MISCELLANEOUS ""'"'c oi Coi:hs ColdsM ; ;-r:hitis,CrcTjrp, Infiu-y : , looping Cough, Ing - -m; 'lion imd for inc re- : ' i vc pcr.-oris i n ad van - f I he I ) i .-ease . For Sale , ; :r.s. Price, 25 Cents.il A LULLABY. a neU&liy reeVIOV. r iai J1-0 mcratlc Badly.Kun Mown. - r rm wiroima, 1 lie was com avion an sinwitr 1W We again congratulate the people o! b shadow seemed to be pasted fast to North Carolina on the career of peace tne sidewalk. - Somebody said he was prosperity and good overnment on kzj; ot be sadly said he was doing which she entered alter the inammra- the best he coald, and his trouble was tion ot: a Democratic State administra- debility cansed by Ions dyspepsia tion, and which has been unbroken fnr "Then why don't .ron take Hrnwn'a so many jears since; upon the iust and Iron Bitters?nsaida spry neighbor who impartial enforcement of the laws; up- was passing. "I was rundown badly, on the efficiency of our common school .but this Bitters did wonders for me." C'apit-1 Prize 575,000 portion. j,ouisiana State Lottery Company. HVP'.sftrfu: crij tficf toe tuperviie the ' .lit- r - jl I ci .r "-r.cn'.s forauine jzivnuuy uiuh oews 'ij O raining s of The Louisiana State Lot- ana m person manage ana con- ere fx: ". Drawings themselves, and that the Tli "are cm'tiic'ed with honesty , fairness, ar.d .4 faith iiHSitrd all parties, and toe author CW'v to ihis certificate, toithfac Uti-jcf our ztanatKri: attached, in its adver sary. . s Enfolded in a fond embrace, A Jittlo babe reposes; A dreamy sweetness lights its face, As sleep its eyelids closes. The mother rocking to and fro, Her fair lace ipndly smiling. With lullaby so soft and low. The cherub is beguiling. Oh. sweetly rc3t thee, baby mine, For shadows bring the even ; Tne sleep of peace be ever thine Thy dreaming be of heaven. At last the drooping eyelids close; In snowy robes reclining. Dear baby re3ts, in calm repose, Its mother's arms enshrining. To crib she goes with lightest tread, To precious harden clineing, "And lays it eentlv in its bed, Erewhile so softly singing. Oh, sweetly rest, etc. Oh! baby, rest thee sweetly now. And may no shade of sorrow OVrcast the beauty at thy brow, Or dim a single morrow. I watch thee in thy peaceful sleep; With jealousy of lover. ' And pray that angel3 vigil keep And eyer o'er thee hover. Ob, sweetly rest, etc. Hubbard T. Smith. system, and the great progress made in Air. Thos. Jones. Newark. Ohio. savs. popular education: and noon the ?n. I was so debilitated I conld not walk. eral im provement and enterprise man- Bown's Iron Bitters cured me " ueiea in every part ot tne State, And 1 we again challenge a comDarison he Austria nas eighty-four trade schools. tween thU state of things and the comprising schools for textile manufsc- crimes, outrages and scandals which tu res, for wood ana stono trades, for attended Republican ascendancy in our 1 ceramic and glass work and for small ooraers; ana we Dieaee ourselves to in uusirzcs exert, in the future, as we have done in the past, our best efforts to promote thel Alien 3 Bilious Dhvsic is a mirelv material interests ol all sections of the veeatable liquid remedy for Headaches. otate. Binousuess and ConstiDation. Easilv Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia- ieu in ine piatrorms 01 tne party, it is nereoy Jtesolved, That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the takeD, quickly, 25 cts ac ing promptly, relieving At all Druggists. A large colony of immgi rants from bermany recently arrived in Louisiana to Eettle on lands in the northern nart I II . 1 . - ! ! oauot-Dox as tne only sure means 01 pre- 01 ie otaie serving our free American institutions, Birmingham Age UNDERNEATH US, and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage, in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the liberties of the State and the Union. Resolved, That we are in tavor of the unconditional and immediate abolition ofthewholo internal revenue system. as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to the freedom ot elections, and a source ot great annoyance ana cor ruption in its practical operation. Eeoolved. That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de riyed. exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved, That with . respect to the tariff wc reaffirm the life-long and fund - A Fair Offer rue Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mien., oner to send Dr. Dvc's Voiatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kintircdvxoublcs. Sec advertisement in this paper, t th s eowS "Business before pleasure," as the man said who married a bony, wart-011 -the-nosc old gat tor her money. Coniniissionors. inflor-wirat;: 1 tni3S for 25 years by the Leg. v-.rre for fMueatlonai ana unarname par- in nf 1 AAA firm tn xirh.oh n fun l of over $S50,000 has alnco been V.t an ovcrvrhelmlns popnlai vote Its fran V-'e wis rr..v;e apart or the present State Tht only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed -the people f any S' 'ate. II never scales or postponeM. Its Gr;tnl Single Number Drawings take fih.v miiithlY" SI'LKNDII) ori'OIiTUNlTY TO WIN A FoIITL'Si:. Ninth Grand Drawing, Class 1 U.c .,c;il"iny of Mulc. at hew Orleans, OaDital Prize, S75,-000. l),00 Tickets at Five JJol- Lir! f jiicli. Fractions m FJttns In proportion. M.ST OF PRIZK3. 1 Capita! Prize of 75,000 ICil-Ual l'rize of 25,000 tai.Ual Prize oi 10,000 I'nV.es of $,000 12,rC J P1I7.CB of 2,000.... 10,000 I 'i'rizca ol 1,000 10,000 500 10,000 20 I'rizcs M Prizes i I'rlzes V;i Vrizcs '.''-ti 1 rises of of of of of 200. 100 50 25 Al'PROXIMATTOK PRIZES. Approxlrnatlon I'rlzes of $7fnj. 9 " 500. 3 250. 20,000 30.0G0 25,000 25.000 t,750 4,500 2,250 TIjq Great Kentucky Scientist and Cave .Expert Gives His Impressions of Our Subterra nean Kiver. The discovery of the great, subter ranean river under Birmingham has been the great topic of conversation the past "week. Great excitement has prevailed, and sq great was the interest taken in it that l)r. Jos. li. Smith, W. S. Brown, Win. Hood, T. J. Bcown. Wm.Berney, Geo C. Kelly, J. B. Fade amental principles of the party declar- ana otner leading citizens held a meet- ed in the .National Democratic plat ing at which it was decided to telegraph forms and that the details of the method 1 rot. josepn Mulnattan. the great oy wnicn the constitutional revenue Kentucky scientist and cave expert, tariff shall be gradually reached, are the facts in the case and urge him to subjects which the party's representa come at once to give it a through ex- tives at the Federal capitol must be ploration. The result was that Prof, trusted to adjust; but in our opinion Mulhattan arrived from Louisville on I the duties on foreign importation should Friday evening, and a nartv com nosed be la vied for the production of public of the above named gentlemen spent all revenue, and the discriminations in its day yesterday exrloring the great sub-1 adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxunes ana the lowest on the necessaries of lite, distribute as equally as possible the burdens of taxation and confer the greatest good to the greatest number ot the American people. Resolved, That the course ot the Democratic party in furtherance of popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish- tcrranean wonder. A strong boat was quickly improvised in the cave ironi lumber which was lowered, through the narrow inlet and the party proceeded down the river for at least fifteen miles befoii) there wa3 any obstruction to prevent them from going iorwaru, ana that was only a narrow formation of recent origin that can be easily cleared awav The natural tun- A Card. To all who afe suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in bouth America, bend a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, blalwn D, New York City. eodd&wly Itching Piies-.symptoms and Care. The symptoms are moisture, like persnira tion. Intense Itchinjr. Increased by scratching: very d'stresslng, particularly at tight; seems as If pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum ; the prirate parts 8 re sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may ronow. "swaike'S uint MKNT" Is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch. Salt Kheum, Scald Ilead, Erysip. elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mall, 50 cts ; 3 for $1, 25. Address, DK. SWAYJNB & SON. Fhila.. ra. sold by urugKists. may 2 ly deod&w f m w nel through which the river flows is cf ment ot graded and normal scnoois in almost uniform width, and aav about the larerer towns and accessible centers, 300 teet for the distance ot fifteen miles Is a sufficient guarantee that we favor naviirated. and the height is at least the education of all classes of our people 150 feet, so that a steamship of the larg- nd we will promote and improve the fist, r ass mil naviffn o t with ah so I present euucauuiiai auvuiuates u lar 8 U Qjj J, IN CASH 6 1'7 'rz?4? amounting to $255,500 Api'i'.Wtloa for rates to clubs should be made only to iho o'Jicc of the Company in New Or For further Information, write clearly, dv-''?U- full a-l-lrcos. Make 1. O. Money Or J'ayr.blc ami address Registered Letters to Stv; oj;li-:axs national bynk, new Orleans, la I'o.STAL NOTES and ordluary letters by b or Kxpn.i (all sums of $5 and upwards 'jj l-x;iri 3d at our expense) to si. a. DAiirms, New Orleans, Ls . a H. A. DAUl'IUN, 607 Seventh St.. Waahlntrton. 1). C. l-)-wed-8&t -lw-rl&w YOU KlJOW Til AT LORRILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO -Ji11 Ta!i; R0SE LEAF Fine Cut Chew. ,u-NAVY CUPPINGS, and ulack, Browo and SNUFFS are the best and cheapest, iUauty cjusi.lcrcd? aiujGlyd&w Dr. 3Iott's Powders VEVEU FAIL TO CURE INFLA.MLIA Hon of the KIdnys, Gravel, Gleet. Sti let jw-laii Urinary diseases. Nervous and "WciLl lifbUky, ticnital Weakness and asl untold m'series caused bv Indiscretion -nM "cifCiJ- syphilis In all its' forms perma- nuy ca-e.l. ellow o Brown spots on lece 3' wiy.ore Throat and Nose, bcrofula, Old .V; s avoids. Tetter and all lilood and Skin 12??.; Urinary diseases cured in 3 days ST:.-- Lnc ose the mony tc FRANK iror sate oy an aruz july 7 d&wly by mall sealed, sou; by mall. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. lLL, CLlE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL ti and viniifin the laws of health, Ca. c DK- nUNTER'3 PILLS Yeiio 'r yp1118 la a11 lu form3 and stages, iv, Tor r(wn fpots on the fare and body. a ho.- 1 an'VNoae, Scrofula, Tetter, Kcze 'kh , ; ,Cr sensation, Salt Khum and all ... an'i i'kin l)1snfj Ilvlnarv IM.seiises and ' n?1 VUy ccreti Price $3 SVjp. liu vT-5 FtM LK FUlSND i ,nr "! s to cure Irresularilies or Snpprest- .' J;ii0't tv co;ds or disease. Married t-vtr,"'1'1 !(l(t!es 'in delicate suite of health are C ? vat it. Price $3. Enclose the Vvi .l ,r either mediciuo to FRANK STK- ttV!? ISalilmore, Md and it wUlbe t: nrL .aU or express sealed. For stle by juiv - ,1s ; 6Cnt by nxall or e It a ' lieryousien 1 r Vhose debility, exhausted powtrs, prematura decay. nl failure to perform lire's untie properly are caused by excesses errors of youth, ete..' will tind a perfect nd lastinr restoration to rbat health era viiforoun manhood 1a THE MAPcrnu Rni tie. . . - Zx w viiurr kiuuijieu urufgia nor msTromenu. 1 nis trtmnt or V " as it can be done without hardening the people by excessive taxation. And whereas, There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the pockets of the people by uniust taxation on the part of the Republican party, therefore, Resolved. That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues of the government lor educational pur poses as may be made by tne uongress of the United States; provided always. has the same shall be disbursed by State agents and not accompanied by objectionable features and embarrass ing conditions. Resolved, That it is due to tne wnite people of our eastern counties, who have so cbeeriully borne tneir snare ot our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other equally enectiye system of county government, sbaL be maintained. Resolved, That in view oi the exist ing and increasing harmony and kind ly feeling between the two races in this State and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other Southern States, we deprecate 'ev and Las"d OQ Perfect diaraosia, sh e. bod nd abolat th W'Uth SLf Nc" YorM wortby ot bQ greatest enthusiasm the depth of the stream varies from 45 to 70 feet. It is connected with tide water, and this will give Birmingham a wonderful and cheap direct outleUo the sea, for the products of its furnaces, its mines and industries generally. The above is Mr. Mulhattan's first impression of the wonder, which is ful ly corroborated by all of his party of daring explorers. But this is not all. Prot. Mulhattan has this to say of it: J lie great subterranean river recent- y discovered under the city of Birming ham is undoubtedly the most remarka ble discovery ever made on the Ameri can continent. The' river i create r in volume than the mighty MississiDni. Its vast subterranean bed is undoubt edly due to the grinding and cutting of immense iceberg3 during the glacial period, then at a subsequent preadam ito period, violent upheavals of the earth toppled oyer the mountains which forms the present grand arch way through which the icebergs con lnued to cut, leaving it as it is now a natural sbip canal to the Gulf of Mexi- co. a prehistoric race undoubtedly utilized it for the transportation of metals from this section to the sea where they were transported to vari ous parts of the world. Furnaces on a scale scarcely so magnificent yet as satisfactory in results to these prehis toric people undoubtedly existed on the present site of, Birmingham, as ruins of these, and of ancient sun tem ples are found in various parts of this county." "Added to this," says 1'rolessor Mulhattan, "wc discovered in niches ot the cave numerous articles of bronze, also statuary, numerous masonic em blems, and mummies with sandals on i.neir ieet an in a penect state or pre servation. We also discovered the re mains of many marine monsters of the Dias or old red sandstone period, prom- uent among them the huge iciitiiyos- aukus, which was undoubtedly used by these prehistoric races to drag their ships from what is now Birmingham to the Gulf of Mexico. These extinct sea mousiers were docile and harmless,. and were harnessed to the ships laden with pig iron, which they pulled to the sei witn the greatest ot ease. iney were more powerful than the most powertul locomotiye of the present day Hulls ot these-aocient sh DS are scatter ed all along the banks of this great sub terraueau stream. Further explorations will be made to day by rrol. JMulnattan and his sci entific party, and their next report will be eagerly looked for by the readers of the Age asJLhe wildest excitement now prevails over inesc latest developments lhousands of people have been crowd ins around tec entrance to the river clamoring fur admission. Prof. Mul- halteri saw numerous eveless fish and eyeless se,a-monsters of the shark spe cies : also eyeless amphibious animals of the alligator and reptile tribe, lie says a company should be formed at once to clear the riter of any obstruc tions, and that boats and barges to nav igate it should be constructed at once. As the entrance to it is on one ot the Editors hesdn to tremble counterfeit . . .pit. - . . : 1 1 I u r . streets ox tne cu, it wu uicjciuiu u- postage stamps are m circulation. I0D2 to me city aim cannot -oe viauiueui . - I 6 . r - 1:- 1 1- I vt. Pain 1 Dy any private luutvmuau. - 1 . - -'" This discovery is of paramount lm- Cares colic, cramps, diarrhoea; ex porta nee to Birmingham, to Alabama ternally for aches, pains, sprains, bead and to the entire scientific world, ana is aches neuralgia, rheumatism. For man or beast. 25 and 50c mi . ATTENTION, SMOKERS ! All contestants for the 25 premiums aggregat ing above amount, offered Dy Blackwell's Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums ar to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label. U. S. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The bags must be done up securely in a package with name and address or sender, ana namoei oi Dags containea plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must be prepaid. Contest closes November soth. All pack ages should be forwarded December 1st, and must reach us at Durham not later than Decem ber 15th. No matter .where you reside, send your package, advise us by mail that you have done so, and state the number of bags sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bags returned, will be published, Dec. 22 in Boston, Herald: New York, Herald ; Philadel phia, Times; Durham, ti. kj., jooocco New Orleans, Times-Democrat ; Cincinnati, 71 quirer; Chicago. Daily News; San Francisco, Chronicle. Address, Blackwill's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Bull. See our next announcement." MISCELLANEOUS x- . scptl nrm NO. MAKKET ST It IS JET, where he will spare no pains in giving satis faction to aU. Come a d see. 9" The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS NOW OPEN AND TERSONS visiting b city, the Sounds or Smithvllle, and In need oflFJrBt-Class work will do well to call on the attempt of the Republican party in J"OJ3I W 'W r-!"R."TXI "FiTR. its recent platform at Chicago to force the well known Barber and Perfumer at his civil lituih as a uvuis issue, uuu wo Hhavlntr miii Hair Lre38lne saloon critlcal expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to tne whites of the South, and tending to stir up stnte oet'.veen tne now irienaiy races. w A Remarkable Tribute. Sidney Ourehundro, of Pittsburg, Pa., writes: "I have used DK VM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE Lungs many years with the most gratifying results. The rchcvinz mnuence or HALL'S BALSAM is wonderful. The nain and rack of the body, incidental to a tieht couzh, soon disappear by the use of a speohful according to direc tions. My wire frequently sends lor HALL'S BALSAM instead of a physi cian, and health is speedly restored by i(s use. - . . , The shady side of the street is the most patronized these days; but the crirla rArfjfr the sidfi hp.rft thft most sons are. . 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is at once the 11 and useful Household Journal 11 It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashloni this country. Its fashion plates are the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and econamic suggestions alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its illostrauohs of art needlework are from tbe best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the .highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolios, and its h amorous cuts are the most amusing to' be found in any jour nal in America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 18S4: WHOLES AIJ3 PFICSS f A Ore at Problem. Take all the Kidney and. Lifer l , . ; , Medicines. Take all tha Blood purifiers;,' ; Take all the Rheumatic remedies, Take all the Dyspepsia and Indiges tion t:ures, . Take all the Awie, Fever and bil lions specifics, Take all the Brain and Nerve force revivers, Take all the Great health restorers. In short, take all the best qualities ot all these, and 1 he r-bcsl Qahties of all the best mcdic-ir.es in the world, and you will find thit Hop liulers have the best curative-qual ities of all concentrated In tbem, and that they will cure when any or all ol these, singly or ccmibincd -Fail. A thorough trial, will give positive proof of this. Hardened Liver. ; Five vears azo I broke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheu Since then I have been unable, to be about at all. My liver became hard like wood; iny limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All Iho best physicians agreed that nothins could cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bitters; I have used seven bottles; the hardness has all gone from my liver, tbe swelling from mj'limbs, and it hasvorked a miracle in my case ; otherwise J. would nave been now in my grave. J. W. Mokkv, IUiflalo, Oct. 1, 1881. r Poverty and Suffering. "I was dragged down witli debt, poverty and 'suffering lor years, caus ed by a" sick family and larg bilj s l'cr doctoring. f I wras completely discouraged.,; until one year ago by tbe advice ot my pas tor, I commenced using Hop Bitters, and in one month we were all 1 well, andnneofus have seen a sick day since, and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters (or less than one doctor's visit will cost. -I know it." A WOKKINGMAN. .'..) S" None genuine without a bunch pt gr.'en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile,, poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 " limps' in' their name. aug 13 lm d&w nrm T 5 Tho followlEg notrtioEa rtrmsn wholesale prtecs jreeruir. la tcskiagr cp small orders hXrher prices have to be charged : "" .iw: For seven vears. Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervous Debility and restoring: lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and in no instance, has it ever failed ; test it. SI ; 6 for 5. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 315 rirst Ave., New York city. cod Before marriage: won." After marriage: one "Wooed "Wood and and The most delicate persons enjoy takv ing Emory's Little Catiiaktic Pitts i give a wholesome appetite, put new hie in a broken-down body. 10 cents Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: ARPK&'S BAZAR. $4 00 ABPEK'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S TOTjNG PEOPLE 1 50 HABTKK'8 Fkaxkux SQUARE LIBRABT, One Tear (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar bejrtn with the first x umber for January or each year, w nen no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to pommenc with the Number next after tbe receipt of order. -The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper s Bazar, In scat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, poetise paid, or by express, free of ex pease (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 CO per volume. Clotn teases lor eich volume, suiiauic ior binding, will be sent br mall, wetpiid. on re ceipt of $1 00 each - Remittances should be made by rosmcice Money Order or Draft, to avoid enanee of loss Kevspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of ILlkfxb A BSOTHSS&. Address- boy SS Kerr York 5 S3 12 IS BAGGINGS " ' ' Standard. rill 1, l IS... &45 B A CON Ntorth Carolina r - r II&EQ3. V 2 -..-15 tft Shoulders, It............... la; 1? Slcl?3, ........ .......... 11 U WESTERS SMOKED . - Hrms..... 1$ O S:dejva... 11 Shoulders.... ......... 9 d DUY SALTE1 sides, ....O.. una Shout'.crs. 00 a 13 A Ri:KLS-,r,!rit3 TcxiKEtlac, -Second liana, each........... 173 (f New Xcv York, each 1 90 S NewC:tT.csch 1 m i3 IW BKZSVAX, V tt. W t2 U- mtlCKS, tf M BUTTKll, V North tardea. 23 Northern 2a O CANDLES, V !t Sperm ..... IS l Tailow. . . 1T-40 AdamaaliTC It a CHEESfe, V lb Northern Factory.. r$l$9 U Dairy, Cream.... 14 O 14 Stats 10 a 12 COFFEE, f Jb . Java 17 to ljuruyra... 12K 14 lUo H40 13 CORN MEAL, bus., in eacla 83 a bH COTTON TIES, t btradto... 1 o3 O 1 7J DoXlESTlCsV- SfcecOn?:. 4 4, yd , Cn Yarns, Luachi. ...... ..... SS t EGGS, do2Len 1 a 17 FtSH Mackerel, No. 1, V bli:.......16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bb!.. b 50 Mackerel, No. V l.fcV..: 9 (.0 Mackerel, "No. 2, half F.T1 . ft 00 Mackcrc', No. S, bbl.......-7 75 Mullets, bid 4 CO Mullet, Pork bbls 7 CO N. C. Roc Herring:, i;c.... 3 00 DrvCo-l.trft 5 FkuTi uzi-:ii, v -z,m Peruvian U-C ana. No. 1.......57 50 No. 2 .SS.00 " Ixboa.... CO fiatsh's l'a-.!hatc...... 00 00 Carolina Fcrinlzcr...... .43 00 New York & Wilmington Steamship Co ! Ground ljne 00 00 Bone Mca! CO 00 Bone Flour ....00 CO Nav&.r.a Gu;iUO...... ...40 CjO Complete Manure X) 00 Wbann's l'liOBplinle ......00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Bcrccr & BuU's PliO3Vhatc..C0 0f Exccllcnza C-ottoo FtraJlzcr.M 00 7 CO FROM PIER 34, EA&T RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. J I BENEFACTOR 3aturday, REGULATOR.. Saturday, BENEFACTOR Saturday, fscpt 1 REGULATOR Saturday. Sept. 27 FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR........ Saturday, sScpt. G BENE FACTOR. Saturday f?C)t. 13 REGULATOR. Saturday Sept BENEFACTOR Saturday jsept JEept. I ept. 13 . 0 21 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Throueh Rates truaranteed to and iron) i Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent. WllmlngtonN. C. - t! WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. ucrl Acftfltr, 35 Broadway, New Yora sepl-tf. .. .- NEW YOKK UEBAILB- WEEKLY EDITION. ONE DOLLARS T French's Carbonate of Line... French's Agricultural Line.... Fiiooit, r bw Fine Northern Paper Extra .,..... . i- , 1.1 1 1 y .... ..... City Mltl Kxtm Familv.. ......... Extra" Faiully.... vLUK v ft......: GUA1N, V bushel Corn, from svi"c, bags.whlts. Corn, cai-jco, in bulk, whUc.. Corn, carp;o, in bare, white.. corn, cargo, mixed, m bags.. , Oats, from etprc.. G5 (ow Pea?..-. 1 25 HIDES, Ib- Grccm Dry HAY. V 100 lbs- Eastern '. 1 Western 1 North llivcr ..... HOOP 'IRON, LARD. 1 lb Northern." North Carolina. LIME, barrel 1 40 (LB LUMBER, City Sawed, $f M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawed. 13 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 Weat India Cargocs.according ' te quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, Beaconed.. 18 00 Scautling and Board. cou'n..l2 00 MOLASSES, & gallon New Crop Cuba, la hhds.l.. " " lu bbls Porto ltlco, in h ads " " in bbls... Sugar House, in bhds. 0 00 1 75 5 75 50 (? 00 . 57.' t5 CO Si .4 5 11 SO 15 75 1 0 10 Ov. Ct U Cv CP 5 s u- o i oc a A t&l 00 izsi at 4K0 0) fSXi'iXi CIO Ol Ck' ot 'iS7 0C f?70 770 CC ffjso &: ca 7 w 00c a 4 s; U 5 2 a e 2i 0 8(0 St 5 hi fi C 0J id a a CD a u to 0 it a to l l es 00 to 12 8 i 75 o-j, 7i 8 U 2ft 25 10 cm a r22 0C 015 in bbl3 Syrup, in bbls NAILS, tf" Keg, Cut. lOd basis OILS, v gallon Kerosene .. Lard 1 Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar....... POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... .... " Spring Tnrkfivfl PEANUTS i buebel. POTATOES, V bnahel Sweet... Irish, Vbbl.... PORK, V barrel City Mess Prime...... 3C 3 :2 -3i, 00 ' 2C 40 0 00 to to a to to to to 15 4J 5 00 26 &) a 3 u .. 1 11 ID 90 90 00 00 2. 10 ?5 10 a to to to to O to to' to 1 to 45 00 00 20-22 5C 0 2 00 AR. It contains all the general news of the Dally Edition of the Herald, which has tho largest circulation in the United Stathcs. Independent in Politics,-I ! It Is the moat valuable chronicle of political news hi the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, go that all sides may be known. In the department FoKEiOii News , the Herald has always been dls Unguis ted by the fullness of its- cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. The Farm Defaktjcent of the Weekly Herald is practical. It goes to the point, and docs not give wild theories. 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NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 Broadway and Ann Street i Dyed." A T MONACH'S, lt SECOND bTfiECT.be- tween Mar acta nd Princess. Ladies as Gen - - - ! . Ucmcn's goods of every description, any Coor. Also, cleaning, scouring ami bleaching, j Send me a pair of KM invi pniLiORPlIIIlE HABIT I I OK. H. U. BUSK, of th DcQaiaMr g. B. ail lAt Mrsuw m. am ikxw. .... lt 00 .....IT 00 a 75 to 2 25 Oil toll CIS , Rump, RICE Carolina, V lb.. ... k5 ltougb, bushol 95 to 1 RAGS, tf: lb Country... t lto City ii&n ROPE, ib... 14 WO oui:, xr sacjc, Aium.. Liverpoo Lisbon American SUGAR. V ttr-rCuba.. Porto Rico A Coffee.......... .. l. B " C- Ex (P- Crashed SOA P. V lb Northern SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.. common Cypress Taps Cyprccs Hearts STAVES, f M W. O 00 00 00 00 00 -oo CO 00 10 U) 2 W ..... 4 f0 0 00 K. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, lb 4 TIMBER, M feet Shlpping.12 CO .nuiium. ....................li to to to to to to to ioitj 5 a 75 75 m 75 0i .Mi 74 7- 11 t'A ten 00 to 3 00 to fi ar to 1 5-: ftls w to 6 toll Ou tola or. Mill Prime 7 50 O 8 60 Mill Fair... 6 OCij 6 5u Common Mill 5 00 to 0 f 0 Inferior to Ord'nary 0 00 to 4 00 WHISKEY, gal Northern.. 1 (0 to 4 CO North Carolina .1 00 to 2 0 WOOL, lb Washed ' 1 ' 0 21 Unwashed J5 to 00 Burn. 10 to. 15 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. SCITElj TO EOT? AND GIELS OF FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN TCKAim OF AGE. Vol V. commences November C, 1SS3. Harper's Yolno People is'the beet week ly for children In America Southwestern Christian Advocate. All that the artist ekill can accomplish in the wav ol il.'utration haa been docs, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England .Journal of Education, Doe ton. - - In Its special Held there 1 nothing that can be compared wih lir-JIartford Evening Pott. .-TERMS HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 1 M Per Year. Postage Prepaid, I w Single Numbers. Your Cents carb. OPIO Specimen cobt sent on rccpint nt Thrfe. i:ds. T he Volumes of Harper's Young People icr il and InJ, handsomely bound la Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mail, pBtajro i re paid, on receipt of --f-l 00 each - Cloth '.Cw for each volume, suitable for tindln?, will be 6t nt by mail, postpaid, oa receipt, of So ecnu eaclu,-.i i . -f -... Is ". -) 1 ; .. : ; ' Remittances should be made by Post-OGc Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lot Newspapers are not to copy this advertise m?ct without the express order of 11 aster DKOTOEKa. Addrtf , - f ? 4 UAKPEi: A DROTHP.R3, nr 54 ' New YTk. W. & E. ,S.. 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