IS- 1 - - i THIS FAP1CK hed every evening. wdJ- JOSH T.JAMES, -. y Options postage paid: SCB30! six months. $2.00. Three 3 7l.00; One month. 35 cents. , boo"- delivered uj whc "w i'"' m any P1 UA ' . or 1 1 in and liberal. writers will report any xna u iau !Se their paper regularly, , rXI)aily Review has the largest f . .jntijm. of anv newspaper (rt CTW ' - - X3 r, fip'citv of Wilmington. flection Tuesday, Nov. 4. KOH "PRESIDENT GU0VER CLEVELAND, of New York. you vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOK GOVERNOR : ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. rou LIEUT, governor: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. fokJsecuktary of state: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOK STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. fok attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. roK superintendent of public in struction : S. M. FINGER, of Catayba. associate justice supreme court: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. FOR f.t.ectoks-at-large : W. IT. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. VOL CONGRESS : R T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. The Tribune has compared- Mr. Blaine to St. Paul. Mr. Blaine douH lesa feels like faying to his friends, with the apostle to the Gentiles : "I would that ye become such as I am except these &onds.'" A letter irom a prominent Democrat who is stumping West Virginia, says : "Oar prospects of victory continue to row brighter as the canvass progresses. The Democracy of the State seems to be determined that it will not be wrest ed from the Democratic column." A letter to the National Democratic committee from the Democratic State committee of New Jersey says that the campaign is progressing most encourag ingly in that State, and that New Jersey can be depended on to give ' its electoral votes to Cleveland and Hen dricks by a handsome majority. Gen. Edward S. Bragg contradicts the story that he said in the Democratic National Convention that . the Irish miffht go. "In the Chicago Conven tion." he writes, "I made no mention of nor did I allude to our Irish-America11 population in any manner wbat f7er. I have never entertained such ideas nor uttered such words, and one argijg them upon me must do it through ignorance or pure malice." Cheyenne is said to have a club as complete in its equipments as any in the principal Eastern ciies. The Members are mostly rich cattieownera, fcaujofthem being natives of New Eland. The club house is illumi nated by the incandescent electric light, and a chief from Delmonico's conducts cuisme. The choice books in the llbr&ryshow that the wants of the fcuid have not been sacrificed to tare comforts, j Jl J. N. Scott, of Indianapolis, Jd., and a brother4nlaw o. Senator Benjamin Harrison, has declared for belaud. He has always been a Re Pelican. In his letter to the PresU jjj&t of the Independent Republican c'ul ho says : "After much hesitation aid long and mature consideration, to coarse is now clear to me. I shall my next vote so; as to contribute IU weight, at least, towards the defeat ,of those who shamelessly practice cor rapUoa in office, an4 deceit, misrepre atation and the jntolerance born ol jcsaowiedged uuworthiness in the pur- Sl0fxfcT- "d:wiU therefore be lor Cleveland and Hendricks." QNow is theUmeto give Smith's Worm iyd7 r VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER The bcttin on the campaign prom ises to be lively in New-York at an early day, as the following, which we clip from the World, would seem to in dicate. 'If there are any enthusiastic Blaine men who entertain the idea that the l iarned Knight is going to be success ful," says James Patterson, of the northeast corner of Seventh avpnnp unci Twenty-seventh street, "they can have an opportunity of endeavoring to swell their bank account by accepting any ol the following offers I am prepared to make: "One thousand dollars against $700 that Cleveland carries the State of New "One thousand dollars even that Cleveland will have 30,000 plurality. "One thousand dollars against $1,700 that Cleveland carries Ohio. 'One thousand dollars even that Cleveland carries Indiana. '"One thousand dollars against $600 that Cleveland carries New Jersey. "Twenty-five hundred dollars even that Cleveland will be elected. "One thougand dollars even that But ler will not poll 12,000 votes in the county of New York." -- Mr. A. F. Shrirer, Dealer in General Merchandise, Fetterman. West Va., writes that his wife was relieved of spinal meningitis; also Mrs. John Towels was cured of a severe injury; also Mr. Samuel Grain in was cured of neuralgia, Air. Edward Wendell of neuralgia, Mr. John Grinnen of a severe sprain by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. the Great German Remedy. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hours of Registration m D A Smith Furniture H H Foster Tocal Class . C W Yates School Books Heiksbeboeb School Books S H Tkimble Auction Notice P L Bridgers Hams, Dried Beef Geo M. Crapon, A gt Buckwheat Giles & Murciiisox Bed Room Set W E Springer & Co Cotton Presses Parker & Taylor When the Fall Wind Geo R French & Soxs SchookDays Mckds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer W II Str a.uss, Pres't Attention Democrats FC Miller Frienda snd Fellow Citizens Shrier A Forced Sale In New York Great Bargains In Wilmington For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton' at this port to-day foot up 1348 bales. . Registration besins to-morrow. The hours will be from 9 am to 2 p m and from 3 p m to 5 p in. Quite a number of our citizens went up to Bnrgaw this morning to hear Stedman and Fairclcth.- Bishop Watson preached in St. John's Church yesterday afternoon and com. firmed three persons, all ladies. , Perseverance is the best school for manly virtue; and one of Dyer's "Mel ville1' is the correct thing this season, f It is now definitely settled that Rob iuson's Ciicus will will be here on Sat urday, October I8th, two weeks from next Saturday. Superlatively warm for the last of September. The thermometer in this office registered 82 degrees at 9 o'clock this morning. The closing to-day of the stores ol our Jewish merchants on Front and Market streets makes ah appreciable difference in the aspect of the streets. Two beautiful new drums, one a bass drum and the other a kettle-drum, were received to-day for the Cornet Concert Club by Mr. J. E. Willson, the leader of the band. Nor. barque Marie, Neilsen, cleared to-day for London with 1,950 casks spirits turpentine and 761 barrels rosin, valued, at $29,359, shipped by Messrs D. R. Mnrchison & Co. We understand that Messrs. Geo. Z. French & Bros, are now working J 10 hands at their limestone quarries on the North East river, at Excelsior planta tion, and that it is as much as they can do to keep up with their orders. The Young Men's Progressive Club of this city will do good work during his campaign. They have on the rolls 125 members, a majority ot whom are mechanics, and they expect this list to be increased to 500 during October. They are working with a will, Charlotte Observer; Cant. F. A. Mc Ninch, Chief of Police, returned to the city yesterday from Wilmington, bring ing with him Isham Brown, the escaped convict. Capt. McNinch speaks in the highest terms of his reception in Wil mington, and is especially warm in his praise of Chief Brock. Capt. June Gardner and Messrs-. Schloss &Son. who gaye him a good time. " J Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow," greatest -invention ol the are. Jacobi is tha Ajfcnt. t " sLw ImII "- ' There were but three trifling cas?g before the Mayor this morning", for bis adjudication, two for failure to pay li cense tax and one for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. We understand that Maj. John W. Daniel, of Richmond, and Hohn. R. F. Arm field, of Statesville, have accepted invitations to speak in this city some time during the campaign. Rain is most lamentably longed lor. The streets are dry and dusty, and wells and cisterns are getting low. The Herala speaks of flower temperature to-morrow, and Wednesday possibly preceded by local rains. Graded Schools. The graded schools , of the city will open on Wednesday, October 1st. The entrance examination . of new pupils will be as follows: Ilemmenway (white) 9 a. m. Sept. 29 Union " " " 30 Willliston (colored) 4 p. m. " 29 Peabody 30 The Cornet Concert Club. We learn, just before going to press, that the Cornet Concert Club has finally determined not to go Raleigh to the Exposition. They had fully esnCS"" .u"ureu w prices are menuoneu Men's stirs tor 5.50 really worth A , . .. . 1 rS8 50; a fine all wool Cassimere suit for 810, worth SIG.50. In suits at Si 5. peciea to go ami nave pracusea unrevfi mittingly of late with this object indto10 on a suit. Iu Boys' and Children's Clothing we can save you at least 50 view but finding at the last moment that some of the principal members could not go they abandoned the intention. This will be deeply regretted by many. Rhyme and Reason: If you cannot keep quiet, because your cough makes a riot, there's semething, pray try it. a quarter will buy it; be quiet now about it ; don't be without it; your cough, this will route it ; I beg you not doubt it ; to the world I would shout it. Oh yes, you guess! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Turnpike. We continue to hear encomums of our beautiful shell road to the Sound by strangers who see it for the first time. We doubt it there is another eight miles of road equal to it in the United States. It is like riding on a parlor floor to go on this road, and it is kept always in excellent condition, a state of things due to the untiring exertions of the worthy Superintendent, Mr. Henry Haar. Judge Fowle. Hon. D. G. Fowle arrived in the city last night. He was received by a com mittee from the Young Men's Demo cratic Club of New Hanover, whose guest he is, and was escorted by them to the Purcell House, where rooms had been prepared for his reception. To day he was taken in charge by them and taken on a trip down the river, on the Passport, and to-night he will speak at the City Hall, under tho auspices of the Young Democratic Clubs in this city, on which occasion we are sure that there will be an immense concourse assembled to bear the gifted orator. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. The Game Laws. For the benefit of some ot our young gunners, who have ignorantly violated the game law and thus subjected them selves' to indictment and fine, we give that law in full as taken from the N. C. Code: Section 2834. No person shall kill or shoot, trap or net any partridges, quail doves, robins, larks, mocking birds, or wild turkeys, between the 1st day of April and 15th day ot October in each year; and the persou so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not exceeding ten dollars for each offence. It would be well enough to under stand, too, that hunting is prohibited on Sunday, all the year round. In two weeks the restriction will be removed as regards hunting on week-days. Gen.Moiseto Speak. Mr. Jno. D. Bellamy received this morning a telegram from GeD. E. W. Moise. of Sumter, S. C, accepting an invitation tendered to him to speak in this city on next Wednesday night. This speaking will take place at the corner of Castle and Seventh streets and it is expected that there will be a grand rally on that occasion. There will be a torchlight procession, with music, under the auspices of the Young Men's Progressive Democratic Club. It is the first grand rally of tho cam paign in the old Banner V Ward, the Fifth, and we hope that there will b bigee3t sort ot a big turnout on Wcd nesday night. V . " : y u Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead, Glass &ci, should go to Jacobx'S j MEW AJJVEIMSEMENT8 UlflDSKOPF T 0 r., . ' New York September 9, 1884. Mr I. Sdrleiv Wilmington, N. C. . . : r D"! sri By the time this rescues you. yon will no doubt have been in formed through thedaily papers that our house haj failed ; the ass gnee is taking charge, and the goods will have to be disposed of at once, as he wants to real ize t be cash for them. There h a very large stock in the house mde up for this season, and I would say to you como here at once and yod can have first ch ace to select the best goods, and at prices so that you can sell them to your customers way below what the same goods cost other merchants, a;nd at the same time make a nice profit. Allow me to remark that the assignee will only sell the goods for spot cash. r . Hoping to see you here soon, I am with be3t regards, yours truly, ; Vv ' . v i ' A. MITCHELL. On receipt of the above we started for New York city where! we bought an immense stock which will be sold 50 per cent less than any other house in Ibis cuy ctu uo. v ' . The following, from the New York Herald will explain the failure of the largest Clothing House in the world : I i ANOLDHOUSE GOESUNDER. 'The sea of overproduction yesterday swallowed up the wholesall clothing hcuse of Rindskopf Brothers & Co. Alter an honorable existence !of oter thirty five years, during which it has buih up a very large business throughout the country, the firm went down yesterday, leaving behind debts in: theneighbor hood of a million dollars and an unkuown quantity of assets. j The firm has lately been located at No. 018 Broadway, one door -above the huge huildings occupied by the Bronners, those comets in the clothing business. Severn floors wrere occupied for the manufacture, storage and display; of good?, About one hundred and fifty cutters markers, makers and other em dIovps iwuuu worK 011 luesc various noors. 1 . j 1 . 1 . 1 1 , This is the first time a sale of this kind and may never occur again. In order i8 and 20 we have a full assortment per cent on the dollar, jjon't tail to call and examine this greatisale of whole sale at retail. It costs nothing to call in and see for yourself.. A chance to "et auuu uai.uius win ueyei occur aaiii at BRIER' THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. sept 29 Vocal Class. T HE FIRST LESSON OF THE COURSE wUl be given at Brooklyn Hall, on Tuesday mi?iit,;scpt. 3Utn, commencing at t o'cioca. The class and aU who dsslre to become mem bers, will please be In attendance promptly at the time named. H. H. FOSTER sept 29 It - When the Fall Wind COMES YOU WILL NEED A FIRE. Look well to vour grates. - We have the Crick, Biftketa and Grates in fall set As for Heat l-g-etovea, we have them from a "Do." to a Natton." If you would keep comfortable this winter call at PARKER A TAYiOR'S and select from their EXTENSIVE STOCK. PURE WHITE OIL. sept 29 Attention Democrats. rpUEKE WILL BE A GRAND DEMOCRAT IC RALLY on Wednesday night, October 1st, In the Fifth Ward, at the corner of Pcventh and Castle streets, under tho auspices of the Young Men's Progreeslvc Democratic Club. Distinguished speakers have been Invited to be present. All Democrats are cordially in Tited to meet at the City Hall at 8 o'clock, and join In a procession to be there formed, and march thence to place ot speaking. W. H. STRAUSS, President E. F. Johnsox, Secretary. sept 29 3 1 School Days. rjlUE CHILDREN MUST GO TO SCHOOL. They must have SHOES to wear. We have the best in the State neat to fit. darable to wear, low In price. Call on us to snpply you. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET sept 29 SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASn OR ON THE EASY IN stalment plan, at HEINSBERGER'S, sept 20 Live Book and Music Stores. Furniture. N1 KW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE., - ARRIVING EVERT DAY Manufactured expressly for this market. New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of New aod Fash lonable Goods, all made this aezson. . - - D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street sept 29 Bed Room Sets. JLABGE AND WELL8ELECTED STOCK. DINNER AND TE A SETS - VERY LOW. - , r GILES A HURCIILSON8. ept 23 - 53 and i0 Uurefelccn Siock. 29, 1884 NO. 232 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BROS. & CO., 61G & 618 Broadway. has ever taken nlac in Wilminon to show what extraordinary banrains and guarantee a savinc of fnllv fmn cm ABEATIFUL ST OF f ANCY CARDS sent free to persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Brown Chemi cal Co., Baltimore, Md. j m w f Ct Cotton Presses. ' ' . 1 . . BROWN'S COTTON GIN, RUBBER BELT ING, GIN BRISTLES. Send hn your-or ders at once for GINS and PRESSES. Don't delay. You will be disappointed in getting them in time. 1 J ' .. W. E. SPRINGER fr-CO..' 19. 21 & 23 Market Street, sept 29 Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. Lanra Kothwell ! 1 1 - yiLL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR B'iYS.AT her residence opposite City! Hall, 109 North Tnlrd, on WEDNESDAY, 1st October. Miss MARY ROTH WELL Iwltl open a school for girls at the same time and place. sept 27 2t j 1 New Buckwheat. 1 j i New Buckwheat. rpnE SEASON HAS NOW COME WHEN Buckwheat Cakes arc In trdcr. I .have to day I ' ! leccived a supply o New Buckwheat, the I ? first of the season. Also, Polatoe Onions, Apples, Cabbagc3, &c, &c. 1 A full line of choice and selected Groceries ! i always on ha.-d. Stock renewed every week. All goods can be relied on as fresh1 and new at i GEO. M. CRATON'S Act, sept 29 22 Sou'h Front Street. HAMS, DRIED BEEF. FINE QUALITY OF DRIED BEEF FOR t f CHIPPING JUST RECEIVED. 1 Magnolia Hams I f STILL ATTRACT THE EYE AjSD SAT- : . I3FY THE APPETITE!. o- Nice New Mackerel No fish that can equal 1: for a breakfast dUt. We bare them singly or In kits. P. L. BRIDGEKS & t)0 HO North Front 4t sept 29 j SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. -yy KEEP A LARGE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AND " - a PRIVATE SCHOOLS of th city awl through. out North Carolloa which we offer fo the pub lic at the LOWEST POS3IB E PEICES. Meg- School Supplies ot all ktnds. c. w. yXtzs, sept S3 110 llarkct it, Wilmington, N C , r 8). PLSAJSS FOTKJK. TT will be g lad -to receiTB coasnutlcatlon froa eoj friends oa aay aaa all fsct3cta; 8aerallatereatbtit : " -. The nama of the witttt asst always . lia to th Editor. : - - - Caamlttfloajianirti wrm c oa onesldeof tha pape.- '-' . PcrscmaUUea intuit be avoided.: ; , U la especially i paxtUailariy utft tood that the Editor doe. not always tndon -the vlewa of cozreepoadects imiw tc ttxtt in the editorial oohmna. - NEW ADVERTISEilENTS, SGTII'W. IAVISf Auctiouccr BY S.n TRIMBLE; vi rm5S!AAT. AIE3 KOOMScom. menclngatlO o'clock, I wUl seU a Urjre ?8t?I,unnto.t Merchandise consisting cf Bed ( , . ;"-""-t msh ouous,- bureaus. hk,cs0f.Baby Carriages, 'seTving Ma. clltss, Seitees,Stovcs, Pickles, &cT,c. Registration Hours. pUS UNDERSIGNED REGISTRARS QT the different Wards and Dlvlsiona In WUmlnfi ton Township, have decided upon the follow ing hours for Registration : From 9 o'clock, a. m to 2 o'clock, p. m., and from 3 'clock, P m. to 5 o'clock, p. m. , . W. McEVANS, JAME3 JONEP, C. M. HARRISS. W. L. JACOBS, J. C LUMSDEN, W. E. CHEEK. J. If. HAN BY, sept VJ It JNO. A. Stir copy FARROW. P ERA HO US E . Monday, Sept. B. Tuesday, Sept. 39. DIUECT FROM WALLACK'S THEATBE. A FASHIONABLE FESTIVAL ! THE METIlOPOl.l nw pivadito BERTHA WELBY I Supported by II. A. D'ARCY'S Superior Company In tho great New York success, as produced at Wal laces Theatre, with magnificent Parisian cos tumes, and perfect ensemble entitled, LADY CLARE AND THE IRON MASTER, A Superb Play ! A Celebrated Star. TUESDAY MfiflT A IVnnU T.mnMinn ! The Supporting Company merits the dis tinction of the Star. Itcservcd Seats on sale at Heinsbergcr'B Bookstore. Carriages may be ordeied it 10 io p. m. sept 3fc OPERA HOUSE. THE : MUSICAL PUENOMBNON ! . rWlLL GIVE - v . ONE CONCERT, TUURSfiAY, OCTOBER 2. Admission 5 and '5 cents. . " Reserved Scats now on cale at Helnsbergex's at 7 o'clock. Concert at 8 o'clock. " sept 27 t The Cem. RESTAURANT AND SAMPLE ROOM, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. No. 26 North Front st. Two "doors North of Purcell House. sept 24 For Rent. -yAREHOUSE, FOOT OF CASTLE 8T., Good wharf and deep water; storago capacity for five hundred tons of coal. - Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Ag't scp 27 2t Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occuniod br Mpm. 11. Johnson & Co. . Store and offices above now occu-1 pieu i.y a. Dumelandt. xoin on norm w aier st. ; between Prlncoes and Chestnut. Apply to , - augli Stir copy 3t DkROSSET Jk CO. tteai tsiaie. JJOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS tor sale In all parts of the city. Cash or on the Instalment p'an. Apply to aug 30 iaw 3m sat m D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Ageat For Rent. gTORE NO. 8, SOUTH FRONT aireet, now occupieu by N. Greene- jy A wald, Esq. Apply to Vh'V sept 26 3t ; GEO. HARRISS Jk CO. School at Willard. J WILL OPEN A SCHOOL AT THIS place ot September, 1S1. Rates of tuition, fL50. tiO and $1.00. payable at the end of each month. Board $6. 00 per month. No student will be admitted for a stiorter time than one month.. For particulars address me at Willard. ,eept 8 3w m s A. R. BLACK The Old North State Saloon XT AS BEEN TIIOliOtTfilTI.V XI OTcrhaalcd. refitted and re plenlshed. The servWji of Dick" X. Uopklns have-becn secured and a first class Res tanrant is now In fall operation. Oystera serif, edla all styles. Fried Oysters sent out In boxes made for that express purpose. Cool Beer ami the best of Liquors aod Cigars. Free lonch from 1 1 to I sept 24 J. M. lIcGOWAN. By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP. 12 CAKJES FOIZ 25 CTS. Q.OODWTN'S COMP. STEUP, HjpophoBphltea, with Lactate and Pepsin, which la already being, prescribed by our j Phy Ictans, and for which we are agents. - Munds Bros, & DeRosset, .Ik W 4. A .... W lept IS Wllailiistoa, W, c. ... 1mV f