.NEW AD VEBTISE3LEXTS , , IT LEADS JM No other blood-purifying medicine is m-M, or his ever baen prepared, wpeh,?o com plete v meets tb waats of physi and tha general pubiie ft Ayerfs " 'SaisapariLii. Tt 1?rJj the Kst as a trnly scientific prepara .'ion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk Onnirill fl ing taint of Scrofula about you. ubw-JrULA AVER'S Sarsapabilla will dislodge it and expel it from your system. For cCMnitutioual or scrotaiou Catarrh, HuTann'! aveb's Sabsapakilla is the UArAimntrue remedy. It has cured nunivjcrles cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal dLscli.irg.js, and remove the sickeii Lirj odor of tff3 breat h, which are indications of sorofaioum origin- - U( prortijQ "Hatto, Tel., Sept, 2S.1S82. Lt Utt JuO '.t the te of two years one of . tnr? niv children was terribly afflicted CUilHw vita ulcerous running sores di its fac- r.n ! neck. At tho same timeis eyes svollcu, much Inflamed, and very sore. f i.y n C'-'E"1 I" vsioLins tela us that a pew OUriC C J fc vf us alterative medicine mast i- ;i'::Hj'it !- Tk-jy united in recommending i.ii's Sks.xai:xlla. A few doses pro . tS'j'j.l :i "perceptible improvement, which, by : su'.l.Kraw to your directions. wa3 contin ued to a coi. and permanent .curs. No cviit.i'C:! .!! appexre I of fcke exijtenco of cr. ; T' r"M: tenancies;' and no treat utttit ct any disorder was evr attended by more prompt or r-ito rtuul rtsulis. Vcurstru-;, li. F. Jj II --" I'P.nj'AUEIJ BV Dr.J.C.Aycr Co., Lowell, Fviass. . So'.d by ail DfujjpV.s; ?1, six bottles for 34. !UH 1 lVWlp iEW: A. - 15 AYER'S Asciie Cure cwt.'iiiiH :ui miliriolo for all malarial is onlfi ;s wS)icl;, -o far as known, is used in no oth- r reii::.ly. it contains no Quinine, nor ai.y ,. i .or deleterious substance what ever, "m i consequently produces no injurious etitret u;ii t constitution, but leaves the s t in :s lu t'lthy as it was before the-attack. WE WARRANT AYER'S AGUE CURE to rure every case of Fever and Ague,. Intcr itiitfrrt or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Jii:i b .up, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com print caused by malaria. In cae of failure, ;trr due trial, dealers are authorized, by our t-irouiar dated July 1st, 16S2, to refund tlio ?;ii-y. Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ' miy 2Sd Aw Sarin 1885. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. With the nc vo'um", beginning in Decem ber. Haiu'ER's MAGAZitu will conclude It? thirty fifth year. Tee. oldest periodical f i s tyc, It Is yet. in each new volume, a ntvy m:g azine, not pimply because it presents fre-h subjects and new" pi tures, but also, and chief ly, became it steadily advances in the method isc'f of magaz'nc makimr. In -a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement, l.eadin-i fcHturc in th" attractive programme for JSfs") are: new serial novels by Constance Fenimore Woolson and W D Howells; a new novel entitled "At the Ucd Glove;" d scriptlve illustrated papers y F D MilleU, U Swain Gifford. K A Abbey. II Gibson, and others; -ioldsuiith' 'Mie Stoops to Conquer." llluptrate i by Abbey; im portant papers on Ar, Science, eti. Haroer's Periodicals. Per Year : IIarpeb's Magazine If arpkr'8 Weekly Harper's Bazar Harper's Vouno People Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) Postage Fret to cul subscribers in the Vnitea States or Canada, 4 00 4 (X 1 CO 2 00 10 00 The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, It will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The bast eleven Femi annual Volumes cf Harper' Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be 6ent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $$ 00 per volume. Cloth Oases, for binding, 60 cents each by mall, postpaid. - Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classitiea, for Volumes 1 to 60, Inclusive, from June, lt50, to June, ltfc one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avod chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement teithout the express order of Harper & Bros. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, decS New York- 1885. " Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar Is the only taper m the world that combines tbe choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with tbe 1 test fashions and methods of household adorn ment. Its weekly illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and New Yoi k sty leu, with Its useful pattern-sheet supplements" and cut patterns, by efabllnf? ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, the man agement oi set van is, and housekeeping in Its various de'aus are eminently "practical. Much attention U given to the l-teresiius topic of social etiquette, and its Illustrations of ari needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led. Its literary mcilt Is of tht highest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures hns won for it the r.ameot the American Punch, . Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPKR'S BAZAR 4 CO HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HAKPER'S YOl'XG PEOPLE.. 2 00 Harper's rakklk -quark Library, One Yeav C52 Numbers) .40 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the J5arr begin wirb the first Number for fanuary of ech year. When no time li mentioned, it wid be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Nutabcr next afterthe receipt of order. TheUst Fire Annual Volumes of Harper' t Buiar, in neat cloth, binding, will ne sent by mail, postage pid. or by express, free of ex pense (provided the frc&ht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpiid on re ceipt of $1 00 each- - Remittances should be made by Post-Ofilce Mony Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise-, ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address - HARPER Jk BROTHERS, decS KtwTork , Th e D a i I y Re y i ev . EST The uauy Meview has the largest 'xna fide circulation, of any newspaper Ludlisfted, in the city of Wilmington, .3 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1884 IN CONGRESS YESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington, Dec.' 3. Mr. Veal resolution ot yesterday, calling for an investigation into tbe lease made by the Indian tribes oMandin the Indian Ter ritory, was taken op and tbe amend ment offered by Mrs Conner wa3 agreed u, includicg within the scope of inves tigation the lease of lands in tbe Indian reserve. The resolution was then agreed to. Several Senators were, at their own request, relieved Irom present commit tee assinrefent. Mr Slater gave uotice that on Mon d.'.y next he would move to take up and press to a pass-ae tbe bill dec!ariDr lorteited unearned lands granted to aid in tho construction ot the Oregon Cen tral Ra.lrond. The seltct committees ot the Senate in existence, on July 7:h, 184. werecon tinued and the presiding officer of the Senate was given power to nil existing vacancies, or such as mav occur this week. The Seriate tfien, atl2-55, went into executive session and when, at 1 :45 p. m., the doors were reopened, ad joiiri!-d. IIOUE OF REPRESENTATIVES. On nj(ii-n id' Mr. Cable, of Ind., S-n;ite nmendments to House bill, for ieiting ihe unearned land grant ir the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company wa non-concurred in. Tbf House wurst into Cmnmittee ef the Whole (Mr. Cx, of New York, in he ennir,) on the bi!l niakina: tempo rary provision lor the- naval service. No amendents were offered to the bill, find no discussion was had upon it Mr. ItHudall merely making a brief state- nit-oL 10 snow mat me loiai appropria tion for the support ol the Navy for the current fiscal year was $15,630,167, a reduc ion ot -J58,268 from the appro priation for .he previous year. Th com mitt-e then iose, and the bill was passed? and the House resum ed consideration of the Inter State Commerce bill. . Messrs. Seymour, of Conn.. Long, of Mass , and Peters, of Ks.. argued the importance of the subject before the House and supported with certain lim itations the bili repoi ted by the com-nji'iUe- The subject matter went over until to-morrow. On motion ot Mr. Morrison it was ordeied that wherj the House adjourn to-ruorrow, it be to meet Monday next. Hie House then adjourned. 81'ATE NEWS, Raleigh Visitor: Little Annie, the six year-old daughter of Mr. S. V. House, of this city had. tbe misfortune to get both bones ot the right forearm broken this afiernoon by railing irom a wagon. Fanner and Mechanic; The cem mr, nest of "dart" it h eated along the leading streets cf Raleigh is first cousin to a gold mine. Two acres ot the White" estate, one square eaet of the Capitol, sold on Monday for S13,- jo; me saie oeing conducted by Col Walter Clark, Commissioner. The lots were 10 in number. th3 majority naving a irontage ot 70 leet. Mr. W. C. Holmn bought the largest lot, I40x- ioi. containing ine old mansion, for 12 375. Mr. Ernest Haywood, a 70 foot corner, -lor $900. Mr, Julius Lewis another lot for $1,100. Filteen eara or so ago, one 01 me nuest prop erties on Ilillsboro street, 2 acres with iianilfome residence, out buildings, etc., sold for only $6.000, about one- uuru tne price prorate, lor the two acres sold this week, and we have faith to believe the prices just paid will be deemed "dirt cheap" ten years nence. News and Obicrver : The entry-book C a I r . T ior ine race tor tne postmastership at Chapel fliil contains fourteen names. All the blanks are not full and all the names have not been entered. Col. Jas4D. Glenn, who so efficiently commands the Third Regiment, N. C. S. G., says that command wilt go to Cleveland's inauguration with full ranks. The gin house, twenty bales of cotton and 1,700 bushels of cotto. sewl belonging to Mr. Joseph S. Staton. of Bethel, Pitt county, were ail ccstroyed by fire yesterday morn ing. Information was brought here yesterday, by a gentleman who came from Tarboro, that the Republican sheriff, Taylor, failed to give his bond Monday and that the county commis sioners chose Mr. John It. Staton, the present incumbent, as sheriff. The Centennial Legion" is again to assembled, and" attend Cleveland's uuguruiion. - 1 nis corps organized to attend the I 1 a aueipma centennial, where it pa raded July 4th. 1576. It was then com- 1 r fn - jMjtu u: me ioiiowmg picKeti compa res iron; the "Old Thirteen" KMr. New Hampshire, "Andovcr Blues;'" Massachusetts. Boston Light Infantry, or Tigers," as commonly known Connecticut, Governor's Foot Guard; Rhode Inland. Providence Light Infan try ; New York. Old Guard; New Jer sey. Phil Kearney Guard; Pennsyl vania, State Fencibles; Delaware- I ver RinVs; Maryl nl, picked men of iMiiu KeiMment ; Virginia. Norfolk LiibJ Artillery Blues; North Carolina, Fajettevdie Independent Light Infan try ; South Ctr ohnn. Washington Light Infantry ; Georgia. Clinch Rifles. It is probable that each of these companies wilt attend" the inauguration. There will be 1,300 men in the "Legion," The FayettevlUe Independent Light In fantry is the third in point ot age in the United Stales. It was organized in 1793. Charlotte Observer: N. R. Harris, an industrious colored man oi this city, who says he was "raised" by Mr. W. SUaw. has just completed a set of fite haifcess which ho will have on exhibi tion at the New Orleans World's Ex position. The very highest skill and excellence is displayed in the finishing of the harness and the set willundoubt cd.y find many admirers at the Exposi tion. Last fall Harris was awarded the first prize for a set of harness whuih he exhibited at iho. cause to feel ashamed of bis exhibit About 11 o'clock Monday night fire broke oat in the engine room of Miller Brothers planing milU, in Winston, and a serious destruction of property en sued. The planing mills and lumber yard3 were burned, when the firb com- x . . r I - 1 J - 1 ruunicaieu u ine uuuumg occupieu 03 I ho Little Queen - Manufacturing; com paoy. which, with its contents,was soon in ashes, ihe latter company mana factured a niacninc: for separating grain, and had a valuable stock on band, ali of which was destroyed. The 1 was but S7.000. The los3 will be much greater. Both buildings were large two slory frame, structures and burned rapidly. Nothing was saved from either building. John Dulin, a young man of Morn ing tstar townsnip, tnis county, was reported to be dying yesterday after noon irom the euecls ot a blow he re ceived on the head with a piece of plaok in the hands of his companion, Rufus Mullis. As Duiin's skull was split open and a portion of his brains were spilled through the fracture, it is more than probable that he is ay this time dead The affray occurred last Monday after noon bu: up to yesterday Mullis had not been captured. The scene of the fight was at or. near the store of Juel Wtts, in Morning . Star township, where the two young men met and be gan to make friendb over a bottle. Both we are told, were under the influence of whiskey. About the lime they hid aramea tneir oottle, a qunrrel sprang up between them, and with his blood aroused young Dulin jarked up the bottle and dealt Mums a stiuging blow over the head with it. The blow somewhat staggered Mullis, but quickly recovering himself, he picked up a piece of plank which he found convenient and with which he attack ed Dulin. He struck Dulin , only one time. No second blow was needed. The plank came crashing upon Dultn's skuil with terrible effect, and as itdrop ped to the ground from Mullis1 hand its sharp edge was ppattered with blood and brains. The blow had laid Dulm's skuil open, and tbe unfortunate man fell as if he hd been shot, with blood pouring from his head and a portion of his brains slowly oozing out. He was carried to a neighboring h' use where medical aid was procured as soon as possible, but his injuries were pronounced fatal. What became of Mullis our informant could not say. but it is believed that he is still in the neighborhood. Now is thet;rnf-o give.Smith's Worm O ' lv d-w 4 Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f MISCELLANEOUS T The Election is. Over ! MlhZ COUNTRY 13 SAVED. OUK PIIR- chaees are large. Our expenses small and we are determined to sell Groceries cheap to suit these hard time3. Save money by buying from E. G. BiaAIR, nov!5 No. 19 North Second St. be in- was Phil- 1000 100 25 DOT 4 For Sale. CABBAGES, BRLS. APPLES BRLS. POTATOES. MUST BE SOLD. W. E. DAVIS & SON cominnciAij irews. ; WILMINGTON MARKET. . .. ; ; :, . December 44 P. m! . SPIRITS ! TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 28 1 cents per gallon. Sales o 80 casks at 28 cents. : - ROSIN-Qaoted firm at 95 - cents for ' Strained "and $1 for Good Strained bid.u'' TAR Quoted firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.60 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $ I for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 70 bales on a basis of 10 J cents and 60 bale3 at 10 3-16 cents per pound tor Middling. The following are the official" quotations: Ordinary.. L Tod Ordinary. . . ; . Low Middling Middling. ......... Good Middling..--. .71 9J 102 10 5-16 cents (4 MIGfJELIiAlTEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirite Turpentine. Rosin Tar Crude Turpentine. 579 80 276 281 bales casks bMs bbls 106 bb;s MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. , bteam yacht Louise. Wocdsid bmithville. Master Scbr Wm H Boardmao, Richardson ie lork, EG fiarker & Co. with sulphur. CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise. Wood side Smithville, Master. bebr Martinique. Lowell. Jeremip. nayti, iNorthrop & Cumiuing. Exports. FOREIGN. Jeremie, Hayti schr Martminue 147,953 ft lumber, 35.000 shingles. casks spts turpt, 10 bbls tar, 5 do rosin, o uo pilCQ. LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. BARKS. nor Amvsns. V33 tons. Hoistjirl ai.i fmm vijori', uci 23 .or Arfeen. 3!0 tons. Halvoraen. aid ninncM -VT l ' ' uer Ernest Ludwle. 470 tons. TTltr onnri 11UU1 UUUkJrK, liCI O'J isor tmma Parker. 497 tons. T n rcpn kih - t- s . . . : , w.. uiuutrarer, uci o, via jap.e verues isr Harriet Campbell, 6t9 tons, Hcchfelt, v er Jionounz. 3.9 tons, k n twni at KniiAri from Hamburg, Oct 24, put back 31, nJd Nov 14 ci tiuua, am tons, aiuner. sia trom W oi- -A. T t " ' Uer liUCV & Paul. 3.8 tnnR An.lrir drl Liverpool, scy "zi Oer'Jexas. 591 trna. Loof. shi frnm.ir.im bur?, Nov 14 BRIGS. GerDer Wanderer. 230 tnna Rrmnfli nor alii C TI . ' t Br Fidelia. 45Q tons. Riifrirlpa kq11p1 (mm Sharpr.esB, Oct 19 Capital Frize $150,000, nt ao nericy certify that toe supervise the urrungtmems j or au ine Moniuy ana Semi Annual JJrawmgs of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trot tne uratotngs themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in yuuujmw unoara au pontes, ana toe author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac Bimuco y vur ngnmurt aztacnea. in its aaver tisements." Commissioners. "TJNPRECEDENTED ATTBACTION I OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIBUTED! Louisiana State Lottery Oompariy. Incorporated In ?68 for 25 years ly the Leir Islaturefor Educational and - Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to winch a adlied6 f Ver $550000 haa 8lnc been By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran rfSfHf?0 .aVa ' Ul Present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D.,1879 Its Grand SisoleShmbeb Drawings will take place monthly. It never scalp - rnt.. pones. Look at the followino- Vts.t hut frkn 175th Grand Monthly A.lli THE EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWTNO, At the Academy of Mnslc, -Hew Orleans ! i Tuesday, December 16, 18S4. "i Under the personal supervision and manace ment of Capital Prize $150,000. S-Noticb pekeu are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths. $2. Tenths $1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OT Sl.Wmn 6000 1 Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 50 100 - 200 600 1,000 APPROIIVAnnv PBirra 100 Approximation Prizes of $200.... $20 000 1W " i im lft'nnn 75.... 7,500 20,000... 10,000. . . 5,000... l.COO... 500... 300... g w00 100... 50 $150,000 .50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 C0.0CO 25,000 30,000 40.000 60,000 50,000 VESSELS INiTHE PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. December 2, 1884. No yessel under 60 tons reported In this llst.l STEAMSHIPS. Br Cam Marth, 1174 tons, Hurrell, C P Mebine BARQUES. Ger Fidello, 37G tons, Meyer, e. 32 Peschau & Westermann Nor Sldon, 405 tons, Jorgensen, C P Mebane Nor Prudentii, 3S0 tons. Hanten, C P Mebane Nor Mobe, 458 tons, Olsen, Heide A o Nor Benha. 438 tons, Hanevold, C P Mebane Br Tevlot, 4J3 tons, Rerrton, C P Mebane Gor i. er Nord, 5 .3 tons, Wegener, . & Peschan & Westermann Ger Con8tantln VonRenecke, 317 tons. Fret wurss. K Peschau & Westermann Ger Louis, GC8 tons, Schmieter, r, , E Peschau & Westermann Ger Carl Max, 294 tons, Beyer, , Hclde & Co DanRlalto, 443 tons, Hamse, Heide & Co Br Elizabeth Childs, 400 tons. James, , Paterson, Downing & Co Br Eliza Oulton, 436 tons, Bo ney, .. 8 P Shotter & Co Ger Marie. 561 tons, Plrnoeln, E" Peschau A Westermann Ger Albert Kcwman Berlio, 615 tons, Ulch mann, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Pu&naes, 485 tons. Rummelhoff, , . CP Mebane Ger Lydia Peschau. 403 tons, Burmelster, r. x-escnau & westermann BRIG-. Am Agnes Barton, SSatpas, Knight. Geo Harriss A Co or aeva, s:s tons, Larsen. c P Mebane Sor Hilding, 253 tons, Pedersen, C P Mebane r.r laauei iiaicpm, zui ions, liowrull. EG Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Br Storjohann, 337 toes, Williams. E t-eschau A Westermann Br Pioneer, 59 tons, Kelly, Crcnly & Morris Br Hattie Darling, il tons. Pierce, Cronly & Morris D B Everett, 196 tone, McLaln, Geo Harrla A Cn iiiita ju. Aiartr, 73 tons, Barter, EG Barker A C. Jno A Griffin, 305 tons, Bice, . " Geo Harriss A Co Alice Hearn, 317 tons Pinnewell, . Geo Harriss A Co Wm C Green, 368 tons, Hiwea, - EG Barier A Co Fannie W Johnson, 266 tons, Cobb, . Geo Harrihs A Co Grace Webster, S21 tons, Young, o a cnaaoourn & Co Martinique, 167 tons, Lowell E G RartpT C!n J W Ponder, 233 tons, Qaililan, m m Geo Harriss A Co T W Holder. 231 tons, McMillan, Br Equator. 3 tons. Alhnrv. J P Aniter. 203 tons. Ritr.h. CiM 1 1 arrica jt n Lizzie James, 17S tons, Daisey, - - weo Jtiarrlss & Co r, t'- 1 , j yuybWUMfir PROMISE AND FIXt thoroughly prepared. Our stock, notwithsUndin' tha ptp - have had, has been renewed, increas- d atd streri'etheSIl ! l?sh c ' . -rjecessarr, and is now in splendid conditioa t Oir Q : - . enormous purchases of ' Rinflskoff Bros. f & Co's. , FdUurothis Fall enable m to give bargains in all grades of Clothing that other ; n . c have found it imno.asihlpt .t Snnrnea). - , 7," Hence it is that our trade thus far exceeds all formpr v,s r . ; ' satisfaction to quote prices as you must OUIJbeno See the Wonderful Bargains ;to Appreciate Them ! Nothing fairer can be asked then. We are williDg to send any garment in our store to your home for with goods Ifrom any-house in the city : the first instance fc?Ipari occur when we have not been victorious. 0 Our Reputation for Selling Reliable Goods at Bottom Market Prices is.Unquestioned. dee 1 M'DvIDl! THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER 114IU3ARKET ST., Misses 7U'rskry&f 9 g3r A Good Assortment Received this -o- CARPETS & DRY GOODS. OIL CLOTHS all widths. nov 18 CORNICE, CORNICE POLES 50c. We are selling goods vtry cheap. . R. Rfl. IWclPJTIRE. Grayljnei tho Oreat Hair JSectorer and Renetrer. Chacf?e3 Cray Tuttr to tta mi color, graaualfy and permanently. Not a dye. A marvellous faventfon. ray-hSred jSUS? men and old women, made to look young la three weeks. No more gray hau AlFriVmS rapiruy ana iuxunxnuy. oena ior aeacnpwve nook, and testimonials and ottoioil2fnfn: adwtora,et..whoimmeaitiguiy. AWtsa, j. h. KkhoU7MwSst S S juneJSO ly d t th sai wly eow ' -',..- WE STILL SURVIVE! To whom it mav Concern: We w-nlrl mnnt rcarf.(.tf,iw o . give prompt attention to all orders in the line of Wire and Iron Work; Wire cSt afc6. Ac and if the Ilaidwarc A WnoHrnnr a i,...V. " . . h1.?.1 irg trade of the United States who do notTuccee in having the orue ll-a l-romnu eend them to us we will endeavor to fid them wl hout delay. CatXnes ffiJ Al A other lines of goods free on application. vaiagues of Iron Fei red to Furaiih. Will enclflf Detroit, men is uw ly National Wire & Iron Co. Mich, Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STIIEET. WANTED A few good customers to- buy Cono'ey's Couch Svrun. Conrlvi Ta Physio ffor Corns Conolev's x Conolev's ' ologne. and anvthinc- else In mw line ; Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobacco dovh J W. CONOLEF. Next Week. rjUMPIIREY A JENKINS will (i At Cost! o VER 500 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST to cloo out. Also, large stock of Plug and Smoking Tobacco at f very low prices, from the Best Faftories In Virginia, 11 receive, at their Ovster honRe. No. 112, t-outh frontSt-.Fortv Gal lons of fresh New Kiver .Oysters ever day during th week. Those wishing Oysters durmir Conference will dIrs Ip.iu thAii una wv6ters nroDiMlv delivered in orirfnti packages in any quantity wanted. Aln vnn vau UU-. j:iufiu ymngts, ppies, t;aDbages, Turnips, Onions, Sweet and Irish Potatoes. ""'wo a.u.Kx .eggs, vysiers sent J. J. U. nov ma 100 2,270 Prizes amounting to ...$5 500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans, t For further Information, write clearly riv ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money CJrders, or fcew York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of f5 srd upwards at our expense) addressed IX. A. DAOPHIS, New Orleans. L&. 3T1L A. DAUPHTN, 607 Seventh BL. Washtnrm t r Make P. O. Money Orders narahlA rt m. people's fair at Ualeigh. lf he ia a I Registered Letters to nlnrpH mon ni,itTJlT;S , "l NEW ORLEANS NATIONi Krw Oslxajts, Xa, colored man. Chariota will halrTn Vi"3 tional-rakk. Wew Ciar Store. Hirschberg's, 5 N. Front St. rpHE PUBLIC CAN SEE. THE PROCESS of manufacture of my goods Oay the best i workmen employed. No tenement house labor. nor children, nor Chinese. The tobacco used in the manufacture of Cigars is natcrallv and properly cured. All my work is don t Ai. city and under my personal supervision. a can ah my iaciory where my several brands are made will sath?fv nil that th hat goods are handled by 4 L H I RSCH B SEG, oct 11 tf No. 5 North Front St Notice. YOU WILL DO calling at U0 WELL BY South Front mo? st , where you will find fine fresh eggs, ana new iiiver Oysters, open and In the shell, received fresh every day. A'so Fresh Family Groceries of all kinds cheap for cash. spt 30 ly V7. T. CROOM. . Beoj. W. Davis, (Formerly with W. E. Davis A Son. Wllmlng- ton.N.C.) , , 99 Barclay St. New York, General Commission Merchant JJEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ap pies, Game. Fieh, Terrapins, Eggs and Chick- ens. xiienesi martet Drlces. and rmirr.nt i-a- lurns guaranteed. A trial Is al! I aak. Refn b nermlsslontoE. R. Knrrnao Proof. dent FirstNational Bank of Wilmington. N.C.; Messrrs J. H Chadbourn A Co., bteam Saw Mills; P. L. Bridgers A Co., Grocers; P. Cum ming & Co., Grain and Feed dealers; Davis A Son, Ice and Fish. f southern Produce a Specialty. oct 1 6m Cierars anH HifrarprtAQ By the milllion, at the Office of CAPEjFEAR TOB 1CCO .WORKS, sept 15 tf .. No. 132 North Market 8L Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, regular or trans'ent, can be Accommo dated "with comfortah'ft market affords, at - ,, - MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, 131,2 Market st., bet. Front andKecond. nov 18 if . NATIONAL MILiS. rjJonday ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find laxsre COnstenments of AnnlM. Prsurhpa Para Chickens, Eggs and ah other country produce go9os must oe soia at once, call on A. W. KIVKNRARK The Llve.Grocer and Commission Merchant. xx aier St.. Beptl5 ' wlmlngton. N. C. All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN ABBOTS . A FULL LIVE JU3T OPENED. JNO J. HEDItlCK. OFFICK OF Dr. S. G. Ellis, Mr Note cnange of office hours, which are as follows-7 to s-m., 13 to 1 P. m. 6 toT pS novo - -gY SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED goods to MONACITS Steam Dye Works, lsu Fall snd Winter wear you'U save the expense ox buying s new uit or dresa. Completeand f fresh lot dye staff just received. I Stores for Rent ITrAREHOU3E AND OFFlr.n; J IT above now occupied by Messrs. H. Johnson A Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. uiuvunuiuk ztppiy VO aug U tv copy 3t DEROSSET A CO. "FElEXDSAaDFEL0ff.CinZE.VS: JTJEAR MEJFOR MY CAUSE AN BE SI lent, that ye may hear." Colognes, Ea tracts. Toilet and Sachet Powi ?ap Tt"" tish Towels. Toilet Cascr. FuU lihe of Drturs Ac. ProTfntiA . -Tr: an 11 TJotice. JjJ-Y FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ABE re peetrnUBoulled that J haye okl out my S'UilT8-14' "tabte business to Mr. k. o. Orrelt Thanking . them for ihe yery liberal patronage i hey hive accorded" me 1 bespeak the samefor the new firm, Messrs. oct 17 OWENlLHOLLlNQSWOETH Sykcs & Orrell, PBOPBIETORS 1 1 VERY, RALE AND EX CHANGE STABLE, QENEEAL STOCK TARD FOR MILCH COWS AND BEEF CATTLE, ' Corner Foutth and MolTerry Su. Personal attention gtyen to Boarding Horses.. " osttT rniture. At T C. MILLER'S Corner Fourth and Nan sta Norfolk Oysters! IAN NOW BE FOUND - - ' - Kt). SO Knrth Tmut SrMr TOf 15 ' - WILL WEST. JEW STOCK rOB FALL TRADE, , - ARRIVING EVERY DAY Manwfac tared expressly 'for this market. New Styles and Lew Prices. Call and exam lne oarSextenslTe variety of Ne and Fash loo&blcGoods,Iall made this s5 son. . ' : k ' D. A. SMITH. ; - Fumltore Dealer, N. Front Street octgu - ,

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