T MISCELLANEOUS. THE BEST TONIC; rhls medicine, combining Iron with pnra Vegetables tonics, quickly and completely Cure Drnpeixila Indigestion, Venkncs Juipure Blood, Maloria,ClitlIs nsd l evert, and NenraJda. It is, an unlaihnsr remedy for Diseases cf the l.Mays and Uver. It is invalusblo for Discfisrs peculiar to Women, and all -who lend ed( hbtry live. It doe not inj nre the-teeth, cause headae.hc.or produce constipation othn- Jron mc-Watf '; It enriches and purifies the ltood.itfnit'lio; the appetite, aids the nssimilation of fooj. to vves Heartburn ar.d P khiug, ai d f trenail' the muscles ond nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers. Ijsssitr.de, J-aek o Cuerjr, Ac., it has no equal. jJi The genuine has above trsd.: inw. n:i crowed red lines ou wrapper. Take t otl.-?; iUoklb? BKOTVX IUKHH AL lO BtLTIilOt:!:. 1 uly llldlwly tc2dpnrm Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Iead, Paints, i French Window Glass. GBNCY FOB N. T. ENAMEL PAINT; CO'8 READY PREPARED PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact I that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac torlea of Wetherfli & Co., and Harrison Bros A Co., Is sufflsleat guarantee for their quality and parity. I ' i . fln line of Cooking Stoves at Facto y Prions, la aiditlDa to oar large and f all j HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention larespsct ally Invlied. NATH'li JACOBI, sept J 10 Soath Front St Quarantine Notice QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will li enforced from May 1st to Norombsr 'at, as follow : Pilots will bring all ve-selsfivm Ports south of Cape FeaT to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had an7 kind of sickness on ooard dnrl vr the parage or arrival, and will cause a signal to be eet in the main rigelc.a; ca the port side, as soon 'as pos sible af ter crossing the Bar Io vessel must leave the Quarau tire anchor age, or allow any peraon. steamer or tug boat, lighter, r boat of any kind t- go along el c, unless by written authorlt- Jroin the Quaran tine Physician; and ivery eescl musit be an' chored as tar to the eastward of the channel as U consistent with safety. Regulations gcverniog vessels while in Quar antine may be had on application at the office of thi Quarantine Physician as Smiuivil'.e Applications for permit to visit vessels in Quarantine must be made li Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr.:-eo. G. Thomas, and -oernvts bo obtained will be end rsed by the Quarantine Physician, if. in his opinion, it Ja proper and safe to allow cmmunlcation with Buch vepeeis, A penalty of S- 0 for each and every offence, will be enforceu ag.inst any person violating jtjij of the Quarantine Regulations oi the Port. j , Ww G. CURTIS, M. T, Quarantlna Physician, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. ) (, anltan.a GEO. G. THOMAS. M. D. Consultants. mar I 2am 6m 1&15 First National Bank of Wil- mington, CAPITAL, STOCK. . SURPLUS FUND. . 2AO,O0 Deposit reoolTOd aad sol lections made on all acie-Cble point i lathe Uultad States OIBEOTOBV B. S. 3URRUS5, D. G. WORTH A. MARTIN, J A!. SPRUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. OFFICERS.. B. K. BUBEUSS. . A. K. WALKER ..... m. W. LARK1N3 aol Proeidesv Cashier &wtt Cachler prow Electric Appliance zre sent on 33 Jays' Trial. TO MEN OHLY, YOUriG OR OLD, T UO are satTertajc from Krocs DKBrLrrr. , V Lamr Vitality. Lack or i:ry Fobcb xna Viob. Wactlkc Wiiuwt, tutd all the dlase f Pwhojiai, Xati rk recultiojc f rum acce end .T ex Cacses. SpetMy rt lief .n-t corapie: rc.u. (rwlvii tiiaoTery ct tha Ninvttonth Century. VOLTAIC till CO., UABSHALl. MICH. j f BEFOREV- AND -AFTOTJ f he Daily Review. msn. T. JAMES; Editor & Prop. WII JllINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1884. Entered at the PostofSce at Wilmington, N. C, .t8 second-daas matter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. FOK president: G ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. for vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR : ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR :J CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM Jj. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR : W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. ) FORfATTORNEY GENERATE THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, of Wake. FOR ELECTORS-AT-LARGE: W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL. CONGRESS: R. T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT , ALFRED. ROWLAND, ofRcbesnn. The New York World, in its Friday's iasue,. presents the si'uation of affairs just as it seems to stand now, tbo result otihe election in Ohio and West Virgin i: living been definitely determined It counts up a&followa: isor Clevelanll certain: Alabama, 10; Arkansas, 7; Delaware, 3; Florida, 4; Georgia, 12; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana, 8; Maryland, 8; Mississippi. 9; Missou ri, 16; North Carolina. 11; South Caro- j Iina,9;Tenncsaee, lSjTexa?, 13; Virgin-i iti. 12; West Virginia 6. Total. 153. For Blaine certain: Maine, 6; Mas sachusetts, 14; Minnesota, 7; Nebras ka. 5: New HaniDshire. 4: Pennsvlvs- nia, 30; Rhode Island, 4; Vermont, 4. Total, 74 Debatable, but with a Democratic record and strongest probabilities for Clevflaud: Connecticut, G; Indiana. 15; New Jersey, 9; New York, 36. Total, 66. Doubtful, with chances about even: California. 8; Illinois 22; Iowa. 13; Kansas. 9; Michigan, 13; Nevada, 3; Oregon, 3; Wisconsin. 11. Total, 82. Doubtful, with chauees probably fa voring Blaine: Colorodo, 3; Ohio, 23. Total, 26. Necessary J;o elect 201 electoral votes. The World adds : Although set down as "debatable." there i absolutely hut .slight if any doubt that the Democrats win carry Connecticut, Indiana. iNew Jersey and New York, which with the 153 certain Democratic electoral vote3 of the Southern States, will give Cleve land 219 votes, or 18 more than a ma jority of the ElectcMp.i;Colle2e. But of i he States classified! as doubtful, with about even chances, Cleveland has a fair prospect in Illinois. Nevada and Wisconsin. These would add 36 to his vote, making the total 255 and leaving 146 votes Icr Blaine. Butisitrat all certain that Blaine will carry Ohio in November? In the general election he will be unable to concentrate money and personal exer tion cn that Statu, as he did in last Tuesday's contest. It will not be so easv to make a combination with the St. John Prohibitionists as it was to bring about a lusion with the State Prohibitionists. Many Republicans supported the Republican State o ulcers who will refuse to vote lor Mr. Blaine because of his personal corruptions. A change of 5,000 votes would U.ke Ohio out of the Republican column in Novenifcer. California is more likely to remain Democratic than to turn back to Re publicanism, and Oregon will follow in her wake. So it seems probable that Blaine may be left with about a dozen States after all. This would be a desirable result. It woaM avert all danger cf an attempt to repeat the crime of 1876, and the nonor and character of the nation would be advanced by such a signal rebuke ot official corruption. The Republican party must go if the Republic is to stay. The Xttcs and Observer seems to think that the result ot the elections in Ohio and West Virginia has really been to cook Mr. Blaine's Presidential goose It says : . The fall elections have been a Wa terloo defeat to the aspirations r.f r. Blaine. Iet us seo what was proposed. West Virginia was to be carried and the solid South broken. This was one ot the points in Mr. Blaine's canvass. E'kiDs was to manage it; and be de clared that it was "a mere question of finance.0 Blaine and Lo?an both went into that Stote to arouse the enthusi asm of their friends and papporters. The combined strength ot the Green -backers and Republicans in ejections heretofore came within about 2,000 ot th Democratic strength. Elklns made the fusion and built hopes thereon of success. ' Bui behold the State has gone overwhelmingly Democratic So van--ishes that hope. : - And now turn to Ohio. At the last full vote the Republicans had a major ity of 34,000. Blaine and Logan staked all on Ohio. The National Republican committee piled up its treasure there and spent it with a free hand. In Cin cinnati a thousand Federal , deputy marshals attempted to overawe the people and every artifice was resorted to on Blaine's behalf; but the people, in the greatest poll that ever was cast, have given the Republicans an esti mated plurality over the Democrats of only 13,115. This is a practical defeat. It shows a falling off in the Republican strength of 21,000 nearly six per cent. Tat means a falling away of ore Re publican in sixteen! It shows a Dem ocratic gain of 24,000. On the basis of that vote Blaine's chances are cone. He can hope for nothiog. All the doubtful States will on that basis give Cleveland lartfe majorities. Blaine has nothing to expect, now that Ohio has shown 'that he does not carry the Re-' nublicad party with him. He is repu diated. His election is impossible. The people in the two fall States have spoken and by their voice snow that the public mind is against him. He n already defeated. His canvass is ut terly hopeless. The Plumed Knight is oeaten Farewell, Mr. Blaine! bic transit gloria mundi! OOTOBEU ODDS. Spectator "What is funnier to see than a man's hat blowing off?" We don't know what the right answer is, but wo should say it was two ; men's hats blowing off. "The conductors of the new electric street cars are to be under ground," says an exchaoge. rom this we infer that only dead men are eligible tor po sitions. Boston Post. Courtship in Mexico is called , doing the bear " Statistics do not show whether this reler3 to the growl of the rirPs father, or to the great hugging act. New York Journal. "Here is an article about 'The Land of the Midnight Sun.' :' said Mrs. B&s com. "It ' cn't mean this country, because this is the land of the midnight husband." Drake Magazine. Somewhere in the world there must be great and good men who are posi lively without sin ; but they are ncver heard'of in a political convention ex cept they go there to make the opening prayer. Picayune. "What influence has the moon upon theti-o?" asked the professor. The class wag replied that he did uot know exactly what influence it had upon the tied, but that it had a tendency to make the untied awfully spooney. The Arctic regions are not without their pleasures. The Esquimaux 5 girU are very pretty, dance, sing and d not care for ice cream. Hot drinks! and walrus blubber are their peculiarwvani tie., and seal skin sacque3 are sold at two iron hoops and a tenpenny nail. Boston Transcript. ; - ''Why," he pleaded." our very i cir cumstances bind us together; our sim ilar tastes, our friendship, long ac quaintance " "Yes," she replied, even age couid. bioti us toetner. "What ace, dearest ? he asked. "Mu cilage," answered she, gluemily. AjTfie Resolution ot the Diocesan Conven miuute later, as he paste up and down, the room alone, he realized that his laiiure was gumplete. Life Aver's S.arsanatilla in thft oniokftst cure for all blood diseases. Its effects are felt immediately. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oysters AT NO. 112 SOUTH "FRONT STREET. HUMPHREY A JENKLNSJkeep fresh New Itiver and Myrtle Oxove Ousters. Sent C O. D. Al- bagev Onions, Sweet &ndlrln Potatoes, which we will sell low for cali , , eept 23 Bagging, Ties, Gins, 1 000 EOLLS BACGING.; 3 000 BundleaABiOWTIES Bales Baling Twine, Hall's cotton Glna, Wilson, Child's A Co.'s Wagons. &UNDSIES Yreah Candy, Fresh Crackers, Fresh Cakes, Fresh Cheese. Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Molasses, Meat, Lrd,Soap, Soda, Lye, Powder, fchot, Caps, Case and Cansed G$ods. i . For sale by ; ot 6 KKRCHNER & CALDEB BROS Furniture. JKW STOCK rOB FALL TBAD&, ;. ABBIV1KQ EVEBT DAT Manufactured express for this market. New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of Jew and Fash lonsble Goods, all made this svson. D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street oct 15 NATIONAL MILLS. All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOK MEN BOYS. A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JIO. J TT"RTl"P TCMT 1w w v : ja ji ill, JLbXyJA Ct 4 Appointments by the Bishop of East Carolina. FALL TISITATIOX 1884. Oct. 19, Sunday, Point Caswell. Oct. 23. Thursdar.M. P.. S. SUsDhen's Gotdsboro. . . Oct, 24, Friday." S. Barnabas, Snow Oct. 2G. Sunday. S. Mary V, Kinston. Oct. 27.a Monday, Holy innocent's Lenoir Co. . ; . Oct. 28. Tuesday, M. P.. S. John's, Pitt Co. Oct. 28. Tuesday, E. P., S. Michael's. Pitt Co. " Oct. 30, Thursday, S. Paul's. Beau fort. . Nov. 2. Sunday, M. P., Christ Church, Now Berne. Nov. 2, Sunday. E. P.. S. Cyprian's, New Berne. Nov, 5. Wednesday, E. P., S John's, South Mills. Nov. 7, Friday,. M. P.. S. John's, New begun. .. Nov. 8. Saturday, M. P., S. Joseoh's, Camden C. H. Nov. 9, Sunday, Christ Churcb.Eliza beth City. Nov. 11, Tuesday, M. P., Holy lrinuy, iiertiorav . Nov. 12. Wednesday. Woodvillo, Perquimans; Nov. 14, Friday, M. Gatesvilie. Nov. -16, Sunday, S. S. Barnabas, P., S. Mary's, Peter's, Gates Jo. Nov. 18, Tuesday, M. P., S. John's, Wmton. Nov. 19. Wednesday, M. P., S. Bar nabus, Murfreesboro. Nov. 22. Saturday, M. P.. Holy In nocent's. Avoca Nov. 23, Sunday, M. P., S. Luke's, Washington Co. . Nov. 23, Sunday, E. P.. Grace, Plymouth. Nov. 25. Tuesday, M. P., S. Paul's, Edenton. Nov. 30, Sunday. Convocation, S. David's, Scuppernong. Dec. 1, Monday, M. P., S. Andrew's, Columbia. Dec. 4, Thursday, M. P., Grace, Woodville, Bertie Co. Dec. 5, Friday, M. P., S.Mark's Roxobel. Dec 7. Sunday, S. Thomas', Wind sor. Dec. 9. Tuesday, M. P.,Zion Church, Beaufort Co. , Dec. 10. Wednesday, M. P., S.James Beaufort Co Dec. 10, Wednesday, E. P., Pantego, Beaufort Co. Dec. 11. Thursday, M. P.. S. John's. Makelyville. Dec. 12, Friday, Swan Quarter. Dec Bay. 13, Saturday, M. P., Juniper Dec. 14. Sunday, S. George's, Hyde Go. Dec. Dec. 15. Monday, Fairfield. 19, Friday, M. P., Aurora. "Dec. 20, Saturday, M. P.. S. John's Durham's Creek Dec. 21, Sunday, Trinity. Chocowin ity. ' Dec. 21, Sunday. E. P., Haw Branch Dec. 22, Monday, Vaneeboro. Dec. 23, Tuesday, S. Paul's, Green ville. Dec. 25, Thursday, (Christmas) S. Peter's, Washington. Dec. 28, Sunday M. P., S. Thomas'. Bath. Dec. 30, Tuesday. M. P., Jamesville. Dec 31. Wednesday,! M. P., Advent; Williamston. Jan'y 1. 1885, Thursday, M. P S, Martin's, Hamilton. Holy Communion at all Morning Services. " -Collections - for mocesan Missions. . A opportunity may offer tho' children will be catechised. 'I he BteLbp requests that in accordance with tion, arrangements be made in each parish tor a meeting of the Vestry with the Bishop. White Cypress and Yellow Pine BLINDS AND D00BS, Guaranteed as good as the best. Moulding, Brackets. Balusters and Orna mental Wood Work, oct lG PARSLEY & WIGGINS. Conoley's Drag Store. 21G MARKET STREET. IALLXnD SIX AMINE MY STOCK OF j new goods, consisting of Drugs, Patent Medicines ana jrancr Touet Articles, i nave a full line. All pure and fresh. . Prescriptions prepared with accuracy. oM . J. W.CONOLET. At Cost I QVER 600 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST to clove ont. Also, a large stock of Plug and Smoking Tobacco at very low prices,., from the Best Fartorles In Virginia. Cigars and CigaFettes By the mlllilon. at the Office of CAPE FEAB TOBACCO WORKS, sept 15 tf No. 133 North Mirket 8U For Sale. A Job Printing Office, in GOOD CONDITION. LIBERTY PBE&S. 0ver 100 Fonts Type.z: APPLY TO JOSH. T. JAMES, Wilmington, K. C OCt 8. MISCELLANEOUS THE GREAT GER! REMEDY: FOR PAIH. RUtm a4 cum BIIEU3IATIS3T, i Neuralela, . Gciatica, Lttmbsgo, CACIIACIIE, ; SORE THROAT. , qczxst, bttxixtsos, : SPRAINS, I Sonnst, Cotvlraitj, . . . FROSTBITES, nurtN.s, SCALDS, A4 an otter kodll aetM , ana pxaa. nrn CISTS l.BDTTll. 1 " SaM hf tit Dntririi id j PaUars. IircctMMM la 11 Unoara i - - j BalUaMtv, KC, U.S. A. 29irdw. 1 -. us IW CASH To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine. Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit Is to guarantee the payment of the 25 premiums fully described in our former announccnlents. . j Th rromlntn tHll Vx rvnld nr muttpr hniw mail we numoer oz Dags returned may ue. OJle BlaekwdT Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, If. C ifay 10, 1884. i P. A. "V5TLEY. Esq., r - f please place on Special Deposit to pay premiums for our empty tobacco bags to be returned Deo. lth. Yours truly. J. S. CARR. President. i CJke of th4 Bank of Ihtrham, j T Durham, if. C.,llay I0,lS84.f i J. S. CARR, Esq.. . -i FrtH. BlaekvttTt Dtrrham Tebacoo Co. Dia 8m: I have to acknowledge receipt or 110.00 from too. -which we have placed upon Special Deposit for tne o Kone erenuine withottt picture of BULLcu the . package. fafSoe our other announcements. septl nrm JUSTi OPENED ! -AT- 1. 1. KATZS, 116 PJJarket St., Aii Entire New Stock -OF- F ALL AND - ' WINTER GOODSi BLACK AND COLORED SILKF, . RHADAMES. ARMOURS, BROCADES, SATINS AND SILK VELVETS. ! FRENCH DRESS GOODS- OTTOMANS, TRICOTS, ! SHUDDAS, CASHMERES. - : ! !il ' i FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Qualities and Shades. Ladies' Cloth and Flannel " -I 1:1- - . Suitings. 1 A SUPERB 81 OCK OF M INCH GOODS, eomprlstrg every Grade and S hade. LADIES' DOLMANS, j NEW MARKET, j H cloth and Jersey ! WALKING-JAC KETS. 1 t O !.;- Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES' AND CHILD RENS UNDERWEAR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND F0RNISHIN8 ' 600DS. .f; : Table and Piano Covers, ' ' Smyrna Bugs,' Cretonnes, - h linen Damasks, Towels, Napkins, White Goods, every variety, r Embroideries, Ribbons. Laces, Hosiery, Gloves,! , . 8taple and Domestic Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac u - 1 All of the above have been boutht dnrioir the present panic in prices, cheaper than ever before known In the history of Drr Goods. and If my kind patrons will cal'j GOOD MA jfiWALS ana xxW PRICES will do the selling. -i " . - M. M. tCATZ, - 116 Market St. W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. :-' Oflce 8. E. Cor. Princes and Water St. 3a 7 . mm pi ii iii.li n t iii i ft i t i Company. oa. N. C iept, :o. i;H Change of Schedule. J I wSlst un, xl 4rAuiw MATLASDEXPirrv DailvexMmt At,.. '-l Kg. No. 2. 5 Arrive Raldeh au... ? ?. . . ) Arrive at Wilmington tuV.lSi 2?T! P ) designated la itriLli SHELBY DIVISION, PASSKV , lPTTmrJ rr raw ; Dally except SundajK no. s. 9iT!o.J.t f i j Ko i Leave Shelby , '' lHO:4 ArrIChVlotl;:C:.V5p-! Triina No. 1 und e m t- " r jixjiw at auciuv. ,,7" AtlanU and all points Sontw.., L. C. jnv F. w. riimrci ?EFs sent 20 I - Wilmingtoxi & Wel& Railroad Company. OrnuB or Qexz&xl SursaiKTiaiDrxr I Wilmington, N.C, May 9, isst- t Change of Schedule. AN AWT) A Ir'PTPT? .TTTf V 1fv JA. M., PasscEcerTraina oa the ivik- j DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS W NOS. 47 NOKTH XJfD 48 SoCTD. Leave W Ihnington, Front St. Dcpt. P 00 A Arrive at Weldon....... 135 jr Leave Weldon;...... ikp Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St.D'pt, test. Fast Through Mate. & PassexgmTu, Daily No. 43 south. Leave Weldonl.'.l..... ..... ... . s Arrive at Wilmgton,FrontS.t. D'p't liiCf.i MAIL AND PASSENGEB TRAI5 Dll No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington 8.35 P i Arrive at Weldon....; .. J5 3 Train No. 40 South will stop only it W!kJ Goldaboro and Maimnlla 1 Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Eocif Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4JS i M. Dailv. iSundava cir:itplv nt-J leave Tarboro at 3 P. 3L and 10.00 A Jki Ihi Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Ratal to. Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. 4L E inminc leave Srn'Und KV.-W . a i dally exonct Snndav. . Train No. 47 maJte close conteo& xVp don for all bolsta Nnrih h,iiv k .v, Richmond, and daily except Sunday rU u Train No. 43 mis dallv und TrmVAAfiAu nection for all Points North via ElchmotdiJ WaRhlnrton. I . : . . - I mi trams run soud between WPnuagtaif tt attiuugkun, miu uavo x-uuman r&uoe til Eer coach will be attached to local frelgLtlrJ ig Wilmington at .6.55 1 A. M. DsAlj errf ouuuay. . , JOHN F. DITO.T, '1 General Superlntendc; T. M. EMERSON, Genera;. ?asBayer Att julV 15 -1 , r- : WilmMgtoii, Colnmli & Annista R. 11. Co. Ojtzox ov Gi3nXAiv StrrEErrrrocrrr. ' WlTralhgtoii. N. C. Joly 11.154 Change of Schedule. rN AND AFTER JULY 13th,' 1. 1 J 9X0 A. M., the f ellowmg Paseeaiar s Uie wiu be run on uua roaa : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAUjT-5 Leave Wilmington.. - Leave Florence. ........... Arrive at C. C A A. Junction...... Arrive at Columbia -Sr! Leave Columbia... ,r2s 1 I4jave a, C. & A,; Junction... Leave Florence.. YStit Arrive at Wilmington... - u) Nioht MAttAjro pass won Taint, ' NO. 40 win. J Leave Wilmington 1,0'lL Arrive at Florence..... U3 MAIL AND PASSENGEB TRArS PA- S' No.iSEast. . .V Tmva riarptirti at "r i' :r:icsM Arrive at Wilmington Train 43 stops at all Stations. .a no. 40 stops only at a iemmw. "lTm i Paasenirera for Columbia and tU PC'-- TJ A C. IL 1L, C, A A.R.R.SUons, tlon. and all points beyond, shoulia . 40 Night Express. - taai Separate Pullman Sleepertfor Attf-i Train 40. .fc..utar. - iiitM'Mmti utn TMitveen Char i an A (Ma&0 mm awv 1 Wilmington, i , . aic. Local freight leaves WUmlcrton 1M J ceps sunaay at 7.uo a- zt: .t nrvLS. l . T. M. EMEESON, General Paasetwtr-M5 July li Cleveland & Hendricto; Blaine & Logan!! JACKSON & BEIi-,! THREE ITICKBTS for the PEOfi The first two ticket fi People. anything and everything tW w I 1 .1... nli.nn fir UftU JU Hit? Biijt irnillHiy. nuimy w MondaV AND ALL THE WEEK YuU wU .j ' . . 1. peache' i large cona,gnxneiii3 - - Chickens. Eggs SfJoP. ta must b sold c Ttc Live Grocer j Throuirh Sleentair nr Charlotte finl Kalelh and ChrVtJci JTake Train No. 1 for SUtcsvilK". 1 Western N ORE, AaheviUe and Su Vj ept 15