j lyce:

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