- - n KM BiflOd every ,3cpted by ffOSH T. JAMES. gPlT0B ip PKOPKnsTo. ; n-RipTiOS$ POSTAGE PAID: One month, 35 cents. Hoiivered bv carriers free fw P1 ns.rt of the city, at the abo've r3 0 '. ,-ates low and liberaL , . . . 1tCj , JLj will report any and an fall- their paper regularly. Daily Review has tlie largest The circulation, of any newspaper ,.1 in the city of Wilmington. j.jjri is thatwe are giad that wc did op trere ihere. it is i:eiiiuijr.; uiii; uis- ,1 as wc wilked through the long lwub tbb various and richpro dJi0flh3S:ate we teU that we were we were a North The exhibit is indeed a :mdid one, ail that its managers and 'tW,o:3 tiave claicoed tor it. Indeed ft. hV.ib3 not been jet told. - From . wsi to the mountaini there are h. vli"id trophies ot the skill and- lie the we enterprise qi me poopie anu wonflerfnl j resources of our aail ytft with all daubt jit the . exhibit, tx-ei!ent as it if, doe3 one-teath ol ;3-,::ce to the eherjry of the people r the luclions 01 ineotaie. vc wouiu dc i lotto justice in the display if we a!!, but we areuuab!o to do so. It Ciit be sce i to-1 b3 appreciated ana jew, too, with careful, thoughtful, odious eyes. Much can be seen in ca3 day bat there; is enough to employ , ihe lime and attention and the -care of iweefc. Only about one-half ot the coaa'.ie3 in the State make special dis pays and yet, with the result achieed bj these, think wjiat the grand result aEt have baea Had they all combined toaU to the altractiveness of the dis- Ojradvico to everybody is -to go and see this wonderful exhibit of the re sources of our grlfnd old State. Every taar. atd woman in our borders should spend at least one day there. Through the iiberality ol the railroads this can be June a' u trilling outlay. The fare on allot the lines of-jtho Associated Rail ways has been placed at one cent a mile, and tliis is an opportunity which nny not occur again in years. The grounds are to close, we understand, on tie 2S:h. so that those who are going Bast make op their minds to go at once. We met yesterday and last evening in Raleigh, with a number of prominent Damocrats, Gov.'Jarvis, Gen. Scales ten Roberta, Fowle. Mr. R. II. Kitchin and Cap CjI. Kenan, Judge Battle. Capt. W. II . S A. Ashe, of the Aiifs and Observer. With several of i ttee gentlemen we found opportunities fr converse and jfor ascertaining their tiewjon political! matters. Gen. Scales ri Cap:. Kitchin feem particularly fiasuine as to the result. They have tw'.a canvassed the State pretty thor Kjhly and they can speak knowingly. They are sure that North Carolinia-will P Democratic by a largely increased Eiiority over the Bennett vote. And &y think, too, that the 'Presidentia tfket wiil not run behind the State ticket. . f. Judge Fowl,e has just relured from 8Vest, where he ha3 made a number t speeches recently. He seemed much e-ated over the outlook and. told us that -eiecls sure of large Democratic gains is the West. There are four counties, Alexander, Iredell, Rowan and Davie, -lea wil!, he thinks, make an aggre Regain of 1,000 Democratic votes. W other counties, ho says, wil Li0 do welll. in this direction faction. As (or the East, and espec 4I? tie Northeast, which disappointed uSa" s much two years ago, he thinks l-a-tl;e will alsx bo some handsome substantial gains there. The Ben Y tote with which the yote this year "to he compared is considered by , 8 Fowle as the minimum and it is "ni this basis that the rise will be 4idp ir.. -i L. i ii!-e- He doeslnot fear a loss any- J on the Bennett vote and he l there will be very handsome in mqnr crnrlnn c 1 , Tenby's Jlerald publishes two Sh fcl a -v i i y irom UDio.one signeu Dy uoy J1 and tpe other by Senator aartQao. The former simply says that " tooabliean majority is about 10. anithat it i now ceftain lhat.,11 ccr.v.ic Conffrpsnin hivn" been to 10 for the Republicans. Mr rnaan dispatch is as follows : C .MCts' ct- I6- S34.--The bucan Journal this morning gs 10,000 plurality. At Democratic :ll?.AuYr3 !hey concede 9,000. It Il'iw r??I,bo- between 10,000 and 6r '.,1Ile Democrats, have elected W,r on2res3men, a majorityof the 9tjo . J' lluri ta deteatcd by abou h,K nltlou If lh9 Prohibitionists !k,Vne Republicans and the rfitnrn nf sTmaas to the ReDnblicans. with l-aemrralic orSanization in Hamil IJtiS explains the defeat.. The .f,h.0USb, . are not disheart eaa ana will keep up the .,fight to tho Allen W. TxiUEiiAN. evening,.; annoays ex- i. . - , , '- - - - :;, : ;'"'-""-' : . r-- .-. .-;-''? :v " -i. v: T.:f , K .! hi II mx? mmwt vol. viii. Wilmington; n. a; "satukday. octobeii Secretary Chandler has instituted a naval war college. From this it would appear that the course of study pre scribed at the Naval Academy, at An napolis has been found inadequate to the demands of the service in success fully; resisting the onslaught of thejna rauding coal schooners hich infest our coast "and send 6ur best naval - vessels to the bottom ot the deep blue sea. "The truth in masquerade" is Byron$ term for a lie. But it is truth, aad no masquerade, that Dr.: Bull's Cough Syrup cures. coughs an4 colds, and so prevents worse evils, that may end in death. No cure so SDeedv. - LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISE ME WTS. C W Yates School Books liEXXsBKKGEK Latest Novels St.George Aft Andrew's Society - F C Filler Friends jnd Fellow-Cltlz-ns Geo R Fbesch & Soxs They please the adies " . . . ' Register- Register!! Register!!! Day's length 11 hours and 7 minutes. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. - I New moon to night at 17 minutes paft7 o'clock. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 19 minutes past 5 o'clock. There was much of a dullness at the City-Hall this morning. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 959 bales. There were two interments in Beile- vue Cemetery thj3 week, one adult and one child. There were three interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this week, one adult and two children. There were ten interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, seven adults and three children. There was tfo City Court this morn ing, :and no tramps applied for lodging at the guard hous last night. The fllgs on the shipping in, port to day were at half-raasi in respect to the memory of the late Capt. J. F. Gilbert. The Register of Deeds issued fiva marriage licenses thi3 week, ihree of which were for white and two for col oretl couples. i - .' We understand that Mr. Monroe Pe tarson killed recently, near Little Sugar Loaf, in Bladen county, a monster rat tlesnake with 18 rattles and a button. Col. Bennett will remain in the city until Monday when he will go to Smith ville, accompanied by Col. John D. Taylor and Mr. Thomas W. Strange, andwill speak there ou that day. He will speak at Shallottc on Tuesday next and at Town Creek on Wednesday next. To every Housekeeper a gooc substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Our Strategists. The troupe who will perform this most amusing comedy at the Opera House next Tuesday night will not leave here until Wednesday morning, sd that those who attend may be . sure that there will be no "cutting" of the acts, but that the piece will be given entire. ' The Decorations. Capt. Williams, of the Eslelle Day; Capt. Davis, o: the Gertrude L. Trun dy; Capt. Avi-. of the Robert S. Gra ham, and Capt. Foster, ot the Paul P. Keller, kindly tendered the flags of their respective vessels for Ihe decora tion of the speaker's stand, on third street, for the Democratic meeting last night. It was a graceful act on the part of the shipmasters and was highly appreciated by our people. i Capt. Dudley very Sick. , Mr. Eagenc S. Martin received l& dis patch from Gov. Jarvis last night, stat ing that his private Secretary. Capt. Guilford L. Dudley, was critically and alarrniogly sick,-with hardly a hope of his recovery. Mr. Martin, who is a nephew of Cspt. Dudley, left - this morning for Raleigh to be in attend ance on bis sickrelative. Capt. Dud ley has a host of friends in this . city who will learn cf his condition with anxiety and sorrow. Good materials properly porporiioncd which are tha essential requisites in Ready mixed , Paints can. bo best attain- f ed byrusing the NJ Y. Enamel . Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. ' , " "- f UAIiEIGH. Progress of the Grand State Exposition. (Special to Dxilt Be view.) Exposition Grounds.Raleigh, Oct. 18th. The Colored Fair held at the State Exposition this week was quite a success. v ' ; - , The State Agricultural . Society hold their Fair here on the 20ih, 2lst, 22nd, 23rd and 24th insts. , 'The crowd3.are now quite largeW All are pleased and pronounce the Expo sition a grand .success. Personal. Mr. R. H. Murphy ,of Moore's Creek, paid us a pleasant visit this forenoon. Capt. Fred Robinson, who has been quite sick, has so far recovered as to be able to be out and at his place of busi ness to-day. Mr. T. G, Eger. Agent in New York or the New York and Wilmington 1 S. S. Line, is in the city to-day. He is on his way from Augusta to New York. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for he week ending with to-day foot up 9,557 bales, as compared with 8,006 bales for the corresponding week of last year, aa increase this week ot 951 bales. The receipts ot the crop year to date foot up 32.48D bales, as against 29r 934 bales to corresponding date of last year an increase this year of 2,565. bales. The Circus. John Robinson's, boasted big show has come and will soon be gone. It is nothing extra, after all. The street parade wa3 inferior to that made by Sells Bros, last year and, in fact, to any that wo have had here in several years. There were not a great many country people in town, and wc doubt if John Robinson is auy more pleased with the result than those who have attended the performance. In Distress. Tho schr. S. 8. Eardinq, Capt. Mel- vin, which cleared from thi3 port for Philadelphia on the 8th inst., and left Smithville on the 13th inst., has put back in distress, having experienced a heavy gale on the 14th and 15th inst. during which she sprung aleak. She will be compelled to discharge cargo and repair damages before proceeding on her voyage. She is consigned to Messrs" George Harriss & Co. Hon; It. T. Bennett. There was an enthusiastic dcinonstra tion ot the Democracy of the city last night to greet and bid cordial welcome to Hon. R. T. Bennett, the Democratic candidate for Congress from this Con gressional District. Judge Bennett spoke at Macu ruber's Store, in Harhett township, yesterday to a largo and en thusiastic audience, returning to this city in season to'speak last night. The torclight. procession which escorted him to tho stand, conducted by Mr DuBrutz Cutlar, and preceded by the Cornet Concert Club, moved . down Front street to the Purcell House where it wa3 joined by the speaker and the committee of escort, when it again took up its line of march to the speak er'a stand, at the intersection of Dock and Third streets. The stand "was tatGtullv decorated with American flags and banner3 bearing the in scription ot "Cleveland and Hendricks." It was alio beautified by an exquisite bouquet presented to Judge 'Bennett by the ladies of Wilmington. After an inspiriting piece of music by the Concert Club, Col. John D. Tay lor appeared and introduced the speak er to the . waiting and lexpectan throng, in a neat, graceful and appro priale speech. After another piece by the band. Col. Bennett came forward and made an eloquent, patriotic and abie speech, such a3 has been seldom heard in Wilmington. He spoke for an hour and a half to an audience o willing . delighted and interested listen ers, during which he arraigned the Re publican party for its many misdeeds for the last twenty-four years and in such a bill ot indictment as, has seldom been drawn. It was a masterly effort which made the speater many warm and admiring friends and wil be productive of much and "decided good. . ' . :r " ' . Itoyal Work. Mr. John Lobb, 296 Regent St., Lon don. England, Shoemaker to His Roy al Highness, the Prince of Wales and Emperor of Austria, writes that St Jacobs Oil is the only cure - lor Thee maitsm he has ever known, and he re commends it,' also, for foot ailments. . Register now! Delays are danser- NEW ADVERTISEBIENTS. DRY GOODS. 5 CARPETS, . . .T.i .... ' A GOOD GENERAL STOCK OF JUST SUCH GOODS AS ARE NOW IN GENERAL SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED MERE'S SURGES, Stock of Wrars to arrive about the new things. - "Turkish Bath" Soap for all. oct 17 At Rest. The obsequies of the iate Capt. J. F. Gilbert were held at 3 o'clock, this afternoon, at hi3 late residence, corner of Walnut and Ninth streets. Thev were conducted under the iupressive services of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Rev. T. M. Ambler officiating. The Knights of Honor, ot which the deceased was a member, were in at" tendance and escorted the remains to their last earthly resting place at Oak- dale. The pall-bearers Messrs. Mars den Bellamy, S. G. Hall, A. J. Howell, James Quinn, George A. Peck, H. B. Willis, II. G. Ross and Chas. M. Wil- iams. Church Services To-Morrow. St. John's Church, corner Third and Bed Cross streets. Eev. James Carmlchael, D. D. . uector. JNJnleenth Sunday after Trlnltv. October 19,1884 Holy Communion at 7. SO a.m aiorolDfir Grayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 o'clock, v. m. Evenln Tracer at ft.30 o'clock. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streeta. Bev. F. W." E. Tes- chau, Pastor. English Services at 11 o'clock, a. m. tjrermau services at 7.30 o docs, p.m. Sunday School at 3 o'clocfe. a. m. W. II. Strauss, Superintendent. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth land Campbell streets. Prajcr meet ing at 11 a. m o services at night. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. , First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Key. T. H. Pritchard. D. D.. pastor. Sunday Scho 1 at 9.S9 a. m. Services at 11a.m. and 7 30 p. m. Prayer and praise meeting xnursuay night at s o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner Tlilrdaln Orange streets. Bev. Joseph B. Wilson D. D., Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 5 15 p. to. Lectnrc Thursday at S.15 p. m Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Bev. W. I. Hull, Pastor. fcerviccs at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Class nieet ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ng at 7& o'clock. . r Fi-ont Street M. E. Church. South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Bev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p m. Sabbath school at 3 p. ni., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meetmg and lecture Wednesday evening at o o clock, christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at s o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religion b services in Tileston Upper Boom every Sunday at 3 1 M. Jfubiic cordially in vited. . , St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. ni. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pm. Daily Mass at 6:30 a m. Christ Church (Congregationalist)Nun street between Sixth and Seventh. Bov. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. In Memorial Hall, corner 7th andNunsts. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castlo streets. Bev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer, meeting every Tuesday night. ' St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mul berry streets. Morning Prayer on bundiys at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Children's servico at St. Barnabas School House at 3.S0 p. m. Services on Saints' days at 7 30 a. m. and 5 p. m. Bev. C. O. Brady, minister in chanre. Seats free. SLrst Baptist Church, (col.) corner of rifth Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. m., and 7 .SO p. m. 8. S. School at 1 p. m. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil lvdw MARRIED. !TANLANP CRAIG At the retidenre of the bride's father, Mr. J. O. Craig, Xo S13 McRae Rtreet, on Tuesday evening, the 14ib last., by Rev. Dr. Yates, Mr. H. D. ST IN LAND and Mi s LENA CRAIG. OIED. MAC AHTNEY In IBls city. yesterday mcrn ing, at 9 SO o'clock. Mrs. 1DISA MACART NEY, wife of James Macartney, ape 62 years. The funeral ser ices will take place t- mor, row (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence on Seventh, between Dawson and Wooster streets, thence to Oakdale Ceme tery. Friends, and acquaintances are invited to attend. ST. GIOEGI & ST. ANDREW'S S0C1ETT. jJEETING OF ST. GEORGE & ST. AN DREW'S SOCIETY, will be held MONDAY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock 'at the office of U. G. 8 ma 11 bones, foot of Chestnut street, oct 18 It 1L G. SMALLBQNES, Scct'y They Please tHe Ladies. rpHOSE FLEXIBLE SOLE BOOTS. FIT X V. ; ... so nicely, look eo prettily, weir to catily, acd the price eo reasonable. Try on a pair and celtow you like them. Sold only by -t : . " " - -. " ' . -- T Geo. il Frencli & Sons, 1:3 Nor.rn fho:t sx o:t 13 is, i884. no! 249 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -1 OIL CLOTH I DEMAND. TO BLACK SILlvS, BLACK! CASH- I ALMAS, &c, &c. close of Ibis month, embracing all the , - ) , . - ' ; ! R. M. RHcIWTII?E. Real Estate. "pTO USES AND BCILDINU LOT for ale in all parta of ihe city. Cash I or cn the Instalment j an. ; Apply to J aug 30 vJaw 3m at m x D. O'CONNOB, Beat Estate Agent SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. yya keep a labqe supply or SCHOOL BOOKS need by the PUBLIC AND PBIVATE SCHOOLS of th city and through out North Carolina, which we offer to the pub lie at the LOWEST POSSIR E PB1CES. 4" School Supplies of all kinds. I C. W. YATES, oct 13 119 Market st, Wilmicgtoo N C Creamery Buttered 1'lour! i S A NEW PREPARATION, AND ONE oi the mo3t useful and excellent aildliionsto hoiisehold comforts and convecincies ttat - ' . , : 5 i has been introduced within thepastjfew yeais It is simply a fine branl of Flourj prepared with salt, powders and butter, and ready for cooking excepting jihe addition of milk or : -i water. Those who have tried it eay it Is ex .V; '. Ill cellent and almost lndigpenslblc. NO KNEAD ISG NECESSARY. A little mil tor water, a ': . l little stirring with a spoon, a Mtlo time in a hot ovcd, and the most satisfactory icaults esuc-HOT BISCUITS, B ATT Hit CAKES, MUFJ"ISS, and the great pacifier of a man' breakfast aprctite, WAFFLES, jj Prepared solely by Messrs. NlchoTa & Strange, of New York, the junior member cf the firm being a former Wilmlngtonian and will known to most of our citizens. The mem- bers of this firm being men of Indisputable .1 A': - ,: character and reliability, induces us to han dle the article and recommend it; to our cus tomers. . ! ' ' o P. L. BRIDGERS & 00 HO North Front St. OCt 13 :1 A GRAND DISPLAY ! INOUB Millinery Department ! We shall open a few more new eases o f Trimmed Hats and Bonnets! r-- -, j T" Parisian fashions. While rich and elegant to the extreme, inspection will prove-that the general effect acconJs more thoroughly with the snbdaed. tastes of American ladles than is usually the case with Parisian designs seen - i in this market; hence our reason for sctectlng them, with others to follow. In addition to the above we will show full Uses of LADIES AND CUILDBEN'S TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS from ut ncn work rcom, which we are. confident will not only tc found equal to the 5ib Ave., N. Y., styles, but cosslderably kwtr in prices. TAX L.O ll'S BAZAAR. A tun line of School Hate, School Stockings, School Bags, School Handkerchiefs j Ac,, Ac, at very low prices. No cne urgcl to boy, but come and see, at w TAYLOR'S BAZAAB, 118XIarIictSt.si CCt 10 c. . ...... . - '.-.. - wm bet4 try retta coauara'cSoa ..St siuDt of t2e trss; K vict4ct piper. PerscjJiCtJca muit La avoUed.; txx5 lr,&t tSl E.Kint drX jf'Tya B'?0J MISpLLANOUS, S. H . Trl rri b le STOCK AND REAL ESTTF. BROKER and A veUoceer ot General MercbnudlSd ot c T"y UeaTlodon. Office comer Prioress and Vau?r street. crrnly & Mo ilW cKi ntnnd. - c rsonal Aitentlo clren to sale of or x and hl iea at private . sale or At aacton. Con s' troents solicited. faETH it IaVIS, Erpt2j . Au.i'oocer. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. .TUESDAY, October 21st. In J. H. Uavcrly'6 Greatest Success, V OURSTItATEGISTS, A modern Comedy of Error. rvritlvn Acted Just for Fun Usual price rTevall. Becrved Scats on sale Monday, ut Ueinbor ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE Having qualifled as Administratrix upon the c taie of tbe rate Mary P.. Pickett, netlceli here by given to all persons having, claims acalnst iuo wmc 10 present tucm to me onoricrore the 17th October. lfS5. or this notlco will pleaded In bar of a TecoYcry. Those indebted to the same wlil please miike immediate pav mcnt. . MQS. S. J. ' BAKER, Aimx. j October 17, 14 tt Walter Gay Iorv ; with ' ' ' : L. G. CHERRY. (Uary Iiob Old C land) No. 10-3 Noitu Wartcr Street, Wilmington, ' -N. C. - ' , ConelgnmcatJ of Cotton, Naval Stores ml Country Produce of every dlecrlptlon respect fully solicited, j - Advancements made "on shipments in band or on Bill of Lading. - . oct 17. O Board. A 1 J. accommodated during the Winter month at reasonable rates. Ploisant . location, good attendance and tho best the market affords. - Transient boarders accommodated by the day or week. MR5. bORKBX LEE, UV,4 Market Street, sept 15 1yd Aw Wilmington, N. C. Conolcy's Drng Store. 21C MARKET STREET. C ALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK OF new goods, cons'sting of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Fancy Toilet Articles. I Lave a full line. All pure and fresh. Prescriptions prepared with accuracy. ccU J.W.CONOLEY. Lost. YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 13th, between B. Portncr's" Bcpr Depot and tho Mo zart saloon, a BUNCH OF BEYS. A suitable reward will be paid on the return, of same to the undersigned. JpifN TIKNKtCN, ' oct i(J tf At Portnet's, Beer Depot - Luscious and Pat ! R ECEIVED THIS DAY AN- other large lot of those splendid : WTSBEf:BY EV BIVKR OYSTERS, the finest (isrden Oyste.ra that come to the city. Served in any style desired. GEO. F. UEKBKRT, -cctlOlm Star Saloon, 13 Market t. Stores for Kent. . IxrBCIIOUE AND Oi FICKS IT at ovc row ocupUni by Wera U. J".nou fc ' St'-re aaii cfli-cb above .ow occu- tri t - fi Prinvevs pica ny ,. lumc.ODdt.- Eoih on North Water St. ; between aDd Cl-.eetr ut. Ar plyto ang U SUr copy 3t DeUOSSET & CO. Out They Go ! PEOPLE APPRECIATE A GOOD COOK i-VKsucb as the Peal "Farmer". 'Golden' Harvest" and "Parley thcat" For a cheap .vcvetnat Southern Oak" la the leader of the ou:hen Market. , lRTtl-to-Bcat atEire.Door Lap lio&ids. Toilet .-u II nock, at f VHKLU &.TAYLOB. PURE WHITE OIL. oct 13 'FIHENDSAND FELLOW GiIiZF,S: ' TTEAR ME FOB-MTCAUiE A t BE SI- PTr." trtt VA man- lioav " Colognes, Extracts. Toilet and schet Pow ders. soap, Tnrkish ToweJsr Toll.t Cases Full I'.he of Drugs Ac. Prescriptions & spec ialty. At - i T. C. MILLER'S, Oorecr Foirlh an i fun sts auy 11 Latest Novels. YOUNG GIIIL'o WOOING, by E. P. tfs In Cloth only; Price $L53. DR. SEVIER, by George W. Cable in Cloth only? Price $1.50. For sslc&t ! JIEINiBEBGtU'S. Jg LANK BOOKS, PAPES AND ENVEL opes In Boxes. Ytlret Frame all sizes, beauti ful Steel EngravlngsJ and miny new Novel tie, Just received, w Llch ate sold. TCry cbap lIEINSBERGER'Sj oct 15 Live Book and Mcaic Etors. The Old North State Saloon HAi. THIS DAY RECEIVED lot oC th05 celebrated HORSE'S viV GARDEN OTSTB. TliJif aro ter t -on l andare w&rrarled tbe llccst oiter Lrot'sht to tils irla. Cili zn l try tl crt. C-sl L:er 1 f 3 tr;' V.i.: Lf :rs cz : C