septed by 'jOSH T. JAMES, spiroa aw FBoranrroB. . . -pilTiaiS postage: PAID: 4.00. months, t2.G8. Three rw .vcJ $i.oo; One month, 35 cents. atncr win be delivered by curriers free e psp any part of the city, atthe above 'o cents per week. r c-slng rates low and liberal, ubrlbers v-ill report any and all fall- cetve their paper regularly. r if fT The Dnily Review has the largest .rh circulation, of any newspaper '';'th d in the city of Wilmington. John's latest appeal i$ thai 0? ;,c5liii. - - - ,. ,or,e Wiiliam Curtis will speak for land in Brooklyn this week. The new t ,ii well in Pennsylvania , at the rate of; G, 000 barrels a day. Gen. Rosencrans is up in Michigan , - in ' Democratic doctrine to.hi3 for-mradea-in-arms. - John Ktliy promised Governor CIeclsndihat Tammany would give jji'fl, fifty thousand voles.- A loiter iioin Fremoot, Ohio, says: Rutherford U for Blaine, but Lucy is J,;.- her best for St. John," . The Italian Consul who absconded fwai Baltimore lett behind 24 suits of c; tits 5S whirls and- six oyer- C0V.S. The Independent Republicans of the East declare positively that if the Dem ocrat marshal tbeir own forces with spirit and skill, Blaine will be beaten bauiy. Desperate efforts will be made by the Blaine managers to carry Virginia. Tennessee. North Carolina and Florida. They are beginning to lose hope of Sew York. ,, A portrait of the late Hon. Charles J. Folger, - Secretary of the Treasury, painted by Mr. Eastman Johnson, has been purchased tor tho Treasury De partireiit. - Tho number of Quakers in the United States is puf ('own at 100.000, but not o.vr ; a:t r.i' them are square Quakers. The rest cheat in horse trades and wa ter their cider. Thfi internal commerce of the United Siate3 surpasses in value the foreign commerce ol Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia. Holland, Belgium and Austria combined. The Blainites acknowledge now that to keep Ohio in the Republican column in November they will have to repeat their bulldozing tactics and , spend not less than a half million more dollars. Professor John II. Hewett, of Balti more, is said to be the oldest living graduate of West Point. He is eighty cine years of age, and was a member o! the class that was graduate;! in 1818. Oaeol St. John's electors in Nebras ka is said to have absconded with $27, 000 carefully borrowed from friends in church, Sunday school and temperance circles. Still St. John will not with draw. Gen Parsons, a Maryland Greenback tader, has exposed Ben Butler as a de wy duck for Blaine, managed and paid by the Republican Committee No honest laboring, man need be duped into the support of such an old' fraud. Carl Schurz has written to the New Port Independents: T regret to say I ee no chance of a visit to. Newport daring this campaign. My time is taken up in New York, Connecticut aoJ New Jersey almost to election day." Louisville lost: Frank Hurd re ived more than five thousand ma frniyin October, '82. Tuesday he as defeated. He is a man ot abiilty a3d personally popular, but he has Ke off on the free trade,- and 'that's ' there is about it. Another electric girl has been discov ffd in France. . Her name is Angel- ; tue ottin, and her peculiarity consists lB throwing about furniture. When s sits on a chair, and several persons a5'd it tight, the chair is hurled from liieft hands and broken to pieces. . . , . The enterprising proprietor of a li- l-r saloon has at last introduced gen- c ce English barmaids in New York. The girU have been at work for several aJs, and the result is so satisfactory it is said the custom will be en- er followed in the Broad way places. Uasband Langtry has bsefl heard iroci as the possessor ol a new and Pretty lifeboat-rpossibly his proportion cf the profits from the American tour 'Q which, he did not immediately take wt. lie is an enthusiastic fisherman wild-fowl shooter, and spends his "13 in boating about the Channel. A-Jr,utfl has a quiet breast," says racf b.ard' but hen the breast is T7 e . Wltn a cough it cannot be quiet. t a bollIe of Dr-Boirs Cough Syrup. i, C0Sh it will stay, the soreness al- a 5aJDVou,u bless BaU for many- r 1 w j ! - . '''' '' . . i ' VOL. VIII, WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER A Tennessee State Senator numed Swafford, who had previously killed several men, was slain the other day by a man named Hudson, who also has the blood of several other fellow creatures upon his hands. The legisla tor was "under tho influence of liquor" when sent to his dread account. A German test lor watered milk con sists in' dipping' a well polished knitting needle into a deep vessel of milk, and then immediately withdrawing it in an upright positiou. If the milk is pure, a drop of the fluid will hang to the needle ; but the addition of even a small portion of water will prevent the adherence of the drop. I come here volantarily " said Mr. Daniel McSweeney on Saturday last, as he stepped from the steamer, "to tell my countrymen how Blaine treated me when I was locked np in an Irish iail." Exactly, says the Boston Pilot, and there is more solid ar2ument in those words than all the "explana tions" of tho Blaine stumDers. Cincinnati Jewish circles are much agitated in consequence of the marriage ot a Unitarian minister to an Israelitish lady. Thtf groom failed to get a divorce in Ohio, but procured it in Dakota, by some wildcat process. His discarded wife and children are in Germany. Rajbbi Wise officiated at the ceremony much to the scandal apparently of the bride's relations. Lights o London. - "My mother," writes Mr. Reg. Whitney, 161 Odessa Road, Forsets Gate, London, England, suffered with rheumaii?m intbe hands and louml great relief in the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which has a world-wide reputa tion as' a certain cure for rheumatic complaints." LOCAL NEWS. IRQEX TO MEW ADVERTlSiM EtiTS. G W Yates New Goods Heidb A Co Crew Kotlcc Jcs 0 Hill To the Public H.KIN8BKKGEK Latest Novels J W King. Chm'n $103 Reward S II Manning, Chm'n $150 Rewrd F C fiULLKR Friends nd Fellow Citizens Register' Register!! Register!!! Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f Col. Staples goes hence to Newbern where he will spta's to-morrow right. Suitable- Underwear is for sale at Dyer's, at very reduced prices, and are going fast at Dyer's. f The weather this morning was very threatening and it looked ranch as if a storm was right upon us. See that each voting place is supplied with Democratic tickets with energetic men to take care of them and distribute them. Yesterday we were placing the ma joritity in New York a: 90,000. Recent, reliable advices cause us to advance the figures to 120,000. Gen. Scales, Col. Staples and Mai. Einger left on the 8 o'clock Northern bound tram this morning. Col. Staples will speak in Goldsboro to-day.- . j The next entertainment at the Opera House wiil be on the nights of Oct. 3 1st and Nov. 1st, at which time Ford's Comic Opera Company will aDpear. 13 there a white man in the city of Wilmington who will fail to take up the gage of battle thrown down last night by the Republicans? Register now ! ! ! Do any of Vour friends, the enemy," want to .bet on New York State? If so, we are requested to state that they may be accommodated and that edds of five to four will be given. What do the white men of the West think ot the race issue which the Re publicans of the EaM. are seeking to precipitate? Let them answer on the fourth day of November. The Republicans seem determined to precipitate a conflict of races, as was too plainly manifest by their infamous con duct last night. To tfie Democrats we counsel forbearncc, nrodcration and a self-protection. Ballots are a safeguard against bul lets,, but resolutions are worth little against rocks. If the Radicals carry North Carolina, last night's outrage will be a mild thing to some things that may occur in the near future. There is one way in which the white people of Wilmington can show their indignation at the outrage perpetrated last night and that way is through the registration books and the polls.' ; Reg ister! Register!! Register!!! - " The Democrat who tails to. register and vote at this election not only fails in hi3 duty to his party but really gives aid and comfort to his enemies. Fur thermorfc. he actually endorses, by his passivity), lart night's outrage. If there is a white Democrat in Wil mington who fails to register and vote ectton, even if he has to drag there on his knees, he is a lost There is no political redemp- at this c himself sinner. tion for hira either here or hereafter. It is evident thai the outrage of last night was premeditated. There was no accident about it. It was designed. This is proven by the fact that the line of march of the Democratic procession was changed three times yesterday af ternoon expressly to avoid any collision. Who is responsible? We hone, that thepre3s throughout the State will insist upon committees being formed in each voting procinct to bring out the full Democratic vote and in the country let thoie having teams carry their poor neighbors to the polls, as many who are compelled to walk may feci tempted to remain at home. The Democrats of Wilmington haye been very fair and have treated the Republicans alwavs with singular forbearance. If these kindly have been broken it is not the relations fault of the Democrats and if some body gets hurt the next time rocks are thrown it will not be the - Democrats then. The Outrage Last Night. i Last night while Gen, Scales was speaking; at the stand on Third street, the Republican procession moved from the stand at the intersection of Market and Frorit straet3, where Col. Dockery spoke, and in express violation of the agreement as to routes made yesterday between the Democratic and Republi can committees, moved up Princess street. This was evidently done with the viewjof annoying, in some way, the Democratic mass meeting then in pro gress in front of the City Hall. As the crowd, which seems to have been composed almost en tirely of colored men and boys, reach ed the intersection of Third street with Princess:, the Democrat were assailed i with groans and yells and a volley ot rocks was fired at the stand. Two of these fell on the stand, one of them striking Col. John N. Staples full in the chest but without, fortunately,inflicting any injury. It was known at the time only to those who were on the stand that the rocks had been thrown and the gentlemen there are entittled to much credit for their coolness and self-possession tor they did not make the fact known to the people in front until the Radicals; had passed on Lp the street. But for this there wonld doubtless have been a terrible conflict. This infamous outrage has been the subject ot much comment on the streets to-day, and the indignation of the white people baa been very great. It is im possible, of course, to identify the au thor of the outrage, although rewards have been offered by both the Demo cratic and Republican committees. The procession, after it left the' stand on Market and Front street, was under the charge of Jos. C. Hill, one of the marshals, and he publishes a card in this issue regretting the. affair and declaring that it was all the result of a mistake in taking the wrong route, not alter the This may be but it does tact that and that the outrage was commited the Republican party in this city are responsible for this grots and infamous assault, although they do not hesitate to express their regrets that it should have occurred. We do not at tempt to fix the blame on any individ ual, for it belongs to the party, as a party, and not to ono or two persons. Possibly .he scoundrels who threw the rocks were but manifesting by their actions, the venom which Oliver II Dockery (expressed with his lips on the speaker's stand. A committee, consisting of Cols. D. K McRae. J. L. Cantwell and F. W. Kercbner. was aDDointed to notify the reputable leaders of Ihe Republican party that a recurrence of the outrages of last night might lead to difficulty and that they would be held responsible. The committee have addressed a com munication to Sheriff Manning, Chair- i. man cf the jUounty Republican Com mittee, in which they haya calmly and dispassionately stated the case and at the same time have given positive as surance that a repetition would not be cfidured. Capt J. M. McGowan has got a nun dred pound turtle on hand for soup to morrow and .hef wants everybody - to kdovf it. . Hence thenco tears. 1EI1V. General Scales. The Democratic canditate for Gov ernor of North Carolina. Gen. Alfred M. Scalep, arrived in the ciy yesterday morning to fill his engagement here last night. At the appointed hour tLc distinguished gentleman was escorted to tho speaker's stand on Third street, in front of the City JIall by the different Derabcralio organizations of the city, proceeded by the Cornet Concert Club, whose jnu&ic was Buperb. There was a large throng in, attendance, many of whom were ladies. Col B. R. ''Moore introduced the speaker to the audience in a neat and appropriate speech. Gen. Scales1 speech was a grand ef fort, in which the proud record of the Democratic party, as it has labored zealouly and earaeslly for the prop erty, honor, education and moral and social advancement of tho whole peo ple cf North Carolina, was held up to view in such clear and .brilliant light that all might read and understand. On account of the recent serious acci dent which befel the speaker in the mountains ot the West, he was obliged to speak while seated for most . of the time but there were moments when, he rose, inspired by his theme, and poured fourth strains of eloquent oratory, convincing argu ment and unanswerable logic with intense fervor. It was a speech that lent home to the hearts and convic tions of men and the people of Wil mington felt justly proud ot the gallant standard bearer of tho Democratic party in this fight and felt assured that ho would lead them to a splendid victory on the 4th of November next. At the conclusion of Gen. Scales' speech, Maj. S. M. Finger, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, was introduced and made a brief but interesting speech, mainly upon the educational interests of the State. He stated that his county of Catawba was good for 1 500 Democratic majority and that when he should go home and tell his people of the indignities heaped upon the white men of Wilmington last night, tho majority would be increased to 2.000. Col. 'John N. Staples then made a few remarks which closed the public speaking for the occasion. After the speeches had been conclu ded an informal reception was held at the Mayor's office, where many of our citizens paid their respects to the next Governsr of North Carolina, General Alfred M.Scales. The General left here this morning for Duplin Roads, Duplin county, wherehe speaks today. Before leaving he expressed himself as highly gratified with his visit to our city. Death of Capt. Dudley. It is with great regret that we learn of the death, at Raleigh, this morning at 11 o'clock, of Capt. Guilford L. Dudley, formerly of this city, but Pri vate Secretary to His Excellency, Gov. Jarvis, during his entire administra tion. He had been sick for some months and had gone West with the hope of.a benefit which he did not ob tain. Recently be became worse and bis nephew, Mr. Eugene S. Mar tin, of this city, Yisitcd his bedside. He improved somewhat and Mr. Martin was enabled to return here and he was not known to be in immediate dangerwhen a telegram arrived hero to-day from Gov. Jarvis. announcing bis death. Mr. Martin will go to Raleigh tosnightand will return with the remains to-morrow night. Capt. Dudley was. we think, a native of Wilmington, add lacked but a few months of being 60 years of age. He was an officer, at one time ofthe Third N. C. Infantry and was afterwards "an A. Q. M. in the Confederate service. He was a higbsouled, genial gentleman, and we verily believe had not an enemy in the world. The new3 of his death has created a feeling of profound grief throughout the entire community. Exports Foreisro. ' Norwegian barque Ino, Jonjassen, cleared to-day for Glasgow, with 1,500 casks spirits turpentine and 733 barrels rosin, vaiueu at i,&J4. snippea oy Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Cj. Brig Lizzie Wyman. Gaul, cleared for Barranquilla, U. S: C. with 219,305 feet lumber and 20,000 shingles, valued at $3,354.50. shipped by Messrs North rop & Camming. Schooner Vineyard. Ifeosebrook, cleared for Port au Prince, Hayti. with 180.000 feet lumber and 77,900 shingles, valued at $2,C33 62. shipped byjMessrs. Northrop& Cum ming; inaking a total of exports for eign amounting to $37,523.12. 1 ": Register now! Delays tre:ianger 23, 1884. NO. 253 Personal. Mr. John Werner left last night fcr Raleigh to attend the Exposition. Hon. R. R. Bridgers, of this city, and Dr. W. T. Enne,tf, of Burgaw. were registered at tho Yarboroucli, in Ral eigh, on Tuesday. . Col. H. B. Short was in tho city to day, having just; returned from New York, whom he bad tho goo-J; fortune to hear Henry Ward Beochcr and lien Builer. Col Short is in ; excellent health, but his love for ihe widow But ler is not profound. L; To Bo Rejrrettedj A te'egram received in thi3;citv to day lrom Maj. Sttdman and Judge Faircloth, at Wadesboro, cahcels the appointment announced by them at Smithville on. Monday next, because of their inability to get I here. This is to be deeply regretted as Brunswick coun ty needs speakers. The people there are very apathetic and need rousing. Mr. J. J. Gay, of Pfco?nix, who was in oar office this attercoon .represents this need as a very pressing onejj and e hope that it will mcst with due consid eration. , I Possum Hunting. Messrs. James Barnes and G. F. May, young men living in the vicinity ofthe National Cemetery, have been quite successful as 'possum hunters du ring this month. They caught three fine ones last njght in tes3 than two hours time and have caught 19 thus far since the. month came in. 'Possums are nice and fat at this season of the year, and when properly baked, with sweet potato accompaniments make a dish which many delight in. ; A collision was avoided last night, not by the forbearanco of tho Demo cratic throng, but by the cool .and wise policy of tho3a on the speakers' stand. It was not until after the Republican mob had passed that it was known that missiles had been thrown. Had that fact been known to the listeners, a col lision would have been inevitahlo and beyond the power of any one to prevent. Good materials properly por portioned which are tho essential- requisites in Ready mixed Paints can bo best attain ed by using tho N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. ' t The receipts ot cotton at this- port to day foot up 827 bales. RegUter! Register!! Register!!! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. forewarned not to truat-or harbor any or ine crew oi me nr. iiarqueN BRIsrOW, as. neither Master or Consignee will be responsible. TII03. IIOODLESS, Master. H1CIDE & CO., Consignees oct 23 St $100 Reward. WIIE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID JL for the arrest and cnvlctlon of ihe prty or parties who threw stones Into the : mldtt of the crowd at tho Democratic speaking Ust night. J. W. KING, Chairman Dem. Executive Com. , oct 2S It New llanover Couotj $150 Reward.f WILMINGTON, N. C, Octr, 138i. REWARD OF OJTE HUNDRED AND lriFTT DOLLARS $153) la hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of the pcrioh or per sons who threw stones at the lemocratlc Stand Ust sight, while their speaking was going on. S. II. MANSIN'G, Chairman Eep. Ex. Committee oct 23 it Star copy if To the Public. J GREATLY RKGRET THAT THE DEM OCRATIC MEETING should ha-e been dis turbed last night. The Instructions wer ex- presslv that the procession sbould cot go near the Democratic meeting, bat owing to a mis- tike they turred up Princess street, many thinking that the Democratic meeting was over, ai to throwing a stone. It was done, I suppose, by some rascally boy. who ought to be punished severely. All Republicans sin cerely regret this occcurrence a d shall take care in the future. We shall also call a mass meeting and denounce the outrage (and en deavor to brirt the srtjilty to justice, i 1 was not leading the procea&lcn iwLcn it innfti nlt Prince fctTf. I m fnailff at j a little more dUcredon, Very i:spce;fu'ir. JuS. C. HILL, oct 24 it Acting Marshal. Lost. i rpHIS MORNING, ON MARKET STREET, X between mrteenih ana rout tee nth s'., A PLAIN GO D MSG. with initials B. W. it. to r. F- P.. engrarea on the laslda. The Under will te iibet ally rewarded oa leaving It atthiaoace. oetstzt Cotton Presses, BROTVN-3 COTTON G rN, RUDDER BELT ' ISU, GIN BKL5TLKA. Send in your or cera at once for UIS3 and PRESSES. - Don't delay. You will be disarpolntcd la getting tfn In tiWr W. E. SPRING EB CO., 1 13, 21 A S3 Market buret, oct 20 ...... Wiialrsloaj 2.C Wswm.bc glad to rsceiva eoiarenalcatton from, our friends oa aay asd all 'rahjoeu: ' SQBera) & tcrestbnt ! Tts naxfl cf the wrUex cast always t t&fcedtotheEdltcr. i ; -i :Co2&xaunlcaUons xac&t b written o oa oae&ldeoi th, paper. -1" v 1 Persoaalltiearauatt) avoided.: Axd It Is especially aad pirtJccliriy trtfe tood that the Editor does aot alwsys eadci tte" view ol correepoEderta urJr - cut In the editorial eohiEiss. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. H. Trimble, OTOCK AND KEATi ESTATE EBOKEU iUi.U Aceslonoer ot ter.cral Merchandise of every desrrlptlon. Office corner rluncsa and Water streets. Crcnly & Mo rlss c!d f tand. Pergonal attention given to sale of and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con s'.pnments solicited, ... $ETH AY. IAVIS, s?lt22 v i , AucUoEOcr. ' Good Eating. fzr GALLONS OF rmiOTSTEU? RIGHT 0J from New imer. niU be boM la the orig inal paciasre. Xo WaUrtd Stock.- Will to for aalo oa Wednesday Seacl and get a t-uekat at our nsh mar kit. i oct21 DAVIS & SOX New Store I Fresh Goods I rjlUK UNDERSIGSEfi 1IAVE OPENED A rtcicctotl stock cf Fresh Fanillv Groceries,. WInee, L'qaors, Tobacco, Ac , la the coinmo .llouj storo Ko. 113. In tbo VCsell balMlnr, on Uie-tastEtie of South Front .street. J- Brag Whiskies--Brunswick Private stock and el l Log Cahin. licet for the money iu the market. Abo, other Whiskies, tfino Holland Gin, Wines, Arc Fresh Country Produce always on hand. Ccn9!nmcntof Wountry Produce folic ltcd; also oruers for Salt, Fresh rlli,-Ojsters, &c Lot and itaJl aci'jii.rucK!:tiou3 frto for our country ft lends. Goodsidodvcted free t CiiAlU & TUOMA9. oct '20 ly j Brass Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. QOMETHIXQ VERY KICK " lO ANO VERY CHEAP. GH K3 A MURCIIISON, .'JS and 40 Murchison Block oct 20 Stores for Rent. IfAREUOU6E AND OFFICES T T above now occupied by Messrs. 11. Johnson & Co. St"re ana ofllces aboTO now occu nlei by A. Dumeiandt. Both on North vv ater st. : between Vnn. - and Chcfctnut. Apply to . aug 11 etir copy St DER03SET & CO. Conoley's Drug Store. S21C MARKET STREET. . I HAVE A FULL LINE OF GOODS, lc eluding Mertlriaes for proscription nsw and Fancy ard. Toilet Articles Just tho place for Ladtes to eomc . I give my whole attention to my butloess and trust nothing to clerks. Give me a trial. Very KespectfuUv, JAMtS W. CONOLEY. , P. S Gonoley's t oiogro bUU acead. oct 23 . . J. W, CONOLET. : Attention I riUIE OFFICEBS Or THE WARD CLUB?, J. Young Men's and Central Clubs, are re quested to meet with the Democratic xecu- tl-e committee, on THURSDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at efflo of Mr. J. D.Bellamy. t'rlncess street. JAMES W. KING. Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. New Hanover Co. OCT. VI 'H The Inaugural Keqital QF THE NEW MAGNIFICENT ORGAN of St-. THOMAS' cnCRCU, will take place at the Church on THURSDAY NIGHT, 23d lnat., at 8 o'clock. The best Musical Talent of the city have volunteered for the occasion, and an unsurpassed programme of Musical Gems, both Instrumental and Vocal, from the beet Masters, will be given. . compiling Solos, Duett?. Quarcttesanl Choruses, rrosrramma will bo published Thursday. fceats can be engaged at Htlnsbergpr's Book Store. Price of tickets 75 cents and to centt. oct 2i at ! Latest f3oveIs. YOUNG GIRLV, WOOING, by eT P. K'c In Cloth only. Price 1.K). DR. SEVIER, by George W. Cab!c. In Cloth only. Price $1.50. For sale R.C HEINsBEUOER'S, jgLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND ENVEL opea In Boxes, Velvet Frames all sizes, bcantl ful Steel Engravings, and many new Novel ties, just received, which ate sold very chap at - HEINSBERGER'S, oct 21 Live Book and Mmde Stores. The Old North State Saloon JJAS THIS DAY RECEIVED s a lot o those celebrate HORSE'S QJS GARDEN OYSTER. The? are kept on k and are warranted tbe xlntst oyster brouzht to this markt. Cll and try them. Cool Beraai tbe best Wines, Llaucrs a ad Clears always on hand I v.i acti J- M. MCGOWAN. New Goods, New Goods. J HAVE MADE LA&GtC ADDITIONS TO ruy stock thU Fall, and row laito yosr In spection of or.c ot the rros: complete assort merits of blank,. Books, fttatitnery. Farcy Goods, Pictures. Frames, Moslcal Ictru menu, &c, ever brought lo thla cltf, end at price Li -it will compare :in an7 fclatilrts tabilshmeet la tbe State. 1,000 Standard Books handsomely boned, at the very 5Jccnu per volume; forwer i ri upward. Tha la a bargain. i To make room we offer 19 TUm rana at .a sacrinca tiwka tni low t'Vfceof djccius per roiume; former i ris ILdaand upward. Th la a bargain. i To mate room we offer 19 Planes and 13 Or gans H sacrifice Tbeta iflstrctecnta n ttrictlf firetclua, new and perfect in ercry "spt- ' G W. YATES. oct-0 113 Market at. VfUaijitaoiiC Oysters . . .- ," - AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT ?IUEi,T. HUMPHREY & JENKINS keep f resit Sew Ltejr and Mfrtlo Grove tj stera. Sect C. o. D. ai- xl 9 Cab. h

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