Dttabsd ex- eyd by JOSH T. JAMES, SDITOK AJTD PBOFXXBTOB. gUBSCBlPTIONB POSTAGE PAH . M $2.08. Thrci -,-vtn.. SLOO: One motlt, me paper wlU be dallYered by carte free eeargo. ttMTP" nttkeabov, or 10 ceato pe week. dUnsing rate low and ttberaL Subscribers wlU report eay end all tH in ceive their paper regularly, - it Daily nevxew nas tne largcn .. .1 a i i kona fate circulation, of any newspaper . i TfTl a . CSl 1 blished. intkecilyof Wilmington. "TDclateNichlTrubar, bookseller, left property In I.-wdos worth $750,- 000- The embarrassing thing in being an officer seeker in Missouri at present is there re about 20 000 more seekers than there are offices. The assessed valuation of real estate in Ner York City shows an increase ot 55 206 298 over that ol 1884. The antic- pa ed amount was $40,000,000. Ernest L. Major, a young student, of Richmond, Va., has been sent to Rome by the directors ot the art scholarship fund, to which the late Julius Hallgar ten contributed 85,000 and the Harpers, publishers, $5,000. Charles Gayarrc. a oreole critic, de clares that Mr. Cable's knowledge of tho Creole patois -would not overload the back of a mouse," There never lived such absurd Creoles, he thinks, as those that fun themselves in Mr. Cable's books. ; A citizen of Hartford, Conn., now over eighty years of age, who has smoked for over sixty-seven years, has kept an account of his cigar expenses, and finds that if he had invested the same sum every six months and placed it at compound interest bo would now have $200,000 to his credit. At the recent great pale ot preciou stones by Mr. Streeter. the eminent Indon Jeweler, the largest sum given was for a necklace, compoBod of seventy one ornamental pearls, which sold for 3 900. Another necklace, . . ...-M. - composed ot twenty ciuw m - aids and diamonds a magnigceni am cle brought 8-20. Joaquin Miller writos that he has found in Now Orleans tho noblest wo- min k fr saw. ind he nrofesses to have 4,seen the world well." She was born to wealth, received a careful edu cation, traveled extensively in Europe. and at lan t h became noor. She now keens a little shoe store, and works with her father and sister at making the stock. ' Governor Bate, in his annual mes sago to the Tennessee Legislature, sum marizes the reports of the State's fi nanea deoartments. The receipts Irom all sources for two years ending De eember 31 were $2,346,353.94; dis bursements, $1,701,139.11; balance in tha treaanarv. $645 214 83. From July- 1883, to December 31, 1884, the tota bonds funded amounted to $8,090,215. 39, leave unrefunded $20,695,851. m The sudden death of the venerable Isaiah Rv nders, of New York city, re moves from the stage ot life one of the eld school politicians of that city. His record goes back to the days of Marcy and Wright. He woe his renown as local politician through his leadership ot the Empire Club, a Democratic or sanitation which was for many years "nnsnrfnl" in thft DclitiCS Of the Mc- ......... tropolis. l'rof. Fischer, of Munich, is said to have obtained from distilled coal a white crystalline powder which, in its action on the system, cannot be distin guished from quinine. Its efficacy in reducing fever heat is thought to be re markable, though one ot our wholesale druggists sajs the amount of the drug required to produce this efiect is so large as to preclude any rivalry be tween it and genuine quin'me. Mrs. Mary Howitt. the famous wife of a man also famons in literature, still lives, at the age of eighty-five years, in her Tyrolese home. Five years ago her hnsbaod died, and three of her five children have now passed beyond One son is living in Austral ia, and the youngest child of all, Mar garet Anastatia, is the devoted attend ant of her mother. jShe, too. has7 won literary fame. M me. Clovis Hugues was not acquit ted at all in the A rner ican sense. The jury disagreed, six being for conviction, two tor acquittal and four neutral. In an American Court she would have been held for a second trial. To give a iimir to h ahanrd loaic of French procedure, the husband is now about to prosecute the real sender of those scan dalons postal cards which first excited the wife's murderous rage against Morin. Sea Snfltrlngrs. Mr. H. P. Leslie, of Eikton. Md.. late of the U. S. Navy, was cured of rheumatism and neuralgia, by a few applications oj St. Jacobs Oil. the great Ml Pain-cure. The L Leopold ron Ranka, historian, bas ofmpletod his fourscore and ten years-) j Lord Cadogan's essay on the state of j "the turf in the lat forlnigWy as tonishes and amuses the British sports. The late steward of the Jockey Club objects to selling races as productive of dishonesty, recommends a return to the ol '-fashioned open meeting?, con demning gate-money meeting, and pronouncing ready money betting the principal cause of the disrepute ot the turf. He does not see anything essenti ally wrong in the institution. A little strip of sidewalk, about five eet wide, in front ot the United btates Conrt House in Boston, is constantly the refnge ot the stre?t peddlers of bouquets who wish to evade the pay ment of the license fee which the city ordinances require. As the strip is the property of the United States, they can there bid defiance to the police, but il not infrequently happen that their eagerness to sell lures them out, and hen, it caught, they are brought to Conrt and fined. . The New York World says : "It may be remarked that the recent consolida tion of gas compani s in this city ami the reduction of the price ot gas to $1.- 75 per thousand cubic feet partakes of he nature of a delusion and snare. Ihe quality of the gas has deteriorated. Householders who were formerly able to light their parlors with two burn ers are now compelled to use four and six. As a consequence gas bills are arger than, they used to be. Natural y there is a feeling of discontent among the gas consumers, nut, ot course, that will not make the slightest impres- .. Jl - sion upon tne consouoatta as cutu- paaies n The caucus of the Democratic mem bers of the Legislature held in Raleigh last week nominated Senator Vabce as his own successor in the U. S. Senate and recommended Hon. Daniel G. Fowle for the position of Solicitor- General. The resolutions in regard to Judge Fowle were introduced by Senator Troy, ot Cumberland, and are as follows : Resolved, That the Democratic mem bers of the seneral assembly ot North Carolina do hereby heartily recommend and endorse Hon. Daniel G. Fowle as a gentleman eminently fitted by legal attainments, untiring industry and un impeachable integrity for the office of solicitor gcneial ot tne United Estates. Resolved. That the chairman ot this rneetincr Bend a copy of this resolution to Hon. Grover Cleveland, President elect of the United States. This action on the partjof the caucus will be received with great favor throughout the entire State. No better - - selection could be made ior the position and we feel confident that the wishes of the people of North Carolina thus ex pressed through their representatives will determine the result when tho ap pointraent is to be made. i . - The Jersey Lily has become quite famous for her beauty, and she means to keep it, too. for. hasn't she learned in the great liaited States to cure cold? with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup f LOCAL NEWS. (IBEX TO iElv"aW8TISCaiE!IT8 F C Miller i $15 Prize Huffman's Dime Museum C W Yatbs Brink Books Hkinsbbroeb Bridal Presents W E Springer A Co Hardware Tatlor's "azaar -The Safe Eido Shrier Don't Feglect this Chance PARKER A Tatlor Libr .ry Lamps Knigtits of Honor Regular Meeting GILBS MURCHISON Gheap Dinner Sets P L BRIDGKRS & Co Whiskeys, Wines. Ac Otter bo org Fine Clothing our Specialty Geo B French A Sons Comfortable and 8tj 1 ish l For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn ing. Thre white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. A Revolution in Merchant Tailoring, and suits at $25 worth $35 Callat Dver's and see that this is trne aod means business. t Rev. Dr. Pritchard, at tbe First Bap- tist Church, last night, preached a very interesting, practical and instructive sermon to a large congregation. His subject was "Hard Times." The Carrie Swain troupe arrived here last night and registered at the Furcell House. They will appear at the Opera House to-night in the play of Tbe Little Joker1 In which Miss Swain will appear in the title role. We observe quite a fine display ol nn Revolvers for very reasonable rices , at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.t VOL. IX. ' I Daily Retiew. WELMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. JANUARY 19, Knis I its of Honor. x Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular j meeting this evening at 7 A o'clock. Full It attendance desired. Indications For the South Atlantic States partly cloudy weather and on the coast local rains with warmer. Northeasterly I winds. Eutertaiumeot. The Young People's Association, con nected with Si. Paui's Lutheran Church, will give another of their musical and literarary entertainments at the Luther Memorial building on Wednesday night, the 28th inst. ledicatory Services. The solemn and impressive ceremony of re-dedicating St. Thomas' Catholic church was performed yesterday, the services being required by the enlarge ment and renovation of the edifice. The ceremony of the occasion was the dedi catory services, which took place in the morning, conducted by Right Rev. H. P. Northrop, assisted by Very Rev. M. S. Gross, and Revs. M W. Caughey, J. B White and P. Moore. One ot the inci -tents ot tho ceremony was a pro . 4 1 1 cession, the central figure oi wnicn was the Right Rev. Bishop, arrayed in full pontificals, accompanied by the assis tant priests, acolytes, cross-bearers and the Young Catholic Friend's Society, which moved around tBe edifice, the walls of which were sprinkled with hallowed water, amid the chanting of psalms. This was followed by a solemn pontifical mass in the church, in which Right Rev. Bishop Northrop was the celebrant; Very Rev. M. S. Gross was assistant priest, Rev, J. B. White deacon, Rev. P. Moore sub-deacon and Rev. M, W. Caughay was master ceremonies. ne ceremony was ueau. m. I tit'ul, and tbe clergy were suitably ar rayed in appropriate vestments, ac cording to the ritual of the church. The musie for the occasion was excel lent, Farmer's Mass being sung by the choir in excellent taste. Mr. I. Greene- wald presided at the organ, which is really a fine instrument, and which he handled with consummate skill. There wa3 an immonse congregation gathered to witness the imposing and impressive ceremony, and all were imbued with the solemnity of the occasion. Arch bishop Gibbons preached the sermon of tho occasion, taking for his text a verse from the 16th chapter of Mat thew. There were vespers at night, at which Right ltev. H. P. Northrop preached, addressiug himselt particularly to the ceremony of the -dedication. Personal. Hon. Carl Schurz, while in the will be the iruest of Rev. F. W. E city, Pes chau. Hon. Carl Schurz is expected to ar rive here on the 7:30 train from Raleigh to-night. Mime Host Ferry, of the Purcell House, left this morniag for a brief trip to Goldsboro aod Beaufort. Ret. Robert Strange has accepted a call as Assistant Minister of St. John's Church, in FayetteviHe. Rev. Dr. Hnske is the Rectorof that Church. Mr, W. H. Chad bourn, Senator from this district, Mr. C. P. Lockey, Repre sent ative'.trom this county and, Mr. VV. J. Sutton, Representative from Bladen county, were in ine city to-uay Rev. W. H. Lewis, 1). !.. the new Rector of St. James' Church, preached his first sermon in that Church yester day morcing, and to a large congrega tion. Last night he preached m bt. John's Church. Mrs. F. W. E. Peschau is on a visit to her birthplace at York Springs, Pa.. which will brobably be a farewell visit, as her parents have sold the ''old home stead" and wilf remove to London, Ohio, ip the Spring. Mi83 Agnes Niemeycr, who has been in quite feeblo health for several weeks, js improving and is in a fair way of en tire and speedy recovery, a fact which will be welcome intelligence to her many admiring friends. Rev. T. W. Dosh, D. D.. for many years one of tbe professors of the Luth theran Theological Seminary at Salem, Va , and now editor of the Lutheran Home, a monthly magazine, is expect ed here in a few days and will spend about a week in our city. Arrangements have been nearly per fected to give a German-Engiish Con cert at tbe Lutheran Memorial building sometime during the early part of Feb ruary next. It will be given by ama. teurs. For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mabledxe sold aft Jacobi's Depot. NEW ADVERTISKMBSTf; Don't Neglect this Chance ! - j o This wek we will offer extraordinary bargains in Overcoats and Suits for Men, Boys and Children ! In offering this unusual inducement we call particular, attention to the iact that the clothes we have on hand were purchased this season and our customers are certain to secure the most desirable styles. It is well known that we never carry any goods from one season to another, and for this reason we make great sacrifices at this time in order to dispose! of surplus stock. We also need the room for one of the largest and finest Spring and 'Summer Glothing ever brought to Wilmington. We expect a great rush this week. Remember each article we sell is warranted just as represented or the money will be refunded. sT THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST,, jah U DIED. MtJBCHISON On Sunday afternoon, Janu ary 18th, 1885, LIZZIE MAYO, daughter of J. W. and Loulie A. MurcalBon, agei ' years and 8 months. 1 he funeral will take p'acs from St. Paul's Church, corner of Orange and f ourth streets, Tueeday morning, at 13.30 o'clock. NEW ADVERTI8EME Huffman's Dime Mus ieum. SO. IT) West Market St. NEW FEATURES THI8 WEEK. ZAZEL. in her wonderful Iron Jaw feats. Master G1LMOKB in tongs and Dances. And Slgnor ROZ with new illusions Kverv night at a p. m . , for Ladies accompa nled by Gentlemen. Strictly a family resort FRANK HUFFMAN, Mansger. janl9 Hardware F ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Wholeate and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices, jan 19 W. E. SPRINGER ft CO.. 19, 21 A '28 Market Street, Wilmington, N.C. Cheap Dinner Sets, F OB SALE BY GILES ft MURCHISON, Jan 19 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Blank Books, JETTER BOOKS, CHECK, NOTE AND Receipt Books, all tizes, in etcck and made to order, peoial attention to orders for Litho graphing Checks, Drafts, Letter Heads, Visi ting Cards, IoftitaUons, &c. Sea!s and Rub ber Stamprorevery description made to or der. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta Honary always on hand. C. W. YATES. 119 Market St The Safe Side yV ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS THE jrenerous Hc: hu in matteia of shoppisg an except t-a should le naIc. and In justice to one's self, not only should advertisements be read, but goods ard prices examined before acccptinr them 86 b-?lng cheaper possessing wen 'erf wl value. Thia meat-uie we can eafely ask to be applied to the tollcwing SPECIAL SALE of KID GIOVES jnstopeicd, in alltizcsand colors, and wilt be sold at 48 Cents per Pair. This is a deeided bargain. An early call will secure tome of then, for they are only a limi ted lot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains In EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, AC., AC. Together with a full stock of corsets, umderwear, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, AX., JtC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 188ft. NO. 16. NEW ADyEKIJHEM ENT8 stocks ot Whiskeys, Wines, &c, SCUPPERNONG WINE, Red and White, Very fine, $1.50 per Gallon SOUP, ForCookinfi . Purposes, $1 per Gallon. SHERRY, at $2, $3, $4 and $6 per Gallon. A SMALL LOT OP VERY FINE SCOTCH WHISKEY, BASS' PALE ALE, DUBLIN STOUT, IMPORTED BEER, Ac. fi P. L. BRIDGETS & 00 HO Nortb Front SC. jan 19 Fine Clothing OUR SPECIALTY I E ARE SHOWING NOW, AND WILL show the coming season, like we always do, THE HNEfeT AND HANDSOMEST AND LAR3EST ARRAY OF NOBBY GARMENTS ia the city of Wilmington. Wo are in posses sion of the praise ol the general public for Taste, Reliability and Cheapness, and glorv In the knowledge of tbe fact that we merit such a compliment at the hand- of the peo ple We c?alm TASTE and CONSCIEN VinlT.SNKSS in the selection of ONLY NEW AND 8TYLI3B GOODS, buying no Job Lots or old Auctlan Stock, the style ol wliicu had been buried with preccnin eeiscu. we claim Reliability because e sell the Best and Most Durable Clothing, manufactured by tlie Rt.Miimifacturcrfl of the North. We claim cheapness because our Clothing does not Rip, Fade or get out,of Shape. Hence there is Fifty Per Cent, more wear in a well made, full sponged suit than there is in an Inferior made article which sells for a fctr dimes Jess. W c are no Tallcra, but FULL FLEDGED ULOT11IEES throwing our capital, our brains and our energies into one EXCLUal v DEPARTMENT believing In this very good rule, as many can tell, do one thing at a time and do that thing well. . This week we will continue our great Slaugb ter Sale. Patron of other houst are respect fuHv Invited to examine our stock Goods sold at purchaser's pi ices. Otterbourg & Co., KING CLOTHD5B8, jan 19 Wilmington, N C . Library Lamps, JJAHD AND STAND 1 AMPS, LAMP Burners, Chimneys and Shades. We have lost received a toll suppl7 of our popular COLUMBIA AND eOUHERN OakTcOOK STOVE. Haxe yon seen our Improved Fir mer? Pme W hlte Oil always on hand. PARKER TAYLOB, jan is S3 South Iran; St Closing Out ! A RAIDSOME stock of goods Worth .$4r,000 Last Fall's purchases, will most positively be sold on within Thirty Lysys.at 25 per cent below prime cost. Con & try Merchants and Dealers will And it to their interest to call and examine nay stock. Wilmington, N. C, 122 Market St. jaa 13 2w f'LJKASSl 9QH W will b glad to xeeetve oawntaaMtattoa aav awl ail :). of t wrisc rnnat always bt to the Editor. CoaannvnlcatVaui nmat t wrmst o o tide or tha paper. ItemmataSM saaat be avoided. : And His especially sd particular!? urde toed that the tidNoor doaa ant always coedo) the views of eeireapopdayta uatoa fi ( la the editorial oolnsna. ; NEW ADVERMSEMKNm 8. H. Trimble & Go. TUCK AM) RKAL KSTATK KUUKERS Oand Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Oittca corner Princess and WateMtreeta. C'ronly A Morriaa' old stand. .Personal attention given to sale of horses and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Cos akmraents solicited. A. ti. MctilKT. slt 2 AncUonccr. Comfortable pd Stylish, O UK COMMON BEirSE S HO 158 FOR La lie 3 Our SHOES for Gents wear fit eas'ly : 0 and wear c:mfo: K. Mlascaand CbUdren's SHOES In great vnrte'y sad el apes to it without hurting. C- me acd try a pslr. Sold low at Geo. K. French & Sons', 108 KORTH FRONT STREET Jan 19 Bridal Presents, TP SEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. Beautiful Steel Engrarvlrgj and OJiograpbs, elegantly framed, etaatiiog oh Hasles; Family! Bib'es, -F;iio Albums in flush and Euia Leather, Lcoklu Glafsss on Marble Stands Fioe Plusb Ladies' C uses, Lnjirgc Music Boxes, Upright and Square Pianos, Organs, etc. Also, Lore's Illustrated Books, elegantly bound, and many other Fancy Aiticles. Please call a'O-maBe your selections as . . IIElN3RERGER'db Live Book and Music Stores jan 19 OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday, January 20th. j JJON. CARL SCHURZ, THE EMINENT Statesman and Orator. 5 ill deliyer an addre s on "The Problems of Education", under the auspices of the Wilmington Library Asscla- tlon. Box Sh?et open at Helnsberger's Mon day morning. Reserved Seats 7ic; general ad mission fiOc. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clk. jan 16 td .'tsre py A Card. rjO THE COUNTRY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS. Jf yon want good prices and quick returns for your produce, consign it to J. R. MARSHALL, No. il North Water Wllmhurton, N. C. He solicits consignments of all kinds of pro dncc sud Naval Stores. jan 14 d&w Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, regular or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortable rooms and the best the market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, 113ifc Market st., bet. Front and Second. nov 18 if Fish Roe. ryp DOZ. NO. 1 MULLET ROE. ern BBLS ROE MULLETS. kJJ jan 17 For nt cheaD. DAVIS A SON Positive Bargains RE BEING OFFERED IN ALL KINDS of FANCY GOOD3. Just opened a cheap lot of fire Satin Eibbons, all shades. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, cheap. Table Damask. Toweling, Napkin. Coun- tirpimes, with other Household Goods. ! ' A few of the $2 63 Gent's 8llk Umbrellas left. .4 j A great reduction in Woolen Underwear for Ladies. Gent and Boys. jan 13 JOHN J. HEDRICI HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, If! C. " 1 j t . . Wl 1 A CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND Sciential Academy with Military orgsfttzAlion and discipline Tbe S pring Term of lt&3 will begin the sec ood Monday, the 12th day of January. Anampiecorps of able instructors is pre vided and the school is thoroughly equipped 1 for efficient work Terms for board and tultten, the same as heretofore, bend for Cai aloguc jr. II. A J. C. HORNER. Oxford, N. C, Dec 22, ISS4. dec 22?aw3w ra th ; I J Clemmer. A f EW MOBE OF THAT CELEBRATED FlHST-CLi.68 WHIaKEY joet received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB c CIGARS etiH holds the Cake. Try McGOWAfi'o Old North sta'e Salcoa and cave money. jan 7 ' ' Conoley'8 Drag Store. 213 MABKB-T STKEET. TN CONSEQUENCE OF MY LARGE Christ mas trade, 1 will sell the balance of y holi day goods at cost to mfcc roona for my Drags. Fnie-.t Me'ilcines and such art'cle as are usu ally kept in a Crt class retail Drug store A $15 Prize. : A SPLENDID SATIK niyUSSIAN Ijuthm LADIEA DRESSING CASE will S be presented to the party but lag the laraeat amount cf Holiday Goods between this date and January 1st, 10.-0. cose anu bkv ui prize at F C. MILLER'S, Corner Fonrtii and Nun its dee 23 I A SON

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