u Sundays ex-I : " --.! - T ' : -: ; . - - . - . ; !!!!?" :- " - ' - I I - " - ! - .' ' i -. I 1 ? 1 I ! 1 . '. ... I ... j --. : . . ; . - ... I 4 H.hed cTery evening. eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, RPITOB AND FBOF2XETOS. 5UD3CKIPT10N3 POSTAGE PAID: year slx montha 2-W' Three Months, $1.00 ; 'One month, 85 cents. . rbe paper will be delivered by carriers free f charge. In &ny part of tho city, at the above Lxe, or 10 cents per week. srSubscrl'ocrs will report any and all fall- Jj V TTT their paper regularly, , " to receive 0- The Daily Review has the largest . na fid'j circtthition, of any newspaper HibHshed, in the city of Wilmingion. J3 "flift ivsjst officer in the service of the r'uitwl Stiles is the Signal Post Com-! -nandor who i impaled on Pike's Peak. - jt j3 now stated that Mr. George Bancroft will, as usual, pass the Winter iii Washington, and not in JJoston, as'h.is been reported. - The larzeFt school in the world is the A. IKDEX TO MEW ABVEBTtSEXlElTS. Register I Beglster .' '"J" C W Yates New Goo. Is K S Mabtix, Admr-NoUce . i Blair Caution Notice Wilmington: N. C. Thursday, October so, i884 Wilmington at Ralefgli. i The Raleigh papers mention the fol lowing ladies and gentlemen from this city and section a3 having been present at the Exposition during tho past few days: . ' . Hon. Geo. Davis. Mr. B. G. Worth, Col. P. K. Moore, Dr. TV. G. Thomas, Mr.'G.J. Honey. Mr. Geo. K. Dyer, Messrs. C. J. Mitchell, Harding Johnson, TV. C. Jones. L. p. Davis, B. F. Hall, Capt. H. C. Brock. Col. Jno. D.Taylor, Col. Jno. TV. Atkinson, . : I nt. A I TT . r . -r -ine receipts of cotton at this nort Qf iVir ,,as- J- tolayfoot on 1.125 hl Stevenson, Mr. Geo. Z. French, Miss ' ' Jennie Sprunt an nKlKSBEROEB-Brldal Presents Change of Schedule W & w E R Change of Schedule TV. C&aur F C Millkr Friends and Fellow Citizens Register! Register!? Register ! ! ! SteD IaddorQ . . ( " I r . T i I L. mi n .1 M t . l rr. a Ti r w ii in i nnnnn im i . " ' average attendance is d.iuo. There are 5000,000 Jews in the world, and 4,500, tX) of theni are in Europe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wwia urld to reoel8nin!i;n!cacoa from enr frlen-is on ay azs ail -rctjectt, senerallaterestbat e J Tha tasieof Iha writer zavLsi amyii b Jalie4 to the EtUicx. I 8ldeof the paper. . : Person iSUcs xatiat be avoided.: Axs4i:u epeclany acd partlcuUrry tufe tood that the Editnr Mt NO 259 0 T?eW8O'corres?n,i1tt, uit vv nuh9 editorial coliuansl NEW APVgBTlSEM-KXTB. UEW OVEirTISEMENTS. AccUonrrr of nnMi v, every description. 6ffic cn PruSSJ d rST. w1 enjton Klvcn to sale vt hones and rLf1 V,ri,vai M,dor a auction, ccn- i Auctioneer. Service in St. John's Chrirch. or, Saturday, November 1st, VAl Saints Day," at 11 o'clock. and Airs. Isaac Bates. The statement that Dr. Sir TV. Gull, the eminent London surgeon, lately received professional fees of $5,000 and 4500 for two visits, is evidence that r. r. i hia notionfa alan jjiikui t-uuwiw uiai wvwug iu me v-uuuuuui leauers to DO verv I cujarK.aoie prouuciion It wdq nnt en I . ... - w W W WW ! Another Tater." TVe saw a sweet potato this morning, raised by Mr. Jas rP.r l"inor at T? w'us 1410 very prevalent and we roint, lender countv. whirh wq n l V.AKHtT8 AND DRY GOODS! 'S- H. Trimble, TV TUP m -rmn. . I W tui, v.Aivi i Lilfi K WE NOW II AVE MANYjXKTV AND PRETTY S?S ajrd-real estate bboker 2 THINGS IN !," ! Body Brussels, : ! m ' Tapestry Brussels, Extra, Supers and Ingrains. NICE STYLES OIL CLOTHS, all widths. NO.VELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, almost anytbing that is new. v,rv uuu-a more complete s'ock. in this line was never shown in this or any other tiarket. JERSEY .TAnKT!TS Tn nil r0;Kio e iti..4 . , ,' ' .- nvijuiijuuuj iigut io neavy. ' ' - i T . : - r - R. ffi. RflclWTBRE. Wilmington R.iiiroa (ionipauy. OFI1C2 OF GESU2.AI. SCrPEiUITTKllOtKT, WIL&lsstcK. K. C.. Oct Si. ICS. '& ;Wcldon 1L " v. mm oct30 great lamily of gulls. cautious in this change of weather heavy as the one of which we made Col. Lou;3 de Lusignan. who died the other day at SM Petersburg, was a crank claimant who professed to con sider himself "King ol Cyprus," but who must now content himself with the I and down cypress oyer his grave. Just tho Way! quite a fine display of "JC,,Ll." fiernay. but what it lacked, "I's a Dimmycrat wheu there's any for very reasonable " P m TVe observe new Revolvers for vrv riB.wJln weigbt it made up in length. It was barbecue 'round, hnk whon if nnmcc fo prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot t tW? feietidnine inches long and six yotin' I's a Republican." said a colored ...VUt:S iu circumierence in its man while coming down the river from largest place. It was probably grown Point Caswell on Tnpsrlnv niaU AnH the expressly for the children so that, when that, we imagine, is about'the-way One man charged with being drunk was brought belore Mr. Gordon W. Burnham, of New York city, and also ot Water bury. Conn., where he is President of five rrJw. w. uu.uB aim was aiscnarg- Dated, mile "sissy," on one side of the with all ol the race. Th mv .hnnt Wotjce. ! forewarned Dot to trust or hnr'w fZ.:tJA cr ot the Rneslan yWrfl vuu, as neither the Master or consignees will be responsible -n,f0q,t KANIT. Master . oct 29 3t Upl DK CO. , Cons!gneca ed. We are aware that at;34 Front street, there is a tailor shop selling pants manufacturing companies employing I made to order for $5,guaranteed to fit. 2,500 men altera comparison of Presi-1 of nnematenal dential candidates, remarks: 'With tw haa , -" i onguii uuvunce in '.With y vai ied interests .at tako I much prefer to take the risk of Mr. Cleve land. " uu,c,uiiSutueeauogaL one end, and for this man or that man. but when it nuie ouany." on the other side of the comes to votiBg they will go for the tauie, mignu oe satistymg his appetite regular candidate tooth and toe nail. It 4. I a I m . I au uze omer enu. bucn potatoes are ex- is possible that there may be excep- ceiient mings to have in the family, tions to this rule, but they are about as out, uniortunately, they do not often scarce as anything we can think of. grow to such lengths. Last Night's Meeting. a nninf mlrnf A-Z j , I XllO LGa-KeiLlA LUmPH nVPr nn t ha lif . :::i.7": tie boy and he's called to abetter world. The Democratic meeting at the Tne report of the Sixth Auditor bears out the calculations of the Post office Department with regurd to a de ficit from the reduced rate ot lettur postage. The entire falliDg off m reve nue from this source is about six mil lion dollars, turning the balance from a credit ot $2,500,000, to a debt of $3, 500,00. I spirits ol turpentine, but there has been a quiet market during transactions to quote. There remains but three days in which to register! You cannot regis ter on the duty of election! Attond to the duty at once and get the thinir off on account of the rrotracted snail of Bear, Jr.. were tho speakers. Quito a BraSS Vim Uno-c " c I . I I 1 l . l m. v ; -M-T Vtetjt juui uiiuu; i uiy weaiuer, wnen ic aiu set in for I 'ureio cib wwu S25 Reward. JJY THE LAWS OF NORTH CAKOIINA, fceclion2709. It Is made laJIcUble tc Illegally register or vote, punishment being IJklPBls ONMENT FOU TVyELVE MONTHS and a OF $5W)- Therefore, for iafomatron Leave WHm.T suificlent to convict any ptrEoi vioUthur saId AV X?,don i cti "i L, Train ho. Stuth wll to Change of Schedule. 0Na iffDFT1R 2q,J. AT9.C0 toa A VV eldon Railroad vllt ran a follows DAY MAIL ANDEXrESS T1LAJNS DilW Nos. 47 Nosru asd 43 South. E'FronG1,cP. 8 -53 A. M Arrive at Wclacn J....... t i Leave WeMon L V Va f.1 AnlrcatWllm'gt-jn.rroiitSt.D'irtl 7.33 1 11 tAST TUROCOU LI AIL & DaiCvKo. 4j south. Leave Weldon J 5 Arrive zt Wllia'stOB,irtoi:tSt.lrp'i lieoi; HAIL ASD PASSKKKR TRAIN DAliT v No. 43 hWth. Leave Wllminsrtoa :. 0 r Arrive aT Nekton J .;; J'iJig No. 42 South, dally except Slondays. Leave We'don 1 in a t Arrive Wilmington.... J .'.".V'o A. M.' 4j ortb, daily except Sunday. ,., 1.85 A. r. ...... .7,00 A. i. j. rain .o. 40 south will etop only at WlLson. Goidsboro ami Magnolia. Artt on i,arbor0lJr:ich iad Leave Rock v M0unAJ,or Taoo a 12 M. and 3.25 I. leave Tarboro Trains on S( Halifax for Scotland Nk at 2.40 1. M. , .f K ocouana ecJt at S.30 A Tr.lin-.No. 47 make rlhfu rainifwnni,i u . .i one of whom. James Winfipld mnrln n WTinxmlo m. nMn o?,nJ! i! P?inra..5lorM Ially. All rail mI There will be an extra nr.lir Fma . . . . u P, anu z - - - ' V' uu XUiiS. 1. cepl Sunday via Uay St. Jacobs Oil would h i m Wigwam in ihp FifKh Worri iQCf r L ine unGeisigfled Piy a reward of SCald. ; I ,' ,!! rtnAA I $25 UPOn the POnvIriflnn nf tio w t . M m m 1 'A'lie iLiin speecnes were maae, jo. Koger aioore w jas w. thvp. Smnftnfnnr(V;OnH0nP .k. and Messrs. H. A. B&?f? and Samni . " .tnmnDem.Es.Committe6 w w . vv iiiviiuo uuvu uai. 1 ' i 1 I -v -w . suuaays excepted). returnlnff at 1.5y P. M. and 10 A.M. Dally. 1:0. M. we doubt not that they were agreeably speech, declaring that he shotlld sup- oomething veryxtpi. surprised by the calm and eonidprr Prt the Democratic ticket. Consider- O ' c ::rr". y surprised by the calm and considerate ic vca.u.uiurcrueraiinesever- conductofthe rain to-day. It besan able enthusiasm was manifested and According to a statement made pub- ai pw"lDg f iacef. m .lue CRy- UIte a to rain during the night in gentle quiet we understand that the Wigwam will I II 1 m mm. ym Oct 27 lie, Northern Pacific railroad earnings u '-c it w,i9irtrihfhuofS un 1.: haY already been made. v .:1MlMUU lullUB poaxuon showers and the same stvl of nm. J gramme was kept up in the morning be kept open every night, save Sunday, from now until tho day of election. ,.rA?IJ VKRY CHEAP. UirfcS A MURCHISON, SS and 40 Murchlson piock of that road. So far they amount in Some of our juveaile friends, who hours and during nearly the entire day. even figures to $1,113,000, or an aver- had anticipated a good treat at the mat" It was very much needed, and as the! 50,000 per day. General Barker irfee on Saturday afternoon, at the crops have nearly all been harvested. md the; probable earnings for the Opera House, by Ford's Opera Compa- we presume that there will be but a month would easily toot up $1,500,000. ny, will be much disappointed when very few who will be in the least in- and very probably go S 100,000 or more they learn that the engagement has convenienced by its coming. The rain '' B6MM "as beea general throughout this! i I A sailor Darned John Lewin, belong-1 sectlon ant .wl" undoubtedly cause a hub w a gyuu iuiBg irom jcsicraays ing to the Ger. brig Diana Capt aueauis, wmcn are now Herald, It is published under the very Schroeder, died at the Marino Hospitai Precedentedly low. vaHiivii ui ,.uSi, Loirayeu yesterday and his remains were buried Wedding Bells. " iuil uvrvsu. J.U IU 1119 Wanted. rj WO FIRS T CLASS REST AUP NT Cooka. THE GEM," Line. Train No. 43 run3 daily and makes cIobo con Waahto ton "olnt8 Norih v' a chmond an J - VfaahinjTton, ani have Pullman Palaco Sleep. Election of Officers; . At a meeting of Zerubabel Chapter, No. 14, colored, held last night, the lol- Nonc but the best reed apply. lowing officers were installed: High Priest George L. Mabson. King Elijah Lane. Scribe Robert Nois. Trea8ure'r Lewis Hollingsworth. The Grand Council announced the following appointments: No. 26 N. Front Street;. oct 23 i WILL WEST resnent to ucuus ui me uiwsi, aiaruuDE nature I mnmnrv tho flnrr rF tUa n,n,n .nWi.-uici t i ii . Pnnornino- the fato tho I s m vv-i.i yiw; ii.j msi Ulgui ai Ol. UameS UaUfCD ID Capt of the Host Thomas M. Sim The wedding belis peeled right mer- mons were current in this citv vnsiordav was ai, nan mast ic-aay. ?lrSt fSm(ir8WerethaJ ji had ex7 There will be a workihgman's rally Ploded with a loud notse at Troy, and ; ,i n V F , w , . . . , J that General Butler had disappeared in lhc F,f-h Ward to-night and speakers with it. Next it was asserted that it will be in attendance to entertain the had simply fizzled out at Sandy Hill, audience. It will undoubtedly be an ihathivff ronnit nrn 4ltnf Zt- KmI : .r . -r'.1 .Y "u interesting meeting, and will be uti i i k i - i !!' mm i u r r m nil m mt honor ol our gallant young townsman, nutt. Conoley's Drug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. T YE 6 FDLL LINE OF GOODS, in J. eluding 'Medicines for preecripUonusc and raucy ana Toilet Artlr.lPn .inet tKv uuiba iU CUUJC. I L'lVP. IT! V tvhnlA .(tint Principal Sojourner Dallas Ches t0r HlJi6,8 a,nd r54 nothIni? clerks. ' . I Civc me a irlal. Verv Resnertfiiiitr For accommodation of local travel a paeacn- f . w V1 00 attained to local freight leav- Snday g & A' M Day except ironN f. DivrNH, VnE5KE80N era:. Passenger Ajcettt. Ovt fcU j Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta K. It. Co. OXYIOB OF (aZiflCHAL SurEaiNTEWDaWT. Wilmington, C. Oct. 31. 1884 2t Jit. Uke a rocket at Whitehall, that 7 wT W com eneral Butler had gone up with it as dactlve of 2ood. We hope that there . ; stick, and that no one had seen WIH he a good attendance. : Pa,r ud like Ge its mm come down. ! Lastly, the painful uews came mat it naa been seized with Mr. Arthur II. Holmes, who was uni ted m the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rector of St. John's Church. Rev. Dr. Carmichael, to Miss Lina. d aughter of Col. E. D. Hall, a charming and ac- iplished young lady. The wedded haye quietly gone to housekeep ing and were to-day the recipients of Royal Arch Capt. Joseph C. Hill. Master of 3rd Veil David Jones. Master of 2nd Veil F. P. Williston. Master of 1st Veil James W. Tel fair. Guard James P. Green. r r- ' , , ,JAMfeS W. CONOLEV. 1 - o- Conoley's s oiofinc still ahead. oct 22 J. W. CONOLEY. Democratic Oyster j Eoast. rjlHERE WILL BE A DEMOCRATIC OY I Change of lN AND AFTEi; vy a.oo a. m., Schedule. NOV. 2nd. 18M. t the following Piskmi r. If. .111 I .... WVVVl- NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Noa. 18 Weatandi 47 East. Leave Wllmlnsrton J am -a n ' Ai'uxjuuu at rowiers I'oint. I . '" . z.40 a. Ai. Masonboro, on Friday , the 3iet inst. Good Arrl at C. C. & A. Jxlnctlon C.20A.B1. The Republican BDoken of in vester-1 the heartv congratulations oi numprons special "railroad car at Salamanca, day's issue as having been appointed a friends, itiese rumors, as varied as tho v were . .. , .... Kartlins. cast a doom over the nommn- wemwrai,c sunervisor is; wr. nenry no nappy coupte were Kinaiy and Register now! ous Delays are dangert CIiaDge of Schedule. There will bo a change of sched v,u.vxo uu in aitenaancc and a good uummuut.. k.43 a. fil. time may be expected! : Leave Columbia. j. 9.551 l . J. W. KING, Chairman, J-cave C., C. & A. Junction... lo.so 1 hV. oct 2, Dcm. County Ex. Committee Lve l0.?,00 4-60 A. m! 1 ; . ; I Ainvoiiv " iinuCTon..: .35 A. hi. Fa and Wihtp.r Mnrinprw NlGHTiA8ERTKAiir,DAiLT. mty tb tira 's.osiagioomovennecommu- , , - . . ..." r . " it?i ? a c , , . T 1XPECT a new Ann iivioi,n V60 niimiDton Some color of truth was given to lvum OI general i'oint. lbe others suostantiaiiy remembered by their uu lutJ v iimiogion oc weiaon ana J ; t;iu"'WJ,1B 1U1, -rnve at Florence. 1.30 A. M Wlia oy tue lact that nobody here had are all good men and true and thor- many warm and earnest friends in I Wilmington, Columbia 3c Augusta Rail- r'ffi. ery "r08 tUz week, ana havia ec I 6LaAlj AX,A' 1 AisSQEii TEAIN Djult No. B"et By the new schedule there S'rUfiJSSA dlcs Arrive at Wilmington.; l.llmRU' J w v ii. i - . inirf..! a a . . . MRS' KATE C.iV71NE n tfai.uauy except Mondays. po. i iy porth Second Street, " oct 25 tf Bet. C hestnut and Princess sts Ej:?!DgolSerbr acceptable to the Democrats, the shape of a large number of beauti- roads, which will go into eflfect on Sun- oneof hVia7ge?iues! Sreparldto VtZ tor a shorter f?mo i tf;" Their selection was as much a surprise ful and valuable presents, consisting of dy next. quines vrere made. At the Butler to them as to any one else. As lor Mr. silver, china and glass ware, besides W1U De tnree daily passenger trains ar- -aaquarters the Herald reporter was Kuhl, he is a very clever nian and we ornaments ol gold and silver. While nVng and departing on each road. ..uTr:" WIVa eioomy laces. Jiemnd navo no objection to him in anv wav. they were all of intrinsic worth thev The trams on tho Wilmington & The people withhel except as to his politics. He ought to will be prized far beyond the estimated Weldon Railroad will leave this city as aitl that some committee wnTmAPrino- be a Democrat. I. value of mere dollars and cents, be follows: Train No. 43 will leave at they didn't sem to believe it them- " cause of the tender and loving consid- 8 30 Pmi No. 45 will leave at 1.30 a. reS i .1 erSODaI. I orotmn n,; mk;k tknn ui ImJ. fthrl 'Mn -47 will leave f. fi.S'i n m Repulican SLt1. L .MJL Melnnerney Jlefl for the L,. Pleasant are the HofDmes of North Trains will arrive on the same road as i k oirrn aadi r ia inor mnphr i . . . i r n m s r n Mjaroiina, but there are very few that IO;WS: -laia-t'0- W1" arrive at s onow, can Qoast of such a heautifnl Hall. I7-10 ni. ; No. 48 will arrive at 7.35 p i i - ii i i i k. ... band r e u 6 Dwm on accompanieu Dy nis wue, arnveu mine i m., and train N o. 40 will arrive at 10 uL! un nn r vn v a w aapa-. .,... ... . . . . . u.zn.nKU 1 K w w . r w nn Ieave Wilmington arrive riorence.. Z strayed or stolen" article, .7 6 . 4 . uut mo managers said politely that wr. a. uaib.t, oi isamum' nurin't n n n . i r i : j t r ""W snnn'o - i t oald thp rpnru mnmk!i . Pflrcell House. erkhaiofboom.ofwhh tbflv had Col. John D. Taylor. Cant. H. C. M'13 sPeech hereon Monday night, stated aa'3 e v.arietv? The reporter declined Brock, Mr. J. C. Stevenson and ot Collector Ike Young, we are told, in s speech hereon Monday night, stated others substantially that the greatest thief of p m. MARRIED. ia3 wpnt ! .i . " j itt -r m . nuiiaifts-uan-Ai m. jamcs Chnrcn. thatihftJi y wltQ r 6 impression returned lrom the Raleigh Exposition modern times was Wm. M. Tweed, & on wediesday.tbesnh inst., by Rev.j.cir tbey were, concealing something J01"1 ""4" uo "B'U .uai7" nprnoorat and ft 'Vrook-Pd nospd Taw nuchael. J. D., Mr. ARTHUR H. HOLWE3 Sfinoas. i , last night, greatly pleased with what democrat ana a crookea nosea jew. and Mis lika, daughter of coL k. D. HaU, .,'inallyiinoniriearWoii fi, ft thv saw and hpard. He mus have been either very ignor- u of Wilmington. i " r. f . i w txiv . itw i j WhntOT70 w,:u i i .f I, : very ignor ant himself or hiirn imno-inWl thfi. hla f tt t, .1 I : au mei v Axuutfiwtft:ui:r vouu r : . ... ... .. Uthp Aa V T "ciai wns bliii i -- . - . . . nearers were noi; acquaintea with tne jFiT . cau"t"3 uesn was in bed and suostaniiai cook srove is an important the Rrf , UJIst nave- oecome ot NEW 1 ADVERISEMENTS was n the Filth Avenue Hotel, necp.ssitvand our readera will find tho. -r 0fXK,Wl,,3rlalledtO8howthe fate best at Factorv r,rirp7flt JW' for aiu ne imns is necessai 'eboooi. altogether it was learned ,at h&v Pnces at jAC0 3 state that the greatest Democrat of :UUttU1, n lnsn rving. at history i ol the man, who was not a w. Nor did he think it nece3sarv to Notice. hod is, i neral Batler of a very small t I TAVIVfi nriATfFUfn 4 a inurvTCTDi. hUC I 1 M tor On the estAtP. nf dnV.tnr 1. nnrllAV ports Foreign . Aus. barque Lecla, Erschen. cleared age uneartnea Tweed's crimes ana 5.' "iV u nereDy w " P6"01" ... . , , , . , Indebted io his estate to make immediate pay- caused him to be brought to punish- jment, and all persons havinjc claims against mpnt Tweed with h5 BOei-tea It, "V.'i.3.1?46 .lu Psent them Tweed, with his associates in 11.5 r pajment 'te C vu'ciiuk, mo uuici UUL iuaw aus. uaituc jscim. uisuucu, cieaicxi ; wnmu me iuLe prescnoea Dy law. or in la ktortu 1 hdrLnP-vously refused to to-day for Liverpool with 1,619 bales ol crime, stole millions from the govern- ""S!1?1641 ? ?A SfiVi" boom Sf.A .Whether, therefore, the fto.,nn VBlnp1 ftM ,on shmni hv ment of New York, but Hon. Samuel law th K. a. mautln. Admr deitk rV,eJ a Peaceful or a violent . . f . It Tii.ie-, hmnt th chmi0 I . PnnHnn Ynfleo aodisnoichwKd and stored Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Br. brig H- iiuen orougnt me scoundrels to ixoruiu xouDg inioKit neces- 11 4 L . Row iQ,Vb.er room of tho FiRh Avenuo J. Williams. Iiy toncleared for Lon- .QStce Caution Notice. Mackerel. 2Q bkls. MACKEBEL, K BBLS. MACKJESBL. 2 Q DRUMS MACKEBEL, g DBLS IIEBBIN6, g BRLS HESEXNG. oct 28 Star copy j DAVIS & ON Stores for Kent. WAUEHOU3E AND OFFICES above now omnniMi i. ( H. Johnson & Co. "T ' Stare and offices above now occu pied by A. DumelandtL Both on North Water Il Uot-A V- and Chestnut. Apply to ' - ang!3 Strcoiy3t DEgQSSET & CO. Come to the New Store, No. 1 13 South Front St. , YHERE THESE HAS JUST BEEN HE- cel-ed a Choice Flour;, Fresh V$ricla A cal, ; New Pearl Hominy, Feh Buckwheat, tth- j er with Teas, Coffees, jEugars. Ac: Our brar Whistles ar a k-rwvt t t-t- r . i . - . v, w"u a Tcry pieaant Kye Whla 70 A.M. 11 .'M A.M. No. 45 Eafct daily! except fiundavs. Leave Florence J.. . o to i tf Arrive Wllo-Ington........- "JijI; M Train 43 and 42atop3 at all Stations. eiops oniy at jemingtoa, and MArloa. TWp5 ioi :0lUDlL,a ancl rota on r r,-' AAILStiMon. Alkon Junc- Sl Mhnt Enressl1113 70n J 8-h0Cld tliC TrSnYo.16 caian Sleepers fM: Auffustaon Wu5ninSLrUn 80113 t1011 Charle,t0a n'J Icaffrelgbt leaves WIliaiEgton daily ex cept Sac day at 5.00 A. U. 7 ex JOHN F. DIVINE, oct 30 KMESSON taeTl Paseenjrer Acnl. Bridal Presents! Bridal Presents ! NEiV AND JJFAUriFUL IN LAEG-E VARIETY ! PLEASE CALL AT HEINSBERGER'S, live Book nad Mtide Etoxts. oct 27 Benj. W. Davis, fintj' .? AS Jealously kept by General ,inn W,th i om rL- niri trrntJrt sary to state that while Tweed stole A eu not to nit rirt.uiti ?J5i?.d H??? of Vroduee CFormerly with w.Jd.tu . a nntto. f .uauuuaa and 1 524 barrels of rosin vnlnwl nt millions, me xwepuuucua party, in lOo, v.i; . r ZlC: ""fc" ""-"lff ror country mends, i f &ftoiSfaS at S.S.. shipJ C S Son ol tho tnment iue.f and robbed SSSi rrcoo. iX!L t IffiH-L 99 BakcLay t, KEW Yoi the iTerarf reporter had Uownto, & Co.. making a total o. ex- 7 KSg .tatL.f Jg" cncral Comlirton Merchant ports loreign amounting to $84,523. au iwu -uiauu luo unuu, i.. xi. i - . . oct i t 1-2.1 1 o naa I TT . . - f I - 'What he Vnn rr y to speii nsh." said iat t(.r 1 ?e Saw trio noma 1arl.. We invite the attention of ear citizens St..??' mSS wuderraYSwiU ' fi' ?Wrts c io 0Ter tnafc coughing child being maae to order at one dollar at the aakUru that keeps itself and you Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf . SjW 1 yoa will try Dr. Bull's Cough . r ND VOTE FOB CLEVELAND A HEX- fiood materials nronrIvnnmortirinrHl which kirc the essential requisites in j A. leady mixed Taints can be best attain- DfICKS eat "ORNE'S oysters, just ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint "riTl- CbK0.14 ciemmer Whisker, Cool 6old at Jacobi's Depot. Beer, Ac. OLD NOBTH STATE 8AL0ON. oc so e So. Front Street jriur. Mill Feed. Lard? nZZn.i NorSra Sii f" t$Ti?CZ tausage, at bottom prices. 1 113 Co., Grain and Feed Ueakrs; Davla- oct 27 E. G. KLAII? So. 13 Sorth Second St. Son. Ice and llsh. r Southern Produce a Specialty. OCX 1 vl 1 -A