MISCELLANEOUS. THE BEST TONIC. -I 4 I This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly, and complcti-Iy Cure DynpepHla, Indlgention, Wenkiie-c. Impure Blood, 3Ialaria,CbUI and Fcvt-r, and Nenralala. - It i3 an unCa.ib'ns' remedy for Diseases of th Kiilneys and; Urer. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentai y 1 i vc- It does not injure the teeth, cause heal;u!ie.-.? produce constipation otfir.Jmn Mo'inhe - I; enriches and purifies the blood, l:nii;lau" the appetite, aids the ns.s!mi!ation of f !. r-vvc-h Heartburn ai:d IXlchiiig, ti;d itieJ:j.ti" tiio muscles and iktvcs. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack r energy, Ac., it has r.o cf-ual. 4S? The pennine lifts uTxve trs&o rr?n : n r crossed red linos on wrapper. Take r,- o: as&.Uolyby BROWS IHiSU AI, 10- H.tI.T!1l-.:.i, uly U diwly tc2.Unrrn Sash, Doors, Blinds, -i ! i ! ' White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass, GEMOT FOR N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT ! I - CO'3 READY PREPARED PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac i i torlea of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Broa ft Co., la sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Facto y i i Pricea, In addition to oar large and full J HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention la .reapectf ally Invited. I NATH'L JACOBI, i i sept 2 ! 10 South Front St (Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to Novombcr l st, as follows : . Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports south of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any kind of sickness on board during the passage or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be eet in the main rigging on the port side, as soon as ios slble after crossing th Bar No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug toat, Huh ter, or boat of any kind to go along si e, unless by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician; and every . vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. Regulations governing vessels while In Quar antine: may be had on application at the oMioe of tho Quarantine Physician at Smlthvillc Applications for permits to visit vessels In Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr. fcco. G. Thomas, and perm ts so obtained will be end red by the Quarantine Physician, if. In his opinion, it is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels A penalty of '2 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced agiinst any person violallug any of the Quarjtntinc Regulations of the Port I ! W. G. CURTIS, M. D., Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. TIIOS. F. WOOD, M. D. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. mav 1 2am 6m 1&15 Consultants. First National Bank of Wil- i ! ' mington. CAPITAL STOCK.. e2S0,K0 SURPLUS FUND 66.CC0 Deposits received .nd collodions la&ile o-. acwuble polr ti In.tha United 3i- to; . i DIRECTOR? E. aj BUKUUSS D. G- WORTH A. MAKTIN, j . JAS'. SPIiUNT, ! GEORGB.CH AD BOURN. officers . E. K. BUKUUSS . A. K.. A Llli E LJ . .... - -m . m . W. LARXIVJ PreslJort Caahlf- ! Electric Appliances are sent en 30 Days' Trial. YO MEM ONLY, YOUHQ OR OLD, 1TTHO are suffarinr from Ktavocs Dkbiutt. !V Lost Vitautt. Lack or Kkkvs Foncx ixo rwoa. W ASTIMO W KAKxeasKA. aad ail Ihota disean f a Pkrsokau NaTVR resaltinr from Aprss and thbk-Caiii8. Sp!t rclif JiJ complete mto- ktiun of UEAi.ra. kjcr ana iiawkood ucarastkko. icxe rrmadest discovery f the Nineteenth Cc-nturr. nl at oac for lUiwtratoil Pamphlet tree. AdUress 1111 111 I & f BEFQREV-AND WAFTER ! VOLTAIC 8IlT60.,MABSHAlt,HlSH. The Daily Review. TOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N- C, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1884. Kntejcd at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N. C. as second-class matter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET i E3T Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. for president: G ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOIt GOVERNOR : ALFRED M, SCALES, of Guilford. K FOK LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. 'FOR SECRETARY OF STATE WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. . FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR : W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates.3 for'attorney-general: THEODORE Fi DAVIDSON,, of Buncombe. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER 1 of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: JL S. MERRIMON, of Wake. for l:lectors-at-large : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS: R. T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. A. FAIK 1PKOTJECTIVE TARIFF. The National Democratic Plat form Indorsed! by Grover Cleveland. .'We believe that labor i9 best re warded where it is freest and most en lightened. It should therefore beFOS terko and cherished." The Democratic party insists that it is the duty of this Government to PROTECT with equal fidelity and vigilance the rights of its citizens, na tive an-t naturalized, at home and abroad." 4 We demand in behalf of the Democ racy freedom lor AMERICAN LABOli by reducing taxes to the end that thesd United Slates may compete with unhindered powers for the pri macy amoug nations in all the arts of peace and fruits of liberty." "The great issue of reform and change in administration is submitted to the people in cairn con tldence that the popular voice will pronounce in (avor of new men and new and more favorable conditions for. the growth of industry, the extension of trade, the employment and due rciuard of Labor :tnd ot capital and the general welfare l the whole country.7 '"In making reduction in taxes it is not proposed to injure an v domestic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the oundation of this Government taxes collected at the Custom House have been the chief sourceof Federal reve nue, bucii they must continue to be. Moreover, many industries have come to rely upon legislature for successful. continuance so that any chanqe of law must be at every step reaardtul of the labor and capital thus involved: the process of reform must be subject in the execution to this plain dictate ot lustice. All taxation shall be limited to the requirements of economical goyernment. The necessary reduction in taxation can and must be effected iVITIIOUT DEPRIVING AMERICAN LABOR OF THE ABILITY TO COMPETE SUCCESS FULLY WITH FOREIGN LABOR. AND WITHOUT IMPOSING LOWER RATES OF DUTY THAN WILL BE AMPLE TO COVER ANY INCREASED COST OF PRODUC TION WHICH MAY EXIST IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE HIGHER RATE OF WAGES PREVAILING IN THIS COUNTRY." Platform Unanimously Adopted by the National Convention of the Democracy at Chicago ; The Democratic Congressional Com niittee is making a poll of the Congres sional Districts, and claim that they will hold their present majority in the House. They expect to even up" in New lore and Pennsylvania, and to make gains in Iowa, Michigan, Wis consin'and other Western States. Acting Judge Advocate General G N. Lieber. in his annual report to the Secretary ot War, says that 9 non-com missioned officers, 7 West Point cadets, 2.242 enlisted men and 10 militarr con victs were tried by general courtmartia: daring the year.makiDg a total of 2,268 For the past five years the number o . a a 1 cuerai cuunsmaruai nas Deen con stantly increasing. Ia 1680 there were 1.543, in 1881. 1,792; in 1882, 1,850, and THE NO VESIBER B LEC TIONS. All the States will elect presidential electors on Tuesday. November 4th. The Eeveral States are entitled to elec tors as follows: Alabama-........ 10 Arkansas. ....... 7 galifornia........ 8 olorado 3 Connecticat 0 Mississippp Missouri.... Nebraska. . . Nevada . 9 16 5 3 N. Hampshire 4 New Jersey. . .. 9 New York, i . .36 N Carolina. . . . 11 Ohio. 23 Oregon........ 3 Pennsylvania.. 30 Rhode Island.. 4 South Carolina 9 Tennessee. -. -.12 Texas...... L.. 13 Vermont.--... 4 Virginia . ..12 West Virginia 6 Wisconsin ... .11 Delaware 3 Florida 4 Georgia 12 Illinois 22 Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas 9 Kedtucky 13 Louisiana 8 Maine ....... 6 Maryland . . .'. 8 Massachusetts. ...14 Michigan .13 Minnesota 7 Total.. : 1.401 Necessary to choice 201 On the same day elections will be held in the several States as follows: Alabama will elect Congressmen. Arkansas will elect Chief Justice of its Supreme Court and Congressmen. California will elect Legislature,Con gressmen and vote upon three proposed amendments to the State Constitution, one authorizing water works in cities and towns, one providing for a State Board of Education, and one providing for a State Board ot Equalization. Colorado will elect State officers. Legislature, and Congressmen, and vote upon three proposed amendments to the State Constitut ion which relate to the legislative department, extending he sessions and increasing tho pay of members. Connecticut will elect State officers, legislature and Congressmen. Delaware will elect Legislature and Congressmen. Florida will elect Governor, Lieu tenant Governor, Legislature and Con gressmen, and vote upon the question of holding a convention to revise the Constitution of the'State. Georgia ill elect Congressmen. i Illinois will elect State officers, Legislature, and Congressmen and vote upon a proposed amendment to the State Constitution giving the Governor power to veto any part of an approi priation bill while approving the. resti Indiana will elect minor State officers and Congressmen. Kansas will elect State officers Legislature and Congressmen. Kentucky will elect Congressmen. Louisiana will elect Congressmen. Maryland will elect Congressmen, Massachusetts will elect State offi cers, Legislature and Congressmen. Michigan will elect State officers. Legislature and Congressmen. Minnesota will elect an Assistant Justice of its Supreme Court; Legislat ure and Congressmen. Mississippi will elect Congressmen, i Missouri will elect State officer?, Legislature, and Congressmen, and vote upon two proposed amendments to the State Constitution, one authorizing a special tax for street, road and bridge purposes, and the other relating to the Judicial department and authorizing an increase of courts and judges. ' Nebraska will elect State officers, Legislature and Congressmen, and vote upon two proposed amendments to the Stte Constitution, one of which relates to the legislative department and the other provides for a railroad commiSr sion. Nevada will elect Supreme Judge, Legislature and Congressmen and vote upon the question of holding a conven tion to revise the Constitution of the State. New Hampshire will elect Governor, Legislature and Congressmen, and vote upon the question of holding a consti tutional convention. New Jersey will elect Legislature and Congressmen. New York will elect two Jadge3 of the Court of , Appeals, Assembly men and Congressmen, and vote upon a proposed amendment to the State Con stitution, which prohibits the loan or use oi puoiic money lor private pur poses, and restricts the indebtedness of counties, cities, towns and villages, for any purposes Whatever to 10 per cent. of their valuation. North Carolina will elect State and county officers. Legislature and Con gressmen. and a Supreme Court Judge. Pennsylvania will elect Legislature and Congressmen. Rhode Island will elect Congressmen. South Carolina will elect State offi cers. Legislature and Congressmen, and vote upon a proposed amendment to the Stale Constitution which forbids counties and towns to incur debts here after to a greater amount than 8 per cent, of the assessed value of the taxa ble property therein. Tennessee will elect Go?ernor, Rail Road Commissioners, Legislature and Congressmen. j Texas will elect State officers, Legis lature and Congressmen. I Virginia will elect Congressmen. i west Virginia will elect Congress men. j Wisconsin will elect State officers. Legislature and Congressmen. ! Physicians freely prescribe Ayer's PUIs as the safest and most perfect ca OCTOBER ODDS. Icelanders The ice men. High water-mark ; Your chin. -Are shrouds classed as kiltsuits? Woman was the original 'side issue All is not nickel plate that glitters. Woman's suffrage -Scarcity of hus bands. - You never miss the stump speaker till the barrel runs dry. The "coachman seems to be the popular "fly" in the East. The overproduction of whiskey is probably the cause ot money being tight. When ignorance i3 bliss it is folly to ask the landlady what she puts in the hash. In these days ot political assessments even the oyster is beginning to shell out. , "I seud you my gas bill," was what the stump orator said to the election committee. Independents call it the "Blaine cir cus;" but then what does a circus care for the opinions of a side show? The sot, taking yet another glass, is an illustration ot the text the spirit swiiliog but the flesh is weak. - ,: Since Tammany has resolved to sup port Cleveland, John Kelly's lavorite drink is "Old Crow" rye wuiskey. - All There is in It. Dyespepsia simply means difficulty of digestion. That difficulty makes a great deal of trouble and causes much ot the world's misery. Difficulty is turned into ease, and misery into com fort, by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters, the world's great iron tonic. This be ing the case, the dyspeptic invalid's best pian is to get Brown's Iron Bitters, just as did Mr, B. H. Oyley, ol Van Wert, Ohio. He used tirown s iron Bitters for dyspepsia, and was cured." FOREIGN FJjOTSAM. . The American colony in Paris is divided against itself and is already tottering. Since bis book was published, the Marquis of Lome's clothes are too small for him. There ia a proposition to have"a squad of mounted police for the London suburbs. Something afcin to a panic is pre vailing in Pari3 hotel circles owing to dull business. Thousands who fled from Naples when the cholera spread are now re turning to the city. Oscar Wilde has- grown stout and has had his hair cut. Nobody notices him any more. Venice has been indulging in the luxury of an International Fisheries Conference of late. - During a review at Berne, a soldier stepped from the ranks and shot him self dead. Crazy. Berlin is to have a new theatre en tirely fireproof in everything except the performances. Temesrar. Hungary, is in a high state ol enthusiasm over the introduc tion of the electric light. In an old music shop in Berlin has been found a symphony by Mendelsohn never yet published. Floods in Spain have caused much distress among the working classes, and kept the men out of cigarettes. A history of the Rothschilds is being written by a member of the house in Paris well known for literary taste and talent. Montefiore, the centenarian, has renewed a contract with his private secretary for three years from Decem ber next. Instead of giving his annual banquet, the Mayor of Sutherland, England, subscribes 100 tor the relief of the eity's poor. Augusta, Empress of Germany, cele brated her birthday last month at Baden Baden. She was blankety-blank years, old. A Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt Co.,ot Marshall. Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases.,. See advertisement ia this paper, t th s eow&w For durable coloring the -walls- of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost, nothing equals the Mableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. . t MISCELLANEOUS. Great Prejudice to Onions JJAS EXISTED AMONG AMERICANS since the remarkable courtabip of Miles Stand lah. Since that time men have been doing their own courting, and have been debarred the privilege of partaking of this fragrant veg etable We have solved the problem by Belling the VALENCIA ONION, which leaves neither smell nor taste, and can be relished by all. They are worth 5 cents per pound, and weigh from one to three pounds. The Unexpected Bosh for the Creamery Buttered Flour! ran our supply short last week, but we will hayc It by Wednesday's steamer. It Is a mar vel In Its way. Every one ehonld try It. Re member it is prepared by Mr. Joe Strange, who was a former Wllmtngtonlan.land we know It Is pure. P. L. BKLDGEBS & CO. HO North Front St. MISCELLANEOUS THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Balirea and earn RHEU3IATIS3r, Neuralgia,, Sciatica, Lumbago, HACK A CUE, SORE THROAT, QCISST. SWKLLI3G3, SPRAINS, Sarenas, Cats, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BUSKS, SCAX.DS, nc all Mber bodily ache ' aad pain. HOT CUTS 1 lOTTIi . Sold j all bnccista aai Itealers. Oirectiooa ia 11 Tie ClurlejA.Voclsr Co. (Soe :'. to A. VomlCT Co.) BalUaort, U, V. 8. A. Mch 29 1y d &w. JUST OPENED I AT s:. - 1. 1 116 Market St., v Aii Entir New Stock OF- FALL AND J WINTER GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, . RH A DAMES7 ARMOURS, BROCADES, SATISS AND SILK VELVETS. FRENCH DRESS GOODS OTTOMANS, TRICOTS, S SHUDDAS, CASH MERES, ii - FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Qualities and Shade. Ladies'. Cloth and Flannel Suitings. A SUPERB S OCK OF 54 INCH GOODS, comprising every Grade and Shade, o ' LADIES' EOLMANS, NEW MARKET, . CLOTH AND JER3EY f WALKING JACKETS. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES AND CHILDRENS'UNDERWE A R ! i ! j o- ' MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND FURNISHING GOODS. Table and Piano Covera, Smyrna Rugs, Cretonnes, Linen Damasks, Towels, Napkins, . White Goods, every variety. Embroideries, Ribbons. Laces, Hosiery, Gioves, Staple and Domestic Goods, Notions, Ac, '&c. All of the above have been bought during the present panic in prices, cheaper than ever before known Ini the history of Dry Goods, and if my kind patrons will call, GOOD MA. TE RIALS and LOW PRICES will do the selling. I j - M. IV3. ICATZ, 116 Market St. Bagging, Ties, Gins, 1 000 ROLLS i5agging. QQQ Bundles ARROW TIES, V c Bales Haling Twine, HaU'a Cotton Gins, Wilson, Child's Co.'s Wsgons. p " t SUNDRIES Fresh Candy, Fresh Crackers', Fresh Cakes, Fresh Cheese, Coffee, 8ngar, Flour, Molasses. Meat. Larti.Soap, Soda, Lye, Powder, Shot, Caps,: Case and Canned Goods. For sale by t KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS oct 6 Furniture. JEW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE, ARRIVING EVERY DAY Mann factored expressly for this market New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive; variety of Ner and Fask ionable Goods, alt made this set son, j j D. A. SMITH. Ilmilture Dealer; N. Front Street OCt 13 . First of the Season, A T THE GEM 'rest a ttk a vi " 1. i "AND SAMPLE TtOOM N.Y.BEKF. , N.Y.LAMB, ' CAULIFLOWER. 1 CELERY, etc The deUcades of l the Season always on lip ' KATZ'S, HlSCELLANEOTtT liouisianaj State Lottcn ; uompany. 'ffeaoheruy certify dot , k arrangement for all A MoutU??? Annual Uravtima nf TUm rT" & tar CmpV and in JeroTiSSStS trol Uus Drawings themtlve$7m same are conducted with honesty fZJr9 Q( ia good faith toward all parties. amTZ' tee Me uompang louse eerVWca "f tixatles of our signatures atiachetC'i,f titements." I - " J9 Commissioner, Incorporated in 1863 for 25 years bt . ia ia rare ror Fkinrjttinna i im h(..v: s noses with vintt i A i nrm nm t T rja I reserve fund of over $550,000 has shweSi a ided. . By an overwhelming populai vote lutrt ehlae was made a part of th present 8bt ConBtltntlnTh arinrttivl TWuvtmlum t , ; The only Lottery' ever voted on mwf edi I " w-m mrt II I TT I Itnever mcaleMo noffnnw. , - M mr. i Its Grand Single Number Drawing tsk.1 A SPLKNDin hPPdltTmilTV Tn FORTUNE. Elf yenth Grand Drawlnr. Clai l In the Ar.fl.d0mv !nf Mnfclft at K. Tuesday, November 11. lS8-174th Mont Capital Prize, S75.000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dot lars Each. Fractious in Fifth ui prupurxion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Cajltal Prize of.... 75,( 25,oce 10,006 1 capital raze 01. . . . . .-. 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prizes of f6,000 5 Prizes of 2.000 10,000 10,000 .. 10,0ft 10 Trizes of 1.000 ' 20 Prizes of 100 PrUes of , 900 Prlzea-of 600 Prizes Qf 1000 Prizes of 500...... , 200 100 50.......... , 25......... ; .. 20,009 .. so.ot? 25,(n) '.. 9,000 X TV APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $75u. . . 1" " 000- 4.500 Prizes, amounting to... 1255,500 .Appuwiugn iorraiesvo eiuos BDOUlu be mle oniy 10 tne omce 01 tne company m New Or leans. - For further information, write clearly, fir Sng full address. 1 POSTAL NOTES. Exurea Money Orders, or New York Exchanfte in . ninary lener.- crurrency uy Kxpreeo (all im of $5 and upwards at our expense) addreud . . At. A. DAUrUlK. ; - - i . New Orleans, La. si n. a.. uAurmn, 607 Seventh St.. WasMnarto!). D. 0. Make P. O. Money Orders payable acd id arees Kegrstered Letters to NEW OKLEAN3 NATIONAL BANK. OCt 15 NEW ORLSAX8. Li. Carolina Central R. B, Compainy; or no of dEzrxBAi. BumumHTum Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 20. 18T4 Change of Schedule, N AND AFTER SEPT.; 21st 1S4, T2I O following tjcneauie will be operated ot U.'i Railroad i PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TBU1 - Dally except Sundays. Leave Wilmington at.. ......7.00 P. 1 No. L 1 Leave Raleigh at. 7.25 P. I .l Arrive at Charlotte at.......7.S0 A. 1 1 Leave Charlotte at... ...... .8.19 P.-1 No. 2. J Arrive Raleigh at.... o oo A. M y Arrive at Wilmington at.. ..8.23 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regnlar aUfloai only, ana points designated in tne Compaafi Time Table. r ... SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, Mail EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. - Dally except Sundays. - Vrt - J Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. Wo- 3- j Arrive at Shelby...........12.l5P. Krt l i Leave 8helby......... LP.J- No- Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P.M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close oonnecttn A Hamlet with B. & A. Trains to andfroaE elgh. , j . - Through Sleeping Cars between WllmlnjW and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No, 1 for Statesville, Stataai Western NCR B, AshevWe and polnU wefc Also, for Spartanburg, .Greenville, AUifi Atlanta and all points Southwest. ; L. C. JONES. I SnperlBtcndei F. W. CLARK, Genera Passenger At . sept su ... ! . New orlt & Wilmington Steamsliip Co. FROM PIER S4, EAST RIVER, At 3 o'clock. P. M. BXNEFACTOR..... -SatarcUy. ot ULF8TEEAM......v-'--Starlay " BENEFACTOR.... "Satcrftf. of - FROM WIU1ISQTON : BEXKFACTOIi.-...... wtoy SBV G ULF STREAM, i . . .SAturday, ' BENEFACTOR ...Saturday, GULF STREAM Saturday, ' Thls steamer has been specially refitted passengers, j . X3- Through JfAif Xhrouglt Rates gcaranteed to and troa .For iTelght or Passage aimlytofj. THEO. tt.:EGEB, Freight Agent W1LP.CLTDB ca.SSTKewlS i aj Broadway, asw ial8S3, 1,935. ! ' thartic ever compounded. . A oet 17 1- : - ' r ' will west, oetl5 j ! HO.20M. Front st . " ' . ' ' ; t-'i , . I ' r . :' '- " ,r'' 0Ct27-tXa

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