XHISPAPEB' every evening.".-5aad7 ex : eepted .by 4 r JOSH T. JAMES, gorrOB X3TD FSOrKECTOB. cracCRlPTlO3 POSTAGE PAID? js ycT tl.OO; One month, 35 cents: OK -" I I ner will be delivered by earners - pi m nr part of the dty, at the s tree above 0t. per week. ; rltes."' teglow ani uberaL v V -crlbers vrill report any and all fall al ve their paper regularly, f or Tm Daily Mevieto has the largest , Lh circulation, of any newspaper s; Ki -in ike city of Wilmington. ,7urt (f Inersoll is to be the orator ,?l,e unveil Lnff of the Kit Carson UlnunM-ntt Santa Fe. - u' . - . .r(l Archer, the English jckcy. ..; l;iv- won fourteen out of ,vj.,-(.,s in which he had mounted, ibir.j . . XKC Episcopal ministers of Boston rj vicinity are reported by one of eir number to dc pracucai-y - udh, caiQ5t Iiiaine. S2 jjcrr Iijorn Hjornson, a sod of the ,3:ed Norwegian poet, has made a en ,t (,n in Christiana by his performance 0t Richard III .., jierr Makart has left a fortune of about $-200,000. A London picture ,iHer is .-aid to have offered $35,000 I ,r ihe c)i.tent3 of Makart's studio. . -- Mi-s Chickering, daughter of the -:tu j):ar.( manulaclurer, haa been g at Naples and Palermo, andex ,,k s to come to the Umttd Slates next ll:V-- ..J, General Wolaeley oflleially announ w, that he w issue generous alcoholic rations to the troops of the Nile expe dition, believing that ior a good, steady march there's nothing like rum. An optical telegraph was established od Lacroix Peak, in Reunion, and YTt Peak, in Mauritius, on the nifcht of July 12-13, when messages were freely exchanged between the two islands. ' Tne Chicago Times says it was an in spiring sight to see in the Blaine pro cession in that city squads ot 10-year-old boys carrying banners inscribed with the patriotic motto: "We shall vote a9 we shot." : Mr. Will Carleton is called by the Fall Mall Gazette a poet to whom it has been given "to impart to American poetic literature -soniethine of the native color and vigor which have been wanting in the works of other Ameri can poets." . ; ... Five of the monks of the famous .ow7wfcry of the Grand Chartreuse were recently buried under a land slide while taking their usual weekly walk on the mountain terrace, near the mon astery. Forty- monks were in the pf.rty at the time. One of the five men was killed and lour were very seriously in jured. ' i . The underground telegraph lines in Germany cost about two and a half times as much per mile as the aeria lines; but the expense ol keeping tbem in repair is only about one-seventh part as much; so that in time the aggregate cost will be no greater, to say nothing ilthe other advantages of the subter ranean system. : A gentleman named Hammond had enormous luck at the Cesarftwitch race meeting in England. He won $150, 000 on the victory of St.-atieo, $50, 000 on Melton, who won ' the Middle l'ark t late, 'and $25,000 on bis own horse, Euracian, besides sm alter bets amounting to $25,000 more, making a total for the week of over'$220,O00, The woman's department of the New Orleans Exposition will contain a libra. J of women authors, and every woman who ha published or illustrated books is asked to send a set to the aommis sioner ot her State for transportation to New Orleans. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, is president of the women's department, and circulars and information can be obtained from her. luring the time Air. BUine was raveling oyer the country enlarging Pon the blessings of high taxes the -sills at Lewiston, in his own State of Maine, have discharged their opera. ives. an act which has produced a krge amount of destitution. The Overseers of the Poor report a greatly increased number of applications for aid. while forty persons left the city for Caaada in a single day. . ; : - ' ' u 'a said that the French railroad com panies are about to adopt an electric opener. ; A catch connected with a e'ectro-ruagnet keeps the gates cjosed. When a train approaches it c'ses the circuit, releases the catch, jnct the gates fly open. The last train ;st passes through opens the circuit, and the gates are again closed, The ame apparatus ring3 a bell violently n lhe approach ot a train. "When will the average citizen stop 'pending half of his hard earnings on Jprs and tobacco? Give it up? Well, jjen he finds out , he can do without woacco and cigars, but can't keep up RniUIi lne infallible remedy, JJr. Ura vu2tt oyrup." une bottle ".u-aye cents. r Vol. yiii. LOCAL NEWS. I1DEX TO HIW IDVEfiriiEMEiTX. C W YATips New Gooils W Davis iiox-For Sale Ovs.uk House LIU an Olcott B M McIstire Becclvcl To day U EJif -iBBEOKK Bookseller and SUtlontr. T C MlLLEU-Frlcnds hd Tellotr Citizens The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 084 bales. There were a goodly number of young men in the city who cast their maiden votes to-day. A beautifulsouvenir of Miss Olcott will be'given to every lady attending the matineo. There .was no City Court this morn ing, and there was a remarkable quie tude in the vicinity of the City Hall. r There is an almost supreme majesty 'u the ballot, although it does its work as silently a9 the falling of the leave?. We invite special attention to the at tractive advertisement of Capt. R. M. Mclntire as published in this issue. It may be money in your pocket to read it. The voting in the several Wards dur ing the morning hours was quite brisk and many of our buriness men attend ed to that important duty before com ing down town. Hon. Charles J. Faulkner, cf Virgin ia, is dead. He was the grand-uncle of a young gentleman resident in this city, Mr. Thos. Faulkner, operator at the depot of the Carolina Central R. R. The vote of to-day will cause a great deal of money to say nothing of suits of clothes, hats and cigar3--to change hands, and by to-morrow people may begin to prepare to settle their election bets. The United States District Court, Judge Seymour presiding, will convene m this city to-morrow morning, at which time it will be necessary for witnesses, jurors and others interested to be on band. The streets were' remarkably quiet this morning. A large portion of our people voted early and then went about their daily business as if nothing of importance was occurring - through out the country. The reason why our town is noted tor its well dressed young men is be cause of late years they can get what they want in fine fashionable goods, Irom Dyer & Son, who always keep the very latest styles and a good a; sortment. f The Last Guu. In accordance with previous an nouncement and the published pro gramme, the last Democratic rally of lhe campaign took place last night. At 7 o'clock p m the torchlight procession was formed in front ot the City Hal'. which under the direction of Chief Marshal Green and preceeded by the Cornet Concert Club, whose inspir ing strains caused much delight, took ,up its line of march over the course marked out'. Many of the houses along the line of march were brilliantly illuminated and the procession was greeted with frequent cheers by the spectators and by fine pyrotechnic dis plays along the route Maj, Charles Manly Stedman", the speaker for the evening and in whose honor the de monstalion was gotten up, joined the procession at his residence on Market street whenco the march was continued to the New Market House. Here there had already arrived !a large and enthu siastic concourse of people, among whom were many of the ladies ot Yih mington, and when the procession had filed into the building there was hardly standing room such was the eagerness to sec and hear the distinguished son of North Carolina, who had done so much for his own honor and the glory of the State during the campaign. It was estimated by many that fully 2,500 persons were present. Maj. Stedman was introduced to the audience by Mr. J. W. King. Chair man ot the Couuty Executive Com mittee, who presided over the meeting. When the distinguished speaker arose he must have been more than human not to have felt a thrill of iust pride course through his veins as he viewed the vast sea ot upturned faces then assembled to greet him and- heard the rapturous shouts of applause that made the build ing ring. His speech was one ol the ablest of the campaign. We have not space to give eyen a-synopsis of the effort. Suffice it to say that it made hosts "of . friends and reflected creditt not only upon himself,, but upon the Democracy ofNortn Carolina who had reposed bo grave a trust upon him. .-. 4. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1884. NO. 2 County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday in regular monthly ses sion, present. 11. A Batr Esn.-nhair- j - w r- -9 X - - man, and Commissioners B. G. -Worth, Roger Moore, J. A. Montgomery and E. L. Pearco. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report, as follows: General Fund, balance on , band S15.296.17 Educational Fund, balance on band 13,312.92 Of the general fund, the sum of $6,065 is in the shape of a certificate of deposit in the First National JUnk. I he Register of Deeds submitted his report of fees received lor marriage licenses for the month of October, amounting to $15.20, and exhibit the Treasurer's report lor the same. Re port received and ordered on file. A license to retail spirituous liquors was cranled to Kate Montrose. It was ordered by the Board that the poll-tax charged against G. D. Wright ba remitted, he beingacitizen of Wayne countv. It was ordered by the Board that the tax on horse, valued at $40, and charg ed against R. J. Bonham, in Harnett township, be remitted, the same being a clerical error. A small number of other clerical errors were ordered corrected, tax assessments were reduced in certain cases, and certain persons were allow ed to list taxes. The following persons were drawn to serve as jurors at the November special term of the Criminal Court: James Nolan, Thos. E. Mayer, H. W. Howard, John W. Garrett, N. B. Vincent, L. M. LeGwin, W. E. Davis, Henry Green, H. Webb, Edwin G. Thorpe, James W. Collins, P. Barren tine. Thos. Rand, S. P. Collier, Stephen Sneeden, W. J. Penny, John H. Craig, J. B. Sampson, W. B.. Curtis, G H. Ward, Wm. Genaust. Richard Saunders, W, II, Strickland, James H. Lane, W. S. Hewitt, Patrick Larkins, Chas. Craig, Wm. Walker, Samuel Carver, E. A. Orrell. The following jurors were drawn to serve at the approaching term of the Superior CouU. which convenes in this city on the 1st Monday in December: Firct week Wm. Cowan, colored. Jas, D. Mosely, J. E. Taylor, colored, W. E. Evans. J. W. King. Jr., N. Hullen; H. M. McDougald, Henry Middleton, colored. Edward Kidder, Win. Cornwall, C. II. Fore, Jas. M. Clark. Second week Miles C. Walton. David Jaselin. A. Quinn, J. T. Kerr, A. J. Hill, G. W. Harper, E. Peschau. D. C. K&hnweiler, J. P. Montgomery, Leo Eibenstein, Thos. Hicks, Charles H. Legg. Adjourned. Exports Foreign. The following enbraces the kind quantity and value of exports foreign from this poit during the month ended October 31st, 1884, as shown by the books of the Custom House: Cotton 14,148 bales, weighing 6,040, 030 pounds, valued at $625,507. Rosin 4,352 barrels, valued at $5,- 028. Spirits Turpentine 214,808 gallons, valued at $60,603. Lumber 1,430,009 feet, valued at $24,437. Shingles 305,000, valued at $1,726. Total, $117,301 ; on American vessels, $26,789; on foreign vessel?, $690,512. The Exposition. A friend kindly permits us to copy an extract rom a private letter ot Prof. E. A. Alderman, of Goldsboro, who has just returned from a visit to the State Fair at Raleigh. He says: I may say of the Exposition in a few words that it was a grand affair. 1 was surprised, almost astounded, at the magnitude of the concern. It was a much more interesting and varied dis play than the Louisville Exposition and surpassed it in every particular save in tne art department. When one consider that only one third of the counties were represented and some ot them only displaying a meagre proportion of the resources it is really marvellous to conjecture what mieht be done if the best were done. There was no scheme or money trap about the who e basiness,butafair, square. North Carolina show, an eye opener to me, and a revelation to the people of the State. The New Hano ver exhibit was tastefully and credita bly.arrarjged, but there was really very little in it. ' China painting and some fruit and rosin atout completes the !ista For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost, nothing equals the Mjlbledte sold at JicoBi's.. Depot ' . " ' . ; t MEVIIV. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARPETS. CARPETS, CARPETS. Extra Supers, 3-Ply, Ingrains, Body Brussels! The stock U now complete and the most fastidious may be suited. Commerc ing to-morrow. (Wednesday), we intend rolling J irpcls chcip,r thui cvtr softi in this market, and this will bo on a basis of K Wo are pleased too to charge goods to prompt parties, but as money cau jhe used to advantage, vou can. if you wish, enjy the benefit which will be olTerqd. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. I J! 1 . t . , .... I i goou general slock aim aius ciak noy 4 A Perilous Adventure. Last night a German sailor, who said that his name was II . Beckman, called upon Mr E. Peschau, Get man Vice Consul at this port, and asked for as sistance. His story was that he was cook on board the German barque Carl August Capt. Doin, which sailed from Hamburg on the 10th ot Septem ber la&t with a cargo of machinery and 160 small cases of dynamite, for Vera Cruz, Mexico. A fe.v drys siDce it was discovered that the cargo had shift- ed. in consequence of which the Captain determined to make a port on this coast. At about 10 o'clock on last Sun day morning, while, the Captain and four of hie crew were below endeavor ing to right the cargo, an explosion took place, blowing up the deck clear aft. The carpenter, who was near the cook, said "make for the boat!" The vessel settled by the stern and then made a lurch forward, followed imme diately by a list to one side when the boat was gotten i: float. The Captain and one man. who had been steering, and Beckman shoved off in the boat, and had just gotten clear of the vessel when the latter sunk. Those in the boat did the best they could until about 3 o'clock on Monday morning, when their oar broke (they had but one) and the carpenter in struggling to reach the blade of the oar capsized the boat and threw them all three into the water Beckman, being a strong swimmer struck out for the land, which was not fardistant, and after a hard struggle reached the shore, having seen no signs of the others after the boat was cap" sized. He says that after reaching the beach he came to more water (probably the Sound) which he swam, and made his way to a farm house , where he was directed to Wilmington. Mr. Peschau provided the shipwrecked mariner with refreshments and lodging for the night, and to day has been investigating the case as far as he was able. He has ascertained that the vcssl sailed from Hamburg for Vera Cruz on the date mentioned and that thus far the sailor's story is corroborated. Hs has also telegraphed to the Superintendent of the Life Saving Station, who is at Smithville, for information, but thus far has received no answer. i A Quiet Election. So far. (and it is 4 p. m., as we write) the elections here have passed off with us very quietly and without any distur bance, so far as we can ascertain, to mar the peace and quiet of the day The voting waj begun early and in two of tne wards, the Second and Third, about one-half of the voting strength was polled before 9 o'clock. Our close is too early, of course, to give any returns, but there is no doubt- that our own Slate will give' a band some majority, not less, we think, than 10,000. for both the State and National tickets. The returns by telegraph will begin coming in, in all probability, by 8 o'clock to-night and they will be post ed as bulletins at Mr. Kasprowicz's cigar store, on North Front street. News from various points along the line of the Carolina Central R- R., received this afternoon, indicate a pretty full vote and increased Democratic majorities. A special from Shelby says that Cleveland will give a handsome in crease on the Jarvis vote. Some fifty colored men, it said, voted at Shelby the Democratic ticket. The North Carolina Educational Association will meet in Raleigh on Tuesday next, 11th inst. The Wilming ton & Weldon R.R. Co. will sell tickets, via Goldsboro, to those who may attend at $6.70 for the round trip. . ; Don't forget the sale of valuable real estate, on Market street, between Sec ond and Third, to take place tr -morrow, at the Court House, at 12 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENT! i-kicks as any nonsc in iijis country! R. M. ftIcIft!TERE i Iiiccmliury Politics. f i u are sorrr to learn that the rti- decce of Capt J. B. 'Lindsay,, at, Lils ville; was destroyed by tire at 1 o'clock this morning. The building was en ¬ tirely destroyed,, the family barely" caping with their lives and such cloth ing as they could hastily gather toetrfer in their flight. There was no insurance. Cant. Lindsay was the Democratic registrar for that township and the rg titration books were in bii hcusc. The fire was undoubtedly incendiary, and j it is thought that the house was firfcd for the purpose of destaoying the books, whieh were, however, saved. Much sympathy is expressed for Capt. Lind say and if the scoundrels are caught they will be summarily punished. Frustrated. i Five Republicans from this city went up last night to various points on the line of the Carolina Central R. R, with the object in view. it is thought, of dis tributing bogus tickets at some of t jie polling places. The parties were 11 known and noted and telegrams 4o i3 s prominent Democrats were sent out o every point at wmcn iney stoppeu. upe of them was found sitting ve. j quietly near the ballot box at Lilesville apd r . was invited to move off a mHe or so from the scene, and he moved. Th4i designs were known-and frustrated and the net result is a loss of five llepabli can votes iu this city. j Messrs. Jere and Jame3 Hewlett made another big haul of mullet3 yls terday at Masonboro. They got 2 3t0 bunches, with eight to the bunch, ruak ing 18.725 fish to the haul. A bcotcDman loves h;s Burns, an American would walk.ten miles iget a DoitJe ot fet, Jacobs Oil to cure hjaf We observe" quite a fine display o new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.! t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA ROUSE. Two Nights and a Matinee. Friday & Saturday, Nov, 7 & . Engagement extraordinary cf the charmJhg young American Iraged'.ennc, I LILIAN OLCOTT, under the management of ROLAND L 7 AY LEURE, tupportcd by a t, eat company, i FRIDAY EVENING Shakespeare's immcrUl love tragedv ROMEO & JULIET, Juliet Mtsa Lilian Olcott Romeo.. ....Mr. W. F. IJuTroDgDa 8ATURD AY EVENING : Pysrmalion and Galatea. GALATEA .Mies TJlUo OlctU PYGMALION....... Mr.W. F. Burrooiha 8ATURDAY MATINEE. Bulwor's liAUY OF LYONS. PAULINE ...Miss Lilian Olcl'tt CLAUDE MKLNOTTK. .Mr. W. F Purroufhs Popular prices, teats on sal at HclneMar gcr on Thursday.. Mallnvc prlce835 and ?5c, and doors. pcn at 1.35. nov 4 SI For Sale. 1000 CACI;AGES' 1QQ BSLS. APPLES, 25 nov 4 BSLS. POTATOES. MUST BE SOLD t ' W. K. DAVIS & SON New Goods ! i JUST RECEIVED, HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen and Mlk, all prices, stamped freJof charge I- Apollque Designs, Taseeli, Pomp oons and is - Cords. . ''J;'" Felt, Plush and SaUo, all colon, for Fancy ' ' ;- Work. Notions, &c. f i " -l ' MI LLINERY Hals and Bonce U, S tr&W, Felt and Velvet and Frames for m Xn-j. Wings. Birds, TIpo, c , ' L KespectfTiMy ' ': v J K mss e. karrer! nov I Kxr.hir.gc CoxrerV : - - :. n wl2 ba f im to rectiTC ecraauaicjitloa rca orr Irlerds on tay m4 til -taocu; The tirae-cl tta writer raiuii uviti b! fciahea to Jfiicr. : ", one elite o; tie paper. rarsonaSlies rami fee tvoldwi And it is csclallj and rn!c-Jarlj tiCe stood that the Editor does not always radus the tlewa of corrcspocueato nz-U to In the otltorUl coltm:. NEW AO VISUT1SKMESTS. SETII W. IJAVIS, Auctioneer BVjS 11 TCIilBLE. AS EXCHANGE CO&NUZ, oa WednenliT, .L -Not. 5t3. at lOo'cljci:. a. in . I wUl tc'l at puulle anctot: ;. , 1 i;ool, sinaU JJnle, ,W - . . . 1 Vv'zy and Ua atsx - v And at my Sales l.oocia ai 11 oVlack. a rin- cral assortment ot 4crt.handlsc, ClothVtv.'. Notions, Car-iei. A ho i ve liar roia New Goods '! New Milliner ! J HAVE RECEIVED AN ISVUICE OF NEW MILLINERY, constating of Felt, Velvet and Straw HaU atd Councls lu iho latest stylos. Also, Ifiucy Feathers, Ostrich Tlpi aul IMutec-s. Pmnpo.is, Hz. mi3 riuiciiiitx, a iirst cuss MJiUner, from one of li e Unrest MilHocry I'&uvjhsh nicais )q U13 couri.ry,'b43 ci!lG f my work Toom nci cAmes lucniy rccoOiinenucu s a Luty of iate and si e. it jS. KATK C.WIN K, No, North See oud fttrec:, kov 3 tf Uci. luttnut and rxlacc8 sts WILMINGTON A W I.DON ft. U, CO., s bUJKlirAUY'A OFFICK, . VV 1LMINGTOK, N. C, NOV. 1st, lSi"4. rpriE FOcjrY NINTH ANNUAL MEKT1NO ox the StocLlioiders of the W'?ainson & Wei- -don Fa!l.;ad 1'oojp.my "will-te hell attho Oilie of the Coinp.tny; Jn Wl'm ngton, on Tuesday, the ljfth of November, list. novStdm J. W. THOMPSON, Sec t'y WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. 11, U, CO,, SECHETAKY'S OFriCE, WiLMIKGTOJ. N. C, NOV. 1st, iSSl rjpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holderaoftbc Wilra'ngton, Coluaibli & Au gusta Railroad CoriipaDy, will Da held at the Ottiie of the Company, in WlImlDgion, on Tueiv, the ISih test. ' - , - novStdm J. W. THOMPSON, Sect'r M. OKOSIiY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLY & MORBIS. Partition Sale. jgY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A aecree of lhtj Superior Court of New Hanover countv. In a certain ex paria special r rocecd lng there pending, wherein Frederick J. Lord, Armand J. Pehouset, William L. i e Resect, and others are tho petitioners, I, as Commit cloner under said decree, will offer for ealo to the mgnest mailer, at the court lloueo door, In the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wcdccsday, tho 5th day ot November, 1SS4, a lot of land situate In said city, beginning Jn ibo VVcbI lino ot a rrivato alley, which opens into South side of Market street between -cc-ond aid Third streets, at a point 198 feet South lrom intersection of said line of bald alley with Market street, and running thence South with sail line of feald alley 1 7 feet, tbenco West parallel with Market street C8 feet, 7 iochcn, thence North parallel with tfecond street 17 Icet, and thence East parallel with. Market street J 8 fect, 7 Inches to beginning, being a part of LotNo. 4n Block 153. . Terms of Sate One-fourth of the purchase mo:cv to be paid' la 'cash, balance In three equal Instalments, in 4,8 and ISmonth, ro spectlvcly, from day of sale, purchasers to give notes for deferred myments drawing In tcrcst from day of esfe at rate of eight per cent. A. J. JJEUOSSH.T, Commisfclontr. cct 3(it oct 3, 10, 17,24, nov 3,4 MCKONJLY, Auctioneer. Ill CUUNLY & MORRIS. Partition Sale. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE B arpcrior Couit of New Han-ver conntr. Ian cause there pending icforethe Clerk, between Jamea C. f-Jun Js aid wife Eliza 11. Munds. Mary C. Lor , Wm. L. DeUosset. Jr., and others, plaliitlffd, and Frederick J. Lord,; a r mand J. Dcdiossejt, John it. London ana eth ers, defendanta, 1 a Commiduloner under said decree, will offer for sale to the highest hid . icr, at the Court Ifoui-e door in tno city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wedr ceday, tlte 5th day of November, 164, all that lot of lind situaie in said city, beginning In the South line of Market street, 0 tcet 1-act from Its In tersection with Eastern Hne of fcecond street and runningtfcer.ee aet with Market street 48 feet, then Soath parallel with second street 'M feet to a brick wall, thenco West with Said wall 2 feet, thence teou-h with said wall 87 icet and Inchest-) a brick buiid'ng. thence with the line of eaij bulidlrg East 4 leet, thence Eouth with the Eastern line of said building 23 feet and 7 Inches, tltcnce Wcet with tho Southern line of said building $ feet and 7 inches to a wall, thence fcouth with said wsll and tho West line of another brick ball 1 lng 6 feet and 9 inches to a stone wall. I hence Ve-t with said etone wall 43 feet, ami t he ace North parallel with fcceouj street JOS feet to beginning, beiog part ot Lots So, l 2an'13 Uj jiiock i.m. oaid lot will be divided ty a uaight line, running from North to South, and roic in t o separate preeis ; the West 1 j t or parcel having a front of 23 feet oa Market street and running back ihe same width lfc8, &nd the ltt lot navltg a front of 23 itetcn Siaxket and. running ijs leet, beta 2i fecr. wide on Us back line. . Plat of said lotcao be seen atefflee of r.mv A Moms. Terms tf Sale One fourth of purchase m.vney to bs paid In cash, baUnce la three equal lt8tatmcn;8 la 4, s a.nd 12 month re spectively from dy of tale, purchsser to give note for deferred payment Urawlrg lntert t-t from Cay ol sale at rate cf eight per cent. A. J. imUzJb,T ' Cora ads doner oct 3 et oct 3, 10, 17, 4 j.oy 4, . mm JlitStf GOODS BY" STB AM EE4 AN I A. ? C.JLlue, now arriving t ISO Uuhelt Va. meal, 1J0 bo's iancy Appics. I j boxes a?ort ei Cakes, 60 bbis N. i. CsbVage fiu boxes Canned Goods, Itfi lbs Creamery tJutter. l.sgo lb i. &. C. Meats, Jiija roiiLiocj, Tuxulps, rivur, Mi:l FeeJ, Lard, Bacon, aca Northtru Baasase, at bottom prices. E. G. BLAIR, oct 7 -, , Ko. 13 iigrtu csnd cU

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