"wick; Sunday ex THIS PAPER fiverr evening. ceptod by jOSH T. JAMES, gPITOB XST PBOPKD6TOB. flr.RSCRIFTlONS rOSTAGE PAIJ r .m mm,t mm sir montns. xuxoe ; One month, 35 cents. . - mm -I -mm, AIMS f Mil 1 j ill be deliverer uj uuku T "ft" - TP 111 par-; .-t of the city, at the above 111 a" j i ofcaarK :.per week. CesUs rate, low and UberaL A Lr bers will report any and all r re're their pager regularly. fall- TOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N; C- TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1884. NO. frit tie )aiZy Beview has the largest iradation, of any. newspaper in the city of Wilmington. IQCKATIU TICKET. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. 0 HK PRESIDENT: iiloVER CLEVELAND, of New York. - toi: vice ttioUAS A. of Indiana. PRESIDENT : HENDRICKS. W. P. Tisdel, who goes to represent the United States in the Congo country, was long the confidential agent of John Roach in Washington. Mr. Roach paid him a salary of $10,000 a year. mm Sore joints and muscles are cured by St. Jacobs Oil. the astonishing con queror of pain. LOCAL NEWS. 11 DH TO County Commissioners. dollars valuation of property and thirty The Board of County Commissioners cents on the, poll, and pay over the met in monthlv session: nreaent. H. A. same according to law. 209 1 Oil GOVERNOR : ALFRED M SCALES, of Guilford. . ,on lieut. governor: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. KOK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. tor tate treasurer; DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. koi: auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. MEW ADVERTISES E1TS. Base Ball at Pine Grove - 8 H Tkimble Auctioneer C W Yates School Books John D Tatloe Tax Notice J W Haepek Moonlight Excursion Ge W Huggins New Jewelry Store Reins bergek Great Musical Wonder PC Miller Friends end Fellow-Citizens MudsBhos. & DeRosset Drugs and Pat ent Medicines Bagg, Chairman, and Commissioners Moore. Worth, Pearce and Mont gomery. , : The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of August, as follows: General Fund, showing balance on band .............$11,580 69 bducatitonal Fuid, showing balance on hand . 14,648 95 Exhibited two coupons of the denom ination of $15. which were burned in the presence ot the Board. Of the GenerU Fund, the sum of $6,665 is in the form of a certificate of deposit in the First National Bank. Board adjourned, subject to the of the Chairman. call SERIOUS SHOOTING. A Suspected Wife Slisrhtly Wounaed-A Fearless Police man Severely Shot. A few moments before 10 o'clock last night the citizens in the neighborhood of Fifth and Walnut streets were startled by the report of a pistol and immedL ately after by screams of murder from female Voices. ' The sounds came from the residence ot Mrs. Nancy Lewis, op The Register of Deeds submitted hill Fifth street, between Red Cros3 and report of fees received for marriage Walnut, and the screams were, made licenses for the month of August, by her and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sol ..ThewpafhRr hn hrrn simnlv dlifrht- I anion n tin it to 950. and exhibited the Robbins. A moment later Mrs. Rob- fui to-day. The total receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 19 bales. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. f . No man can go without a shirt when Dver & Soh is selling them at 25 cents each. t There will be a masquerade ball at the Seaside Park Hotel on Friday night next. Treasurer's receipt for the same. The tax books for the current year were presented by Col. J. G. Burr to the Board and found to be and it was ordered that the bind came rushing towards the house of Mr. A. G. Hankins, which is the next in the row, pursued by her hus- complete I band with a' Distol in his hand. She I . . m r . T . . same be I beeped Air. rianKins 10 save ner as turned oyer to the Sheriff of New Hanover County, to the end that the taxes for the county shall be col lected by that officer according to law. Robbins was trying to kill her, and sank exhausted upon the piazza. -Mr. Hankins caught her and tried to drag her within his house, but before, he Deserved Success Mr. Solomon C. Weill, son tot Mr. A- Weill, of this city, now irhia grad- , uatmg year at Chapel Ilil!, has met with remarkable succes in the 'pursuit of bis studies. His first school dajs were under the tutelage of Mr. jGcorge W. Jewett. with whom he remained one year. He then attended the Tjileston School two years and alter that jhe was for three years a student at the Hebrew Union College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he pursued a course ofi study preparatory to entering the ministry. He finally concluded to make ! the law his profession in life, and with that object in view entered Chanel Hill, where he has been a sudent lor the two ! years, during which he'has taken a high stand lor scholarship. Thdjpres ent is his graduating year, anil the glad news was received here by hi3 parents this morning that he had been appointed assistant professor . ofi Latin at the University, so that; while jpursu ing his final studies, he will receive a Mr. There were two cases f disorderly conduct brought before the Mayor this morning and both were discharged. roii sifeklxtexdent of ruBi.ic in- Scuppernonggrapes are larger and STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. J. W. Alderman, Fish. Inspector could accomplish this Robbins had urea elect, tendered his official bond for $1, twice, the last shot causing the woman 000, and it was received and ordered to exclaim,. 'I am shot!" and at the entered on record of official bonds and same instant, Mamie, aged 14 years, . ' m m m fT - 1 I gle(j i daugnter or Mr. nanKins, wno was in The Board proceeded to revise the the piazza, exclaimed that she also was iurylist from the tax books of 1883, shot. Having gotten the wounded wo-i-' i - . ..... i it. j f va ramiUrvon r nf inrnrR I man insiae me Douse ana me aoor se- s alary as one of the teachers. Weill will not be twenty-one until next May, and this tribute to patient verance, earnest application and persc- ntelli. risjLzs yoncz. TTs will bt;!ad to recsTra coszaGlcAUca fron our fxlcads oa say tad ' fcU !:te: general tatcrest bat - : Xfca name ol tao writer oust al trays L nlalied to tie Etcr. - CoTnimmlcatloBS mnst . Ni wrllltn ta oa oaaaldeot tne paper. ' . . rcpscnaSUeaaastbe avoIdiJ.; ' Aad It la especially and parttcaiirly ir.it stood that tie Editor does not arwayt tndoj tee vlevra of correspttdeici!ej- he ix-t la tbe edltorlaV'wlnaana. vv " " 4 1V "-. NEW AD YERISEMEKT3 , Grand Family Excursion -TJX DKR TUB AUSPICES OF GERMAN! A i LODGE K. of Pw WEDNKSDaT, S?pt. 3-1, 1SS4. Music by the Harpers and rcfrcshrccnu on board. Tickets can te had of tno Com- mmce an 1 &t tho Joat. - G. EoscnttaL WmMcrtoti, Jobn Haar, Jr., B. Del!ol3. WmTKcch, II. C. Prcmpeit, W II Gcrken. Committee. an 23 3t 5. S l. 2 , ( ; Library Lamps. rjilfS HAKD3QMEST AXD LARGEST AS sortment ever cccn In ihU cltr. Lamps ani Lamp Goods a ppedalty. . - GU.Ih jt MUKCIiiSUViS. sept 1 3S and 40 Alurchlson Block. House BuildbrsV HABDW AHE OF EVEUY UKSCEI TTIOX, Locks, lllcffcs, Cutu. JS'all?, Window Fastenings, Ac. Contractors can save money by cousuIUpk us. Lnrgo itock.frood assoit mcnt and good icooJd. V. K. iPIUKGEK & CO.. . . - Successors to John I'awson & Co., sept 1 Wllmlnjrton, N. C. Great Musical Wonder ! PLAYS ANY TUNC, IMITATES ANY bird or anlranl, bagpipe, Punch and Judy. KAZOO. All, old or 5'ounir. quickly learn Its aso with out Instruction When used by nilnsttcl and specialty artists, quartettes or choiuscs, it in- vanauiy receives repenicu encores, r urnisii- gence reflects much honor upon! him- jes good dancing music for excursions, picnic. self, and is a source of just pride to his parents. Mr. Weill has also been elected by the society to which he belongs e o the editors of the University Magazine, Old Deacon Dobson boasted that he hrmolt rwl etc Superior to any thins else for campaign uuueb auu clubs In street nsrades. etc. Used as & moutn- ilece on brass or tin horns, a good band csn formed with little practice, as t ho keva re quire no fiDgerlrg. Trice 10 cents. Kazoo with whip, cine, lan or trumpet attachment, ;ents. r or sa;o at 15 cents ; by mail, 20 cent sept i II&lNSHKKUEIl'i. rnrtun,tfthfir t,rm of the Criminal cured it was found that she had re- was always -prepared for the . wtat:" h&t.ipr thU vP.ir than we have ever seen " : i fll.u mnn ; hn wb5U and so ne was. ior ne always Kef t ur. w-" i f 'niirt oo trvl I nwa vcittuauciu nwuuum " ww.. Furniture. o- before. quart. They afe selling at ten cents a T ,n9 T T R v Failg Thos Mamie Hankins nad only . v . . I Ouiniivan. J. W. Craig, J. T. Alder- slight bruise on tne ancie. .mtp .irsTTCE- SUPREME COURT. A. S. MERRIMON. ol Wake. l OK Kl.r.CTOUS-AT-LARGE: W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN X. STAPLES. VOL CONGRESS; ll.'T. BEXXETT, ofAnson. ELECTOR, SIXTII DISTRICT, ALFKED ROWLAND, of Robeson. received a It is pre- mm m il Thn last moonliffht excursion of the man. W. C. Farrow. C. L. Burriss. sunied that tne same snoL mmctea oom -in : u noiw tA tu n. Urrt i-i of viTTin Arfia I minries ast was iouna UDon tne noor M J. M S I III V ri I IJM L VCll VJ LA ,L1J M. UOOVWI D fcV 1 ml UL 11 MJ CI . VJ JJ A&VUUW, I Bull's Coueh Syrup in the hous gasdingit the only safe remedy coughs and colds. Another large consignment of Sash, morrow night, by the light of the nearly York Moore, S. A. Swain, John-H. near by, and the other shot was fall harvest moon. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's A grand match game of base ball, between the Mechanics and Electrics, will take place at Pine Grove, at Wrightsville, on Thursday next. The wagonettes will leave corner of Market and Fourth streets at 2P.M. It prom ise? to be an interesting eyent. Whlteman. Andrew Moore. W. a. Darden, Samuel Northrop, J. W. PeT dew. W. H. Hardy, Joshua D. Jones, W. B. Turlington, Coleman Twining, G. E. Ward, Joseph McLaurin, E. VanLaer, S. H. Terry, J. G. Whitet Jos. A. Sharpless, W. H. Bernard, A. Wilson. J. A. Wilson. dis tinctly heard flying through the passage. But the trouble . had not yet ended. Police ofiicer Beh: Latham, a brave and determined man , who lives on Walnut street, between Fifth and Sixth, heard the outcry, which was only a few steps distant, and ran out to see what waa the matter and to perform Doors & Blinds at Factory prices J received at Jacobi's Hardware refer just Djpott NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, The following were appointed Regis- lhisduty in the .premises. He arrived at the; scene mst asmrs. uoddius nau Tax Wot ice. rpHE REAL AND PERSONAL TAX Books! of the CITT, for the year 18S4, are now teady. Early settlements desired. ! sept 2 1 1 Tax Collector and Treasurer lieutenant Greely is attending the meeting of the Brilish Geographical Association, in Montreal. The revision of the Old Testament does not include the Apocrypha. But it is not improbable that some mem bers ot the committee will continue to meet and undertake a revision of the Apocrypha on the stmo principles. Eajperor William's favorite flower is that most prcsaic, pretty, uninterest ing corn flower, the blue bottle with out any perfume, but which" looks so bright and healthy in a large field of heat and so fresh and innocent in the hair of a fair young girl. ' nt The Anti-Monopoly Club of New l'crk is doing its utmost in favor of the Cleveland and Hendricks cause. Clubs are being formed in the Assumbly dis tncts and throughout the State, and nothinj is left undone to aid Cleveland m the coming Presidential struggle. The handsomest dressed woman in rtj'Iadelphia has a wooden leg. She 'uVes-at a hotel and goes about in a Reeled chair. Her toilets are the envy sd delight of all the women who can and who would be willing at any l!ie to part with a leg to secure the sise costumes. trars: First Ward-First Division-T. C. MoEyans, Registrar; O. A. Wigging, Wellington Banks, Charles Hines Benjamin Shaw, Poll Holders. Seccond Division C. M. Harriss, H. Morton, D. M. Smith. Tnos. Bnnfciey. roil Holders. A nice bed quilt will be raffled for at Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Store at 5 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. mi m :11 Un rF on on 1 1 rol v hpn RV- l uu rams ww wo vm. . - i , . . . Ti c-in q olenb nafrethebenefit of a sick, needy 5e'rar' J.?n S'!TaJ S, and worthy woman, and it is nopea that all kindly disposed persons will take a chance. Business Change. ATr R. H. Trimble, a gentleman of : J Un;nnDd rt al i finat.inns. Rooriafrnr? Rnhfirt C. Orrell. JnO. enterprise uuu uubiucpp , - - has purchased the well-known auction Crow, Geo. E. Burden. Wash McNeill, business for the sale of general mer- Poll-Holders. . chandise, formerly conducted by Third Ward W. L. Jacobs, Regis Messrs. Cronly& Morris and latterly trar; L. W. McLaurin, C. D. Wilson, . ... . a 1 UTnn 1 1 Urr-Xr.aar-a v Hrtiiiar Xr.fic. . And win John Harcrrove- ana aic.. occupy the same warerooms S. E. cor ner of Princess and Water streets, where tlje business will be continued. Mr. Seth W ,Davis, the well known auctioneer, is with Mr. Trimble. New Jewelry Store. Mr. Geo. W. Huggins, the well been taken into the house and he pro ceeded at once to arrest the assassin. As he advanced Robbins retreated, firing I twice at Latham, one ot the shots strik ing him in the chest inflicting a severe, and what was thought at the time, a fatal wound. Latham was checked for a moment by the force of the ball, but Moonlight ND MUSIC ON STEAMER PASSPORT, A WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER THE LAST OF THE SEASON. Boat leaves at 8 o'clock and returns o'clock, share. Fare 25 cent3. sept 2 It J W. HARPER. Base Ball Third Division-James Jones, Regis, recovering himself he started in DUr" J 0"MEHAc"an,ELECTWc rrr- flftn S. Willis. T. C. Lewis. Jas. suit of the would-be assassin. Thursday; sept. 4th, at 3.30 p. m.. at Poll-Holders. Robbins ran into Second Ward James C. Lumsden. 3d. JEW STOCK FOB FALL TRADE, ARRIVING EVERY DAY ! Manufacture;! expressly for thU market. ' New Style3 and Low Prices, Call and exam- lne.our extensive variety of Newr and Fash - lonablc Goods, all made this si son. I). A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street sept 1 We Are Still -Receiving LAEGE SUPPLIES OF Royster's Pandy I IN VARIOUS STYLES. ONE PRICE. rtu 3 Pounds for OneDolIar, Walnut Grove, Wrightsviiie ouna. THE "ELECTRICSf on A few 5 pound boxes (cicely packed) received with last order. Wagonettes will leave southerland's Stables Pine I ofvaf ,Umn iivhloh ho rushed at f ull and corner of Market and Fourfti sts. at 2 p.m. avlCBt. ui T. fni. .ahhH trtn U) Mt. ihllHron Ample accommodations for all. Goodj PJg Fish Supper. ED. WILSON MAJNXIMtt, Poll-Holders. Fourth Ward W. E. Cheeks, speed only to find himself the next moment a firm prisoner in the clutches of ex-iailer Dan Howard, who had heard the shooting and was hastening to the scene, j Robbins threatened to shoot Howard, butthe latter, unmind ful of threats j held on to his prisoner Recr- nntil the arrival of officers, when he sept 2 2t T. J. SOUTUERLAND. IT New "Jewelry Store! HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public tbat istrarjT.H.McKoy. John J. Fowler. Geo. Chadbourn, Washington Howe, Poll-Holders. Fifth Ward First Division Jno. A. Farrow, Registrar; G. W. W. Davis, .T- W. Branch. J. C Hill, C. H. Ward, turned Robbins over to them, by whom the latter waa conveyed to the guard house. Policeman Latham, was con veyed home and Dr. Potter, who was at once notinea, was speeauy m at tendance and i rendered such surgical he has refitted the store No. 103 Market fBrown & Anderson's old stand) wher at i' the The Scuppernong Wine about which we have been brarglng has not deteriorated In quality. W ITU CRUSHED ICE XHE3E HOT DAYd IT IS ELEGANT. will display a large, handsome and carefully selected stock of JEWELRY GOODS o all i-nnwn iftwp.lp.r . has onened at Brown K, ,, Ttu " I aid r tho occasion demanded. The " o ' roil xxumeio. - . , & Anderson's old stand, on Market Qecondl Division Jas. H. Hanby, wound, although quite severe and pain street, with a large and carefully se- Ra4rialri.r. j. w, Millis. Jno. C. Dar- ful, is not of a critical nature. The lected stock of watches, clocks and dgn Davis and Alex. Sampson, ball struck the breast bone, and being jewelry goods, "to which he invites the Poi. Holders.- deflected, passed around his left breast ftpntinn of tho. tmblic. The handsome nano Fpar Townahin John b. lior- ana lougea among iu uiua marble front store has been thoroughly deaux registrar; W.O. Johnson, A. J. left shoulder. We saw him at about 8 kinds. ; All new and all warranted exactly1 as represented. Watches, Clocks and jewelry repaired. Good work and prompt delivery. A share of the public patronage Is respect sept 2 lwd itw P. L. BRIDGEBS & 00. IIO North Front 8t. septl ienic pillows are now in vogue. Tk'eforoi a lull equipment lor a bed, f vhicb one is filled -with hops, a with pine needless and a third t;h marine moss. They are believed re sleeplessness and nervous dis The best hygienic pillow is 0Se that will keep mosqwto.es away. p t Bonheur keeps her name as as possible out ot the Pariaaews rs and lives quietly and happily on Restate near Fontainebleau. When VCiect3 to see visitors she puts on, riaTT!de, the dres3 UDon which the Press Eugenie, with her own hands. ta toe decoration of the Legion of . nS articles have been written about Medical cf it ra . bacillus, but a Western writer says our real knowledge Cnmvnl nrv V.. Aiiin4nar toda?dlikea comma that 40000 nn of lhem Placed lengthwise Dn'j . akean inch, that it infests im ustao- ng water favors the human toe, 8 aQ abode' and supposed caoiera. , ?Umetimsto give Smith's Worm ly d w Grady J. A. Sharpless and u. n. o oiock mis moruiug, hu u wasmuuz Thomas, Poll-Holders. easy, was quite cheerful, and if nothing Harnett Township Jas. N. M acorn- intervenes he will be out m a short hor Rpffistmn Hosea sneDara. J. n. tune Alexander. J. A. Holt and Jordan Nixon. Poil-Holdcrs. Why Mason boro Township B. F. Far row, Registrar; Jno. J. Hewlett. Wm. Pratt. Chas. Craig and R. E. Heide. overhauled and repaired, and 13 now, as it '-used to was," one ot the hand omest business houses in the city. Personal. M; r. W. McClammv. of Pender county, was in the city to-day. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau. after an ab sence of several weeks, returned to the n:n.t.t TTo will conduct me Miiu. - , pAHUft1,1fl services at oi. i auio next Sunday. Dr. J. A. Steyens. of Clinton, Samp- . 1 TT- son county, was in the city 10 aay. xx.o informs us that the political cauldron is not, only boiling hot, but boiling over in that county. Mr. J. II. Currie. of Clarkton. was here to-day, doe3 not give an alto gether encouraging report of the crops in hi3 locality which is, by the way, a fine larmina: section. He says that early corn is very good but that the cotton has been injured by the recent dry weaker and will not realize as well as Q t m8;ority of the votes I held until the condition ot policeman has been hoped. They had none o erin favorof 8ach assessment Latham wm perrnit him tolappear and bunaay a one raius iu iuaw dcvuwu. S. H. Trimble, OUCCESSOK TO SAMUEL V. COLLIER O & CO., successors to CEOKLY &-MJlt-BIS, Auctioneers and Keal Estate Brokers, Wilmington, N. C. I Office and Store S. E. Corner rrincess $nd North Water streets. INSiriD, McGOWANS? TASTELESS BEER TUISK I when you can get It fresh and Ice-cold at Sale "Days. Tuesdays and Fridays of eiqh Consignments solicited. The cause of the shooting, as near as we could learn. was jealousy inflamed week. by whiskey. Robbins and his wife, livn on the North side of the rail- . -.r T t I-,. I Havlnz disposed of our AucUon Easiness roaa, were visiting aire, ubwis uau t tne of General Merchandise to Mri 8 ni rht and while seated in the room to- H. TRIMBLE, wo bespeak for him a share of , , . . , . , I the patronage so long and nuerauy Destoea eexner ne arew out a piatoi auu scu i uoon us. ij & i' nm, his wile to come and sit in bis lap. pon US. U'JLiT & sept 1, 18S4 it 8. P. COLLIER & CO. She replied that she would provided he would put away the pistol. This he first declined to do, but finally, when - - '-mm T 9 Federal Point Township J. n. Home. Registrar; J. J. Farrow, Stephen Keyes, Jno. Canaday and Henry Taylor, Poll-Holders. Tfr .nro.ri'n tr fr thA Hvti?fa.P.tion of the - a TCT H ft-f n( a A Mose- Mrs. Lewis asked him to give it to her, DUWUi Uiwu wi I. i -r who ley Ed. Wilson Manning and W. F. he saw uu ne wouia ana ros. who I BJ x,v " f . . to .. . .f k.n hDPfhaannn instP A of which a lowanriAi. rno ?r.nnni i jmimiLLKH ui i - - i - - . ... . . . - .. r AwMuuva , w - I , , . , i ti ,.--.,-,; 1 1S83. or this notice Will oe piesueutn inrut n Harnett Township, that at an election he discharged it at her, the ball grazing laAebUSAVu the tame wt U held in said Township on the 7th oi otcmmiim.iubb whu. . joWc. springer. August, A.D., 1884, upon the question tnepowoer nurning ner npa. huB whether an annual assessment should thus assured that his object was mnr . . . m -ii nmn Atr. thev screamed and ran with tne beieviea ana caiiucteu upw k'' i -m - - . . . ... . . u:. e.M I rAanlt stated. The Drisoner will be arrv Ann no s di lud nuira itkwo u i - Administrator's Notice I TTAVIKG QUALIFIED AS ADMISIST1 tor upon the estate of the lite Aba' A. Hi fi.ia. nAtiM i herebv srlven loall persons nay- lng laims against the same to present them tome on or oeiore nui uji au,ui. Why drink common, headache whiskey when you can get pure old Clemmer at McOowan? Why smoke common cigars, the smell of whicn disturbs every one around you, when yon can get a netter one at as jow a price at McGOvAii'S? Echo answers, why? ang25 MundsBros. &DeEossotf DKTJGGIST3, WILMINGTON, N. C. JEEP A COMPLETE USE OF Drugs &' Patent Medicines. The best Imported aad American Toilet & Fancy Articles, Al irays on hand, to be sold as loir as any acg 26 law 6w tu Adminisirator bouAe in the ci y can sell RELIABLE and PURE goods. " Orders a vended to with dispatch and eatla fac Uon , the eame as ) f parties were pTCcnt . ang 21 ' - - The Advantages House and Lot For Sale. you HAVE lit PURCHASING BOOTS B Y VIRTUE OF THE POWERS COSKER- AND SlIOESof ua are a large stock to eclec ed on me by a deed ol trust executed by the and Bobbins and his Miut!nn . It (a ordered bT the tesuij in uio case We invite the attention of our citizens Boanl that here0 Bhall make wife have lived unhappily together part" p th fact that first Quality shirts are I r - ttf s.m to wnahiD a ly " consequence of bis suspicious of septcmW. ibm. " rrw - . - ... .l. U " "- I. ?ej.:i j .i r m..ittMUoart being made to order at one aoiiar a. .oe Usfc Qf rU property and pWl ner muaeu.y aau paruy .rum m, u . Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. LllAiliterintOwTisruD.whjc to be The most delicate persons enjoy tak Ust shall be delivered to the Sheriff, quite raceably disposed when sober ing Emorxittle Cathartic Pttia 2 him to col-1 bat quits qwrrelsome when under, the , broken-down body. 15 . cents I lect th Rin oruro co-a ca is w. I . r .r:u r. . isitf. Am A. llartsfield. beaxlnjr date 3d day June. 18SI, and recorded m uook u, u, u. iuc uecnu ot new iuuutct ooThnrsnar. the lit a day of at the boor of 11 o'ciock. a.-l m., at ue uoon uonae aoor in ununsiu?, sell to the highest bidder, at public aucilon, tree rjuh. the houme and lot on the West il&s of Seventh, between llarket and PrlncecgJ streeM. me una resilience gt wio mm a. a llArtaneld. Slze'of lot 6x35. ! give a Uleina . mr ' t ' W2L, A. FRESCff. aas a 5w aac t th s Assnee. from, good of 'reliable "snake, durable to wear, neat to lit, and we guarantee pre a loir, If net lower, than ekew here. Try It f tr yourself. Geo. 11. French & Sons, 1CSSORTXI FRONT STREET. sept 1 - - it-