Sundays ex- at3' THIS TAPER curv evening. eepted' by JOSH T. JAMES. $pitok Alio pbopmktob. .Options postjlujs jtaixt r six month. $2.09. Twee I One month, 55 cento. 1 H i.00 : o3W be delivered by carrier tree P1.1 nart of the city, at the above J ? . I 4 . .m 111 - . r rainz rates jow aim uucr. T7"VT TTTT T will report any and all .fall- Y Uli. Y 111. -Ve their paper regularly, WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1884. NO . 235 fleass onca Wt win clad fta rocclrs ccrraasicaUoa i from cut friends oa any and .all ssbjacu; . Ssraltnteretbntli tif Tna nana of the wrUer must always fca : atoaed to the Editor. x. Coaraunlcattona must' b one aide of the paper. $. . " ; Personalities must be avoided.;' ' And Itla especially and particularly u?e tood that the Editor dees cot alwtys enict s toe views ot correspondents itulssft th sia hi the editorial colttHina. - - i wtlttaa ot on Daily Review has the largest circulation, of any newspaper ' , .-j. zip 7w o WUminaton. rzz-jL - - LOCAL NEWS, INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mexico to ,lter his canal interests there. Miller is to make a lecture il,rnll(rll HID wuuhj n niiti, toorar cVwIc ic frnin? to I Ml":'. C W Yates School Books Hkihs beroks School Books G Cherbt-Consolidated J M McGow ax Home's Ojs'ers Jukius Davis, Ckm'r Foreclosure Pale Jdmus Davis, Com'r Foreclosure Sale SlrHDS Bros. A DkRosset By Steamer P C Millkr Friends nd Fellow CltlzenB Jas W Moxeoe, Sect'y Wilmington Lodge o 319 ; II B Wilus, Reporter Carolina Lodge, No r.i floK la a writ or lrr tho I H. K of II - IP r lorciiuc is" . " "v .' wTdcjraia, nd notof fashions, but Slep Tdders alHegths, at Jacobins al ariluies uu yumiw. .t - Dry and Iasty i j . , ' Personal.: Wilmiogtop. makes in copjaqction vitb ." -axfc a 1014 a o There were many indications jlast Mr. Chas. H. King has returned to the department, a special dismay of lU ji . nj i Mt t. Pi.i. Bo1nftn night ot showers and a change of tem- the city after an absence of several fertilizers, which are admifably pre- ll,oulu nui ui oiaiu uaiuuii I . . I i rt : 1 .1 : .41. 1 u I ' Q Ta Txx TiTrniTCT but it remains vabout aalhot weets, at Kosiou. m attendance, pureu. iae wwmij.u.wj!u. -u. f this! uctavuic. uut it icuiiiiua yiuiiut as uut " ' i . is , K-a k fi,- with. his. .-wife, at the bedside oil pnaies are snown in excqnso, ibis a iot ot those celebrated KOKNE'S although there was connsiderable rain lhe laUv s lather, Mr. Wood, who Has oemg me nnesi preseniauorij 01 mum GARDEN OTSTKB. They. are kept on ls at Hamlet and points along the line ofbeer critically ill. We are pleased to yet madcJTbe-nodules are o immense JJJJ ra.te yg?g5 the Caiolina Central Railroad. Here it earnf iowe?er. that mat genueman is iz in oine cases. I fcAdams. who is thought to L footed -uuiuui vtio. ii very hot, dry and dusty. has reach- Depot. I feel like one who treads again Some banquet-hall, elated, St. Jacobs Oil has cured my sprain, -A ml cure it will, all ache3 and pain. As all thd world has stated. City Court; The following cases were investigated jlrs. Tick nor. th widwotthe his- The receipts of cotton at this port by Mayor Hall this morning bnted htr eighty-fourth birthday at Import. KnUri Rutler said, in a speecn a l;CUt .ihtorsoago: 4,I am asked if Iex- to be elected. Yes, if the people kite any sense." Mr. Will West's restaurant opens in full blast this eveuing. Quails on toast and all of the et ceteias. See if it isn't so. A lady on North Front street found yesterday on the ledge above the front I door of her residence a live raccoon. H ratio Seymour will not be able to it got tnere is a mystery unsoiy . .i vl!. . : u I able. jiiepartio toe unio campaigut ui 0ini: to feeble 'health ex-Governor been expected. Ihereare about 00,000 colored Cath" 0;bin the United States. At least two-thirds ot them reside in the Slates ot Harjiand, Kentucky and Louisiana. Capt. J. M. McGowan received to day the first load this season of those delicious and famous Home New River suspended. Garden Oysters. They are in fine con dition. trances llali, a colored woman, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged. j Ada Harriss. colored, for disorderly conduct, was fined $5. Edward Thomas, colored, lor an as sault with a deadly weapon, was Ire quired to give a bond in the sum: ot $100 for his appearance . ut the . next term of the Criminal Court and was turned over to the custody ol tte sheriff. There was one case of failure to pay licence tax, in which judgment was and form bue now much better and in a fair way of pyramids. Trie re are specimens Irom recovery. He hopes to spend the Win- about fourteen counties. f ter in Wilmrbgton. " The palmetto tree from Bald Head, Mr. G. H, Glass, who bas very em" procured by Capt. Jno. W. Harper, ciently and acceptably filled the position adorns the State department! to which of Manager of the Telephone Exchange it has been presented. in this city since last April, has been The fish exhibit made by rjrsh Com relieved and will go to Raleigh in a day misstnner Worth is very extensive and or two and lake charge of the Telephone includes all of t he specimens known in Exchange in that place. Mr. Glass is these waters, as alsD oysters Irom New an estimable young gentleman and we Hanover, Onslow and Craven counties. wish him every success, whereyer he may be. Mr. J. C. White, so long and favor ably known as Manager of the Tele phone Exchange before the arrival ol Societv is in a Duckor oyer 'the ques tion. "Shall our eirls whistle ? ' Of Mr. filass. reached the citv last nicbt course thev may. it they Strengthen from Richmond, where he has been "nS3 by using the great Dr. employed in the Telephone Exchange BaU 3 Cough Syrup' for several months, and will at once Democratic I3emou"stratioii. takecharge of the position just vacated The programme for the Democratic by Mr. Glass. We welcome Mr. White gathering lasVrjignt, which was an- back to Wilmington, where he has a host of ttiends. Beer and the best Wines. Liauora and Clears always on hand. - -' oct i - J. M. McGOWAN. Foreclosure Sale. gT VIKTCK AND IS PURSUANCE OF A. iecree of the Superior Court of New Hanover C .made In a caase there peixiloar tctw6?n Al rich Adrlau and llanke Vollern, partner trading as Adrlnu "t"-Vollcrs, platuUITi, and Henry T. Jtauman. Artniinlsstrator of John G. . Cauman. Henry. T. Banmn, Join C- Bau inau, and others, defendants, J as Coram' a slonr uniler said decree, wilt offer far sale to the highest bidder, for eah. at the Court House, door. In tho city of Wilrtlngttn, at 11 1. tf ... I. .T 1 . . . . WOi W e see no speciaUuention, however, ol lhc frti&wiofeicai estate eituate m aald clo ¬ the stuffed tarprn which was contribii- Ouc lot bflnf- the West half of It No. 5 In I 171.- A l,A.lnntn. At (lift UA.rK.aet 1rttMAA. Hon of Fourtu and Mulberry streets, running thence North with Fourth street G6;fect,theneo F.ast parallel with Mulberry street 165 feet, thence iomh parallel with Fourth street Cti feet to Mulberry street, and thence West with Mulberry street to le;-tnrlnr. One lot, belPff the West. hlf of Lot No. 4 In Block ?07 begianlDg in the East line of Fourth street CO feet North from It9 Intersection with Northern line of Mulberry street, rutin lop: tnetce North with Fourth btrect 6G feet, then KaBt parallel w'th Mulberry street 165 feet, then fcouth parallel with Fourth street C) feet and then West 163 feet to beginning. JUNIUS UAV18, i oct 2 5t oct 2 , 16, 23, Nov 1 ' Com'r ted by Messrs W E. Davis & Son. Jotirnalisttc. The Charleston News and Whom Love Die Courier . m -m m . m , 1 1 I A P I Fxinnat.inn hfiffins the erenueman. nut I comes to us now m auario iorm as a C.W.Couldock. the Superfluous Lgs di o-ood breeding and reflection six-column eisht-Daze . Daner. The of the .American theaties, will soon mugt him His clothes, made change has become necessary in conse (tfehrate in Boston his fiftieth year on by D adds much tQ u him quence of -lts constantly increasing 6ir tbe stage anu nis boveuuem uiuuuaj through the world in style. . f ihsRame time. I " . Pes lahrer hinkenden voten vetter J Fanny Davenport finds, after a year s injAmerika. This is what Mr. Wm. experience in 'Fedora." that emotional Qtersen advertises in theREViEAV and it acting will reduce her weight faster thin nv anti-ftit prescription. She tltttit - m now weigbs fitteen pounds less than last season. : nounced in yesterday's issue, was fully carried out. The procession was form ed at the City jHali and, preceded by the CorDet Concert Club, marched to the Purcell House where it was joined by Gen. Moise; the principal speaker of means, we understand, a new calendar for the New Year. It is for sale, by Mr. Otersen. the Gods Young:. One ot the saddest events which we i i i .i : .tUn ; it.r. I navecnromcieu m mauj uiuuLuaw tuo th(J evenin The procession was a death, after a sickness of only about . fi nnfi . with the memters of the culatian and the large demands made 'j8 UlWnn nf Mr S Club wearing helmets and bearing :a Th at. Seth W. Davis and grandson of Mr. S. toh Dresented a fine appearance. " i na r iho U- Wallace, for whom he was named. U ..- aocomDanvine Gen! . I Tlio liftlo fllrtw hrl hppn nn a visit to I.. . ht t ti best leading dailies of the South and! V" r , , " Mcise, were Mr. w . n. oirauss, tiw- J?rogressive W. King. Executive B Foreclosure Sale. Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A ot Lancas Tho next theatrical company which an(j well-directed efforts oi its publish will appear at tho Opera House will be ers have Deen so wisely appreciated as the Sound and was brought to the city f , Y Men's It has always been conducted with Wednesday sick and suffer ng and Democratic Club;- Mr. J. ...i .hii;t. nnd wfi yesterday afternoon, at 5 oclock, he Chairmail of tbo County died, verv suddenly, within congestion ,:. . t nanv .Tr East lire of Front street are glau to nonce tuai ine energeuc , - - - wmumwB,flu.. ... waid s30 fcet, then tout hwaraly 66 feet.and decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, made In a cause there pending be tween Eduard Peschau, plaintiff, and Henry 4 T. Ban man, Administrator of John Q. Han oi an, Henry T. Bauman, John C. Bauman and others, defendants. I, as Commissioner under said decree, will offer tor sale to the highest -bidder, for cash, at the Court House dooz In the city of Wilmington, a' 11 o'clock, a. m , on Monday, November 3d, 1884, all the Interest and estate of the lato John G. Bauman. being one undivided half. In and to the follow injt lots of land situate In aid city, to wit: One lot beginning in tho Kast line of Front street 66 feet North from Its intersection with Hano ver street, and running thenco North with 60 feet, tnence .ast- Little Wallace was 10 years ot Chairman of the Committee on In vita- then westwardiv 230 feet to beginning, being ....... tr 04. p.oc; . apart of Lot No 4 In Block 261.. koono fulllxt being Lot No. 5in Block 26i, accora- l.II 111 . ABA X . M llLU V Pw mm - " J tieneral Samuel Draper, - eer.twenty-uve years old and weighing Frank Mayo's, which will be on-.the todeiband this chan dent of the Young Mcuocn , DMods. is the smallest free- 8:h inst. The play to be presented will made at an immense expense. The bright, -intelligent and accmio no Clnb. Mayor Hall. Mr. H.j A. Bagg oct25t oct 2, 9, 16, 23, Nov l Com'r fflaniDJTsconsin.buthis Democratic be "Nordeck," founded on Werner's paper is printed on one of R. Hoe & w as in B" pa"7 and Mr. A, H: Leslie, President ot the . tote -ill exactly offset trBlaioe. Lvanto nnH flitt Kins fnllfl nnnn them 1 . ' Web-oerfecting. type-revolving ,T Fifth Ward Deoiocratfc uiup. vr itu siuumug " " (icneral Moife was introduced to the S. H. Trimble, To settle a suit for $44,000 brought by Iheexecutors of eleven Chinamen killed in a collision at Hercn siding, near Ta coma, Washington Territory, an ugree ment has been reached by which the David Davis' novel of Vineta. Mr. Mayo, who is rjo's 1. n ... in tUIi ziitn nrill nnnont irt tlio I ! i-1- rljinm innViino nnm - mi t k f . . a ri,ic him ataooui 4 ociocK.uotureaujiiis . nftat and aocroDr ate uue. rote, ana wm ue supiwu oinea. which prims. HnDr oti in la t hn n ! " , " " ' T ?vdeiirriition. Officn corner Princess and . i cam r: 1 1 1 1 uaiikvi uuu au awm vsm i i . ni im i in r -r ir" m i . . hour. The contract price . . . rspeeca uy jjxr. ouuu xj. iijiiujr, "' water streets. Croniy & Momss' old stana STOCK AND HEAL. ESTATK BUUftLU and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of strong company. Important' 12,000 per for this master piece of mechanical j in- hour after was summoned to return ' I .nn;ti woe fS 17 .fino. The naper is ad By the registration law of the State rf ".T: 'I Vu." the registrar has the right to compel all Xorthprn Pari fin nava 3-20 apiece for who mav wish to register to state iust them. Alijernou Charles Swinburne detests tobacco, "James the First," he said recently, "was a knave, a tyrant, a fool, i liar, a coward, but I love him, I wors ship blm, because he slit the throat of where they liye, and give the block and lot upon which their residence is situ ated, so that in case of any dispute they may be properly identified. yet betore he couiu reacn mm no . . . , d . ,h dislm uu ty w .1,- h-h - expired.hehimself having remarked.not "Vkftp flllHn?T tITa Hast cam miraoiy gouen up. iuu muiter wcu uu lojig prevj0us to the event! "In a Dan -r F nonvpniRntlv arrantre and we conerat- hmi"r T will ha dead " None knew the paign. -i. ii.. :fM ifioiV ih hnf. to tnve him and the svmoathies Gen. Moise occunied about two 11 I H I M I MH. Ill t yiJL 1CLU1 0 UU hUVii W WW r , w " i - ; - wnoanuuea in graieitti weruj tu iuc . v . ...:7 " " ' r. .r.;,7rB; .;n. sTgnments solicited. SETH W. DAVIS, ' sept 22 Auctioneer. For Rent. rrned and derT Jsucs and hope of .he entire community go But to his hon in the deliTery ol liis speech j vacant lot on the souTUWEST The Graded Schools. The Graded Schools of this city that blackguard Raleigh who invented I m rA o tt aftar t n Inner Slim" tin filtby smoking." mer Tacation, and in all of tbem the Bmibal Hamlin pleased tlie Pitts- a.itendance was large At the Uemen- wav iy were enruueu. .mo ment is the largest for years. About 600 were enrolled in the four schools notwithstanding the fact that the term commenced this year in the middle oj lhA The teachers began their that a continual and material prosperi ty may be the reward of their increas ing and untiring labors. A Fact! Betsy burg is a small hamlet of 20 or 30 houses on the line of the tramway rl fifim Lake Waccamaw to t UtllVUM - I and was often interrupted by the plauso which greeted many of rocrnnrlfihfc who Rirminham. Ala., and written up tbe winning the attention of his; audience business houses there. - Here is what he from the beginning and of keeping it to ao-a r Mr Geo. C. Kel ev. formally tneenu. ins logic was iwi ui, iaiu u I V v - of this city, and the immense hard burg firemen greatly by telling them that he had traveled all over the wold md had made it his business to inspect j the workings of the Fire Department in every city, and had no hesitation in meat exceeded all others that he had work in good earnest to-day and the I nracant. cocQi rvn hifis fair to D6 One OI the very best. We suggest that parents White Marsh Run in Columbus county.. ware and machinery business conduct The place was named in honor of a him tbere. young laay wnose ui&u uvuio uao i 'ibis mammoin noust?t auuuugu e- Betsv who was one of the first children tablisbed in lbtu. is now iob itugesu ? u nnA hn trrw nn to business house of any kind in the city, born there, and who grew up AO ,d Avemie. be- womanhood and married and is now L wppn 19th and 20th streets, has been ed a pronounced enthusiasm, living in the same locality with her recently enlarged and newly fitted up, hnhand and four promising children, and consists of a three story brick To corner of Front and Orange streets. " Apply at 200 Froat street oct 1 3t ' Dress Mating. MISS IDA Ij. BRANTLEY, FASHIONA BLKDUKSSMaKKR. respectfully not IQca hor fHpmls anil the nnbllc that she has rC- onj .0m;o..1 o'nH hi nnpph'nhnnndpd turned to the city and will be pleased tore and practical, and his speecn .aDOunacu ceIve ortlera f or work. careful attention, good ap- George C Kelley. plauso which 1 greeted many of the The New Orleans Bulletin has a cor" strong points of his argument. He 1,00 mniio viciiod is a hne orator anu nas tno ?power 01 1 1 ik iZi m. LiVjwiiLi, vaftswva - - in beautiful and impressive flights of work and prompt delivery , . j every instance. Evidence oratory, xt was u giuuu ruun made aTprofound imprcssienjupon the large concourse of people who aad as sembed to listen to him, and also arous- iraarantced In Kast side of Second street between Ann and Nun, No. SOU. octllwk seen for a divorce to tho Governor of the I by frequent visits to the schools. Mate because be says he doesn't, wish 10 give a lawyer $25 for one. His letter closes as follows: 'Please see l!out this rite off, and doant wate DQtil after I am ded befoor you let me tarfroiu you." husband and four promising ThT"LT sioVs. besides a warehouse 40 by 100 Necessity and our readers will find the . I" - " " . . f DftbSlUU 1UI yuaiu6 I tfiP.l 111 eXltJUL. . I. a. -i. T.-i : T l tt-C ft -w w m . t ft ft . m ft i w n n a rmm tviiu .... h a man m Hamilton, ua nas wruieu continue to encourage m iuaUo&v-- ooultry and has succeeded in raisin remarkably fine every Housekeeper a good exeat building 25 leet by 140 feet in dimen- substantial cook stove is an important Just Received ES LAHRER HINKENDEN BOTEN, VETTKJi IN AMEHJKA. NEW KALKNDEIt FOB THE YEAU 1SS5. D ThSnumberof new and handsome best at Factory prices at nppimpna business houses that are being erected Hardware Depot. ' I . . i-; .:Un-. !o nn ' aiririannc a uovhTmI Cpi nf fano.v cards sent Usnpoinllv of the came variety, in which in """A"" j some Speakine of big whales. Captain J. Jacoci's t evidence of its nrAarur tv. anrt air. rveilV not oniy Thfl V 1 1 1 n CO 13 1 T V. fUn nitrra nrnvroai hilt ' " i irpnns i nnu iu& mi K' sm . , . . ,, t.i . . . i r- . . i i hai i l rK At itenuerbunvuit:. coici- which is ir- takes a leading position in iuo i d motnln- robeet s. badcuffe. aged OI improveiueui.. im- 43 years. I rUUUUCU uv iaiwonoi"K, -v 01 f-f (.atis al on! rp V Tho TAmalna will nrr.vp. here 33 a.m.. JMOYlriff Time. mace3 of numberS of hawks and OWls S-gn pi-bora'telv ornamented, and to-morrow morning. ThefaneraV will toke . . t 11 i . . i xml ''" : "... . . . n mi inm nis residence on iiueowui ov-. The 1st ot Uctobcr is tne uuiy ivw wn:ch freauently mate aes-1 immense plate glass, is being piacea m ij, 3-30 Oclock. to-morrow afternoon, tbencc North Carolina. .rtl-0 raid3 unon our Dosition. the iron woric naving oeen to Front btreet aietnooisi nurcnj , nu mux u uutiiw . i - ii c nr th a mto i thpncA m hams e uemeierr. rncuugauuai free to persons who have taken Brown s Q8 takeg mucu 1 yiul BrOWUh T- situated upon high land, OIJBO. which . "7:."'", w, no e.cention to the ' !.,. 'T. " fl-k Sone br C. S. Williamson, of this city, omr w WWS ? tells the Nantucket inraiVer "7. IiT.V so far as th s city was ZZZZ X ond!0L! ' . i it 1 U- A lt-" in I . . a 1 I I, :Mr. I are rcpectfoily In thiui . ., , , ..." . , - . is a uuc anu Ku8-- three-story iron ironi at iue iuuuuij, ui i-uu u4 concerneu. muviu uaa - cock which he ca nameu Lieu, ouaiea aaa was surpnseu at iu maguimuo auu ). he took two sperm whales one a greater or less extent for several , which A few days since, warthe pleased by its beauty. . 1Q the South and the other in the North davs. and will probably continue for . - u ftdventure. On the The ftocfj"1 A!.r,: . - . . 1 J OAOl " . . . J I - ... I OI IUB laittMl! IU H.W Ul, VU.-.-V..,, siowea uowii Some days longer, dui yesieruaj Wtt div in nuestion a loud disturbance was eVprvthmff enumerated at the head ol nfTi - . .. I tKon I J ... I - - J - WUh vu uL..m.f rf.y ,n ihfl Season iui . i il,n nnn fra nrh WAS I thia nrtiPlP uv j I uiuue '"j" ' " . . - , . r .ninn. continued and vociferous Mr. Kelley maKes speciaiu . i Star copy. Atlantic which wrrels of oil, allowing 7 per fr leakage and shrinkage. A Virginia Democrat in Washington, to .s anxious to hear what Mr. Joa Wise had said in his recent Peecbies in Indiana, wrote to Mr. Hen der8on, Chairman of the State Demo cr;c Com mittee, there to send him a Port of one of those speeches. Mr. Person replied that So little was t!w)aght there of the speeches referred 10 that neither Republican nor Demo cratic newspapers published reports of ihetn. . - '.- : v who change either their residence or place of business during the year. Among those who have changed their places of business within the last lew Mr. w. -ij. . inill and snDDlies. ud is agent at 20 o'clock th.t. the neoDle went out to, see What - Tia c.lo ml Hall's Cotton to attend tne f - K m ui uunc a fcjv. ww a. was the matter, when it was found ma Qms. fnl management ol so r nn nr v 11 n 1 1 ill ( m. k n 111111 j wm am. ft ft w- a uw w m " - - ... AL.. p '-i ln.raeftndcomDrehensiveabusiness,and a young cnicuen, anu mai me u.r ;ne-great improvenU being made in this I hd rpjfnted the outrage by attaching M, Ki;Bhmnt. nPk volnme3 lor tne t i a. I - " I wJ f r . co-and cigar store to the &ouiaeasb - intruder, and had driven one of bis energy, enterprise and business aoiiuy corner of Chest nut and Water streets ; clear through the back part of j of the proprietor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAROLINA LODGE, SO. 431, M. OP H. BRETHREN: YOU ARE HERliBY SUM moned to assemble at your Lodge Room i to-morrow (rnaayj anernoon f aneral of our deceased Urotber, Robert 8. Radcllffe. i By order of Dictator. U. B. WILLIS, oct 2 It Star copy Reporter. Wilmington Lodge 319. fr T. ft. Cherrv nas consonuateu his two stores into that on the Northeast corner of Princess and Water street (Harry Loeb's old itand) and will run a grocery and liq uor store there; Mr. Fred Heyer has removed to the store on the Northeast corner of Fourth and Brunswick otfa - Mr. A. C. Wessell has taken SOHOOT.T.OOKSJ the store made vacant by the removal nfMr Vrwl Heyer on the bouinwesi J . AV - . J kefp a r.AwoF snppLY or L.nA r Market and South Second SCHOOL BOOKS, the hawk's head from which he could nat withdraw it. When found the hawk was dead and the cock, still fast- . - AY V ened to him. was crowing most msuiy over his victory. It is needless to say that he was extricated from bis on- nleasant situation, and that now the Betsvburg are BRETHREN: YOO ARK REQUESTED TO meet at 8t. John's Hall at 2,30 o'clock. Filday evening, 3d lnt., for tne purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother K. 8. RadclUTe Members of St. John's, Lodge No. 1 and Orient Louc u. u.t ana an Tisiurg The Expositiou. The State Exposition opened yester day at Raleigh and it is a grand success brethren, are ec08.l,T2ae,ted ? allenA There were about 2,000 persons on- the x lt jam&j W. monroe, ficcfj j ti,0 HIanl v i maTiiGccntl star copy. tw n in mi. uc wmwvawv mm 1 w - ' - -ri uta noticfi bv the reDut in the rwvr? nhterrser that th:s 8ectiOXl O Consolidated. and Lienors as cheap as the cheapeat and entire population ol Heisy onrg are stiX(i is wen represented. We count npwo stores in one and groceeies nmndcr than ever of the gamecock! - nn .ril ofl--. . .k!.. r,. fieneral Scales. Il iK.fn, Vnrk'ii claim tobethe uauyCWr cheaper than efer. ucujio i.u. - , iriitirtn tntnistnereis aiw a cuuctuuu !t anu ' tfWftrthC ,H. hool books h public AND atrceU. and Mr. J. II'. Daniels has taken f , mnarison with the ? nuj! T.h. v . - v .1,. lusixuiuuAuw i irion oi air. . . - , Mr wT Meow,";. m - SSiS General ' CpWm" CroUna Central B. B. sfe ' her: tell ndact adothln bu, county, - , report ts that the dispUr of Street, o w . . " ... ,. ,. . .. i. i.-w..4A rm nvar thirlvmnnhM store. Other changes may tooUtta l, Fordurabl-coloring tho waiu oi marmu "77 T of iis Blaw of which we have not yet heard. ia beiutiful ttots. mU.fHi!S,SlIii? pfilV ate SCHOOLS of th city and through Xsrth Carolina, which we offer to the pub- t the LOWEST POSSIB B PRICES. School Supplies of all kinds. , jept C.W.YA.TE3, 119 atarket st-WUmlistor, N C place of whica we nave no5 yet, cearu. rooms ia beautifai tmts, T w iu7ftfih0wn i-c . o txt nothinz canals the Mabixine sold at raluable fertilizer are shown. J-rarcoasigiuaeata of cauntry i Now istaetimetogiveSmith's Worn Muung egws . t , xt3 ZTaYsa Guano CosF03y ofi::aipTt:pmr3Srv OU; . ' lydrT jacobis uepoi. , . - - y Price 18c. For sale by WM. OTERSEN, Dealer In Family Groceries, octl 2t Corner iriftb. and Market eta, MOUNTAIN BEEP ! CAR LOAp OF VERY FINE MOUN TAIN CATTLE just received. It la conced ed to be the finest lot on this market In five yens. Will be found every day during the next two weeks at my Sta'la, Front Street Mtrket. Also. FINE WFSTERN MU1TON AND VEAL. GEO. F. TILLEY, sept2Glw Stall e. New Market. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR OX THE 'EASY IK stalment plan, at . - HEINSBERGER'S. sept 29 Live Book and llcala Stori. By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP . . 12 CAEES FOIC 25 CTS. Q.OODVTTK'S COMP. 8YE0f, " Uypophcwphltee; with Lactates and Pepsin , I have removed my uptown stock to the store corner of Princesa ani Water streets, I yralch Is alrtady betcg prescribed by our (llr.H. loeb's old stxnd) where I will be I Pajeidana, and for which we are agents. nipAtn ee and serve mr friends. I wQl Li RrtifMf "Dirtr X OftDftce'nT' keen constantly supplied with tne .mxi IHUMUO iJIUUi u uuuut;ouii AND FRESHEST GOODS. T,OT, I G. CHERRY." " produce soirc. C.

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