THIS PAPER '- - ' nubliaaed every evening, Sundays tx f ! cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, sdxtob ixd rsoraETOB. . SUBSCKIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three months, $1-00; One month, 85 cents. Tbe paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, to any part of the city, at the above niea, or 10 cents per week. 1 - ; Advestlslng rate low and liberal. sarSnbscrlbcrs will report any and all f&O area to receive their paper regnl&rly, gy The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of ahtf newspaper r ublished, in the city of Wilmington. Mr. BlainG owns $174,000 worth bt coal property near Pittsburg. Col Vilas is scattering hisoratorical shot in Ipws, tbe Republican strong hold. . Dr. Tanner, of ! past prominence as an expert starver, is living on a ranch - Mexico.- T ; " Miss Beach, of Washington, one ol AUan Arthur's alleged fiances, sailed for Europe last week. Mr. McSweeney. of British dungeon fame, is telling: Chicago audiences about Mr Blaine's lorgetfuln'&s. ' 1 f The Empress ol Germauy sent a telegram to Sir Moses Montefiore, con gratulating him on his 100th birthday Miss Longfellow, one of the daugh ters of the poet, is to be married to Mr. Thorpe, the brother of Mrs. Ole Bull. . . Butler has thrown up all his New York State engagements. Can he bo sick of his canvass? Or is his canvass sick of him? ! . i Tbe banking firm of Rothschild in Ijadon employ women exclusively as coupon counters, and experience shows that they are far more reliable and in telligent than male employees. ' - The magnificent "First Spiritual Temple," which! the Spiritualists of Bolton are building in that city, is slowly nearing completion, It will have cost about $250,000 when finish ed. Miss Coghlan, the leading lady of Wallack's Theatre, in New ;Yerk:t re ceives $300 a week. She has a man cook, a coachman, a maid, and a general 'servant, and her dinners are superb, j ; Hl . Crougb, the wilter of "Kathleen Ma rourneen," received $25 for the pro duction, and atterwards became a beg ging tramp, while his publisher could hare built a brown stone front out of its sales, i General Grant! in writing his auto biography, says that the things he re members most vividly are those of his early life and that tbe Mexican war seems moro distinct to him than the late civil war. Steamers are expected at Buenos Ares from Genoa with 400 passengers. They cleared through a blunder of the Argentine Consul at Genoa, and as on account of cholera, no vessels from Genoa are admitted in tbe port of Bue nos Ayres, trouble is apprehended. ; . t A dog at Sacramento is dying from the effects of a $20 gold piece iu his stomach. From swallowing crackers tossed to him he acquired the accom. plishment, of catching coins, holding them between his teeth a moment, and returning them to their owners. The tipsy individual who tossed him the gold eagle has expressed a desire tc be present at the autopsy. A centenary medal has been struck in honor of Sir Moses Montefiore, the venerable philanthropist, whose like ness is faithfully and expressively shown on the obverse, while the reverse contains an appropriately worded dedi cation. Encircling the bust is an in scription in Hebrew, "Happy is every one vahif fpflrnth t.h Eternal: who walketh in His ways. 8th Heshwan, 5015." ' . . Postmaster-General Hatton has inau gurated one reform that may tend to check dishonesty in the Postoffice De partment.: He has made an order that any clerk who hypothecates his' salary shall be dismissed. If clerks cannot get their salaries until they have earned them the chances are that they will not get themselves into trouble trying to raise money to pay the exorbitant - in terest demanded by the'shylocks. They cannot borrow without furnishing secu rity. !- . -, - , It is a common mistake-to assume that Australia is a country destitute oi large rivers; on Ihe-c&ntrary, it posses es one of the longest in the world, viz., the Darling, which is navigable for 2, 315 miles, placing it third ia rank among the rivers of the world, estimated bT their navigable length, and consider ably above the Nile navigable for 1, 500 miles; the Danube, navigable for 1,700 miles; the Rhine, navigable for "wmues.and the Thames, navigaoie x Now is the time to give Smith' Worm Od. : v lydw . i : r SL . . . . 1 : . ..I ' ' -' ... - voi,. viii. Ilfirn 9tro t am fonts F r t ? column gleamed from the Hartford (Conn.) Catholic: ' Patrick O'Brien, of La Selle. III., will be taken to the polls on November 4 in a barouche drawn by four horses, headed by a brass band, and have an escort of 100 members of the Young Men's Democratic Club. Mr. O'Brien was born in Watertord, Ireland, and is 101 years and 7 months . old. He first voted the Democratic ticket in 1828 for "Old Hickory." :, The Republicans can not intimidate or scare this old veteran. He has een in loo many battles to be frightened by the "free trade" howl of tbe Republicans. A Sullivan campaign club has been organized in New York city. It numbers about four hundred and each member is named Sullivan. None but a Sullivan is allowed to ioin. A beautiful banner was recently oresentedj tucui uy ana. neuuncKs, wiie oi me Democratic vice presidential candidate. They are a stalwart and able body of men ana wnenever they turn out re, ceive unlimited cheers along the route of march. , Daniel McSweeney, Ihe ex-suspect, was escorted by them to the hall Friday night, when he spoke against Jame3 G. Braine. If the Smiths and O'Briens would form Dem ocratic clubs throughout the country,' Grover Cleveland would surely, with out a shadow of doubt, be our next President. The Stalwarts are the latest element of the opposition to Mr. Blaine that has appeared on tHe political stage in New York. In giving their reasons for declining to support the Republican nominee they jbalk so like Independents that the latter will be justified in add ing their names to the list of 60,000 Re publicans whose voting for Cleveland they regard as a sure thing. The Stal wart reason for not voting for Mr. Blaine by which they are most influ enced is the' one Mr. Conkling's 140 Utica admirers do not mention in their address the fact that it was at Mr. Blaine's suggestion that Secretary Fol ger was so badly treated in 1881. - George Conklin, the lion-tamer, says he will have nothing to do with cross eyed animal, nor use any other remedy for his coughs and colds but. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. LOCAL NEWS. IBDEX TO MEW ADVERTISED ERT3. C W Yates New Gooda S II Trimble Auction Notice ; Will West Green Turtle Soup J W CosoLET Conoley's Drug- Store Heinsbergkx Bookseller and Stationer. Jas W Kixo, Chm'n Attention Democrats FC Miller Friends end Fellow Citizens Register now! Delays are dangerous- Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. - ' - f We observe quite a fine display of new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Tbe celebrated Melville Hat can only be had at Dyer's; a new line of the lat est styles are shown there. t We invite thjQ attention of eur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factor?. tf. The Br. Steamship AslMU which has been aground for two or three days at the jetties,"was gotten off this morn ing and proceeded down the river to Smithville. A Col. D. K. McRae will speak in front of the City Hall to-morrpw night, and we trust that "there will bo a grand rally to listen to the distinguished- orator. . There was one case of disorderly con duct before the Mayor this morning which was settled by the payment of a fide ot $3. We suppress the name by request. We learn that quite a number of colored men have illegally registered in the First Ward. This mnst be looked after, and we hope that vigilant Dem ocrats will not allow a ballot to be cast by any ono not legally entitled to vote. From a letter from our esteemed correspondent aud subscriber; Mr. N. Gillican, of Moss Neck, Robeson coun ty, we learn that the Democrats of that section are wide-awake and will poll a full vote for Cleveland on Tuesday next. Good! Whoop 'em up!! Colonization ot colored men is re ported from the First and Fifth Wards This matter should be attended to at once, and the Democrats should have a strong force of good and resolute chal lengers at tbe polling places in those wards on the day of election. ' Good materials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. t ' " " 11 -Li. J 1 VI 7 li A il M A .,'.. fl r 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, The spell of warm, dry and du3ty weather has at last been broken, and we predict plenty of rain during the month of November. Peuder county will prove true to her self on Tuesday next and her vote wilj give a majority, for honest government and white supremacy. Quito a number ot our citizeqs went down lo Masonboro this morning to partake of the oyster roast at Fowler'f Point and to listen lo the Democratic speeches that were made there. ; Mr. Frank Fales, of Masonboro Sound, has raised a second crop of water mel ons this year, which are said to be as nice, ripe, rich and as well flavored as any of the first crop. About 25 melons of the second crop have fully matured, a very unusual occurence. A Kattlor. Mr. Oakley McNeill, who lives near Moss Neck, Robeson Co., killed a rattle-snake a few days since that meas ured four feet and eight inches in length and bad 13 rattles. It was one of the largest ever seen in that section. i l More Taters. The reports concerning sweet pota toes begin to be quite interesting. The last of these succullent esculents re" ported was from Red Banks and it weighed six pounds and three quarters. It was raised upon the land of Mr. S. R, Townsend, of that place. We do not expect to beat this until we begin to grabble in our own "tater" patch. Col. McKae To-morrow Night. Our citizens will be treated to-morrow night with a speech from this incisive and eloquent orator on the political issues of the day . It being Saturday night when he' speak?, tbe hour has been considerately fixed at half past eight, so that those who are compelled to do marketing and shopping at the close of the week may have time to make their purchases before the speak ing commences. ' 1 i .. ; They Will Happen. :, Wo made a big. mistake yesterday it wa3 us, the Commercial Reporter, and not tbe printer in our report of the quotations ot spirits turpentine. It was quoted on the "boards" as "quiet at 27J cents, per gallon," but we made it read as "quiet at 28 i cents per gal lon," We try to be correct in our quo tationsj and how such an egregious blnnder should have been made is be yond our ken. It was our fault, and not the printer's, and one for whfeh. with our characteristic cood nature, we are entirely willing to be forgiven. Have you registered? Iortb Carolina Conference. The annual Conference of the North Carolina M. E. Church will convene at the Front Street M. E. Church, in this city, at 9 a. m., on Wednesday, the 21th day of November next. Bishop Linus Parker, of New Orleans, will piesidei There will be about 300 cler gymen and lay delegates in attendance, and the officers ot the Church are now engaged in seeking homes and accom modations for those expected. We presume that there will be no difficulty in effecting this purpose, for our citi zens are too well known for their gen erous hospitality to allow any visitors to remain uncared for. Inspecting the Books. Section 2,677 ot the Code of North Carolina says: It shall be the duty of the registrars and judges of election to attend at the polling place of their township or precinct with the registra tion books, on the Saturday proceeding the election, from the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., 1 till the hour of 5 o'clock p m.. when and where the said books eVtatl ha nnnn tn thn !nnfiff iftfl ftf the electors of the precinct or town ship, and any of the said elec tors shall be allowed to object to the name of any person appearing on said books. In case of any such objection the registrar shall enter upon his books opposite the name of the person so objected to the word "challenged and shall appoint a time and place, on or before election day, when he, togeth. er with ; said judges of election shall hear and decide said objection, giving due notice to tbe voter so objected to! Provided, nothing in this section shall prohibit any elector from challenging or objecting to the name of any person registered or offering to register at any time ether thnn that above , specified. If any person challenged or objected to shall be found not' duly qualified the registrar shall erase his name from the bOOkS.". ,y .::i'v Register! Register!! Register!!! : .,' .-j;-.; j. The Last. ; The last Democratic speech1 of the campaign will be at the Market House next Monday;night. when Major C. M. Stedman will deliver an address. -That ill close the campaign, so far as speech-making is concerned. Voting' will be the next thing in order and that will besin on Tuesday morning. Have you registered? . , Persoual. Mr. J. W. Taylor has gone to the exposition. His daughter, Maggie, Miss accompanied him. Mr. J. H. Currie, who has been to Raleigh to visit the Exposition, re turned to the city last night. " We are glad to learn that Miss Getie Taylor; who has been quite sick with fever, has so far recovered as to be able to be up and about the house. Hon. George Davis, who has recent ly visited the State Exposition, is ery warm in his expression of appro val,and says that it is a wonderful exhibit of the resources of our wonderful State, but that the truth has not yet been told. Mai. C. M. Stedman was in the city to-day. He is announced to speak a Rockingham, Richmond ' Co.. lo morow. There is to be a mass-meeting at that place nd a high old Democratic time generally. Several speakers will address the mulitude. Mr. John R. Paddison, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of Pender county, gave us the pleasure of a vUit this morniog. He ppeaks cheerringly of the poliitcal outlook in Pender and say3 that the Democratic candidate for the lower House of the Legislature, Mr. John T. : Bland, will be elected. Well, he ought to be elects ed. ! Mr. Bruce Williams, of Long Creek. Pender county, gave us the pleasure of a visit yesterday. He is confident of the success of ithe Demo, cratic ticket in Pender. The only man who don't get out of patients in this weather the doctors. The only patients who get out of doc tors are those who sue St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain reliver. - Col. McRae in'Ilalcitrh Hon, D. K. McRae.of this city, spoke in Rateigh on Wednesday night and the papers jof that; city speak in very handsome terms o'f his effort on that occasion. AVe copy from tHe Chronicle : Last evening Chairman Battle, of the Democratic State Committee, introduc ed to a court-houseful of the leading men of Raleigh (among whom, too, were a ' number of visitors), the i distinguished gentleman for whom 26 years ago he cast his first ivotc for Governor, Mr. Duncan K. McRae,' of Wilmington. For more than two hours and a half Mr. McRae spoke, reviewing with bjroad scope first tho history of tariff legislation and the doctrine as taught by the Democrat ic party ; and secondly a general re view of the iniquity of the Republican party. The most striking part ot his address was that wherein he declared the great mistake ot tbe Democratic party was the endorsement ot the Wattersonian tariff plank ot 1880. Neither the Dem ocratic party nor the Whig party nor any party in American. Mr. McRae de clared, ever advocated until 1880 a doctrine of tariff for revenue only. He read and explained tho platform of the Chicago Democratic Convention and endorsed its utterances on the tariff, expressing himself in tayor of inciden tal protection.! Then followed a sweeping review of Republican mismanagement for the last 18 years.' His review of the reconstruc tion peiiod in the South is the most stinging and the most humorous narra tive, perhaps, in all political history. But it was the marvellous wit (and it bubbled up everywhere), tbe striking antitheses, and the sarcasm of Mr. Mc Rae that pleased bis. audience most. What happy hits he made! "There are honest men in the Repub lican party," he said. "I'here is, for instance, my learned friend. Dr. Eu gene Grissom, who is one of the hond somestifnot the handsomest man in North Carolina. Cheers. Whatever advice he would give on almost any matter (York or other) it is well to consider and follow. Then there are others eh yes, but I do not now recall their names. But Col. Lot Humphrey isanother. He is a Republican f rom bis inordinate pro pensity to be on tbe opposite side. Once there was a fellow standing by a lamp post who asksd a passer-by which was the opposite side of the street. 'The tther sidef said he. 'Why, I asked a fellow over there which was the oppo site side, and he said this was. How mm I to know?'" When be had occasion to allude to Co!. I. J. Young, he said: "He was a good soldier. When his commander had need of a man of nerve and daring, he instantly sent for Col. Y ung. Isaac had no white liver, as he has shown no white politics. Isaac Isaac, the son of Abraham, wishes tbe internal revenue abolished. If old father Abra ham were to take him to the altar to make sacrifice and say. 'Isaac, my son. I am commanded to offer thee up. would Isaac say. Ye, father? Not a bit! He would answer: 'There is a calf in the thicket; sacrifice him.,, Whea hs cane to discuss prohibition, 1884.' j Mr. McRae said that on the election uay iu luaine, me went q the polls. "Emmons voted. Walker-voted, and honest .Teems he dodged right up like a man. Here you have them : York all whiskey, Russell al! water not a Tivulet or a lake, or an inlet nor a sound, hnr n urhn'n noonn ' i Anrf Blaine, with whiskey on one shoulder ana water on the other, and both," ) -vf j-;"-.. .. ; S!orv after storv. eDiirraru dodge on after epi- cram, here and there oassases of hiih eiovuence everywhere tho fluency and sarcasm lhat, have made Mr-j McRae' a notable man for;half a century indeed almost ever since the day when,! a3 a child, he welcomed LaFayette to Fayr etteville filled two hours and a half. Exports Foreiarn. Ger brig Express, Voss, cleared to day for Liverpool with 1,056 bates of cotton, valued at $46,735,61, shipped by Messrs. I), R. Murchison & Co. f Ger, brig Diana t Schnxder, cleared f.r Amsterdam with 1.100 bales of cotton, valued at $49,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt& Son; making a ttal of exports foreign amounting to $95,735. 61. -: ! ' i : Rev. Dr. Pritcbard received ar tele gram from Raleigh last Wednesday night, stating that his son in that city was seriously sick with diph heria, and left on the next train. He has nbt yet returned, nor has has any hews been received regarding tho condition pf his sick son. The next dmertainment at tho Onora House will boon the 7th and f th of November next, ; at which timel Miss Lill ian Olcutt will appear. Mr. Jerry Hewlett, at his fishing grounds at Masonboro, to day landed 1,104 bunches ot mulettes of (fourfto the bunch. I NEW ADVEBTISEittENTS. Green Turtle Soup Jp.OJt LUNCH TO-MORROW, I AT TIIE GHM", ; 26 N. FROT STBEET, Oct 31 "i WILL WEST SETU W. XAVIS, Auctioneer BY S. II. TRIMBLE J -5 J WILL CONTINUE TIIE SALE OB) Cloth ing, Hats. Caps, Shoes, &c, store No. 7; Mar ket St., J. Fernberger's old stand, commencing at7oclock. j ' oct 31 it Conoley's Drug Store. 5516 MAKKESTKEET. IOOK OUT FOR;COU9II3, COLDS, Sore J I " j ' .. Throat and Croup.s Conolcy'5 Cough Syrup will cure them; Conoley's Cologne always on hand, also J- W. CON OLE If. P. None but the beet Drugs used by oct 31 CON OLE Y. P. 1IEINSBERGEK, Book-Seller and Stationer, DEALER IN PIAN03 AND ORCJANS, FANCT GOODS, . WEDDING PRESENTS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEON3, BAN JOS, STRINGS, Ac. ' , ' oct 31 . Attention! Democrats ! Ti ' ! - jyjAJ. C. M. STEDMAN, our fellowtowns man, and Democratic candidate for Lleutcn ant Governor, will address the pec pie of Wil mlngton MONDAY NIGHT, at 7 JO o'clock, in the New Market House. All of the Democrat- 1c Clubs and the citizens generally are cordial- i ' i " .. !y Inylted to hear hlai. J. W. KING, Chairman, oct 31 Dcni. County Ex. Committee i i . -rl .A forewarned not to trust or harbor t23K. any of. the crew of the RnesLan 4"? btlg OTTO, as neither the Master 'i - "'7 - or consigneea will be responsible : - J. G RAN IT. Master : oct 23 3t IIEIDK it CO., Consignees Register ! Register ! ND VOTE FOR CLEVELAND 1& I1EN- UKlCICS and CAt HORSE'S n'ZTftiQ !. srriTeti. Gowt Old Clcmmer Whiskey, vaol Ker, Ac OLD NORTH STATE ALooN. oct 30 j C So. Front Street FRESH GOODS BY STEAMERS AXt A. C. L!ne, now arrtrlng : 500 bushels Va. Meal, loo bbls Fancy Apples. 60 boxes assort ed Cakes, 50 bbU N. x. Cabbage, 50 boxes Canned Goods, 500 lbs Creamery Uutter, 1,000 lbs. S. C Ueau, JrUh Potatoes, Turnips, Flaur, Mill Feed, Lard, Bacon, and Northern Sausage, at bottom prices. i E. G. BLAIR, oct 27 , So.13 NorthSccCBdot. B T SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED sooda to MONACITS Steam Dye Works, 16H recoad st.. and halrg them made darker for Fall and Winter wear ycra'U save the expense ol buy tcz a new rait cr dress. Complete axd fresh lot dye staff jest received, -sept 15 - ,: Hi Win be gUd. to recsrre 'ceausQaicatlc: froa np fritsds oa try vaal all JsnVi Esacrallaterestbtit . The nxseot the writer must aiw&yt be plahed toiheEiitoT. 1' iCoxamczdcaijonsmust be wrlttsa ea ca oaeeldeof the peperj rersosantles mnst be aroldsd.; And U U especially and ptxUculaxly txt tood that theJEdltor docs net arsravs tndci r NEW AIVEUTISE3IENTS. Santa Glanc is- o:irc2.-.i OUR HOLIDAY GOODS arocn the road comicg lo, and we Lave Let II .tie space t spate, and & re bound to make room for them, eo as to. make them xnve, and give the ladles a. chince to buy CHEAP GO0D5, at TAY LOU'S BAZAAR. A FIN?? INE of f lannelj for ladles, mUscs and children; Eld Glorcs, Jersey Gloves, Vel vets, Vclrelecna, Plushes. Fllks, Satins, Eib- i bons. Laces, Ctrscs, Hosiery and Underwear at prices to suit cyery one. Call and sco. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 7 Great Prejudice to Onions JJAS EXISTED AMONG AMERICANS since the remarkable courtship of Miles Stand Ish. Since that time meu hae boen doing their own courting, and have been debarred ths.piivllege of partak ng of this fragrant veg- etabla We Jiave sqlved the prchlem by selling the VALENCIA ONION, which leaves neither smell nor taste, and jean be relished by all. They arc worth 5 cents per."pound, and weigh, from ono to three pounds. - The Unexpected Rush for tho Creamery Buttered Flour! ran our supply short liet week, but we will have It by Wednesday's steamer. It la a mar vel in its way. Every one should try It. Ec- i . - .. .. member it is prepared by Mr. Joe Strange, who was a former Wllmlngtonlanacd wo know It is pure. P. L. BRIDQERS & 00.' HO North Front 8 1. oct 17 S25 Reward. JgY THE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, Section 2709, ItIa made! lodlctablo to Illegally register or vote, punishment being IMPRIS ONMENT FOR TWELVE MONTHS and A FINE OF $500. Therefore, for Information sufficient to convict any person violating said Section, the undersigned will pay a reward of $25 upon the conviction of the effendcr. - - ! ' JAS. W. KIKG, Qt 21 tf Chm'n Pern. Ex. Committee - Stores for Rent. . i - . ITT-A REHOUSE AND OFFICES J f ahove now ocuplod by Messrs . 11. Johnson & Co. i Store and offlcea above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt.! Both on North Water et.; between and Chestnut. Anplv to rincets aug U Star copy 3t j DeROSSET A CO. Brass Firo Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. SOMETHING VERYTNICE KJ AN I VERY CHEAP. GILES & MURCULSON, 33 and 40 Murchison Block OCt 27 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,-Tte nn derelgned having quallSedaa Administra tor of tbe estate of the late Roberts. RadclllTe. of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons having claims azainst tho same to present them on r berore tite 10th day of Oc tober, 1885, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of them. Those who aro ldebted tottc same will please make Immediate pa rm en t. - oct 10 law Cw fri Administrator ADISTRATOR'3 NOTICE -Havlr-qua.lflcd as Administratrix upon the " Uie of the lata Mary P, Pickett, notice U here by slven to all verBons having Jk aniC-10 preecnt them to me on or I fore yewuer, jcoj, or iru notice will be pleaded In bar of a recovery. Those lndebtct to the same will please make Immediate par .cH1' 8' J BER, Acmx. October 17, 1&4 , j Ci notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA. tor of the4tateof AnaGleason, deces ed. notice Is hereby girea to all pertoaa ic debletl to the said estate to mak payment at once, and all fiersoca baring claims aralnst aaiil esute will cresent them for parxaf at to the undersigned, on or before tho 2Jth iiiv of ccjjicuur, , u. imj, c-r UUS IiOlMO will LO pleaded ia bar of ticlr rerevfrv. t rrtp.c-Tri-' , j-r.jii. p ::nr, Atii'r P

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