THIS PAPER ' .Hibhahed every evening, . Sandays ex eptod by , :.- JOSH T, JAMJES, C:)ITOB AND"PBOF3UKTOB. -SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: me year $4.00. Six months, $2.C6. Three months, fl.00; One month, 35 center Tbe paper will be delivered by carriers free cf charge, In any part of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cent per weelc. Advesttelcg rates low and liberal. --Subscribers will report any and all fall ares to receive their papVcgularly, : ; The Daily Review has Ui largest bona fide circulation, of aaiy newspaper bashed, in the city of Wilmington. Mrs. Belva Lock wood ha3 started on a long lecturing tour. - .- Mr. Barnand, the. editor of the Lon don I'unci, has eleven unmarried daughters. : Monsignor Oapel will spend -some lime in New Orleans during the Expo sition. - The greatest slieght-of-haud perform-. era were Hebrews Hazleraeyer, Harlz, Heller, Jacobs, Phillipe, Hermann and Adrian. . An expariment is about to be made with electricity as a motor for the Brooklyn bridge cars, and the company ' 1 . C j . .- iDteresieu proiesses io entertain no doubt ot succe33. The vote ot Virginia at the recent Presidential election was the largest ever polled in that State. The total vote cast for Electors of President and Vice President was 284,853, o 1 which Mr. Cleveland received 145,407, and Mr. Blaine 139.350. The apex of the Washiugton mono raent will be cf aluminum, and t block has already been cast. It is about live inches square by seven high, and is the largest aluminum easting ever made. Lightning rods will run from this to the ground. President Artuhr will be the recipient ol much social attention in New Or leans should hp, a9 anticipated, attend the opening of Ihe Worlds Exposition tliismnuh. The Pickwick Ciub is preparing to give him a banquet, the equal of which has not been spread in New Orleans for many days. Fifty thousand woodchucks have been killed in New Hampshire during the present year, on which the State pays a bounty of ten cents each, mak ing a total for woodchuck killing of $5,000. Reckoning each woodchuck to weigh five pounds, the total weight of the 50,000 will aggregate 1 12 tons. , . . There are a great many ways of cele brating a victory, but perhaps the best way is that proposed by the Democrats of Springfield, Mass. They are pre paring to buy five hundred sacks of flour, on each of which will be printed : "Compliments of the Democratic party," to be distributed to the poor of the city. Some of the.bovs. however, have already painted tbe town. ... rrenminary steps were tatcen at a meeting of leading white and colored citizens of New Orleans last week, to establish at some central point in the South a university of applied sciences for giving the graduates of colored schools a thorough training, both theoretical and practical, in the Jeadine trades. This is another rebuke to Mr Blaine's recent tirade against the South. Jo Brown, of Georgia, is a native of Siuth Carolina and is in his 61th year Whenever we think of Jo B. we think f'fihe skinning Ingalls gave .him. Morning Star. Yes, that is what Ingalls' friends claimed, we bolieye, but there are two ways of looking at thatjmatter. We think, rather, that Joe Brown was tbe skinner and Insalls the skinnee in that operation, although, kto ;be close to the hiark, we were ralher inclined to view t as a drawn' battle. Bat, then, we did not read tho report through jaunr uiced glasses. ; A factory has just been opened at Dinbury, Conn , for the manufacture of wooden shoes. The proprietor is a German, and for some lime has sup Plied the brewers in New York with wooden shoes for their employees, and tho demand b as now become so exten sive as to require much greater facilities and the aid ot steam power. The shoes liave the approved curved round toe of the old Dutch style and are heelless. They are made wholly of the wood of the butternut tree, and, while imper Yious to water, are also very light. They have been introduced into all the hat shops for the protecting ot the feet cf operatives from the wet floors, while at the same time they are very easy and rest the feet. The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude. Theyobjeetto a line of des cendants from monkeys. But not even baby objects to Dr. Bull's Cough Good materials properly porportioned Jhicb are the essential requisites in ady mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint ld at Jacobi's Depot. f Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lyd-W VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. -IM0EX TO HEW ADVEimsExciTX. CW Yates Holiday Goo.'s Jko F Divikb $5C0 Seward Taylor's Pasaab -Christmas Goals ".Muw-umuy uibies, Albums, &c p c MlLLKg Friends end Fellow Citizens There was no City Court "this morn ing. Busines3 was quite lively on the wharf this morning. The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 567 bales. Cleveland collars are a'.l the rage, and can be had at Dyer's for 25s each.f The market was well supplied with meats this morning ami they were of a fine "quality. The windows of some of tbe stores begin to look tempting with the dis play of Chrrstmas holiday goods. New Hanover Superior Court, Judge A. C. Avery presiding, convened at the Court House, in this city, at 10 o'clock this mornintr. l he Conlerence is now over and the roosters begin to crow with consid- c able confidence, not thinking that , Mr, B. Turlington informs us that he dug new potatoes from his garden yesterday,, which made the third crop from the same ground thi3 season. Rhv. B. R. Hall, formerly pastor of the Fifth Street M E. Church in this city, will preach at St Stephen's Church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. (Jus Williams, the character comedi an, in his play of One of the Finest," will appear at tho Opera House in this city on the lOtn mst. "One ct the Finest" is intended to represent a New xork policeman. TTile Cornet a grand concert We are glad to learn Concert Club will give at the Opera House in this city, on next Mnndav wppk. t.h 1 h insh fiVi which occasion hfir will ho a dprht- ful programme preFented.FurtherParti- culars will be made known in a few days. - Indications. For the South Atlantic States slight ly warmer, fair weather, Northerlv winds, becoming variable. Home Again. Mrs. Elizabeth Latimer, Mr. Wm. Latimer and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Lati mer have arrived home, after a pro- traded European tour, in excellent I health and much delighted with their trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Latimer, who accompanied them, have not yet returned to the city, although they came from Europe in the same steamer. Mrs. A. M. Waddell returned from Europe with them, but reached this city one week in advance of the others. Slisrht Fires. At about 1 o'clock this afternoon a onn rtln rtF lin Inu r- f nnH rn of ilio 11 rw nor 1 , u- t u. wxuvivo "''su uj a. 1,, "Mtice, before he enfered tney were at once tumbled into the dock and the flames were extinguished. No general alarm was given. At about 2:0 ocloct this atternoon,hisnewchftre . ... ,fc . some more cotton, at the same press, became igninited and a serious con fla- gration was threaten. The alarm was given and the fire department was promptly in attendance, and the flames wereextinguished .before any serious damage was done. HiS Stealing-. Some scamp entered the premises of Mr. James Cox, corner of Front and Wright streets, last Saturday night and killed bis pis and carried it away. They also stele ail of his poultry, con sisting of turkeys, geese and guinea fowl?, save one old gander. This the thief managed to accomplish without making sufficient noise to awaken, the family and so quietly as to escape observation by any one. Mr. Cox has no idea who was the thief, although he traced him for a considerable distance into the woods by the blood which had dropped from the pig and poultry. Tito .$74tOOO Prize to an Un known Hero. It is collected by the Louisiana Na tional Bank for an unknown depositor. The luck v 78,455 was presented at the mam unices ot lhe ixmisana Mate Lottery Company by Mr. A. Luria, Cashier of the Ixuuana National Bank, for a depositor. This is all that the Lottery Company knows of it, and Mr. Luria declined to name the fortunate holder. A check for $75,000 was dep osited to the credit of the lucky deposi tor. Aeto Vrlerns Vuy Jlcin, Oct l. For durable coloring tho walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Majjleine sold at J ac obi's l)epot. :I'J ? ? Vi-fi' i''vv i Vtr,Y-:.. WILMINGTON. N. C WEDNES DAY, DECEMBER 3, 1884. NO. 289 Pine Stock. Mr. J ohn Taylor, of Taylor's Bazaar. tells his leeioa of customers who read the Review: in thia ;0o ,.r.i tiful uv ui au3 ucau and a.tractive stock of holiday PomhhntmaoKaeno u:. i business. His prices are extremely low, and he qas an almost endless va nety from which to make a selection. Read his attractive advertisement in another column, and be governed ac cordingly Heavy It e ward Ollered. Mr. H. Walters, General Manager, and Capt. John P. Divine, Supt. of the W.&W., aidW.C. & A.Ttft.lrn-H iriro notice in this issue that a reward of $500 will be paid for the conviction of any parties caught interfering with tbe tracks of these roads or placing obstruc tions thereon and they declare that the full penalty of the law will be enforced against all offenders. This means busi ness. In lew Qaurters. We have received a kindly letter from our old friend Mr. J. D. Sublett. formerly ot the ITo'tel Brunswick, at Smithville, but now proprietor of the Grand Capital Hotel, at Baton Rouge, La. This, ftie capital city of the State, is made convenient to New Orleans as there are fonr trains each way daily, and those who visit the exposition from this section would find Baton Rouge tar preterable to New Orleans as a stopping place. The! cost ot living would be less, theel mate more healthy and tbe locality in every way more de- airab.e. Tbe railroad from Raton Rouge to New Orleans passes through sonieol the richest of the sugar produc- ! 1 1 r . . . . . nig ians oi ice state, and tho round trip fare is only SI 50 Personal liis Honor, Judge A. C. Aver v. arrived in tho city last uight and re ''""irS elected Treat ii rp.r nf Mrfh Paiin, c , 4 .u. ' was Lae secretary or uuwreuBB y. He was rc- rece"Uhe IIe wa3 rc markablv Pflinifint in hA nrfrt of the arduous du.ies pertainin to that yu9iiiuu.ti.iiu was uextainiy one oi mo very best recording officers it has ever been our good fortune to meet. We are under lasting obligations to him for his many courteses during the Con ference. Rey. Dr. Bobbitt is vet in the oitv and will not leave for his new charge, the Salisbury District.until some time next week. He is a pleasant gentleman, a, devout follower of the Master, and his aeparture tor another held of useful ness will be regretted by many. liev. D. H. Tuttle. who ha3 been assigned by the Conference to the charge of Fifth Street M. E. Church, was pastor at Smithville last year, and was grea'ly beloved by his congrega tion, as well as by the citizens generally. He is yet a young man, although he Was three VCftrS a liiwver in Wri?oh rm- . I Iession hC had built Up a lucrative prac- the ministry. He is a man of talents, is a devout christian, and will bring that energy of action and earnestness ot nnrnosp in much good. w x - m . - uippiiicoii luagazme. There are several articles in Lippiw cotCs for December which claim atten- tion even in these exciting'times.and as which may be read with prefit as well pleasure. "A. Visit to .Naples" de- . . . ' picts the aspect of that city just previ ous to the outbreak cf cholera. Chas B. Todd gives the most vivid and ex haustive account that has yet appeared of the Oil-Region of Pennsylvania. In contrast to this paper is that in which "Edmund Kirke" concludes his inter esting narra:i re of a W Innr lAntin'Air I J""'W ! oa ine r reueiiroai ia iNoriii uarouoa I 1 AmnnfUni;u muwug buc iiguici milium iu lije uuw bfir.irfi "Thn Philosnnhv nnl Art nf J I uanemg. "a v esterniinoustrv. ' and Why Not an American Punch?'1 "Fe. licie s Ueception, and somehow," are capital short stories, and Miss Tinck er's "Aurora" is carried forward with the same interest and beauty of style that have marked the previous instal ments. Among the attractions promised for tbe coming year, particular attention is called to a 'serial entitled "On This Side," by F. C. Baylor, recounting the experience of an English baronet and his party during a tour in tbe United States. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find tbe best at Factory- prices at Jacoei's Hardware Depot. . f " ' " - I ...... The L.ast of KarLIt. WW. Pa.h ronJl t tiT ? , consigned to their hst. long ihe remains ot the late John rMt in IftnVI.U f .1 Ufnm r. , . f "r AUC iook place rom St. James Church and the body was followed to the grave by a long line Of sorrowing friends and relatives Mr. Pugh was, as wejstated a few dayss.nce, a gallant Confederate, bet was disabled early in the war. He was a member of the late Capt. R. JS. Rad cliffo's command, Co. F, of the gallant Third North Carolina Infantry. He was made color-guard and in the Seven Days Fight Around Richmond. oa Jane2Gth, 1862, he was wounded in the rigbt arn EO severely as to require Va amputation. lie was then but 21 years of age. Exports Foreign British schooner Hatlie Darling, Cap tain 1 earce, aeared for Nassau vester day, with 24.709 feet lumber. 63 979 shingles; 12 barrels flour, 5 bage cow Peas and 1 baS coffee, valued at $799.02 snipped by Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins. er barque Co?islatitin von lieinccke, Fretwursr, cleared to-day for Stettin "ith 2'786 barreJs sin. valued at $3, 70. shipped by Messrs. E. Peschau & Westermann. Nor. barque Prudcnlia, Hansen, cleared for London with 500 cask3 spirits turpentine and 2.286 barrels rosin, valaed at $10,136, ship Ped by Alessrs. Paterson, Downing & o. iMor. brig Uildinq. Pedcrsen, clear ed ,or London with 2.272 barrels ro3in valued at $2,497, shipped by Messrs. D U. Murchison & Co. Br. Schr IHnnerr Kelly, cleared for Nassau with 97 GOO shingles, valued at $631.40 shipped by Kf . d-X 1 r -mm . 1 Mssrs- - roniy oc aiorri3, making a total of exports foreign amounting to $16,967 40 Unsolicited Favor. ul lu ..ffMf. two years old, fell " from a atep and ?lruck his fcrehead, A large, black and oiufi bunch raised and swelled rapidly, We immediately applied St. Janobs Oil and the swelline and discoloration JffiTKlSSf SjSfe i effect, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S500 Reward T1HE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DO! LARS ft I 111 1 t x . m v a. v " para lo any one IQrmaniB mwnnation which yrttl Ieaa to tnc conviction of any party found interfering with the Switches or Frojs of lhe Railroad Companies, or placing obstruc tions of any kind upon their tracks. And parties are warned that tbe Railroad Companies will Invoke the fullest penalties of the law against snch offenders. INO. F. DIVINE, G3'l Sup't W & W. and W., C. A. .Railroads. H. WALTERS, General Manager, dec 3 3t wefii mou Notice. TS IIEEEIiY GIVEN TIIAT applica- linn trill lift TTisrlp. tr Ihft Canpval AcaomhW tf K rolling ! mocivn ( 1 -1 ocs for a charier for the "Wilmlnston 5avinzs Hint aou Loan Aesoriation" or Wllmmeton. v. cec ' ii Notice- JS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the General Assembly of North Car- ouna. ai its session in Januarsr. less, for a charter for tne Germama Mutual Fire Jnsu ranee Company of Wilmington, N. C. dec 2 ot II,, c ArriwPrl anH fnr Qolo - wu,v" f( BBLS- maiden and roe mullets. sr . . . 50 Bbls. No. 2 Mullets. 50 Bbls. and half Bols. Mackerel. 55 Bbls. Assorted Apples. Must be sold.. DAVIS A SON dec 2 Oysters. Oysters, rrtHOSE FAMOUS IIORNE OY3 TKRS can be found at the Old North State Saloon. Therire the tot hrnnhttn wcuy. igrs, wines, iseer. ana oia ciem: or i m w . r nnuscy.aiwayBonnana. can at tne OLD NORTH 8TATE SALOOM. (t I it Crt.ith Qlw.f BraSS Fire B0ff8, Shovels and Tongs. gOMETHISG VERY NICE AND VERY CHEAP. GII EH A MUKUIISON, dec 1 - 3S and 40 Murchison Block Home Comforts. A GOOD COOK STOVE. A GOOD HEAT ing Stove, a rood Lamp, a coed Kerosene fct vc, a good Door Mat. a good ToUct Set. a good Lap Board, a good Cake Box. a good CoCee liigrln, a good Feather Duster. Our Dave nods as if to aay that' so, and add a Porua. PACKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. dec 1 JJY SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED roods to MON AMI'S Steam Dve Works. 15U tecoad at., and ha lnr them made darker for J m &u anu i uuer wear you u. aavs us expense oi buying a new suit or dress. Complete and fresh lot dye stair joat received. e NETV ADVEKTISE3IENTS. Hurrah ! Hurrah.! SANTA GLAUS UAS MADE 11H IIEADQUABTEBS AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, TltJT anlmmanee steefc of DOULS. In every size axd BJjle, DRU31"?,Tmmpet3, Uames. Blocks, HOUSES. Wagons. Vc'.oc'pede, WHIPS, Keins. Eells, And thousands of other thiDgs for the little ones. You are all lavltcd to call and sen the Grand Toy and Holiday Goods Opening, To&ether with a new tock of 1 adies' Hats, Bibbon. Vlowea. " B'eatbgrs, Breasts, Birds, Wings, Tips, Velvets, Plushes and Satin?. JUST RECEIVED : A new llna of I-acea, race CoTars, Uandkcr. chiefs, in Silk and Linen. A new line of Gloves. A new line of Hand Satchels, pockt t books. A new line of Jewelry . A new line of Underwear and Hosiery. A new btock of Children's Worsted Hocds aid Sacks, Babie Cloaks, Ac , 4c. Also a new line of Silk, and Alpacea Um brellas, and will be sold at remarkably lew prlrcs, at Taylor's Bazaar. WN. B. li VERY' PURCHASER OF T TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OR MOREr T WILL RECEIVE A TICKET FOR A .g CHANCE ON A HANDSOMELY DRES3 ED, JOLNTED, BISQUE DOLLff Tte Ladles are invited fo call and see at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St dec S WILMINGTON, N. C. Cakes and Crackers. LARGE AND VARIED ASORTME of Nice Fresh Cakes and Crackers just received We have LARRABEE'S EXTRA SODA BISCUIT, put up io 31b tins, which we are sellirs for CO cents; tins not returnable. Convenient and r. muvracsers are oi mo oest quality. I rr n v . n - I AAA ax I Royster s Elegant Candies received fresh each week. We have a NICE ASSORIM&NT, and would call the attention ot our friends to this fact P. L. BBIDGERS & CO. HO North Front St. dec 1 Ostrich Tips JOR 5) AND C5 CENTS PER BUNCH. New Styles in Felt, Velvet and Straw Hata and Bonnets. Ostrich Tips and Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Ribbons, Satins. Velvets, Zephjrs, Saxony, Ac, at MBS. KATE C WINE.V, No. 119 North Second Street. bov 20 tf Bet. bectnut and Princess sts Call and See rjUIOSE ELFGANT FRUIT PBESERVE3. We guarantee in em to be pare, and the flavor as if put up at home. A trial Is all we ek. Canned Goods of all kinds. Prunes, Currant. Pickles, Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemon. Rikiag Powders too numerous to mention. Jellies. Crackers, the best of Cheese, Hams and &ogsr-Cure ) & boulders. Coffees roasted and ground. By Steamer to-morrow Mocha Coffee. we do not rag on all Flour, but we put the SUPERLATIVE against any in the market. Parties wishing Picserves at retail will please scad dishes. sept 33 , F. G, & N. ROBINSON. , w bo iclad w xeoclTO coninoBiratloa frcxa oar friends oa aay ad all ituUjsza; ccneraltatexcatbtn v . r. Tb juLcae ol the writer must &naya b iinc4 to thSditcs. ' CoiaTrmnTcatloaa mv& ba vntUa ca oreEidacf tha paper. -'PcraonaBttca cinst be aTo!d14 " Aa4 it ia ecpedaCy aad paxUenlxTly ri de tooa that the Editor Joe ot alwaya eadci s the views of correspondents uuu r t. i Ja the editorial eoUuaaa. NEW ADVJERTISE3IKNTS. SrH. Trimble, STOCK AND HEAT. ESTATE BROKER ana Auctioneer of Grncni ntovhani. wSLH'1?11 eorn' l'rineesa and - ci, jvc i. cxoniy x axotrlss old uml. t eronal attention Iron tAair ICS at nrirrtt-n ao'j. ...... . signnsenU aollclted. SETII W. HaVTS. ,eP. . - Auctioneer. Another Large Invoice 0F ZKpHYIlS AND ALL THE VABIOU3 Wools In use A LL COLO C8 Children1 Mlf sea and I aIea Jerseys. . GIotcj and Handkerchief, rancy Hairpins, Hat OinametU. Jtc. a MlUluery-Full stock, IHatsJ BonncU, Vcl vats, Feathers. Birds, Ao. . Stan-plng done In latest dessns. Felt All colors. Elder Dowr, Plothjfcc. Respectfully r MISS E. KARRER. Holiday Goods I JN ORDER THAT THE LADiES MAY select their CHRISTMAS PRESENTS early and avoid the usual ruth, I hare opened np a large and handsome stock of Christmas Goods in point of clearance and variety furnaatinsr anything herettoote offered. T 3 The finest selection of Children' Books ever brought to the city, call and examine stock and prices. Prompt an 1 polite attenUon to alL . V ' c- W' YATES, ; 119 Market at, Wilmington NC deel Family Bibles. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OFFAML L If BIBLES, In various styles of blndlnr. just received at tho LIVE BOOK STORE. Albums. The largest and hcRt elnto.i ALBUMS tver brought to this city is at LATEST IMPORTATION ! DIRECT FROM PARIS 1 Large assortment of Masin Rayobt?. wood, Mahogony, Black Walnut, Carved Gut. ta Pcrcha, fihell and Tin. Large, medium and small, at HEINSiiKUMRR'S ecl I've Book and Music St res Best Stock. JgUYERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES WILL fin! at our place tho LARGEST STOCK, G1FATEST VARIETY OF 8TYLE AND FINISH and LOWEST PRICES. Wc lnv't " an examination of Goods and Prices. i ' - Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET dec 1 White Cypress and Yellow Pine iiJLiliMll AJXB BOORS, Guaranteed as good as the test. Molding. Brackets. Balusters and Orn Uentai woM work. oct 16 . PARSLEY A WIGGINS. Just Arrived I A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCT CAKES AND CRACKERS, French Jnmbles, Urane Bar, vanl'.ia Jelly. , Teed Drop Cakes, Cc-oa Drops, KokoCakcs, Lunch Milk, elegant. Cracker Dust, Also Bright, New Breakfast Strips, FJga ce. irUs Ham, five irrn everrthlnr usually found In a first class Fam ily Grocery. O. if. CRAPON. 22 South Front fit - nor 19 Florida Oranges T - Florida Oranges ! JUST ARRIVED A CHOICE LOT OF Oranges, direct from thcerores of Florida. A fall supply of Bologna fcauzae. Link aus age, Garl c &auage and Liver Puddiar. fitrrw rrotn li lib mood, Va a luu imo or amuy (JroceTie a1ats or band. Jive Torkeis. Dmi T...f r? Chickens slwaysonhaaa- Old Lot CiLin n! nrnnt.k Tt StWhlskeViresuritmTpg. ,TW Consignments of produce noUtiicrf . n , V . CRAIG A TIIOMAIL iv5??U?fn and Dealers v Jrfric? lcors, Ac, No. us aouth rront St., almost opposite tne Market. . DOT S3 f H a rd v a re QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANTl ty. Wholcaalaajid LcUll at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGEii a vot

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