E(f 10. :r, ulie as B tonto goo ras ,y tW e. r. ir Of F3tc I har : TIE M!Ll::llVIEf every eTeaJB.: Sundays , exr eepted by jOS II T. JAMES, t3lTOB ISO PBOPKIBTOB. -.nnrriojra postage PAID: sCS3 ii-iO Six months. $2.09. Three jjt ,oo; ;une muni". " siBku-, , j.Mv-red by camera urea 6r L,v a any pa of the clty at tb aboYe o"iU ivr and liberal. - ' -ltv nnrt n.nv nnri &I1 fail- r'vc their paper regularly, hnjt tKe. Ifirapjd. ' fj,e jjlliy -iott- . -r X rrcxl'ttion, of arty newspaper fjiiAc bYy of Wilmington VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17, J884. NO;; 24S .. ..v ilhin ia all that we ' MM'" " " ' . we are shouting! iia is a daisy, and Ohio, t-3consMerel, is buta step or Vir?.ii . .j,ttv X.hnson ware au?e nei i bc apt to say, m speaking ot ..f never kick a dead duck." LOCAL NEWS. IHOEX TO RE'W AQVERTISCMENTS. a . Third Ward Democrats ' W" II Strauss Attention ; c W Yates School Books IlKIKSBERGEB LtCSt Novels S II Trimble -Auction Notice -Opera House Our Strategists. "7 E M JIclK tire Dry Goods, etc Walter Gaylor with X G Cherry II B Willis. Kepcrter, K of H-Nc tlcc Mrs SJ Bakes Administrator's Notice PC MILLER Friends snd Fellow-Citizens lute is Ohio and Wes Virginia. Cleveland and Refornj." Register! Register!! Register!!! Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t The . receipts of cotton at this port ffb5t a ?ity it was that the . weather to-day foot ap 927 bales seated Maine irom weeping oyer Ltient Garlleld's tomb. Ihatun tor disaster probably lot him iU votes- Hard to Please. J Some people ar hard to please and will not be satisfied. .In our Monday's issue, we stated that it people would listen intently they might hear ome taing "drap" in Ohio on the next day. It is a fact that a Republican majority ot 27,771, in I860, has "drapped" to a trifle more that 8,000 In 1884, but this did not seem to satisfy some ot the Re publican speaker last night, who sneeredatonr Monday's prediction. A3 full returns are not all in we expect to drap" a little harder.before Uwncrrow night We will do all we can to ac- nea firings. commodate Republicans, but must say that they are hard to please if the pres ent 'drap" is not sufficient. To our ken it looks as if it had drapped" the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DRY C O O D S, i 1 OIL CLOTHS I pzazz to W uia be ciAd to rocctva coioaualca vxn from cm friend ca nay r:i4 all jict;t -f ; -nfe3CallnteTetVr?t. " - - " - Tacaaail tits n riisx aut arw j Lv siahed to the E&ior ' .: GomciTxnicaaoitsanst i wrllttaa cnk on onesided the Taixur,. rerBonifitiea bsit be irokl.; , aS 14 1 es?cialiy aad partieaUrxjwici Ct XM Loattlio Editor doea not artyaendna t as views ot correeponJec a n Vf . e ta":n9 edlorls'l v-la?ctLX- ' S J5T I IW. DAVIS, Auctioneer. CYS. 11 uiMnix. rpvMOEIiljW AT 10 ock, on oorror of Fror.t" nJ' Market "r-iai?, will eel wiitout Tesric somo 'JorHS, Bogli and Csru. An opyoxtunliy f r jr-Hl UU "Silas.. , ott i:- it. . ' . . :. , . A GOOD GENERAL STOCK OF JUST SUCH GOODS AS ARE NOW IN, : . :'- fc.'. -" ' ' t general demand.- , i Iiuscious and'Fat ! enrnr 4 t inPTTDvT-rTAvT to hatt chth bt a fir" ctt trc wt a rir; 4 Ctf - 1 T KCKIVAD TILH DAY A5t- MERE, SURGES, ALMAS, &c, &c. tta r large lot of those spK-tdld WIXr.RHRY VRiV TMVPIt flT-VI Pn Stock of Wraps to arrive about xe close of this month, embracing all the fiaest.pardcn oysters that cone tv Uie'cuy. m ffiinns i' j Served in any style k aired. "Turkish Bath" Soap for all. oct 10 Jm GfcO. F. IIERTitBT. t, 13 Market U Star Sa toon, The weather yet remains dry and bottom out of Blaine's bucket of aspira- dusty, with no indications ot rain at tioos. It was a prohibitioivote which present. . most effectually nnd forever prohibits Oct 11 R. M. ilQclKJTIREv. Perhaps it ia well enough that the Our Strategists. This most entertaining and laugba After the cold snap incident to the tue iauoeu man ironi DeinS I'resiaoM uw iKJi . u Ku.uu DIED. Stores for Kent.. IlfARKnOUSE AND OFFICES T V above now ocupicd by Messrs. u. .ii-Hineon A w. St'-re and offices above now. octf-!T?L3i:i ple t t.y A. Dumslandt. l iit?M M AU fclllM 'XWl unit. u ... rfTRts sdouiu not, uo uiuiutcu in : J - ...irlJenc. U ,'cr-connaeBco is u Lv, ; thft middle ol a Presiden- 5i.JlS 4" v : Ohio election the weather has become of these United States. balmy as the breath of spring ff;:b Blaine's personal canvass, $1,- t,yl nnil tZ f(ft - It art . vt nezroes, the Uepublicans- navo snd Ohi ly a small maionty. a stay of execution. Central Democratic Cilub. Read Dr. Eugene Grissom's cogent a meeting of this Club was held at best of last year's entertainments. The reasons for refusing to vote for the mule the Court House last night, Col. F. same troupe will appear in it this seas candidate, Dr. York, to be found on W. Kerchner. President, in the chair, son, and all tboe who know how to our fourth page in this, issue. and Mr. Samuel Bear, Jr.. Secretary J appreciate a hearty generous laugh can October, 184, Capt. J. F. GlLBEIiT, In the "o?" oomoritt natcrsu; oeiweca mm ess Ssthvesrof hlsaM i . H and Ches tout. Apply to - (Inora TTnnco rrt rPnocrlv niohf n-rf J The fUEfirsl will : take nlrft frnm! hi late u J tlir COpy IEliU33ET & LO. and Jiinth fct-, to morrow (Satnrdav) evcnln. Ollt, TPllPV firO ! t3 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances or thftoere8Pe?fUl,7lnVlUd t0f"end- piOPLK APPBECIATE A GOOD COOK October, 1831, Mr3.MAM4 a KET h INt wil- Harvcst" and " Farley Sheaf. For a cheap ow ot the late Mr. J .J. King, in the .Qth Year stove that 'Southern Oak" is the leader of the orneragef , j. , , I Southern fcfark'et.- If ardo-Beat i ansps, Door It was nresented here last season and itwas realy one of tho funniest and The funeral wl'.l take place from the rc&i-1 Mara 1 .a r llnntiiil Tnllt Kt Pi 1 1 tA t t I t" i j i 4. i : i ,ut- i, ulu.. otnilM nnnrvrtnnUr novk Tnoe-I dence of her son in-law. Mr. J. If.twetnev.l ticwtr r. t v f hd 1 lie muiujci i'- juur witut. iiin.il i . , ,ir , , , ,L , ; W-n ruurm b tree v. hi v a. ra.,Ta eiiiurutty. Tf ;a h.o!n hto VorRiH an,i onmni0uiv jeet ot the meeting was to organize fcr day night. We bespeak tor the troupe I 1 . 1 1 .1 - . . I .L..nfvnavA V n IiArtrf r repaired and repainted has left the ship- enecuvo wors curing me campaign; ageneroua a ,i ;Q r,w ,...ofi,r r.f mmi!r I ne iouowing preamame ana resom welcome. i ft i n iiis as nil i i.iiiii v lie.- srvui a. , TaeflOOCOOii Republican Campaign L-ri9 on tbo Cipe Fear wheneyer the tion, offered by Mr. Bear, .were adopts M.;i;n(Viin was baillv expendea. 1 Month f wtr will nnrmif. ea, viz: been used iu buying and distn ksting-fjf-d to the starving miners of HvHa VaHev. Blaine would have arried the State by 25,000 majority. . i Ia his slock stamp speech in " Ohio toeati. Klaioe repeately said : 'Any thins lc3 than 20,000 majority for the Eepabl.can ticket will ba useless to us t'se-Abere. There are occasions when Whekkas, The Central Club rep resents Democrats from all the wards Appointments by the Bishop ol - East Carolina FALL VISITATION 1684. Oct. 19, Sunday, Point Caswell. Oct. 23, Thursday,M. P., S. Stephen's, Personal. vf- ti, wK?c f u TTQfQl. in the city, and a unison of action is Mr: John Robinson, the veteran it showman, is m the city again, alter an Resolved. That the chairman of the rrrTifrntjn RirpoutivA Committee be I Goldsboro w m v x i -'. -- w x - - i . y- w i r t :i f dj. and he is lierebv reauestea to call a uct. a, -jjnaay, o. Diuauas, ouun nitnTaranno nt o Ihn nftinpra nf tho vn. I II 111. is the city to-day. rinn, wr(1 ftjnbs, ta raan ont the work Oct. 26. Sunday. S. Mary's, Kinston. Ont. 27 Mondav. Holv Innocent s Ikruslc and Politics. U rinri tv.o nnfn-.. l.enoirCo. I - J v m r- x '& i . r t. ThP. n,-rnRt Concert Club went to Tho ohnirmon ronnnatP.fl thA mem VC6. o. xucouajr, n. . .. PURE WniTlj OIL. oct 15 the ISth lost , to St. Thomas' L hurch thence to -t. Thomas' Cemetery. Fricn.'s uod ac qnalntaaces are Invited to attend . )'. Star copy. - . HICKS In this city, on the 17th' lost , of typho d rnalirial fever, UAHHIK K: DICKS, daughter of James and Maria Illcks, ijred 15 years, 7 months and U da 8. , The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeial on Sunday ders. Soap, Turkish Towels, Toilet Cases. morning, ac iu o'ciock, at tho residence or lite Full Hire of Drnjrs &c. Prescriptions a srec parent8at tne corner or eccona ana casue laity, At "FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZEXS: pj-EAR ME FOR MY CAUSE AN BE SI ent, that yc may hear." cologne, tracts. Toilet andacnct t ow ren James G. Hlaine can be belieVed Macumber's Store this morning to fur. bers ot the Club to meet at the City f i-V os Tnndav FVP S Michael's nisH music for the Democratic rally o Hall. Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, put Co. Oat. 30, Thursday, b. Paul s, iseau- to fpeak. the irutb. The result ia Ohio and West Virgin ia has effectually disposed ot Blaine's chim3. The! Democracy may now tnra their attention to the numerous mdidate, ?en Butler, the prohibition tadidaies St. John and the feminine sididate, Bolva Lockwood. 1 lying is infectious, and the Repub i- im managers of Ohio, in purposely plicing a talse estimate upon the size of t;r ''victory,"; showed that ihey had ea corrupted by contact with Blaine. Taej were .determined to have tho xnefitot a "first impression." the citizens of Harnett township to-day tn tnrm n n pirt to Col. Bennett. At- non. l. . ueuutu Byvx, mem o.u ter remarks oy air. o, 11. j? isaoiaie, xx. -Tnv 9 Rnnflftv to-day, and a good, many of our piti- M Ba?Jf Ja8 G Bujr, A. H. Van Church, Now Berne. M. P., Christ zens went down to hear him. He will Bokkelen. Walker Meares. r.cd J. W. speak here to -night, and there will be King , the meeting adjourned. a large turnout lor 1110 occasion. Friday Eveniugr Lectures. Rev. Di. Mendelsohn, Rabbi of the Jewish congregation, worshipping in the Temple, corner of Fourth and Market streets, will resume, tc-night his Fri- Death of Capt. J. F. Gilbert; Capt. J. F. Gilbert died" at his resi dence, on tho corner of Walnut and Ninth streets, at 5 o'clock this morn- inc. need 56 vears. The deceased was hPth Citv. " . " . 1 . m m , - hnrn t nreenwich. Ensland. and be Nov. II, Tuesday, ai. r., noi.y a 1 m f, i r I . Nov. 12. Wednesday. S. Barnabas, Nov: 2, Sunday, E. P., S. Cyprian's, New Berne. Nov. 5. Wednesday, E. P., S John'?, Sonth Mills. Nov. 7. Friday, M. P., S. John's, Newbegun. " " Nov. 8. Saturday, M: P., S. Joseph's, Camden O. II. Nov. 9, Sunday, Christ tjnurcn,ii.uza- i??..' ean active live as a pilot on the rivet Trinity. Hertford. UUl Ulg HIO eilSUIUg IT 1UIU liC iUieuua to speak on Jewish history.and this eve' - Thames. He was a sailor for nearly WnndviHe. Perauimans nin?. besinnins at 8 o'clock, will de Tkev wor ffl'crvinir nt the Butler liver the introductory lecture, in w D J I. ..... c.rrtt - . 1 l-TT' I friers yesterday over the alleg- ne wmaiscuss. ine otuay oi nisiory. riRcpublican victory 'in Ohio. This Seats are tree and visitors welcome. Butler's Nothing HorioiiS). There was a gathering of the Re- 40 year3 of hi3 lifoacd .or more than a Nov. 14, Friday, M. P., 8. Mary's. ' quarter of a century wu in command Gacsville g q Peter's. Gates tcr of the gobe and had endured all the oy, is. Tuesday, M. P., S. John's, nlofiwlos onrl hrr!ahins incident to a 1 Wintnn. - iviOJiuuuis , , r, t w , .. . I XT , n Tir.1naeHiilt R.T I Si 1ST T- :ie i;rn H P-iiiiP. n the United xuy. ir aliwi o 'tv. I , f r.Knrn States about 30 years ago and married ""l ifi)ul.,r' M P ITolv Tn. 4of Blame, j If there was really pUmican clans at the corner of Market his wife at Washington, N. C. By this nocent's. Avoca n v. , -.Bo uuciiij iu wuv4 anfj Front streets last night to bear the union he had two cnuureo, ooiu ,w woy.s,-ouuu,, .Jbe a sort bf -anchor to wind- spCcnes of candidates and others upon whom died in this city of yellow fever J Wnfin .day, E. P.. Grace, nrd' for Rlaino. . m. iom n,,rino. tho war Cant. Rilbert , . . ' nn itim tonma. Ana turuiiir was uum- i in iw. iuui. i k vmnnm. The Springfield Republican sas : ''As p03ed of about such material as furnish commanded a successful blockade run- ov. 25, Tuesday, M. P., S. Paul's, Alexander Sullivan, he is not ino listeners tor such occasions ana me neroeiwm. iuut, uu .,uB-- cdv Convocation. S. Ncfa man who would beelected sDeeches were as good as could reason- other ports. He retired nnauy irom crtinrjern6nz. :)fdape. but when he gels to the ably be expected. One or two of the the sea about eigmryeura uku nUuBluC Dec it Monday, M. 1., o. anarew s, patcf extolling Blaine as the faithful orators got their wings spread wide then was lor a time xa caaisu ut u.0 oiuraoia. puperffcly proper. Mr. uiii candidacy i3 purely in the in ' tad of the Irish, we have to rub our open and soared and roured, cavorted Seamen's Home, in this city, and at 11. Md ask it there ever were any and snorted, bellowed and yell obd in time of bis deatn was burveior ior Friday. M. P., S.Mark's pimprsoncdj suspects in Ireland as a high old jinks sort of stylo tbat.was the Record of American and foreign Roxobei. . . w , ' r ... . j I o i : Ha ,oa o mmhtr of tho iw 7. Siindav. S. rhomasT, Wind ijjiuu. KsnDonfii7 omi fMo rncr " i mnndar n i tn 1 1 cipn T.r unn nmaziux iu mu uuiuxa i. - w. . " . Tte rate ot taxation in North Caro- J69. Rep .... L .'; . .80 - cent3 on $ 100 jft. uem. . . i 3ltcent3on " ?;5. Dem ... 4 ... . .29 cents on 4 3 t. Dem... J 28 cents on " ; ; um . . . i . 25 cents on " 'ite,Deni.... Nothing. COST OF LEGISLATURE Rep.... ! l1 ei" H Dem.. '.".".' . Dec. 4. Thursday, JM. r., urace for Woodville. Bertie Co. Foreign pOXODel; won derful to listen to and amazing to Shipping. I . . e at:. .. I anr bahold. Such superhuman efforts musM Knights ot uonor. 01 mis VJpp 9 Tuesday. IklT P., Zion Church be tearing to the system, but as near as Captain Gilbert bad been amici- BeaufortCo. we can learn there is nobody seriously ed with a complication of disorders ior Dec. 10. Wednesday. M. r., &.James aiflr this ruornins to-morrow afternoon. the immediate -cause of deathwas a R;rV 1 1 . .1 --'W"x't - : di ease affecting the nearc. ue-i DeJ u Thursday, M. P.. S. John's. uemocratic iiauj . aaooA a. oniet unobstrusive citi-l Makelvville. I VV-"IAJ-X - ' I - - " V . .-V - rni 1.11 Z 1.tka w!1 I m ant in I rnnr I Li - K Aof in Vila Hon 1 1 n tTQ Hp 12. Fridav. swan u,uaner. 1.neru " US Xvir aen. upng'w "".7"" 6 tw s-tnfdAv.-M. P.. Junioer treets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery, "aug 11' F. C. MIXLER'S,, Corcer Fourth ant Nan all NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY TUESDAY, October 21st. MORTON & BELLS COMEDY COMPANY. 'HI. CKONLY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLY & MORRIS. B Partition Sale. Y YIKTCB ANI IN PUP.8UAJSCE OF A In J. H. lTaverlya Greatest Success, tccree of tho Superior Cocrt of New Hanover county, ia a certain ex pari epecil yrocectl log thero peudlng.wbercln Frederick J. Lord, Armand J. rooeaet, William L. J cttoBcet, ( III K S T K A TTCItTSTR Uioner under said decree, will offer for aalo to v J-i X. JiiXlUJ AV JLk-7 Uhe highest bidder, at tho fourt ilonso door. A modern Comedy of Errors, written and Mn ne clt7 or Wilmington, at it ocioca, on Acted Just for fan; Usual prices prevail, wedcesaay, tueuoayoi ovemDer, a Reserved Seats on sale Monday, at Ileinsber- Mot ot situate In aald city, beginning In- gCl'B. OCt 17 ot line neni luwuiu iiivai ftucy, nuiui uicua nnH nnri Third nfrtofa at a.,ui1nt lfb f:ftnnlh Pamlinfl I ((crfr A.A, nfH Irom intersection of aald line of bald alley Udl Ulllia LUUgU tvJtj Ii J III wltn Markot street. nd runulng thenco Sonth nrliKcl.1 linn nf cit(4 alltvlt foot. thnm Wfit. BRETHREN YOU. ARE HEREBY SUM- parallel wUh Mark etBtreetf 8 feet. 7 laches, . T . t thenco Norih parallel with Second street 17 mon'd to meet at jour Iffe Boon to-mor Ieot an1 thenco Eaat parallel with !aret row (Saturday) eTenlng.lStKiaet , at 2 o'clock, Btrcet 18 feet, 7 Inches to beginning, being a crtae purpose of attending Aha i unci 1 of tof Lot No. 4 m Block 153. 6 Our deceased Brothfr J. r. Gilbert. n frmA nt Rain one.fonrth of tha nnrchaso By order of the Dictator. m0t cy to be paid in cash,- balance in three , 0i 11 B. WloLl, equal Instalments, In 4, 9 and 12 month, re- oct 1 lt Star copy Reporter 6p2ctlre)y, from day of sale, purchasers to . f give notes for delcrred payments drawing In A DMINISTBATOR'S ' NOTICE.-Having fert ,rom of Mfe 1st ratOot eight per'. J qualified as Ackninistratiix upon the ca laie of the late Alary i". Pickett, notice la here by given to all persons having claims against the same to present them -to mo on or before the 17th October. 16S5. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of a recovery. Those indebted to the same will pleaEOjnakCj Immediate pay ment. MRS. S. J. BAKER, Adnjx. October IT.lSfcl i - ' -H M Attention ! VOUSG MEN'S PROGRESSIVE Dxiko- g cent. A.J. UEKO.Sh,T. Commissioner, cct 3 Ct oct 3, IP, 17, 24, nov 3, 4 , M. CKONUY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. .' o . Partition Sale. -; Y VIRTUE OF; A DECREE OF THE CBAT1C CLUB Ycu are requeated to meet peiwr u-rZ lL in front of tho City Uall, to-night, to loiW in caus tbw "JJP f?f Abt Sj!rkJ f.11 nroccseion and escort Hon. UlTaeA T. Ber ntt James C unis a d wife Uz H Mundi. w rpftvlun 1 M. r V -X a f UA X w . a. - 0 HX othcrg. rlaictlns, and Frederick J. Lord, Ar- to the stand on Third street. 1. rMin ir.1i n 10 W" u'It-J . TTa.i mand J. XMiiiosct. John K. London anx oth E F Jonssov Sect'v " oct 17 It e.s. dufcndntx. I a j ComnaUiiancr under sld la.x Joussw.Becvy. miii ..iPCree. will r.ffcr for sale to tho highest ihi i der, ht tfco Court UoueO door In tov city of 5t 1 fev of Novctf ler. itsc4, a 1 that l't cf 1 od ThirdiWard. THE DEMOCRATS OiT THETHIRD WABD Hale i' ld city. b;lni.iog tn thr uth line of .Hark tr.c, itct f-tst frj& it lr- aie requested to meet s t the City Hall to terectioa with hat tern Hue 4 .-end street ' ? at.rt TonMcg tte c tast wth .Market street night- Oct 17th. at 7 o'clock, take part la the ; . men rnm 1 -V, h lM demonstraUon In honor of Hon K. T. Benntti 30 ftetto br'ck . wli. thtnee Went l h .aid our caaoidate for Congress. oct 17 It President Third fard.CiUb. $43o.95a . .. 212,893 ....... 109.396 109,234 ... 81,823 56,259 57.478 OCXt E.rSNDED FOR COMMON SCUOOI f red 1869 Rep. ...... ..Nothing 1670, Rep.. S 4a.eoa 1877 Dem 289.213 .-.? t-v JO 1 OST ' 1S80 Dem 352 882 uem-...... . " 1832 Denv.. ...... 509,736 ' 18S3j Dem........ 725.000 ve figures) are from the Srate If you doubt them search the ?fiJs. whi, h are free" to all. They MKT I J mm a . m Ihe sneechps of onr ablest 01a x - r11 eir loic Is unanswerable. ol the City Hall promptlyut 7 c:ct with his fellow men, a kind-hearted Ilk Pr'nnois Train :w4bie- Any kind of strain can be v. .7 m. Jacobs Oil, the great -.iijever i erials! properly porportioncd Nare tho essential requisites in .IcgtheN,. Y. Enamel Paint Wacobi's Depot. . . t I Jj0w . 1 1 . " . - ... . , -w give omua s ivurxa , 1yd T7 n . in . Young Men's Democratic Club. Young Men's Progressive IHra. Club I Democratic Central Club. ! First Ward Club. 1 Second Ward Club. Third Ward Club. Fourth Ward Club. Fifth Ward Club. Each Club is expected torches and banners. ORDER OF MARCH Bay. neighbor, and had the respect of alH Dec 14 Sunday, S. George's, Hyde who knew him. His wile survives Co. j- . him. His remains xvi.i oe mterruiu . ld;Al; P., Aurora. Oakdale at 3 o'clock to-morrow after- n ' SalurdJay M. p., S. John's, neon. - Dcrham's Creek. " Dec- 2l Sandiy Trinity, unocowin- nrrna crirmTnta seldom nt well, htv to aDDear with nor do bogus remedies cure successfully. Dec. 21, Sunday. E. P., Haw Branch. y The real cure for coughs and colds is r)ec. 22t Monday, Vanceboro. lcn Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Dec. 23. Tuesday, S. Paul's. Green- villa Dec. 25, Thursday, (Cbnsimas; j,. a as . nM rnni.ertTI.ih will fnnn in nrdpr TIlO ljTlCKy JJI UlUUCrs. named above, right resting on Chest- lh drawinff of tho Louisiana Ps JYL11!1-Dic o c tk,,, nUtStrCet. - L"' " Ino rrln?rlt 1 . i.O, OUUvmj X J. ROUTE drwn aa iollow3: No. iw 30. Tuesdav. M. P.. Jamesville. t mt 1 . . Tt . 1 .1 1 nr .y.ca ntiw - - 1 ' . - U P J-niru sireei to iea vroaa. uuwu , r: . iw 31. Wednesday. M. r., Aaveui, Red Class to Front, down Front to 78,455. arawing wr.. . . Pnrpnll Hotisp. where the orator and loin whole ticket, soiu m iew vrieaua, 1 t- 1 iftfiA. Thnrsdav. M. 1 ., b. The Cornet f;oncert Club will report 47,54. in m k--. Msions. As opponunity may of to chief of slaQ promptly at 7:30 o'clock. 333 and 54,631. each $6,000. sold-in 1 wai be catechised. 1 The procession will movo at 8 o'clock, jew York. Memphis, Philadelphia and jjhop requests that in accordance w sharp. The ith 54,- the Resolution ot the Diocesan Conven- Cbier Aiarsnai wuormz vuuar. nfi,cnnn in tion. arransemeats be maoo in eacu Chief of Staff-Jos H . Wattcrs. 612, 58,283. 97,382, each sold m "shsa-meeling ofthe Vestry with . Assistant Marshals .Tohn L.Dudley, New OrJeans.Wasbington, D. C. Rich- fh6 Bishop. , L. II. Bowden, W. ACnmmins, C. II. d Va Korfolk. Va.. Frankfort. " ' ' ' , Kinir, C. D Myers , Av . II. Yopp, J . aw New York. Boston To every Tlousekeeper a good h MpfiariiT. O . A. Wiffsdns. Jordan Ky., Scima, Ala., isew iov ioatu rt . . . T 1 Tti- u--riv, Mam 1 ifmnk;a suDsiauuai o i t v Kpillv. John Rarrv' neccss tvand our ftaders will find the C H. Stemmerman, T. C.Lewis, Sol. We invite the atuntion 01 carciuzeua bgst ftt jractory. pfiCes at , Jacobis Bear and Junius Dayis- t o thefact that first quality stuns " Hardware Depot. T Register now! Delays are danser- be!nm-4etoatMteraiin . - Redstcr,: Ec2utcr!!l . Walter Gayldr viTH L. G. C H E R R Y. (Hary Leob Old Stand) No. 10-2 So th Warter Street, 1 Wilmington, N. C. !. )o( Coniignmctt3 of Cotton, Naval Stores; jihd Country Prodnce of ercry dlecrlptlon respect fully solicited. ' Advancements made; on shipments In hand or on BUI of Lading. A - oct It. Lost. YE3TEKDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 15th, 1 ptwren R. Portner'a Br Deiot and the Mo- zirt Saloon, a BUNCH OF KEYS. A ault&ble re wartl will be paid on the rftnm or stmeio tha undersigned. JOHN TlENKKNi j oct 10 ti At jrorinex-s xx-cr j-cpvw Latest Wove Is; YOUNG GIBL'i j WOOING, t?y EJ Un In Clath onlr. Frlco S1.5J. DR. SEVLElt, by George W, Cab'.e. In C)th only. Fric- 1.50. For Us at H - - IIEIN3BECGER,3. wall 2 ftet, tnen e u h wun said wall 7 rcet an I Inchest" a . brl--t Laild'ugy thence vrlth the ilbt; of -ld bu'kll g Eat 4 :-t. ther.m -0:1th w th IfiC fc-.k-tcru line of ' naiil buliillrg 3 let and 7 In- hts. thence tt'et with the Sj.thern dnoofsa-il bi-'i-Xf 3 feet -id 7 ii clic t k wll, thfc to'Hh tth said .J! rtrid the Wi Hue of .rtotiiCr. brick bullJ late :c fet and 9 lccbC4 to a te wait, thence v t v,li paid bthtwall icai, i.j the, co oit'u taralfel vriti Second, street feet to trflordag lrngpartcl Lots o. 1, ?and8 in ?i cs. 45i. caid lot will bo rilvlded by a at- iL-ht luuiitre from Noitn to S&uth. .u i Hold In tvro separate p rce:s; the West lit wr parcel liavltg a front of i3 feet o Market stfefctaodrnnnuigback the Sir&e width 1JW, Hiu the Kaat lot navtcg a fontof S3 feetf i Market aud running VJS leet, Uin 21 feet wide on Its tack Hoc Fiat of sa'.d I at can be seen at 0 Rice of Cronly & Morns. ' . Terms f Sale One fourth of purchase money to ba paid In cash, baUncc In three equal lastaunents in 4,. h and 12 months re 6pec!lvely from day of sale, t UTChtser to glre notes tor deferred payments drawing Interest from day of sale at rate of eight per cent. A. J. OEitOSd.T. Commissioner &ct3Ct cct 3, 1, 17, H lOT St 4 . ous. Wliainston Shirt Factory, jgLANK. BOOKS, PAPER ASD ENTBL opes in Boxes. Ylrct Frames all sizes, bCaiuV ful Steel Tngravings, and mtny new Novel- ties, ju3t reseircd, which are sold very ehap "heinsberger's , cct 15 Llva r:ci k! llzi'.z c.rfcs. HAVING QUAlIf IE1 AS ADMINI3TBA tor of the estate of Ann Gleasoa, deccas- ta, notice u nereoy it-vcu v"vr debted t the said estate to make payment at once, and all peraora httlng clalin agalna; said estate will present them for paymtnt to Hie nnderslgned, on or tefore the 2 ith day of September, 1S9. or ttds noUcc win to nleaded la bar of their reeevcry . . P eept28 6w frl : T- 1L PARC Y A daxr The Old North State Saloon XT AS THIS DAY , REC Vt D ft) tit 01 these celebrated UoaSiMxV J GATJJ3I OTSTJSU.: They, arc kept oa -c ...i .m. wW- ih& floest ovatcr braurtt to tfcia market. Call and try then. Ccol Useraai tse best Wine?, liquors cad C!.'?ra aljayieatr.il. . y ,r .,.,.

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