MISCELLANEOUS Mm film H I V - A M n J .vciire of Coughs,- Coids TheDaily Review. -J WIvDOping Ccugh, In-js p. suiaptionaiiu ior vuc re .'.live persons in ad van s he Diccase. For Sale ONLY A DUEA31, . Only a dream wifh its waking Sorrowful, fore, The pain ct love's bitter mi -staking lllosioningo'cr; Only a dream witb returning To longing again, ToangoUhand rrifil and heart-burning. And innnitti pain Only a dream, and as He line As ever dnauis are; Elusive, escaping, retreaiiog As miragH afar; A vision that fancy evolveth From eruel heart-need That io! as love gazeth dissolvcth Love graspeth recedes. ' M. C. Bisiand. .-is. rrice. 2 Cents.! GUBEBNATO Rf A Ij VOTE. FIKST DISTRICT. - Jar- , Box- Scales. York, vis. " ton." ' Beaufort. . . . 1 ,717 1,743 2,016 - 1 ,681 Carteret. 982 705 983 574 Camden..... 631 523 '699 504 Chowan .... . 626 854 704 811 Currituck.'. . . 988 w 326 978 413 I are-. ... ... 2?3 "265 244 280 Crates.. ..1.009 .518 1.183 74 Htrtford..... 959 1.131 1,129. 1.305 Hjde . . ... . . . 799 592 867 674 Martin ...... 1,386 ; 1.295 1.576 1,231 Pamlico 584 386 743 605 Pasquotank.. 573 1,052 898.1,239 Perquimans.- 749 979 Pitt... 2,228 1.771 2,436 2,285 Tjrrell 410 353 488 335 Washington - 621 950 648 , 1,072 Totals. YOU KRSOW DO THAT i,ORRILAED;S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO , Iv.i Tin Tg: ROSE LEAF Fine Cut Chew a':3..'...w pi lODiMfiS. and tilack. Brown and isz; en jicps 'i' s tne best and cheapest, IcfcC..?-ffirlM? augGlydJfcw Dr. Moil's Powders fvvr,, f viL TO CURE INFL1MMA VnoVnf tr e nldnys. Gravel. Gleet. Sti let 1 fr U-i llnary diseases. Nervous and Ck I i iicbiUty, genital Weakness and ad rtoH m"cfl(3 -AUsd by Indiscretion :h w, Ss byi-hiUa n all' its forms perma 01 i f 'l 1 e'.iow o Brown spots on f pee siD. i J- o'C Throat an i Nose, Scrofula, Old -'? Li-zcaia, Tetter and all Blood aDd Skin T. lis ifr 'ary diseases cured In 3 days. v-n. tho monev tc FRANK k . i' - iiaittmore. Md.. and It will :t.' Ismail sealed. For sale by aU drug A Literal Dinner of Crow- A3 announced in last evening's Aqe, Esquire Beaverson presented himself at Whiihelru's Washington House to perform the obligation oi his waser with Dr. ,k)hQ Ahl on the re?u!t of the Presidential contest, viz. : to eat a.crow. The crow wan ferved in a most lempt icg manner, a la Ftancaist with en trees. The side-room ol th cafe da Wilbelm in which the delectable (?) dish was served, was filled with a good ly company. The 'Squire took his seat at the table good-naturedly and fcorunifittcjd to cat the nauseous dish. t was very lougn ana me oqujre s 5 . sws worked like a inn nammer m chewing up the ilesh, w ll as it was cooked. He etc the whole crow except a few morsels, -which were hand- . . - . t . TU eu to me curious present io lh&lc. i ue crow was secured for Dr. Ahl, the win ner of tha wager, by Mr. bteve V ilson, of Hellam, and was a very line speci men York (Pa.) Age. :;seucly mall uly 7d&wly nr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. t nnHE SKUVUJS. PHYSICAL W : z. x (-nt weakness caused by lndls ILi violating the laws of healtb, Ctruu Frice$1 ni! HTTNTER'S PILL3 . ... c....hiiia in h11 it 'forma and statres. SuoVor Brown .t pots on the face and body. so-e Throat and oBe, Kcrorma, a euer, -0,4, ..v., cftiiootinn salt-Khenm and al wVl anl Skin Olseases, Urinary Diseases and .triett'r(M spcetlily cured rnce ....- -.ii-tt irrro-iiiarlties or Suppros- hi vt r ...tin t v i v - - d - . . - ;-oM cjuscd by colds or disease. Married Sn,r;,!,in delicate stale of health are monev lor tuner nieuiwuo w "- - vtss CO., Baltimore, Mdand it will be sent by mail or express sealed. For sle ly ill Drusists; sent by mall or express. , jiily 7 d&vvlv . . Bertie Craven Edgecombe. Greene Halifax Jones Ienoir Northampton 1 512 Vance 988 Warren..... 947 Wilson. . . . . 14,545 13 443 16,562 14,784 SECOND DISTRICT. ....1.188 1.721 1.614 2.81G 1 338 3.470 1.G95 950 1.046 2.426 2,264 790 746 1.370 1 620 2 041 1733 1 482 1 155 2,172 1.146 1,339 2,135 .1,190 . 1,723 . 863 . 1.775 . 575 .1.088 1,573 1 823 2.525 3 31C 1,094 3 789 1.399 2,351 1.612 2 112 1,493 THE LEGISLATURE OF 1885 SENATE. 1st dist Currituck. Camden, Pas quotank. Hertford, Gates. Chowan and Perquimans; jamrs rarter, ueru, M Bond. Dem. -2nd dist TjrreU. Washingtort, Mar tin. Pare. IVanfoit. Hyde. Pamlico; Thco V Poole. Dem, P II Simmons, Deio. 3rd dist Northami toa snd Bertie; Thoxas W Maw, Dem. 4th dist Halifax; .1 M Mullen. Dai. 5lh d:st bAl2ectimbe: iaylor. Itep lith dist PHt: W K William. Ueai. 7th dUt Wilson. Nash and Fiank lin; H G Connor, Dem, Joshua Perry, Dm . 6th dist Craven ; 9ih dUt Jones, Onslow and Carteret ; Wayne; E J M Person J A Long. Dem. Pitt G W Venters, U E Majo. Dems. Polk WHOLESALE PPUJE3. The followis noirUoxj6 reiiresen TaU orders hirher rnce save- vo re r.argp- 2 ......, 1! Randolph BW Steed, T FCaviness, Dems: Ktchmond Joan 3V &neea, lwm. E tON NcTtb c&rois: Robeson MMcRae, Hamilton j.'sw. it........- Millan. Denis. c T TrrSZ""" ' Rockingham Jas D Glenn. John M 1 smoked-, r no too 15 10 n n 49 Galloway. Dems Jliwan Iee S overman. Rutherford Dem, " i J A Be?- IV m. ToiaU- . , 13,422 20,633 16,492 22,299 THIRD DISTRICT. Bladen. .....1278 Cumberland -2 079 Duplin 1.963 Harnett 995 Moore 1,452 Ons'ow 1,035 Pender 998 Sampson..... 2, 108 Wayne..-. ...2,330 1.530 2 162 1,214 721 1 397 530 1,216 1.633 2,233 1 420 2.479 2 239 1254 1.797 1.281 1,215 2,551 2,790 1,511 2,159 1.174 7- 1,426 472 1,210 1,591 2600 ATmTr7T? Send six cents for postage, X iiJLZl Jj and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more Sev right away than anything else in this world. All, of cither sex, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens before .: nnrL-ra ahRolntelv sure At once af dresfii True & Co.. Atmusb. Maine. ANAKESis" gives inslan relief, and Is an tnraiioic cure tor riLEs mcc at dmpgista, or teni pre aid bv mall. Bampierw. Ad. "ANAKESXS" JUAKCrs, Box 2,41 New York, cov VJ vood&w t th TheOhlKice Story. A caDtain of a North River sloop, havine hired a new cook at Albauy, set him to cooking rice, which ne said he had done one hundred times. Telling' him that be would find fifteen pounds in the locker, and cau tiouing him about cooking too much, the captain went about his business ot loading his vessel with pig iron. In half an hour the new cook rushed out, exclaiming: . "Say. captain, don't take on any more pig iron; we will have a load of boiled rice before night " The captain rushed into the cabin, where he found ill the pots, kettle?, nans and tubs full to overflowing with cooked rice, which was also seething nvor he too oi tne Kciim :um iamus nnnn the stove and floor. -What vnnlieen doin1?" veiled the sWinnpr ns iifl olanced around. "How mnp.h ripe did vou nut in the pot?" Put the whole of it. cap." said the lml "nil Vvp. been doin' nothin1 but hnilirT ont rice for the last twenty min Where does all the stuff come from?" Totals.... 14 238 FOURTH' Alamance 1,44 Chatham. Durham Franklin, . Johnston- Nash.- Orange. . Wake 12 674 17,011 12,895 DISTRICT. .2,159 .1.158 .2.031 . 2 063 . 1 556 .1.159 .4,280 1 277 1,888 921 1 998 1,707 1,367 986 4,618 1.629 2,481 1.570 2,130 2,801 1,837 1.670 4,772 1.245 1,671 1,196 1,987 1.826 1,528 1,001 4,278 Totals. -. Caswell... Forsyth - flronvi Io Guilford. . Person.- . . 15.856 14,792 18,B9G 14,782 FIFTH DISTRICT. ...1.446 1,790 1,550 .1.765 .1,822 .2,251 ?1,308 Rockingham .2.361 Stokes. . . Surry Totals. .1,181 ..1,370 1.796 2,040 2,248 1.103 1,502 966 959 2,101 2.199 2,491 1,490 2,143 2.339 1.371 1,603 1.877 2,047 2,208 1.082 1.577 1.027 1,433 ...13 504 12,104 14,971 12.851 SIXTH DISTRICT. i con inson i.uo Brunswick... 702 Cabarrus . . . .l, lb. Columbus. . 1,5 Mecklenburg.3,289 N. Hanover . 1,359 if! a f4 &3 3 H 0Bi?p 'Cite.! - .- "s 1 t-it!an nf ?ni of tw in j ?n 5.- or! I GURE, post now-" ;:rz..:r- (1f vsrvo OeMXWVt Addrecs DO. tVARS CO., Loauiaca, Mi The Cork JOuck. A pleasant trick to look at was one oivnn ns hv nn Effvntian iugglcr. He took a cocoanut shell with one end cut r.fl and filled it with water. In the wa ter he Dlaeed a little piece of cork, hav inc n, bent Din on one side, and two straight pins on the other side, so that tho cork as it floated roughly resembled a lilliDutian duck. The cork lay dead in the water, and it was difficult to think what magic could possibly be got but of it. Presently the juggler, sitting about two yards off, took out a musical instrument and began to play a nveiy tune. Instantly the imitation duck commenced to dance violently in the water, suiting its motions to tne music Richmond. Robeson. Stanly. . Union . - Totals. 1,340 .2,253 . 873 .1,481 995 890 1 057 922 3,206 2 349 1,739 1,934 606 880 1,890 921 1,903 1,807 3,727 1,751 1.958 2,361 1.100 1.838 1 081 926 953 923 3,010 2,879 1,675 1,992 614 620 luih dist Duplin and Hill. Dem. J T Kennedy, Dem. llth dist Greene and Ienoir; F Roan tree, Dem. 12th dist New Hanover and Pender; W H Chadbourn, Rep. 13rh dist Brunswick and Bladen; Swain, Rep. llrhcist Sanpson; tl L isoyjiin. Dm. 15th dist Columbus and Robeson ; D S Cowan. Dem; R F Lewis. Dem. 16'h dist Cumberland and Harnett; W C Troy, Dem. 17th dist Johnston: Ashley Hurne. Dem. , 18tb dist Wake; John Galling. Dem. 19ih dist Warren; J II Montgom ery, Rep. 20ih dist Orange, Person and Ca weli; James Holman. Dem, A W Gra ham. Dem. 21st dist Granville: R V W mston. Dem. 22d dist Chatham and Alamance; J L Scott, Dem. 23d dist Rockingham; John S John ston. Dpm! 24th dist Guilford ; J L King, Dem. 25th dist Randolph and Moore; M S Robins, Dem. 36th dist Richmod and Mont- gomery; vv l HiVerut,ieiu. 27th dist Anson and-'Union: J A Leak. Dem. 28ih dist Cabarrus ana. oiamy; Paul B Means. Dem. 29th dist Mecklenburg; b B Alex ander, Dem. . 30th dist -Jlowan and Davie; J W Wiseman, Dem. 31st dist Davidson; P C Thomas, R32d dist-Stokes and Forsyth; J C Buxton. Dem. . 33d dist Surry and Yadkin; J A Franklin, Rep. ' 34th dist Iredell, Wilkes and Alex ander: J F Dotson. Dem. Sambson J W S Robinson. man. Denis. Slanl? D N Bennett, Dm. Stokes J Y Phillip. Dem. Surry Brim, Rp. Swain Hayes. IVm. Tran?vlvania J H Lammey, Tyrrell -U P Felmn, Dem. . UnioDli 15 Adams lem. Wake Chas "M Busbre. Jnf D Alien, Herbert E N orris. J Walter Myatt, Dems. Warren and Vance R C W ard, B Eaton, Rep3. Washington Harrison, Repr Watauga K F Lovill. Dim. Way no Frank M Aycock, Ira Hatch, Dems. Wilkes J R Henderson, Rep Wilson John E Woodard, Dem. Yadkin Yi n-.ey L Whittington, Dem. H W ' "l-'CSs Tf IT....'.. -.:Mj-5crB....... rK S.LTKI MviMit HimL ach.. ......... l?7i vw Torfc. each . .... 'iFEJWAX, f a............. Siirth CtioiLia,.. ........... Xor.herc.. &crm.. ..... is a 11 V 11 I W 1 60 20 1 9C Ob :s 2 12 O 14 10 o i- a DV.C9 85 3 loO O MISCELLANEOUS. Loss and Gain. I was taken sic year ago With Wliouo fever." 35th dist Alleghany, Ashe and Wa tauea; J W Tdd. uem. 36th din Caldwell, Burke, Do well. Mitchell and Yancey; Mc- M ...15.971 14,584 19,322 14,700 SEVENTH DISTRICT Catawba 1.86 Davidson 1.45 Davie 9U Iredell 2,316 Monteomerv. 695 Randolph. . . Rowan YadKin 1,976 1,979 920 619 1,887 898 1,603 898 1,834 1.359 1,153 2,303 1 954 1,067 2,679 901 2.044 2,636 952 37th dist Catawba and Lincoln; O Sherrill, Dem. 38th dist Gaston and Cleveland; Geo F Bason. Dem. 39th dist Rutherford and Polk ; 40th dist Buncombe and Madison; II AGudger, Dem. 41st dist Haywood, Henderson and 650 Transylvania; W L Tate, Dem. 42d dist JacKson, owain, . iacuii, Cherokee. Clay and Graham : 2,072 1.107 1.708 920 1,828 1,372 1,213 Totals. Hrt Natinnal Rank Of Wll- The dancing continued till the tune was rlfSt IMailOndl DuIIK UJ hii pnl!rd. then iuggler ordered the i ' . . mington. ( A t ITJi Li STOCE flW.ttO bUbLi'LL:? KITND duck to salaam, and he was at once obeyed. He even requested the buoy ant cork to dive to the bottom of the water, and his request was immediatelv ipiwith. While the performance was coins on the cocoanut shell was otnnrlinc nlmost at our feet, and the performer was not only sitting beyond i reacn. but Doin nis nanus wuic vuiyiv ed playing the instrument. Alexander. Alleghany. Ashe Burke Caldwell.. Cleveland. . Gaston. . . . Lincoln. . . . Watauga. Wilkes.... Totals. DaportiB roceived ad coUextlons ide ot al acvyablo volzt teethe Unltotl SUtea ' 'OIIilCCTOBe tlAUTlK D G. WORTH JAS. SPRUNT. ... 12 441 10 251 14.536 10,876 EIGHTH DISTRICT. . 792 . 514 .1.027 .1.074 . 971 . . 1.691 . 1,097 .. 908 . . 672 ..1,480 375 943 351 217 595 403 1.032 950 1,251 816 1,278 995 419 1.251 420 514 2,030 612 1,127 1.385 934 763 1,162 753 552 759 624 4,548 1,301 1,939 ..10,220 7,423 11,654 NIMTn DISTRICT J)R3E CHADBOUR5. e. OFFICERS it. !ni..EUS3...... . . LARK IN R Preeldeii- WEAK. UHDEVELOPED - PARTS Pi-' Tl'.H HUMAN UOOV F,M.AKt;Kr. DEV KLr; 1 ' Uonxmivr. lnrrtuy u 1 -ra w wll s.vv tHHt, i ii? re I no viaenc ot buiu- v- rv I t cirv-nlars civmif al' nlnr tv ft j. . ....... !rtf;ninr in mm.----. in ...J.. . H - apl 16 yd4w Female School. St. JamesVSemiDaryv MISSES CURB & JAMES. PrlncFpals. MRS. M. S. CUSHISG, Musical Instructress. 'lniE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUA I SESSION 6ia ot Octotert 1S4, and close about the Hura SpecUl opportunities lor learning thear ci Painting In water colors, oil pastel, o , ?u le afforded thos who deelre their children to 1m this aanfifni nd fashionable accom- l'l'shment. PupUa outside o tho School ac commodated with eultable hdrs lor learning ilusic or Painting. For further particulars enquire ol the Principals. .Timiiaitxla nfruM of 8rraa DehtHlT Ul wd rhrtiicaJ wLD, kwt manhood, er- I fZ....n...WcirkTMi:RVITA. tnwg IkitAifcat it win nrm nrr CM prompt ma u Mild M Precious Stones ' in America, A beautiful diamond that was cut rkablv fine stone has lately been found near San Francisco, and at a jeweller's in Indianapolis there are on-tfalanf this precious CtrRl on exhibition which were found in Indiana within i hp. nast vear a diamond is re ported to" have been found in Missouri by a hunter, who picked it out of a hrnok where he stopped to drink. rx rerienced ceologists hold to the opinion tunt ca r an v of the associations oi tne H;.,rri nr nresnnt in North Laro- I'.na that they have hopes ot their being found there. The garnet districts ol Arizona and New Mexico may also be looked upon as the probable diamond mines of the" future. Sapphires and rubies have been found at V ernon, w .1.. and in Franklin. Macon County. N. C. The colors are rich blue, violet nd vellow. while some are colorless. The principal local mty for sapphires in the United Sta.es. however, is in the gravel districts near Helena, Mon.. and Santa Fe , v7 .onr ?n the sand, associateo llCtO tUCJ v.v . V'' :.u onri nvrnDe ffarnet- Jn :Tnio enwhintr for them is carried Ti,nB nftpn fonnd with the occrJntPil cpms on ant bills, whicn fihnund in that district. Piltsburg Dispatch, : Riimn: fjini rlaints. UODSUPauoa, n nl 'Monpfl. are all relieved and cured W-M A. a T by Ayer's Tills. DBUNKENKESS, OR THE lIQOOa HABIT, CAH BE CURED BY ADMiBlSItnliiy un. nwnw rninm specific. Tt mn ho pivcn in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person utmir it. effoctinir a speedy and per manent curt-, wnemer me pautiu moderate drinker or an aicoconu Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men wno nave ucu out their knowledge, and to-day believe tbev quit drinking oi innruwu wi wilt No barmtnl effects result from its administration. ; Cures guaranteed. Circulars and . testimonials .sent Iree. Address, Goldkn SrECiFic Co.. Aaoress, SL Cincinnati. O. "deod&w6ni -. Buncombe. 1,925 Cherokee . 48 C!ay - 356 Graham ai Haywood 859 Henderson... Mb Jackson 656 Macon 79 Madison 937 Mitchell- 497 McDowell..'. 771 Polk..." 330 Rir her ford... 1,204 Swain. 404 Transylvania. 390 Yancey 680 Skin inseases. 2.i. Address. Pa. Sold by Drugziais. mav2 It iftod.w HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance Thomas M. Holt, Dem. Alexander E B Jones, Dem. Alleghany B Edwards, Dem. Anson J J Dunlap, Dem. Ashe John C Plummer, Dem. Beaufort W H Patrick, Dem. Bertie Koalhac, Kp - Bladen W J Sutton. Rep. Brunswick D B McNeil, Dem. Buncombe Richmond Pearson, Johnstone Jones, Dems. "N Burke Samuel mcu laie, vem. Cabarrus T D Miller. Dem. Caldwell R R Wakefield. Dem. Camden . Carteret A H Chad wick, Dem. Caswell Geo N Thompson, Rep. A A Shnford. Dem. Chatham T B Womacki J A Alston, Dems. Cherokee Chowan E F Waff, Dem. Clay Cleveland Thomas Dixon, Jr., Dem. Columbus II D Williamson, Dem. Craven c , . , Cumberland I A Murehison, C O McClelland, Dems. Currituck Wm H Cowell. Dem. Dayidson G M Bulla. S W Wall, Reps. Davie II E Robertson, Dem. Duplin John D Stantord, uem Edsecombe : Thorpe, 9,263 13,523 11,466 lamy. Reps. iLi. lixwv. l , , " T m Fr'inL'lin IS 1 uuney, u x wi"w" Dems. f;istnn J W Reid. Dem. Gates II Clay Williams, Dem Granville A II A Williams, Robert Hobgocd, Dms. Greene W Harden, uern. Guilfu:d J A Turner, J A Barrin ger. iems. ta:1 llalilax A o ennon, juu io Dems. Harnet D Stewart, lem. Hay wood .W T Crawford, Dem. Henderson My doctor pronounced mc cured, but I got sick again with terrible pains in my bi.ck and sides, and I got so ba'VI Could not move ! I vlinink ! From 228 lb?', to 129 ! I had been doctoring for my liver, but it did m no good. I did not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite re tnmed mv nnins left me. my cntro i. v. . . , ...j . . ; , - ,. system seemed renewcti as a oy aas:c, and alter usine several bottle?, lam not only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life " 11. FlTZl'ATKICK. Dublin, June 6, '81. CHAPTER 11. "Maiden, Mass., Feb. 1. 1S . Gentlemen I suffered ith attacks of sick headache, tfonrftlfria. female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating wanner. " , , . No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me The second made me as well and strong as when a child, 'And I have been to to this day. My husband was an invalid for twen ty years with a serious "Kidney, liver and urinary com plaint, . -. t roUO.linCCO oy DOalun s uust i-iijoi- csans 'Incurable !" Seven bottles of yonr him and I know of tho "i.ivA nf eiht Dersons In mv neierhbored that have been saved by your Bitters, And many more arc using mem wm great benefit. "They almost iAmimrlna?" Mrs. h. D. Slack. How to Get Sick Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise; work too hard tAhout rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know how to get icell, which la answered In tbreff words Tate Hop Bitters ! - tGf None Kenulne without a bunch of grren it .v.- nrhirn l.hpi. . Shim all the vile. their name. nov 12 1m d&w nrmtc JV lamanttse.. ....-....... CHlvSSs.. C Northern Factory............ DaIt?, trvaTn.j... .......... State.. ............ ....-..-.. CO'FUE, t? .lava. T&g"jyr i Kio. - COtN MEAL. lnts.. In sack tCOlTOS T1&?, V bundle.... lioMESTICS-r- , r.UbcUiijf, V.yd........... Taras, Imacb. ....... ...... euu$, r dOiMJn i Mackerel, Ko. 1, T M1.V.;...16 00 Mackerel, Jo. 1, half bbl.. 8 Mackerel, No. V bbl.... .. 9 60 Mackerel, So. ? half bbl.. JW M&cierel, No. S, f bbl 7 J5 Mulleta,r bbl................ 00 Mullet?. Pork bbla.. 7 CO . - . . . .a. k a u. hoc liemng, w 9 S3 - 12 . IS ' u ' U u 17: lry Col, V K Peruvian Guano, No. 1. ...... 67 50 No. 2. 38 00 Loboe 0 00 Bauch'a Phcihato....... 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser... t5 00 Ground Bone- W 00 Bono Meal.......... W W frtn Flour.. ..........00 00 Navassa Gvuuio ;0 00 Complete Miinnre... ....... ...00 00 wnana s fnoinav5..........w Wondo Phoe-,ihate. .....CO 00 Bcriycr & Bntz's PbO8Vhate--0 00 gxceUenia Cettoo Fcrilllzcr.W CO French's CarlMnate of Lloie... 7 00 French's Asrlcultural Lliao.... 8 SO FUJUU. V bbl- . Fine.. 0 00 Korthera Super 6 00 5 75 6 50 u 8) '.4 72 16 O Vt AT200U C10 0 , CIO 4 9 5 0810 a OSS' .tt 4 00 V a 9 i f.5 25 5 11 90 15 74 00 40 liitlcrs cured NEW YORK HERALD. WEEKLY EDITION, CHE DCLIARJA YEAR. Faraliy Gltv M1U Kxtra Family Extra Family. aLm-v QllALN, V bucbcl Corn, from store, buga.wnlte. Com, cargo, in nui, wniw.. Com, cargo. In bags, white.. Com, cargo, nalxcd.ln bags Oats, from store..... Cow Pea..... H1DKS. Vtb irrocn Drv ....w.. HAT, V 100 tbs- Eastern Western North lilver hoop ;ikon, v it.... LAUD.V th Northern.... North Carolina f iMK. barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, V M It. Ship Stuff, resawed.. 13 CO Kough Edge Plank... 15 00 West India CB.rgoea,accordlng -.. to quality :-J- 0 Drcsued Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Scantling and Board. com'n..U 00 MOBASSkS, ganoc New Crop Cuba, ha hhtts..... . 1b bblB Porto lllco, lnbatla in bbls Sugar House.ln bhda.. ....... . lnbblsj Svrun.ln bbla NAILS, V Keg.Cut.10d baalfl.. ClljSt gallon Beroscno Lard Linseed P.osln Tar.. Deck and Spar I-OULTEY Chickens, live, grown Sprir-fa- Tnrkev.. ... PEANlil'S V busbel.. POTATOES, bnshel Sweet Irish, V bbl..... PORK, tf" barrel cirv mess....... - CM 5 crJT oo tzii on. 5?C0 0C i0 00 am oo 245 01 ?57 0C m5 ct asi ot C70 w 4T70 OC tftt 0C e 7 6-"; ; a a T to 25 t 6 00 n 6 5: a 6ot a 5a n t a a o a a o 8! 75 w 674 17V, a l io ts n CO 25 85 3 it 4 10 4920 1) 016 3. Ola SBtt i) 015 1.56G 643 181 62 440 843 215 267 1.080 963 578 420 1,218 67 284 418 2,665 505 368 268 1,184 782 713 708 1,087 635 951 440 1,517 494 460 740 8,272 1,941 594 205! 137 744 977! 345 493 1,388 1.14SI 638 481 1,232 ;158 3231 662 80 3 oo 40 C 00 1 -Bel- Totals.... 11.500 Tho -i-rvto irivfm lionnptt and Dockerv vote of 1882 Total vote 1880. for Jarvis, 121.827; or Buxton 115,590; majority for Jar- vis; Ky.xs. . ItcliingPiies--synPoul8a,lrt Cure. mature, like perspbra tiou, intense itching Increased l by te"n; very d-strwslng. particularly at tight, seems as if pin-worm were crawling In and atouv ?be rectum; the private parts -re meUmes affected. If aiiovrea to """'VJW osT results may follow. 443WANfca oix is a Pleasant, sure cu Tetter. Itch, salt Bneuin,ccaiuiiw--r 51ENT Tth -Jolt w r.pnin cc&ia iiciu, a - I - . . . .. 1 n I flMlOIV c,Mi "-"v.. rn 'i for 1. F ' ... . I f mw 1000 100 25 nor 4 For Sale. CABBAGES, BRLS. APPLES, BRLS. POTATOES MUST BE SOLD. W. K. DAVIS SON The Election is Over! COUNTRY-IS SAVED. OUR Step Ladders, all lengthsat Jacobi's TI'T . . . .mall nn1 chases arc large- vurtiiu '" ; . . a- it faTlAi hiintO Snlt hirrt times, cave moury "j IL fe. BLAIR. No. 13 North Second sL thcee from nov 15 Dem.- John B OFFICE OF Dr. S. O. Ellis, N 0. 323 SOUTH FOUKTH STREiT, op posite Miller's Drug Store. jca-Noto change of olSce hours, which axe aa foBowa-5 to f ra.t 13 to t p. m. 6 to 9 p-m. -. nov 5 . . Hertford R V Winborne. Iyde J B Watson, Dem. Iredell Augustus l-azer, Ilolnian. Dems. .inisnn R H Brown. Dem. Johnston James II Pou, Josiah AY Perry. Deni3. Jones P M 1'earsall, Dem. lenolr Jesse W Clraincer. Dem Imcoln W 1 Grouse, Dem, Macon James L Hobinson, Dem Madison-I C Pntchard, Rep. Martin D Wortbington, Dem. McDowell Geo II Garden. Dem. Mecklenburg R P Waring, w Ardrey, II G Stowe, Dems. Mitchell T C Greene, Rep. Montsomery Moore George Wilcox, Dem. Nash-nJ II Exum , Dem . New Hanover C P Lockey. L. ura- d Northampton J II Edwards, J W Grant. Dems. Onslow E II Kins. Dcra. . Orange and Durham Chas W John son, Caleb 15 Green, Dems. Pamlico John B Martin, Dem. ' Pasquotank Hugh Cale, Rep. Pender J T Bland, Dem, , . Pcrquirnsns i 1 .n th trp.Twral news of the Dally w.rHHnn of the Ueraldt which has the largest circulation In the United Stathea. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS, it la the most valuable chronicle of political ntr.in th world, lmnaruauv kivuik iuc uv currences and opinions of all parties, o taat all aides mav be known, in tne ueparnucu FoBEiGN News the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of Its cable despatches. The w?w transatlantic teiegrapn cauic v., facilities. The Tabm Bepaktment of the Weekly Herald Is practical. It goes to the point, and does not give wiw m... Tne tarmer win save uivm One Dollar a Teak from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning eoll, cattle, crops, tree.-., buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. . THE UU1E o hAnuvlf( and thechlldrtn in rc. IIIOWI liVO " . . ' ... , .,1,00 zard to econoinlcai ana tasieiui uw L.a in addition, are sriven latest reports oi trade and Peodcce IIabkets, tho n.Htioti of monev. columns ol iiifsceu-i rir Prwirr. a Complete Story prv week. Jolrts and Anecdotes, Sporting . . . j . ews. ... o I 1 UrL LAK -;itJV.6, .... n . 9 1)1 U UUMf,J ' ' - World, a department aero ea w Crovnw KELIGIOCS OTFJJ. wmu th WKKKLY UEKALD gives tht ioto oa wt s'Atra nt the World. It is also a .Tnnrnal tor the Family. Subscribe one dollar, at any Ume, for a fuu vAav K-ftatiir v nee ui nxiv w w v .States or Canadas. JTUE NEW YORK IIEKALD, la a Weekly Form. )SE OOLL.AU A. I EiVI NEW YOI1K IIEKALD, Prime Rump RICE Carolina. Plough, V bushoi IiAiiS. v lb Country City OiL !b S 4LT, V sack. Alam Uverpoo .......... ' .iiibrn ....... . ......... - scrtcan. . .-........ S- j A R, ? !f Cuba.. 11 10 90 90 00 00 2 10 75 1 10 10 1 CO DC 16 CO 17 CO a & a a it o o 03 9 a a a c a a a 33 41 14 45 00 75 2 23 24 mi 013 93 5 141 1V 14H 00 O Porto tUco Atolc.. ...... 00 Of' a oo t0 0 a a a o &x C .r usfioc.. .............. -oap. f it Northern... iUNGLr.3,7ln.VM ..lJ vommon j Jyprest Sai5.... 4 J Oypreea Hearts... 0 W rAVKft. M W. O. Barrel . 12 00 li. O. Hogfthcad.... 00 00 T .U .tOW (V. 4 T1MRE1L V II feet ShtppLcg.ll ) FtncMlU illll Prime Hill Fair .... Common Mill inferior to Onl'nary.. WHISKEY, r gal Northern..! 00 North Carolina... .....a w WOOL. V ib Washed........ i Unwashed.. ....... ........... o RDITf.... - ! w4a 5 l 75 75 ; '75 .V , : i6.v till 00 O 3 0C 05OC tt 7 U au oo sio oo CC14 00 ...11 21 CIS 00 .... : n) p s co .... & OOtfft 6 10 .... 5 oc a o oo .... o rx ts t 00 O 100 tt 2 60 , 22 0 l' Wagonette JOK WBIOHTVILLE SOUND, will leave cettcrland's Stables DAILY at 6 P. M. sharp. Returning, will lave Sound at 7 A, SI. tharp juBelf T. J. EOUTHETiLAKD. yt Manhood Bestorecl i Address, docl Broad way and Ann Street The Excursion and Pic Nic S ka'uimIS KOW OPES AND PERSONS vlltlng"th-j city, the So and 3 or Smlthvllle. and la need of FlrstLiass wot win uo JOHN -WTEJIROSJ EB the weU known Barber and PeTfumer at hi Sha Tina: and Hair Dreslng Saloon. VO 12i MAKKLT bTJlEKT where b will apare no pains lngivlnglsatl- f action toau jWine uiee. fwlonday A SD ALL THE EEK YOU WILL find liPe const r-tmcnU of Ar-plea. Peaehea. I'eara Chuena. kgga and another connrjr pro'luce Iteae cooua must be eoVl at once. Call on The L!ve!Grocer and Commission Merchant, - ill .fVI - .A w ifc.. v.. IlrvrntFElL Arictimof routhnl tiucmdrflc caujtne fremiti re Dcr. Nenrooa nebilitr. Lot 31nhjoi 4-..briBR tried ia rain erery known trindr,haM AiK'0ve rd a ftiioi'ini?anIli-cnrg' . . . . . a aaa t I . AM urtwn Tie Will HWfl ritr-r lOCil iemw-ngutnfri, For Sale. ; A Job Printing Uilicc, GOOD CONDITION. 1- sept IS LIBERTY. PEESS, Over 100 Fonts Type," " APPLY TO - ' J- . ot8 JOSH. T. JA11E3, Depot.

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