J A TIL V 171 THIS PAPEfc ouottslied every : evening, SundAy ex- JOSHT.JAMGE8, KDITOB AHD FEOPKIETeB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One jear t.O0. Six months, 42.00. Threo months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week. Advertising rates low anl llberaL ' jr8ub8criberB will report any and all fa.il are ih receive their paper regularly, The Daily Eevieto has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JE3 Miss Alice M. Bacon, an American girl, has rerently wn SEcceaas apiar ist in Berlin. Miss Helen Taylor, adopted daugh ter of the lata John Stuart Mill, pro poses to get into Parliament if she can. The second daughter ot Mr. Foster, our Minister to Spain, will make her debut in Washington society this WId ter. George Winfield Scott Hancock Gajr field Fattison Yerks is an unfortunate Infant in an interior county of this State. Madame Kalomioe'a appeal against tho decree of divorce granted by the Court at Darmstadt to the Grand Duke Louis of Hesse has been rejected by the Imperial Supreme Cocrt. The spot where,, according to the latest accounts, William Tell didn't ghcot the apple on his son's head is marked by a bis monument sixty feet in height. The colored people of the United States are to hare a conference at New Orleans on January 15, 1885, to devise means to enable colored youths to ob tain better facilities for education in the trades. ., . , ,. , i . Mrs." Bonanza Mackey is to take up Mary Anderson in a social way when that lady visits Paris, at the close of her Lyceum season, which fact is, counted on to reader the French engagement a magnificent success. ; In the Journal of the American Medi cal Association, Dr. Klein says sixty seven per cent, of Jewish physicians occupy professorships in medical colleges, and thirty six per eent. are medical authors. In a recnt work entitled The Health of the Senses,11 Dr. II. Macnsughton ones states that "eye troubles are fond more frequently in inveterate imoktrs who abstain from alcohol than in those who take some ot it." Most of the people of Lee, Ind., firm ly believe that James Lyman was strack dumb as a punishment for blas phemy. He,was a notorious swearer, and ope of bis tirades was cut short by complete paralysis of the vocal organs. Some one has found a petrified vil lage in Nebraska. The prairie dogs Hand petrified in front' of petrified hats, while various other ' petrified ani mals give the cemmnnity a solid char acter that is rarely met with in these degenerate days. Some anxious Senator, name not iven, isEo certain that Senator Gar tad will enter President Cleveland's Cabinet that he bas filed an application lor his seat in the Senate Chamber, which, it so happens, is a very dsira bloon8. Five Bedford women, four of whom re grandmothers, have set a better ex' uipn m wonc ior me amelioration oi their sex than all the woman suffra tiits. They walked from Bedford to Evsrett, eight miles, in three hours. II toore American women walk like these, more of them1 would live to be graud tooihers. Some criticism is passed upon Mrs Julia Ward Howo for not putting any Kew Orleans ladies upon her staff in charge of the Women's Department of "e Exposition. It is explained by me oi her friends that she was not Personally acquainted with the ladies of Ml city sufficiently to make a proper election. The Board of Trade of Columbus, O., U mates the cost to the board and to coal companies of the recent strike a; P Hocking Valley at $1,630,000, The 8 to business men ontsida of the Vd has been estimated at S 350.000, the railroad centering there At , a l'1. 100.000, to the furnaces in the valley rr3a.ooo.and to the city of Colum- A" the neraona whose rooms are re? . . 1 1 u w mo Accommoaation rmreau 1 iH IDC NAtv Hrlaana Vwmmi:r, k.itii (Sned contracts to charge only the an ed rates : Famished rooms will be 75 cents per day and $15 per fOQth up to and including $l 60 per jJJ and $30 to $40 per month. Board r waging will be double the above, 00 DOT dV nnrl 6 noi tnnnl). .v . J fm. uavuku Ur Par day and $50 to $75 per month. ow istheUmetogiveSmith'a Worm M J 1, VOL. VII 1. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER There is to bo crectt d ontho Chans p9 de Mars, as part of the Pari Exposi tlortof 1889, an iron lower 300 metres hi?h. Tote equals 1,181 American feet The story Ha little fishy as well as Frenchy, but if the tower is successfully raised, the glory of Hie Waahington Monument, as the highest structure in the world, will have been a brief one. L -rd Randolph Churchill envies not the Liberal leaders "A Govern in cni that is in on sufferenre." he say?, 4 "nev er has a good time, as it has no op-, portunitics of accomplishing anything and enly opportunities ol being bar rassed. And Mr. Gladstone's Govern" mcnt will have a ghastly array of ques tions to face next year before it dies Ireland, Egypt. South Africa and, ghastliest oi all. a Bankrupt Budgett." .Everlasting Good Wishes. Mr. Alfred Burnet, America's Fav orite Comiquc, writes to express his "everlasting good wishes" and says that he suffered the tortures of the damned with Neuralgic pains in the head, which were completely cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-reliever. It was in such demand among his friends, he says: ''I had to hide riiy-last bot tle." LQCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EG Blaih Notice P C Miller x $15 Prizs C W Yates Holiday Goo 3s Concert Corn t Concert Club Geo W Huggins Our Exhibition CBAIO & TUOMA8 Family Groceries HxixsbkkqSr Christmas Presents GeoE French & Soxs Happy Hearts Tatlok's Bazaar -Hats-for the Holidayo Or br a House Peek's Bad Bov and His Pa For other locals see fourth page. Send your collars to Troy and have them laundried ; it costs 3c each ; office at Dyer's. 34 Front street. 1 f The weather has been quite bad for out-door sports during Christmas, but the young people have had lot3 of fun for all that. There were four cases lor the Mayor's consideration this morning, all ot which were discharged save one, who was fined $5 for bis offense. An Italian gray hound has taken up at the residence of a gentleman in this city. The owner can learn of its where abouts by calling at this ofhee. The beautifully dressed doll which has been such an attraction at Tajlor's Bazar daring the holidays will be awarded to some one of the mauy pur chases of $2 and upward oa next Monday evening, at 6 o'clock. i There will be. a masquerade on skates at the rink in the Voller's build ing:, opposite the Market house, on New Year's night Mr. E. M. Cushins, the manager, will see that those who may attend shall receive every courtesy. A good time be expected. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, part ly cloudy weather and local rains, Northeasterly winds, higher tempera ture aud lower barometer. LiaurLoburg Afrain In Flames. ;Tbe much afflicted town of Laurinburg has iDeen again the scene of a disastrous fire. It occurred this morning, about 3 o'clock, and originated in a dry gcbds store on the West side ol Main street, next Jlorth of Everett Bros. & Gill. From thence it swept North to the end of the street, consuming eleven store3 in all. There are no particulars other than those in reference to the loss of Messrs. JJIair & Crisp, published else where inthis issue. A Horso Thief. Samuel Merrick, colored, who lives on the corner of Princess and Eleventh streets and whose place of business is in the new market, came near having a horse and buggy stoleu from his stable at an early hour this morning A little after midnight, a thief entered Merrick's stable and put the harness on his horse and led him into the yard where he harnessed the animal to a boggy. A colored woman, who lives near, heard the noise and, going ont to the door, saw the man at work and said to hira, "Is that you, Sam?" meaning Merrick. The man replied that it was, but -her suspicions were aroused and when she saw him attempt to force the gate of the yard, they were confirmed and she went by a back way and called Merrick, who ran out, pistol in hand, but the thief be came frightened and escaped. For durable 'coloring the walls oi rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mablelxe sold at Jacobi's Depot. Christmas Charity. Capt. F. M. -Tames has made it a business for the last seven years to solicit contributions from our citizens in the shape of food, clothing, fuel and, in fact, any ot the necessaries of life, to besto-vv upon the worthy poor in the city, during the Christmas season Capt. James cive9 his services volun tarily and without fee or reward in this labor ol love and charity, and we are glad to know that his appeals have never been unheeded. During the present Christmas season he hac fur nished 142 families with supplies, and he informs us that he has now on hand, unexpended, a quantity of meal, flour and rice, which is at the Little Giant" Hall and1 which he will dis tribute to those in need next Monday. Thc.Fire at JLiauriiiburjr. Mr. E. G. Blair received a telegram this morning from Mr. B. G. Crisp, of Laurinburg, informing him that their store in that town was entirely con sumed by tire last night. Mr. Blair had recently established a store at Laurinburg under the firm name of Blair & Crisp. There was no insurance it having been just established and the loss is about 2.000. We regret to state that none ol the stock was saved. Thic loss will pot, we are pleased to learn, at all inteitere with the opera tions of Mr. Blair's house here and will not affect hi3 credit, as ho advertises elsewhere that every creditor of the firm of Blair & Cri?p will be paid one hundred cents on the dollar and that no compromise of any liability will be asked or accepted. Tho Presiding KIcIer. The Monroe Enquirer and Express says: Rev. P. J. Carraway, who was appointed Presiding Elder ot the Wil mington District at the lata session of the N. C. Conference, left Monroe for Wilmington last Friday night. He had not decided where he will reside, hut thought it probable that he would make Wilmington his home. Mrs. Carraway and the children are visiting in Winston, whero they will remain until ho secures quarters for them. During their stay of four years in this place Mr. Carraway and his family made many warm friend?, and they carry with them to their future home their best wishes for their future happL ness and prosperity. The New Year. Among the publications to be espec ially noted, as the New Year ap proaches, are the periodicals published by Harper & Brothers, a year's sub scription to 'any one ol which would make an acceptable New Year's gift, and a recurring reminder ol the intelli gent donor. Their Magazine is pre eminent in literature and art. Its con ductors know the great secret of popu larizing both, while conslantly advan cing the standard of literary and artis tic excellence. G 'i Harper's Weekly it may be justly said that its independent and patriotic course during, the late political cam paign earned for it the commendation of thoughtful and unbiased readers throughout the country; whilo apart from ita political teaching, the high character, variety and attractiveness of its stories, articles and pictures place i. in the foremost rank of weekly illn? t rated journals.- The feminine mind may be disposed to give the preference to Harper's Bazar, which weekly spreads before the eye not qnly a tempting feast of stories, poems, sparkling esas, .and art illustrations, but a constant variety of beautifully engraved fa3hion-platcs and intricate pattern sheets the mystery ot wnica tne mascmice intellect is im potent to solve. It is truly the Ameri can woman's journal. Last, but p.ot least, since it concerns the most important part of the family circle, wemay men ion Harper's Young People. Thi bright little, paper has achieved a double victory, in winning the approval of parents and the hearts of the children. No pleasantcr or surer antidote to the sensational juvenile lit erature, which has begun the ruin of many young minds, could be placed in the hands of youthful readers than this popular journal for boys and girls Information as to the terms of sub scription to these periodicals may be obtained of the publishers, Harper & Brothers, New York. A Christmas tree festival was held this afternoon for the benefit ol the scholars of St. John's Sunday School. Good materials properly porportioncd whick are the essential requisites in Ready m ixed Paints can be best attain" ed by using the N. ; Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. f Stark Lathe. At the watch making and jewelry establishment of Mr. Georjre W. Hag gins, on Market street, is a machine technically known as tho Stark com bination lathe, which is a curious and interesting contrivance invented by the man whose name it bears, forjie pur pose of performing all the work in making a first class, reliable watch. Not only that, but Mr. George Darden, a young gentleman who has devoted years of patient toil and persistent study in perfecting bimself in the watch making art, and who is an expert in the business, is there to operate the ma chine. It would be simply impossible in an ordinary newspaper article to describe the machine in all its parts. Suffice it to say that under the skilful hands of Mr. Darden any portion of a watch can be made and in a manner equal to any of the far-famed Waltbam watches, where the lathes are in con stant use and where he devoted year8 of study in perfecting himself in its use. It is indeed a curiosity and an inspec tion of its workings would be really interesting to any one possessed of a mechanical mind. We are glad to learn that Mr. Huggins will open his rooms on Monday next so that those who would like to know what human ingenuity and human skill can do wilj have an opportunity to witness the workings of tho machine by Mr. Dar den. While there are other Stark ma chines in the South this is the only one in North Carolina. "Peck's Bad Boy" will be the at traction at the Opera House next Wed nesday nighf. It will be presented by Atkinson's Comedy Company, and there will undoubtedly be a large gath. ering of the "good boys" of Wilming ton to see how the "bad boy" will bc- "A month ago I was happy!" is the declaration of Bryan W. Protcher the poet, bo were lots ot other folks, who arc now telling people in decided nasal tones: "Got a toad in my head." But there is still happiness to be secured: a bottle of Dr. BulLIs Cough Syrup will cure any cough or cold. IN MEMORIAM. Capt. W. H. BROWN, of Carver's Creek, Bladen connty, passed to his rest, on tha mb oi the present month, aeed 53 vears. He was the son of the late John Bright Brown of that county, and grandson of General Brown of revolutionary memory. Few men possessed in a greater decree the qualities that adorn mankind than he. Modest and unobtraeive,' gentle as a wo'man, yet bold as a lien, unsel hsh and unassuming, he added to these the r.igner qualities et tha Christian gentleman. He was a true man in every sense of the word true to his friends, to fci3 country, to his fami ly and kinsfollr, and true as mortal man can be 1 his God! He was a faithful soldier during the war, a rievoted husband and f atb; er, ar.d in all th rela'iom of life blmelc-s ha death cf suh a mm is a calamity, not only to h'.s family and kindred, but to the com munity. Vices he bad none, wbile the devoted tone of his m rality exerted a wholesome in fluence over all who came.withln lh3 tphfcre cf Its influence. A good man ha3 passed from earth, t j receive Ms reward, we are justified in beJirvinff from the purity of his life. In that better world where there Is rest for the faita fu'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oil Exhibition. 10 O'CLOCK NEXT MONDAY MORX- Ing, I will ope n my watchmaking rooms for the purpose of shovving to he pecp!o of Wil mington 1 ha workings of the Stalk Combina tion Lathe, a curious and ingenious instru ment by which every portion of a watch may bs msde. ThevtFC of t lie lathe will be des cribed bv Air. George Darken UKOKG'K W. nUGGINS, dee .-7 1 i-'tar copy it 103 Market t Notice. JjlJR THE BENEFIT OF THE CKKDI U-r-i of BLAUi & CRISP .who have leird o the ent're Taps by firo of our tore at Laurin burg I hereby notify them that they will re ceive ore hundred cent on the dollar for their claims, as we will nst ask or accept any coav pr jmise of the same. decS7-lt E. G. BLAIR. Concert. BENEFIT OF Comet Concert Club, MONDAY, Dec. 29. Assisted by the be: Amateur Talant, tnd THE ARION QUARTETTE. Last appearat ce In this city of Profejsor LiuzzI and iig. Sammardne. Tickets 53 cents. No charjre for Reserved I beau, on sale at Hemeberger s now. dec 27 It OPERA HOUSE. One Sight O&Ij ! Wednesday, Pecembcr 31st. Matinee Thursday. Jan. let. No night per formance on Thureday- Funniest Play on Earth ! The Tcw Musical Version of PECK'S BAD BOY AND HIS PA! PLATED ONLY BY ATKINSON'S COME- IY COMPANY. CHARLES .ATKINSON, Maxa2er. Ecservcl teats on sale at Helnsberer's cn Monday next. C. D. YVILL&OX, dec 27 3t Star copy Manager Opera Iiouje 27, 1884; NO. 309 NKTY ADVEltTlSE31E.VT8, Hats for the Holidays ! Just Received per Express SUITABLE TOR THE IfOLIDAYS, A fiac lot of French Felt Hats, ia xthltz and all color, seme of tho latest makes, for Ladies, Mlses and Children Holiday Feathers Holiday Boars 15 cents per banch, ia all colors. Ilollday Eil Gloves la all co'ors. Jersey Gloves for Ladies, Misses and Children A fine lot of Corsets, KJbbona, Lacca and Underwear. We will eell a flae lot of Erocaded Velvets iu all olora for One Dollar and Forty Eight cents per yard full value $2.25, at Taylor's Bazaar. Just received a line lot of SILK. ALPACA AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, which will be sold at remarkably low prices. No one urged to buy but call and see at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. dec 27 Craig & Thomas gOLD 2,000 PINTS OF WHISKEY ON Wednesday. But there aic a few drops left j-ct. Co me and get sonic before it I) all gone. We havo also a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand, with fresh arrivals every week. A few hundred FLORIDA ORANGES left which will be cold very cheap. dec 27 FOR THE Extra Bargains -AT- 116 HIarket St. Black Silks at SOc, 70, SI, $1.25 per yard. Cashmeres, all shades, from 121c up. Ladies' Clcth Tricot Reps. Flannels. Dolmans, Shawls. Blankets, Spreads, very low. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under wear. f 2,000 Handkerchiefs, Irom 3c up. Table Linen?, To web, Napkins, at ex traordinary low prices Velvets and Velveteens, all shades. THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES too numerous to mention, bought below Manufacturer's cost, and SELLING LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. A call will convince my patrons that for XMAS GIFTS it is ECONOMY to buy something usefa': as well as desi rable of HQ. M. KATZ, 116 Marlret St. e 15 iESolicisLy- - - " - . -. W wSl t glad to receive comic twlc. tic Iroa oni frier da oa aay and ail aywti. v Tbe aaae ex tte writer woat aftriT X tasked to taa Editor. . 'i - " CommirEicaUora ran t rrltt os cn wweiaeof the ppcr" Ptrsonaattcj nasi bo Vold-.; And li ls especially and particularly ci-d tcod that the Editor tioca not alwayr en'tfn a tha views of corrcapcndenliv naj4r . n txt In tho editorial cola aia. . " . NKW AOVJEKTISJE3I12NTS. FOR THE LID AY: A Larce Stock of Sensible Articles for ; -Holiday Presents! I rSPECTFULLY CALX.-. Til K ATTEN TION OF.HIK LADIES TO THE FOLLOWING : Super Black Cashmere verp cheap. Medium and low priced Dress Goods at grca bargain. " ""tv , o FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER : We hae a splendid stock of Tab! Damask, Napkins and Doylcs wi.h tho handsome block of Towc's ever mporled. : o FOR THE YQUKQ LADIES: A superb lot of Handkerchief, e'tcr M and quality. Hand Satchel, HjrmUo Jewelry, etc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN: Colored Bordered and W liite Hemtltclie Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched China 11 Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Ecarf Pics, Sleeve Buttons, fine Suspenders, with a variety of otturr handsomoLand useful article. ' FOR THE BOYS: Silk and Linen Handkerchief,' Windior lies, - Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Euok Gloves, handsome and heavy '" Hosiery. o FOR THE SERVANTS : Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shawls, Hosiery, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counterpane j, Ac., Ac, with the test general stock of Notions in f ho city. : ' o JUST OPENED; An invoice of Imported Dress -Buttons 1C0 kinds old at half value. It Is a well known fact that In my specialties I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination of my stock, as I am offering extraordinary inducements . Ia the way cf prices. Very BcEpcctf ully, JNO. J. HEDRICK. dec 12 HAVE YOU SEEN - YATES' DISPLAY OF CUEI5TMAS Goods ? If aot do not delay.-' Our counters arc laden with PBETT Y THINGS of every de scription. We claim tho largest and most va ried stock, of NOVELTIES ever exhibited in Wilmington. Handsomely Illustrated GIFT BOOKS of nil ind3. at prices to suit all com )etition. Beautiful Crayoss and Krgravlngs, in bronze and gold frames. Handsome Frames ; allslzc3. Hand palntcl Panels. Plaques and Brackets, Git, leather and Bisque Goods, Blocks, Games. Picture Books. Toy 'Ac, for the litt'e ones. Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals in sets. Hymn Books aoL other re ligious books suitable for presents, Auto and Photo Albums, &c, at dec 15 YATES BOOK STORE. S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND HEAL ESTATE BROKER4 and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Morris' old stand. , Personal attention given to gale of horees and vehicles at private sate or at auction. &on. sifrnments solicited. SETII W. DAVIS, septal Auctioneer. Oysters. Oysters. rpiIOSK FASIOCS HOBKE OY8 TEBS can be found at the Old North State Falcon. The v arc the beat brought to thia city. Clgara, VVInes, Ksct; and old Clem mcr Whiskey, always on hand. Call at tha - OLD JbOKin STATE 8ALOOS, dec 1 6 South Front Street. : rJHIIinery. "DEAUTIFUL ASD U3KFULCII 8ISTMA8 JLS . - Prens n ilillirscry and Fancy Goods at -MES. KATE C. WINE'S, dec 22 lw Xa.ll9"North E6conclSt H a r d w a re v ; . QF ALL KINDS AND IS ANY QUANT1- ty. Whotef ale an! BeUll at bOCK BOTTOM prices. . W. E. SrBINGEIt A CV - JID. 21 23 Market Street, " !ee WUmlaxton. K.C.-f Oyoter G. ne day, 100 Galloni Oy tew for ChrUtnas ordew. We also keep a fall tuppy of Green Groceries, Ciilckcns aad Ejs. 0st:rs Ecnt HQ 9

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