f -7'. - - ; JL ; - - , ' ' " ' - ' i i i iii j"- - , -. . ! . . I IT LEADS "ALL. No ether blood-purifying medicine is muOfl, or has ever been prepare!, which so com pletely meets the wauLS of physic''" and the general public ss - Ayer's Sarsaparilidu rt leads' the list as a! trul y scientific prepara . ion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk Onnnrtif ing taint of Scrofula about you. UbnUrULH Avee'S Sarsaparilla will dislodira it and cxpet it from your system. For "constitutional! or scrofulous Catarrh, Os-rjiHrm Aveb's! Sarsataejlla is the uAlHanntrua remedy. Jt has cured nun.Lrles cases. I will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges a&d remove the sicken ing odor of the breatii, vhich are indications Of icro'ulous orijin.j . v . Jl'PCDflMC "Hutto.Tex.,Sept.28,lS82: ULvLri U UO "At the age of two years one of "QAnro niv children wzs terribly afflicted CUuo with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck.. At itho same time its eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore. Onnr Ttro Pbvsfcians told us that a pow wUiih UiW erful alterative medicine must emnlove-l. They united in recommending AVi:u"s Sahsaparilla. A few doses pro- "duced :i perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a co-r.picte and permanent cure; No evidence h i since appeared of the existence, of any iCroi'ikaa tendencies; ani no treat-, meut of siiiy discn'.-r was ever attended by mere prompt or elfeetu-U results. Youritruiy, j U, F. Johxsox" PIinPARED BY . i Dr.J.C.Ayep& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. .H 1 lytc4p dAw A 35 2.'1 AVER'S i u&Cixre contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine,' nor anv mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consoqueutly.produccs no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves" the system as healthy 'as! it was before the attack. WE WAEEAKT AYER'S AGUE CUBE to cure every case of Fevtr aiul Ague, Inter mittent orChill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, xfter due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular datei July, 1st, 1882, to refund the mimey. Dp. J.C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. may 231 'Aw. nrm Only j CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE I TO BE IN NORTH CAROLINA THIS YEAR Wilmington, ( Saturday, Oct'r 18. John Robinson's 10 BIG SIIO'S COMBINED -IS OnK. ' Menagerie f Museum ! 3 CIRCUSES. -a IN BISG Esormohs h: EVADED STAGE 100 Men and Horses 100 Employed ! SO CAGES OF I ANIMALS,; 31 Sun-bright Chariots. 12 Separate Kintls of Music. 8 Distinct Bantls. 4 Musical Wagons. Female Bra?s Band." 100 Knights in Armor. ' , FEMALE; SAMPSON - " Oatpulling Elephants ! Tattooed Woraanl Zola Rides a Bicycle 60 fest in Mid-Air. Zenobia hurled from the Catapult Clara Kevolves a Barrel on a Trapeze 100 leet high. Troupe cf English Bicycle riders. A School of Siberian Skntcrs. Til T ffr ttr . x.ijiiv avjij.-v vaiKin2on ttiit8 on a three-quarter iqph wire elevated iuu ieet. AID A dives from' the apex of the can vast, 100 fee: ZLL1A slides from the dome of the canvass byjher teeth. Z12-NATS startling Hair Siide, 350 feet Ciiant Horse. Giant Hoe, Giant Ox, Giant Cow, Giant Women. liiant Man ,! Giant Camel, Grant Elephant, i Three-Horned and Three-Eyed Bovine, Troupe of Zulus. Trouce of Arabs- Troupe of Japanese, Tribe of Indians. Drove of Giraffes; Bengal Tigers, Flock of Ostriches, Hippopotamus, White Bears, Seal Lions, Walrus, Ant Bear, and 1,500 Rare Animals ! 5,000,000 Yard of Canvass, 70 Male Artists, 40 Female Arusts. And more and better features than any - i wo snows combined. Xwv performances. Doors open 1 and 7 p. m. Cheap excursions on all railroads. Admbaion 75c. Children 50 cents. pet H 4t - The Excursion and Pic Nic CE4ON IS NOW OPES AND FERSONS I O vlalunsr ta city .itho Sounds or mHnTlllt?, wxi i nea or irst-tii m wots, wui do wcl- to call no tbeweUkDuwn Rrbcr ni Prrfamer at M& - " shavlr.c ad Mr f re -s!nsr baloon. NO. 21 JJIAHKET 8TUEET w. he will spare no pains kCsiTlajOatl- iicu-nm uome aac : . : C20 The Daily Review The uativ lieview has the lafgest -onalfide circulation? of any newspaper v . Tf1 a . FM Mished, in me cuy or wwmxnqwn FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1884. lr. Eusrene Grissom. Tbis distinguished son of North Car olina, the best jears ot whose lite has been devoted to the amelioration of the condition of the unfortunate insane, although a Republican, cannot support Dr. York lor Governor. His reasons are given in the following card address ed to tjbe Asheville Citizen: My attention (lias been called to an editorial in the Asheville Citizen of Oct. 8th in reference to my refusal to sup port Dr. York for Governor. While a conversation of the tenor of the one referred to did occur, it was with no view of its going to the public. But as if.e fact has been published, and as I have no concealments about the matter. I deem it but just to myself that my reasons for refusing him my support shall also go to the public. As Superintendent of the Asylum, it ha3 been mv duty to look after the leg- lslation aiiecting tne mieresi oi me in sane of the Slate; and because of thi9 fact I know who have been the friends of the insane, ever ready to work for i hem. I also know who have been willinc to leave these poor unfortunate people to remain in confinement in the counties and who have been unwil ling' to give a decent support to those who were fortunate enough to And room in the inadequate accom modation which has lv.the.rto existed, f do uot think Dr. York a fit man for the Governor's chair I Jo not mean anything personally discourteous to Dr. York, tor our relations are not in any sense unfriendly, but in my judg ment he has not the quauhcations lor the high office that he seeks. Nor do I think that his qualifications or his an tecedents are such as to entitle him to the support, even of Republicans. am satisfied with his public course tJiat nciiner utc (jiaricaoie nor n,aucaiw7m,L interests of the Slate would be safe under such policy as has always characterized his public career. As a North (Jarolii.iau, I cannot look at the fact:. before me without perceiving tbat all the material interests of the Staio, her financial condition, her Charitable and Educational institutions, her pro gress rt home and repetition in tho yes ot the country will dl jeopardized by the election of a man qji his antece dents. This is an nnusual crisis: and while I am Dot ambitious of any claims to consistency save in a love for Worth Carolina and the interests of all. her people. I am especially devoted to the unfortunate afflicted among whom the best 5 ears ot iuv life have been passed. Parties on Policies have no value in my eyes save as they may prot ct, not- despoil the people; save as they may guide and not miflead in the path of the Slate's prosperity. Eugene Grissom. Samuel J. TiUlon's JLottor. Now York business men spoke last niiiht tor drover Cleveland, lhe busi ness men's rneetinss at the Academy ruuic became an outpouring ot New Y"urk's bust ciuzens to do homage to the us an who hs ben cliosen to be tuo standard bearer of the Democracy. t o this inJorsement was added more weiiit wr.cn, during the. meeting, the f li'iwit-if hiiter from Mr. -Samuel J. Tilden was read : G K e yton E , Oat, 13, 1884, ."Gentlemen:. I have jast received y"ur letiti on ht.halt ot the iNew iork t reduce ?nd Maritinje Independent Merchants1 Cleveland and Hendricks Clib rn.d leresntirg also several o!h-r classes . I" business men inviting mo to be nrr&ent at the business men's mas-nietwj' to he. held at the Acade my of Music on Wednesday, the 15h inst , in aid ot the election of Cleveland and Hendricks to the offices of Presi dfctit and Vice-President pf the United States.. I regret that the delicate condition o my health compels me to forego the pleasure of joining with you on that interesting occassion. 1 remember gratefully that when it win my duty as Governor to engage Jn a grapple with the Canal Rin?, which then swayed alt the administrative, legislative and ju dicial powers of the State, a majority ot the iical organizations of the dJem' cratic party . and all the organizations of ihe Republican-party, the New York Produce Exchange rallied to my sup port and stood by my side . throughout a prolonged appeal to public opinion ittuil that gigantic power was complete ly overthrown. I cordially concur in your opinion hat the election of Cleveland and Hen- s is demanded by the best interests of the country. I believe that their election will be a substantial victory for the canse of good govern ment ; that it will assure a safe and prudent administration of the Chief Ma2t3tracy ot the Republic in all our relations with other countries: 'that it will restore simplicity, economv and purity to the Federal Government so far as as that result depend upon the Lxecutive; that it will give to business men immunity trom sudden changes ot policy and enable them to repose uc tier ine sneiter ot a stable, moderate and equitable administrative system, free from favoritism to particular in terests or classes and from - the in mrious fluctuations to which such favoritism always leads. Samuel J. Tildex. 1884 Fall and Winter. 1884. i AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OF MY NEW! FALL AXD WINTER MILLINERY JOO s, selected bf me in nerson In the North- ern marketa, to wrA h I Invite attention, such as FtSLTS knd tTitAWS In ail tjreralllmr col ors ant grades; Ostrich Tip. Birds and ii Ings a Me Muea io m t ancy tio as Depart xnenc. on me nrst floor, slice of TABLE ifaxui UEX and MLK HAND nt mnis, wmct mm KG sUmpel with ooe letter, free of chame. r'lr, Aiuiiit.. aida and all the neces sary ina.isrx.i for art -Neflafcwo-k Nt e!r, GIotcj, Hosiary nd Ladies Un - Cespectfolly - , MISS E. KAEItER. oct 10 - Excttaas Comer, BTATJ3 HE78 Weldon etc: On account of 111 health Dr. Batchelor, who has been acting treasurer of the connty, has re signed that position and Capt. Brown ing, the treasurer, bat appointed J. H. Parker. Esq.. who will herealter at tend to the business. Engineer Fettnr. of the Scotland Neck Branch road, resigned his position last week. He went to South Carolina. Capt. Fettner was popular with everybody and his departure was regretted. Capt. George Smith has taken his place per manently and will fill it well. Clinton Caucasian: Duplin Items. Mr. Obed Mareddy will make about 45 barrels of corn on three acres. This is the natural home of the vanilla. Mr. Willie Brock, at Chinquepin, has brought some " less than 50 tons Mr. O. W. Lamb has enough grapes to make 500 gallons wine, hanging in the richest of festoons, with a background of ribbon cane and tall cj press and gunu It reminds one of tropical scen ery. Cypress Creek town9hip is destined to become the richest portion of the county, nnder-laid with tin finest marl, the best timbered, healthy, etc.. and the best of all is, the people have not yet learned to make cotton. Fat horses, hog and hominy, plenty of pota toes, large cane patches, honey and sheep are abundant. It just looks like old times to go down there. ' Goldsboro Messenger: Rev. Dr. arid Mrs. Whitfield celebrated their'silver weddingV last Saturday evening, at their home in this city. The occasion was one of much real enjoyment.'- That two acre field of cotton mentioned by us sometime ago, belonging to Mr. Rufus Itose. of Fork township, ha3 been picked over and the result is a yield of 3,223 pounds, with another picking or two to hear from. -Mr. N. H.Gurly of Fork township, had a miraculons escape from a shocking death about a week ago. He was feed ing his cotton gin when by some means his left arm came in contract with -the saws.causing painful laceration of the en tire arm up to the shoulder. Fortunately the engineer had oceasion- to stop the engine at the moment when, the acci dent happened to Mr. Gurley and only this prevented what wonld otherwise have proven a shocking and probably fatal accident For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost, nothing equals the Mableine sold .at Jacobi's Depot. . t. ftlotice; YOU WILL DO WELL BY calling at No. U0 South Front bc , wnere you will flad line fresh egga, and New Klver Oysters, open and in the shell, received fresh every day. Also Fresh Family Groceries of all kinds cheap for cash, aept vOly W. T. CROOM. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. S KEEP LARGE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS of th city and throngh out North Carolina, which we offer to the fud lie at the LOWEST POSSIB E PBICES School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES, oct t$ 119 Market St., Wilmington N C VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. September 30, 1884. So vessel under 0 tons reported In - this Ust.J BABQUE3. Br Harriett Campbell, C49 tons Granton Alex Spruni & Son Nor Camilla, i33 tons, ST-enEingseo, C ? Mcfe&nc Gerr Maile, 65tons, Nllsen, , Jlelde & Co Gar Verlen, 4'3 tous, Tanncke, . ' ; v K reschau.& Westermann Am Glacier, 312 tons, Isen, - EG Barter & Co BRIGS. Am Mary E Thayer, 277 tons, Uunderhl SCHOONERS. - D B Everett, 196 tons, McLain. . - . . -.--. . Geo Harrlss & Co Cherubim. 99 tons. Shackelford. (ieo uarriBS & uo John A GTlffin, 305 tons, Bice, Geo Harrlss A Co S S Harding, f83 tons, Mel In, . ueo-iiarrisa en ix WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCTOBER 11, 1884. Cottonashore, 1 3,738 ; afloat, 2,095 ; to tal. 15,833. Spirits ashore, 2.541; afloat, 200; to tal. 2.741. Rosin ashore, 88,881 ; afloat, 3.831; total, 93.715. Tar ashore, 1081. Crude ashore, 1,320. RECEIPTS KROII OCT. 1 TO OCT. IK Cotton, 10,843; spirits, 1,210; rosin 7,838; tar, -791; crude, 1,009.. EXPORTS FROM OCT. 1 TO OCT. 11." DOMESHC. Cotton. 2,491; spirits, 537;. rosin, 171; tar, 895; crude, 937. FOREIGN. Spirits. 1.849; rosin; 1.816. ' . North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of doscrtu tlve books ever published about any State. Boston Post. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Beady. 1. The Woods and Timbers or Nokth Carolina. Curtia's, -Emmons, and Kerr's Uota&lcal Reports: Bupplemented br accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, asdlllua- cratea dt an excellent siap or tne etate. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. IL Ik tile coal and Ikox couxnzs or North Carolixa Emmons. Kerr, Laid ley's, Willies', and the Census Reports; sup plemented by full and accurateketcnesof the Fifty six Counties and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth. 425 pn 1.30. soia oy an isookseners, or matied postjald. on receipt oi toe price, by A J. HALE SON. Publishers. Booksellers ajid Stationer. New York Or. P. M HALE. Publisher, Raleljch. N C. sept 29. gY SENUING YOUR LIGHT CoLOKED goods to MONACIl'S tsam Dye Works, 1H Seconl sU aod hirg them mads darker for Fall and Winter wear you'll save the expense ot buying new suit or dress. Ccapleta aid freeh lot dye staff jest received. "ept 15 - r - ' -v i comxratciAij mcwo. WILMINGTON MARKET. October 174 P. U. SPIRITS TERPENTINE Quoted firm at 27 cenu per gallon. No sales reported.:5 :r : - -'r: ROSIN Qaoted dull at 92 cents for Strained and 974 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. ; : , . t CRUDE TURPENTINE -Quoted steady at $1.60 for Virgin and Yellow Dip artd $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted dull. Saks of 300 bales on a basis of 9J cents per pound for Middling and 250 bales on a basis of '9 5-16 cents per pound, for Middling. The following are the offi cial quotations: . Ordinary... ....... ...... 7j tiod Ordinary.......... 8 Low Middling. . . . .... 9 Middling...........;... 9 Good Middling,.....-. 9 9 16 cents DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 927 ba les Spirits Turpentine.. . 107ca3ks Rosin.... 379 bbls Tar...... ...... ...... 234 bbls Crude TurrTentino 101 bVs 3XABENE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith Tille, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell R P Paddison. CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper Smith Tille, Master i Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell. R P Paddison LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Ger Albert Newmanta, 515 tons. Klchman. ealiKl from etcttlii, tept 15 - Nor Barbo, 393 tona, Pedersen, Balled from Marseilles, Sept 10 fcior rer Nord, 5 3 tfns, Wiener, at Stett'n, Aug 0 Nor Emmi Parker, 487 tons, Iarsen, at Gloucesteri Se.ri5 Ger bUna, 354 tins. Schroder, aalied from Livergool, Aug. 17 Ger Express, 276 tons, Fretwnrst, sld from Urerpol Aug -0. Ger Fldello. 876 tons, . Meyer, salle l from Stettin, Aug II Ger Fortuna, 4?8- tns, Leonhard, sailed from Stettin. Sept 8 Ger Godeffroy, 532 tons, Swnlrir, sld from Stettin, Aug 27 Ger Hermann Frledrlcjti. 288 tons, Nlojahr, sailed from Liverpool, Aug 1 Nor Kalllsto, 4S3 tons, Ugland, at Elo Jane rlo, July 20 i Aust Leda, 533 tons, Easher, sailed from Flume July 13. Ger Lonls,8 tons, Schmleter, sailed from Ptettln, eept. 9 Nor Nordenakjold, 96 tons, Abrlbamsen, sld from Montevedla, Ausr 2i Nor Otto, , sailed from Plymouth, Sept. Nor Sldon, S9I tons Jorgensen, sailed from Damburg, -ugl Nor Vifccdal, Fredrlcksen,- .sailed from Archangel July 10. GerDer Wanderer, Struefllng, at ardlff, Sept 13 Nor Hlldlng, 25 tons, Johnsen. at Cdlz, Sept 20 Notice. HANING i-OVD MY INPKREST IJJ THE GEOCERT BUSINESS to C O. COVING TON A ro., I wUl hereafter conduct a strict ly COMMISSION BUSINESS. With thanks for past favors, I would respect 'uliy solicit a continuance of the same. E. P. COVINGTON, Oct 7th, 1884 . 210 Nona Water St oct 13 Iwk 0. 0. Covington & Co , HOLES ALK GKOCERIES, 810 No th Water st., have on hand a fultlme of HEAVY GROCERIES. Orders solicited. Bottom prices to prompt cash paylnc: buyers, oct 13 lwk E,P. Covington, QOMMISSION MERCHANT, SOLICITS consignments of Cotton. Naval Stores and Country Produce. Prompt returns and high eat market prices guaranteed. oct IS A GRAND DISPLAY ! IN OUR- Millinery Department ! We shall open a few more new cases of Trimmed Hatsand Bonnets! e lectedby us personally from the leading Parisian fashions.. While rich and elegant to the extreme. Inspection witf prsve that the geseral effect accords more thoroughly with the siibduedltastes of American ladles than is usually the case with Parisian designs seen in this market; hence our reason for selecting them, with others to follow. In addition to the above we will show full lines of LADIES AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS from tr 0vn work room, which we are confident will not only te found equal to the 5th Are., V N. T., styles, but considerably lower In prices. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. A f nil line of School Hate, School Stockings, School Bags, School Handkerchiefs, c., Ac, at very low prices. No one urged to buy, but come and see, at TAYLOB'S BAZAAR. llOIlarlictOt. IHSCELLANEOUS. AMONG THE AVONDERFUL BARGAINS OBTAINED FROM THE MIL , " lion dollar failure of Rinchkopf Bro. & Co.. were a Big Lot of Men's Suits! which are marked for sale at 6 and $7." You cannot match them for a . $10; then those at $10 io $12 arc fully from $5 to $8-ndpr the price In - ; :i - -r , - r , XU Bulls at $15, $18, $20 and up to $23.50, we hare the largest stock in the city arid antee a saving of from $8 toj $10; Children's Pants at 65 cents, worth $i Children's Suits at $1.75, worth $2.75: i! We have received a large assortment o! All Wool; Scarlet I Shirts, Warranted Medicated, . ; 75 cents, worth S1.50. We assure our patrons that these goods ore much cheaper now thaa regular goods can be had for a, long time, if ever. They are all new and of tho choicest and best make. I - . --'4:.- -" ;,: l THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, - 114 MARKET ST., Oct 13 w, p. si: jfXL'u, i - - HI,', Iff" iarsiui for catJOotruob. mch 13 d&w ly ' fB)AN0 LTUZr-u U .more, COlwr, craaaurj ana pormtuicuuj nui a uyo. a raaxvciivua utcuuuui vra.jiiureu persona rnun &ri eld woman, mads to look rouiur la three weeks. No xaore crar aair Alan ntml rapidly and Utxanantiy. send for deacrtpTe Miwffwnicw.( 4wwwtnuiuj. June 30 ly d t th sat wly eow Benj. W. DaYi8 (Formerly with W. E. Davl& Son, Wilming ton, N. C.) ; -j, 214 Wasiiingtqx St. New York, General Commission Merchant IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ap p!ea, Game. Fish, Terrapins, Egt6' and Chickens- Highest market prices, and prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial Is all I ask Rpfer b - permission to E. K Burrcsi Prcsl dent First National Bank of Wilmington, N.C-; Messrrs J. II Chadbourn & Co., Steam J aw Mills; P I. Bridgers &"0.., Grocers; P. Cum mlng & Co., Grain and Feed dealers; Davis ft Son, Ice and Fish, r . ft Southern Produce a Specialty. oct 1 6m . . ;ti Dress Making. MI 93 IDA I. BRANTLEY. F.IIIONA BL.K nRKstt;KER. respectfully no-ifiea her f 1 lends and tbe public that ehe has re turned to the city and will be pleased to re ceive oders for woik. Creful attention, rood work and" prompt delivery (guaranteed in every instance, i Re-Idence : Kast ide cf Seco' d street between Ann and Nun, No 309 : oct 1 lwk -K M Rev. Daniel MorrelIers Eliilish and Classical School, No. 420 Orange Street, Corner of Fifth. THE TWENTY-FIFTH AN UAti SR5 sion will begin (D. V.) Wtdnesdav, the n8t of October. Information with regard to terms. &c, may be had at any time by calling as above. ' , sept 17 Female School. St. James' Seminary, MISSES EURR & JAMES, Principals, MRS. M. 8. CUSHING, Musical Instmctresa. rilHE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUA L SESSION X of this School will commence on Monday. 6th of October, 184, and close about the third week in June, 18S5. . H Special ODbortonltles for learnlhar the art of Painting In water colors, oil pastel. ftc . will be afforded those who desire ttieir children to learn this beautiful and fashionable accom plishment.. Pupils outside of the School ac commodated with suitable hours lor. learning Music or PalntLoflTi For farther Particulars enquire of the Principals. i Eept 13 First of the Season. AT THE GEM RESTAURANT 1 AND SAMPLE ROOM. - N.Y.BKRF, N.Y.LAMB, CAULIFLOWER, , CELERY etc. The delacAClea of the Season alwivs on hand. WILL WfcbT. oct 15 No. 20 N Front-st 70 Brls Apples fS TO DAI '3 STEAMER, FOR SALE CHEAP. DAVIS A SON Oct 14 ADaalNISTRATOB'S NOTICE, The un dersigned having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of the late Robert S. RadcilfTe, of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the sune to present them on or berore the 10th day of Oc tober, 18S5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of them. Those who are indebted to tte same will please make Immediate pavmentl 4,A ' c ri nix. LARKINS, oct 10 law 6w Mk Administrator Oysters AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT STREET. TTUMPHREY Jk JENKINS keep jul unu jew iiier ana Myrtle Grove Oysters. SentC. o.d. ai. w, uyies, jrears. jreacnes, Northern Cab-"P?- aweet and Irish PotatoesTwblcb " . mm. vxbu lent 23 flfiT.Tl w working class. Send 1G UUliJU tor postage, and we will wVoffn" rTOllTrc start yoY can work all the time or in spare time onhV Tke work la universally adapted SboS VES? young and old. You can eaiuV ra f J nto to $5 every evenlnggitiwb"wan1 SaSllS LVbJ"lBf. wTink? tollS paraueied offer; to all who are not weJUtskthU SJtt!111 tor thl IroubSS fn rortnaea will be made bv thoS MISCELLANEQU8. r.RMIXCCLEI,SBc,;. National Wire & Iron Gc. XOtrolt, , llAKCfACTCSESS 0 HIIcH. Cheesio SaCo. W ira Cloth, AV iro Counter Rxlllass, Wire Blgiu, Cfcflnt Brushsa, Jfetivl A: Opt. I Scrrena, Wnithw V'ne, Stftbl Flxtarea. -Crtinnf. Vire & Iou ir'encca, Iron KeuttrB, Counter Supporu,&c :euttr, Counter Supporu,&c. IO-ilnUou this Papex. fX UTS) book, and testimonials and opinions Ofemlnentca Auuiuk 4. tu nicnoison. murrajsL new Tor Creamery Buttered Flour! JS A NEW PREPARATION, AND ONE of the moat useful and excellent addUons to household comforts and conve lent les that hts been introduced within the past fear yean It is simply a fine branl of Flour, prepaied with salt, powders and batter, and" ready for cooklog exeep log : the addition of milk or water. Those who have tried it eay It It tx cellent and almost ind'spcnslb'e. NO KSKAD 1SG NECE5SABY. A little milk or watet,. little stirring with a spoon, a l'ttle time in i hot oven, and the most satisfactory lcsclts ensue HOT BISCUIT jv JJATTM R CAKES, MUFrl S, and tbe great parifler of a nua breakfast appetite, WAFFLES. ; Prepared soltly by Messrs. ,NIehol3 A Lstracge, of New York, the junior member (f the firm being a' former Wilmlngtonlan and w, 11 known to most of our citizens. The mem bers of this firm being men of IndlspnUbk character and reliability. Induces us to hao die the article and recommend it to our cos tomers. - - . ! . P. L. BBID&EBS & CO. HO North Front 8t. oct IS , Flexible Spies. QUE LADIES SHOES WITH FLEXIBLE Soles are very comfortable to the wearer, fit nice and make your foot look. pretty. L&4IM. tr?apair. So'donlyby ' Geo. II. French & Sons, 108 sorth rnosr street oct IS AH EW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BI acaimmodiited dyrlrg the Winter cor! at reasonable raies. Pkrisant IocaiIcd, go0 aUendraice and the bet tbe market K,.I . Transient boarders accommodated by ww day or week. MB9. ROBERT LKE, 1134 Market istreet, eept 15 lyd Aw ' Wilmington. N- Conoley's Drug Store. 2 IO T MARKET STJBEBT. CAXL AND EXAMINE MYJ0CKJJ new goods, consisting otVrngt, Medicines and Fancy Toilet ArdcJcs- I . afulUloe. Allpureandfresa. Public Speaking. JJON.'k. T. BENnStT, PEMuCEATIC candidate for Congreesln - this .jjpgyS speak at Wilmington. Frdy WlvVt 170i; at Macumbcr's store Harnett Towwa-P. Friday, 17tbt at 12 o'clock. no?n1Mite for Col. J K.fctapks. Deaaraticcand0 Elector at Large, will speak at WVmwgw Tuesday night, Oct. 21st. . didst Gen. A- M. Scales. 1Pe.3lTVn wtl- foi Governor, will speak at Wilmlnjtpn. sesday night, October 22nd. Don't forget to "Jjjes w. KISO, Chairman rent Ex. Com New HanoTer Co. ' OCt 11 " Housekeepers; Attention I TTJ3T TBI E u. juAi

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