-MISCELLANEOUS m i PI ft? i . I r.or.chii;3,Croup Infiu-S ... , 'Whooping Cough, In-a mention and forthe.re-tl ::.: r. i ve persons in advan-j ,1 ih-jDircae. l or bale icits. -Price, 25 Cents. : .V V. rkets o::ly'85. r-haresin pro- 8 V-.ana State Lottery" Company, . r : - .' certify that roe supervise tht l,"i'5 tar all tne Monthly and Serrii-V-'. '-u 'itra-rX.vjs of The Louisiana State Lol ,7(",., and i:i person manage and con ' t hnnci.igs themselves, and lhat the ,y'.v(!.!i'':'' honesty, fairness, and V . 'siii: ' 'i'" "-' till parties, and toe author a. V., .!. f'j re Ais csrf-lficafe, ' " . . , vj es attached, initsadiwr ; v -V" ' Commissioners. irrmv i In l: lor 25 years by the Leg K':; r " r T, inert I'onal ana Charitable pur-.'.o--.-r.-ith f-apltal of $l,Ortd,000 to. which a ',-vnv f'tsd of over 4550,000 has since been ',!! i. Uvan v.r.rhc-lmtnjj pomilai rote Its frat. 's" was is a tart of the present State Coutl:;ti 0:1 lorded December 2d, A. D.,1879. Tut vdy Lottery ever voted on and endorsed fci the people cfa.-.y S'ats. It never scutes or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A Si'I.KNJMD OPrJRTUNITY TO WIN A Foiiri'NK. Ninth (irant Drawing, Class I in t!; Aca'imv of Miihlc. at New Orleans, Tuc.l:iv. September '.), 188t 172'i Monthly Unwind. Capital Prize.. S75.000.-. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol I.rrs E,ici. Fractions in Fiftlis; in proportion. LIST OF PRIZE. l Capital PiUe of 75,000 i Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Coital Prize of 19,000 2 Prizes of $r,000 12.C0C 5 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 M Prizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 10O Prizes of 200 20,000 5X) Prizes of 100 30.0C0 VO Prizes of 50 25,000 KvO Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 1 Aj'proilaiatlon PrizeB of $750. 6,750 9- " 500. 4;500 9 M " 250. 2,250 1.K7 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application forrateato claba should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans, v. For further Information, write clearly, glv Ins full address. Make ; P. O. Money Or rs payable and address Registered Letters to NE7 ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans , La. F03TAL, NOTES and ordinary letters by 3-ill cr Exprosa (all sums of $5 and upwards or ixpress at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, , New Orleans, La. or it. A.. DAUPHIN, j07 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. au- 13 w&.l-RAt 4w-d&w . - DOOTOU KNOW THAT LOERILARD'S CLIMAX I'LUG TOBACCO 'T considered? aug 6 ly d&w Dr. Jloit's Powders VKVEK FAIL TO CURE INFLAMMA tionuf the Rldnya, Gravel, Gleet. Stiict saniu'l Urinary diseases.. Nervous and l Z !'Huy, ncnital Weakness and all or Lr,lti:"J series caused by Indiscretion , Cl5;CS- byphillslnall its forms pcrma- mu).i ta. el low c Drown spots on face .-ore 1 nroat an 1 Xnap.. hcmfnlaOld zoma. Tetter and all HlnniJ and Skin hr-f; L'riuary diseases cured In 3 days. Tkv nc os( the monrty c FRANK U t-n'i V, - Ka'Umore, Md., and It will uii sealed For sale by all dm? sent by mall. july 7 d&wly Dr; Dodd's Nervine No. 2. V 'LL. ,CUKK NKUVOUS, PHYSICAL rre'., l'u i hernial W eakness caused by indl iiUd Viol.ltllior la 1 'C i, o thQ laws of health, DT:. HUNTER'S 1'lf.T.S ypiiills in all it forms and stages, &'i brrc-1 . or exlresi sealed. For salo by ' "r!-its: sint ho mall - - .v n ij JiVHi ,iure , Perform Iire iu(l properly are caused by vl tad a perfect and lasting -V . J L end vis Ln'JJ52rrons manhood ia KaiUM BOLUS. aieata. This ti-oaiment of In l R!5SE LEA Flne Cut CheW- NAVY CLIPPINGS, and black, Brown and i t ;m- SNUFFS are the best and cheapest. so;vT.. '"npots on tne fare anl body, fcu it m :-At aQ l Nrtse. Scrofula. Tetter. Koze- i ilU- . iAi. A cnsatlon' Sa,t hcum and all ci 1 6kia ''see, Urinary Diseases and H'oedily cure. 1 Trice $2 Never UUs r' FKMLK FUlKND i.-n ;V aU)cure Irregularities or Suppret Li.?;,.! ' 'O l by CO;da or riispasn. Mtirririi HuiL"a;!adiesil delicate s'ate of health are ttoneY not use u- 1rice - Enclose the VKXs J",r yuh' medlciue to FRANK. STE- , WssENenroosMen wanddjon perfect dwgnosii TheDaily Review. A CONCEIT. Ob, touch lhat rosebud! it will bloom, My lady lair! A passionate red indirp greea gloom, A joy, a splendor, a perfume That sleeps in air. You touched my heart; it gave a thrill Just like a rose That opens ataladie3 will; Its bloom is always your3 until You bid it close. A Grateful Husband. Merchant- 'Hasn't Fogg made appearance yet this mornine?" Head Bookkeeper "No. sir." "Strange! Have vou examined his boaks?" "Yes. sir; tbey are correct to a cent." "What about the cash drawer?" ' Not a cent gone.11. "This is very strange. Can you ex plain it?11 "I have just heard that he had elop ed." "With ray daughter?" 4 "No, sir: with your wife.1' "Poor wretch! How I pity hiru. Stay. You say he has no money?" "None that I know of." "Make out a check for a hundred thousand and mail it to him care of John C, Eno. That'll reach him. It shaVt be said lhat I failed to appreci ate the honest endeavors of a poor young man." liochesfdr Post-Express. 8 E PTE M BE It feQUIHS. Beware of green fruit. Th3 fruit cannot help being green, but you can. A little school-girs scaudal.was: "Nobody and everybody goes on definition of does nothing telling ot it every wne re. An Eastern paper says tbat a dozen girls from New Haven are taking a tramp through the Adirondack Mountains. The tramp must be having a good time. 'What do you call your dog, Georgie?" asked the visitor, pleasan'ly. "Psalm," said Georeie. "That's 'a funny name tor a dog," the caller said. "Why do you call it Psalm?" And the boy explained that he did so because the dog wasn't a hymn. "So you think John is becoming a great man in the city ?' said a farmer,, speaking of his absent son to a com- pan:on of the youth. "Great man! I a should, say so. 'Why, there ain't barkeeper in the city hardly that he don't call by his first name." Said Jones: "We're going to run Biifkins for Judge this fall;" Said Smith: "Biifkins! Whatdoeshe know about law?" "Nothing at all. He never saw a law book. That's the reason we are going to run him. We think that if he is ignorant of law we may get a little justice." Blunkin and his wife had been in dulging in a family discordance and finally Mrs. B. exclaimed: "Well. I've got my opinion of anyman who talks as you do." "Oh, have you? Well, you can keep it if you want to." "No, I can't, either. It's so awfully bad already that it won't keep." A Remarkable Tribute. Sidney Ourchundro, of Pittsburg, Pa., writes: "I have used DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE Lungs many years with the most gratifying results. The relieving influence of HALL'S BALSAM is wonderful. The pain and rack of the body, incidental to a tight cough, soon disappear by the use of a spoonful according to direc tions. My wife frequently sends for HALL'S BALSAM instead of a physi cian, and health is speedly restored by its use. For a Rainy Day. Mrs. Winks Did you notice in the Arctic reports that the exploring party, after running out of food, kept theni selves alive on sealskin ? Mr. Winks Yes. It is strange that it should contain so much nutriment. But speaking of starvation reminds me that we have not saved a penny this year. It won't do to go on that way you know. Mrs". Winks Certainly not, and that is what I was going to speak about. We must lay up something for a rainy day. We don't know how soon we may meet withjnisfortune. Mr Winks True, and as Uncle Jake has promised to send me a present ot $500 in the fall! think would be a good starter, don't you? Mrs. Winks Just the thing, dear. Buy me a 500 seal-skiir sacque lor a Christmas present, and if the worst comes to the worst we can eat it, you know. Phila Call. For seven years, Allen's Brain Food has agood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervous Debility and restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and in no instance, has it ever failed; test it. Si ; 6 for S5. At drugsists, or by mail from J. IL.Allen, 315 First Ave., New York city: - . vod Disease comes in by hundred weights aud goes out by ounces. : The most delicate persons enjoy tak ing Emouy's Little Cathartic Pills give a wholesome appetite, put new lite in a broken-down body. 15 cents The contentment of a manufacturing town is ten mills. Kouyrli on Pain." fi'aa r.fMr Mnmns. diarrhoea: ex ternally for aches, pains, sprains, hcad- of.l.na rolirqlirm, rhptimatiSUl. I Of UiiV v. man or beast. ' 25 and 50c. When'a girl refers her lover to her pa he feels that it is harder to question the pop than it is to pop the question. Allen's Bilious, physic is a purely vesatablc liquid remedy for Headaches, Biliousuess and Constipation. ily taken, ac ing promptly, relieving quickly. 95 cts. At all Druggists, Never mako a rash promise, especial ly if you are younr?. Breach of prom ise suits are not only annoying, but they ar Eometimea very costly v , P fat form of- the Democratic . .Party cf North Carolina. We again congratulate the people of North Carolina on the career: of peace prosperity -and good overnment on which she entered alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and which has been unbroken for so many years since; upon the iust and impartial enforcement of the laws; up on the efficiency of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man ifested in every part of the State. And we again challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and the crimes, outrages and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves .to exert, in the future, as we have done'in the past, our best efforts to promote the material interests of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia ted in the platforms of the party, it is hereby Resolved, That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box as the only sure means of pre serving our free American institutions, and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patroDage in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the ITbertier, of the Statu and the Union. Resolved, That we arc in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the whole internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to the freedom of elections, and a source of great annoyance and cor ruption in its practical operation. Resolved, Tbat no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de riyed. exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to' avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved, That with respect to , the tariff we reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed in the National Democratic plat forms and tbat the details of the method by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradually reached, are subjects which the party's representa tives at the Federal capitol must, be trusted to adjust; but in our opinion the duties on foreign importation should be lavied for the production of public revenue, 'and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the burdens of taxation and confer the greatest good to the greatest number ot the American people. Resolved, That the course ot the Democratic party in furtherance of popular education, by enicient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment of graded and normal schools in the larcer towns and accessible centers, is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the eduoation of all classes of our people and we will promote and improve the present educational advantages so far a3 it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. And "whereas, There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the pockets of the people by unjust taxation on the part of the Republican party, therefore, Resolved, That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues of the government tor educational pur poses as may be made by the Congress of the United States ; provided always, has the same shall be disbursed by State agents .and not accompanied by objectionable features and embarrass, ing conditions. Resolved, That it is due to the white people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne their share ot our common burdens, tbat the pres ent, or some other equally effective system of county government, shall be maintained. Resolved, That in view of the exist ing and increasing harmony and kind ly feeling between the two races in this State and a similar condition of things which wo believe to exist generally in other Southern States, we deprecate the attempt of the Republican party in its recent platform at Chicago to force civil rights as a living issue, and we denounce it as a fire-brand and a hypo critical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to stir up strife between the now friendly races. A Fair Offer Tne Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. See advertisement in this paper, t th s eowtV" If fresh air and exercise are whole some youuG: fathers should be healthy; The man with a fresh heir gets plenty of exercise. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, J "will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. eod d&w ly There is nothing that makes such awful havoc in the soul as a constant sense of guilt.. Itching Piiet-usymptoms and Core. The symptoms are moisture, like persplra tion. Intense Itching. Increased by scratehior; very distressing, particularly at rdzht; seems aa if pin worm were crawling In and about the rectum ; the prlr&te parts re sometimes aCected. It allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWAXNE'S OINT MENT" la a pleasant, sure cure.- Also, tot Tetter, Itch. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty bUn Diseases. Box. by mall, 50 cts; 3 for tl, 33. Address, DR. S WAYNE SOS. Phil., Pa. Sol I dt Druggists. may 2 ly deodiw I ra w De pussoa what doan talk nothin1 but slang, doan1 think nothin1 bat slansr. ' MISCELLANEOUS. Carolina Central ft. B. Company. 07fiCB ot 6msiL BrKsrirrsjtDrr, Wltatfjyrton. N. C. May ID. 18S4. i I m .VIM I LJ u Change of Schedule. AND AFTZR MAY 12th. 1SS4, THE following Bcnoame will be operated oa this Railroad : PASSEKGEB MALL AND EXPRESS THAIS Dally except Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington at 7.20 P. M No.. Leave Kaleigb at 7.35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.0D A. M ) Leave Charlotte at 3.45 P. M No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A M ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8.C0 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regalar staUon only, and points designated In the Companv'f Tlnue Table. , SHELBY DIVISION, PASSESGEIi, UAiL EXPRESS AND FREIQFIT Dally except Sundays. vn o Leave Charlotte...; 5.15 P. M. - Arrive at Shelby 9 00 p. M. K 4 j Leave Shelby... 7.00 A. M. S Arrive at Cnarlotte lc.45 a. M. Trams No. 1 and 2 make cloeo collection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to ancLfrom lLai elgh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmlngtor and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Stateevillc, Station Western N C R R, Ashevllle and polnta West? Also, for Spartanburg, GreenvUle, Athens, Atlanta and all polnta Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent ma? 10 Groceries, &c. 150 HIIDS" PK'ME CUBA MOLASSES, 1 00 Hhd3" Prlmc Porto Elco MOLASSES, 500 Half EOllS Standard BAGG1KG 1 000 Bdls' Nw Arrow ties J 500 BJlaPleced ties j 500 BbLs FLOUE 100 Bbls SUGAE 200 Baga C0FrEE LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER, &c. Ail at lowest prices. WORTH & WORTH. EUgS3 Notice. rpHE FIRU OF HOLL1NGS WORTH & CO. has been Changed thla day by the retiremen of S H. TRIMBLE and the admission of T. P. SYKES. The bushes will be conducte as heretofore under the name and style of july 9 tf HOLLISGSWORTH & CO. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON JS NOW OPEN AND PERSONS visiting th city, the Sounds or Smlthville, and In need otFJrst-Class work will do well to call on OFOHISr WERN ER the well known Barber and Perfumer at his Shaving and-Hair Dressing Saloon. NO. 29 MARKET STREET, where he will spare no pains in; glvlngsa tie faction tt a 'L Come d d see. -av J. ff 5a i RELIABLE SELF-CURE' fmnvXte ...aiv1lnf.lnn fit tint Af fthsl most noted and euccessful upecifcllsts In tno U. a f now retired) for the cure ofA'emu DettilUv fcort J&anhooa, VeakiiS8 and JJeoay. 8eai JnpLiaa ocAlsd enveloporee. Druggists coaflUifc ' Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana NEW YORK HERALD. WgKLY EDITION. ONE DOLLARS YEAR. It contains all the general news of the Daily Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Stathes. Independent in Politics, it is the most valuable chronicle of political news in the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In the departmenl Foreign News ' the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of Its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. The Fakm Department of the Weekly Herald is practical. It goes to the point, and docs not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than One Dollak a Yeajr from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. "The Home" Instructs the housewife and the children In' re gard to economical and tasteful new dlshef, the fashions, and the making of home com forts. In'addiUon, are given latest reports of trade and Produce Markets, ff r5ftf of money, columns of Mlacella- iv -mjr. Poetry, a uompicie story j.-.-S.j and Anecdotes, Sporting p .Popular Science, laTSf-frf well krown Persons of itht wh a department d.vo.ed to Sermons and Religious Notes. While the ' WKEKLY HERALD gives th latest and best News of the World, it is also a Journal for the Family. Subscibe one dollar, at any time, for a fuE year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Canadas THE NEW YORK HERALD, In a Weekly Form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAH Address. NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 Broadway and Ana Street For Sale. PRINTING PRESS WIS HAVE TOE sale a second-hand ADAMS PRINTING PRESS In good condition. We offer a rare bargain. Write to us for terms and dsscrip- Addieaa THE nOM, July a-- Pittstoro, N, C f 2 I -1 MISCELLANEOUS A Great Problem. Take all the Kidney and Liver , Medicines. -Take all the Blood purifiers, Take all the Wcwmaftc I remedies, Take all the Dyapqysia arid indices tion cures, Take all the Ayitc. Fever! and bil lions 'specifics, Take all the lira in and Xerve force revivers, Take all the Gratt health;. restorers. Inshort, take all the bz qualities ot all these, and ihe V. icsl Qalilies cf all the best .medic ire in the world, and 3011 will tind that Hop Bitters have the best curative qual ities of ail concentrated In them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or . combined Fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. Hardened Liveri Five years as;o I broko down . with kidney acd liver complaint and rheu matism, Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver bteanio hard like wood; my. limbs were pulled up and tilled with water. All the best physiciaus agjfet'd that nothing could cure me. I resolved u try Hop Hitters: I have used seven bottlss; the hardness has all gone. from my liver, the swelling from my limbs, and it hasvorlccd a -miracle in iny case : otherwise I would have beh bow in mv grave. J. YY. Mouuv, liuiValo, Oct. 1, ltwl J Poverty and Sufreriiijj. "I was dr3gred ('own w)th debt, poverty and suifering l'r years, can.--ed by a s ick f a m i 1 y a 1 ul 1 a rge ..bill s t'c r doctoring. I Avas completely discouraged, until one year ago by the advice ot my pas tor, I commenced usinif Hop liitters, and in one month wo were all well, andnrncofus have seen a Kick day since, and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Hitters lor less than one doctor's visit vill cost. I know it.'1 A Won KINGMAN. r &3 None genuine without a bunch of gr. en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" ox "ilopa" in their name. aug 13 1m d&w nrm IN CASH Premium No. 4 to 25 500 $400 $350 $300 $275 $225 $200 $175 $150 $125 $100 $90 $SO $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 Smokers of BlackwelPs Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco wiU receive Premiums as follows en terms and conditions here specified : Bst premium, $5,000 2d " 82,000 3d " $1,000 22 other Premiums as here Bhown. The 25 premiums will bo awarded December 22. 1884. 1 st Premium goes to the person from whom wc re ceive the largest number of our empty tobacco hairs prior to lec. 15. 2d wiil be given for the next largest number and thus, in the order of the uunibf r of empty bavrs received from each, to the twenty-five euccefisful con testants. Each bacr must bear our original Bull Durham label, IT. R. Revenue stamp, and Caution Notic. Batrs must be done up securely in a package, with name and, address of sender, and number of bags contain ed, plainly marked on the outside, and must be sent, charges prepaid, to Blackvrefl's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. Every genuine package has picture of BulL See our next announcement. sept 1 nrm New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. -i fc'KOM PIEE 34, EAST IUVEIi. NEWYOltK At 3 o'clock, P. M. . ; BENEFACTOR ..Saturday, ScpL REGULATOE Saturday, Sept. 13 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Sept. CO- REGULATOR. Saturday, h'ept. 27 FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR Saturday, -JFei-t. C BENEFACTOR Sa tcrday, cpt. J3 REGULATOK ....Saturday feept 2 ' BENEFACTOR.. Saturday Sept. Through Bills Lading and ...Lowest Through Kates guaranteed to and fronl I'oir ts In North and Bonth Carolina. For Freight or Passage ap;dy vo i . ii U. G. 8MALLBONES, Si;rrintcaaebt. Wilajb3ton, :N:. C WM. P. CLYDE ;rr..rl Ku-vi-t 35 Broadway, New p-i eep l-tf- , ; I J. L. WINXEIt, 1i nr ATCWMAKE2 St JLWEI.LFi:, V W Chronometers, Fine Watches and Jewelry repaire! aud warranted, ji Oppoidte New Market. Front tt, I ! PUftGELI, HOUSE. U liDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON. Hi n. L. PEJ2B1'. Prorrletor. 1 Law Proprietor AtUatl-5 U.J-.2L, MnClaes p dav. j ji "AXAKESls" elves its'an relief. anl is an infaliUe cure for PIL13- Price fl. at dmgist. or cr$ pre paid by maiL earap!A. Ad. "axa KJESis" Mers, Fan M mT1mhu4s of exsr ef Strrmmm kIK!r, tarn. L k it tmi ec intlrm, tb rwrnuli ertifrrMl. B 1 iM LSucwM or ar cm.mtm.crma bj H E R V I T A . C treat Imltk Utt It wlilwwwwTm prqpt iu. utt w kS-tOQ ILllAL Box ittCfcicasPalU. noT27 yeodSw t til B SI ii9Sfi) GIVEN -AWAY til lfc iNI ! Xf W110LS3ALE THICES. , , , 1 1 1 .,1 i. i , ' 1 , " .-I. - V The ; following rmotrtlota Tejeaca wholesale prieca generally , la Eaadrgf np Email orders hUber rrlces LaTe to be charged BAGGrNu . " ?- "" -r?:- stadartl...,.M.. 11 ft 2 tb..i........ ,vl340 1 r-j,. ...... ............. SJ-mat BACON North Caxaiina: Hams, if fiv.....'.......;.;;'.;."- --.is ; a Shoulders, la 0 Stdcfs, 2..:......, ll fi i T7ES1 EliN SM0KE3 . Hatrts.. 16 3 ia3. lb 11 'O " . Sis-raMer O'.Q ,11 DRY SALTED ewos, ? ib inn Shoulders, f CO 11 B K 11KKLS Spirits Turpcctlns, Second liana, each........... 1 75 f New NfT York, eaci i. 1 &0 0C (niTjZsth 1 eo es l 9 jilr.EWA'i., 2(2 O ( BlllCUS, V M - .., BUTTER, ? lb North CarvitLa.... ............ til OS . Northern...- 20 t 3 CANDLES, ?a : ;-;rr3...... J3 O 24 Tailow Il'4 13 . Adaiactia 12 j 12 CHtESfc. i lb- Northern 'Factory... IS'rt 1 Dairy, Crsatn 14 O - 1 U State....; 10 U 2 COFi'EE, f Java....- -i i-.. 17 a ' 15 I ruyra L'tt li lno... l!lC3 ?13 CORN MEM., bus., ia sacts 81 COTTON TIES, V bundle... loO Oil.' domestics v . fc netting 4 1, y yd ....... fO Tai nr., i bnsch. ... . '"85 St EGGS, & dozen.. .". 16 tt 17 Fi-il Mackerel, No. 1, f bid iti C-0 (C-J to Idactcrel, No. 1, ? hrM LU.. s 50 C10 C. Mackerel, No. C, f bid 9 td inc . Macktrcl, No. i, V Kvir t-bh. 5 ca 5 4 f,u Mullets, bb! t Od & . Mullets, Pei- bbji 7 CO 2 S : N. C. H3 l!cnin-, kc-? 3 CO & 4 0J iry cod, ;fc 5 ii - FKUTlIJZMRo, y ILs- Pcri:v.n Crruo, No. 1. rt; U) ftZl 50 ' No. 1 So () aa " " LolK)B. Mfr) IW OJ Baacrh'r, mK i i-hate ......IX) 00 3a u) Cur6ltr.-iFeru.Utr ....45 CO ?5i & Grcund Bon- CO (iO MS 01 Bono Meal. 00 00 tfJ4. Bone Flo ir GO CO ..'7 tf Kaa-pa Cu.iu--. i) 03 tt Ooinidete Muaurc cti C5 tZ'M ' Whawn's l'L'o3;diato CO lJ flc'o ' V.'ando Phosphat 00 CO e7').iv Berfcer & Bute's I'hoifjihaie. .CO 00 esi) in Escellenza Cotton FcrtiiJ2cr.J." i-O &ji C. French's Carbonate of Llcie... "7 00 & 7 . French's Agricultural Lirao.... S. f-0 j 9 0 FLOUR, bbl Fine . . 0 CO 4 ?: Novthcrr sur-trr 4 75 &1 5 i' " .- Ivxira 5 75 4j5 6 2i " iikivU." t; 53 3 6 M City Mills Extra 6 W .1 C ,Vj X LkJ 1 1 j .... ........ ' iJ t J Ut' " -Extra VsmllV.... 5o CO S .tJLXia ? fc 11 O 12 GRAIN, tf- bushel . Corn, froin t.i,TC, :?fc,,vh'.l:.. S- f& SI Corn, cargo, 1j b;:lk, wLl;.. 4 CD ' Corn, cai-o, iii t.-as, whlia.. 72 tt - 75 Com, CUV-, fidicd, Ir. bs,.. Cs 0. Oris, from cioVc C5 ft t:i Cowl'cap 1 Tt G 1 7S HIDES, $r-- Greer. 5 tt s Dry 11 a 12 HAY, 1 3-3 lie EH3ie:n i 20 $ i 25 Western 1 15 1 2L North River "5 e$ bi HOOP .IRON; I it---. 3-5.-21 . 5i' LARD.Vlh- . Northern.... 100 141 North Carolina CO Ct 10 LIME, if barrel 1 40 a LUMBKR, Clty'fcawcd, r M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawe L 13 IK Cdlft OC Bough Edge Plank... i 15 00 itlC tt WcatIndhiCarjroca,r.u-.ordinsr to' quality ,'ii3 (W f?lc- - ' Dressed Fioorinsr, soaHO!icd..J3 i as SI 0G ; fceau'tttng and l'.ard. coai'n-.12 i i5 MOLAf-Sh.S, V gallor Nc.v Crew Cuba, ij hhds ; 5 In bb'.s 3 & 4 P rto ii'.co, in ladr... ....... :,1 & s in bb!.. ........ si 45 Sugar Houbt, In hhdi.v 00 tt Ci " ir l-i:s Sii at .Syrup, In bbls 1 &i N AllJi, V Kcpr, Cut, 0d ia-'Is.. 0 tt 8 fit OILS, V gallon Kfjrr)ociie j ? ard 1 10 O 1 45 Linseed 90 iM 1 CO ' Ro&in 90 1 00 Tar 00 J SO Deck and Spar W ft 27 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 1 ft Spring 10 & . Turkeys 75 tt 1 PEANUTS bushel 1 10 ft &C POTATOES, V bushel Sweet i0-(! 75 Irish, bbl 2 00 tt 2 25 PORK, barrel City Mess..... .........23 60 Gli Prime 16 00 C517 Rump 17 00 ft 13 RICE Carolina, lb 4ty Rough, bushel 05 tt 1 RAGS, lb Country II40 City lo ROPE, ? ib Huo SALT, ack. Alum CO tX 75 Livenoo CO tie 75 Lisbon 00 a GO American... .'. 00 ff 75 SUGAR, C Cuba .00 a 0o Porto Rico &) tt 00 A Coffee ,fcf. 00 ft 84 . B ;. 00 ft 7v C " ei.40 7 Ks C ..... t;4o tii Crushed lOtof 11 SOAP V Northern -5 ft IU SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.... 10 60 fiill CO Common 2 &0 tt 3 Hi CyprtsBSaps 4 fX) O 5 K Cywrecs Hearts 0 00 S 1 50. STAVES ii W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 G3 CO B. O. Hogshead 00 00 ft 10 OJ TALLOW, ib 4 0 5 TIMBER, M feet SUpp!ng.l2 b Cli 0.J r:rincMHl. , II 25. 13 00 - Mill Prlmev. 7 50 8 lit Mill Falr.J 6 OC 0 W Common ii 111 5 -00 ft 0 00 Inferior to Ord?nary 0 00 tt t 00 WHISKEY, f gaI-Ncrthcrn..l 00 CJS 4 00 North Carollrja .1 00 ft 2 50 WOOL, i & Washed... .. l tt Ml Unwashcl 5 5 ft 20 llumr.. 1Q tt 15 : 11 1 . 1 1 1884. "V Harper's Young People. A N I LLU STRATE D WEEKLY 13 Pages. KlATi.D TO IMJlf Atit) CIKL3 OF 811 . ZIAIZ-KTS 1 Or AuE. Vc-1 V. comnicnees November , liSi. ' Haki fcu's Youho Peoflb is the best week, ly lor childrtn la Aaicrloa South vi'Citcrn Chris tlan Advocate. All that the artiit.4 ek'.il can accomplish ia the way il'u-traticn has becadoce, and the tet taient of the country b is contributed to ;t3 tt New KcgU&d Journal of Education, Bttan. la It - special field th??re Is r.othfng that can be curjjjarcd wi!h It Hartford Evening J'ost. TERMS : " HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, , ri Per Year, Postage Prepaid, 11 SJNGJ.K NUMBER, Four Out each. Specimen copy sent on rccerpr of ThxteCU The Volumes of Harper's Yotinj? People foT 'el H2 &! IMS, fcandmely boa ad InliJumica-ti-d Cloth, will be teat hy mU, iK6t5 pro jiaid, on rtrclft, of t" irteach. CkUt Cau ,nrit rftiiimf ei!ltliV (nr li)nISn7 s.-t!I gsnt by mail, po&tpaid, a receipt of l cent e&eh. - - - Ramittancca should Le made by Post Of5c ilaney Order or Draft, to avoid chance cf los Jtewspapcrs are not to mpj this adrcrtls? meet without the erprcn order of Hait?i& 1SH.OTHZRS. 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