. i n miscellaneous. - The Daily Review n 1 tk ir.. liwllii IIUII 11 m u THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure i vegetable tonics, quickly and completely ! Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness, Impure Blood, MaloriaChiUsand Fevers, I and Neuralgia. , i It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the jlihlneys and Jver. 1 It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to I Women, and all who lead sedentary live?, i It does not lnj ure the teeth , cause headaehe.or I produce constipation oftrr Irrm medicine do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates ' the appetite. aid3 the assimilation of food, re 1 V?vea Heartburn and Belching, and strength ! os the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, I.ack or i.rinergr, Ac., it has no equal. t&-"The genuine has above trade mark and i crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. only hj BKOtVJt CHKSICaL ( O.. BALTIMORE, Ml uly li;d&wly tc2dpnrm Sash, Doors; Blinds, ' White Lead, Paints, . French Window Glass. GENCY FOB N. Y. ENAMEL'PAINT; CD'S READY PREPARED. PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing Tho fact that oar Paints are irozn the celebrated Fac torles of Wetherill & C9., and Harrison Bros ft Co., is sufficient guarantee foriithelrfquallty and purity, i A una llns of Cooking Stoves at Facto y Prices, in addition to our large and full HAKDWARE STOCK, to which your attention la respectfully Invited. NATH'L JACOB1, sept 3 10 South Front St Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to Novomber 1st, as follows : Pilots will bring all ve sola f rem Ports south of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any kind of sickness on board during the passage or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be et in the main rigging on the port side, as soon as pos sible after crossing the Bar ; o vessel must leave theXJuarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug l;oat, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along si e, unless by written authority fro the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. i Regulations governing v ease's while in Quar antlne may be had on application at the oflice of the Quarantine Physician at SmlthrlUe Applications for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine, must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr. ieo. G. Thomas, and perm t bo obtained will be end rpd by tho Quarantine Physician, if. la h!s opinion, it Is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of 2 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced agtlnst any person violating any of the Quarantine Regulations of the Port. W. G. CURTIS, M. I., Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M.I). I Con . GEO. Q. THOMAS, M. D. consultants, mar 1 2am 6m 115 . : r4 First National Bank of Wil I I mington. CAPITAL. $20,010 BURPLU3 FUND ..... &46.010 i iKjpoalw received sad collections rada ot ew"uale poiiitils the Usitod Stat?. ' 'OIRKCTORS E. E. 3URROS3, D. Q. WORTH? A. MARTIN, JAS. SPKUNT, I GEORGE CHADBOURS. officer;. E. E. BURSUSS. ....... ....... President A. K. WALKXB.WMW,M. Cashier W. I ARirrKS : I t-w, cBhlei i apl Vt : betoreV -and -vattefu Gsctric Appliances art tint ca 30 Days Trial. TO MEN OKLY, YOUNG OR OLD, "T7"H ar wufferinar from Nktoc DrwtrrT, lV Lost Vitality, Lack or Kervb Fojscx axd r Mioa. WAnxxo W ca cxksaes, and U those dMess f a PrftsoxAL Natv&b rcsratlnc from Atvsts and . thb Ciiiu. ovl7 tvlivf and complete mta kUon af Mkalt3. mcu mni SIakbood Gu AKAXTr fik Lt erancKtst di-coerT f tho )inwterata Cuntury. i -ai t uim tor lltatratol f mphlcl troc AUin FOSIT. T. JAMES,. Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1884. ntercd at the Postoflice at Wilmington, N. C. as sccond-cLias matter. HON KST Y THE ON tiY ISSUE. At an early stage ol Ibe canvasg, says the Herald, we called attention to the fact that one of the inevitable consequen cea of tho nomination of Blaine by the Republicans and Cleveland by the Dem ocrats woold be the formation of new party lines; that tha character and notorious career of the Republican candidate had presented a new issue to the country which would disintegrate the Republican party, and that the Democrats had met that issue by mak ing a nomination suited to the need. In the progress of events this fact has become so clear that yven the Blaine men see it and comment upon it, but do not seem to understand its full sig nificance, . With any distinguished Republican of good repute standing as the candi date of the Republican party, and Mr. Cleveland or another as the Democratic candidate, the issues of the canvass would have been points of party con duct and theories of party policy; but with the. name of Blaine on the Repub lican banners all distinctly political con siderations ar as much aside from the canvass as the laws of the Medes and 1'ersians. Public conceptions of pro priety, the public instinct of decen cy in party concerns, the public chagrin and disgust at the discovery that one of the great political Darties believes the country is indifferent as to the honesty of public officials these are the points at which the name of Blnine ouches the national sensibility, and touches only to offend it. That such a nomination should make havoa with the harmony of tha Republican party was to be expected ; but oven the politi cal speculators who forced it may be excused if they did not guess how great that havoc would be. Indeed, the opinion that twenty-four years' posses sion of power has thoroughly corrupt ed the Republican party was so com mon in the country tbat.it is probable these speculators themselves believed it to be a fact and desired to take ad vantage of it. They thought the time had coin e for a general scramble and wanted to control the conditions of the scramble; but the fact that about one third or one-half the Republican vote in several large States will entirely re pudiate Blaine shows that the party was not so bad as its oppouents and Blaine's friends thought it. Such a stampede from party lines as we are to have this year has never before been jeen in this country, and that stampede will be due to latent Republican honesty. 4 But there is a characteristic difference between the two parties in the disinte gration that the nominations have brought about. Blaine's name drives away Ironi the Republican party nearly all the honesty and upright purpose that has hitherto adhered to it. Every man who was a Republican because he believed that that party could be more safely trusted with the government than any other was forced to change tha. opinion when Blaine was nomina ted, since fhat nomination clearly show ed that the Blaine elements were dom inant, and no such man would care to be responsible for what they might do. The party that loses all its conscien tious voters loses the element that has saved it for a time from public execra tion! And while the Republicans have lost through Blaine nearly all that a party should desire to keep, the Dem ocrats have, through the nomination of Cleveland, been freed from the burdens and the reproach of association with .elements that were always an evil and a danger. Those "Democrats" who while they acted with the Democracy, effectively prevented the nation from feeling any confideuce in that parly have betaken themselves to the Blaine camp with an impuUe ot instinctive affinity forknavery in politics. Political history in this country and in other countries shows abundantly the prevalence of the fact behind this phenomenon of Democratic revolt, that no political differences can permanently separate men who have taken to public life mainly to get at the public treasury. In the sympathy of certain Democrats for Blaine we see exhibited on a larger scale only the happy harmony between men of different parties that constituted Tweed's ring system, while m the con sent of all fair-minded Democrats and all men of good will in the Republican party to act together against Blaine we see evidence of the popular purpose to force the issue of honesty in government. Hoa. S.J. Randall asserted positively a week ago tha: Pennsylvania will go for Cleveland in November, and on the heels ot this we find the following in the World:. . v "':'' l;' Washington, Sept. 20. Co!. Fletch er, of Philadelphia, a man of promi nence in Democratic councils and a close friend ot Mr." Randall, referring to-day to Mr. Randall's recent asser tion that he knew something of the sentiment in Pennsylvania and expected the StatB to go for Cleveland, said Randall knows what; he is talking about. After thev October elections there will be a fusion of all the elements opposed to Blame in rennsylvania The Democrats, Green backer and laboring men will, unite and as the combination will have a majority, we are certain to carry the State." From other sources it is learned that certain electors on the Democratic ticket are to retire and the vacancies thus made will be supplied by repre sentatives of the Greenback and Labor elements. The electors who arcto itep down have been selected, and have ex pressed a willingness to yield their places to the Fusionists. ; Mr. Daniel Manning, chairman of the New York Democratic State Com mittee, said to a gentleman recently after a meeting of the committee: "This is the first time I have .spoken with regard to the campaign i Vrteople may say what they please, but Groyer Cleveland is going to be our next Presu deni. Perhaps I ought not to saj so much, but I have the most reliable in formation from all over the country which assures me of what I say." The Ideal "Woman. Not a very pale woman, nor yet lan guid and listless, or with waxen-look-ins skin. She has rosy clieeks, a firm step, and a pleasing expression. She has iron enough in her bioou ana strength in her muscles. The woman who is lacking in these important par ticulars should take Brown's Iron Bit-' ters. in which she will find tha vigor she needs. She can buy this most val uable tonic of any respectable drug gists. HEPTEMBEK SQUIBS. "Your manner is very shockme," said the lady to the tramp. "Ah," re plied the tramp, "you noticed it, did yon ? That's my personal magnetism." The price of mummies is said to have fallen off about 75 per cent, and those who deal in them declare it "a dead give-away." Agilent partner is one who is ex pected to keep his mouth shut when he sees the c onfidential clerk .speculating with the funds of the firm. "Tell the.truth ' nd shame the devil," sain a married man to his wife. "Ain't you afraid dear." she answered with a cruel meat-axe smile, ' that jou will be ashamed if I do?" An elderly Newport maiden having had several teeth extracted land being asked by a female companion it it hurt much, replied: "Well. I suppose it did, but I was so excite' because he had his arm right around my neck that I didn't feel but very - little pain " Stern parent "But Edith is too young to marry. She is,but seventeen, and " Importunate", youth "But you believe in Gen. Butler's advice?" Stern parent "What do you, mean?" I m portunate youth " W hy . you k now, he advised his friends to unite with the minority ; and I'm trying to follow it, you know." How to Shorten Life. The receipt is simple. You have only to take a violent cold, and neglect it. Aoernethy. the great Epglish surgeon, asked a lady who told him she only had a cough : "What would you have? The plague?" Beware ot "only cough." i he worst can, however, be cured by DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. In Whooping Cough and Croup it immediately allsys irritar tion, and is sure to prevent a fatal ter mination of the disease. Sold by druggists. Bonnets are even more microscopic than those of last winter. Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted ta cure all cases of malaria. Sold by all druggists. Price one dollar. Silk gloves are more worn than plain or undressed kid. Bed Busts, flies. Flics, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." Olt as the youth is bent the twig's inclined. Allen's Bilious physic is a purely vegatable liquid remedy for Headaches, Bilionsuess and Constipation. Easily taken, ac.ing promptly, relieving quickly, 25 cts. At all Druggists. Travelers charge their guineas, not their characters. Allen's Brain Food botanical extract strengthens the Brain, and positively cures Nervous Debility, Nervousness, Headache, unnatural losses, and all weakness of Generative System; it never fails. i pkg., 6 for $5. At drug gists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 215 First Ave., New York City. Useful domestic cookery Making both ends "meet." DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUQB HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an nlonhnlif trpffe Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. . 185 Race St., Cincinnati. O. a eod & w6m A Fair Offer Tne Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr.. Dye's Volatic Belt and ADDliancea on trial, for thirtv days, to men, young or old, afflicted wiuu uervuus ueuuiiy, iosi Tuaiity. ana kindred troubles. . - See advertisement in this pscr. The Plumed Knave. MISCELLANEOUS. From Mr. Blaine' m ISpteeh in Hie House, ' April 24. 1876. 1 never had any transaction of - aay kind with Thomas A. Scott concerning bonds of the Llute liock and Fort Smith '' Road, -or the bonds of any other railroad, or any bnsi nesa in any way con nected with railroads, directly or Indirectly, immediately or re. motely." . Fisher to Blaine, No vember 8. 1871 I have placed you In positions whereby yon have receive very lar?e sums of money without one dollar of expense to you, and yon ought not to for get the act otj my part. ot all the parties con nected with the Little Kock & Fort Smith railroad, no one has been eo fortunate aa yourself in obtaining money out of it. -. Blaine' s letter to Fish er, AprUlS. 1S76. I want you to send me a letter such as the enclosed uraft: "Con cealmentof the invest ment and everything connected with it would have been very easy had concealment been desirable; but your actio.; in the whole matter was as open and fair as the day.". Blaine's Letter to Fish er, Octobers, 1S69. 1 note what you say about the importance of my keeping all quiet here. I fully appreci ate y'r wisdom and y'r kindness, and shall en deavor to do ju6t as you desire in the prem ises." Blaine's Lttter to Fish er, Oct. 4. 189 "Ho ore will ever know from me that I have disposed of a tin gle dollar in Maine, rio tuere need be no embarrassment in talking with Mr. Cald wotl." Blainebefore the House in lzlG 1 am not afraid to show the letters. Thank God Almighty I am not ashamed to show them. Speaker Blaine' 'Let ter to Fisher, Jan 2d, 1871. ? Vi I have ibis moment written to-Mr. Cald well suggesting that, la case l can arrange a meeting la this city next week with CoL Thomt8 A. Scott, to come on here. I have soeda reason for be lieving that a very ad vantageous arrange merit may be made for taking say $300,000. Let me have an accurate and reliable s'atement of .. your financial condition, and I can do something, I feel very saneuiQ, withThomas AJScott." Mr. Fisher's Lttter, Nov. 10, 1871: "Taking into ac count the $1A).0GG bonds you sold to Tom Scott." Blaine to Fisher, Ap'l 16, 1876. I want you to send me a letter twh as the enclosed draft: - Yon became the pur chaser of about f30, 000 of the bonds on precisely the same terms that evtry other buyer received, pay ing for them in instal ments, running o-er a considerable period, iuat as others did." Blaine's Letter to Fishi er, Nov. 6. 1S71. I do not wish to seem Importunate and tr-u bleaome; but if you knew the agonies 1 have suffered in this matter during the past six montas ou would pity me, I am ure, and make great effort tr relieve me Bray Itt me know what I am to expect. Blaine's Letter, wtitten for Fisher to sign. 'The transaction was perfectly open, and there w as no more secrecy in regard to it than if vcu had been buying flour or sugar." Blaine's Statement in House, Ap'l 2l,187d. My whole connec tion with this road has ben open as day. Whenever con cealment la desirable, avoidance is desirable. J jj "mi hmHi-t " ! Sfch 9 lv d&w. SST THE; GREAT GERMAS tREMEDY F0RPAIN. ' IUlire and caret EHEUilATISlI, Neuralgia, - Sciatica,! Lumbago, . BACKACHE, EIlDlCiE. TOOTHCUl, . S(3RE THROAT, QCriTST, SWELLINGS, onsets, Csts, Imisa, FROSTBITES, BUnSS,SCALDS, Ani all cVhrr bodily metet j and ains. nnr cutis i bottle Sold by ll)rn)fglst abA Dealers. D-eclieu iu 11 languages.- i ' " Its Ckirlsa A.Voslcr Ca. (SoKtwn to A. Voider Co.) Baltimore C. S. A. To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham , Smoking Tobacco. Thi3 Special Deposit Is to guarantee the payment of tho 25 premiums fully described In our former announcements. n i The premiums will be paid,! no matter how Email the number of bogs returned :may be. Office Blaekweir Durham Tobacco Durham, iV. C, May 10,1884. J P. A W1XET. Esq., j I Cashier Bank of Durham, Durham, JT.C. Dkab Sm: We inclose you $1L50.00. which please place on Special Deposit to pay premiums for our empty tobacco bag to be returned Dec. 15th. Yours truly, J. S. GARB. President Office of the Bank of Durham J Durham, JV. d May 10, 188if J. S. CARR. Esq., , , t m. rresi. BlaekvoelVe Durham Tobareo Co. Dt.au Bra: I have to acknowledge receipt of $11,950.00 from you. which we have placed upon Special Deposit lor tne oraect you Blaine's Letter to Fish er, Ap'l 16, 1876. Hegard this letter as(i strictly confidential.v Do not show it to any one. BUKN THIS ours truly. P. A WILEY. Cashier. None genuine without picture of BULL on the package. j f7See our other announcements. septl urm A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cureou,FREEOF CHARGE. This (great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. eodd&w ly TJHEIEI STTHNr. NEW YORK, 1884. . A.bout sixty million c oples of The Suh have one out of our establishment during the past welve montbs. If vou were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The mjns printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip oil n teresting iaformation, common sense wisdom, sound doctrire, and sane wit,' long enough to reach from Printing House square to the top f Mount Copernicus In the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then three-quar, ters of the way back to the moon again. But The Stm is written for tho inhabitants of the earth; this same strip of intelligence would girdle the globe twenty seven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer of a copy of The Sun during the past year has spent only one hour over it, and if his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. It is only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspapers, or ot its influence on the opinions and actions "f American men and women. The Sim is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er how much the process costs, which p re sents the news of all the world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which is working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that the Republican party must go, and must go in this coming year of our ijora, lss. ll you know The Sun. you like it already. and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most interesting year in its history. If you do not yet anow it Practically a New iCreation Benson's Capclne Porous Plasters are the plasters of other days revised and made per fect." Dr. J. H P. I f 4w mil am IMPROVED S sent free by sept 8 4w Bu Standard Turbine ! Is the beat constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and is sold for less money, per horsepow er, tnan any other turbine in the world. New'pamphlet BURNHAM BROS, York, l a i B1 mT ri f -Wvou want a $35 26 Shot UJAJ peating Blflo for $15, a $30 Breech Loading Shot Gun ior $16,' a $12 Con crt Organelle for $T, a $25 Magic Lantern for $12, a holld Gold $25 W I I Wntch for $r, a $15 fcilver 1 W Watch for $ S. You can get any of these articles Free if vcu will devote a few hours of your leisure tme evenings to introducing l Jl ril our new goods One lady so V IU I cured a tiold Watch free, in a ! single after n- on. A gentleman got a 6ilver watch for llftecn minutes' work. A boy 11 years ol4 secured a watch in one dsy : hundreds'of oth ers have done nearly as well. If you have a Magi". Lantern vou can start a buripees that nui i'.xjr juu Lt' -III f iu IU lt,v CVCJ Jf lllgut. OCIiU at once for our illustrated Catalogue: of Gold anH Silver Watches. Self -Cocking Bull Dog uevoivers, opy uiasses, xnatan scout and As tronomicnl Telescorifta . Ttlpo-ra-nhl i Tiiati-n xelits. Type Writers, Organs, i Accordion, Violins, Ac, &c. It may sta.t vou on the road to wealth. ! I - , WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., sept 8 4w 122 Nassau Street, New York.: 1 ' ' I The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. to he Sun, it is high time to get into the sunshine. Terms to Mail. Subscribes. The several editions of The Sun are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows uaiLi ou ce cents a month. $6 a vear: with o , i . . - - ounuay euiuon, SUNDAY Eight paKea. This edition furnish es the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional Interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. WEEKLY $1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter oi tne aauy issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, scientific, and domestic intelligence make The weekly pun the newspaper f or the farm er's household. To clubs of $10, ap extra I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, noy Tint ftiH. N. Y. City Groceries, &c. 150 BnDS PB ME CUBA molassbs' 100 Hbda Prime Porto mco molasse. gQg Half Rolls Standard BAGGING. 1 000 Xew Arrovr tiks J QQQ BdU Pieced TIES, gQQ Bbls. FLOUR. QQBbls. SUGAR, 2QQ Bags COFFEE. LIME, CEMENT, PULSTER,.4c. All at lowest prices WORTH & WORTH. OFFICE OF Dr S. O. Ellis, NO. SOUTH FOCRTH STREET m. po-iteliiiler'aDrur Store. io cnanre ox oJee houra, which are as follow 7 to ia ara., 3 to 9 p. ei. iriAiiJ Til von r A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD, : Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries j resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. ! A (book for every man. young, middle aged ana old- It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one f which b lnvalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 Eages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em ossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $3.50, or the money will be rerunded In every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the Naiional Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers- i The Science of Life should be I read by the young for Instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all .London Lancet. - There is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical ! Institute. r W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street, Boston, Mass., who may bo consulted on all Useases requiring skill and j experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have oafiled the skill of aL J 17 A I other physicians c specJalty.rl Cd A L. Such treated successful-TP r" F" ty without an in- I 11 Y Q Ca Em IP itance of failure. Mention this paper, sept S daw 4w - - IAJLKOAIa. Co. CarolinaenSSuRTi : Company. - Wilmington. N. " BepCWlSM: " frs-riM - ...Change of "Schedu!ft:" QN AND AJTER 8KPTSlit, 1 PASSiCNGER XLaJLANDKJtPtKSS - :r i JJ except Sundays, ' ) Arrive at Charlotte at. J ) Leave Charlotte at..... t o. 2. 1 Arrive Raleigh at. ... o ,1? ? ; ) Arriy at Wihnlngton aT:;il g Passenger Trains ston at only, and iointa tetfcaL thZll0' riito Table. . u tt ytsft SHELBY DIVISION, PASSeW mar EXPRESS AND FREIGHT t except Sunday ' No J 1-eave Charlotte..:. . . Ko- I Arrive at SadbyllU iU A 11 K-4 1 K.b.e&Ku;::;::r mj p : Train, No. 1 and 2 make tVm Aiau, lor opartanDurg, GreenvUte, Athe7 Atlanta and all points Southwest. Wilmington & Weldoo Ualiroad Company, OmUB OF GKNOUL SUrEKlNTkNDKNT, I Wilmington, K. C., May 9, 1884. j Powder. Powder. lOn HICK BIRD POWDER. JLUU 100 Ken Sporting Powder, i For sale by ang 23( KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS Groceries, Groceries, i hnn siGGiNo; : 1 -wAuiiion xies,3isaiesisaie- tng Twine. 50 BxsD 8 Meat. 100 Sax Rio Cot fe 73BxesBef.8ugar.ltO Uhds Molasses, ItlYZi&FK ' Hay, 1.10$ Bnshs a.wj xuos ais,-o uxa candy, la Uxs Criers, lW Bxs Soap. 100 Cases Lje 75 Bxa Hutui,. a-or ku oy ,v ! ' " ' anj 25 . KERUI1XER ft C ALDER BROS i II i-.tiwu, tlitttl liilwll i! '- Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 1SS4, Al I B ton 4 Weldon Railroad will run as folloira DAY MAIL AN D EXPRESS TRAINS DaIM Nos. 47 North and 43 south. Leave Wilmington. Front St. rATuf omi y Arrive at Weldon... f s r xru ...... aw ii i u;avo rfCauon.. ............ ......... 2.53 r 1 Arrive at WUm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.33 p! M Fxst Tqbouoh Mas. & Pabszxqxs Taun Daixt No.40 South. : Leave Weldon.................... 55 p v Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrontSt. Dyt 10.C0P. . MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN Dilll No. 43 North. Leave .Wilmington................ 8.S5P u. Arrive at Weldon. ....... ...... .. tMAH, Train No. 40 Sonth will ntnn ahI r wn. n,M-w ' iwIZJu r ' xrains on xarboro liranch Eoad Leave Eocl? Mount forTarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4J0 f. Al.. JaiJV. thlinridva PTrtrtaA nihtxhi leave Tarboro at S P. ST. and m m a m nTr? a rains on scocianci ivv Kntni?h rmawm Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. if. k turning leave Scotland Seek at 8.30 A. M. daily exccDt Sunday. Train No. 4T make? close connection at We don for all points North Daily. - All raO ?l lucmnonu, ana uany except ounoay vis Hat Train No.- 43 ninB ilillv und m&tAi pIaaa rrm nection for all Points North via Richmond tod Washington. '' ' 1 4 - All trains run solid between WinlngtOT art w asmngion, and nave ruiiman palace bleep ant ftttflxihAd. j -. .. . ... . . r For accommodation of local travel a puaerl ger coach will be attached to local freight kit-I mgwwmngwn at c&5 A. M. uauj except i ouxiuay, ........ , . , , .J JOHN F. DlYDfl, Anoi-a1 Rrtrr1ntirnitmL T. 61. EMERSON, Genera' Paescorer Ami juiy jo - . Wilniliigtoii, Columbia & iAilfTusta It. B; Co. OFFIOH OT GSXTESAX BVrESIirTJXTItrt. j - Wilmington. N. a July H.1SM. I Change of Schedulet ON AND AFTER JULY 13tlt, J", 9.00 A. M., the following PaaseBiw tan j ule will be run on this road : I NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILT- . . ,r West and 47 East. jl Leave Wilmington.. .......... Leave Florence. Arrive at C.C.AJL Junction.. .-r Arrive at Columbia rl Leave Columbia. " SI l eave C. C. A A. Junction.. J2 i Leave Florence.. ...-... rSTl. Arrive at Wiftn!arton. M1 Night Mah, akd Pajmattgeb Tai, nAaIi NO. 40WkT. J Leave Wllmington.;..i Jf 2 V JL Arrive at Florence. j"SA MAIL AND PASSENGER TRADJ ViJl No. 43 East. ja,Vi f Leave Florence at.,...... Arrive at Wilmington. Train 43 stops at all Stations. Passengers for Columbia MdK2?JF CE. it, C, A A.ll.B.8Ut. Alja tion. and all nolnts beyond, skoow i 40 Night Express. -JT VetCA separate Pullman sieepersw r9 , I Train40; .,waaT. All trains run solid between Cbf I Wilmington, ... wmrmHm XiOcai rreignt leaves - i cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. nrvrSt. I v .-. General 8j T. M. ersfKcsnM.eenersl 1 Pssseajser j " Cleveland & Hendridcs! - Blaine & Logan!! JACKSON & BBLL!!i THREEITICKETSforthePEOP ThAfirst two tlekcto aret?" anything and eveiytWng neea in tne snape u j - , Printing, Rulina orjJi. BY 8ENDING YOUB Liw r J good to JIONACU'3 fH T J Seconi st!. and them Fall and Winter wear yooTl gate m ct bing a new suit er . tzr- -t dye ttzZ just rc?Ts