THIS eepted by . JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOB AND FSOrSIBTOB. -ptpTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 4.00. Six months, t2.09. THre . . l.O0: One month, 25 cents. oaper will be delivered by carriers free ff e, in part of tte clt7 at tbe aboYe lOcecU per week. jtislng rates lo-y and liberal. , -ubscribcrs will report any end an fall 7 receive their paper regularly, - iy Review has the largest jzfcd. in the cUy oj Wilmington. & 1 Trvir.5? receipts in New York ' C:v TOO nirhtlv. ijreC1"- ----- (ireely has promised his wife i;bc r.3 3r'in- .. ihe 139 White Cross Society physi- t. foManles to assist in sin . , r the cholera patients, twenty 13 site (;cl. jje nuna her of cases ot cholera vio tj up m Oct. 20 is given at 31.519. of t . rr. ,rch l lerminateu iatatiy. Ane wfoU'-.i is set down at 29,250,000. . . (iovernor St. John will have to be weed sotr.e other way than in effigy keep uu" 1,1 uecanrass 01 looa. ge gives his ivepuoitcan Jneous fair frjui ail over the land come3 the Atprinz information that Blaine's Au- p:Ift speech is condemned as much by gjpabiicans as by Democrats. This is is it should be. The stalest tea drinker in Engiand $ Mr. Gladstone, the greatest in France M.Clemeaccau, and in America Mr. Boncicault. The latter carries while travelling a flask of tea as others do ot In France the sale of proprietary medicice? is only permitted after the formaia has been communicated to :be Academy 'of Medicine. In Germa Djihcsa'e of all such articles is strictly iruhibitl. Clam chowder is getting into high- i;Li'm in London. Mr. John Cioyton jfthe Court Theatre, son-in-law of Mr.1 BoucicaiiU, is regarded as the crack expert in its preparation, and is in peat demand. . A correspondent of the Pall Mall Ga:d?e calls attention to the alarming mortality among Bishops' wives. It spears tbat at present there are six Bisiiops who are widowers, five wh6 kre been married twice, and one, tbe Bishop of Liverpool, who has been carried three times. The death of the late Dr. Samuer Eabbeth of London, caused by clearing, bj means of suction, a tracheotony :sbs he had introduced into the throat ot a diphtheritic child, is exciting much comment. The heroism of the act is xcc?ded, but the question is asked if man has a right to bring misfortune lii own family for the sake of an Elated case 'ot disease. The old homestead , where Whittier fiJ boni in 1807 is still standing, and, whongh built more than 200 years ago, w in good condition. Little boxes "J pajur weights are made from the kMs c the garret floor, and twigs of '"e overshadowing elm are varnished isoldior penholders, but the wholo use would Liave to go to tho lathe to sect the denaaud il it were answered Pnera'dy. tor it is the old tarni houso 'ebraied by -Snowbound." A writer in the New York Church- boldly preaches tho gospel of aes et.cisui. Ilia experience on taking erge of his parish was that "success suderGod, depended largely upon the Jrper Leautifying of the church, caching to the ears only has had Us w hen one is to be so influenced, r a dozen are to be effectually im "ed through the eyes. As- .my -arch decoration has progressed, so attendance upon service has in--ttied. And the more the Puritan women have turned up their dear m holy horror, exclaiming: 'Aw- p- Shocking! Popery!' the more the ks say: "We don't see it. " hairs oj Cardinal ConsaWi, who ia 1824, have brought suit against '' e A L - T 1 - m -vutB ui tae a rupajjauua. 10 re lfer $2 KX.000. They charge the col pei having suppressed a will of LafdinalV. yarions circumstances prevented the suit from being ed before now. The Cardinal was Homo in 1757, and in hij JJcity as Secretary of State to Piu$ WC0Dciarfed tDC concordat with M)eon. Ho tvna mn of signal jJand an active reformer of a buies Papal States. Tho . fortune -cy Tyoa hpnnp.ilhpd s him hv nn sPorttnsr Authority. i. ,rel'dy invaluable snecifie. rfemjirlcs u r doa Daily Sportsman," editori- rkl 8 caro OI rnenmatipra, m aiia, sprains, bruises, is St. Jacobs W " well-known in the English . ,et knd has irainpd Immpnift fmo sSSiP Australia and all: parts of r R . -.- I- ' - --. VOL. VIll. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER Miss Emma Nevada, the American prima donna, arrived in New York "on Monday. She is to sing in -Sonnam-bula" at lhV Academy next Monday, J she recovers irom the fatigues ot a stormy voyage. M. Bartholdi's statue of Libeaty is nearly ready for shipment from Paris to New York. It will be brought to these shores by the French transport Isere, which will sail from France about the I5th ot next May. Ver.nors predictions, tho1 in the main pretty accurate, are not infalli ble. But Dr. BullVCough Syrup was never known to tail. LOCAL NEWS. 1I0EX TO NW AnVERNSENIEMTS. C W YATE3 The Grand Jubilee Wanted .A Good Uou3e Servant Craig & Thomas Florida Oranges IICMPnnET & Jekkies Next Week J W Con ole r Conoley 's Drag Store QEiNffBEBOES Bookseller and Stationer. Geo R French & Son's Frepare for Winter F C Miller Frlenda and Fellow Citizens There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at tt is port to-day foot up 756 bales. . A new line of ueck-wear is shown at Dyer's to-day, they are very hand some, f There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, five adults and one child. v There were three interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week, one adult and two children. Bey. Dr. Pritchard will conduct the services at tbe First Baptist Church to morrow, at the usual hours. During the demonstration on Thurs day night. the colored people behaved vry orderly. Their conduct is to be commended. Our thanks are due to Messrs Hum phrey & Jenkins, of No. 112 Sout Front street, for a package of splendid Florida oranges. The Register of Deeds issued six marriage.Jicences this week, three of which were for white and three for colored couples. The Rev. Dr, Wood, of Statesyille, will conduct services at the Second Presbyterian church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Our country friends, who were here to participate in the celebration on Thursday night." have nearly all re turned to their homes. Laura Morris, an insane colored woman, wss taken up on Market street this morniug and lodged in the guard house until she could be calmed down, Our thanks are due for a cordial in vitation to attend the grand Democratic demonstration which will be had at Kenansville on the night of the 28th inst. The vocal class at Brooklyn Hall, which has been interrupted by the inci dents and excitement of the election, will be resumed on Monday night at 8 o'clock. There was one case of a man charged with vagrancy for the Mayor's con sideration this morning. He was sent below until be could be examined by a physician. Ger. brig Dr. Willc, Zepien, cleared to-day for Hull, Eng., with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 2,055 barrels rosin, valued at $9,400. shipped by Messrs. Alex, Sprunt & Son. Thh vote of . Sampson county for members of the Legislature was as fol lows; J. W. S. Robinson, (Dem.) 2,517; J. A. Beam an, (Dem.) 2,535; John Barden, (Ind. Dem.) 1,036; J. W. Williford, (Ind.) 1,045. Good materials properly porportioncd which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using tho N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. f Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ended to-day foot up 5,2-27 bales, as against 4,924 bales lor the corresponding week of last year ; an increase this year of 303 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date toot up 61.476 bales, as against 57,027 bales to November 24th last year; an increase thU year of 4,449 bales. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find tbe best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware pepot. ' ; t With Paralysis. We regret to learn that Mr. Charles J. Pridgens. living at No. 312 North Front street, who has been an invalid for several months, is now in an en tirtly helpless condition on account of paralysis. He had an attack of this fearful disorder several weeks ago, and has now been stricken the second time. Could Not Come. Mr J.-A. Hewlett, ot Masoboro. made preparations to be here on Thurs day night to assist in the celebration, but during the day he caught in bis seine 27,000 fish and he was conse quently compelled to itay at home and take care of them. A notable instance of another man who was "embarrass ed with the spoils.of victory." Heliffious Notes. Bishop Parker who is to preside over the N. C, Conference of tha M. E Church, South, which convenes here next week, arrived from New Orleans last night and is the guest of Col. C. L. Grafflin. He will preach to-morrow at 11 o'clock at the Front Street M. E. Church and at 7:30 p m a; the Fifth Street M. E. Church. Rev. Dr. Bobbitt. P. E. of the Wil mington District, will hold his last Quarterly meeting to-morrow and will preach at night at the Front Street M. E. Church. County Officers. At the meeting of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners which covvenes in this city on the first Monday in Decem ber, all tbe newly ..elected county offi cers will be required to give bonds, and at the same time the newly-elected Board of County Commissioners will qualify and enter upon the discbarge of their duties tor another term. The Board was re-elected last June by the Board of Magistrates of the county. Among the other officers, Mr. Walker Meares. the newly-elected County Su perintendent of Public Instruction, will qualify. The Opera House. The Kitty Rhoades Theatric Com pany appeared at the Opera House in this city last night in Gilbert's burles que comedy "Engaged," and it was really unfortunate tbat the building was not crowded to its utmost capacity to witness the performance of this truly laughable play as rendered by this really excellent company. Miss Rhoades, as Belinda Trchernt and Mr. S. G. Ely, as Chevoil Hill, were excep tionally good in their respective chara ters and the support was generally above the average. The orchestra was superb, and the entfre company is well worthy of a cordial and hearty support. Thoy appeared at this afternoon's mat inee in the celebrated play of'Fanchon, the Cricket," a dramatization of George Sand's novel of tbe same name. It was this play in which Maggie Mitchell achieved her greatest success. To night the company will appear in 'M'liss," which was presented here last year by Annie Pixley. The wardrobe of Miss Rhoades' Com pany is superb, she being the designer of all of her own beautiful dresses. A Pleasant Hour. The Monroe Enquirer and Express contains an account of the reception giyen in honor of the marriage of Rev. James T.Kendall, of the North Caro lina Conference, and Miss Flora K. Mahn. of this city, by Rey. T. W. Kendall and wife, the parents of tbe groom, a portion of which we copy, as follows: Wednesday night will long linger in the memories ot many oi Atonroe 8 young people. I he occasion to wnicn we have reference was the magnificent rfp.ntion. eiven bv Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Kendall in honor of the marriage of the above couple. The bridegroom who is well known to our people, is a Carolina Conference, and the bride is a HoftnHfnl and accomn'.ished voune- i&dv ot Wilmington. On the evening named the happy father and mother, with much care and taite, gave abundant toatimnnv of their Daternal Dride at the wise choice of their son. Nearly all the young people, and many old ones, too, of Monroe, a number from Wadesboro, Rockinebam and Wilmington, were invited to welcome the oager votaries of love and to participate in the enjoyment ol the evening. And. notwithstanding the somewhat inclement weather, all came, saw. and pronounced it the grandest thing of the seasou. . Every room in Mr- Kendall's spacious resi dence, the porches, his store and the streets were filled with tbe many friends and well-wishers of the newly married. The Monroe Cornet Band was present and, as it always does, moved our eouIs by : the concord of sweet sounds. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. ' . . ; A Annual Conference. The Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will assemble at the Front Street M. E. Church, in this city, on Wednesday, the 26th inst. The del egates in general will arrive on Tues day night antr Wednesday morning. while those who are to pass examina tions as ministers will arrive on Mon day night and Tuesday morning. It is expected to be ore of tbe largest gath erings of the kind ever held iu North Caroiioa, and it makes a grand oppor tunity for our citizens to display the hospitality tor which they are ro justly noted. A Just Tribute. Mr. E. V. ; Richards, the scenic artist, who designed neaily.all ot the transparencies for the celebration on' Thursday night, is an Englishman by biith and is a gentleman of fine educa tional acquirements. His services. treely and voluntarily given to aid in the celebration, have been appreciated by the Democracy of New Hanovef coun ty. as the following will show: Mr. E. V-. Richards: Dear Sir: Allow me, on behalf the Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover Co., N. G , U. S.. to present you with a hat, not for its in trinsic value, but as a memento for your kindness and good wishes to wards the Democratic party. May you live long and prosper, caring al ways above the devices ot men for those principles which lead to the adoption of this axiom, "Let all the ends thou aimest :tt be thy country's, thy God's and Truth's.1 Very respectfully. (Signed.) Jas. W. King.. Chairman New Hanover Co. Dem. Ex. Committee Wilmington, Nov. 23d, 1894. A False Alarm. The harrowing tale told by our Princess street neighbor this morning of an alleged scheme to set fire to a lot of cotton on the railroad yards on Thursday night, proves to have been a false alarm. The wire, covered with cotton saturated with oil, was lound. as alleged, but an investigation set on foot by Mayor Hal), elicited the lact that the wire had been stretched across Front street by Mr. J. D. Nutt, in front of hisdrugstore, for illuminating purposes, and tbat it had dropped down and been carried off by Mr. P. Larkins' baggage wagon on its way to theC. C. R. R. depot. It was not discovered trailing to the wagon until the railroad track had been crossed, when it was detached and thrown aside by tbe driver, who possibly thought no more of the occurrence. We are glad that the tacts have thus been brought to light, thus adding their weight to otherstrong testimony that the people of Wilmington are, as a rule, as orderly, peaceful and law-abiding a people as can be found anywhere in this broad land of ours. All of these facts were in onr possesion yesterday but we could not print them, on account of the crowded condition of our colums. Addenda. In getting up our report of the parade and procession of Thursday night, we found it absolutely impossible to make it as full and complete as we would desire. We omitted to mention the fact that Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1., turned out, in uniform and formed a noticeable part of the proces sion. Another and beautiful feature ot the evening was the appearance of fifteen beautiful young ladies in uniform on the piazza of Mr. W. A, White head's residence, on Fifth street, be tween Nun and Church. They were between the ages of 14 and 16 years and each was armed with a fearful and war like looking musket with which they presented arms in true soldier style as the procession passed them Their appearance was unique, their soldier-like attitudes and actions were prompt and spirited and all combined to call forth continued plaudits from the passing.tbrong. And still another interesting and most charming feature of the parade was the appearance in one of the win dowsjof Mr. Junniui Davis' residence corner of Mulberry and North Second streets, of four boys aged from three to ten years, all dressed in pare white with red and blue sashes thrown over their shoulders. The picture was com pletely poetic aad received, as it richly deserved the warmest praise from all who bad the pleasure of witnessing it. There were undoubtedly, many other scenes connected with the occasion that were beautiful, interesting and appro priate which we should gladly and with much pride chronicle were they brought to oor notice., Rev. A.'M. Conway will fill his pul pit to-morrow at 3 p ta and will preach a special sermon. Subject, Activities. 22, 1884. NO. 279 Abandoned Capt. Hurrill. ol the Br. Steamship Cam Marth. which arrived here to-day from Liverpool, reports that he passed the wreck of a t wo masted schooner on the morning ot the 20lh Inst , water logged, and k ok ing as if she had been rfccn?l; abandoned. The schooner was in lat. 32 N ; Ion. 70 W. For durable coloring the walls o rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Marleixe sold at Jacobi's Depot. The Kitty Rhoades' Cornet Band were out again to-day and played a number of pieces in elegant style. ? MAliKIED. FO 3 4 ATK M K BlXK-InSt JohnM Imrrh by the hev. J. Carmlcfcael. 1. D., K'ot r, on the ISth Inst.. FKEDaKiCK FuSG ATE, of Elizabeth, .New. Jersey, and Mrs. MARIA A. MLoat, or mis city. KENDALL M All f In thi i llv nt Vrnnt Street M. E. Church, on Tnesduv Rvenfnir. the. lSth Inst., by Key. E. A. Yates. D. D.,the Kev. JAM K.i T KEND Ll , of the North Carolina Conference, atd Miss FLORA KEL LY, daucbter of the late Mr. Wm. 1. Mshn. of this city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Conoley's Drug Store. aiG MAltKRT STREET. WANTED A few good customers to buy Cono'ey's Cough Syrup, Conf ley's Too Physio (for Corns) Conoley's None Such and Conolev's "oloame. and anvthio? else In mv line ; Cigars, Cigarettes ami Tobacco. nov 1 J W. CON OLE 1 . Wanted T HOUSE NO. 211, THIRD ST BEE 1 be twecn Chestnut and Mulberry sts., A GOOD 1IOUSE SERVANT. Ncne .bnt one who can come well recommenced need apply, nov 2 i It Star copy Next Week. HUMPHREY A JENKINS will receive, at their Oyster house. No. 112. e-outh ront St.. Forty Gal lons of fresh New River Oysters every day during th week. Those wishing Oysters during Conference wiil please leave their or dtis Oysters promptly delivered in original packages in any quantity wanted. Also you can fin'i Florida Oranges, Apples, Cabbages, Turnips, Onions, weet and Irish Potatoes, Chickens and Eggs. OysteTS sent C. O. D. nov 22 Florida Oranges ! Florida Oranges ! TU3T ARRIVED A CHOICE LOT OF Oranges, direct from the groves of Florida. A full supply of Bologna Sausaxe, Link Saus age, Garl c Sausage and Liver Pudding, direct from Richmond, Va A full line of Family Groceries always on hand. I ive Turkeys, Pressed Turkeys and Chickens I ways on hand. Old Log Cabin and Brunswick PrivaU' Stock Whiskey, are still boomlrg. Consignments of produce solicited. CRAIG & THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchants and Dealer in Groceries, l iquors, &c, No. 113 South Front St., almost opposite the Market. nov 22 Prepare for Winter QUR STOCK OF BOOTJ AND SHOES for Winter wear is very larga and varied. SCHOOL SHOES for the Roys and Girls the best in the State. Good wear at low prices. Geo. 11. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT STREET nov 22 Groceries. Groceries. Jj-LUR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, BACON, Sugar, Salt, Corn, Rice, Meal, Lard, Soda, Glue, Lye, 6oap, Potash, Hoop Iron, Oats, Hay, Starch, Snuff, Crackers.Tobacco, Cigars, Candv, Candles, Matches, Powder, Shot, Caps, Paper Bags, Buckets, Fuse, Ac For sale by nov 3 KKRCHNER & C ALDER BROS Paint the White House Red A Git AND EXCURSION TO nlSMHJVGTOJ i. a. Will be glveu early in the New Year, day not yet decided upon, for tho purpose of PAINTING THE WHITE HOUSE RED, And making other necessary alterations preparatry to Installation of CROVER CLEVELAND, Meanwhile the undersigned still continue to lead In the Printing ZLiis&e IK WILMKJdTOJT. ' JACKS05 L I5ELL, J. L. WINNER, IfATCUMAKER JEWELLER, Chronomctera. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. ' Opposite Kew Uarket, rroat t. ITS TU b glad n w 3T?;1 fOTSluriu rtKOi from our friend on aay mi ra:;j SttarrallBterestbut , . Tk of the writer must &rway b afehed to the EdttoT. 1 , : CCTnnrunlcatloasnan! :uaa t ra ono.-vtecr tne paper.' ., - ' : " " J ' rtrsonailtlea must be avoid. - Aad It U especially aad paittailjxij xttL tood thatthe Editor doe not always edc tie views of correspondents unir -. ,tatc la the editorial columna. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER nd -AretlAnpr nf M. .rf4c. tvery description. Offic comer Prii rcssfltod ater streets. Cronly & Motrins' eld tiftnd; . ersonal attention given to sale of h nee and vehicles at private ea'cor at auction. Con signraents solicited. SKTH W. lVI?, 8gPt Auctioneer. Oysters, Oysters, T NO. 130 MARKET; ST-r between Front aud Secotd. You Y can get New River Oysters f rcftb ever rtay. : AL-o. the best of Florida Orange. " Hyst.ra shipped to any part of tbe Slate. novn iwk It. JU DIXON. - Stores for Kent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES atove now occupied by Messrs 11 . JLneon & Co. -t Store and ofllcea alove now occu- :let hv A. Dumcbin.rt: Roth on Korth Water st. ; bMwn and Chestnut. Apply to . aug li Str copy St T-eROSSET & CO." For Sale. 1000 CABBA(:E. . : , 100 CE1tS-APPLES, 25 laLS. POTATOES - MUST RE SOLD. cov -t W. K. DAVIS & SOX Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER taole, regular or trans'ent, can be accommo dated with comfoitab'e rooms and the best the market anorus, at MRS. ROBERT LKE'S, 113'; Market si., bet. Front and Second. nov iS if The Election is Over I I-HK COUNTRY IS SAVED. OUR PUR- cIuecs are large. Our t xpeuf cs small and we arc determined to ecli Groceries cheap to suit these hard times. Save money by buying from E. G. BLAIR, , nov 15; No. 19 North Second fcL ' Real Estate. H OUSES AND BUILDING LOTS tor sale in all parts of the city. Cash or on tho instalment plan. Apply io 1. O'UOiSOK, aug 30 aw 3m sat m . Real Estate Agent ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, The tan-" derslgncd having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of tho late Roberts. Radcliffc, of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the same to present them on r be r ore the 10th day of Oc tober. 1885, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of them. Those who an l'dcbcd totte same will please make immedlato pavment. WM. 1ARKLNj, oct 10 law Sw frl Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix upon the c i e of tbe late Mary P. Pickett, notice is hero by given to ad persons having claims agah'Ht ih- same to present thera to me on or beff re thelTth October, 16S3, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of a recovery. Those Indebted the time wi'I pleaee make immediate pav ment. MRS. 8. J. TJAKER, Admx. October 17, Sc4 us, , Notice. H VINt QUALI FIKD A 8 A b M I S LST Ji A tor on toe estate o Guitford u Oudler, deceaee-i, notice is hereby given to all persons indebte ' io his estate to mal e immediate pay ment, and all pen ons-having claims against sid estate will present them for payment within the time prescrir.ed by law. or this notice wilibe pleaded in bar of tb-ir recovery, oct 30 iaw6w th It. 8. MA.ti.TIN Adnir Norfolk Oysters ! QAN NOW BE FOCND At the GEM RESTAURANT, No. 20 North Front Street. nov 15 WILL WEST. Carolina Yacht Club Cigars, JgEST 5 CENTS CIGAR ONTHEMABKRT. Good Whiskey, Ecer, Oyeters, Ac OLD ORTH STA1E SALOOST, . nov 11 6 South Front Street. Ostrich Tips JOK, ii AND C5 CENTS PER BUNCI I. New fctyka in Felt, Velvet and Straw HaU and Bonnets. Ostrich Tips and Plumes, Fancy Feathers, BlLbons,-atIns, "Velvets, Zephyrs, Saxocy, Ac, at -.v--. M ES. K ATE C. WIN Es., No. 113 North Second Street, . . . ov20tf Bet. Chestnut and Princess sts P. 1IEINSBERGER, Book-Seller and Stationer, DEALER IN PIANOS AhD ORGANS, FANCY GOODS, , WEDDING PRESENTS. GUITARS. VIOLINS. ACCOKDEONS, BAN- JOS, STRINGS Ac. Home (JoiiifbrtK. A GOOD COOK STOVE. A GOOD HEAT- . Ing Stave, a eood t.vap. a good Kerosene bprc, wcoAd Door lat, good Telle i Set. a gool lap Hoard, a gool Cako Box. a pood klTwt! Bu2lav a iroixl Feather Doster. Our Dave ncrta & If to uy that's so, and idd a 1 Purua. ' V PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. w ot17 JJ Y SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED good to MONAC1P3 teaia Dye Works. lStj eeconi St.. and hi lag them cade darter lor Fall and Winter wexr you'll ave theexpcn&e or buylsz a new rult or drtss. Coaplcta aad fruh lot dye stnjl jejn rexlTed. mm

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