4 t t 4: MISCELLANEOUS. The WOMEN Endorse When a woman expresses her opinion upon the merits of anything she lias used, it is. In almost every case, given In words direct from the heart, and free from the dictations of pecuniary interest or policy, which too frequently influence the actions of the sterner sex. Mas. F. Cado, of Chicago, III.., says : For the lust two yeans have had fre quent severe attacks of Neuralgia. Brown's Iron Bitters Las given me quick and lasting relief. Jilts. It. Holbrook; of Roston.Iass., says : i have experienced gre.it relief from indigestion and 31 an sea, in the throat by the use of Brown's Iron Biiters. Muh. Clara M. Joyce, of LouiHvine, Ky., nays: ILud Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspep sia and stomach troubles. Am now en joying perfect health after live years'ol misery. Mhs. A. R. Pierce, of MaysvSle Ky.. siys : " Brown's Iron liitters cured me of pal pitation of the heart. I take pleasure in recommending it. Mas. Martha Abhty, of Blooming on, Ills., sys : A severe attack of heart disease left me weak, not able to walk. Brown's Iron Bitters restored me to my old-time good health. Mrs. M.Cook, of Newark, N. J., says : I had always thought of indigestion as the " King of evils," but it was overcome in my case by the use of "Brown's Iron Bitters. Mrs. A. E. RiCHAlinsox, of Boston Ilighlands, savs : Have been taking Brown's Iron Bit ters for general debility ; am improving rapidly and feel highly gratified with results. Miss Mart Woodbury, of Portland, Maine, says : Brown's iron Bitters cured me of head ache, with which- I had been greatly troubled for two years. Mrs. W. A. IIau., of Dorchester, Mass., says: JJrown's Iron Bitters cured me of dys pepsia; was suffering from the most aggravated form of that distressing com plaint. Mrs! Louise S.'Locke, of N Charleston, N.Y., says : Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of ner vous affection. I gladly recommend it to all who are suffering from like troubles. Mrs. D. W. Jackson, of Millington, Ills., says : Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of weakness, especially in the lower limbs; my general health is also greatly im proved. For Sale by All Druggists. The Genuine has Trade - Mark And crossed Red Lines on Wrapper. Tue SoOtjier Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. QENCY FOR Y. ENAMEL PAINT ' GO'S READY PREPARED PAINT ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact hat our Paints are from the celebrated Fac orles of Wetherlll & Co., and Harrison Broa A Co., Is sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Facto y Prices, In addition to oar large and full. HAEDWARE STOCK, to which, yout attention Is respectfully Invited. NATH'L JACOB1. sept 3 10 South Front St Groceries, &c. 150 U1Ii VR MK L'UBA Mt.AS3Kii. 1 0 0 H bd" PrilUe P0rtO 81 MOLASSES, 500 H&xt 110118 sanUard bagcing 1 000 dU-3iew Arrow T1ES ' 500 QiUPiecd tiks gQQ Bbls. FLOUR. . . . JQQ bla. oUGAR, ' 200 Bg COFFEE LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER4&C.. . All at lowest prices. -V WORTH & WORTH. &U3 SY. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law Offlco 3. E. Cor.Prtaceas!nd:Wat3r:st3. laa I fl B Ma 11U SBH PIWJW I J J T h p D a i I y R e v i e w , J SH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1884. entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N. C. as second-class matter. .A New York letter says: "The Stock Exchange has about half made up it3 mind to deal in ten share lots that is, to make teri instead of one hundred (as at present,) tbe unit of transaction. For a long while the proposition has been resisted on the assumption that its effect would be to degrade the Exchange to the level of a bucket shop; but tbe buck t shop now is taking away so much business that pride apparently is yielding to considerations ot self-interest. The Exchange is approaching the question by indirectiuu, in the form ol4 petitions asking the governing commit tee to act in the matter, but tbe final result, probably, will be to let them selves down to the ten-shares level, tbe ruin going into operation with the bc ginning of the new year." A curious technicality has arisen in West Virginia which may change the Stale g',v nrm nf, and pn.-sibiy give t ! -iecto! il V- te of the S ate to B'line. A' tiu October electi'-n a Cons:i'utiorj al meiuinieiit v as adopted changing ?h 'rlecti"ii ol State flicers frm Ocio b r to November. A number of Pro-hib-.tionis.ts immediately put a ticket for State Offim rs in ihe field. It also b re the naiue- of the Rf-puDlican Pie idetuialfitct or, and in the Fourth dis rict the name of the Republican candidate for Congress. At the . No vember elect iou about 1500 of these votes were cast 500 in two counties in the Fourt'h district. These were thrown out,clecting a Democratic candidate by 101 majority. A recounts called for, which it is said will elect the Republi can Congressional candidate, and will probably elect the Republicaa electoral ticket. This .would not aflect the re sult in the nation. The widow of ex-Mayor Eastman, of Poughkecpsie, N- Y., is wealthy and lives in an elegant mansion in that city. Her husband during life was President and proprietor of the Eastman Business College. C. C. Gair.es, of Danville. Va.f became a student at the college soon after Mr. Eastman's death, but was so poor that he was barely able to pay his tuition. He became Mrs. Eastman's favorite scholar, and was given a room at Mrs. Eastman's house. When he graduated he was made an assistant teacher and continued ..to re side at Mrs. Eastman's. On Wcdnes" day, October 29, Mrs. Eastman and Mr. Gaines were married. She is fifty two jears old and be is twenty fonr Tbe arrangements for the wedding were conducted quietly and relatives were not made aware of the . widow's intentions until a few hours before the ceremony wes performed. The differ ence in the ages of the bride and groom has caused much gossip, and President While, who succeeded Ifr. Eastman, has resigned. The majority of the faculty of the college have withdrawn and will Ltart an opposition school. This will place Mr. Gaine3 at the head of the Eastman Business College. A New York letter says: "In the way of wholesale trade here there is not much to be said just now, except that nobody is looking for any especial ac tivity until the beginning of the new year. There afe not a few facts that justify that expectation, not the least which is the certainty that stocks of merchandise in the hands of jobbers and retailers throughout the eountry are down to low-water mark. On this point there is undoubted testimony from many sources The remark ap plies more particularly to the dry goods trade, but it is not less true in a general sense as regards other leading lines of business. The imtlicatiotr is that a de mand for the replenishment of exhaust ed stores must soon set in. the effect of which will be felt in a wide circle of industries. The retailers are already busy with the holi day trade, which, notwithstanding a good deal of croaking about hard times, bids fair to equal in volume tht of any preceding season, though profits will probably be much lower. This is the belief of intell'gent and impartial mer chants that are engaged in tho trade. Thtre is more or less apprehension as to further commercial embarrassment towards the close of the year, and also as-t dit-tress among the working classes consequent upon the shutting down of factories and reducton of wages; but the predominating feeling is that if :we get through the Winter without any mischievous tirrkering of the tariff by Congress, the country will have turned the corner of the existing depression and entered upon a new career of ma terial prosperity" . Ben Perley Poore. a Jumbo of a man. has reduced bis mountain of flesh 64 pounds by a severe regimen of twenty-seven weeks on stale bread and sweet skimmed milk, unrelieyed by the slightest variation of diet. He says his health has marvelou sly improved by the reduction of avoirdupois DECEMBER DRIPPINGS. "Did yon ever kiss a pair of poming Hps?" asks an exchange. No; but we have received a nout from a pair of kissing lip3. Boston Transcript. There is a female band in Baltimore. The proper band for a female to be long to is a husband. She can nsually play him for all be is Worth. Hatchet. The cold winds remind the farmers that it is time to put their cattle under cover. Ye, who have steers to shed, prepare to shed tuem Jnow--New York Journal. It was an employer who kept hi8 men at work from daylight till after dark, of whom it was originally said that time hangs heavily on his bauds." Boston Transcript. Sifting Bull cleared $30,000 by ex hibiting himself in New York, and has doubtless learned that it is better to bleed the white man than to kill him Oil City Blizzard. "Mr. Smith, do you dye yonr hair?" asked the small boy. "No; why did you think so?" "Oh, I dunho, only it's black, and sister said she reckoned you was light-headed." Boston fiost. Ouidaiays: "A girl's love must never be begged, but conqered." That's all very well, but how to subdue the thick-soled parent of the period, is what's bothering our youn men just now San Franscisco Post. . The most eminent physicians of tbe age recn nu nd Ayer's Cherry Pector al f r all bronchial troubles. Appointment by the Bishop of East Carolina FALL VISITATION 1884: Dec. 1. Monday, M. P., S. Andrew's, Columbia. Dec. 4, Thursday, M. P., Grace, Wo dville: Bertie Co. Dec. 5, Friday, M. P., S. Mark's Roxobtl. vI)ec 7, Sunday, S. Thomas', Wind sor. Dec. 9, Tuesday, M. P.,Zion Church, Beaufort Co. Dec 10. Wednesday. M.P..S James', Beaufort Co Dec. 10, Wednesday, E. P., Pantego, Beaufort Co Dec. II. Thursday. M. P., S. John's. Makelyville. Dee. 12, Friday, Swan Quarter. . Dec- 13, Saturday, M. P., Juniper Bay. Dec. H.Sunday, S. George's, "Hyde Co. Dec. 15 Monday. Fairfield. Dee. 19, Friday, M. P., Aurora. Dec. 20. Saturday, M. P.. S. John's, Durham's Creek. Dec. 21, Sunday, Trinity, Chocowin ity. Dec. 21, Sunday. E. P., Haw Branch. Dec. 22, Monday, S. PauPs. Green ville. Dec. 24, Wednesday, M. P., Vance bo ro. Dec 25, Thursday, (Christmas) S. Peter's, Washington. Dec. 28, Sunday M. P., S. Thomas'. Bath. Dec. 30, Tuesday. M. P., Jamesville. Dec 31. Wednesday, M. P., Advent, Williamston. Jan'y 1. 1885, Thursday M. P., S. Martin's. Hamilton. N Holy CommunirJn at all Morning Services. Collections for Diocesan Missions. As opportunity may offer the children will be catechised. Tbe Bishop requests that in accordance with the Resolution ot tbe Diocesan Conven tion, arrangements be made in each parish tor a meeting of the Vestry with the Bishop. m A Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt. Co.,of Marshall, Mich , offer to send Dr. Dyes Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this paper. t th s eow&w A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you,. FREE OF CHARGE. This rreat remedy was discovered by a niis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New York City. eod d&w ly Itching Piies-ay-mptoms a,nct Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like persplra tion, Intense itching. Increased by scratehinjc; very d'sti easing, particularly at night; seems as if pin-worma were crawling In and about the rectum ; the pTlrate parts re sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWAYNE'S OINT MENT" Is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, Halt Bheuin, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mall, 50 cts : 3 for fl, 25. Address, DR. SWAYAfi & SON, Fhila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. may 2 ly deod&w f m w DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient i3 a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmlul effects result from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, (). d eod & w6m Call and See rpHOSE ELEGANT FRUIT PRESERVES. We guarantee lhem to be pare, and the flavor as If put up at home. A trial la all we ask. Canned Goods of til kinds. Prunea,Currant, Pickles, Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemons. Baking Powders too numerous to mention. Jellies, Crackers, the best of Cheese. Hams and Sucar-Cure l Shoulders, Coffees routed and ground. Br Steamer to-morrow Hoc ha Coffee. " ' ; - We do not Hrag on all Flour, but we pat tbe SUPERLATIVE against any tn the market Parties wishing Preserves - at : xetatt will please senddlahea. ept0 . F.G, N. BOBINSON. MISCELLANEOUS PUS: THE GREAT mm CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ewelilnsn. Sprain. Bruise Burns. Scald. Frost Bite, 43TD ALL OTHER BODILY PAUS AXD ifk. Sold by Druggist mnd Dealers everywhere. Fitly Cuti i bottle. Directions in H LaogamiM. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEIt CO. Smeitmm w A. ToaELEB. CO-) B&lumon. 31 L, US. A, Mch 29 lv d&w. - JUST OPENED ! AT- 1 1. KATZ'S, 116 niarket St., An Entire New Stock -OF- F ALL AND WINTER GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED S1LSS, RH AD AMES. ARMOURS, S BROCADES, SATISS AND SILK VELVETS. FREXCn DRESS GOODS OTTOMAN3, TRICOTS, SHUDD.AS, CASHMERES, FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Quxtttles and Shades. cr- Ladies' Cioth and Flannel Suitings. A SUPERB STOCK OF 64 INCH GOODS, comprising ever; Grade and Shade, o LADIES' DOLMANS. NEW MARKET, CLOTH AND JERSEY WALKING JACKETS. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES' AND CHILD BENS' UNDERWEAR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND FURNISHING GOODS. Table and Piano Covers, Smyrna Bugs, Cretonnes, 1 lnen Damasks, Towels, Napkins, White Goods, every variety, Embroideries, Ribbons. Laces, Hosiery. Gloves, Staple and Domestic Goods, Notions, c., &c. . o All of tbe above have been bought during the present panic in prices, cheaper than ever before known in the history of Dry Goods, and if my kind patrons will call, GOOD MA. TE RIALS and LOW PRICES will do the selling. R3. M. KATZ, 116 Market St. oct 6 For Sale. A Job Printing Office, IN- GOOD CONDITION. LIBERTY PRESS. mOver 100 Fonts Type." APPLY TO JOSH. T. JAMES Wilmington. N. vj. ot S Paint the White House Red A GRAND EXCURSION TO Will be given early in the New Year, day not yet decided upon, for the purpose of PAIKIIKS THE .WHITE HOffSE'BED, And making other necessary alterations preparatory to Installation of CROVER "cLEVELAWiD, Meanwhile the undersigned still continue ... to lead In the r- j. 2IK WILMIKGTON. i " r : JACKSON & bell; " MISCELLANEOUS. Capital Trizc - $150,000, W do hcrtty certify that to supervise tht arrangement for all the Monthly and Semi- Anmial Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and eon trot the Drawings themselves, and that the name are conducted tcUh honesty, fairness, and t good fait toward all parties, and author ixe the Company to use this certificate, teith fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." - - -' :v " Commissioners. JJNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIBUTED! uouisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg lslature for Educational ana Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since beeD a Ided. Bv an overwhelming rxvrmlai vote Its fr&n fthJse was made a part of the present State unnsntunon aiioptea necernber id, A. u.,1873. Its Grand SrsoLENrrMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never seated or post pones. Look at the following Distribution: 175th Grand Monthly AND THE , . EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 16, 1884. Under the personal supervision and manage mem of Gen. G. T BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JURAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize $150,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths $1. LIST OF PRIZES. l capital prize of grand prize of Grand Prize of Large Prizes of Large Prizes of $150,000... $150,000 50,(00... 50,000 20,000... 20.0C0 10,000... 20,000 5,000... 20,000 1.CO0... 20,000 500. . . 25.000 300... 30,000 200... 40.000 100... 60,000 50. . . 50,000 PRIZES. l 1 2 4 20 Prizes of 50 100 " 200 " 600 " 1,000 " APPROXIMATION 100 Approximation Prizes 100 . 100 . ' Of $-200.... $20,000 100.... 10,000 75a 75G0 2,279 Prizes amounting to $522,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or Loans For further Information, write clearly, glv Ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary lettej-. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 ard upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La JT K. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to SEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, oov 12 New Orleans, La. G0E3SUFTI0i. I hare a positive remedy for tbe sbore disease ; by Its use thousands of cases ot the worst kind and of lone: standing have been cured. Indeed, t;ostroneis my faith in Its efficacy, that 1111 send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to an t sufferer. Glre express and P. O. address. ' PR, T. A. SLOCUJi. 181 Pearl St., New York. The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POSTPAID. THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Phvsical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chrorlc diseases, each one of which is invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 Eages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em ossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense-mechanlcal, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded In every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample C cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of life should be- read by the young for instruction, and by tbe afflicted for relief. It will benefit all . London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth. parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute. r Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all liseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled the skill of aL I A other physicians a specialty. C f k Such treated successful- g m m g ly without an in- I II I OCLr stance of failure. Mention this paper, dec 1 d&w 4w - MP I I for working peop'e. Send 10 & 1 cents postage, and we will mail you i"ltEE, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you In the way of mak ing more money in a few days than ou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at horn 2 and work in snare time only, or all the time. Alt of both sexe, of all ages, grandly successful, to cents to $5easilr earned every evening. That all who want work mav test the business, we mjitc this unparalleled offer: To all wno axe not well satisfied ve will send $1 to pay for tbe trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc.. sent free. I rumen e pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address STissox & Co, Por.'land, e. dec 2 d&wly I ft I If more moiey han at anything else VW IIU by taking an agency for the beat selling book out. Beginner succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. Hallett Book Co , Portland. Maine.- t dec 2 d&wly A PRTZR "Scents for postage; . " ' cd receive free, aooatly box of goods which will help you to mere money right away than anything else in this world All . f either sex, succeed from the firat honr. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress Tbce A Co., Augusta, Malxe. nov2 d&w ly . it:.-..-jy. 120000" I"1 given avcay. Send t package of t-ood of lairge value, that will start you la work that will at once prlDg you in money faster than anything eHe la America. Alt about the t200,0C0 in presents with each box. A genu wanted everywhere, of either spy. nf all fnw .11 v. ,im. A. - m, mm am uw . ut., v. par tune only, to work for us at their own homes. Jfortunes f or ail workers absolutely "Bnred Don't delay. H. Hallztt a Co., Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&wly KAILBQAD3, Sc Wilmington & Weldor Railroad 06 hipany. 1 Omca or GxmoiL SuriirKTiiEjp. S Wilmington. N.C..Oc SI, 1884. J I f Change of Scfiedule. A. M.. Passensex Tralna ZT'J$ ton A Weldon Railroad trtU run as folio-, .g DAY MAIL AND .EXPRESS TRAINS Dattt NOS. 47 NOBTH AKX 43 SOUTH. Leave Weldon............,...." rl M Arrive at Wihn'gton, FrontSt. D'pt". 7.35 P FAST THBODOH aLAIL A PAgSKNGKB Tailllj j i DailyNo. 40 South. Leave Weldon..,.. s w Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. DVt 10 oo p 5' MABL AND PASENGKR TRAIN nv v ; : ; No. 43 North. T Leave Wilmington.......... g.o" Arrive at Weldon.. 2$? i J' ; No, 42 South. dal?y except afon.laya. ' Leave We !don .: ,ft ' Arrive Wilmington..... ...7o 1 J No. 45 North, daily except Sunday ' Leave Wllmlngtor .-.".".... ' i Arrive Weldon .".700a It Train No. 40 South will stop onlv at wtil Goldaboro and Magnolia. 7 1 W"aon- Trains on Tarboro Branch Road L Mount for Tarboro at 12 M VTV tor ocoiiana JNeCk at 2.40 p. M. Re. turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 a M. dally except Sunday. . , . Train No. 47 make close connection at Wei don for all points North Dally. AH rail vis IHchmond. and dally except Sunday via Bay Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con nection for all Pr1nta k .i7di..- V . Washington. au trains run solid between Wi'nilngton and Wasblmrton. and huva Pniimtn td ers attached. ... . r- For aCCOmmodAttnn nf 1a1 rniml . ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ig Wilmington at 5.20 A. M. Dally except Sunday. . , , . .. . .. JOHN T. DIVINR, ' General Superintendent. T. M. KAIKUSON, Genera Passenger Aetnt oct f 0 ; Wilmington, Columbia , & Augusta R. 11. Co. WRmlngton. N. C. OcLl. 1884. Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER NOV. 2nd, 1884. at 9.00 a. M., the following Passenger Sciied uie will be run on this road : ... . NIGHT KXPRKSS TRAINS, DAILY Noa. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wllralngton.......: 8.C0 P. IL Leave Florence. 2.40 A.M. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.. uo A. M. Leave Columbia. 9.55 p. m. leave C, C. & A. Junction.... 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence.... 4.50 am. Arrive at Wllmlxigton.... a35 A.M. Sioht Mail and passexgeb Tbaqt, Dailt NO. 48 W8T. Leave Wilmington...... 10.20 P. M Arrive at Florence 1.30 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT f No.' 43 East. Leave Flerence at......... i....4.05 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington ......8.05 P. M No. 42 West, dailyexcept Mondays. Leave Wilmington. i.t 0 . M. Arrive Florence 11.55 A.M. No. 45 East dally except Sundays. Leave Florence.. ................. ...9.10 P. M. Arrive Wilmington.......... ..1.15 A. M. Train 43 and 4 2 stops at all Stations. No. 48 stops only at Flemlngton. and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on (i. & C. R. R., C.', & A B.HS ta tlons, Aiken Juno tion, and all points beyond, should take the 48 Night Express. Separate Pallman Sleeners for Antmat nn Train 4 h. . , ... All trains run olld between Charleston and Wilmington. Local frelsrht lravea WUmlnortnn rlalW t cept Sunday at 5,00 A. M. sf : JT. DlVINJS, . . General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Oct 30 .... Carolina Central R. B. Company. OyjTIOX OT flKSEJtALrrrKKIKTKWDErT, . Wlbninxtoa. xi. p.. SepC 20. 1884. . (HI ?l ' f Change of Schedufe QN AND AFTER SEPTZIsC 1284, TH8 following Dcneaoie will 1 operated on tali limn vu : PAS3KNGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN - Daily except Sundays. 1 Leave WUminirtan at.. -.7.03 P. M M M M M No.Lj Leave Ralebzhat..... 7.35 P. ) Arrive at Charlotte at... ....70 A. ) Leave Charlotte at.. ...... ..8.15 P. No. 2. S Arrive Raleigh at.... 9.00 A. ) Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.23 A. Passenger Trains stop at regular sUtlon only, and points designated in the Company S1IELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, mati. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. . Dally except Sundays. No. 3. ChArlotte............ g.15 A. M. I Arrive at Shelby... ...12.15 P. M. No m J LeaveSbelby. 1.40 p. M. "' ) Arrive at Charlotta 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and a make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to And from K elgh. -.--;-. .0 - Throtigh SleepingCars between Wllminxloo and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No, 1 for BUteavUle, statf ons Western N C R R, Asheville and pointa WesU Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta mnd all points. Southwest ' ' rfi , L. C. JONES,- -. ' r Saperlatondont. F. W. CLARK. General Passenger Agent . sept 30 WeaiiMoiisen 3C WnomdebnuKxhaate4 pawrri, prtiuAUir l-c jr ? and failure to pcrforni lirc'a dutlc proprrl aroaasd bf . -txctnt-en, errcra of yocth. ti. will tird a perfect and last lor ' ro.tdmiion to robnat benlta and v I corona wanhooil la . MihAr . vn.ji-W druffintf mot . rrraenU. Thtstr-almiitef , Nrrrna Debility tsU ' IVit r lea 1 D ccavia nnaf onnly necesfnl V ' r-d a perfect diapnoais. lew t.nd A , s'f n ol and ablnta tbr ' achmer rj; t f ':wn ana 4 reaus uaa. - Adtiresa C' -! 1 1 : . cian of ii ! l m leave TtettiS TlSS P.iU&To aTS&j TO-'.'.'stn rtft 7v