0 . r.v' v : '- .(." t .... ' ' ' ' ' . .' " "V." - ' '.t , , J- " ' ' ; '? - v ' " . r' i " . , : J : I . ::" -V ,: "j ' '. -.' - ' :-. .' " " " - : -"'''"'.' " - ; ' : -' " '. . - ' ' "'. V- J. .L" f'"" .t'-; -. vT.r It - - - i' ; " T"-"r-' '.'-.'--'' ;' ! .". ! .- . . -. ..-.-. - - ... .. - -; . - w . MISCELLANEOUS Dl II i feS : ;l .J. ::a , rrcnchitis,Croup, InHu l!;.f ''.:::-', pooping Cough, In- T h e Da i I y ; R e v I e w . i t 'i : For the Dally Eerlew. EPIGRAMS. rl '", ' Weeds. , ' . Sometimes we grasp a growing notion Ot doinz noble deeds. But ere we put it into motion. Uar thought has one to weeds, k IndeDendence. I will not worshiD at the 8hiir.fi Where lanrel seekers have to go; Tho' be withhold bis smile divine, I'll never kiss St. Peter's toe. . , E. Clyan Vimm. - - ' - - f n the Marrying Business. Bat the biggest frand of ail is in the marrying business, and the man is guilty of it heap oftener than the wo- man. I'm not talking abont the reeu- , k iar society woman in a town or a - ci ihp Disease. For Sale! -Price, 2? Cents.1 city, cheat in a don't read DO v THAT Mr t j . ii 1 lor i uon i uimic anyooay can her ; she is generally an iceberg passel ot fine clothes, and she know how to do anything but novels ami visit, but the average girl who marries for love is oftener fooled than the average man. The time used to bo when a man didn't begin to for get bis wife until he had been married r n-n T) T T A PT T A "Y tea or fitteen years, bat now he forgets iMtliLiiilvJLI O UiilUliiA her in a tew months and will not stay PLUG TOBACCO To aug 6 ly'd&w Dr. Sloit's Powders home ot nights if he can help it. crf 1 ..u !,.t Tin Tjj: ROSE LEAF Fine Ctit tbew-1 . . -cu ;-.".y r: iDa'yp.s. and uiacV. Brown an.i marnea woman may oe seen now-a- l IJI U'i . - . . . I J II .I--, t f . . SftUfFS tne Dcsi ana encapest, usys wai&ing io me ena oi me piazza apout ten times m htteen minutes look i ng up the street for her husband, but he don't come hardly ever according to time. Folks didn't do that way in my days, ana my folks don't do it yet. Mr9. Arp don't have to lock up the road for me. No sir: I'm on hand be fore she wants me, I am. This shows the good effect of ; early training, and so I am obliged to advise the voun? -a women to oreaK in ineir nusosns as soon as possible. You can manage a colt mighty easy with care and kind ness, but it is almost impossible to re form a balky horse. Bill Arp. r i nto. tion of vie Mdhy8, Gravel, Gleet. Sti Jet rVaWl!-.'! Urinary diseases. Nervous and Mnr&O Hja ausPd by Indlscrelton m j hills in ail Its forms perraa- ,-r' .- o : ci. is'i'vr o Brown spots on fjce i.', ;y,-o'e broat an 1 Nose, Scrofula, Old Kczema, Tetter and all Blood and kin V--."4 UrK-arv diseases cured In 3 days. pec $:?. Hue osd th'e money tc FRANK f Vr-NS CO., Ba'timore, Md., and it will becut by mail fif-alicd For sale by 11 drug- tne siclc; Her father has been a wid ower for over dozen- years, - is a nillar J"? church, social and-rbonght alter o an. yet maniicsts no desire to change housekeepers She was never known to torture a niann in KrHf monL tests no fondness for- cats or 'noadle. or car dogs and , doesn't know I George -fcilict s best novel from a hencoop, jet she is thoroughly conversant with all thtTimportant question ane news of the day, and can quote history till yon can't win. we are - not related except through our respected ancestor Adam. and no young man must consider this thrown oat as an inducement, for the lady in question would not look favor ably upon his suit a moment unless she was convinced that he was the equal of her father, and it would be strong prool she would require. She is a thorough going politician with Democratic pro clivities, and would work over the washboards and soapsuds six months for the privilege of voting for Grover Cleveland. Ulica Observer. MISCELLANEOUS. 5 - and Sale Stables. MISCELLANEOUS giit3;een: by mail. july 7 d&wly A Fair Offer Tne Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to snd Dr. Dye's Volatic Bait and Appliances on trial, for tttirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. See advertisement in this paper, t th s eow&p- Words of Waminerand Comfort sJf you ere eufleiinar from poor health or languishing on a bed of sickness tate cheer if you are eimply ailisg, or if you feel ' 'weak and dispirited, without clearly know ing why, lion Bitters 'will surely cure you. If you ars a minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a mother, worn out with cr and work, or a man of buslnesa'or labor, weakened by tbe strain of your every day dati, or a mm of letters tolling over your midnight work, II op Bitters will most eurtly strengthen you. If you are suffering from oyer-ealing or drinking,any iudiscretion or dissipa tion, or are young and growing last, as is ol ten the case. JJAYIXG BECEXTLf ESL.ll GSD AND lmprotetl our acnommck allocs we are now prepared to offer Increased facilities for the boarding of horses and care of vehicles. Low rates and careful attendance guaranteed. Horses for cale and horses and vehicles for hire on accommodating terms. W The ban Jaoaaest hearse In the city. liOLLING 5WOETII & S1K10S, livery and Sa'e Stables, Bpt 1C Corner Fourth an I Mulberrv sts PUaOELI, E0SE. -TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WUjMINQTON, H. C B. L. FESEY. Proprietor, l ate Proprietor Atlantic lioi&L rirst-Clas n all lt rTvintnt tpt 1 50 to $3.C0 dav. New Buckwheat. New Buckwheat, rjpHE SEASON HAS KOW COME WHEN Buckwheat Cakes are In order. I have to day Or, Uodd's uriLL crnK iV ami G'cKal Weakness caused violating TP r"Ml tx7-nlrl Kntro onnofUo flcl lerVine NO. Z. color, strength, and vigor, take Ayer's NKKVotJS, PHYSICAL il,,aai,JLAU! WVIUU "in comer laera upon you in rapiu succession the laws by Indls- of health, crC.on ana IIUNTETl' PILLS - Cures Syphilis in all itorms and stages. Yellow or iir.ivvn - pots on the fare and body. Sore Tnr mar. ' we, crotuia, letter, Kcze- iri, i;:!:i t-ensation. fc?alt bheum and all t!nnl ;n; kin Mseases, Uiinary Diseases and ' Kriuurv fipj-euiJy cured Price ? j ! ; :m i'i;t"-MvLK FtilND Never i to rurc irregularities or buppres- tioTiS ciiM'T t'.v cpiis -r disease. Marriedl lalks awl ladies in delicate state of health are ! caution d to not use it. Price $3. Enclose the money tor cither I'.emcliie to FKAN.K STE- vc.N t o , bnliimore, Md and it will be entliy m51or exiTe3 sealed. For Bile by ti irucjr'.ss; sent ty mau or express. jut 4 tutwiy Cf-T-.-.-jy. ;V VV' .:-.t r. t If:.-- i-. klk Ssa i t rr u list tnatcoifd r:"A M-icfcriii'-i ?;-ecilists in theu.S Icmt .Vn: i'-j.-.."?."! r u-m? ICfXfJ. Seal "VThose Jebllity, exhausted V'fvX and failure to pcriorra lllc's VI y ' TV pro:ery are caused by viil iiad r, pcrreft and lastini? rtiitcr.ition to robust health una vioro? ZJistnhooo ia THEMifSSTfiN Rfil lie. f-.vv i 'mincnts. This t rc&tmest of ty l,?i?caIIt.'eryf3rir!ifoniily saws-nil h-cftiFPs tji-jrd cn perfect d:a?nois, ""Wiin l Oircc, lioiliod and abolnto thor. ousihivcs. -. inili-trm.t.tiori and Treatise free. !' on . riri;r lUivfieinn of r.STQN r.Ei-rCYCO.. 46 V:.14thL, KcwYork. "7 lvcmU-xt th" THE STJIST. NEW YOKE, 1884:. About sixty million c oples of Tiie Sun have oce out ot our establishment during the past eke months. If tou were to paste end to end all the col cmnaofallTHK buss printed and sold last car you would get a continuous strip of l n knsticg information, common sense wisdom, Sfund aoctrlrc, and sane wit, long enough to fWcji from Printing House square to the top y Mount Copernicus In the moon, then back f i rinting llouso square, and then three-quav I of t'ue way back to the moon again. ! Lut Tiik srx is written for the inhabitants o.the Csrth; this same strip of Intelligence wodkI jrinlle the Rlobc twenty seven or twen vfrht times. ifltfcvery buyer of. a copy of Thk f-UN during fin ycar ha3 spent only one hour over It, ! Ufhia wife or his grandfather has spent Mother hour, this newspaper in 1SS3 has af "iMeil the human race thirteen thousand years w steady reading, night and day. ,vl is .nly by little calculations like these you o m f orm aJ1y C the circulation " we most, popular o'f American newspapers, o; its hiiluecce on the opinions and actions Aittrican men and women. us is, and wlU continue to be, a news wper which tells the truth without fear of equences, which gets at the facts no raat now tnuh the process costs, which pre the news of all the world without waste ' 0Tds and in tho most readable shape, rchis working with all Its heart for the ?of honest government, and which there 5 elieTes that" tb3 Republican party must nilmustgo lnj this coming year of our already. nee 'iurkia: what is sure to be the most f LCreiing year in Its history. If you do not .in. ... TUP VifTW V. "tu-hine. "Bury the Solid South With a I JBloody-Sliirt Shroud." The following is an extract from a report in the Detroit Post and Tribune ot a BiaiDe ajid Logan ratification meeting held in Detriot, Michigan, several week3 ago. The first speaker. Rev F. A. Blades, gave vent to the following vindictive and uupatriolic sentiment: '"The question before the country," said he, "'is whether the Republican party shall be continued in power, or the Democratic party admitted to the control ot national ailairs. 10 ray mind there is one serious objection to the I latter coarse. The Demecralie party is not a national party. By all its traditions and ats it is a sectional party. In none of its recent platforms has 1 it receded from any of its old States rights doctrines. Its history is the history of sectionalism When the slave power was the dominant power, the Democratic party was always obe dient to it, and when Stephen A. Douglass attempted to broaden the parly it became divided, and Lincoln was elected. They say iluit we must not raise the question of war, but I pro test that the bloody-shirt should not be buried until the solid South is buried. Applause.!. Jf the Democrats insist on bringing forward the solid South, they should be made to smell the bloody shirt The! Democratic party is not broad enough to take in the whole country Has it ever stood by a measure that contemplated the good cf the whole country? Has it not always reasoned its political measures wiih Southern salt? If there ever was a time that the saying of the prophet that men shall dory in their shame is true, it is the present time, and the instance I would cite is the Democratic party gioring in the solid South.' r The Abbeville Medium) in comment ing on the above, says: Do pur people wish any more evt dence ot the unrelenting hatred ol the Republican party in the North? When a preacher gives utterance to any such vindictive language, how intense must bo the natred of thoss who are not ac- nuainted with the teachings of the Scriptures? Many of the ablest men in that party have abandoned it and given their sup port to Cleveland and Hendricks. They were tired ot living oa the animosities and resentments of the past. But this preacher fires the hearts ot his hearers with the words ot passions and hostility. It. is the duty of every Carolinian to stand by their friends ot the North and drive the party cf hate irom power and influence. 4; you know The Sun, you like It 1 you will read it with accustomed diiige it is high time to get into 1 ekms to Mail, subscsibebs. The wyeral editions of The 5U3 are 6cnt by uM'VOft paid, as follows: t oovius a month, $S a ye r; with srvi a" edition, f 7. - "A" Kurt-.t nam. TMscditlon furnish estiie current news of the world,-special fruelea of cxceDtioral Interest to every- Jviy, and Uterarv reviews ot new books ZRLY layear Eight pages of the best "iarta;ent of i unequalled value, special reports, and llterarv. scientiSc, domestic i Intelligence make Tue ' .tfrKLv ux the nc signer ior the farm : :J Lf uchol l. t To clubs of $10, an extra i s ute. .i.aarcss nopfi I W. fcLNULAJSD, Publisher, -T i Thk Kiih. N, Y. VAtv & UNDEVELOPED : PARTS I W T , . . r""1''' ""Y KNLAK(iKI). DEVEL U ., "nt lol"f r"n iK'nrrtW. In r?;ily toii;-, lT.''lrU'rs'U inftrtft pMyoT3 moy ret rrTtirr""''' triT'"gM prtt.n.i.trii bv Bo.iryiti ' i ' "Or if you are In the workshops, on the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel 'that your system needs cleansing, ton ing, If you are old, blood thin and impure, pulse feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties waning, nop miters is what you need to 'give you new life, health and vigor." If you are cnsUvo, or dyspeptic or suffer lnj; from any other of the numerous dis eat.es of the stoma eh r bowels, it Is your own fault if yon remain il'. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn lor a cure to op uitters. If you are sick . with that terrible sickness, Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Crilead" m Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your syp tem against the scourge of all countries Malaria, Epidemic. Bllhous and Inter- mitten t levers by tho use of Hop Bitters. If yon have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, Hop Hitters will give you fair s "sin, rich blood .the sweetest breath and health. $500 will be paid for a case they wil not cure or help.- A Lady's Wish. 'Oh, how I do wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours." said a laoy to her fiiend "You can easily make it so." answered tie friend. How ?" inquired the first lady. By uslnsr Hod Bitters that makes pure, rich blood and blooming health. It did it for me as vou observe." 49" Nose genuine without a bunch of gren Hops on the white label. Shun an the viie, poisonous stuff their name. with "Hop" oi "Hops" in ozl U lm dxw nrm White Cypress and Yellow Pine BLINDS AND MOORS, Guaranteed as good as the best. Moulding, Brackets. Balusters ani Orna mental Wood Work. Oct 10 PAKHLKY & WIGGINS. Brass Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. leceived a supply o" New Buckwheat, the first of the seaon. Also, Pofaloe, Onions, Apples, Cabbages, &c.. &c. A full Hoc of choice and selected Groceries always on hard. tqpk renewed every week. All goods can be relied on as fresh and new at GEO. M. CRAP0V3. Act, sept:9 22 Sou h Front Street. Oall and See rjno je eleg akt frcit preserves. t c srutraatee Ihem to be pnre, and tha Caver as If put up at home. A ti lal la &U we ask. Canned Goods of til kinds, PTunes.Cnrrants, Pick?esr Dried Beef. CJrar.cre an-tiXrnon?. Baking Powders too rutaeroas toi mertlon. Jeihes, Crackers,' the test of Cheese, Hams ana cueir cTirei. snouwfn, vouecs roisied and ground. . . - My frteamer ta-aorrow Mocha t offee. W e do not rag jn all Flour, but we put the SUPERLATIVE against any in the market: Parties wishing Pi escrres at retail will please send dishes. i s sept3) F. G, & N. ItOXlISSON. New Cigar Store. Hirschberg's, 5 N. Front St. rpHE PUBLIC CAN JL. ' of manufacture of my goods. PEOCESS SEE THS On'y the beet workmen employed. No tenement hotit-e labr. nor children, nor Chincfe. The tobacco used in the manufacture of Cigars is naturally and properly cared. All nywoik is dotie in-this cttu and under my personal tupervlslon. A call at' my i tactory where my Eevcral br3nds are made will satisfy all that; the best goods are handled by I. HIIiSCIIBSKG,. oct 11 ff No. 5 North Front St To Make Xiif'e Urighter. The dyepeptics lot Is nnt a happy one. Bn- on's Capclne Plasters are the remedy. Price 25 cents. oct 6 A MONTH AND BOARD FOR three Young Men or Ladies In each coun'y. Auuress Jr. w. z.ituijifiK a , Phl'aueipnia oct u Potf no,fle OT Hints on Economical VyUltcliiCO. House Building. Contain ing 24 plates of Cottages costing from $50 J to $3,000, with descriptive letterpress 1 8 vo. voL, handsomely bound in cloth, mailed on receipt of fl. WM. T. COAISTOCK, Pub , C Astor Place, N. Y. oct 6 r n li a m ILfROVED S 4' sent free by oct b 4W Bu Standard Turbine! Is the best constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and is told for less money, per horsepow er, taan any other iurbine in the world. Mi" Vew pamphlet BURNHAM BROS, York, Ta If there is no local dealer TO supply you with Maurj'-Geographies (new Two-Book freries). Holmes' tteaaers, rioimes' Hlstorv. Glldrsleeve's Latin and other school books of the University Scries, we will mil them to you. send us tne regniar price ana the book will come to vou by return mall. Price lists, circulars and the Maury Pamphlet sent to all who ask for theTB. UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING CO.. 19 Murray street, New York. oct 6 fVlason & Hamlin. Organs 100 STYJES $ 22 TO . f9i0. Hicrhest honors at all srreat World's Exhlbi tlons for seventeen years. Only American Organs awarded such at any. For cash, easy payments or rented. UPRIGHT PIANOS nresentimr VEKT HIGHEST EXCELLENCE TET attained in such Instruments; adding to all previous Improvements one of greater value than any ; securirg most pure, renneu, musi cal tones and Increased durability; especially avoiding liability to get out ot tune, iiiustra ted catalogue free. Mason & . Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.', Boston, 15-1 TremontSt St; Chicago, 149 'oct & ; N. York, 46 E. Wabash Ave. 14h The Science of Life. Only SI BY MAU POST-PAID. i - -f- . - 3 m. mum mm a, - m , ml mt jmm .w l Groceries, &c. Itn DUDS. PR ME CUBA MOLASSES, 1 00 ntd3 P,lme Porto mco MQLASSES 500 Kalf RoI5s Stan(lartl BAGUING. 1 000 Bdl8 Arroxr ties- i oUu 500 Bbl3 rLOUK QQ Bbls. SUGAR, 200 Bag3 COFFEE' LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER, Ac. All at lowest prices' 1 WORTH & WOFtTH tUg '.3 ' The folloxinz ; cnotr.na " reprcsea wholesale priees pcncxiSj. In mailer maiJoTdafa higher price rat e to be f.li?Tgo3 15 10 11 18 11 O (1 a a 11U3 CO. 0 9C CO 25 23 90 G 2 CO f8 I 9C a co Sttndard..............,..... n 7 ft, 10! J 1 ......... ......... ysirt hauua-Aorut caroaaa: ghoriltUvrs, a. WESTERN SilOKEX Svies. B....... Shoulders.... ........ . DRY SALTSI . sides. ? Shoulders, V lb C.lHUKT,S-niriu Turpcatlne, Aacoad llafid, each.. 1 73 V' V. ' w - . New Cirf.each 1 EKKSWAa, . BRICKS, VI BUTTKR, V Sr North Carol!na.....i......... Northern..... CA.NDLES.tr fc ! - 8perm 18 O xadow . . - 1149 Adamantine 12 a CUKESIL, 1& Konhem Factory............ lZ$a Ialry, Creajn.. ....... it j State 10 O COY EE, V ft Jara no Lagnyra... I'2iy3 B!o Hvi CORN MKAL, bus.. In eaoia 85 O - COTTON TIES, y bundle.... 1(0 Ol DOMESTICS 5;h.Cling, 44, yd........... 63 . iarns, if uunsD...... KfHJS. tf- dozen........ noTi Mackerel, No. 1. V bbl. ......16 00 rlsckercl. No. 1, V half bbl.. 8 50 Mackerel, No. Z, V bbl.... . Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl. Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets, V bid. Mullets, Pork bbls.... n. c lioo iierrlng, keg... '-'ftT VVV1 . iif. ............ . rEilTtldZKIliJ, & 2,000 ifca reruviantiuano, No. I.. 57 50 ' No. 2 SO 00 Lobes.... ..00 00 Baugh's Phocphato.... ...... .00 00 ollna Ferullzcr tr 00 U ?5 . a ii 12 l 55 II 13 Sew Yorli & Wilmingtoi Steamship Co FUOM PIEU 34, EAST E1VEK, NEV YOL'K At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM.:.. Saturday ..Oct 4 REGULATOR ..Satnrda'7, Oct 11 GULF STREAM.. Saturday, Oct 18 REGULATOR....; ..Saturday. Oct 25 FROM WILMINGTON Hi REGULATOR.. GULF STREAM..... REGULATOR ... GULF STREAM.;... .Friday, Oct 3 Saturday, Oct 11 Saturday, Oct IS ...Saturday, Oct 25 Throuurh Bills Lading and; Loweu' Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points ra norm ana ooutn uaronna. 1 ,: S5 16 9 60 fi 00 7T5 400 7 00 3 00 5 a a 17 Carol Ground Bone.... .......00 00 Bone Meal - .......00 00 Bone Flour.. 00 00 Navassa Guano.. ....40 00 Complete Manure ......00 00 Whann's Phosphate......;... 00 00 Wan do Phosphate....... 00 00 Berger & Butz's Phosphate. 00 O0 iixceuenza cotton Fertuizer.55 00 French's Agricultural Lime... FLU UK, V bbl Fine Northern Super Family".., City Mills Extra Family..... Extra Family.... GLUE V ifc GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags,whltc. Corn, cai-go, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, in bags . white : . Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. Oats, from store.... Ccw Peas... hides, ve- Grcen Dry HAY, 100 fcs-F.a?tcm......k Western. 7 00 S 50 0 CO 4 75 5 75 6 50 6 00 6 73 6 50 11 8) '.4 72 65 1 Vu 5 11 l10 10 4B1Q (0 e 5 fio 8(0 a H 8 5c a 4 0 3 a .. 9 4537 00 31 00 WO GO rtso 00 4245 CO 4X57 OC 4T45 Of CP67 a fi70 o: 570 00 t i) on OS O 7 5.1 a 3 0 a 4 25 a 5 if- a 6 25 a 8 00 r? 6 so Q 6 00 20 15 For Freight or Passage apply to M In H. G. 8MALLBONES, SuperiEteiiaent, Wlimfngtcoi :. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. rr Ai?.- u , 25 Broadway, Ne-Jri Y or sep 27-tf. : -j At THE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, No. 27, Market st. NUht Shirts, all sizes, 7-ic. Congress, the most popular and best White i-hlrt on the market, 5c Colored SMrts 25cs and qp wards. Seaside .Shirts at all pr:ees. Boy's yachtmg In great variety. Gent's liraw crs 2:c and upwards. Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to lit en, something new, 75c. Drawers made to or '-cr, 75. Wammtta Shirts with 2100 linen bosom made to orderat $1. Orders from the country solicited am" promptly attended to. tlvc ua a call.' i J. ELSBACH, jul7 21 , r MnKer gOMETHING OCt 14 VERY NICE ANL VERY CHEAP (SUES & MUR0HISON, 33 and 40 Murchison Block "11(5 Perfection iu Petticoats. The people of this p'ait of Oneida Countv never braff. bet we nave a Younc lady in tiria village who has merits deservmir ol public notice, one is a blonde of medium height, blue ces..c ear cut iirecian-ieatures. ana 13 acknowledged to be pretty even by en vious lemaies. and has borne away all the best prizes in school for years, fler educatiou was pronounced by our late school commissioner as being as good as that of any teacher m the fourth dis tiict. She can bake, wash, iron, cook, make garden, smg diyinely, sew on button or patch, make and fit all her own clothes, spin the yarn and make her own stockings, mop the floor, enter tain a house full of ministers or an as semblage of yotine people, maketattiDe crochet, bevel a lambreqain, knit in sertion on a slipper case, or quilt a pumpkin pie. She never was known to call your attention to the door draper or ; mat, never spoke a cross word .or had a cold dinner on i washing day, never ate a chocolate caramel or chewed guni. She wears none but her own hair and teeth, and was never nearer a corset than the outside of a dry goods counter. She never had a beau in her life, yet our best young men would be at her feet with the leas encouragement. She can m. a m row a boat snoot a gun, cnmo & iree and throw a fly, or. land a trout in a manner to'win the admiration of any sportsman, y She never: gossips and nevcr'auemptr to take a hand in an other woman's knitting-work, and is never seen upon the streets in the even ir-, unless roirt to church cr to visit Cotton Presses, BP.OWN'S COTTON GIN, RUBBER BELT 1NG, GIN BRISTLES. Send in your or ders at once for GINS and PRESSES. Don't delay. You will be disappointed In getting theui in time. W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. . 19, 21 b 23 Market Street, . oct 13. Wilmington, N. C- At Cost I - QYER.500 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST to close oat. Also, a Urge stock of Plug and Smoking Tobacco at very low prices, from the Best Faftorlea In Virgin!. Cigars and Cigarettes By the m'Jliion. at the Office of CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS, tcpt 15 tf " No. 132 North Market SL For Sale. Job Printing Office, . IK . - GOOD CONpmQN -o LIBERTY -PRESS. HOvw: 1 OOFonts Type.3i oct 8 APPLY TO ' MOSILT. Wi.'-'-- jAJir.?, KNOW THYSELF-L, A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. J t contains 125 prescriptions for all acnte and chronic diseases, each one of which Is invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 3Q0 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a User work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. , The Science of Life should be read -by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all. London Larvctt. There la no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth. parent, guardian,' instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabodv Medical Institute, r Dr." W. IL Parker, io. 4 Bullflocli Street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all Useases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that bave baffled the skill ot &L U CT A I other physicians & specialty. d mm Such treated success! ul- iJ C t I Cr ly without, an in- I Ml W9 Si urn t stance of failure. Mention this paper. oct 6 dJfcw 4w "... rjiWO STORES IN ONE and Ll'iuors as cheap as Consolidated. AND GROCERIES the heapct and cheaper than ever. I have removed my uptown stock to the store corner of Prlncats and Water etreetSi (Mr. II. I4jcb's oi l stini) whrre I will be pleased to see and serve my friends. 1 will supplied with tho NICEST NEW YORK HERALD. 30 S2 00 28. 40 WEEKLY COITION, ONE DOLIARIA YEAR. It contains all the general news of tho Daily Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Stathcs. j keep coacUntly AND JBESHIST GOODS L h CIIKBJtY. JCVConsIsmenta of eiuntry prodaoe sollc Ued and prompt returns guaranteed oct IP P JLLit -.h 'T'AyAJUESis" gives imttan I Krtiitf and Wn infaliUe -1 v jcure ior hlcs . irnce r ttdruggnts. or tent pro f p' ' aidby mau. Satcpleree. ror Zl yt iby mau. Satcpleree. J Ad.,? ajtA-KTSLS" ilacrsj Dox2,18 New YcrSf, t.tb'i ' -v - " - " Ttmriiwnvtfv txt A r T TTT fa It is the most valuable chronicle of ; political news in the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In the dcparmenl Foreiox News f the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of Useable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. I Tiie Farm Dkpaktxext of the Weekly Herald Is practlcaL li goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than Osk Doll a k aTexb I ' "i " from the suggestions of the farm dciiartment alone, ' concerning ; soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gartienlcg, poultry and agricultu ral economy. ( - i. ""The IIoxB ; Instructs the housewife and the children In rej gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and (the making of home com forts. Ib addition, arc given latest reports of trade and ' i Produce Markets, the condition of money, columns of Miscella neous Readies, Poetry, a Complete Story every week. Jokes and Anecdotes, Sporting News, POPULAR SCIE5CE, 1 the doings of weil-kcown Persons of U World, a department drro ed to 1 SERMOSS AKt REUGIOUS NOTES. While the WKEKLY UKUALD gives thi latest and best News ot the World, It Is also a Journal tor the Family. , Subscribe one dollar, at any time, for & fan fear. Postage Free to any part of the United tatcs or Cacadas. ; y : ; THE NEW YORK HERALD; in a Weekly Form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAH Adtreaa, NEW YORK HERALD. - dee 19 - . Broadway and Ann fetrcet Announcement.. T HEREBY JLNSOUSCK M YSEL7 JL CAJ- uidalft for tho 'Cre of eherifTct Pen lcr cocn ty. If elccte-i I wUIpled? xaywlf to discharge the duties cf ti cfi-e ItithJulir. wl bout re card to party cr party vT's.tazv.' -i. s?-trjc!f;7 in " 1 ''-'" North River.. ......... ........ 75 HOOP lROJ, V ft.. LARD.VIb Northcrn North Carolina,. 00 LIMK, bane!.. 1 40 LUMBER. City Fjiwetf, & M ft. ShipStr.fr, rcaawed ...18 CO Rovgh Edge Plank.... 15 00 . Wft3tIn'!iaCaygoeo,accordIig t quality...,-. ...15 00 D'es3ed Flooring, seasoned. .13 00 3cs,utl!ut and .Board. comn..l2 00 MOLASSES. V gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhffs..... .. 4 ,. jj, bbls...... Porto Rica. In h flds " in bbla Sugar House, in bjida......... 44 " in bbls Syrup, In bbls NAILS, 1? Keg, Cnt,10d baels.. 0 00 oils, V gallon Jverosena. Ird Linscod... Rosin.. Al..... ......... ...... ....... Deck and Spar... POULTEY V' ; Chickens, livcipnrown..; r... Dpring.............. inxzeyp PEAN UTS bushel POTATOES, bnahel oweei.... ........ Irish, V bbl..... PORK, V barrel- City Meas....;......,4,.......22 r Pihe...... i,.......ie CO Hump.. .......!..... ...17 00 SICE Carolina, lb.......... Rough. bushel............. RAGS, tf- ib Country.J.......j City..... ROPE, f ifc SALT, V sack. Alum.... Liverpoo - 1. 1U'.i. ....... .. ... American ivuiii, Tr 11 ........ . fono Kieo.. A Couce I- v C " Ex C- Crushed..............;........ SUINQLE3, 7 ln.M..... 10 CO oommon.... ................... 2 ua Cyiircss Saps...'....; 4 50 Cvprcca Hearts ' 0 CO STAVES. r M-W. O. B&rrel..l2 00 R. O. Hoarshead. ..00 00 TALLOW, ft...i...J.....i... 4 TIMBER, f M fcctalpping.12 00 O a 69 a o o a a ft 50 It 8; 8' 73 7i 10VjC9 19 a li ' S5 u 10 20 0V an 2 ?J 0C CIS 47 eo 0 a si a (5 00 SS-SC 11 10 vs 90 00 CO 2 10: 75 10 10 00. 014: a 1 (X o a a' ta a a fb a 017 eta so 75 25 95 & 1V.O qq a 1 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 a a n a a ioia 75 75 00 7i 00 t. At Fine Mill. Mill Prime... M1U Fair..... Common illll. ,.11 7 SO 6V U 6W 11 tfc a s 00 a 00 a 7 k eis .00 a t, ten OC 4213 m hi. .- ti S ftC 6 tK 6 60 5 00 tWO OC Inferior to Ord'narr.t.. 0 CO as ft WHISKEY, V gal-Northern. .1 00 ; 0 4 00 North Carolina 00 a 2 60 WOOL.V ib Washed 1 22 Unwashed..........!......... 5 20 Bnrrv I......... 20 0 15 T Wagon etto pOR WRIGIIT5VILLE SOUND, will leave boctherland's SUbles DAILY at 6 P. M. sharp. Rcturrit, wilt lavc Sound at 7 A, M. shirp iune 25Uf T. J. FOUTHERLAND. officii or Dr. 8 C. Ellis, NO. 321 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, op posite Miller's Dru Store. f" ToUs Change of clUre boars, which are as follows 7 to 10 a, ci., 3 to 9 p. ro. .!v sept 20 . " Bed RoomS e ts . LALOiK AND WELLIKLECtED STOCK. UIH5ER AND TEA 8ET3. ' VERY LOW. GILES MUECHUfOVa. oct 13 ' -23 aad 43 Murcblr v BiOf.K. J. L. Vi'INSER, lyATCHMAKER A &ir Chronoa;ctcr, Flue nd Jewelry j JLWELLKS. ' p Watchw Jrel and warranted. " itoi:e Near MarkL Front fet. til 1 fcal hjrti'ai klrH.. I, Oct mi . M m -3 tJisrM "tct itrea t 1 1 V P 'J T tf. . ttr&f ttlS tit It w!St af rf fM irnm. t - 64 1