nCt) JH13 PAPER every evenly. Sundays ex- ceoted by JOSH T. JAMES- crvJFTlOXS POSTAGE PAID: 5Coo Six months. f2.09. Threa i 00; One month, 35 cents, 'trfil be delivered by carrlera free Ibe 1 y part of the city. at the bov i!' Et per week. . 'tesilow and liberal. , Sbcrs unreport any end all fall- ; tneix i1" " -,. fcyr lament nr.. nrtr v iwi"' fi, circulation, of any newspt fZi in the city of Wilmington. Pulitzer, ot the, iNew been nominated for the! Ninth Congressional if, JOV F" irnrJ. has - in iUi' Gtot At the nomi- wwnwv nnvfinl oa nis name was pre- W8.3 JllSO uauwui iui. The latter, however. pUtrict ol tn nted. as c Hobhan. i Anorl thfl nomination Li d auu Palitzcr iin tne iunwnun of Mr- the honor, but J have " r .rrfinate I nuivv'" i ; . JmbiVioQ to go to congress just ui mw r ..,ltT cnrtonrl iht nomina- ,f i wai ujij - PrLSCrfr Pulitzer. He is a young 50 ton mm. a se j,nri li i.i ".....inrinciDlea. His nomma lf.mado man and no one can r lA A. ibmncracv or loyalty to 1 4 .-i.i t! YOL, VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1884. NO. 241 Consul General Menpocia is quoted as saying that Brazil alone uses 5.000,- 000 worth of American butter each year, but thatthis butter reaches its destination hy the way of Liverpool. FUOM K A LEIGH. Exposition The Electric Hitherto Frank Hurd has been beat en for Congress in every alternate con test. This is his time to lose, but he may pull through. He is honest, elo quent and true to local self-goverment, however ultra on other subjects. The Li -Increasing Crowds. t (Special to Daily Beview.) Expositor Grounds. Raleigh, N C. Oct. 9.h The weather here now is cooler witU good ' breeze ' stirring. The . . . . crowd v- is increasing every day. I The electric lights are now in full use and they are very at Wm. II. Vanderbilt is generally ac cused of having prevaricated about a recent transaction in N. Y. Central tractive. Pebple should attend from Railroad bonds. A ?reat many of the all parts of the State. E?erybody who family millions urn rennrtpd to havp. comes says that everybody else should vanished. come. W. S. Primkose. . ?! . onn ra 1x711 .r:::.vA inConsress of which no "! need be ashamed and of which m. .,:..,,;f will have ieason to be this ui?i- - --- Renter John iReilly. of the Four teenth Assembly District, also seconded the nomination. Alderman Kenr, ot the Tenth Assembly District, moved that Mr. Pulitzer be nominated by ac clsmmation, which was done, thedele gates rising. j - ' Tlie Maori King. The Auckland, New Zealand, Daity Herald states that His Majesty, Tawbiao, King of the Maoris, before his departure for England, was intro duced to the blessings of St. Jacob3 Oil which cured his rheumatism. LOCAL NEWS. Prize lrill. The Fourth' Annual Fair of the Edge combe County Agricultural and Mechanical Association will be held at Runny mede Park, Tarboro, onthe28tb, 29th. 30th and 3lst inst?. On Friday, the3lst, there wUl be a competitive drill for prizes bv the colored firemen Democratic Speakings Hon. Waller L. Steele, of Richmond countay, jdelivered a political address at the City Hall last night under tfye auspices of the Young Men's Demo cratic Club oi Hew Hanover County,. It was an excellent effort and wa3 high ly appreciated by all who had the good lortune to be present. He spoke for more than two hours yet his delighted audience were not in the least wearied and would have been fflad if he had talked an hour longer. , Col. Stfc'.e is a logical rcasoner, with a fund of choice and elegaht language at I113 command, while he sneaks with peculiar force ana airecmess. lie is oomg a nooit work and we hope thst he may' be in duced to visit our city again before the campaign closes. He may be always aware of a cordial reception and a large audience whenever he visits Wilraing ton. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ol the State. The doctors of the press sometimes differ as well as ihose of the medical faculty and the pulpit. Our Princess street neighbor thinks that any man with one eye will confess that " New York is the battlefield of the campaign. As wc are blessed with both eyes and don't go one eye duly on this fight we are not called upon to express an opinion but wiilj nevertheless venture .... wn, Vnri-ia nnt thft battlefield. IZ", Estate is already in the Put the dutyoff to long C W Yates -School Books , Heinskergek School Books George H Bellamy A Card Munds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer F C .MlLLER-rFrlend3 snd Fellow Citizens Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t Register ' now,! Delays are danger ous. ' The receipts ol cotton at this port to day foot up 1.403 bales. Do not fail to register, and do not The 1st prize will be a silver speaking trumpet and the 2nd prize will be a handsome flag. We hauo not learned whether the Cape Fear Co .colored, of this city, will take part in the contest or not. Journalistic. i We have received a copy ot the Au Chronicle Trade ReviziO, which is to present to its the advantages onered gusta, Ga., the object of many readers by Augusta as a mercantile centre. The work is most artistically and beauti- Court that in bis opinion the defendant fully gotten up. on nice paper, with Was deserving of reward, rather than elegantly illustrated covers, represent- punishment, as it was through his Criminal Court. The following have been the proceed ings before this tribunal since closiDg our last report: State vsi Jane Brown, larceny. Case coutinued for defendant and witnesges rpp.rrnizd for their aDnearance at the next term of Court. State vs.! Sarah Williams, larceny Not guilty. State vs. William Williams, larceny Guiltv. Judgment. 5 years in State Penitentiary. State vs. Lewis Wilkins, larceny. Not guilty. In this case the Solicitor stated to the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ACard. A. V. GOODMAN, -Ft q., , Chairman oficonimUi.ce of rsotfflcauon. Dear Sir Your, coromunlcasiob. inoilfylng me that I lrnl been nominated by acqlatcatlou a3 the candidate of the Democratic iraUr. to represent the enaiorial District, c mpotea or the counties of Bliden and Bmnswlcj:, in th6 rext General Assembly of North Carolina, at the joint Convention held at Lcctwotw s Jt oi ly, on the '1 1 of October, has oeen receiveu. WhlSe pro)oundi7 teniu:c or tne mgn nonor you have done me, and deeply gTaiefut for the good will of the ptople, which ihls high testimonial assure me or, i regrcuniai my business engagements are such that I; am with great reluctance forced to decline tte honor you have con terreu upon me. j I am, sir, with grcit respect, i , Your obe ilent servant ; GEOEGE II BEL.laA.MY. Grovely, Brunswick Co , N. C, Oc4 S,'t4. oet 8 ltdiw W win t f ua to receive commanacaUoii fxon cm friends oa as? aaa all :satj?et Eeaoral interest bet - u J.": The cazae ot the witter vxxuti Hway' t slaaed to tbo Editor. CosustmlcattonBiBCat b wrttta oa' da one aide of the paper. 4 " ' Pexeon&Sta must be avoided. And it li especially ard pirticuiaiiy txto stood that the Editor does cut always eadoi a the views of correspondent ubJ tie In the editorial oohunas. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. Hi Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER p.nd Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every descrlpUon. Oflic corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly Jb Monlsj old stand. Personal a Iter lion given to salo of and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con siRnments solicited. SETH W. DAVIS, sept 22 "Auctioneer. For Sale. A Job Printing Office, IN r No Old Stock, i DAY'S STEAMER BRISQS US CO Brls BALDWIN APPLES and '23 Brls. line IRISH POTATOES. Woul 1 like to sel t- Cbmo and see us at our Fish Mrket. oct 7 DAVIS & SON GOOD CONDITION j' B Foreclosure Sale; Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A LIBERTY PRESS. Over tOO Fonts Type. oft S APPLY TO JOSH. T. JAME Wilmington, N. C. Democratic alignment, as is also New An entirely new registration is ordered mg cotton in Us various stages o pre- 8hreWdncss ana tact mat tne x iu with a in this countv. You cannot vote unless parauou, tryui m uu c county muiuciei Wiv3 ucicuUU t it also contains a oriet nistory oi iub capturea. wiiums was uibcugtu decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover, County, made io a cause lucre pentTin be tween Eduard Peschau, plalntiu", andlllenr T rtaiimn. Administrator of John G. Bau man. Henry T. Bauman, JohuC. Bamrian and othera, defendants. 1, as Commissioner uuacr said decree, will offer lor sale to the hizticst bidder, for caph, at the Court House Uooi in the city of Wilmington, a'-11 o'clock, a im , on Monday, November 3d, 3331, all the interest and estate of the late John G. Baumani being one undivided half, in and to the following lots "f land situate: in paid city, to witj: ; One lot beginning in the East line of Front i sireet CG feet Nortn irom its intersection wiin-niimj-ver street, and running thence Noi-m with East line of Front street 06 feet, therice East waidiy 530 feet, then f omhwaraly G6 fjtiet.and then Westwardly 230 feet to beginning! being a part of Lot No i in Block 261. AUoone fall Lot being Lot No. 5in Block 2GI, accord ing to the plan of the said city of Wilmington. JUNIUS DAVIS, oct 2 5t oct 2. 9.116, 23, Nov 1 Cbm'r Jersey. But these, togeiher with a in this county. nnlid Smith, aro not sufficient to elect J vou register. See to it at once Cleveland. More votes are wanted to cover what is a small apparent defi ciency now and what may prove a large ohml Hpfiniermv as the CanvaSS rolls on. It is Dot wise to always count too much on the bird in hand and to des pise too greatly the birds in the bushes. Those i a hand may escape, while we are reaching out to grasp those in tha It also contains a brief history ot the captured. Wilkins ftitv. an account ot its manuiacturing from custodv The next entertainment at tue upera estaoiighments, its other industries, House will be on the aist inst waen h ideg much other matter of interest The Strategists" will be presented. relative to the growth, prosperity and The press State vs Jury out. Pompey Sneed, larceny. B Foreclosure Sale. Y VIRTUS AND IN PURSUANCFJ OF A For durable coloring the walls of future prospects of the city. .1 .. -r . l LI. 1, rooms in beautiful lints, at little cost, worK is snpero. al is a vaiuauie wu, nothing equals the Mableine sold at and the publishers deserve much credit Jacobi's Depot. t There wis a rainbow spanning the heavens this morning and there was a verv little rainfall, but the amount was so small that the fact was not generally bashes. The j people of the South are too ready to accept iia Bettled fact that the South is to remain solid and in grasping after known other birds they may lose some or tuose thpv hnlrl a'rpjtdv in hand. It is well There were lots of fine to let our Dolitical work, as well as our market yesterday charitv. beffin at home, and the ' -j first thing necessary is to for their energy in bringing out such an important and useful publication in such an elegant manner. ed by using the N. sold at Jacobi's Depot. Register' Register!! Register!!! "Norcteck." drum-fish in afternoon, I here verv were such lots of them, in fact, tnat perfect our thej were offered in some instances decree of the Superior Court of New Hfraover Co .made in a cause there pcnaiog ceiwesu ?.i a riHnn Hanke Vollers. partners Good materials properly porportioncd trading as Adrian -& Vollers, plaintifl, and which are the. essential requisites m Bauman. Henry T. Bauman, John Q Bau Ready mixed Paints can be best attain- man .and uot' Y. Enamel Paint the highest bidder, for cash, at the! Court I HOUSe UOOr, in IHW vlv ui i.iiujiugju, I rtvwt- a m.. on Mondav. November 3d, ItSt, the following real estate situate in said citv: IfinoratiC KallV. One lot being the West halt ot lot o. n in Democraut xan beginning at theNortheasTlntersec T,i mnrrow niht there will be a tion of Fourth and Mulberry streets, running lo morrow nint ineic win uo . thence jjorth withFourtll BtrectC3;feetthence Democratic Rally at the Wigwam" in Ea6t parallel with Mulberry street -1(k feet. , r-r.u urn. CrA A 1 frprl thence South parallel with Fourth street ce the Fifth Ward, where Col. Alirea tQ Btreet, and thence Wept with Rowland. Presidential Elector lor the Mulberry 5feeC to'-terata. . -u Sixth District, and Mr. J. C. Davis, Ot Block 207 begioningnn the East lins of JFourth street Co ieet worm irom its iciurbecny" AT OUR Grand Opening I TUESDAY, Oct. 7 th, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8th. THURSDAY, Oct. iHU, we will 'be pleased to have one ad all call and insect our elegant i i , Well Selected Stock ! Just teceiveil, of . .' Millinery & Pancy Goods. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St at own organization. It will do us out less than a cent a pouuu. little good to gain the whole electoral votes of New Ybrk and New Jersey if we are to lose' our own political souls. The loss of any; one Southern State, siy West Virginia, North Carolina. Florida or Louisiana, might affect the Mr. Frank; Mayo and his company arrived here at about 5 o'clock yester day evening! which gave them but lit- this city, will deliver addresses on the tie time for rest belore the hour when political Issues of the campaign. There r.he-e Rhnnldannnar at the Onera House, will ho n tnrr.hliffht nrocession with a v "vj r r 1 11 iii w ww - They were on hand, however, in due display ot fireworks along the route. season, and.! notwithstanding the heat The procession under the direction oi and the fact! that a political meeting chief Marshal, II. McL. Green, with was in progress at the time, there was Messrs. S. I II. Penny, W. S. Walker, H. Flinn. S. E. Ling. (jr. W. a r i. u nil ch -vn n 1 ni lien 1 " a - - " 1 - - - - fl' 111 11. a lad WUIUU cuiu.u w ,i , . . otarra Ir. rr,.,1 I u rKc Prnlrr A. It SfliriVP.r. carelully before the tickets are printed. 1 . th firrjrmance was iu the I r a Parmelee. J. G. Darden. O. W. Mr. Geo. II . Bellamy was nominated raam excellent. Mr. Mayo i3 a famii- Styron and Joseph F. Craig, a3 assist We notice that a number of our ex changes arc spelling Major Stedman's !-. TH. ..,- ! hut ntlft name incorrccuy. xu . ..ffQod audience to creet the actors, w " in If q faM whipli S lOUiQ uc uoieu rD -w. . . Northern line of Mulberry street, running thence North with Fourth street 60 feet, then East parallel wUh Mulberry street 1S5 feet, then South parallel with Fourth street CS feet and then West lt5 feet to beginning, JUNIUS JUA-YJjO, nrt Kt not 1 9. 1G. 23. Nov 1 ' COm'r .nn..U Tf ia eairl thnt. thft liiaiaO managers are to work up these lour by acclamation as the candidate of the jar name with the Wilmington theatre- antSf who will be mounted, and will StatPn n on as Ohio is off their Democratic party for State Senator for goers and has always been a favorite form at the City Hall at 7:15 o'clock. h.nAAA nfnnnrafl. that OhioTthe district compounu- oi wmucu bere trooi me mci mat a uawC- ino prowsiuu. j - nkirtVi-K-. ,i:-f;f mnnnnfl' of Bladen and uara from th!e far.t that he is a conscien- I LUC Ulsttlbll vujc'"- 1 uiiu -' - 1 I T - I . . ... . I i ... 1 , 'a il n -i..u C.nih nAwn; ' vi Riftinft isi to Rmnaw ek counties dui Dusmws cu- tious actor. 1 ne piay was iuucictiuii net vjoncen viuu, m . ! v,;i Fibin JcrfimfintsconiDel him to decline. in nlot and the several parts were so princess street to Front, down Front vibiunem an in: person, : : . , . n;nna whni L. .u. t..-ii Wm,r hreit will be make and scatter A finfiaws stand has been erected at o u w . - Tr.T:.;' " C. is to follow in his greenbacks like'; apple-blossoms where the intersection they will do the; most good. It is now said that some of this "soap" has al ready iound its jway into certain seo lions of this Slate. I Under these circumstances it becomes the Democrats of North Carolina to be Tery alert and very vigorous need not' bug to I ourselves the delusive A speaker's stana na di . , hirhlVfiniovedand sih hv the sneakers: thence down of Market ana Jront " w r " T 7 " " " o1rtcerl "1- ,ot: nn Mark K?oh wi l h used bv some ot appreciate ESblCCbS, Tf Uiwu m. , - Call and See nirroE ELEGANT FKUIT l'UESEIlVES. . .1 AJi STl n.rk-H We guarantee inem to uc pure, aumw 'yu as If put up at home. A trial is all we ask. Canned Goods of 11 kinds, Pruncs.Curtants, Pickles, Dried Beef, Orangca and Letnons. it.tinrr Powders loo numerous to mention. Jellies, Crackers, the lC8t of Cheese, i flams and Susar cureu enouiaers, toueco Mao;u ,nd ground. ....! Wo tn nnt hTp on all Elour. but we put illC SUPERLATIVE againet any In tho market. Parties wishing. Pieserves at retail, will please send dishes.- c ,inttjL OCt 6 WILMINGTON, N. C. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at IIEINSBERGEIt'S. Pianos and Organs, OOLU FOB CAS II UH US Xlliu I..W1 sta-mcnt plan, at HEINSBERGER'S. oct 6 Live Book nd Mtrelc Storcf. sept 30 Announcement II EKE BY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN The performance closed Front to Market; up Market to Third; i i 1 1 . 4 Inmra nn I i rPL!l itm n rro lin flmTlCfi tO , . t. n.uunn npikfirs irUtn season ior ine troupe iw aowa xuuu vu0w, K e- the prominent Republican speaKers H , ..l. . .,,,1, w L!flu. Amn vuth m Ctle. aud ud uava. aji - i , , . , ,i, i uiuate i jr tne rius ui ouwm wi hear that tne manager, wmi ecvciai cast e io obvcihu, """ ty. ir eicctea i wm picu- . j kAnn ornrfon tne UUU VI uiu.c - -t Sianu uas U6tuv.vv,.v - I card to nartv or party oreamzauon. i sept 19 d&w 1m E. M. JOIlsx the course ol a lew i announced to speak here soon pieces of baggage, got left. Among those licensed on Tuesday by We the Supreme Court to practise law notice tne names ui svraD;a theChina closet, or any hoDe th m. nimnain is to be a walks Allen, ol Sampson, and Herbert wo- han( pl , is sometbing that r- 1 I . c Ti .1 - ' 'hara WPrn .1.1 inaction MJiammy, oi reuuui. in all, ot wnom o were . . . . . . . t i . r we 'A hull in a nnma snou is uuu ui a hut a bottle of Dr. Bulra Cough xx. r r . . . . . .u- otuer every Over fnr 11 nr that ReDublican niMn, nannwi;n.n inrliCference . They applicants area wily foe and are breeding tlieir nnsucceiu.. oi?gest schemes of rascality just when Personal are most silent. They will bear Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr &Qy amount of watching at any time jast gt for Raleigh sensible housekeeper likes to nave. For croup, bronchitis, sore c nests ana colds it is a prompt ana emcacious remedy. 1 . To cveryl Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is au important necc33ity anel our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- t coun- NATIONAL MILLS. Tlie horning Stars. The early riser now is. treated to a City Court. beautiful sight in .the Lastern ssy WilUnm Edwards, colored, was There are tnree oeanu.ui Su., ' i-x. rJ M.. vf... ik;a mnmfntr entlv close tosother. Tbe3e aro Venus, f RobesoD, charged with being disorderly on Dry Jupiter and Regulus. There is one cir- lelt here on business be- and all timeseven when they are ap- fore the Supreme Court. parentiy last asiecp. - Mr. .David b. uowau, oi iwuw-, , Mmslancc wh;ch ff;ve3 peculiar interest ,cdsoSr7vr57ourn, of and Mrswanin Raleigh on . y Ioe raeing of the planets ,thinr h.T.ITmq ' Hn w fined S5 for the offense. Venus and Jupiter, anu u.- . niinn0 nf TTeatL vsnu Rnrna alias Denniss Driseuce in their neighborhood or tne V . I 1111 Mill rfc- I r i . wi(n RcnnM;p.ns hvvi, f hft white sailor who was found star Regulus: A ready means oi com- we near ui iuui nuuo .vm i w - in this citv who have become disgusted plundering Bryson's bar room on bun- parison is "k r mj ninfi wc I in &l luas.uvifumw I . . a . i. mt a. l t a HonrilA .... . tUfok Hnt who was I mrst brilliant oi we p.j.ucw. - work and vote lor leveianu r pu0.wuCu v - -ch tn hfl ab;e to nn .of these was formerly a discharged from custody upon nis irequeutj.F - - 7- - w. , - 1 i i i . ' t imm n anora iL 1- . .f mf Ka hod shinnpd in ft VPS- I ulStlDSTUlsn Stars iruui men a, 1 'laitujvu. - ""n 1 . fnr thn Korth. was Iound in osi - - I . . - .1. rra slreeu early this morning and stud, tle ome renco ,n --r" nn,l I 5r,f.Mt04lv Hp Raid tlllS I Of UeSUiUS &QU . luai Vli .13 - Hluuuu ajjamwu .... 1 . . I ... T . . , . j:nW hor morning that his vessel was at Smith- will prooaDiy nave no- uiuicuj this citv.'if he lives Pens" will represent this district in the State Senate It isn't often that we find anything to commend in-' our friends, tho enemy." but in this instance I watoJm o,T thf thp.v have done well. A3 the Democrats of this district can not hope to elect one of their own party thev win u0 oa well satisfied with Mr. J II a WW " ww AUWool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. nF.siRAm.lCHOODSFOit MEN & BOYS. A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRICK. oct 4 SCHOOL BOOKS, SGHOOLBOOKS. -IfTE KEEP A LA.BQE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BOOK3 need by the PUBLIC AN " PRIVATE SCUOOLS ot thi city and thron out North Carolloa, which wc offer to the p lie at the LOW E3T POSSI B E PBICES. ' Kir School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES, sept 119 Market et., Wilmington, N C SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP 1 12 CAKES FOR 125 CT3. QOODWYN.? COMP; 8Y KU P, Hypophoephiteo, with Lactate and rcpaln which la ab-rady bclog pe5crlbcd by our Phyf lciansand for which wc ara agenU. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market 8 trcet, fept 13 Wlhnlnton, K. C. Stores for Rent. form. Democrat, ating with Republicans, but has return- Chadbourn as aiiy one whom the oppo- Democratic fold. . The other ilfAREUODSE AND OFFICES Y above now occupied by Messrs H. JLnson &. Co. . str.Te and oCicea above BOW occu- Who-J nifA tvr A. Dnmelantlt. 1 ; . I k 1 VU ' V . . w, - -7-1- the ever will improve inis oppon.uuii.jr and Chestnut. Appir to j sltion could have named. The Kennebec Journal Mr. Biaine'a home organ, is thus quoted: "We tear talkol starting a weekly paper, to berun in th interest of Drohlbition. in three have always been and earnest Republicans. Uev. J. P. Gammon. The Asheyille Citsensays: Wo no- ihat tha Rev. J. P. Gammon, pas tes city before long. With the amount tQC Qr lhe presbyterian church of this of rum which is j being dispensed here . - h a a to tbe , Wilmington wy dav under a temperance city! delist. We do a, m . AT NO. 112 SOUTn FEO ST- SI BEET. TTUMPIIREY A JENKINS keep Marshal, we ahoulJ say that the enter- Prise would be a good one.1? hrt to Mr. Gammon's receiving it hnt we would quite seriously object l.Zr. j-r.!frnr thft fiftll. &nu WO &UOW Oysters viile and that he wanted to get there so alter in recognizing at least the brighter . : v. i in rooQ hniH nn. members of the planetary Dro.ner iwu. had shipped or not. He is evidently a ter and Venus comra "KSJSl bad customer and we hope that the city tne ccaseiess 8cmwuu . - . ... u 1 I .u;v. Hhnriffh itself snn. and in alt may be speed uy nu 01 mm or uo w y w.v.u, - . ia a place where he will have but Uiue prooaouiij wucmai " r ; . 0nyfor doing barn, , : U f"!- "... ... . M I WUl seu law lor otn. Northern Cab oiuocs. which sept S3 Bed Room Sets. tt U ntiite thrown into the We invite the attention of urcitizens ..-in.r inctre. One of the curiosities of the day is Clan at thn Wnrf K Vn rA & J nd r 5 and probablv ft wniin,Tr With cenerally I weald protest .against bemi Wlliniastoa Shirt Factory. k LARGE AND WEIX SELECTED STCOC DlNNEB AND TEA8ET3 . . jj " " ' , VESY.LOT7. niLE3 a nuncnisdvs. cct a rKlC Ilurci c n r :ccia Bottom. E GIVE GOOD BOTTOMS ON ALL our Boots and Snoe. and put them to our cujv- lomers at BOTTOM prlcc Too wUl erro your totereat by examining our gooi anl prices before paying out your money. .-. Geo. E. Frencli & Sons 108 NOBTII FBONT STREET oete The Old North State Saloon -g-AS TI1I3 DArD j (Z) & lot o; thoae eslebrated HOKNE'S N GAEDEN OYSTiU They are fcept on ica and are warranted 12 o n sett oysurr urcu. to this taaxlut. Call &n?l try them. Cool tecr aai the bet Viaes, Ll-iucrs ana Cizra fiefx&udinsahotei.. teayins AsbCYill8.1:l

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