THIS PAPER oubEshed every evenln. r eeptod by : ' Sundays ex- JOSH T. JA1 KLEH KDITOS AND PBOPSXBTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID: '. i 4.00. Six months,-$2.00. Three months, $1.00; One month, 55 cents. Y naPcr will be delivered by carriers free I f cha2e W y P W kao UUTO L. or 10 cents per week, .. xa-Saiscribers will report any and all fail- ares W receive their paper regularly, - tsr The Daily Review has the largest K-na fide circulation, of any newspaper blidJnihe cxty of WUnwngUpi- 'hn Kelly, the Tammany chief, is! ..;; too ill to werk of read. : s' f . , - president Cleveland "Is expected to fisit Chicago soon alter his inaugura tion. ;;: '-;. mm ' - The tide seems to be setting towards Arthnr as the next Senator from New ni" York. Camphor trees are growing thrUtily tt Ouincy. -ne Pani8 were od- rmm Wasbinirlon V LA1UVW I : William Klacs nas spun a new yarr, White i earner, " wnica is to do pun- t-LA n a n aortal stnr i - i Clarence Seward, tbo son of William II. Seward, is a new candidate in tho New York Senatorial field. j Washington hotel men say the Indi. cations are that the entire Democratic party will attend the inauguration of Cleveland. The fund for the benefit of the family oflhelate A. M. Sullivan ' has ' reached 5.000. This is one-half the sum it is proposed shail be raised. Mr. Archibald Forbes, whose wild ride3, successtul lectures and dashing writing made him so popular in Amer ica, is on a lecturing tour Id Scotland. Extensive gold deposits, it is said. have been discovered near Isbpeming. in Miohltrnn- and unnmher ot nomna- nies have been forced to develop them. The Andover Review for contains a discriminating December and most interesting review of the "Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor," by Paul II. Hayne. ; . . Since the defeat of Mr. Blaine neither that gentleman nor a single one of bi j followers has said one word about pay- mg tne aeots 01 tne oiaies wun me sur- -. . f . r. t ! ll I plus money in the Treasury. r the natural bridge of Virginia the othef morninir, with a noise like the crack cr i doom. This is the first fall on record since the Abridge was struck by light-j ning, in 1779. Belva Lockwood was Tilliev Wilkins when a child, and lived at Shippens ville and CorsicaClarion County. She married a lawyer named Cra;g, but separated from him before marrying Mr. Lockwood. A memorial to the late Duke of Alba ny, recently made in Aberdeen, has, at the Queen's command, boon placed by the side of the Duke's favorite walk near Balmoral. It is a large and hand some chair of polished granite. , . M . Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood ought to be on good terms with Vice. President Hendricks when he settles down in Washington. The Indiana Electoral College was the only jone that was gal lant enough to cast a-complimentary vote for her. " Mr. Steele MacKaye, in the plans of the new Lyceum Theatre, New York, has turned his inventive genius against the ticket speculators. There are to be no tickets used in the house. What device is to take their place Mr. Mac Kaye does not yet diulge. j The cause of woman's higher educa tion advances in a marvelous fashion of iate. S. A. Smith, of Montreal, has Just given to McGill Universiry $50, 000 to establish separate classes for the purpose , and he had previously given the same amount for the same cause McGill University is hot likely to re fuse the eift with its conditions, as TJel- delburg recently did. v While tho market has been depressed during the Fail by the immense wheat croD of the present year, the supply of rye ia said to be far below the demand. The visible supply of rye at Chicago is now only 25,600 bushels, against 1,206,- 000 bushels a year ago. The bakers and Germans are said to be very much de pressed in the West over the prob abili ty thai rye bread will soon be a thing ot the past. ' The Statistical : Society has pub lished a table showing the railway mileage of Europe, from which it ap- - - . ft-C pears that liermany comes, nrst kwiw 21,500 miles, followed by Great Britain, 18.200; Russia, i4,Wf-Axalria; 12,000; Italy. 5,500: Spain, 4,900; Sweden;3 4,- 600: Belgiam, 2,500: Switxerland. 1.- 563 ; Holland, 1,435; Denmark, 1,160 ; EouEviai 020; Turkey, 870; Portugal, .. . " " " - h - - "i : . ... ... ,- , Y J J. j. V A X X LOCAL NEWS. ISDEX TO IEW ADVERTISED EMTS. C W Titks-Holiday Goods Will West To ths Public 8 H-TKlilBLB Fruit at Auction . . HRUfSBERGKB Christmas Goods EL A BAGO, Chalrtr an Proposal Notice Application to the Legislature P C MnXEB Friends and Fellow Citizens Johx Wekitbb Xho Practical German Bar ber Two weeks to-day to Christmas. 1 ho receipts of cotton nt tr is port to - day foot np 1,011 bales. The National Board of Health con Dr. from veneain wasninfi;ton yesterday Thomas F. Wood is a delesate this city. . u- vr.-i t i j uu uatijuo xtyy5, visuu, cieureu for Ghent. Belgium, with 1,650 bales cotton, valued at $S0,000. shipped' by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weathei and local rains, nearly stationary temperature, East to South winds. The chickens stolen on Tuesday night, which were captured by officers Terry and Merritt and taken to the City Hall were identified yesterday as the property of Mr.. Wm. Larkins. He lost 22, but only 10 were found. Quarterly Meetings. We have been requested to state that Rev. TaulJ. Carraway, the new Pre siding Elder of this district, will hold erlmef lh Fiflhu Slrtrnee J ill. -TJ . UUUIVU, IU LUIS UlllY UU kUC 20th and 21st insts'., and at Smithville on the 27th and 28th insts. Citv Court. Joseph Gause and Henry Lane, both colored, were brought before the Mayor hls morning, charged with disorderly conduct. Both were found guilty, and the former was fined $2, while tho lat . . teTm as heine the worse sinner, was re- quiredjto pay a fine of $10. Personal. Col. II. B. Short, of Waccamaw, and Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, were in the city to-day. Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, of the Wsdes boro Times, is in the city to-day and paid us a pleasant visit this, forenoon. Fatal Accident. George McQueen, colored, hunt a Ferry, on the Pee Dee river, and screened behind it a few days since. He attempted to draw his gun to him by he muzzle, in doinsr which it was dis charged and the contents entered his body inflicting wounds irom which he has since died. He was unmarried. A Good Move. We learn that there is a movement on foot among ! some ot our German fellow citizens for the organization of an instrumental band. The movement as yet is mainly, among the members of Howard Relief Fire EngiueCo,. and a meeting looking to such an or ganization will be held at their engine hall to-morrow night, when decided action wili probably be taken in the matter. The Germans are a musical people, and we are well aware that among those in this city there is natur al talent ot high order, and we hope that it may be cultivated. Navassa Guano Co. At the annual meeting of the Navassa Guano Co., of Wilmington, held in this city to-day, Mr. R. E. Calder was call ed to the Chair and Mr. D. McRae 'vas make Secretary. An election of officers was held which resulted as follows : President Hon. R. R. Bridgers. Superintendent Col. C. L. Grafllin. Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Don ald McRae. Supt. ol Agencies Col. W. L. De Rosset. Directors Messrs. R. R. Bridgers. John C. Grafflin, Edward Kidder! Walter E. Lawton. Smilie A. Greffg, Win field S. Dunan and Donald Mc Rae. A dividend ot 7 per cent was declared payable on the 15th inst.. to stock holders of record of this date. Sonio people are just as cross as a bear, they soap your bead off when you happen to open your mouth. Wecayi not excuse them, for they have bad colds, which makes them irritable, and are too mean to bny a bottle of Dr Bull's Cough. Syrup, which would re store their good natnre. ; Gloves ! Gloves H Gloves ! H Gloves ! U ! Gloves ! ! ! ! ! at Dyer's ! at Dyer ! ! at Dyer1? ! flat Dyer'a I ! ! i at Dyer'a ! ! ! ! !. - - f W ILMINGTON. N.' a. THURSDAY . DECEMBER Serenading. 1 here is a colored - fair in progress4 at niiwesuoro lor wnicn me services i of a colored band from Monroe baveldenceof Mrs. M. E. Cushin. corner I -v v-. vnnMM.,l XT' I , d I 1 Jk l wcru imsugeu. i csieruay iue oanu i camo irom the k air grounds and stop- ped m front of the Central Ilotel at Wadesbaro and &ave Capt. : Frederick,- tne landlord, tlie beneht of a serenade, which was -dnlyV appreciated. After serenading Capt. Frederick, and at bis suggestion, the .band played it dirge iu front of the PostofBce for ihe bene fit of the Postmaster and coccind ed by playing the "Sweet By and By,' as suggestive of the time when that offi cial would be compelled to retire from public life. i , The Committee Organized. - ed tobe appointed by the Chairman " of uto rauroau meeiiug i ma recent bes- Oi An rioa boon r o r- a e on1 nnnatcto f v, the following named irentlenien: MoarC a tt Mnr t tr I xx. , ttUi,JaaytCw, v. Currie, Roger Moore, Wm. Calder and A.D.Brown. Its duties are to prepare for the action of the Legislature suita- ble charters for the two proposed rail roads and to inform the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad of the action of said meeting. The committee has orornnitferl nnd trnnn to wnrlr and will without doubt, nave everytning pre pared in good order and in due season.! Pine Forest Cemetery. The annual meeting of the lot owners of Pine Forest Cemetery,- was. held at the City Court Room yesterday even ing James K. miliar presided and in . r ci a i m i I u. oampson was oucretary. xue uu- ..uai iu . uo ii, auu urer, John .Norwood, was read, ap- Fiuv uu a.i,tu. iuiui.uu thanks o the old board of onieera was to the election of a beard of directors for the ensuing year with the following result : . , John Haariss Howe. John G. Nor wood, James K. Cutlar, Enward Dick son. J. P Green, Jos. J. Jones and Lewis Le Grand. A resolution was adopted thanking the Mayor and Chief of Police lor the use of the Hall, after which the meet ing adjourned, Fire at Polkton. There was a big fire and a very dis- astrcus nre at PoiKton early on luesday morning. Four stores were burned and the total loss 13 estimated at from $25,000 to $30,000, with very little iu8urabce. The fire originated in the drug store of Dr. J. C. Candless, about 1.30 o'clock in the morning, and was accidental. I tie building, Demg of wood, burned rapidly and was soon re- duced to ashes. Tho fire spread to hree other store houses, all of which, within 40 minutes from the time the fire started, were in ruins. The burned out firms were J. C. Candless, drugs: N: G.Thomas, general merchandize; L. J. Pope, dry goods ; Von nor Good win, general merchandise. Four or five houses in the vicinity of the burn ed buildings were scorched and blister ed, but were saved from the flames by hard work on the part 01 the citizens. The Arson Case. Mr. Lewi3 Johnson, who was arrest- edupon suspicion of setting fire to a building on Mr. A. II. VanBokkeleh'a distulerv vard n luesday morning 1 last, but whose case was continued by the State on account ot the absence o an imDOrtant witness, was discharged, as it was proven that he was not tViA man seen on the premises at the time. Mr. Charles Johnson, who lives at No. 213 South Front street, was arrest ed and, at a hearing before Justice E. D. Hall this morning, was identified a3 the man who was seen at the time of 1. XI n .itmiltiul thdf ll r UTOQ t h . . . man. and stated that he was on bis way iw uuuuoiu wifH116 whicb laid in the stream nearly oppo site Kidderrnill, after some tools with which he hadeen working on he ves sel. He discovered the hre and gave the alarm just.; as Mr. Bryant came along. Looked for a bucket with which to get water, but conld not find one. His statement did not differ materially nuui vuo ww-j The latter testified that he was going , - . . V.o- fish ng thatJmorDing.andat Mf. Van RnL-tnlonV; still vard met the defendant liOkKeien-S sua yaru uitu tut, eiCUU" - vahn s.fd there was a nre. v itness nau a bucket in bis hand, and extinguished j the fire with three buckets of water. Johnson was discharged. - To every Housekeeper a good Bnhst&ntial cook stove IS an important " - , , :n a-a i l. necessity and our readers WUI nna ine Kf t Furtnrv rricea at JACOBI S best, at factory prices au IAWlia Hardware Depot. ' - T Aii Overturned Lamp. . A-serious accident was narrowly averiea. mzm beiore last, at the resi- m 1 i . ' i nira ana Martet Streets. A lamp OU a table was accidentally overturned and broken and the oil as it escaped became iginled and set"fire to the floor and to vanons articles ot furniture. Some of tho nassers-bv ruahp.d in nnd snrpopiled in suppressing the flames before any great damage was sustained. There was nogsjieral alarm. Gna Williams. "Oe ol the Finest" entertainments ot the season was presented at -the Opera House last night by the inimit- ab!e Williams and his ready good company, kji course nearly an tne intftrf;t, of tha nlav npntprpH in Mr Wfmf4mif wh0t CapL MisMert a Germaomember oftheNewYork police . . . t ' Iorcet x:ept tne audience in an uproar u;a ,,-.t c5.n 1 " " e 1 actions. There was an case and naturalness in his lun that made it all ma r, rru0 L niao..n r,;i i,: were rendered in fine taste. The sup. port was excellent throughout and those who attended, as we did, to see a laughable play. well rendered were not in the least disappointed. The house was crowded to. greet the actors and all were as pleased as they well could be. ' Wants Cleveland's Old Hat. Of all the letters received by PresN dent-elect ClfiVAlaml sinrn NTovp.mhpr 4t. we . ... nQnft of . . Mm h envnr:aa tKan no rrn Bo3S ReagaD of Wadesboro. Mr. R n addressed a letter to Mr. Clove- lanj lagt jn whjch he sajd . ..j i i ,1 ta do not want office. My first ballot was cast for Buchanan and the last' for you ; and, as I see by, the papers that you wear the same number ot hat as I do. and supposing that yorT Will get a new vuow mo luauKuitticu m, x wuu1u.uts : t 1,1 1 much obliged to you for your oid one." iur. iteagan nas not received an answer to bis letter as yet, but is confidently expecting the President's old hat, which he says ;I wili always keep and then hand it down to my children." The entertainment to be given in the J Opera House for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association will prove the eveut of the-season. There is every indication now of a crowded bouse. When is a man not a" man? When 1, l-na o nen rtt h;r00jf ori use st 'Jacobs Oil for aches and uiun..o v anu. t i. pains. Price, 50 cents NEW AOVJBKISEMENTS SETHW, DAVIS, Auctioneer. BY S. H. TRIMBLE. rpO-MORROW, COMMENCING AT 10 o'clk. I will sell a JBnio lot of case goods . "consisting of. Fort Wiuc, I't haaipaane. Cherry Brandv. French Brand v. BIttera. KimmeL and atoo a lot of Boot?, hoes, S ho 3 Blacking, Nolions.&c. acc ji Jt To the Public. W1 E CLAIM NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHT. but we have the DUFJTY MALT WHISKEY at less tban fl per quart at the "GEM " dec 11 " WILL. WEST. The Excursion and Pic Nic EASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI f!T. ANn Tt AT.TPpnonn hn.nrpnPil ttmin arrt JOHN WERNER. t5ie practical German Bar- I uer ",Kl 1 erremer, is personauy . in auenuance I 1 a W M m a . , btweeTwrTndSrron O t Vila f-Tofv lWoelmv kalAAn f . ..V a Qf.nnt u w .'l Notice, A PPLICATION WILL BS MADE TO the XjL 1 ezi9lature of the State of North Carolina inco at its next session, for the pa3taf o of an Act rporating tne v luutneton. oosiew A rast t arouna Railroal Company, a'so an Act to I mcorporats a" company to bulla a nuiroaa from wiimigton to FayetteviUe, n. c.;;ai6o. kin valley Balirad Company. Wilmlngton.-N.- U. 11th Lec. 1S8I dee 11 SOt- , ... Our Holiday Goods k BE NOW OPEN, AND OUR LADY ra friends are Invited to criticise our selections. GILES As MURCHISON, dec 10 SS & 40 Murchlsoa Block T7DTJQTT inrkTi T?TCTT yv will have a fine lot of IT FRESH COD, weighing from 2 pounds Upfor aaiat out rtsh MaAet on Friday morning.- will-bis sold cheap, now 1 for nice dbaner. Leave orders early. Will 1 aenver to any part of the city. dee 10 - m mun imam housl arm west corner ox second ana isarket sts. -H fRS. A. GT BLACK TAKES PLEASURE 1TI in lnmnnrinr to her fnencu ana tH na H. I nc t&ai regular, lanic ana transient beard can m WA W A A m - - wuu uw wtwuu, uo most conve - j rJent to business of any la the dry. Rooms be naa at tne above loraoon, the most conve - I weu Tcnoiaiea -nna wen lanushoa. Table eupplled with the best the narketaf- I fords, Tercaxaoderate. : decltf 11, 1884. NO. 296 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Proposals. OJFICE BOABD OF COMMIrSlONER?, FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, December Sth, 1SS4. OSOPOSALS WLL BE DECEIVED by tho Board, at thslr mectlnsron Monday, the 22d day of December, First, For. furnishing the Inmates of the Poor House with Food, Clothing. Medicine and At- tcnllon fcr two jersrom January 1st, 1SS5. Also; for Securing and'WerklBg Prisoners sent to the Hou3cof Correct ion, and suppljing them Fo:d. ClctliiofT ard Medicine. Cof fins and Burial will be required, also for such persons as may thess Institutions. Second, For furnlshlncr Mtdielne for Btich Out-Door Pot as may be prescribed by the Superintendent f Health. Third. For furnishing Coftui and Burial for cu outuoor row &B may be ordered The Board will reserve the to rcect any or all bid. ' -i v-' dec ll 2t , H. Ar.BAGG, Chiirman (Ulerry Christmas TO All the Little Folks ! "11TE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF MILLINERY, Hat3. Bonnet. Hoods, Velvet Caps for little bo? and gl'ls. HOLIDAY TOYS, of every description. Crochet Hood Sacks, Infanta Cloaks. Our good 3 are cheap and all will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine our ttock before purchasing. dec 10 lm MRS. S. J. BAKER Bricklaying. F. V. B. YOPP. CONTRACTOR AND Jobber, tenders his services to the clll- line with promptness and dispatch. Setting XRTin. HA In nTPnornd In all nrnrl- In Yia uKca auu a Bpeciaiiy. .4ar Orders left at Mr. S. W. r Holden'a hon prJ?mHy aenaed to F. V. B. YOPP. Conference is Over jjgUT HUMPHREY JENKINS are receiving dally, at their Oyster 25 also keop a full supply of Green Groceries, vimcjtens ana Jigss. oysters sent c. o. D dec 5 Board FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER bleJrenlaror trans,cnt cam be accemmo- .u w" comionaD.e rooms ana inc uest tue i market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S. 1 13 Market st., bet. Front and Second. nov J8 11 Attention ! Attention ! IKN HAND AND TO ARRIVE A CHOICE lot of Country1 Sausage, Liver PuddlDg and Hoe's Head Cheese, nrenared bv Mr. Bor deaux of Penderounty. A full line of Freeh Family Groceries, together -with Chickens, Eggs, Ac. A choice lot of Florida Oranees just arrived. A choice lot of Xmas Candies, ire works, &c. We also Invite attention to our Whiskeys, Old Log Cabin, Brunswick private btock and Buckingham Rye. Alto. JN. u. corn, wines. Brandies, Gins, Ac. CRAIG & THOMAS. Commission Merchant! and dealers In Grocer ies, Liquors, Ac,, No. Hi So, ifroot Street, almost opposite tte Market, dec 10 Christmas Goods. k N ENDLESS VARIETY; TOO NUMER ous to Itemize. Fancy Extravaganzas, Im ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, and ex tensive collection of goods of every , descrip tion Imaginable, from nearly all the principal manufacturing ciUes ia Europe and America - m 11 i 1 . t 1 1 x'jease can eariy 10 avoiu inc xxisn. anu bcc tho Immense display of Beautiful Christmas and New Years Cards. A eordlal invitation Is extended to all at HEINSBKRER'S, dee 8 1 1 ve Book and Music -t res Conoley's Drug Store. 1216 SIABKET STBEET. J WILL OPEN IN A FEW DAYS A FINE aasortment of XMAS GOODS. My friends (and the Ladles especially) are invi:ed to call ana examine. My prices win te reasonable conoieya CrOiogxe is nnsnrpsssea by any omer. very neepeciiuuy. dec 8 J. W. CONOLKY. Oysters. Oysters, rPHOSK famous horne oys- I TEES can be found at the Old North State F&loon. Tbey are the hett brought to itua cny. uigars, w ines, ueer, ana 01a ciem mcx wnuaey, always on nana, call at tho OLD NORTH STATE 8 A LOOS, dec 1 6 South Front Street. Now if Ever. A T TIIE CHRISTMAS. DIN NEB CLOSE J. at hand j ou expect your friend. When you slit down te find that Turkey burnt on cue side and raw on the other, that Cake half done, you will make some aide remarks to the 1 cook (win notmenuoa them She will aim 1 cook iwuj qsidcbhoo avm j one wm sua I ply remind yoa of that Okt Stove. Buy a new I one in uxe ana save vemper. - - PARK. Eli & TAYLOIL I FTJuS yyIuTS OIL. - dec 8 t PULiai ioriCA " - Tfw21bfa to reeelTtt TOnumuaicattoa froxa our friends on any and all isubjact. ; teaerailatertst bat" , " - , C V The aaao ot tie writer ratal arvrays be a!cc4 to the ditor. " "" i CosinranlcaQoas rauit t writtts ta on one aide ot the paper. , - - t Peraozaaitlee must be avoided.! . -And It la especially , ard parCcularly ta de tood that the Editor does not aiWar endoia the views of correspondent nnWe t c au In the editorial colnxma. t NEW AD VERTISEMENTS FOR THE ra Bargains AT . " ' 1. ! ITZ'S 1 116 Market St. Black( Silks at 60c, 70, $1, $1.25 per yard. Cashmeres, all shades, frohri2c up.- Ladies' Cloth Tricot Reps. Flannels. Dolmans, Shawls. - . Blankets, Spreads, very low. Ladies1, Gents and Children's Under wear. 2,000 Handkerchiefs, from 3c up. Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, at cx traordinary low prices - Velvets and Velveteens, all shades. THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES too numerous to mention, bought below Manufacturer's cost, and SELLING LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. A call will -conyince my patrons that for XMAS GIFTS it is ECONOMY to buy something useful'as well as desi rable of M. KATZ. 116 Market St. dec 8 MUTUAL TRUST FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK. Tho average cost of Insurance for past throe years at age of 40, has been only $7,315 per $1,000. Reference Is mado to thefoUowlosr members of the Aesoclatlon : : . raleiohYn. c. - A B ANDREWS, President Railway. E R STAMPS. President State National Bank. WALTER H PAGE, EUtor Chronicle. CHARLOTTE, N. C. . W W PEG BAM, Boot and Shoo Merchant. CHAS R JONES, Editor Charlotte Obttrxtr. ' A G BREN1ZEU, Cashier Commercial Nation al Bank. Dr JOSEPH GBAnAM, Ex President State Medical Society. Col JOUN E BROWN, Attorney at-Lnw. MAYER A ROSS, Wholesaled rocers. LEON MEYER. Wholesale Dry Goods, of Meyer & Kcessler. ' &ALI3BURY, N. C. ISAAC If FODST, Cashier Bank. C C K RIDER, Sheriff Rowan county. " J M 1IORAU, Clerk Supci lor Court. J S McUUBBiNs, Jr . Treamrer Rowan eo. - CONCORD. N. C. J S FI3HER, Treasurer Cabarrus county. J 8 RANKIN, Farmer. . - DrUG SMITH, f r 7" T" V WINSTON, N. C. . 1 J VAUGHN, Tobacco ManuLtcturer. SDFOY. A A SMUII, O C SMITH, ' - . - - EDWARD A OLDHAM, Editor kniineL BJEIDSVILLE. N. C - " R M SLOAN, Jr., Cashier Bank of JU-Wevlllc. S U Ware A CO., Merc&ants. GOLDS BORO, N. C. - J A BONIHZ,Editor Jfetscnntr.- E A WRGIIT, Magistrate. - wilmjsgton;n c " : WM- LARKINS, CashUr First National Bank. Dr WM II GREEN, Wholesale DrnUtT JACKhOM & BELL, Publishers. JO UN flcAURJN, Edltrp A'. C. PrtibyttrUliL LtOPOLD BRUNHILD. WlwleeaUs Minors a &l Tobacco GEO A PECK, Dictator Knlglti of Honor. liardwaxo. . Dr W J 11 StJteKxateiaerKnljrhti , cf Honor. . - DrlW roTXKli.KximlDer Knights of Honor AssessmenU nmtted to six n Tear. Agents wanted. Apply ta ' . Int C. uiUCti. EakUth, N. c. General Afent tor Virginia axwi tjtj Carol Carolinss. dee 9 dFor durable coloring the walls of rooms ia beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Maeixine sold at Jacoevs Depot i Mrccc?, 6 miles.: r " -

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