- - a . MISCELLANEOUS HEADACHES Are crenerally induced f L 1 t7 Indlffeam, Foul Stomach, Coatireness. lp.y Deficient Circulation, , or some Derangement Sufferers will find relief by the use of AVer's Pills to stimulate the stomach and produce a regu lar daily moTement of the bowels. By their action on these organs, Atxb's Pills ditcrt. the "blood from the brain, and relieve and core all forms of Congestive and Nervous Headache, Billons Headache, and Sick Headache ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preserving the system in a healthful condition, they insure immunity from f uturr attacks. Try Ayer's Pills. PREPARED BY DrJ.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. .an 1 lytc4p d&w A AYER'S Ague Cure contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WABRANT AYEE'S AGUE CUKE to cure every case of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb "Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, .if ter du trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1S82, to refund the money. ! Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. may 2Sd Aw nrm White Cypress or Yellow Pine. SASH, BLINDS AND IKOR3 MJARAN TKKDiA (iOOD AS THE BKST. Moulding, Brackets. Bilusters and Orna mental Wood Work. aug2 PAULEY & WIGGINS. PARSLEY & WIGGINS, MANUFACTURE R3!IOF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, AND ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK, aug 15 At Cost! QVER 500 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST toclo'e out. Also, Urge stock of Plug and Snioklag Tobacco at very low prices, from the Best Faftorlea In Virginia. Cigars and Cigarettes By the mUllion, at the Office of CAPE FEAR TOB ACCO'WORRS, jy 23 tf No. 13i,North Market St. Horner School Oxford, N. C. N EW CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. Terms as heretofore Students, charged oniv from time of admlailon. Room now for eight new boys. J. H. & J. C. HORNER. aug 23 2w Principals A Bargain 1 rN HAND AND FOR SALE, FIVE BBLS SCUPPERNONG WINE ONLY $1 PFtt GALLON. A pure wine, a pleasant wine ai d a cheap wine. Must be sold at once L. G. CIIE'trtr. aug 9 tf N. W. cor. Market and Second sts. ANOTHER OF LOT illixiery EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY. MILAN CHIP and all the Rough Straws. popular now." Every possible shade ofFfath era and other Trimmings. New lot of Para sols, white and colors, all prices. Gloves, Lisle, Kid and Lace. New Stamping Patterns. Reeectfully MISS E. KAKRER. may 26 Kxchangtjl Corner. Cleveland & Hendricks ! Blaine & Logan ! ! JACKSON& BELL ! ! ! THREE TlCKETSfbr the PEOPLE ! The first two tickets are before the people for their suffrages the last for the patronage of both parties for anything and everything they may need in the shape of Printing, Ruling or Binding. The Daily Review. EJ uauV tieview h largest ana fide circulation of any newspaper -iblished. xn tti& city of wxLrnxnqum. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1884. STATE AEWb Chirlotte Observer: On the bome- stpful ot Mr. Boston Wallace, in Crab Orchard town?hip, is a well fifty fee deep. The well was in need of clean in cp. nut find vesterdav a colored man named Thomas Johnston was procur ed to go down in'o the well and make mi insDectioQ of the condition of af fairs and report the same to Mr Wal lace. The colored man went down in to ino well as agreed, and after mak ing the required inspection he started to ascend to the top. Bracing-his feet against the wal's and grasping the rocks with hi3 hands, he bean to push and pull himself up after the fashion of .. . T I , .1 f..l well climbers, jonnsioii was assuuui climber, but he was destined never to reach the top. He had not a?cended more than ten feet when the wall trlmblcd and suddenly caved in on him with a terrible noise. The darkey was knocked to the bottom of the well and an immense mass of rock tumbled down on him. The people near the vicinity of the well were startled by the roar of the falling wall. It seemed to jar the earth and was distinctly beard lor the distance of one mile. Looking in the direction from which the sound came, they saw a column of dust rising from the well and they at once put out for the scene. On arriving at the well, they found that a deep quiet reigned. Look ing down, the wall wa3 seen to have sunk for a distance of ten feet from the top, and lower down near the bottom the well -was entirely blocked up by the displaced rock. AH atonce'.conclud-. ed that the man Johnston was crushed to death beneath the load of rocks, but after some one had called his name two or three times, there came Irom below the rocks a sound that was readily re cognized as Johnston's voicn. Instant ly as many men as couJd conveniently get into the well descended and com menced the work of getting out the rocks in the hops of rescuing the man, but it was labor performed under many difficulties The space in which the men had to work was very narrow and the process of hauling rocks with a bucket wns slow and tedious. The fact that the men were in immediate danger of beiDg crushed by an other cave of the fragmentary wall around them did not deter them from their work, and by sundown they had cleared out so much of the fallen rock that they found themselves near enough to the man to be able to carry on a conversation with him. All the time the men were working they could hear Johnston call ing to them in the most agonizing tones to hurry up. He told them that the dirt was closing in on him and was choking him. fie had no idoa of his situation, except that he was badly hurt, but from what he said it was in ferred that tvvo large rocks had become , fastened across the well just overj him and were holding up the mass above him in some manner. Our informant left at dark, and the rescuers were then consulting as to how they should pro ceed, as it had become evident to them that an unlucky movement on their part rr ight loosen the rocks and let the whole mass down on the unfortunate man. Thev had arrived at no concln- sion, but expressed the determination to rescue Johnston alive it possible." Parties who arrived on the Carolina Central train yesterday morning brought news ol a serious misfortune that happened to Mr. J. M. Stephens, of Sanford, in, Moore county, who lost a new and large tobacco barn, with all its contents, by fire on the night of the 29th. This was Mr. Stephens' first Sear at tobacco raising, and his barn, a hne one, was just completed. Last Friday he filled it with tobacco which ho was drying, when fire broke out, and the whole was consumed. Hi3 loss is considerable, and there was no insur ance on it. ,. List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office ia this City on Wed nesday, September 3, 1884 : A Win Alderman. B Ben Blood worthy F G Brown, J G Barney. Moses Broomfield, Miss R A Betts, Samuel C Barney. C Miss Janie B. Carter, Clara Cheek, care Nathan Cheek. D-Albert Davis, J F Darle, Mar garet Debroor, care Benjamin & Robe sou. F John Fisher. Kauie Hill. (2). rhiliip Haywood, ('2), llobt Haj Wood. J Robt Jor.es, M;ss E A Jones. L S A Lawrence. M Mrs Phnbe McKoy. Eliza Moore Ed E Merrick, Eliza McKoy, Eliza beth Miller. Daniel A McPherson, Lewis Meyers, Tom McFarlau, Timo thy MeMahon. P Matkias Puhl, Charity Poisson, It T Rettlcton, Sarah Rich. T-rWui Tucker. Mrs Mary Tnylor, S E F Suggs, Parker Shepard. Ella Thomas, hum Tavlor. Wrn Thompson. U Lizzie Usher. W Nathe Williams, Francis Wad dell. Firm Letter. B Betting & Whitaker. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for witliin ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D.C Ed. R. Brink P. M. The Joint Canvass. The appointments made for General Scales atter that at Columbus, on the 4th of September, are withdrawn; and General bcales will attend all the ap pointments announced for Dr. York. General Scales will later in the cam a paigu canvass the counties covered by the appointments hereby withdrawn for the present. R. II. Battle, ChV. August 30ths 1687. . Rough on Pain" Plaster: Porous and strengthening, improved, the best for backaches.pains in chest or side, rheumatism. Neuralgia. 25c. Druggists or mail. COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. September 2-4 P.M. SEIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 2S cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at 95 cents for Strained and $1.00 for Good Strained, bid. ; , TAR Quoted firm at $1.30 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady .at $1.85 for Virgin and Yellow- Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted quiet. The fol lowing are the official quotations: Ordinary 75 cents Lwd Ordinary 94 " Low Middling 91 Middling...; 10 J Good Middling..: J0 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 19 bales Spirits Turpentine 343 casks Rosin 1326 bbls Tar 751 bbls Crude Turrentine . 119 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport. Harper, Smith ville, Master. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, H G Smalibones. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth,. Fayetto Worth & Worth Steamer Bladen, Green, Favette ville, C S Love & Co. Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell R P Paddison. Brig Carrie E Pickering, Marshall, Boston. E G Barker & Co CLEARED. Steamer PassDort, Harper, Smith ville. Master Steamer Blacden, Green, Fayettes ville, C S Love & Co. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. MONTHLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND SEPTEMBER 1, 1884. Cotton ashore, 500. Spirits ashore, 4.850; afloat, 2,023; total. 6,873. Rosin ashore, 85,981 ; afloat, 25; total, 80.006. Tar ashore, 1,171. Crude ashore, 2,,0G8. RECEIPTS KOR MONTH OF AUGUST, 2881. Cotton. 1 17 ; spirits, 9 443 ; rosin. 25,340 ; tar, 3 391; crude, 0,120. EXPORTS FOR MONTH OF ATJGTST, 1884 DOMESTIC. Cotton, 282; spirits, 1.005; rosin. 867; tar,?,830; crude, 6,357. FOREIGN. Spirits, 6.561; rosin, 10.742; tar, 10. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. AUGUST 29, 1884. No vessel under 60 tons reported In this list. BARQUE 3. Nor Insula Capri, 395 tons, Danielsen. C P Mebane Gcr August, 317 tons, Grabe, ja rescnau ec westermann Nor Frey, 281 tons. Halvorses, Helde & Co SCHOUNJGKS. Thomas Slnnlckeon, 230 tons, Heme. . Geo Harms & Co Schr William H Kceny, 298 tons LlppJncott. Geo Harrlss & Co Schr Lizzie Lane, 220 tons, Herrlct. js u Barter x Co Timothy Fields, 175 tons, Adams, js li .Barter & Co S G Hart, 505 tons. Fountain. Master R S Graham, 341 tons, Avis, ueo Harrlss & Co HoraceJS. Lanfair, 298 tons, Woodland, Geo Harrlss & Co' L C Hickman, 231 tons, Joseph, Geo Harrlss A Co Sarah S Harding, 385 tons, Melvln,. Geo Harrlss A Co LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Ger Diana, 314 tns. Schroder, sailed from Liverpool, Aug. 17 Ger Express, 276 tons, Fretwurst, eld from Liverpool Aug 10. sor Fama, 40 J tons, Taraldsen, at Para, Jaly7.s Ger Fidelio, 376 tons, Meyer, sailed from 8tettin, Aug 17 Ger Hermann Fxiedrich, 288 tons, Nlcjahr, sailed from Liverpool, Aug 1- Nor Kallisto, 483 tons, Tgland, at Bio Jane rio, Juiyio Aust Leda, 533 tons, Eosher, Bailed from Flume July 13. Nnr Vlkedal, Fredricksen, .sailed from ArchaDel July 10. Ger Vereen, 453 tons, Jahnct e,. sailed from Hamburg. June 24 Wagonette JjlOR WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, will leave Southland's Stables DAILY at 6 P. M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A, M. sharp June 25 tf T. J. SOUTHER LAND. Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET. (Formerly known as "City Drag Store.") AULL LINE OF DRUGS, FANCY AND Toilet Articles. Cigars and Cigarettes, conoley's Cologne in any quantity desired. cod v ater with pure Syrups an-1 Cream. au29 J. W. CONOLKY. THIS WEEK, iEXT, AND SO ON. INDEED EYERf WEEK WE RECEIVE NEW GOODS. Lot of nice Feather Dus ters mat In. Bird Cages. Patent Chimney h lues. Pumps. All kinds of tinning done by the best workmen. Old stand. PARK It K A TAYLOR PURE WHITE OIL,. sept iff Dyed." T MONACS. 1M SECOND STREET.be tween Market nd Princess. Ladles and Gen tlemen's goods of every description, any color. Also, cleaning, scouring and bleaching. Send me a pair ef tout oVl Kid Qlow At THE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY. No. 27, Market st. 2?lht Shirts, all slxea! Ite. Congress, the most popular and beat White Shirt on the market, 5c Colored Shirts 25c and qpwards. Seaside Shirts at all prices. Boy's yachting la great rarkty. Gent's Draw era 25 and upwards Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 73c Drawers made to order. 75c. Wamsutta Shirts with 2100 linen bosom made to order at tl- Orders from the country solicited and promptly attended to. Give us a rail. , . J. KLSBACH. ' inU 21 lUver THE MAULS The malls close and arrive at the City Po office as follows : - CLOSE. .-r - Northern through malls, fast. ...... .7.S0JP. M. Northern through and way mails... .8.00 A. M. Raleigh-. ....6.45 P. M. and. 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Lnclud- ' ! tng A.&N.C. B&Uroad at - 7.30 P- M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails for all points South. dally .......8.00 P.M. Western malls (C. C. Railway dally. (except Sunday)... 6.45 P. M. ah points between Hamlet and Ral eigh............. 6.45 P. M. Mailf or Cheraw and Darlington Rail road.... 8.00 P.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayette ville aud offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . . .1.00 P. M, rayettevuie.via U C Railroad, dally. except Sundays. ,...6.45 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith ville mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River. Tues days and Fridays 9.00 P. M. Wrlghtsvllle, dally 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 7.30 A. M. Southern Malls , 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business Portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 M. and from other points of the city at 5 j. . ax Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuooslv. General delivery open from 7 A. At. to 6 P.M. ana on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers delivery open n Sunday from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Quarterly Meetings. Fourth Round for the Wilmington uistnct oi tne Methodist k. UhufCh, South: Smithville, September 27-28. .Bladen Circuit at Antioch. (Jet. 4-5. Whiteville Circuit, Oct. 7-8. Bruo8wick Circuit at Shallotte Camp, Oct. 11-12. Waccamaw Mission, Oct. 15. FlemiDgton Circuit. Oct. 18-19. Elizabeth Circuit. Ont. 20 21. Cokesbury Circuit, Oct. 24. Clinton Circuit at Clinton, Oct. 26-27. Newton Grove Mission, Oct. 29. Duplin Circuit. Nov. 1-2. Onslow Circuit, Nov. 8-9. Point Caswell Mission, Nov. 13. Topsail Circuit. Nov. 15-16. Wilmington, Front Street, Nov. 22-23. VV.H BOEBITT. P. E. Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow," greatest invention of the age. Jacobi is the Asrent- t Powder. Powder. inn JKEGS RICE BIRD POWDER. 1UU 100 Kens Sportine Powder. 0 Kefes Blasting Powder, For Bale by aug 25 KERUHNER & C ALDER BROS Groceries. Groceries. 1 "inn HAL.F ROLLS BAGGING. -L U U U 5 000 Bdls Cotton Ties, 5 Bales Bale lng Twine, 50 Bis D S Meat, 100 Sax Rio Cof fee, 75 Boxes Ref. Sugar, ltO Uhds Molasses, 25 Cases Lardr 600 Bales Hay, l.COO Bushs Com. 1.00 ) Tiunha Ontn 75 Tiva lnrlw TK R-a Crackers, 100 Bxs Soap, 100 Cases Lye", 75 Bxs ctaicu, JUU rxa OOUa, 40 iixa uoDacco. 100 T t' Tl . ujsa ouum. x or saie uy aug 25 IvERCIINER & C ALDER BROS 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar Is at once tne 1 1 and useful Household Journal i i It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashioni this country. Its-fashion plates are the new est and most stylish : and Its pattern sheet supplements and econamlc susreestlots alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. lis uiusirauoDs oi an neeaiewors are from the- best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest. order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the first American ana European authors, its choice art pictures would fill portfolio, and Its humorous cuts are the most amuelng to be found in any jour nal In America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 1881: Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 1 50 Harper's Fkankuncquake Library, One Year (52 Numbers) .10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpsld, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Ordgror Draft, to avoid chanee of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A brothers. Aaarfss HARPER A BROTAERS, . nnv 28 New Tort A T)'DT7P Send six cents for postage CL JL XbJ.JJLJ and receive free, a costly uux vi goous wmcn win neip you to more money rignt awav than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens before toe worsen, aDsomceiy sure. At once ao dress. Tkdb A Co., Aujroat. Maine, nov 20-6md lvtr S66 a week at home. $5.00 outfit ree Pay absolutely Bure. No rink vapiuu uoi requirea. neaaer, IX you want business at which persons of either sex.young w ui great pay axi tne Dme iney work, with absolute certain tv, write for par ticulars to 11. Hallktt A Co.. Portland. Maliw nov 20-6md lyw A nXnAfTQ wanted or The Lives of al 1Y.A HJIA XkJiJ?e residents of th TT S best book ever sold for less than twice out price. Tre fastest selling book In America. Immense profits to agents. All intelligent people want It. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. Terms free. Huurr Book Co., Portland, Maine. nov 20-md-Iy w r (XT TV for the working class. Send It JJjLlU cen? toT postage, and we will maU you ree, a royal, valuable box of sample goods that will put you In the way of making more money in a few days than Su ever thought possible at any business, pltal not required. We will start you. You can work all the tkne or in spare time only Tke work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young and okL Yon can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer; to all who are not well satis fled we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc sent free. , Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sore. Don't delay. Start now. Address Szxxsoff Co., Portland. lUlaa. - nov 20 ila-wly inSCELLANEODS. All goods on hand! we.are selling very cheap bef, putting in New Stock. BLACK One case just opened of beautiful Cashmeres, Al J ploths, &c , &c, gSir1 The closestiprices 118 MARKET ST., .: )!' o . i " - STOCKTAKING WE DREAD. IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME to'miJ an inventory and measure goods, This dreaded time will conieVh 1 wtitJK, as iar as po38i Die; we will turn the goods into CASH and sell goods at a SACRIFICE. CASH takt s luile time tocountjind measure, therefore, this week w mu Mttuuc jjiiucs tuai win enaoic you to secure blilxUUM SEEM. "IF 500 LONG PLDMES IN EVKEY SHADE If HATS 11 ALMOST TRIMMED ana UNTRIMMED HATS for Ladles. Misses and ChlMren. Uces maJenni iJ GOOLrS. GLOVES and LAOK MITTS all s'lt. warrwtol i n .M ' Creani and White, 6 and OOESETSi QOESETS1 CORSETS! A few mpre of tbia elegant lot of c6kSET3 left that hao been eeUlng so rapidly at 39c sv I 7fc., and 93c, A. per pair, j An early call wUl secHre you some of these gooda. LADIES! UNDERWEAR! WALKING SKIRTS of Fine Muslin, trimmed c.t, on tro. uuutu vniduii.?, wiva roiutou cosom, oi iDseruoa and puffing, with Yokes beautifully made, at 9Sc. MUSLIN DRAWERS, plainly trimmed with tucks, at 39c. A epeclal assortment of Ladies', Mi88e8, and Children's APRONS, made of Check MusUn and Fine Cam. brie, trimmed in Various styles with neat edging, at re markably low, prices. Babies' CLOAKS, in ine Merino and Pique, made of the best ma tcrUI.f In leading styles, at less than half their value; also Presses, Shoes. Bibs, i j Stockings, Skirts. tt Will close the entire stoc of SUNSHADES. P ARASOIJS, RIBBONS. RASHES. H1S0 SATCHELS, BSfiLTS, &J., &c. AT 1 118 MAKKET ST., July 31 th sat tu CTieesft Safe. Brushes, Sanrt Vrtmuag. virt tSrSend for Cataloiraa. mch 13 d&w ly 7S F) I Our Improved Articial Ear Drums cure Deafness hi all Btages. Recommepaea BclenUflc men of Europo and Amerlea. Write for illustrated descriptive book and ttsumoui from doctors, adges, ministers and prominent men and women who have been cored, ana w take fXeasitrtfin rcoomrr ending therk. They are unseen while In use, comfortable W wear, rnakp ( perminoat cura Addr033, J. jH. riieaoUon, 7 Murray gt Now York june 30 ly d t th sat wly eow ' jl Now IV2ulletsii FEW BBLS. OF FRESH CORNED MULLEIS FOR SALE. aug 23 DAVIS &r SON. E. G. Blair, TJROKEB & COMMISSION MERCHANT for the eale of Flour, Meal, Grain, Cotton and Foreign Fruits. Merchandise and all kinds of Country Produce sold and prompt 'returns guaranteed, consignments solicited. E. G. BLAIR. aug 28 No. 19 N. Second Street. Monday i ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find 1 i ! large consignments of Apples, Peaches. Pears - if Chickens, Eggs and all other country produce xnese gooas must oe sold at once, call on A. W. RIVENBARK; i ' The LiveSGrocer and Commission Merchant, 114 North Water at., s y 5 wiimipgtonj N. C. Board. ArEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated during the Summsr months rvuuo.uM2 raies. .cusasani location, gooa attendance and the bet tha mutrAt afrnrn. Transient boarders accommodated! by the uayorweex. aik. kubekt LEE, 113K Market Street, July 11 1yd Aw Wilmington, N. C. Don't Forget- JJTJMPHREY A JENKINS IIAVj HE wucu w uy,mno.ni con in irons street. 9 barrels fine Northprn PnViii ao vi tv.H 10 barrels Apples. 17 crates pressed and soft HH-uw, ioj x cars, urapes, rigs, walnuts. c. Consignments solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. aug 29 "JBIESDSASD FEUOW-CITIIESS: "P" EAR ME FOR MY CAUSE AN $E 81- lent, that ye may hear." . t Colognes. tracts. Toilet and Sachet Pow-d,era-ltP. Turkish Towels, Toilet! Cases JnUllhs of Drugs Ac. PiescripUoS " F. C MILLER'8, pS 11 Corner Fourth and Nun sts OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, IRS JiSrTO -1 P MISCELLAKEQtTR CASHMERE. is what we propose. values, such as are JE3L JES 3E2. mm 60c. u? ETer7one warrantol .oilUdcJ GIVEN AWAY ! 8 tut on length. 75c per pair. i with fine deep cambric ruffle, with half tn sc., ace. AVlLMINGTON, N. C. T - F. E. MTJICKLEK, EkcS. Iiioil fire & Iron ki - -.4 Unrrturrnrnmof mrii. Wire Cloth. Wire Counter Ra.il! ng Wire 8tgn, (Wtio & Conl Screens. Weather Vanes, Stable Fixture. Hoo. s uou r tu.ee , iron caunem, iounwr Bapporu,KC C-MenUoa this Paper. FOR THE Groceries. J1HERE NEVER WAS A TIME WHEt Housekeepers could buy so many thlnpf cheap. Some of the substantial are np true, but the average is low. We arc receiving NEW AND FRESH GOODS. ID orders sent by -servants will be promptly it once. All are Invited to call, inspect m V J T. i Ul. 1. .l..lhM Ufl price goous. no iruuuiu vu buub - are up, and we wish we could aay as mocfl w the quality, but we always trv and imitw one celebrated in history, who did it wimai "Hatch-et." No pun Intended. augS9 v F. G. A N. BOBIKSOS School Books ! School Books! School Books I gPECIAL DISCOUNT TO MEBCHA1S and Teachers. We make a specialty of Tin BOOKS adopted by the 8tate Board of cation. Prices furnl:hed on application. 8mall orders by mill will receive prompt wntion. . a W.YATES, aug 11 ii9MarkSUTet North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of fc nve doocs everpuDusnea.wu- Boston Post. Hale's IndustriaTSeries. Two Volumes Now Ready. I. THK WOODS AKD TIM BESS Of Cakoliwa. Cnrtls's, Eraaout, "aj:frr, Botanical Reports ; supplemented by County Reports of Staging Y?Jl'T trated by an excellent Map tthL ai 23. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 2T3 of II. Ik thk Coal avd Ikox Ztu North Carolina Emmons , ley's, Wilkes, and the Cenaus Kn. pfemented by full and accural "aT fifty six Counties and Map of the iu 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 425 PPijd. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed pon on receipt of the pnc oy Publishers. Ikwksellers ahd suttonaj ur, sr. a tt a Lilt, ruBuws, - " sept 'a. For Sale. pmwTisn inicss WE HAVE jot sale a second-hand ADAUSV PBlSTlS PRESS In good condition. We offer a bargain. Write tons for terms and desC v- ii

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